PAA Rent a Car em Faro

Sitio Vale da Amoreira, Perna de Pau, 8005-514 Faro, Portugal

(29 avaliações)
Tipos de Veículos: Car rental agency
Sitio Vale da Amoreira, Perna de Pau, 8005-514 Faro, Portugal
Código Plus
23Q9+GV Faro, Portugal
Fuso Horário

Horário de Funcionamento

8 am–8 pm
8 am–8 pm
8 am–8 pm
8 am–8 pm
8 am–8 pm
8 am–8 pm
8 am–8 pm

Serviços e Características

Wheelchair-accessible car park Wheelchair-accessible entrance


29 avaliações

Mais Mencionados

price (7) surprise (3) faro airport (2) train (2) desk (2) pay (2)
5 estrelas
4 estrelas
3 estrelas
2 estrelas
1 estrelas
October 21, 2023

Supposedly a local company, but like all rental companies, they also try to scam and steal from customers. They charge €25 to use the “via verde” device to pay tolls on Portuguese roads and when signing the contract they promise to return what was not used. LIE!! They keep the 25€ and when I complained, they told me it was fees that didn't appear in the contract, attached photo. Conclusion, if you rent a car with this company you will always pay 25€ more!

Foto da avaliação
Foto da avaliação
November 2, 2022

Excellent service and friendly staff. 2 locations to return the rental car in Faro which was really convenient. Staff also gave me a ride to the Faro train station. I highly recommend this company.

September 13, 2021

I rented a car for the first time with this rental company and in a "Meet & Greet" manner. First of all, the service was very friendly, both when picking up and returning the car. Despite the fact that the flight was delayed by 2 hours and as a result we landed in the middle of the night (around 02:00 AM), the gentleman was waiting for us at the airport. He welcomed and served us in a very cordial manner. The same kindness and cordiality was when returning the car at the airport car park. I have been renting a car every summer for almost 10 years in different countries and I have never experienced such service. I definitely recommend the rental company.

September 6, 2021

Isnt it amazing i read the previous reviews and think if only. I was left stranded at Faro airport as i landed later than time quoted. They had taken full payment via carjet but still refused to honour the arrangemenr, use a proper firm is my advice. I will be chasing carjet for a full refund and i recomened u avoid this firm.

October 2, 2019

I have used PAA 3 times at Faro. They have always been good value and the cars have always been fine. The staff have always been there to meet me and overall considering the cost the service has been good.

September 9, 2019

The nicest and most helpful car hire company I know. Use them every time. I book direct with them: rates are the same (they won’t undercut their agents) but the service is a bit more personal when you book direct. Charming people, excellent English spoken.

January 18, 2019

Upon initial hire, I checked the vehicle with staff from PAA and noted various scrapes and marks on the car (Ford KA). At the time I observed that the vehicle looked well used and the tyres looked well worn however was unable to spot any real issues of concern apart from wear and tear. Upon returning the car the two representatives from PAA were circling the car before I even had time to turn he engine off and alight the vehicle. Without even saying good morning or hello, within what must have been approximately five seconds, they picked up on an issue with the front passenger side tyre whereby there was a flap of the tyre wall loose. They stated that the damage must have been caused due to hitting the kerb and that they would not rent a car out with this damage to the tyre as it was dangerous. The flap of tyre was hardly visible to the naked eye and how they both spotted it within seconds of the car pulling into the car park seemed miraculous. This made my friend and I instantly suspicious that perhaps they had been aware of this when the car was rented out to me. They also tried to state that a 2nd tyre was damaged and that a mark on the bumper (which I had pointed out to them at the time of hire) was caused by myself however the woman then said that maybe they could just charge for the tyre. I tried to dispute this fact as the car had only been used to drive from the airport, to our apartment and back (approximately 80km in total) and had not been near any kerbs however they would not back down and charged me €150 for the tyre. In addition to this, the staff refused to return the copy of my credit card details to me and it took weeks to get the 1200 euro hold on my credit card removed. I am an experienced driver and drive 80 miles daily for work purposes and have never caused any similar damage to a tyre or car so feel incredibly aggrieved that I am being held responsible for the tyre. I am also disgusted that PAA feel that hiring out a car which they are aware has a damaged tyre is good practise and I'm only thankful that we only used the car for a short distance and therefore didn't have an accident. As two female travellers we felt that the staff from PAA preyed on us and we felt incredibly uncomfortable and intimidated by their actions and I feel very disappointed and ripped off as the car was in a poor state to begin with and having googled the company they have conned others with the tyre scam in the past.

July 25, 2018

I was so impressed with the agent when we picked up the car. He was very thorough and took time to check all the defects/scratches and explained everything in the most efficient manner. When we returned the car, another agent and the same agent came to check the car. Both were so nice and it was so easy and quick to return the car. They made such a difference in our rental car experience which is usually not-so-great. Four stars just because the car and the price were not so competitive and I had the same concern as another reviewer that highway charges would be added later. But, I definitely would give 5 stars to the agent.

Guia Local
September 30, 2024

Bardzo mi a obs uga, wszystko przebieg o bezproblemowo

Guia Local
August 31, 2024

Great service - easy to use, friendly, would recommend.

January 31, 2024

Great people, everything as pomised, very helpful & flexible, good value, highly recommended.

Guia Local
January 31, 2024

Für mich perfekt. Tolle Autos, super Service. Komme bestimmt wieder.

January 31, 2023

Excellent service, recommend

Guia Local
January 31, 2023

Nous avons loué une voiture à Faro mais arrivions en train. Un agent est venu nous chercher à la gare même si ça ne fait pas partie de leurs points de service. Nous avons eu amplement le temps de fairee tour de la voiture pour prendre en note les petites scratchs. La voiture était propre et cétait exactement ce quon avait demandé. Le matin de notre départ, un agent nous attendait à 7h (avant louverture de leur bureau) et est venu nous porter à la gare. Aucun problème lors du retour, le remboursement du dépôt a été fait très rapidement. Un service 5* avec très bonne voiture et excellent prix. Jai vu les commentaires négatifs et jai limpression quils ont changé dadministration parce que cétait vraiment le meilleur service de location que jai eu jusquà maintenant, et je loue souvent des voitures. Merci à votre équipe!

Guia Local
January 31, 2023

Goede prijs kwaliteit verhouding bij PAA Rent a Car. De auto die wij huurden op Faro Airport had ca. 25.000 km gereden en zag er nog goed uit. PAA heeft geen kantoor in de aankomst-terminal, maar wel op het vliegveld. Locatie loket: 22CH+MM Faro, Portugal Ontvangst en aflevering van de auto verliep soepel en door vriendelijke mensen. Ik kan deze verhuurder aanraden en zal bij een volgend bezoek aan de Algarve ook zelf weer bij hen aankloppen.

January 31, 2023

Alors prix attractif sur le site mais à l arrivée à faro on vous demande de payer 20 euros par personne parce que vous allez en Espagne ???plus 30 euros de frais de documents ???puis 18 euros de péage prélevés sur votre compte 2 mois plus tard ?? Évitez de louer dans cette agence !!!!

Guia Local
January 31, 2022

Arriving at the airport we were not given the car even though everything had been paid for and reserved! Démerdé faro you Run away

January 31, 2022

Si javais pu mettre zéro étoile je laurais fait. Compagnie à fuir mais en lisant les commentaires après coup je me rends compte que nous lavons échappée belle. Notre réservation a été annulée alors que nous étions en train de faire les papiers (dans un parking sur une petite table, ils nont pas de bureau visiblement) car nous navions pas la fameuse carte de crédit (perso je nai jamais vu personne en France avec ce type de carte !). Nous nous sommes donc retrouvé sans voiture pour nos vacances... Compagnie pas sérieuse, aucun geste commercial, aucune aide et qui semble être inconnue par les autres loueurs de voitures. Faites bien attention. Pour info, nous sommes passés par wisecar qui nont pas été sérieux non plus. Nous navons pas eu le remboursement des arrhes car nous sommes arrivés après lhoraire prévu alors que notre avion a eu du retard et que nous avons mis 30min pour trouver le parking.

January 31, 2022

Pas daccueil à larrivée comme indiqué on a du appeler et se déplacer sur le parking où les papiers sont faits sur une petite table car pas de bureau. Pour la caution il demande une carte de CRÉDIT et non de DÉBIT ( carte que nous utilisons tous au quotidien ), il facture 160 eur et là par miracle la CB DEBIT refusée jusquà présent est acceptée...belle arnaque bien rodée !! ... Nous avons eu une voiture très propre et récente. Restitution rapide sans problème. Agent daccueil cordial il fait son travail et applique les ordres de sa compagnie PAA RENT.

January 31, 2019

Attendez-vous à des surprises lors de la restitution du véhicule...des griffes et coups qui se multiplient miraculeusement et une facture de réparation aussi arbitraire quonéreuse. A déconseiller.

January 31, 2019

Attention compagnie à fuir ils se comportent comme des voleurs. N hesite pas à facturer des extras lors de la restitution de la voiture. Font honte aux Portugais. Becareful with this company : they behave like thieves. They not hesitate to charge extras not justificated when returning the car. Shame on them!

January 31, 2019

PAA = ARNAQUE ASSUREE Ne louez surtout pas chez PAA et si vous l avez fait dépêchez-vous d annuler votre réservation s il en est encore temps. Au moment de la restitution de votre voiture vous aurez la mauvaise surprise de passer à la caisse des extras non justifiés!!! Des voleurs sans vergogne! Do not rent at PAA and if you did it, hurry up and cancel your reservation if there is still time. At the time of the return of your car you will have the bad surprise to be charge for extras. Thieves shamelessly!

January 31, 2019

Just thieves !! 20 extras because ive returned the car 20 mn BEFORE the schedul !! shame on them !!!

January 31, 2019

Serviço profissional e atendimento muito amigável. O veículo estava impecável. Usarei mais vezes, com certeza!

Guia Local
January 31, 2019

Sehr einfaches Auto mit diversen Macken aber denke ich in Portugal üblich, ohne Hutablage so konnte ich keinen Koffer mit ruhigem gewissen im Auto lassen. Tankregelung so voll wie abgeholt und bei mir leer:-( und mit halbvoll abgegeben. Mitarbeiter bei entgegengenommen nicht ausgewiesen ein fremder Man ohne Dienstkleidung und ohne Übergabeprotokoll entgegengenommen. Den Namen hat er mir nach Nachfrage mitgeteilt (Pedro):-). bis Jetzt noch keine Böse Überraschung alles aber ganz OK