Avis Aluguer De Carros Albufeira em Albufeira

R. do Município 31, 8200-161 Albufeira, Portugal

(142 avaliações)
Tipos de Veículos: Car rental agency Van rental agency


Na Avis, procuramos unir grandes carros a grandes destinos, para criar viagens melhores. Procuramos oferecer aos nossos clientes um serviço de aluguer de carros e carrinhas à sua medida, com reservas totalmente flexíveis, uma gama de veículos standard e premium, bem como o nosso serviço QuickPass super fácil, que permite poupar tempo ao balcão. Além disso, oferecemos ainda diversos produtos adicionais, como a Avis Inclusive, para ajudar a tornar o aluguer perfeito para a sua viagem.

R. do Município 31, 8200-161 Albufeira, Portugal
Código Plus
3QR7+M3 Albufeira, Portugal
Fuso Horário

Horário de Funcionamento

9 am–12 pm – 3–6 pm
9 am–12 pm – 3–6 pm
9 am–12 pm – 3–6 pm
9 am–12 pm – 3–6 pm
9 am–12 pm – 3–6 pm

Serviços e Características

Wheelchair-accessible car park
$Avis Aluguer De Carros Albufeira
R. do Município 31, 8200-161 Albufeira, Portugal


142 avaliações

Mais Mencionados

price (13) vehicles (3) door (2) escrow (2) chairs (2) officials (2) credit card (2) communication (2) star (2) pay (2)
5 estrelas
4 estrelas
3 estrelas
2 estrelas
1 estrelas
April 30, 2024

Very bad service, very unfriendy und very non transparent. I think it was this special employee. Maybe another one might have been nicer. 1 star, just becauce the car was working, otherwise it would have been 0.

October 31, 2023

Nice service. I changed location on Google maps as was leading to wrong location. There is 3 rental companies located here. I rent through Avis. But I have to pay extra for car seat rental. Which I think is absolutely robbery. As I have to pay £10 a day for car booster. Which was cheep quality but does the job.

Foto da avaliação
Foto da avaliação
August 17, 2023

Excellent experience hiring a car with Avis Albufeira. We dealt with Jane and she was brilliant, she spoke perfect English and explained everything in detail to us. It was quick and easy to get on the road. Would recommend and use this branch again.

April 19, 2022

Awful service. These guys are working several hours a day. My booking was at 12 pm but for personal reasons I came at 12:40... And waited until 15. Because there is no help via phone (I was calling by the phones at their doors), nor via chat that is simply useless. Not recommend this company

April 27, 2021

Avoid at all times. Orderd a Renault megane for 1 day to drive to lisbon, but gave me a Opel Mokka. This car is rated as classe 2 on the Tolways so you pay much more. Missed a small damage on a headlight so was billed 570 euro's in Lisbon. Way to go guys.

January 9, 2021

Gave me a car that was crashed on right hand side. You struggled to open the front door. Given it was late and there were no other options I mistakenly took it. The office then had the audacity to charge me for one of the scratches on the same side that was not written down. They then offered to wave damages if I hired another car with them, which I obviously didn't. Avoid this place like the plague - go to Europcar

September 16, 2017

We didnt habe a booking the agent was able to locate a car for us. We agreed on a manual smaller vehicle, however, there was only an automatic suv available for us. She gave it to us for the same price.

June 9, 2017

One person working, 5 people in front of us. Almost as much of a joke as at faro Airport yesterday! Lady was lovely there though only saving grace. All I wanted to do was sign a new contract as I messed up and booked a day short and they wouldn't let me do it when I hired the car insisting I went back.... Gave up waiting going to go back later

Guia Local
January 16, 2025

Na de vele slechtere reviews, was ik een beetje op mijn hoede. Maar ik kreeg een vrij nieuwe renault captur, prachtige auto en reed lekker, met gratis navigatie. De dame heeft me perfect geholpen en alles is super verlopen. Dus jullie hebben zeker een goede review verdiend. Groetjes uit NL

October 30, 2024

Hyper déçue. Touristique à souhait, un ascenseur pourri et une place crados. Que dire de plus ?

May 30, 2024

Sehr unfreundliche Dame, inkompetent und gab undurchsichtige Infos! Nicht zu empfehlen!!

May 30, 2024

Leider sehr undurchsichtig. Die Bedingungen wurden anders kommuniziert als sie im Endeffekt waren. Es hieß die Maut wäre in einer Servicegebühr von 20 inbegriffen. Dies war jedoch nicht der Fall. Die 20 waren im Prinzip für nichts, die Maut durften wir trotzdem zahlen. Weiterhin kamen über 45 an Kosten dazu die uns auch nicht erklärt werden konnten, obwohl wir schon bei Abholung über 90 für einen weiteren Fahrer bezahlt hatten. Wir haben das Auto komplett vollgetankt abgegeben, jedoch wurde der Tank des Vorgängers ebenfalls berechnet. Zusätzliche Kosten von über 70 . Dies ist so definitiv nicht üblich, deswegen tankt man ja das Auto bei Abgabe wieder voll. Da es über Kreditkarte läuft kann die Firma uneingeschränkt von eurem Konto abbuchen, also am besten aufpassen oder ein anderes Unternehmen wählen. Als wir nachgefragt haben wurden wir leider sehr unfreundlich abgewiesen mit dem Hinweis das alles in den Vertragsunterlagen steht. Es wäre ja grundsätzlich nicht schlimm offen damit umzugehen das die Mautgebühren nicht enthalten sind und weiter Kosten von 45 für was auch immer dazukommen und man den aktuellen Tank auch bezahlen muss. Dann kann man sich das ganze ja überlegen und würde Diskussionen bei Abgabe des Fahrzeugs vermeiden.

Guia Local
May 30, 2024

Très déçue de cette ville où s expose une quantité gigantesque de vendeurs de souvenirs made in china..ou inde..ou les règlements se font en espèce sans oublié ces anglais ivres aux terrasses en beuglant. Pas du tout l image du Portugal.

Guia Local
May 30, 2024

Prima geholpen door vriendelijke dame

January 30, 2024

Excelente servicio!!!

Guia Local
January 30, 2024

Bom serviço, o pessoal muito professional e fala várias línguas, recomendo

Guia Local
January 30, 2024

Excelente serviço de locação de veículos. O melhor de tudo, não cobram caução no cartão de crédito, independente de alugar o seguro oferecido por eles. Apenas bloqueiam 100 euros como garantia do combustível. Fui muito bem atendido pela Ana e pela Vanessa para tirar dúvidas e para realizar a o locação, e por uma outra funcionária muito gentil na devolução. Aluguei um Citroen C3 novo, carro muito bom e moderno. A loja também é muito confortável, com cadeiras para esperar sentado se for necessário, ar condicionado, água e banheiro para os clientes. Aluguei pela marca Budget e recomendo a todos que desejam alugar um carro em Albufeira!

January 30, 2024

Pior experiência da vida, funcionários arrogantes, empresa que complica a vida do consumidor. Aluguei um carro pela rental cars, deixei tudo pago e na hora de pagar o caução para levar o carro, avisam que não aceitam cartão da Wise, sendo que em nenhum momento foi informado isso no contrato ou nos 500 e-mails de confirmação que recebi. Eu desesperada numa sexta feira final de tarde precisando ir viajar, o apoio que recebi das queridas atendentes foi problema seu, que tratasse do reembolso e de conseguir outro carro com a rental cars ainda deixaram claro que sim se passasse meu cartão iria funcionar mas era orientação daquela loja não aceitar. Usei esse cartão em Portugal inteira e nunca tive problema, pois é bandeira VISA e pode ser passado na função crédito e débito. Agora estou aqui tendo estresse para conseguir o reembolso, fora o nervoso que passei no dia, tendo crises de ansiedade mas por sorte consegui ir a SIXT que tem bons profissionais que me ajudaram e eu consegui um carro sem complicações. AVIS melhore sua comunicação e treinamento de funcionários, as pessoas alugam com antecedência porque se planejam e não pra aguentar desaforo. Pior experiência da minha vida com uma empresa, lixos. Fujam disso, sixt maior e melhor

Guia Local
January 30, 2024


Guia Local
January 30, 2024

Great service, easy check-in and check-out

January 30, 2023

La ville très bien mais les bus Giro notamment pour prendre le train, une catastrophe, je suis déçue car le fait de rater mon train pour Faro en my prenant plus d1h avant à gâcher la découverte de ce lieu. Les chauffeurs désagréables alors que les Portugais sont tous très accueillants. Mauvaise expérience .

Guia Local
January 30, 2023

Staff espetacular

January 30, 2023

Quel dommage davoir dû supporter cette horde danglais abreuver dalcool midi et soir, je voulais découvrir ce pays. Quel déception !! Une si belle région qui est lalgarve. Pour découvrir le pays je pense y retourner plus au nord. Là cest invivable, nous navons pas limpression dêtre au Portugal. Et je ne veux pas rester sur un mauvais ressenti !!

Guia Local
January 30, 2023

Accueil chaleureux et en français

Guia Local
January 30, 2023

Hat alles bestens funktioniert!

Guia Local
January 30, 2023

Bom atendimento, preço justo. Infelizmente não tem caixa pra deixar as chaves quando devolve o carro. Se tiver a entrega seria bem mais rápidinha.

January 30, 2023

Terrible, stay away.

Guia Local
January 30, 2023

We are loyal to Avis as Preferred Members but the service here was horrible and we won t return. The staff doesn t really care and don t keep the hours posted on the door.

Guia Local
January 30, 2023

A melhor das melhores! Muito simpáticos otimo profissionalismo viaturas top!!! The best o meu carro foi espectacular muito obrigada Ana Romão

Guia Local
January 30, 2023

Inchecken ging vrij vlot , maar auto terug brengen ruim voor sluitingstijd ging ook maar er was niemand die de auto kon afchecken ? Dus intussentijd kan der vanalles met de auto gebeuren voordat Avis hem controleert. Geeft mij geen goed gevoel eerlijk gezegd. De auto was n toyota yaris (3cil.) Leuke stads autootje ,maar om in te halen mist de auto behoorlijk wat vermogen.

January 30, 2023

Muy desconformes con la atención, muy mala predisposición del muchacho que nos atendió, no puso voluntad para solucionarnos el problema. No volvería a esa agencia de Avis. Una pena, porque Siempre alquile autos con ellos y me atendieron y solucionaron todo de diez puntos.

Guia Local
January 30, 2023

Infelizmente existe apenas uma funcionária. Estivemos à espera um pouco mais do que o normal. Por muito que a funcionária trabalhasse rápido ela não consegue se dividir. As 4 estrelas são defenitivamente para ela.

Guia Local
January 30, 2023

Very reliable. Nice and smooth service. Friendly staff. Much better than Europcar

Guia Local
January 30, 2023

obliged to take out all optional insurance... so that is not correct more expensive than on avis website

Guia Local
January 30, 2022

Super freundliche Dame - perfekte Erklärung der Mautangelegenheiten in Portugal. Auto war einigermaßen sauber - aber super in Schuss. Hatte 40.000km runter aber 1A gefahren.

Guia Local
January 30, 2022

Preiswert, unkompliziert.

January 30, 2022

COMME.PROMIS , je vous fais part du suivi dans la boutique Jysk guia Albufeira. Je me.suis pointé le 23 décembre comme c etait prévu et la responsable n etait bien sur pas presente ! Cest la pauvre employée qui devait se charger du problème ! Elle ma fait attendre jusqu a midi car seule la sous responsable pouvait me recevoir. finalement, elle est arrve pour me dire que sa responsable avait changé davis et quelle me.remboursait. Bien.sur j ai demande a l a voir ai téléphoné mais en vain faut pas rêver... elle ne répondait pas ou bien la sous responsable ne la pas appelé J ai pris alors mon.argent et suis parti. J ai écris a Jyrk service réclamation qui m a repondu quils étaient desole et quil fallait que j ecrive a Jysk Portugal service reclamantin. Eux même.m a renvoyer vers le magasin de Guia pour remplir un formulaire de reclamation. ( sûrement qui ne sera pas.pris en.compte comme tous les autres... )mais je continue mon combat afin que d autres naient pas a subir le même préjudice que moi. ALORS J AI TOUTDE MEME UNE BONNE NOUVELLE. J AI TROUVE UN MAGASIN A LAGOA QUI S APPELLE HOMA ( IL Y EN A UN AUSSI A GUIA A COTE DE CASA ET CONFORAMA ) CROYEZ MOI CA EN VAUT LE DETOUR LES MEUBLES SONT.EXTRA, LEURS CHAISES AUSSI ET SURTOUT LES PRIX SONT EXCEPTIONNELS. JE VOUS LE CONSEIL VIVEMENT.....

Guia Local
January 30, 2021

Zeer betrouwbare autoverhuurder. Prettige ontvangst en heldere uitleg van de afspraken. Vlotte procedures zowel bij het ophalen van als bij het terugbrengen van de auto.

Guia Local
January 30, 2021

Bom atendimento, preço justo.

Guia Local
January 30, 2021

Very good

Guia Local
January 30, 2021

Good prices

Guia Local
January 30, 2021

Atendimento excelente e atencioso, o carro bom, embora tivesse alguns danos.

January 30, 2020

Marcos gave us the best service & attention making this such a pleasurably part of the trip Thank you Marco, Debbie & Gregg

Guia Local
January 30, 2020

Mega miejscówa

Guia Local
January 30, 2020

Viaturas recentes,atendimento muito bom, recomendo

Guia Local
January 30, 2020

Good apartment!!!

Guia Local
January 30, 2020


January 30, 2020

Booked from Germany (ADAC). Fast and competent vehicle handover. Toll system explained. Received upgrade. Car tip top (5000km). Very friendly service. Obrigado.

Guia Local
January 30, 2020

No e alquilado

Guia Local
January 30, 2020

Un accueil sommaire, sans organisation, long pour juste récupérer la voiture et pour la rendre on a trouver lagence fermée alors quils devaient ouvrir à 15h... On était là à 16h, ils sont arrivés par chance 15min après...

Guia Local
January 30, 2020

Toptent. Goede auto, goede uitleg en topservice

Guia Local
January 30, 2020

Goed verhuur bedrijf, top service !

January 30, 2020

Soo slooowwwww!!!!

Guia Local
January 30, 2020

Pas op; enkele uren na het inleveren van de huurauto bleek er fraude met de anderszins ongebruikte creditcard te zijn gepleegd. Met de auto en service verder niks mis.

January 30, 2020

Excellent service, Clear explanation from David regarding rental conditions and car manual. Received Fiat 500x delivered and picked up at hotel. Service was taken regarding tolls.

Guia Local
January 30, 2020

Very nice staff, quick service, they gave me a brand new Mercedes instaed or a Renault, was awesome

Guia Local
January 30, 2020

Thieves! Never have anything to do with them!

January 30, 2019

Great service! Much better than goldcar and other low cost car rental companies.

Guia Local
January 30, 2019

Muito bem atendido, com preços bastante apelativos nas diferentes gamas de viaturas.

Guia Local
January 30, 2019

Pessoas simpáticas.

Guia Local
January 30, 2019

Ridiculous prices. Avoid like the plague

Guia Local
January 30, 2019

Wir haben 50 Minuten angestanden, damit drei Mitarbeiter fünf Kunden vor uns bedienen konnten.

January 30, 2019

It is inconceivable that this place is rated 4 stars, their phone isnt connected and we waited in the store for over an hour to be served. Be prepared to lose half your day dealing with these people.

Guia Local
January 30, 2019

Great service, we got a larger car for the same price and with GPS. Very nice and helpful service.

Guia Local
January 30, 2019

. , , . .

Guia Local
January 30, 2019

Très bon accueil. Très rapide.

Guia Local
January 30, 2019

Excelente atendimento!

Guia Local
January 30, 2019

Great company great service

Guia Local
January 30, 2019


Guia Local
January 30, 2019

Staff impecável, boa relação preço/qualidade.

Guia Local
January 30, 2019

Best prices and helpful staff.

Guia Local
January 30, 2019

Where ever we have been just the best Michael

Guia Local
January 30, 2019

One of the best car hire firms I been renting from. Wonderful staff and best service ever. Muito Obrigado!

Guia Local
January 30, 2019

Sehr freundliche und kompetente Fahrzeugübergabe.

Guia Local
January 30, 2018

Haben über den ADAC gebucht, kann die AVIS Station nur Empfehlen! Freundliches Personal! Und unkomplizierte Abwicklung! Bis zum nächsten mal!

Guia Local
January 30, 2018

Preços variáveis em cerca de 60euros, sem pré aviso.

Guia Local
January 30, 2018

Grei utleie men lang kø. Fikk en bra bil, men måtte låne bilen en dag ekstra og da hadde jeg ikke sjans til å komme gjennom på telefon. Aner ikke hvor mye jeg må betale til slutt. Hyggelige folk bak skranken.

Guia Local
January 30, 2018

Bons carros e rápido no aluguer

Guia Local
January 30, 2018

Not the cheapest car rental

Guia Local
January 30, 2018

Ein-Personen-Service, daher längere Wartezeiten möglich, ansonsten alles ok, sehr freundlich

January 30, 2018

Tout était parfait très bon accueil

Guia Local
January 30, 2018

Exemplo de bons serviços

January 30, 2017

Closed now :(

Guia Local
January 30, 2017

Good rental service. They didnt had the car I ordered so they gave me a higher type car. Instead of a VW Up! I got a Audi A1. Thank you Avis