Estrada do Garajau Edf. Cedro Loja L - R/c, 9125-161 Caniço, Portugal
7M Rent-a-Car started operations in June 2018 and is a company belonging to the 7M Group – Modern Madeira, currently in the real estate market since 2008. Given the regional market and its demand, the idea arises to the entrepreneur Mr. Roberto Silva, to expand and have the main mission to respond to the demand of offers in the service of rent-a-car, with quality, innovative and essentially of excellence. We have highly talented collaborators with the taste for personalized customer service, we also have a new and updated fleet, with 24-hour assistance every day by telephone and e-mail.
They don’t tell all the info. And the lady dared to scream at us. This rent car agent took away 200 eu.
Have used this rental about 10 times. We took Smart for Fout, Fiat 500 Electric and Renault Clio. Excellent service, staff always available for support and very friendly return policy Thank you!
Overall, it was an okay experience. Easy booking and collection process. Price was fine (oped for the 20Eur p.d. extra insurance f peace of mind). However, I booked a category B car and got an SUV - a 1.0 engined SUV. I am a good driver and managed the car just fine, but steep roads were definitely a challenge for this car. On top of that car was not serviced as the reminder kept popping op. There are other rental agencies that provide a better fleet and stick to the category you booked. Will not use this agency again.
Renting was done online and the collection and return was easy .. they upgraded to a bigger car which would have been alright in other places but for Madeira it was scary initially but the car was good so managed it with ease.
Good company. We rented an almost new Mitsubishi Eclipse Cross 2022. For 4 days we have paid less 200 euro with full insurance. Very good price and very good car in narrow and steep serpentines. Thank you.
Cheap price of order in comparison with other offers (24 eur/day) and some negative reviews didn't set my expectations too high. BUT: No extra waiting, no attempt to force me to pay additional insurance, fast pickup & return. The initial price was also the final price! The car was 1 year old KIA Stonic. Clean and in 100% condition. Presence of working android auto was a nice surprise. Off course, it was not a dragster, but good enough for our holiday.
Rented a car for almost three weeks, extended the rental two times during this period which was a good deal for them. We used the car everyday to explore the island, go on hikes, lavadas etc. Some roads were dirty and as it had been raining in some places it was also muddy. So there was a little bit of mud and dirt on the inside carpets and also some on the outside. Very hard to avoid when you do lots of hikes and drive the car everywhere. A rental car is supposed to be used, not parked in the city. Went to return the car and the guy said right away, the car is too dirty you have to pay €15. I was like, I've rented a car for 3 weeks and used it everyday and you are gonna fight over €15 because he thought it was a little bit dirty, It was like communicating with a wall, he just pointed to the terms and conditions over and over. Total disrespect for the customer from his side and refused to hear what I had to say. I mean €15 is not much money and that's not why I got upset, it's the way he treated the customer. And where do they draw the line for what's considered a dirty car, it's just this guys own opinion. They just try to find something small to charge extra for. The car has to be cleaned thoroughly anyways, especially now in Covid times, so what does it matter if the carpets are a little bit dirty. My advise - Rent your car elsewhere, there are lots of better places than this one!
Rented Smart Fortwo for a week. Had a good time. I was worried that I did not purchased full insurance, but had zero issues at the end. Mainly it was my anxiety pretty much and fear of someone else damaging the car or them charging for existing issues. I am good driver and had zero accidents driving almost for 10 years. That was my first time renting a car though - only used car sharing before. Return was fast & easy. Getting the car took some time ~20 minutes. If you are getting a car without full insurance make a full 360 video of the car immediately or at least photos of existing damages. I was advised to do this by employee of 7m. Only improvement could be that car should be given and returned with a full tank. It’s hard to estimate and return car with half tank or anything other than full tank. Because I was given a car with half of fuel tank and while I was driving there to give the car back I had exactly this level and immediately when I parked in front of their office - it showed 3/8 instead of 4/8 fuel level. I would advise to get full insurance since it’s cheap and I think that driving on Madeira is a bit tricky. I did just fine, but I would say there is a chance to scratch the car. So to stay calm and enjoy traveling just get full insurance.
Dostali my bardzo dobre auto, wietnie radzi o sobie z Maderskimi górkami. Bardzo pomocna obs uga wszystko odby o si bez problemów. Bez kaucji. Cena za auto za dwa tygodnie wysz a nam bardzo dobra. Serdecznie polecam.
Uprzejma obs uga. Ceny raczej tanie w porównaniu do innych pobliskich. Z kategorii b dostali my fiata tipo cross 1.0 turbo. Radzi sobie bardzo dobrze na górkach, nie wiem czy mniejsze auta bez turbo si nadaj tutaj do je d enia bo s du e górki. Ten ma przydatny hill holder niektórym si bardzo przyda ruszanie pod górk bez r cznego, automatyczne wiat a co si przydaje w tunelach, ogólnie du y baga nik wiec duzo pomie ci. Multimedia radio bt i wej cia 12v i USB do adowania telefonu oraz kamer cofania. Ma wgrana nawigacj ale nie jest idealna. Najlepiej zróbcie sobie filmik obchodz c auto dooko a przy odbiorze auta, pani zaznacza gdzie ma rysy itp ale lepiej mie takie wideo bior c auto sk dkolwiek. Na drodze generalnie ludzie je d szybko i energicznie, jad c na autostradzie raczej jad lewym pasem bo w czanie si na autostrad nie ma pasa rozbiegowego. Auto wydaj bez kaucji bez dawania karty kredytowej, trzeba tylko da prawo jazdy do ksero i wpisa dane. Parkowanie gdziekolwiek autem czasem jest problematyczne, trzeba patrze czy miejsca s zaznaczone liniami bia ymi czy niebieskimi lub czy na bia ych miejscach nie ma literki M lub napisu muradores które s zarezerwowane dla lokalsów. Niebieskie miejsca s p atne od poniedzia ku do soboty w okre lonych godzinach, darmowe jedynie w niedziele. Auto na Maderze jest bardzo przydatne, mo na wi cej zwiedzi ale je li boisz si górek zastanów si dobrze bo w niektórych miejscach jest bardzo stromo i parkuje si na stromych drogach, skr caj c ko ami w stron kraw nika - zawsze pami taj zostawi auto na r cznym i na biegu. W funchal najlepiej parkowa w galerii plaza madeira zamiast je dzi i szukac parkingu w problematycznych miejscach które i tak s p atne. Zdarza si ze w niektórych galeriach lub sklepach dostaje si eton na parkingu który przy robieniu zakupów mo esz da kasjerce i masz parking za darmo - np w pingo doce. Na Maderze rzadko ludzie trzymaj si ogranicze pr dko ci i rzadko widujesz policj , spotka em tylko dwa fotoradary na wiat ach z ograniczeniem 50km/h ale sa oznaczone. Ogólnie polecam wzi auto bo przejechanie z jednej strony wyspy na drug zajmuje troszk ponad godzin , tylko we cie pod uwag ile wydacie na paliwo! Pozdrawiam i udanego pobytu!
Las aceast recenzie la 1 lun dup ce am returnat ma ina, in speran a c nu ac ionez pe fon emo ional. Cu toate acestea, sunt profund nemul umit de felul în care am fost tratat . Am luat ma ina în chirie pentru o perioad de 6 zile. Am pl tit chirie + asigurare. Reprezentantul agen iei ne-a repetat de mai multe ori c asigurarea nu include parbriz sau geamuri, ro i, cheie sau carcasa din metal a automobilului. A repetat de câteva ori c suntem oameni, i orice i se poate întâmpla oricui. Fiind la prima experien de a închiria un automobil, am avut încredere. În momentul în care mi s-a predat ma ina, i-a f cut poze (Ma ina avea deja ni te daune sub form de zgârieturi mai adânci pe aripa din dreapta). V zând c doamna face poze, concretizez: dar a i spus c plasticul e inclus în asigurare. Ea zice Da, dar eu trebuie oricum s fac poze. Timp de 5 zile am condus fara incidente. Din prima zi ap rea recomandarea de a schimba uleiul. Ambreiajul nu era în cea mai bun stare. Fiind la prima experien de a lua în chirie, nu am solicitat alt ma in . În seara celei de-a 5 zile am zgâriat bara de protec ie din spate de un gard, îns deoarece mi-a spus clar doamna c plasticul este inclus în asigurare, eram lini tit , mai ales c nu era decât o zgârietur . A doua zi de diminea , la predarea automobilului înainte de zbor, sunt informat c dauna m cost 200 , chiar dac am platit asigurarea, deoarece se consider neglijen . Se consider neglijen , chiar dac mi s-a spus: noi suntem foarte în eleg tori, oricui i se poate întâmpla orice! Dac mi s-ar fi comunicat tot adev rul de la început, m-a fi conformat s pl tesc dauna. Îns atâta timp cât pentru a oferi în chirie i se ofer o informa ie, iar la verificarea ma inii - aceast informa ie nu mai este valabil , acest lucru nu este nici frumos, nici profesional. Printre daunele/dezavantajele pe care ma ina le avea deja în momentul în care am luat-o în chirie, se num r : 1. Aripa i u a din dreapta, spate, cu urme de zgârieturi adânci i lungi (unica d una despre care am fost informat ). 2. Ulei care nu a fost schimbat la timp 3. Ambreiaj epuizat (ceea ce îngreuneaz condusul ma inii pe drumurile de pe Madeira). 4. Geamul oferului avea defec iuni în timpul închiderii i deschiderii geamului. (Se pare c ma ina a fost cândva implicat într-un accident în urma c ruia a avut de suferit portiera oferului). 5. Salonul ma inii, mai exact banchetele, aveau pete, cel mai probabil de la chiria ii anteriori.
Is it no longer possible to speak Portuguese in this country? !!! I tried to contact the agency and I was answered by a recording that only spoke in English, the operator was silent. Please be patient, I am Portuguese, it is already enough to have to subject myself to other languages in other countries. Thank you all
Günstig ist nicht immer auch qualitativ gut. Die äußeren Beschädigungen waren uns eigentlich egal. Hatten ja die Versicherung und vorherige Bestandsaufnahme gemacht, aber die Bremsen waren total runter!! Geht gar nicht.
Nous avons découvert l agence de Caniço en marchant près de notre hôtel, nous avions réservé à l agence de Funchal. Le retrait a été changé par une adorable jeune femme. Notre voiture de location était nickel! Rien à redire, très bonne agence et qui ne vous arnaque pas.
Puiki vieta nuomotis automobiliui, per dviej savai i atostogas, nuomavomes du automobilius i j , nes labai paprasta sistema tai padaryti, draugi ka nuomos kaina, ir draugi kas kolektyvas. FIAT PANDA, kuro prakti kai taupantis automobilis, bet ne madeiros keliams, tr ksta galios. FIAT TIPO patiko tiek monai tiek man, greitesnis kalnes va iuoti ar ka k aplenkti jau nebekilo b d , multimedija, ac ir viskas ko gali prireikti patogiai kelionei! Gra inant automobilius problem nekilo.
Wszystko sprawnie i uczciwie. Cena z ubezpieczeniem (bez kaucji) oko o 60 euro za dzie . Polecam
Everything was good!
Véhicule correspondant au descriptif. personnel sympathique. prise en mais et retour rapide et sérieux. aucune surprise concernant les frais. localisation de lagence juste devant lhôtel. tout était parfait. Un petit bémol pour labsence de lave glace mais je garde qd même mais 5 étoiles
Decent price, car was great. Service too. No problems at all. Recommended:)
V etko prebehlo bez problémov.
Szybko, sprawnie, bez kaucji, sporo samochodów do wyboru, mi a i rzeczowa obs uga, dobra informacja i sprawny odbiór. Polecam
Great value if you book online. Staff very friendly and helpful
Price good, reception good, recomendate.
Nice service.
Uns wurde gerade ein Auto übergeben, dass stark beschädigt (auch Licht) ist. Das ginge noch, aber wenn noch die Meldung Ölwechsel fällig kommt und völlig ignoriert wird, finden wir das nicht gut. Haben fast eine Stunde gekämpft, damit Vertrag storniert wird und bekommen jetzt hoffentlich das Geld erstattet. Update 13.03.: Geld wurde noch nicht erstattet!
Szybko i sprawnie
O carro estava em aceitável estado de limpeza, poderia estar mais cuidado. Staff simpático e atencioso.
Wir haben in unserem Urlaub unser Auto hier gebucht und waren absolut zufrieden! Wir haben es online ausgesucht und gebucht, und die Abholung hat nicht mal 5 Minuten gedauert. Ebenso das Abgeben vom Mietwagen war super unkompliziert und die Mitarbeiterin war sehr freundlich!
Wszystko OK
We rented a car (Fiat Tipo) for 2 full days with insurance for 116 euro. No issues with the car or service. No credit car needed
Bardzo sprawnie i szybko. Auto (Panda) super - wietnie da a sobie rad na s ynnych drogach Madery.
Das Auto war in grundsätzlich gutem Zustand von innen sehr sauber und gut. Von außen Lackschäden und andere Kleinigkeiten. Aber nichts gravierendes. Bei der Anmietung lief alles gut, das Auto wurde mit der Vollkasko Versicherung für zusätzliche 20 erworben. Bei der Rückgabe allerdings wurde mir ein Schaden zur Last gelegt den ich nicht verursacht hatte. Wusste der Verkäufer auch. Allerdings habe ich leider zu Beginn kein Foto oder Video von dem Auto gemacht. Sollte unbedingt gemacht werden!!! Angeblich würde die Versicherung nicht greifen wurde mir gesagt. Laut Vertrag jedoch schon. Hier wurden wir abgezockt und mussten den Verkäufer 20 geben die er sich in die eigene Tasche gesteckt hat. Also aufpassen bei Schäden!! Scheint so als würde der Verkäufer das öfter mit Touristen machen.
Gavau gerokai pavargus Smart F4 su skylusiu priekiniu bamperiu ir baisiai cypan iais stabd iais (vadinasi, kaladel s yra nusidev jusios). Nors i davimo pri mimo procesai vyko skland iai, kit kart nesikreip iau
More space to park the car should be better!
Very warm welcome, clear explanations, the sympathy and smile of the young woman who welcomed us. A clean vehicle. 0 problems. THANKS
Dwa tygodnie po wczasach, i nie dzwoni z problemami-polecam
Best quality price ratio in the island. Receptionist kind and helpful, gave a better car than expected and provided me with a list of restaurants.
Great service and prices. Everithing nice
V e ok, od objednávky po vracení p esn dle domluvy.
Jedna z lepszych wypo yczalni samochodów na Maderze. Kilka razy korzystali my z ich aut. Niestety tym razem nasz samochód mia niesprawn klimatyzacj i musieli my wymieni z Renault Megan na Skod Fabia
Fiat Panda 1.2 Dinamic 3x24 óra full biztosítással 113 , ha két hónappal az autó átvétele el tt rendezed a számlát
I had a nice experience and returning the car was an easy process too. I was at first worried about the damages the car had but everything was noted on the paper. I would definitely rent from them again!
El servei a aquesta oficina no és gaire bo. Em van donar un Fiat Panda amb les rodes i els frens totalment desgastats. Quan els hi vaig comentar em van fer anar a Funchal a canviar-ho perque no en tenien mes cotxes. Vaig perdre mitja tard i despeses de benzina. I tampoc és que siguin gaire atents el personal de l oficina.
We are very satisfied with the service received! They were fast and efficient, the guy who served us very friendly and correct. Very honest at all times. The prices are the standards.
Nie trzeba wp aca kaucji, ceny przyst pne i maj Smart w automacie. Co jest mega fajne na maderskich drogach
Ging schnell, einfach und war relativ günstig.
Voiture à des prix défiants toutes concurrence. Notre Fiat Panda était certes un peu cabossés mais tout à bien été marqué sur le contrat (prenez bien en photos ceux-ci). Aucun prélèvements anormaux na été opéré contrairement à certaines agences peu scrupuleuse. Je recommande vivement cette agence pour vos locations de voiture à Madère. Attention conducteur aguerri : de très nombreux démarrage en côte et des Portugais assez speed au volant.
Alquilamos el coche con el servicio en el aeropuerto. Nos sorprendió lo mal que trataban los coches derrapando literalmente en los aparcamientos. Nos dieron un Kia río, al cual le chirriaban los frenos y la dirección al girar el volante. El primer día se encendió el piloto de presión de neumáticos baja y al revisar las ruedas daban miedo en el estado que se encontraban.
Great car, not expensive, good prices, nice Staff. Thank you!
BESTE VERMIETUNG !!! Die für uns beste Autovermietung auf Madeira. Nach einem Reinfall bei einer anderen Vermietung sind wir auf 7M gestoßen - der Urlaub war gerettet . Ein tolles Preis-Leistungsverhältnis und ein total netter Mitarbeiter, der uns alles super erklärt hat. Auch die Autoabgabe am Flughafen, gegen einen kleinen Aufpreis, lohnt sich wirklich sehr. Die Vollkaskoversicherung und ein Automatik-Fahrzeug sind auf Madeira sehr zu empfehlen. Danke dafür !!!
Awesome! Fair, reliable, friendly. Best on the island.
Local agradável para descontrair e tomar uma bela bica.
Muito simpáticos, especialmente o sr da loja do Garajau. Estava de serviço no dia 04/12/2021, pela parte da tarde.
7M Rent a Car - Garajau - As with every rental company, the rental car is inspected sparingly, and when it needs to be delivered, it is completely pampered. Thats why I suggest to show every small detail and take a photo of the car with their eyes, what they didnt like is that you buy full insurance, but you also need to insure the glasses and wheels for 10 euros.