Aeroporto De Faro, 8005-999 Faro, Portugal
Bem vindo à nossa agência de aluguer de automóveis Europcar Faro! Fazem parte da nossa oferta diária viaturas recentes, preços competitivos e amabilidade. Quer procure um carro por razões profissionais ou para passear, quer necessite de um automóvel (citadino, familiar ou de luxo), de um furgão ou carrinha, a Europcar disponibiliza-lhe o veículo de que necessita. O aluguer de automóveis ou comerciais é simples através da reserva online no Website ou através da aplicação Europcar. Nunca foi tão fácil levantar e devolver um veículo. Boa viagem!
I had a deeply disappointing experience with Europcar during a recent car rental in Faro, Portugal. Upon returning the vehicle, I was unfairly held responsible for damage I clearly did not cause. The on-site employee acknowledged that the damage might have been caused by a previous renter, but the company’s lack of a digital damage record made it impossible to confirm. Instead, he spent 25 minutes sifting through outdated paper records—a process that was both inefficient and unprofessional. To make matters worse, it turned out the previous renter had full insurance with no deductible and was therefore exempt from a vehicle inspection upon return. I was told that I would have to cover the damage because they couldn’t hold the previous renter accountable. This felt manipulative and unacceptable, especially as rejecting the claim would trigger a lengthy administrative process, complicating reimbursement through my third-party insurance. The issue was further exacerbated by the inadequate documentation of pre-existing damage at the time of pickup. Since the handover took place at night, I was left to identify numerous unnoted damages myself—a task that was both unreasonable and unfair. The entire process appeared designed to shift liability onto customers. Despite reporting these concerns to Europcar’s customer service, none of my points were adequately addressed. This experience left me feeling frustrated and disillusioned. Under such circumstances, I cannot recommend Europcar and strongly advise potential customers to consider alternatives.
Long line for check in and completing paperwork. Very friendly at this counter. When going grocery shopping to garage to pick up the car, the staff there were not friendly at all!
I recently had a great experience with Europcar when I needed a rental car at the last minute. Despite not having a prior booking, the process was incredibly easy and efficient. I had originally made a pre-booking with a different rental service through a budget airline, but upon arrival, the agent pushed additional insurance and a fuel policy, which brought the total cost to over £400 for just three days, on top of my prepaid expenses. Frustrated with the upselling, I decided to walk away and returned to the airport. At Europcar, I was pleasantly surprised. Within 10 minutes of walking in, I had a car key in my hand. The total cost, which included full insurance and an electronic toll counter, was 200 EUROS. The car was of much better quality than what I would have received from the other rental company, and the entire process was smooth and hassle-free. However, after returning the car, I received an email showing some damage on the vehicle. This was unexpected, as I had taken pictures of the car in the presence of the agent, and these photos show no damage. The pictures provided by Europcar were taken two minutes after I left and showed small scratches that were not present during my return inspection. I’ve raised a complaint and am currently awaiting a resolution, unsure if any additional fees will be applied. While my initial experience with Europcar was very positive in terms of pricing, service, and efficiency, my concerns regarding the handling of the car return and the subsequent damage claim have been disappointing. Hopefully, this issue will be resolved, but for now, my experience with returning the vehicle has been negative.
I had reserved a rental with a different, well known company through a third-party travel site. When I went to pick up the car at the Faro airport, the conditions of the contract were different from my booking through the travel site and I didn't like that, so I just walked away. I went to the Europcar counter without a reservation, got great attention after a surprisingly short wait, given how busy they were, and drove away in a nice, reasonably price car. I was grateful for how painless this was.
Place is quite far from arrivals, but sign posts sufficied to get my there. On arriving at the location, there is a self scan machine which worked fine, but it puts you into a queue with other people. This took approx 35 minutes which I found to be quite frustrating after a flight and therefore wasn't ideal. The staff spoke good English and we're clear and helpful throughout. The car I was provided was sufficient for my needs; It was modern and fit for purpose. The return procedure was straight forward and I will use them again in the future.
SCAM ALERT: Be very wary hiring from this company in Faro. I pre-ordered a smaller car online 1 day prior. When we arrived to pick up our car the agent advised the small car we ordered was not available, and there was only 1 car left, which was not a small car but don't worry we have a free upgrade - I have 2 witnesses to this conversation. The agent clearly marked on the contract how much we would be charged, which did not include an upgrade fee. I returned the vehicle filled with gas and have the check-in document signed by a Europcar staff member clearly showing the car was full (see attached). A few days later, I was very surprised to receive an invoice showing fuel and upgrade charges totalling €350 - more than double the €281 car hire. I had to try to recover the overcharges from the NZ office of Europcar and escalated the issue to senior management in the company. The fuel charge was refunded, but after 2 weeks and many emails, following "internal investigations with the Faro management team" the executive representative advised me that they had to "rely on the documentation" and is refusing to refund the fees charged for the "free upgrade". The document she referred to was not the document that I was handed by the check-in agent. Europcar's rental process is designed so that charges can be applied after you've returned the vehicle / left the country and face a very difficult process to try to recover overcharges. Company managers, and directors are responsible for these processes - this is clearly organized and fraudulent activity, endorsed by management. The signature of the employee concerned it attached SCAM.
The pick-up was quite quick. We rented a Peugeot 208, but we got a Toyota Corolla instead . It was really nice. I have already booked another car from Europcar for the end of October. I like this company very much. Their prices are unbeatable, their cars are in good condition, their website is easy to use and their staff are kind and helpful everywhere.
The staff were respectful & efficient especially at drop off. The car we expected was an Opel Corser but we got a Citron 3, similar size & done the job, just managed to squeeze 2 medium suitcases in the boot. All else was good, remember to plan your trip including parking especially in Cities.
very bad service. Deposit is kept without reason. 5 reminders, but no success. No recommendation
Bonne expérience chez EUROPCAR Faro, véhicule restitué à Lisbonne. Véhicule fiable et propre, rapport qualité prix. Ils sont un peu insistant sur les assurances pour vendre plus et faire de la marge, mais cest le commerce. Service client impeccable. Troisième expérience au Portugal avec EUROPCAR, rien à signaler. Je recommande.
Tutto bene..... ma troppo cari rispetto ad altre assicurazioni
The collaborator Ana Antunes was extremely friendly and attentive. 5* I loved it
Ich habe Über CHECK24 einen Polo gebucht. Mir wurde ein Fiat Panda Hybrid zur Verfügung gestellt. Einen Fiat Panda hätte ich für weniger Geld buchen können. Bei der Abholung wurde ich gefragt, ob ich mit dem Auto nach Spanien fahren möchte. Ich hatte Ihnen gesagt, dass ich es eigentlich nicht vorhabe. Was muss ich dafür tun, wenn ich s machen möchte? Mir wurde daraufhin mitgeteilt, dass ich einfach zur Europcar-Fiale gehen muss und dort Bescheid sagen soll Damit das Auto auch für Spanien versichert ist. Ich war mit dem Auto nicht in Spanien und habe das Auto ordnungsgemäß wieder zurückgegeben. Tage später habe ich auf meine Kreditkartenabrechnung zu den 208 für den Mietwagen nochmal eine Abbuchung über 127,66 festgestellt. Nach Korrespondenz mit CHECK24 hat sich dann ergeben, dass sie mir eine Auslandsversicherung verkauft haben. Obwohl ich das mit den Versicherungen durch die anderen Bewertungen schon gelesen habe und wusste, bin ich auch drauf reingefallen.
Kein Übergabeprotokol bei der Rückgabe. Im Nachgang wurden dann 110 für Kratzer auf der Felge berechnet, obwohl bei der Rückgabe alles in Ordnung gewesen sein soll. Wir haben nie eine Rechnung gesehen. Es wird zwar auf Kundenservice verwiesen. Aber da passiert nichts.Keiner meldet sich. Ergänzung : es wurde noch 2 Monate nach Rückgabe Beträge über 100 abgebucht, keine Zusendung von Rechnung oder Hinweise auf Abbuchung. Achtung es sind auch versteckten Kosten im Vertrag auf die man nicht hingewiesen wird. e.g. Mautgebühr,
Assureur ou loueur de voiture ? Ils insistent à chaques étapes du processus pour te vendre leurs assurances, ils te mettent la pression, et rigole entre eux quand on annonce quon ne la veut pas. Lors de la remise de clés, pas dexplications sur la voiture et ses particularité, juste un constat fait en 1 minutes. PRENEZ des photos en plus, même si le loueur mas dit que ça ne valait pas le coup et que ça servait à rien. Au retour de la location, il ont essayé dajouter des rayures sur le constat final, quils avaient oubliés de mettre sur le constat du début, heureusement jai pris des photos, et ils ont admis leurs erreur. Bref des arnaqueurs, qui nont pas peur de te pousser au stress, et de mentir pour leur profits. Je pensais que Europcar était une compagnie sérieuse, je suis déçu et reviendrais jamais.
Do not rent from Europcar in Faro airport! * They charged me a lot of money for damages not caused by me. I have a recorded video the time of drop-off. They said as one of our colleagues was not there at 5 am to check it, so this damage is done by you!!! * They gave a downgraded car. * They charged a lot of money for tolls without detailed information! Just run from Europcar in Faro airport! Just trust me and dont rent a car from Europcar here.
Ce sont des voleurs. 1 étoile c est déjà trop pour eux. Ils sont là pour vous prendre votre argent sans raison. Ne louez surtout pas chez eux, n hésitez pas à payer plus cher ailleurs pour éviter cette entreprise qui vole ses clients.
My journey with Europcar through Portugal was nothing short of exceptional. From start to finish, their dedicated staff consistently demonstrated an unwavering commitment to customer satisfaction that truly sets them apart from any car rental companies Ive done business with. At the Lisbon location, Manuela kicked off our road trip on the right foot with her warm and attentive service. The smooth rental process ensured that our adventure began with a sense of ease and excitement. The real testament to Europcars outstanding customer care, however, unfolded at their Leiria branch. Confronted with the anxiety-inducing predicament of a low-range electric vehicle, we arrived at their doorstep, only to be met with an unparalleled display of empathy and professionalism. The Leiria team swiftly recognized the urgency of our situation and replaced our car with a reliable gasoline vehicle. Their prompt and efficient response not only saved our trip but also alleviated our fears, showcasing Europcars genuine dedication to their customers well-being. Thanks to Europcars seamless service, we were able to focus on enjoying the breathtaking landscapes and memorable experiences that Portugal had to offer. Their top-notch customer service and quality vehicles ensured that our road trip was truly unforgettable. I wholeheartedly recommend Europcar to anyone seeking a car rental experience that goes above and beyond. Their commitment to ensuring a stress-free and enjoyable journey is a testament to their stellar reputation in the industry.
Arnaqueur , ils obligent à prendre une caution exorbitante et ne rende pas la caution .
Staff very friendly, the cars are very good..
Die Mitarbeiter von Europcar Faro waren gür und da, nicht nur die Anmietung des Autos erleichtert, sondern auch mit der Herzlichkeit einer Familie die notwendigen Informationen und regionalen Informationen weitergegeben, die wir brauchten. Danke
Le monsieur à lunettes (30ans) qui ma reçu ma directement poussé un upgrade pour une Mercedes à 50 /jour, jai refusé. Son responsable était derrière lui (parlant en portugais), il sest braqué et ma obligé à prendre un système de paiement automatique pour les autoroutes et ensuite un siège enfant + cher que celui que javais commandé. La Ford Focus que javais réservé nétait pas disponible, jai eu une FIAT TIPO break dont les sièges étaient tachés, pare-brise intérieur sale et trop petite pour notre usage à 4 adultes et un enfant. Soit les vacances commençaient mal mais je nai pas voulu discuter +... Il est clair que ces vendeurs sont payés à pousser des suppléments au client mais là cest du jamais vu ! A la restitution très compliqué de trouver la bonne entrée, jai du faire plusieurs fois le tour et jai à nouveau été reçu par le même vendeur qui ma dit cest pas ici sans aucune indication. Seule la personne que jai enfin rencontré à la restitution était agréable et correcte. --> JAMAIS PLUS EUROPCAR A FARO
Wenn man Online gebucht hat geht die Abwicklung eigentlich ganz schnell ansonsten kann man schon eine Stunde warten auch und bei der Rückgabe gab es überhaupt nichts. Sehr zufrieden!
Very nice group. Very well received. Well informed. Very professional. Super
Jag måste säga att jag hade ett jätte trevligt upplevelse med mitt uthyrning. Jätte trevlig personal och bra service.
Typisch Südeuropa man wird ohne Ende abgezockt. Gebucht war ein Kompakt Kombi CWMR, vorbereitet wurde eine normale Kompaktklasse CCMR (Citroën C3 Aircross - nicht mal ansatzweise ein Kombi). Es gab also schon mal ein Downgrade, damit man im Anschluss gegen Aufpreis, versteht sich, ein größeres Auto angeboten bekommt. Damit ich überhaupt das Gepäck unterbekomme, habe ich die A-Klasse, die in Portugal ein JDAR ist, genommen. Natürlich wurde mir der CWMR + Upsell berechnet. Dann verkaufte mir die Dame am Schalter noch das Mautgerät, weil es angeblich in Portugal Pflicht sei - natürlich war das eine Lüge. Zumal mir eine Option eingebucht wurde, der ich nicht zugestimmt hatte, denn das Mautgerät darf maximal 18,50 pro Miete kosten. Man wird in dieser Station also in vielerlei Hinsicht betrogen, daher ist Vorsicht geboten.
Avoid Europcar in Faro at all costs! They rented us a car with extremely high mileage that was overdue for service. Despite returning the car with a full tank, they still charged us 60. Their hidden fees can easily double the rental price be very cautious about what you re signing, or you could end up severely out of pocket!
Very pleased
Staff 5 estrelas
Impecável 5*
Perfekt ur alla avseenden:-)
I rented a car from Europcar in Portugal and had a disappointing experience. After returning the vehicle, I noticed several unexplained charges on my account, including duplicates. Despite reaching out to customer service for clarification and resolution, I have not received a satisfactory response or a refund. The lack of transparency and professionalism has been extremely frustrating. I expected better service and accountability from a well-known company. I would caution others to carefully review their invoices and monitor their accounts when dealing with Europcar.
Terrible service!!!! Avoid at all cost!!!!!! We are still waiting for the refund of our deposit, which has been withheld since September. It is now mid-December, and despite numerous calls, Europcar has provided no valid reason for this delay. There is absolutely no justification for withholding our money. Each time we contact customer service, we are met with vague and unhelpful responses. It is clear that they simply do not want to return the deposit. This level of dishonesty and lack of professionalism is unacceptable.
- , 10 . Fiat500 - , . . 4 , .
Haben einen komplett abgeranzten und verbeulten Fiat 500 bekommen. Als wir das Auto abgeholt haben wurden nur schnell schnell die größten Dellen durchgesprochen. Bei dir Abgabe des Autos wurde das Auto dann ganz genau inspiziert und am Ende wurden wir für eine von tausenden Dellen verantwortlich gemacht und mussten den Schaden zahlen. Ein angeblicher Gutachter hat den Schaden auf mehrere Tausend Euro bewertet. Nie mehr Europcar. Nicht zu empfehlen.
Das Auto war in einem guten Zustand und sauber. Die Rückgabe war schnell und unkompliziert.
Rapidez, sinpatia bem esclarecido.
Voleur! Voilà le seul terme qui peut convenir. Il est difficilement compréhensible queurop car continue à laisser salir sa réputation par un franchisé aussi malhonnete.
Aucune information sur le paiement des péages sur l autoroute a22 (péage à flux libre) détection par portique. Véhicule doté d un télé péage. Nous avons posé deux fois la question à l agence europcar farò aeroport (location du 20 décembre au 27 décembre réservation 1181395752). Y aura il une seconde facture de la part d europcar avec les consommations de peage. il semblerait après recherche sur Internet et sur CTT site pour régler les péages qu il ait 15 jours pour regler, au delà il y aurait des amendes en complément du péage. Nous souhaiterions avoir des informations.
Più di 2 ore di attesa per avere la macchina! Non sono riusciti nemmeno a dare la macchina che abbiamo prenotato. Pessimo servizio, con pessimo personale.
Finger weg von Europcar in Portugal! Der Umgang der Mitarbeiter mit Kund:innen gleicht einer kriminellen Organisation. Von Anfang ist klar: das Team von Europcar versucht einem alle möglichen Zusatzpakete zu verkaufen. Wenn Mieter nicht daran interessiert sind, versucht man bei der Abgabe des Autos Geld aus der Tasche zu ziehen. Achtung! Auch Beweisfotos helfen nicht - das Team von Europcar erkennt diese nicht an, obwohl bei der Abholung auf eine überfreundliche Art darauf aufmerksam gemacht wird, dass Beweisfotos ausreichen, um zu beweisen, dass bestimmte Schäden schon vor der Vermietung bestanden haben. Wir hatten zum Glück eine Vollkaskoversicherung ohne Selbstbehalt bei der Vermietungsplattform Check24. Leider reibt sich Europcar allerdings besonders in solchen Fällen die Hände, da sie hier besonders darauf aus sind, möglichst viel Geld von der Versicherung zu erhalten. Nie wieder
Finger weg von Europcar! Von Anfang ist klar: das Team von Europcar versucht einem alle möglichen Zusatzpakete zu verkaufen, obwohl man über Check24 bereits Vollkasko-Versicherung hat. Wenn Mieter nicht daran interessiert sind, versucht man bei der Abgabe des Autos Geld aus der Tasche zu ziehen. Auch Beweisfotos helfen nicht - das Team von Europcar erkennt diese nicht an, obwohl bei der Abholung auf eine überfreundliche Art darauf aufmerksam gemacht wird, dass Fotos ausreichen, um zu beweisen, dass bestimmte Schäden schon vor der Vermietung bestanden haben. Wir hatten zum Glück eine Vollkaskoversicherung ohne Selbstbehalt bei der Vermietungsplattform Check24, wobei Eueopcar, besonders in solchen Fällen darauf aus ist, möglichst viel Geld von der Versicherung zu erhalten. Nie wieder
Europcar Faro macht zusätzlich Kasse mit Versicherungen im Kleingedruckten, die man vorher schon beim Vermittler TuiCars abgeschlossen und bezahlt hat. Für die selbe Leistung zweimal zahlen, ist mehr als unseriös. Meine Empfehlung: Hände weg von TuiCars und Europcar.
Great service as always
Very nice
Vous êtes des voleurs !!!! Nous avons loué un véhicule bmw série 2 il y avait pas un endroit sans rayures ! Les 4 jantes rayées ! J ai les photos sur mon téléphone. Nous avons restitué le véhicule très tôt ( clé mise en boîte à lettre ) Nous sommes aujourd hui à 1100 de prélèvement pour 3 jours de location Aucun moyen de contactez europcar par téléphone uniquement un mail automatique ! Étant dans le monde des réseaux sociaux je vais vous faire une très belle publicité EUROPCAR FARO AÉROPORT LIKER CE COMMENTAIRE POUR QUIL RESTE BIEN HAUT SUR GOOGLE POUR CEUX QUI ONT LE MÊME PROBLÈME
A BIG SCAM!!!!! do not take any cars from europcar airport you will pay 4 times the price
FUYEZ Je ne peux pas mettre moins d une étoile malheureusement J ai loué un véhicule bmw série 2 complètement abîmé Des pneus déchirés, jantes rayées, carrosserie pitoyable J ai fait des photos sur le parking avant la prise du véhicule L état du véhicule stipulait bien ces dommages et bien malgré tout cela, surprise! ils vous facturent des frais pour des dommages déjà présent Ils répondent que vous pouvez les contacter sur www.europcar pour vous faire perdre votre temps C est une arnaque qui vous coutera cher
ACHTUNG BETRUG! Uns wurde trotz Reservierung sowohl Versicherung, Flughafengebühr und ein Upgrade für 387 berechnet. Dies wurde Vor Ort so nicht kommuniziert. Zumahl die Person nicht english sprach, was überhaupt nicht Kundenorientiert ist. Ich habe weder einen Vertrag vor Ort erhalten, noch eine Email. Die Bezahlung mit Kreditkarte war laut Personal nur eine KAUTION über 387 . Erst im Nachgabg habe ich über Olimar die Rechnung angefordert und erhalten. Ich werde eine Anzeige bei der Polizei wegen Betrug stellen. Warnung
Ok. Not as good as they used to be. Queueing system a bit of a joke. Staff are abrupt almost shouting instructions when everything is in Portuguese so not to sure how to check in. Car was good but some bad damage on it. Examination area was ve4y poorly lit which I did write on the form.
Waited with many other people to our car rental. Extremely slow
An easy pickup. Polite and efficient staff. Upgraded. Clean car. Easy drop off. Location very easy to locate.
Das Anmieten des Autos am Flughafen war schnell und problemlos. Die Mitarbeiterin am Schalter sehr nett. Der ganze Vorgang dauerte etwa 15 Minuten. Die Rückgabe erfolgte genauso schnell und problemlos. Ein sehr freundlicher Mitarbeiter nahm das Auto entgegen, schaute sich alles an und das wars. Mein nächstes Mietauto habe ich bereits gebucht.
Great stuff from start to finish!
Very good experience with very customer friendly staff
Top ! Bonne voiture, bon prix, peu de km sur le compteur et en très bon état ! Je reviendrai chez Europcar c est certain !
unkompliziert, bei Vollkasko teuer
Perfect, from car collection to return, highly recommended. Late pick up available
Sehr gute Service.
Ist sehr empfehlenswert, unkomplizerte Abwicklung.
The staff is very rude on returns We missed the flight because of them Obrigado
1st we collect had tyre pressure issues and would not run smoothly issue with engine - 2nd before we left low tyre pressure light on
Very bad experience when I was not in person renting a car, as I did the last 10 years every 2nd month. They just let my wife, daughter and newborn not pickup a prepaid car because of they didn t want to be extra charged. You don t charge extra on the first place, illegal, and second this is not the way you treat female regular customers. Just don t rent here but use one of the competitors. Staff is not flexible and for sure no commercial feeling. A disgrace for Faro
Fast, efficient, hassle-free. To recommend
UPDATED, despite being asked to contact support below, after reaching out no one got back to me. Maybe Im still in the queue... Anyway wont be hiring from europcar again. Advertisement says in terminal however its really no closer than any of the other providers based on the car park. We have often been waiting quite a while for car hire so thought this time we would try a brand. Weve now been waiting 90 minutes with a 2 year old and still not been served. Expected more from a premium brand. Not the experience that I was expecting. Was informed at the desk that between 3 and 5 is the worst time to arrive for anyone who may be thinking of booking with them.
Easy to deal with. Professional, experienced and friendly. Great people and went out of their way to make my experience very positive.
Em relação a contrato e preço, é das melhores. Mas o restante, Muito tempo de espera para receber a viatura, cerca de 1.30h de espera . Comprei Premium, mas a maquina nao funcionava para me entregar a chave. Na devuloção , fui Muito mal atendida. A funcionária Muito mal educada , respondeu- me Muito mal , Muito arrogante. Eu so lhe disse : bom dia , a minha viatura esta aqui estacionada . Só fiz o que me indicaram fazer no dia do levantamento, como tinha comprado Premium e também deixei o deposito de 100.- para conbustivel , entao era so deixar o carro e entregar as chaves ou deixalas na caixa . A funcionária Alegou que simplesmente eu teria que esperar , porque nao sabia se eu tinha Premium ou nao . Eu disse lhe : minha senhora eu tenho o voou agora , tenho que ir embora , sempre entreguei assim as viaturas , porque paguei Premium. Mesmo assim , ela continuou a responderme mal , a dizer que nao era porblema dela , se teria que apanhar o voou ou nao. Como é que uma funcionária nao sabe a lista de carros e clientes que tem a receber? Nunca tinha cido assim recebida. O meu marido ja alugou bastantes vezes na europcar , sempre entregamos assim os carros, e nunca tivemos porblemas. Simplesmente com funcionários assim , certamente a empresa perderá muitos clientes.
Procédures de prise et restitution du véhicule plutôt rapides malgré le monde
Friendly and helpful staff. I really like the fact that a member of staff comes out and checks the car with you when you pick it up and the same happens when you return it.
Puikus aptarnavimas, puiki patirtis, geri automobiliai.
Both pick up and drop off went very smoothly. A bonus is that this is done at airport - no shuttle bus needed. Staff were very pleasant. Car was in excellent condition.
Escroc , malhonnête, fuyez !!! Si javais pu mettre zéro je laurais fait . Nous avons pris une voiture de location chez eux de nuit et lavons restituer également de nuit tôt le matin ... A notre arriver la personne de laccueil à forcer pour que lon prenne lassurance supplémentaire que nous avons refuser à plusieurs reprise . Du coup nous nous retrouvons avec une facture pour des réparations de 300e alors que nous navons eu aucun accident ou quoi que ce soit dautre Jai contacter le service client mais il senfiche et mon quand même pris cette argent . Je loue beaucoup de voiture durant mes déplacements à létranger je nai jamais eu de souci . C était une première chez europcar et bien ce sera là dernière également . Pour un groupe comme vous cest vraiment Honteux !!!!!
Betrug, dank schlechter Kommunikation Oktober 2024! Angebliche Kaution war ein Upgrade und die Unterschfit auf dem Digital Tablet ist die vertragsänderung. Betrüger! Kein Geld für so eine mise Masche!
É uma empresa que preza pelo bom atendimento e serviço. Está sempre evoluindo, pois tive alguns imprevistos com locações que em um primeiro momento foi ruim com uma resolução arbitrária, mas que depois de expor minha situação a empresa compreendeu e assumiu o erro e resolveu a situação. Espero que continue assim para sempre ter um excelente serviço.
Excellente prestation chez Europcar FARO
Pick up and leaving back the vehicle was first class as the staff on site were able to answer our queries and give advice on excesses, additional insurance and additional drivers. The vehicle (Peugeot 2008) was immaculate and drove perfectly.
Staff are very helpful and friendly would recommend.
Übernahme gut, Sehr schmutzige Frontscheibe innen, nach 50 km bereits kein Scheibenwischwasser mehr (war alleweil nur normales Wasser). Rückgabe eine Katastrophe. Unkoordiniert und unprofessionell. Leute wurden mir aus unerklärlichen Gründen vorgezogen. Auto sonst in Ordnung. Mitarbeiter bei der Rückgabe sehr freundlich
Perfect as always!
Oft schon in Faro Autos gebucht. Hier bei Europcar am Flughafen ein ausnehmend angenehmes Team. Können wir mit fünf Sternen weiter empfehlen!!!
Very very disorganised. Over 1 hour wait on priority list. Didnt receive the car I ordered however I was offered loads of upgrades with additional costs which I refused. I would have walked away only I had no other option but to take what was offered. Customer service and attitude of some staff was very very unprofessional for such a big company. No where on the website to make a complaint bar an automated response from the website. Have used numerous times in the past but I wont be using going forward.
Fast, friendly and competent service, both at car pick up and return
I took a rental from Europcar but i booked it through Economy i chose the option WITHOUT premium insurance but for some reason the guy at the europcar desk in the airport decided to put it on my car and not tell me about the charge once I ve bot seen on my bank statement I ve been charged and i spoke with europcar and they said we can t do nothing about it. PLEASE BE VERY CAREFUL this is how they deceive people to make extra money. I will never use this company again. Sixt avis budget are close by to this trash company by Faro airport. What I ve highlighted in red is where the man pointed to and said 0.00 for premium he clearly said you wont be charged and made me sign the paper then they back stabbed me and took the money from my account which is the second picture attached you can see economy then the final charge for the premium insurance. Well done Europcar
Bei Rückgabe ein Schaden angekreidet, der eigentlich von einem gebuchten Schutzpaket hätte aufgefangen werden müssen. Bei Kontakt heißt es, es gibt einen ganz anderen schaden, von dem nie die Rede war. Endloses hinterher gerenne auch beim deutschen Kundenservice, die die Zuständigkeit von sich weisen, sodass man selbst Kontakt ins Ausland aufnehmen muss.
We had booked a Peugeot 208, but we were given a Peugeot 2008, a great car. Igor, the agent in the office at Europcar at Faro airport, was extremely helpful. He explained everything about the hire of the vehicle, he was very professional, he is an asset to Europcar. The whole process took no more than 15 minutes from arrival until we departed in the car. Highly recommend this company.
Agence à fuir!!!! Je confirme tous les avis négatifs! Employée d origine turque malhonnête qui m a forcée à prendre une assurance si je voulais prendre ma voiture. Ma location m a coutée plus du double du prix (près de 400 pour moins d une semaine et une voiture basique). Prix exorbitant pour un mois de mars. Parlant couramment portugais, j ai tenté de m adresser à un autre employé. Mme s est levée en courant pour interdire au collègue de gérer mon dossier. J ai également eu des soucis une fois rentrée en France. Plus jamais je ne passerai par cette agence et je la déconseille très fortement !!! Louez auprès d autres loueurs, ils seront moins chers et plus sympathiques
Bonne expérience de location avec Eurocar à Faro, Portugal. Nous avons obtenu un upgrade sans frais.
Great customer service.
Everything was efficient picking up and dropping the car
Such a rare great experience for car rental. Everything was well organised and friendly with no grubby upsell, return was the same. Love it
Ótimo atendimento pelo staff e a experiencia com o carro superam as taxas cobradas. Super recomendo!
Excelente atencion y el carro en muy buen estado
Très bien mais un manque de transparence lors de la restitution du véhicule : lemployé fait le tour, rempli les documents, vous demande de signer et cest tout. On ne vous remet aucun document... Jai demandé une facture et heureusement parce que lerreur est humaine mais ils allaient me facturer un plein dessence alors que je lavais fait juste avant de rendre la voiture
to change maindriver is not possible. extra cost 9 euro a day!
Guten Tag, ich habe gerade in den Buchungsunterlagen gesehen, dass keine Debitkarte akzeptiert wird. Leider habe ich keine Kreditkarte. Gibt es dafür eine Lösung oder muss ich die Buchung stornieren? Viele Grüße
Angenehme Abholung, freundliches Personal, Auto ähnlich dem Bestellten. Auf Anfrage wegen leerer Schlüsselbatterie wurde diese sofort in wenigen Minuten getauscht. Alles in Ordnung.
Great car great price
Found Europcar to be excellent, friendly staff, great car and condition was much better than many companies I have previously used. I would certainly use Europcar again.
Haben unseren Mietwagen bei Arife abgeholt. Sie hat uns jegliche Zusatzleistungen aufgeschwätzt, geraten eine Versicherung, welche über gelaufen wäre zu kündigen, was rückblickend eine falsche Entscheidung war. Als wir sie damit konfrontierten meinte sie da habe ich wohl nicht richtig zugehört was uns in der Situation aber nichts mehr gebracht hat. Am besten bucht man einen Mietwagen über einen anderen Anbieter, Europcar kann ich nicht empfehlen.
Great service and quick to pick up and everything explained. Didnt try to upsell.
Great experience, got deposit back within 24 hours. Highly recommend
Upgraded the car. Got a good deal - I thought. Car didnt work so had to hang around for another. Agreed under £500. Billed my card £800. No damage to the car and full insurance paid for. Thieves!!!!!!! Now challenging the bill. Be careful.
Fácil para reserva, rápido levantamento e o mesmo na entrega. A repetir e recomendo.
Nach 10 Minuten hatten wir unser Fahrzeug! Alle Mitarbeiter waren super freundlich! Vielen Dank, gerne wieder
Vorab: Der Counter ist nicht direkt im Airport sondern davor - ca. 10 Min. Fußmarsch durch einen Tunnel mit dem gesamten Gepäck. Wenn dann nach über 1 Stunde Wartezeit die Übergabe endlich erfolgt, versucht man penetrant Zusatzpakete wie Versicherungen, Fahrzeug-Upgrade, Zweitfahrer etc. zu verkaufen - auch wenn man die Versicherungen schon im Internetportal gebucht hat, wird einem Angst gemacht, dass die nicht reichen würden. Das Fahrzeug selbst war dann ziemlich heruntergekommen, nicht alle Schäden waren vorab markiert und man muß diskutieren und genau nachsehen, dass alle Vor-Schäden auch aufgenommen werden. Denn bei der Rückgabe wird dann sehr genau kontrolliert. Und wehe da ist ein Schaden, der nicht bereits im Übergabeprotokoll angegeben war - dann heißt es nochmals am Counter warten und zahlen. Dafür erhält man dann eine sehr unübersichtliche Rechnung.
Great experience from a big car hire company, which is rare. Staff spoke excellent English which we needed, got the car we expected and return was quick. Always paranoid care hire will say youve caused damage but not the case here. Recommend
The rental and return process is very easy
Übergabe am Airport Counter ( 3 Minuten Weg von Ankunftshalle) lief schnell und professionell. Mitarbeiter freundlich .. Übergabe auf dem Parkplatz ebenfalls professionell. Neues Fahrzeug Fiat Kombi mit genug Platz für ALLES !! Gerne wieder !!
Great friendly staff
Nach kurzer Wartezeit in der Geschäftsstelle bekamen wir unser gebuchtes Mietauto. Die Erklärungen dazu waren verständlich. Auch die Rückgabe des Fahrzeugs frühs um 6 Uhr verlief schnell und reibungslos. Ein kleiner Kritikpunkt: Die Frontscheibe des Autos war ziemlich verschmiert und offensichtlich nicht geputzt, was in der Dunkelheit bei entgegenkommenden Fahrzeugen zu Sichtbehinderungen geführt hat. Wir haben die Scheibe dann selbst gereinigt. Wir können Europcar Faro weiterempfehlen.
If youre looking for a car rental experience that will leave you stressed, frustrated, and out of pocket, then Europcar at Faro Airport is the perfect choice. This is from someone renting from them for over 25 years in both private and business capacity. From the moment I stepped foot in their office, I was met with a level of incompetence and disregard for customer service that was truly astounding. The Waiting Game: Be prepared to queue. And queue some more. Even if youve pre-booked online, the glacial pace of the staff will have you wondering if theyre processing rentals via carrier pigeon. Forget about grabbing your car and hitting the open road youll be lucky to escape within 3 hours. Our flight to Portugal was less than that ! People strewn everywhere in the hope of getting their holidays started. Hidden Fees and Sneaky Charges: The advertised price is merely a starting point for Europcars creative accounting. Theyll slap you with a bewildering array of hidden fees and surcharges, from airport taxes to insurance supplements that magically appear during the checkout process. By the time you sign on the dotted line, youll be paying double what you originally anticipated. And that is nothing until the same fees are sneakily applied post trip. for one week I had 25 eur added to my bill .....but the best was yet to come. Damaged Vehicles and Dubious Tactics: Dont be surprised if your assigned vehicle is riddled with scratches, dents, and other signs of wear and tear. Europcars pre-rental inspection seems to involve a cursory glance and a shrug of the shoulders. And if you dare to point out any existing damage, be prepared for a hard sell on their overpriced insurance options. I arrived home and within minutes of landing I received a damage report for the vehicle - the damage was all pre-existing - the car had looked like it was driven through a field of barbed wire - it was practically new with only 6000 km on the clock. But it was in desperate condition with more scratches than paint. I did my usual thing of taking photos of the car and a video to be sure of myself. But when I challenged the damage report I was told because I left back the car without being present it was their terms and conditions that counted. I sent a few emails including the photos etc to Europcar but it was farcical the response from their customer care team. I am still wondering should I open a consumer case with the authority in Portugal such is the scamming of customers taking place. Total disregard of the fact that I was not responsible for the damage - the documents that they sent were not dated or signed - so no people involved. Customer Service Catastrophe: If you encounter any problems during your rental, dont expect any help from Europcars customer service team. Their phone lines are perpetually busy, and their email responses are slow, unhelpful, and often downright rude. Youll be left feeling like a stranded traveler in a foreign land, abandoned by the very company you paid to assist you. In Conclusion: Europcar Faro Airport is a masterclass in how not to run a car rental business. Their shoddy service, questionable practices, and blatant disregard for customer satisfaction make them a rental company to avoid at all costs. Do yourself a favor and choose a reputable alternative your wallet and your sanity will thank you.
Nicht empfehlenswert. Zusätzliche Gebühren bei Rückgabe (Standortzuschlag Flughafen? und Grundgebühr Mautgerät). Außerdem hat die Versicherung anderst wie vom Mitarbeiter zugesagt 19,30 pro Tag gekostet und nicht einmalig. Insgesamt mussten wir später über 125 zusätzlich bezahlen. Lange Wartezeit beim Auto abholen. Positiv war, dass das Auto sauber war.
Parle plusieurs langues ce qui est pratique , arrivé 1h en retard vers 2h du matin mais attendu quand même. Ça reste cher par contre même si jai pris la dernière assurance.
It was awful as many others have said. Older lady employee lied to us about not needing to fill tank and pressurised us heavily to buy full insurance or even a tiny tiny scratch you get 4000 bill no recourse returned car after paying massive cost and attendant said we would be charged for not filling tank! Deposit not refunded . We are still receiving small 5 pound debits on barclaycard and will take legal action if they don t stop. NEVER use this team or company rip-off city and ruined our break! I have responded with details of pick up 24/8 return 31/8 Faro Airport on 1172860087 advising the booking payment (which should have been 1003-73 euros on collection of mercedes suv) was increased following forced selling from this disagreeable employee to 1449.11 euros on barclaycard plus further debit on 16 sep of £4.57 as stated if further debits appear I will take legal advice/action. Enough is enough. I do not expect any money back just want to forget this debacle. Final comment my wife has just confirmed the 1003-73 on the booking invoice was supposed to cover £2980-00 damage under insurance - the clerk has elevated with threats for us to effectively pay this insurance again - just unreal so an inflated bill of 445 euros which no doubt we will never see - the booking form was given to advisor at the desk in Faro - I think I need to talk to my legal advisor...shocking - Update 17/10 furnished full details to customer service centre - they passed on to Faro Airport who just sent invoices through with my wifes signature - no apology , no explanation why we have paid insurance twice and given the bill in PORTUGESE no idea we were also charged 135 euros to retain a full tank which was not mentioned - or an admin fee of 86 euros - all said, looks like we overpaid 427 euros - but no-one cares - just hope if you read this you will go HERTZ / AVIS anywhere else - dont think we will ever hire a car again now - I will go UBER!
Tout cest très bien passé. Le personnel est rapide et efficace...en plus certains parlent français. Le top, je recommande. A refaire
Agence à recommander ! Accueil , voiture et restitution , tout était parfait
Jai loué une voiture via cette agence pendant une semaine. Mauvaise surprise dès larrivée, nous avions réservé (180 euros ) la voiture, on a quand même patienté pendant 30 minutes avant dêtre appelé au guichet. Le monsieur que jai en face de moi parle un anglais très approximatif, nest pas très aimable et ne ma rien expliqué . Il me pousse à souscrire lassurance ( ce qui double le prix initialement prévu ), ce que je finis par faire vu comment ils ont lair tatillons. Je fais la pré autorisation et on récupère enfin les clés. Pas de soucis avec le véhicule pendant la semaine (C3 récente, propre,moins de 100000kms). Le jour du retour nous la déposons sur le parking, une dame très désagréable commence à faire le tour de façon très pointilleuse. Lorsquelle arrive au niveau de la jauge dessence, qui était 5mm en dessous du plein complet ( jai fait le plein à la station service à côté de lagence , jusquau clac, juste avant la dépose), elle commence à me dire que ça ne va pas, que le plein na pas été fait, et me demande si jai pris une photo de la jauge le premier jour, pas fait hélas, mais ce nétait pas sur le plein complet. Elle me dit ensuite quen cas décart de 3L ou plus elle chargera ma carte ( sans me préciser le montant). Pressée de prendre mon avion, mes amis et moi sommes partis. Jai reçu la facture il y a quelques jours, et de nouveau une mauvaise surprise : on ma fait régler 45 euros pour un écart qui je le sais était inférieur a 3L ..ils profitent bien quon doive repartir et quon ne puisse plus contester. Jai aussi été prélevée de 17 euros pour le badge télépéage (on ne men a jamais parlé ). Jestime que ce nest vraiment pas professionnel.En résumé, mauvaise expérience , qui ma coûté bien plus cher que prévu, passez votre chemin ! Mise à jour: on a répondu à mon avis mais le lien deuropcar pour les contacter par mail ne fonctionne pas, bizarre non ?
Miejsce przepi kne. Jeste my kolejny raz i mam nadziej e nie ostatni. Miejscowo Quarteria oraz Vilamore urocze . Polecamy wszystkim.
Alles komplett professionell und reibungslos. Sowohl bei an- wie auch bei der abmietung. Wenn nun auch die Endabrechnung passt, gibts volle Punkt Zahl
I could not fit two pieces of luggage in the trunk. I had rented a Ford Focus or similar, which showed space for two bags but got a Citroen C3. The interior glass, such as the windshield, rearview mirror, and rear windows, were so dirty that it was foggy all the time. One night I was driving back in heavy rain and the visibility was very poor. I was told that if I had to return the car before 6 a.m., I could simply drive in and drop the car keys in the car collection box. Instead, there were many cars waiting to be inspected, and I had to wait almost 30 minutes, risking missing my flight. If I had known, I would have arrived much earlier. The staff was very friendly at all times.
Rental car is not ready at pick up time. Ridiculous waiting time despite a self kiosk option. Staff is friendly though
Jai loué un véhicule chez eux. Jai pris une assurance complémentaire car je savais que jallais restituer le véhicule tôt le matin... Ils mont facturé le plein dessence sur ma carte alors que je lavais fais juste avant. Jai réclamé mais rien à faire ... Plus jamais je ne reviens chez Europcar...
Urlauber werden beschissen wenn man kein Englisch richtig versteht. Vorsicht bei Europcar Fargo ein Auto zu mieten. Obwohl man now Maut now Autobahn gesagt hat ,bekommt man ein Auto wo ein Mautgeräte eingebaut ist und wir nur Landstraße gefahren sind und dann überraschend 131 im Nachhinein der Creditkarte belastet wurde. Die absolute Abzocke. In Deutschland ist das Betrug.
Hi, ich hatte Anfan Juni einen Mietwagen über Billiger Mietwagen/rentalcars bei Europcar gebucht, da die anderen Anbieter vor Ort alle fragliche Bewertungen hatten und ich Europcar noch von der Firma kannte. Positiv: Die Kollegin (Arrife oder so) am Schalter war super Nett und hilfreich und konnte sogar deutsch. Auch hat Sie nur die Sachen auf die Rechnung gesetzt die wir haben wollten. Sprich nur das gebuchte + die automatische Mautabrechnung. Auto war gebucht ein Kombi. Der Astra Hybrid Kombi war klasse für unseren Urlaub mit Kids und auch die Abgabe und Abholung waren soweit unproblematisch. Negativ: Wir hatten in dem Wissen dass die Autobahnen im Süden meist nur mit Automatischer Mautstationen haben dieses mitgebucht. Nach einiger Zeit kam die Abrechnung die weit über dem war was wir gefahren waren. (50 statt 15 Euro) Ich meine wir wussten dass wir das nicht gefahren sind, nur wie beweisen? Wir hatten das Auto um 08:25 in Faro ausgeliehen und auf der Rechnung war die Erste Mautstation um 10:10 in Bombaral was iwo bei Lissabon liegt. Laut Google ca 3,5h aber nur wenn man Autobahn fährt folglich hätten andere Stationen passiert werden müssen was nicht auf der Abrechung war. Ich dachte klarer Fall das kann so nicht stimmen und muss auch für Europcar so klar sein. Habe den Fall also dem Kundendienbst schriftlich zur Prüfung dargelegt. Es wurde leider nicht drauf eingegangen sondern nur die automatische Abrechnung als richtig angesehen und erneut 2x zu mir geschickt. Wohlgemerkt die Zeiten kommen von der Rechnung von Europcar. Auch das Indiz meines Google Standort Verlaufs wurde nicht akkzeptiert bzw nicht mal kommentiert. Leider konnte man sich diesbezüglich final nicht einigen. Es wurde mir im 3. Hin und her dann gesagt dass sie nicht darauf antworten werden. Tja schade sonst hätte es eigtl gepasst. MFG PS: Da die Standard Antwort der Besitzer kam ist wie oben beschrieben bereits mehrfach passiert Ticket Nummer Europcar über die der Austausch lief: Invoice Reprint - Case #20641471 Wie gesagt ohne auf das eigentliche Problem (den Widerspruch zwischen Start und erster Mautstelle) einzugehen dann gesagt man wird sich nicht einig und das Thema würde geschlossen.
Poor service, tried to hire us a car with broken a broken seat ( had hired a 9 seater, but because the seat that folds to access the last row was broken, to use these seats you would have had to climb over) eventually they got a manager to agree the car was not suitable and then for another to be driven from the lot to the hire place. in the end it only took 3hrs of sitting in their hot office with 2 babies been told the entire time it will be here shortly. Try else where they are terrible.
Sehr gemütlich, super versichert sehr Nette Mitarbeiter kann nur weiter empfehlen. Vielen Dank noch mal Europcar
Satisfeita dos serviços prestado obrigada
Dirty window and lost wallet. I never understood why rentals are not able to clean the car windows properly but I m accustomed to it. At this specific rental I strongly recommend you not to forget your wallet in the car, before you return it.
Wenn das Auto einem Defekt hat, sofort melden. Mitarbeiter soweit freundlich. Auto abgabe sehr einfach.
My first electric car rental. I made a booking with and chose airport, electric as filters. The value offered by Europcar was good for a small fiat e500 for 3 weeks. The service at pickup and drop off excellent, the car had some scrapes but they were all noted OK. The only issue was the final invoice included additional charges, Premium pickup and car charging and was more than the original contract offer. A bit surprising and I thought part of my deposit would be deducted, but it seems these were included in the price paid online to rentalcars at time of booking and my full deposit paid back. So overall great.
Nous avons payé lassurance medium deux fois, une fois en ligne et une fois au comptoir sans aucune raison. Heureusement le retour de la voiture sest fait simplement.
Rented a car here three times in one month. No issues each time. The deposits were relatively low and returned within 3 days.
Facile daccès depuis laéroport de Faro, personnel professionnel. Véhicule neuf
Willkürliche Mautgebührenabrechnung bekommen. Fahrzeug war schlecht gewartet. In Zukunft nicht wieder.
If I could give 0 stars I would. Hired small car, 10 days. Fixed price 152 euros shit car with loads of damage, none extra on return but suddenly rental was 300 euros because we popped into Spain!. That was three weeks ago and suddenly tonight a further unexplained charge of 2 euros comes in. Who knows but I would never hire from europcar again, and I was one of their regular premium customers with loyalty card etc. Cannot recommend the budget companies will give you better service than this lot
The lady who helped me was lovely nothing was too much trouble for her and even stayed after her shift was over to make sure my family and I were ok spoke perfect English too
Excelente serviço!!
Mal wieder ein Laden den man sich sparen kann. Im Reisebüro in Deutschland einen Mietwagen gebucht. Vor Ort erklärte man uns das wir eine Vollkasko machen sollten. Haben wir getan. Auf die Frage was der Rest der Beträge ist erklärte man uns das es nur eine Kaution ist die wir dann wieder bekommen würde bei Abgabe des Fahrzeugs. Ende von der Geschichte: Man hat uns ein Mautgerät mit verkauft (wir haben im gesamten Urlaub keine Mautstraßen befahren und wollten dies auch nicht). Eine extra Versicherung, das wenn wir Nachts einen Unfall haben das wir abgeholt werden . Und obwohl wir ab Flughafen gebucht haben mussten wir (in den ganz normalen Öffnungszeiten) nochmal 25 Euro bezahlen. Fazit, ein Fiat 500 kostet bei diesem Verein über 500 Euro für 8 Tage. Klopft Euch auf die Schulter für Eure grandiosen Mitarbeiter die beschissen englisch sprechen, am Schalter sitzen und keine Ahnung haben was Sie dem Kunden da erzählen. Für die ganz schlauen. Der Vertrag ist auf portugisisch und wir konnten es vor Ort auch mit Handy nicht übersetzen. Wir haben uns auf den erst seit einigen Tagen dort arbeitenden Mitarbeiter verlassen. Nie wieder!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Im März unsern Urlaub gestartet in Faro, wollten nur eben unser Auto abholen am Flughafen. Hatten alles über alltours gebucht. Leider war keine Vollkasko Versicherung dabei. Nach dem Herr Ricardo viel erzählt hat, haben wir uns entschieden die dazu zu buchen für unfähr 150 . Die eigentliche Autogebühr haben wir ja schon über alltours bezahlt. Herr Ricardo hat viel erklärt. Wir haben gesagt wir fahren keine Mautstraßen und brauchen keine zusatz Optionen. Es würde nur der Vollkasko Betrag abgebucht und der Rest wäre ein Pfand. Ich habe auch nochmals nachgefragt und gezögert. Nein, nein es würden nur die rund 150 abgebucht. Es wurden über 300 abgebucht + 25 Gebühr ab Flughafen. Die Kreditkartengesellschaft, konnte den Betrag nicht zurück fordern. Wenn wir den Betrag von alltours und europcar zusammen rechnet, hätten wir eine Limousine oder Ferrari mieten können. Ganz ehrlich, ihr seid das aller letzte. Erst bekommt man einen Fiat 500 der keine guten Bremsen hat und auch noch nach kotze riecht mit sämtlichen Flecken. Die Autos sind mit dem Schiebedach, das letzte voll undicht und laut. Dann bekamen wir das nächste Auto und das war auch nicht besser. Service sehe ich wesentlich anders, es war eine reine abzocke. Ein absolut Enttäuschende Auto- vermietung, die nur auf abzocke aus sind. Wirklich schade
Rapide et pro
An excellent overall car rental experience.
DO NOT RENT!!! Horrible, overpriced, unprofessional, inconsiderate company. We rented from Europcar at Faro Airport in Portugal in Sept 2024. An Opel OP Mokka EV a 24 hour period only. The attendant there suggested we rent an Electric Vehicle. He said it would cost less, and we wouldnt need to have it recharged upon return (we could return it even just 1 or 2%). He explained that the car would be charged to serve us about 400KM. He said that for our purposes (we told him we wanted to drive just around Faro and to Lagos and back) this would be more than sufficient. We let him know we don t normally drive an EV and asked in case we do need to charge the car, could we easily find gas stations? He said yes, we could. But he did not get give us any further information on how recharging works at these stations. He made it seem straight forward WHICH IT WAS NOT. He told us his colleague would show us to our car and explain everything about the car. But the person who showed us to our car did not speak English or bother to explain anything, gave us the keys and left. After driving 50-60 kms on the road, we realized the charge was already at 60%, with less than 200km and draining fast. We realized we would not be able to make it to Lagos and would have to stop and recharge the car. Thats when things went to shit. We stopped in Portimao, and went from gas station to gas station, following suggested stations on the car s GPS and on Google Maps. Not a single person working at any of these stations could tell us how to use their charging machines. They simply had no idea whatsoever. We thought we could simply pay by credit card but none of the machines let us pay directly. All of the stations required apps which we could not download/be used on a foreign SIM. None of the gas stations could offer physical recharge cards and one of them, GALP, sent us to a supermarket chain to buy one. Each location of the supermarket chain redirected us to another location or place, because they knew nothing about the recharge cards. With less than 5% left, we finally found someone (an owner of an EV) in a parking garage who told us about a more flexible app (MILO), and we were finally able to add our payment method, locate a compatible station and recharge the car. Note we attempted to call the company, but it was Sunday and the office apparently closed at 5pm which they never bothered to mention to us. They didn t provide any emergency/alternative number other than road assistance which was only in case of accident or emergency and the hold was so long, we dropped the call. MAIN POINT: Our whole day was tarnished. This goose chase took us well over 5 hours and caused us enormous stress. The falsehood that we would have enough charge, the fact they gave us not fully charged vehicle and did not verify the level of charge, nor provide an orientation of the vehicle and its features, nor provide any information on the EV charging process in Portugal, nor provide alternative numbers to call after 5pm, and ultimately the distress we faced in navigating this situation in a foreign country with limited language ability and the time we lost from our trip (we only had the one day to explore Algarve), not to mention the additional costs incurred needing to charge the car ourselves, and then the COMPLETE INDECENCY to consider our story and provide compensation, after multiple attempts, I give this company less than zero stars. DO NOT RENT.
No hidden fees, Igor is a top men and the service provided was very joyful. Thank you all.
Excellent service,hussle free last minute booking at the desk in Faro.We had the car within few minutes after all the paperwork was done.
Simpatia e profissionalismo. Excelente.
Bonne expérience je recommande
Wszystko niby dobrze ale czekanie na wydanie auta elektrycznego 1.5 h to lekkie przegi cie pó niej wg przepisów na wielu stacjach brak mo liwo ci na adowania bo auto powinno mie kart dystrybutora pr du
Faro airport Got everything as booked. Very friendly and helpful staff.
Nonostante la copertura assicurativa con terze parti, di cui loro sono benissimo a conoscenza, cercano in tutti i modi di farti sottoscrivere un ulteriore assicurazione. Dicasi disonestà lavorativa. Inoltre vi è la piena complicità della polizia locale la quale volontariamente ha inserito la striscia continua davanti l ingresso per effettuare più multe possibili e fare cassa ai poveri turisti (non vi sono rotatorie, non c é possibilità di svolta). Fate dunque attenzione quando riconsegnate il veicolo. Personale europcar se la rideva beatamente.
Gikk raskt med papir arbeid og god service. Anbefales.
Contrairement à beaucoup de commentaires, tout c est très bien passé pour nous. On ne nous a pas proposé d assurance en plus, ils n ont pas insisté (on en avait déjà une comprise), l inspection de la voiture a été minutieuse de notre coté et du leur, au moment des remises des clefs. Pas de problème de caution, pas de dégâts de notre part PS : la dame de l accueil est un peu froide et pas très polie
Staff always friendly and professional, good cars and good value.
A fuir absolument ... ils mont facturé un mois après le retour du véhicule une assurance supplémentaire que je navais pas demandé. Je loue des voitures régulièrement et je nai jamais vu ce type de pratiques frauduleuses. Une véritable honte
Não podia estar mais satisfeito com o serviço, staff super amigável e eficaz, mesmo sendo atendido às 8 da manhã num domingo! Recomendo totalmente e a Europcar será a minha única escolha para aluguer de carro no futuro.
Theres one employee named Marcus that is supposed to inspect and deliver the car for you, who is the most utterly rude and unpolite little man youll ever come across. Appalling way of talking to customers, said something to me and my wife like goodbye, get out of here or something in similar terms or attitude. When I returned the car and mentioned it to another employee I didnt even need to quote his name, she knew who I was talking about and said I know, indeed hes like this. I never experienced similar treatment in any other branch of Europcar. Apart from that, just the regular thing of trying to intimidate you and oblige you to get a higher insurance (I was told there is no Medium cover here, even though I reserved and selected it using the companys website and my loyalty account), and the woman quoting some extra taxes which she wasnt able to point out at the contract when I asked for. Id recommend they change this whole place to a self-service type of place, it would make a better experience for customers. I have written to the customer service to report the above issue and will update this review in case there are any amendments made by Europcar Faro Airport about it.
Location d une voiture en juin, j ai eu un surclassement gratuit et j ai bien récupérer ma caution, je recommande !
Great service throughout...
Great experience of renting a car with them. The only thing that I think couldve been better, was to make it clearer about the Out of Hours pick-up fee of 50 Euros.
Une belle bande de marchands de tapis ! A lorigine 169 , je termine avec une facture de 429 .. Ils ont réussi leur numéro à larrivée pour me faire souscrire leur assurance LCD dont jaurais pu me passer. Prenez le temps de bien lire le devis avant de payer. Léquipe était sympathique et le véhicule correct.
Really professional and easy process at both pick up and drop off. Will use them again.
The ease of pick up and and drop off of the vehicle was good.
Everything was perfect except for the collection of the car at Faro Airport. Had to wait 40 minutes in a queue. Surely you can have more people on the desks at the busy times. Car was super and drop off not too long a wait.
Booking was easy however little bit bumpy on collection of the car. The staff was pushing for bigger and more expensive car as one we booked was not available. If I wonted bigger car I would book it in the first place. It was unnecessary and waste of time and this is minus 1 . Return was smooth and no issues.
The location is underground
Servicio nefasto. Estuvimos esperando más de 1 horas para que nos dieran el coche habiendolo reservado previamente online.
Avevamo richiesto unauto piccola e ci è stata data unauto di livello superiore allo stesso prezzo. Ricevuta rapidamente e in ottime condizioni di pulizia e manutenzione. Anche la riconsegna è stata molto rapida. Capisco che molto dipende dal tipo di copertura assicurativa che si sceglie. Noi abbiamo scelto il pacchetto più completo a franchigia zero, su suggerimento della operatrice il giorno del ritiro. Molto gentile e per nulla insistente, ci ha spiegato i benefici del pacchetto che non avevamo inizialmente scelto (avevamo selezionato quello un livello sotto) e abbiamo capito che il Premium era la scelta migliore per noi a livello costi/benefici. Il pacchetto permette di viaggiare in tranquillità in quanto ogni possibile danno alla macchina verrà coperto da Europcar. Questo ha anche reso le operazioni di ritiro e consegna molto veloci, senza bisogno di ispezioni o checklist. In generale un ottima esperienza. Consigliato per il Portogallo.
Très belle expérience avec Europcar Faro. Nous avons été upgrade sans forcément le réclamer accueil efficacité était au rendez-vous
Staff are so helpful friendly and efficient. Car was immaculate, highly recommend
Freundliches Personal. Unkomplizierte Abholung des Fahrzeugs. Rückgabe schnell und auch sehr unkompliziert. Personal ist direkt vor Ort.Das Auto war top
Nice staff , guick , but car was not full ok. After some days we have change the car. And after that everything was excellent
Personnel pro et sympathique. Faciliter à récupérer et rendre le véhicule...
Alles bestens
Ease of picking up the vehicle. Friendly staff and clean car. We will use EUROPCAR again for our next trips.
Avoid avoid avoid. Were being charged for a crack in the windscreen but its in a completely different location to where the chip was that they pointed out to us when we returned the car. We were happy to pay for the chip, but on the damage report theyve emailed to us there are photos of a crack thats in a completely different location on the windscreen. Im not convinced its even the same car! Scam!! We were so careful with the car, even cleaned it before returning it. So gutted, rubbish end to the holiday.
Fast efficient service
Ottima esperienza, vettura perfetta ed anche di livello superiore a quello richiesto
Escrocs !!! À fuir !!! Nous avons loué une voiture une semaine chez Europcar pour être sûr de ne pas être embêtés. Et pourtant !!! Non seulement à notre retour ils ont essayé de nous faire payer un dégât déjà présent sur un pneu (heureusement nos photos prises ont prouvé que l hernie était déjà faite), mais deux semaines après nous avons eu la mauvaise surprise d un prélèvement de 71,03 . Après contact téléphonique, Europcar nous signale que nous avons souscrit à une assurance à notre arrivé à l agence de l aéroport. Or nous avons répété trois fois notre désaccord pour cette assurance face à une hôtesse insistante ! Malgré tout elle nous a fait signé le contrat (pas écrit en français) à notre insu !!! Scandaleux.
1. takes time 1-3 hours to get your car 2. not really friendly staff 3. AC not working properly, no chance to change the car 4. small scratch at the wheel rim, rarely visible = 60 + 39 processing fee
It would literally be faster to walk to your destination than going through the process of picking up a car here. Hopelessly outdated administrative system, find someone who offers online check-in instead.
ATTENTION ARNAQUE : - Carte de crédit : Refusée alors que jai une carte de crédit dédié - Attente : 2h30 dattente a lagence pour récupérer la voiture - Suceur de fric : carte de crédit refusée, obligatoire de prendre assurance tout risque (prix de la location x2) - Charges injustifiés : 50 de charge a notre retour car retour tardif. Voiture rendue 17 minutes après heure de drop-off (vs 2h30 de retard au pick up) Passez votre chemin quitte a payer un tour petit peu plus cher.
Très bonne expérience, facile d accès, amabilité, propreté et qualité du véhicule, bon rapport qualité prix.
Welcoming agency and employees. Compliant vehicle. Good overall performance.
El proceso fue muy claro y fácil. Elegí Europcar ya que venía muy prevenida porque me habían contado de malas experiencias en otros lugares. Recorrimos toda la costa de Portugal de sur a norte y nos tocó un carro de una gama más alta de la que reservamos. Todo el personal fue muy amigable y devolver el carro fue súper sencillo y nada de mucho papeleo o tiempo de espera. Lo recomiendo.
Easy pickup at the airport
Meidän perhellä oli kaksi varausta Europcarilta. Lentomme oli Farossa 31.8.2024 klo 18.00 Olin Europcarin tiskillä klo 18.30. Saimme auton ajoon klo vasta 21 jälkeen. Meitä ennen jonossa oli 25 asiakasta. Odotimme auton luovutusta yli 3h jonoon saapumisesta ja vauvan kanssa tämä oli todella tuskaista. Todella surkea suoritus. Miksei virkailijoita ollut enemmän tuona iltana palvelemassa asiakkaita? Jonkun pitäisi saada potkut näin surkeasta palvelusta. Lisäksi Europcarin muut työntekijät tupakoitsivat ulkona niin että savu levisi sisälle. Uskomatonta!! Auto oli likainen ulkoa, jolloin vaurioiden havaitseminen oli hankalaa. Auton luovuttaja totesi, että tarkista auto itse. Auton luovuttaja oli todella epäystävällinen. Lisäksi auton tuulilasi oli sisältä niin likainen, että auringon osuessa siihen sopivassa kulmassa tuulilasista ei nähnyt mitään eteensä. Joudin itse pesemään tuulilasin sisältä loman aikana. Maksoimme lasten turvaistuimesta ylimääräistä -tämä oli ok, mutta olisi ollut upea jos ikkunaan olisi saanut aurinkosuojan. Palautettaessa autoa palvelu oli ystävällistä. Tosin auton vastaanottaja löysi siitä sellaisia naarmuja joita ei oltu merkitty luovutuksessa. Ja varmasti en ollut näitä naarmuja tehnyt tai ajanut renkaita kiville. Tämän kokemuksen perusteella en vuokraa autoa Europcarilta enää mistään toimipisteestä.
Atendimento muito muito demorado
Everything went very smoothly
Vettiga hyrpriser och vettig storlek på deposition dock irriterande hur personal på upphämtningsstationen gör allt för att vi ska uppgradera och välja en större och dyrare bil under förevändningen att man har lite brist på de små bilarna. Också irriterande att olika tvingande tillägg tillkommer såsom hyra av vägtulltransponder. Slutligen irriterande att man inte på något smidigt sätt ges tillfälle att godkänna vad man i slutändan blir debiterad utan att det istället blir lite vad det blir. Att vi ändå når upp till tre stjärnor förklaras av att Europcar är ett starkt varumärke som i jämförelse med andra inger någon slags trygghet.
Scammers and thieves. I rented a car for a week to use in ohlao and I brought the car back with no damage whatsoever and a full tank. The employee who looked at the car said everything is good. A few days later I received some invoice only they understand what they mean there, that I won t receive my 250 deposit back. I ve rented cars many times in different countries including from europcar and never have I seen such theft. I am calling them to see what happened and nobody even answers the phone. I will also contact the consumer protection from Portugal about it and will keep posting on social media, this is unacceptable.
Tutto perfetto
I got charged 200 for a tiny scratch on the middle of the bonnet which appeared randomly. Drove the car perfectly. The charge amount is outrageous given the size of the tiny scratch (very light paint work). Stay away.
Do not recommend, almost double orice than they offer at the website, if you dont book through the website first, they offer you car for much more and with their overpriced insurance eventhough we had insurance already arranged from another eu insurance company they dont accept and the best they do not accept debit cards what a scam
Freundlich und schnelle Abwicklung
Go somewhere else. They are scammers. Lack of transparency Do not accept to let the car without paying for a second driver (80 ) only because we were 3 people. They insist on us taking the full insurance saying it s mandatory They insist on us taking the fuel option for 86 . They did not want to tell us if there was any penalty fee for cancelling our booking due to the above circumstances. Go to Avis next door
Je suis extrêmement déçu par le service de location de voiture Europcar au Portugal. À mon arrivée, on m a fortement conseillé de souscrire une assurance supplémentaire, ajoutant 400 euros au coût de la location. De plus, on a essayé de me vendre l assurance la plus chère alors qu une option intermédiaire existait. Nous avons rendu la voiture nettoyée et avec un niveau d essence de 7/8, mais le check-out a indiqué 6/8, ce qui est faux et visible sur la photo envoyée. La facture comprend des frais non mentionnés, tels qu une surcharge aéroport relais, 11 litres d essence supplémentaires facturés à un prix exorbitant, une indemnité carburant de 30 euros et des frais administratifs pour dommages avec une franchise non rachetable portant le total à 130 euros malgré une assurance. Je déconseille fortement Europcar en raison de ces pratiques abusives et des frais cachés. Service client inexistant et aucune considération pour les clients.
Récupération du vehicule plutôt rapide mais lagent au comptoir nous a imposer de prendre le badge telepeage, en nous indiquant que la somme bloquée nous serait restituée au retour du véhicule, si nous nempruntions pas les autoroutes. Javais pourtant indiqué dès le départ que je ne comptais pas emprunter lautoroute, mais bon jai naïvement pensé quEuropcar ne faisait pas partie des voleurs. La voiture en elle même était correct, même si la pression des pneus navait pas été faite puisque 5min après avoir pris la route nous avons du retourner chez le loueur... Il n y a pas eu de problème sur la semaine et le retour sest bien passé...jai cependant eu la désagréable surprise de voir un prélèvement supplémentaire sur mon compte.... Jai déposé une réclamation début Juin...dont jattends toujours des nouvelles. Agence à éviter
Organisation à revoir par manque de personnel. Nous avons eu des frais supplémentaires non prévus au départ, par exemple activation de 15 euros du badge dautoroute obligatoire au Portugal. La voiture correspondait bien à notre besoin. Nous conseillons de prendre lassurance maximum pour éviter tous problèmes lors de la restitution.
Muito bom! Mas mas acho que poderiam incluir o valor durante a locação pelo APP. Após locar pelo app e no momento em que for retirar o carro, você irá ter que pagar 100 de combustivel para caso retorno com o combustivel abaixo do esperado + o valor de seguro que eles te oferecem tanto que acaba aceitando. Caso isso ja fosse cobrado no APP facilitaria na velocidade da entrega do veiculo. Fora isso, tudo muito bom!
Totul la superlativ!
Paid for a more premium car, and instead got an old beatup rental (100,000km+), that had stains on the back seats, dirty and damaged everywhere. Didnt have enough washer fluid, and the A/C was exhausted so it didnt work that well.... and in 35-40 degree heat, thats not great. Also to quote the staff from the pickup: Your car has more than 100,000km so after this its going to be resold, so dont worry about all the damage.... great. At least the drop-off was smooth in Lisbon and I got my deposit back quickly
After reading a lit of reviews, Im starting to understand why we had such a bad experience today when we dropped off the car. We feeled up at a service station by the round about near the airport and the fuel gage showed otherwise. We were told that we had to pay 30 euros due to the fact that the fuel wasnt topped up. We went back to the service station and put fuel in in the value of 6 euros and yet again were told that the tank wasnt full. After asking to speak to a supervisor, a chap come over and checked the fuel and spent a long time looking arround the car and tyres obviously looking for something to pick on. Its not the way these companies should conduct themselves as without costumers they dont exist and the people that depend on the work should have a different attitude and remember that its the costumer who keeps them in work. Please change your attitude and welcome people instead.
Mention spéciale pour monsieur Nuno conseiller à aéroport de Faro europcar au top !
All great from pick up to drop the car fast and noce staff
Très pro merci
This is the worst car rental company Ive ever dealt with. We ended up paying double the price due to hidden charges and deceptive practices.
They forced me to pay for a 2nd driver when only one of us could drive.
It was not bad but the third party purveyors take your money. The rep was very knowledgeable and polite so the people in Portugal get that credit as they are very professional.. The pick up was not good, waited over an hour. They had to switch vehicles bc when you book since it was through a third party we didnt know about the car was too small which Europcar would not have made a mistake on (3 car seats for kids). In any event, they fixed it.
Great rental on site with car upgrade :-) We rented for the second time and were completely satisfied again. Processing at the airport is completely uncomplicated
Muito boa experiência, atendimento impecável, viatura em condições e de última geração, simplicidade na contratação e pagamento.
Nous avons reçu un très bon accueil par Arife lors de la réception du véhicule ! Et la restitution de la voiture a été simple et rapide.
Très très mauvaise expérience avec cette agence de location. Arnaque organisée autour de la tromperie de lusager. Jai loué via internet une petite voiture, moins de 300 euros pour 11 jours. Sauf quen arrivant à lagence on mexplique quil ny a plus de petite voiture, mais que des gros modèles. On me propose donc une alfa Roméo si je rajoute 130 euros au prix déjà payé. Ça va, je dis OK, sauf quau retour on me facture 430 euros, soit en fait le double du prix de base + 130 euros. Scandaleux, sans compter le fait de devoir payer 190 euros si on veut aller en Espagne... alors que des agences concurrentes et à côté proposent ce même service à 30 euros. Bref, je suis client privilège chez eux et aucune réponse de leur part. Je ne remettrai plus les pieds là bas et je vous conseille den faire autant.
Attention!!! BETRUG! Bitte keine Autos anmieten! Nachdem wir 125 bei check 24 bezahlt haben, ziehen die noch weitere 338 von Bankkonto ab, obwohl wir keine einzige Rechnung mit diesem Betrag hatten. Und in der Rechnung haben sie 11 Tage angerechnet, obwohl oben steht der 7-tägiger Zeitraum, wo wir das Auto hatten. Das ist ein Betrug, Europcar verweigert auch jegliche Reklamationen.
BETRUG BITTE AUFPASSEN!! - SCAM ATTENTION PLEASE Hi zusammen, ich hab bei diesem Standort über Aurum Cars (Check24) ein Auto gemietet das durch Europcar vermietet wird. Das war der größte Fehler meines Lebens. Der Urlaub war ruiniert schon bevor er angefangen hatte. Der Preis bei Check24 - 125 für 6 Tage. Zu schön um wahr zu sein. Am Ende wurde das gesamte reservierte Geld der Kreditkarte einbehalten. Hi everyone, I rented a car from this location via Aurum Cars (Check24) which is rented through Europcar. That was the biggest mistake of my life. The vacation was ruined even before it had begun. The price on Check24 - 125 for 6 days. Too good to be true. At the end the bill, Europcar kept the entire amount that was reserved on my credit card. I am still complaining today. Save yourselves the stress, another large provider is certainly nearby (SIXT).
Great service. Very easy collection.
I have Mercedes last week tank you tiago very nice car best 3 day in Portugal
I ve used Europcar twice at Faro and it s always been good. Can be a bit of a wait from when you get your queue number but apart from the usual car and excess upsell pitch, it s all good. Location is a couple mins walk from the airport under the tunnel and your car is usually close to the office which is on site. Would use again.