Estrada Monumental 241, São Martinho, 9000-103 Funchal, Portugal
A 7M Rent a Car dispõe de uma frota de viaturas ao seu dispor, com profissionais dedicados para prestar-lhe o melhor serviço. Temos o melhor preço do mercado. Contacte-nos.
Just wanted to add one more warning TAKE PHOTOS BEFORE TAKING THE KEYS. We used their service few months ago in september, upon taking the car back they tried to add additional fee for the scratches were already on the car. HOW DISGUSTING. Luckily my friend took pics the time the handover, otherwise they would've scammed us just like everyone else.
We made a booking through for an automatic suv. Upon arrival and after 2.5 hours waiting (they don't have a counter inside the airport, they come to pick you up in a van) they conveniently didn't find our booking and gave us a 'temporary' inferior manual car full of scratches and promissed to give us the automatic suv the next day. The next day ofc the suv was not available, after losing 2 more hours or so going between the 7m centers. They offered a fiat500 automatic that was not an option for us since we were 5 people. We kept the inferior manual car which was a problem with the angle of the slopes in Madeira. When giving the car back, there was a scratch that was not noted in the form, luckily I had pictures of all the scratches and nothing bad happened. The only plus was that the guarantee was released immediately. I would definitely NOT recommend their services on the island!
With these fellows I had the worst rental service of my life. At first they were ok but when I returned the scooter they charged me 150 euro (all the deposit) for a scratch they could not confirm by any photos. So I wouldn't ever recommend them. There are a lot of other companies around. I truly feel that you deserve a better experience that they can provide.
i dont usually write reviews, but it had to be done, avoid this place if value your safety, had a tire explode in a tunnel going 50 km/h, had to pay 1069 euros for it, said it was our fault, first thing when we called (they answered after 45 min). gave us another car with the same problem
We had a very good experience with 7m! We’ve rented a Class B car and got the Fiat Tipo Cross, which was a really good car to drive in the mountains. The car had some small scratches and they’ve noticed it correctly. The staff were really friendly, spoke good English and the communication went really well. We totally come back to 7m in the future!
We rented car in 7m Rent a Car. Car (ford) was in super conditions, good breaks, we took automatical gear. Price was bigger than average in Madeira (maybe, as google said), but this car worth it. it was closes Car rent to our hotel. Also good manager gave us free ticket for whale watching in ocean, it was good surprise. Next time visiting Madeira i am ready to rent a car here again. :)
My experience with 7M Car Rental was nothing short of frustrating and disappointing from start to finish. Right after a long flight filled with delays, my family and I were looking forward to a smooth car rental process to get us to our final destination. Unfortunately, that was far from what we experienced. Upon arrival, the staff member who greeted us was rude and unaccommodating. Even though we had a crying baby with us, he chose to prioritize other customers who arrived at the same time, relegating us to be the last to be attended to. This was particularly jarring as all of us had been transported together from the airport to the rental office by the company's shuttle service. The issues escalated when we saw the condition of the child seats we had rented. One was filthy, and the other was visibly damaged. Given that a child seat is crucial for safety, it's unacceptable for a rental company to provide equipment in such poor condition. But it didn't stop there. Once we were in the car, multiple dashboard messages indicated severe maintenance neglect. The car was overdue for service by 87 days and had exceeded its mileage for service by 4300 km. Most concerning of all was a warning that the car's brakes were worn and needed to be replaced immediately. This was particularly alarming since we were in Madeira, an island known for its hilly terrain. Brakes aren't just important; they're vital for safe driving. Visually, the car was a mess, showing signs of wear and tear from all sides. To make matters worse, we had originally booked a Mercedes GLC, a mid-range SUV, but were instead provided a Mercedes GLA, an entry-level option. Lastly, on our departure day, despite our best efforts to notify the company that we'd be late due to a delayed return flight, no one answered our calls. When we finally returned the car, we were threatened with late fees. To top it all off, even though we had purchased insurance, we were made to wait for an extended period as the staff inspected four other vehicles before getting to ours. This was yet another inconvenience in a string of disappointments. In summary, the experience was marked by poor customer service, substandard equipment, and a lack of attention to vehicle safety and maintenance. I cannot recommend 7M Car Rental to anyone and suggest looking elsewhere for your car rental needs.
We only had time to rent a car for 1 day and luckily this was possible. We wanted to have a car that could easily go up the mountains and that wasn't too big. This Fiat 500e was perfect for that. The range is about 250km and was more than enough for a day without charging. The car itself was amazing, it was clean, fast and very easy to park everywhere. Would have loved to rent it longer if we could! Picking up the car took about 15 minutes. The wait was not long and you check the car before you go. Same when you return the car. It was all easy! Just remember to bring your passport next to your driver's license, which I forgot at first.
Etwas Wartezeit ist nötig, aber die Mitarbeiter sind freundlich und hilfsbereit. Die richtige Wahl für Wanderer, do sich ein bisschen Verschmutzung nicht vermeiden lässt. Jedoch keine penibel gereinigten Geschäftswägen oder Luxusfahrzeuge. Der Fiat Tipo war sehr gut für die steilen Straßen der Insel geeignet.
Mi a obs uga. Auto si sprawdzi o. Bez problemu przed u y am o jeden dzie i z met na lotnisku. Wszystko ok. Polecam!
The worst rental Ive ever dealt with!!! They are dishonest people! You select a car online and when you arrive to collect it, you are given an old junker that you are afraid to drive. If you refuse, they wont refund the money you paid - read the terms of the contract. I had to go to the police to get my money back!!! Waste of time, nerves and impunity of the owners!!! They are the reason people dont want to come again for fear of being cheated again. Always pick up your car with a witness and record what they say, it can be useful for the police.
J avais réservé une voiture pour 5 jours en octobre via le site pour prise en charge au forum et j ai payé en ligne les 100 de la location. Arrivé là bas , Un temps dattente ! Une seule personne au comptoir. Ensuite nous voulions donner la caution par CB , et là impossible, une carte , 2 cartes jusquà 4 CB refusées . Je commence a m aggacer. On me dit de donner en cash 2000 ! Ou sinon payé l assurance en plus par jour de 20 par jour. Je demande à ce qu on me rembourse ma réservation et que j irai ailleurs. Et là le gars donne un coup de fil et me dis que c est pas possible, me sors ses conditions générales. Bref je me retrouve a payé 20 de plus par jour, soit 100 de plus dans le budget. Pour ce qui devait être une bonne occaz je me retrouve avec une Fiat a 40 par jour . Sinon la voiture était en bonne état. J ai filmer avant de partir tout le tour de la voiture et les pneus avec le gars dessus au cas.
Aj ke nám pôvodnú rezerváciu cez CarJet nepotvrdili, to bola ale skôr chyba CarJetu. Ochotne nám pri osobnej náv teve ponúkli náhradu a auto sme mali do hodiny k dispozícií. Prebratie a odovzdanie auta bez problémov.
Uwaga oszu ci! Wypo yczalnia aut 7M Rent a car naci gn a nas na 647 euro! uwaga na opony w ich autach! Rental Agreement number: 6783 Date of rental: 2/10/2024 Duration: 2-4/10.2024 Sytuacja mia a miejsce w pa dzierniku tego roku. Wypo yczy y my auto, Forda Focusa, z pe nym ubezpieczeniem. Od razu zwróci o nasz uwag , e samochód by ca y przerysowany w prawej strony, wi c skupi y my si na dok adnym opisaniu stanu jego karoserii, eby pó niej nie pos dzono nas o uszkodzenie auta. Jednak, postanowi y my wzi ten samochód, sporz dzaj c wraz z wypo yczalni dok adny protokó usterek. Jednak nie wystarczaj co dok adny jak si pó niej okaza o. Mia y my wypo yczone to auto 1,5 dnia, chcia abym podkre li , e je dzi y my jednie asfaltowymi, bezpiecznymi drogami. W dniu 03.10.2024 r. podczas jazdy drog asfaltow ER1 - Estrada dos Prazeres - w pobli u skrzy owania z ulic Caminho Lombo da Velha w naszym wynaj tym samochodzie pojawi si komunikat o spadku ci nienia w prawej przedniej oponie. Zatrzymali my pojazd i bezpo rednio skontaktowali my si z Assistance 24h wiadczonym przez wynajmuj cego - 7m rent a car, w zwi zku z tym, e mieli my wykupione ubezpieczenie premium - SCDW. Poinformowano nas, e nasze ubezpieczenie nie obejmuje opon i jedyna pomoc zostanie nam udzielona po wyra eniu zgody na zap acenie na miejscu pe nej podanej kwoty - 647 (za jedn opon !). Kwota zosta a nam przedstawiona pobie nie, bez szczegó owej wyceny us ug. Obs uga by a opryskliwa i zarzucaj ca nam je dzenie offroad, co nigdy nie mia o miejsca! By y my mocno ponaglane w stresie do podj cia decyzji tym, e je li nie zgodzimy si zap aci to procedura assistance nie zostanie uruchomiona, a samochód zast pczy nie zostanie nam wys any i e zostanie wszcz ty proces s dowy. Uwa amy, e by o to wymuszenie. Zorientowa y my si , e opony przednie by y w bardzo z ym stanie, poprzecierane, wyje d one z bardzo zu ytym bie nikiem. Na pewno nie by to stan, do którego my doprowadzi y my przez 1,5 dnia je d enia po asfalcie! Kwota jest kosmiczna jak za jedn opon i nikt nie przedstawi nam racjonalnej wyceny. I ta kwota nie by a wymieniona w umowie. Udost pnienie nam samochodu z oponami w tak z ym stanie by o niedopuszczalne z punktu widzenia naszego bezpiecze stwa. Dochodzenie swoich praw w obcym Pa stwie jest skomplikowane i drogie. Wnios y my skarg do wypo yczalni, ale nie dosta y my od niej adnej odpowiedzi, wi c nadal dzia aj naci gaj c ludzi na p acenie za opony, które si po prostu zu ywaj . Udost pnienie nam samochodu z oponami w tak z ym stanie by o niedopuszczalne z punktu widzenia naszego bezpiecze stwa. Obowi zkiem przedsi biorcy - wypo yczalni samochodów - jest wynaj cie sprawnego i bezpiecznego samochodu. Konsument - czyli my - mia prawo wzi samochód w oparciu o zaufanie do profesjonalnej wypo yczalni, bez sprawdzenia go ponad przeci tn miar . Skupieni na opisie uszkodze karoserii - zarysowa itp. (posiadamy dokumentacj fotograficzn ), nie zwrócili my uwagi na stan opon, zak adaj c, e priorytetem b dzie dostarczenie opon w dobrym stanie technicznym Uwa amy, e przyczyn awarii by o zu ycie przednich opon i ich ogólny z y stan. Podczas jazdy nie natrafili my na nic, co mog oby uszkodzi opon . Samochód by w naszym posiadaniu od poprzedniego dnia (2.10.2024 r.), st d przy naszym u ytkowaniu twierdzenie, e jeste my odpowiedzialne za uszkodzenie opony jest nieuzasadnione, Jednostronne uznanie przez wypo yczalni samochodów, e by a to nasza wina i zmuszenie nas do natychmiastowej zap aty 647 euro, nie mia o podstaw. Samochód uleg uszkodzeniu nie z naszej winy, a stawianie nas w sytuacji, e bez natychmiastowej zap aty 647 euro wypo yczalnia nie zajmie si uszkodzonym samochodem, stanowi o wymuszenie, niejako w trudnych okoliczno ciach, z uszkodzonym samochodem, w obcym kraju. Nawet pracownik, który odbiera nasze auto by w szoku, e kazano nam zap aci tak wysok kwot za jedn opon ! Bardzo odradzamy korzystanie z us ug tej firmy
My experience of this branch is that they were very poor. A long wait to deal with the paperwork is not unusual, but of much more concern was the fact that the deposit was debited to my UK credit card twice in error, and the resultant additional card charges and loss on exchange when eventually refunded were not reimbursed to me. The refund took very nearly a week. My complaints were simply dismissed in a cursory manner and no apology forthcoming. I now live nearby in Madeira, and I certainly will not be using them again, especially as I have now discovered that there are plenty of cost effective alternatives on the Island, and even locally in the immediate vicinity. Very happy to provide all of the booking details, in order to avoid the recurring generic and dismissive response from the 7m team suggesting that the review is false.
Sat down, rented a car for the next day, paid and left all within 5 minutes. Pick up and drop off were easy, and the people who worked there were kind.
Wir hatten spontan den Wunsch, einen Roller zu mieten (also am besten vorher reservieren ), und standen nach drei Absagen kurz davor, auf ein Taxi umzusteigen. Zum Glück sind wir zufällig bei 7M und Gregory vorbeigekommen. Nach einigen Telefonaten hat er es tatsächlich geschafft, uns einen Roller zu organisieren. Die Fahrt war großartig, und die Rückgabe verlief schnell und völlig unkompliziert. Vielen herzlichen Dank, Gregory, für Deine großartige Unterstützung!
Dostali sme auto v dobrom stave nebol iadny problém pri preberaní ani pri odovzdávaní auta maximálne spokojný s ich slu bami mô em odporu i
The most unpleasant, disorganized car rental experience Ive ever had. My car was 3 hours late, ruining our travel plans for that day. Dropoff location was unclear, taking us to 3 different drop off locations while making enough time for our flight, and the attendants were extremely rude.
Nous avons loué une voiture (petite Fiat panda) pendant 8 jours. Le jeune fille qui nous a accueillie a été très sympa. Aucune surprise lors de la location. Voiture impeccable (il y avait quelques petites bosses, mais rien de bien méchant). Lors de la restitution, tout rapide de la voiture et puis voilà. Je recommande
Rented Fiat Tipo Cross for two days. New car, 23,000 km, clean. It was a little scratched on the side, so photos or video before renting to be communication. The car drove nicely and took us everywhere without any problems. A completely fine rental company for us. 30 euro per day + 20 euro insurance or a refundable deposit of 2200 euro.
Do not book boat tours with this company. We booked a dolphin tour and without notice the pick-up just did not come. Wasted day.. We got compensated with another tour, when we were there, after an hour+ waiting, it was cancelled. Lies were told about the reasoning, we got no information, not even some water for waiting. Another half a day lost. At first, they did not even want to refund us! All in all terrible organization, would not recommend.
The worst place to rent your car. Firstly, the advisor who handed us the documents, yelled on the phone with one of his colleagues in the first minutes of our arrival at their store, then another colleague took us to pick up the car from their garage. Apart from the fact that the driver drove as if he was immortal, the car was ok but not ideal for the roads of Madeira since it had no power to go up the hills, but after a few hours it simply stopped and thats when the problems started. After severaI attempts (through which we tried reaching out to another phone number that they provided us with, where a very angry lady answered and told us that we cant call her and it is not her business to help us; and after we told her that the 24 Hour Assistance isnt answering she told that that is not her problem and to keep calling that number), we managed to get a hold of the roadside assistance, where they said that someone would come to pick us up (we waited for 2 hours). After that one of their employee arrived who looked at the car and took us to their garage. On the way to the garage we received a message from the assistance on WhatsApp that the battery is to blame and it was our negligence and we have to pay 622 euros, and this was without any mechanic looking at the car. I arrived at the garage and again, I explained to the car park manager, he said that he knows that this company just wants to extract money from people (completely true), and after several hours that we left from that place, we received another message on whatsapp from the car park manager that I fueled wrongly, diesel instead of petrol and if I have the receipt and where I fueled (This was not the case, since we knew that we put the right fuel in the car, but unfortunately I didnt have the receipt because I paid in cash and I didnt even know where I fueled). I received from this man just a video of how some fuel enters a canister with our car in the back... So basically, this rental company had a broken car and wanted to blame us for it, with different excuses and very unpolite and rude employees. The next day we are called by the call center to go and pay for the wrong fuel repair, and when we started asking what this amount that we needed to pay was consisted of, the woman on the phone kind of stopped and didnt know what to say and we knew that this is a scam. They said they needed to change something and kept on saying to go and pay 399 euros at one of their branches. When we asked if we will receive the value for the rest of the rented days back they said sure, no problem. We also asked what will happen if we dont pay, as we no longer want the car from them, we were told that we they will sue us and they will get their money back through lawyers. Since we were on holiday and we did not wanted to ruin it and have anything else with this company, I went and paid the 399 euros. After paying that amount, the company just changed their minds and told us that the amount we were told will be returned for the rest of the days for which we did not want the car anymore, we will not get it. They justified that this is because the value of the repair for the wrong fuel supply is 900 or so euros, and if we want another car, we have to pay the difference of 400 or so euros just for the repair and they will give us another car, if we do not want another one, they will not reimburse us (they would have needed to give us back 400 euros or so). So the conclusion is: for one day of using the car we paid 800 euros, and they tried to trick us into spending more money. Overall, this rental company ruined our holiday in Madeira. They are very rude, and they have broken cars which they will repair on YOUR money, and everything that will happen with a car is entirely the customers fault. This company is very good, NOT. Do not rent from this company if you want a peaceful holiday
Be careful! They accept your booking, charge your credit card, then cancel a few days before the rental, claiming no cars are available. You get refunded but lose the payment processing fees. Better to avoid this company!
Vreselijke laatste dag van onze vakantie gehad, hadden en quad gehuurd voor 1 dag. We konden hem om 11:00 pas ophalen en moesten hem om 19:00 al weer inleveren omdat wij de volgende morgen naar huis vlogen. We zijn om 12:00 gaan rijden naar een uitzichtpunt, via de snelweg en wegen langs de snelweg. Bijna bij ons eindpunt ging de wist heel erg roken en konden we niet verder. We hebben gebeld en hebben 1,5 uur moeten wachten voor er een takelwagen en een auto was die ons terug kon brengen. Ze zouden onde bellen wat er nu gebeurt met onze borg en of we ons geld terug kregen van onze huur. Toen we terug kwamen bij hun verhuur bedrijf nog steeds niet gebelt, uiteindelijk zeiden ze dat de moren kapot is omdat wij op de snelweg hebben gereden, dit heeft niemand ons verteld. Onze borg krijgen we niet terug en het personeel is megaaa onaardig, niet meedenkend en schuift het allemaal in de schoenen die van hun gehuurd hebben. 320,- euro weg gegooid geld. NIET daar gaan huren
AVOID THIS PLACE AT ALL COSTS. A complete scam. They tried to tell us we returned the car to them damaged - a small mark on the bumper that they could not verify wasn t there prior to renting. Charged us 350 for the small mark and 25 for not having the petrol filled up to the exact right amount. We brought the car back 30 minutes early and said we d go and fill it up so as not to be charged the 25 and they refused. A nightmare of a rental car experience.
Stay away from this bunch, they rent cars with maintenance issues then charge customers for repairs claiming they caused the issue.
Auf 7M Rent a car mussten wir über 30 Minuten warten. Der Mitarbeiter war total schlecht gelaunt. Er hat uns 20 extra in Rechnung gestellt und ein ganz altes, zerbeultes, zerkratztes und dreckiges Auto gegeben. Schlimmer geht es kaum!
Wir hatten auf Madeira von 7m einen Mietwagen gemietet (Station nicht direkt am Flughafen) und mussten zunächst 30 Minuten auf einen Shuttle warten, der schließlich nur kam, weil wir bei der Autovermietung nachgefragt hatten, wo der der Shuttle bliebe. An der Station angekommen, bekamen wir die letzte Rübe - sehr viele Beschädigungen am Auto und eine Motorisierung, die für Madeira völlig ungeeignet ist, da man oft sehr steile Strassen hat, die mit diesem Auto nur im 1. Gang zu bewältigen waren. Außerdem erhob - der sehr unfreundliche - Servicemitarbeiter für den Transfer vom Flughafen zur Station eine Gebühr von 20 , obwohl der Transfer laut Vertrag inbegriffen war. Offiziell behauptete der Servicemitarbeiter, die 20 müsse er erheben, da es nun ein Flughafensteuer gibt (die es natürlich nicht gibt). Diese Autovermietung ist nicht zu empfehlen.
Et bah franchement tout parfait. Une arrivée à funchal à 1h du matin. Un appel passer et une personne est venu nous chercher à l aéroport dans les 15min pour nous emmener à l agence pour récupérer une Fiat tipo pour 3 semaines. En excellent état, le tour complet a été effectué sans problème et la remise du véhicule c est effectué de la même manière. Je recommande fortement Merci à eux
NOS ARRUINARON EL VIAJE!! Nos dejaron tirados 2H en el aeropuerto!!! Llamábamos al numero de telefono y no contestaban!!! Tuvimos que ir a las oficinas para que nos dieran el coche!!! Y aun nos trataron de tontos por no ver el logotipo de 7m en el aeropuerto!! FATAL!!! Durante el viaje el coche no funcionaba bien y no nos ayudaron en nada. Nos tuvimos que apañar como pudimos para terminar el viaje!!
DO NOT HIRE THIS COMPANY Old and broken cars not adapted. We met with them and they attended to us 2 hours later. Pathetic customer service. A real disaster.
Je ne recommande pas du tout l agence de location 7M ! 2 jours après avoir récupéré notre Fiat Panda, nous nous sommes fait arracher le rétroviseur dans la rue où nous habitions. Le lendemain, nous sommes allés voir l agence de notre ville. Le gars n y connaissait rien, il ne savait pas quoi faire. Après avoir passé 2 coups de téléphone, il nous annonce qu il va falloir payer 1200 , malgré l assurance premium et sans diagnostic de la voiture et sans regarder ce qui était cassé ! Nous avons reçu notre devis arrangé pour tomber sur les 1200 tout rond 5 jours plus tard et ce, après avoir longtemps bataillés La voiture de rechange que nous avons eue n était pas du tout safe. Le frein tremblait au dessus des 50 km/h et le part-choc arrière ne tenait presque plus. Ils proposent des voitures peu chères mais l accompagnement du client et la sécurité ce n est pas du tout ça !
Worst rental car even. Very bad customer service (treat you really bad and very money driven orientated), bad car conditions (if it was raining, no way you could go up the Madeira hills with that car. Also if you dont pay for insurance, they will point out damages that were already in the car as you made it. Luckily I had photos and videos from when I got it. They say the price is good in the adv, but it is just fishing, you can rent better cars, with better treatment for the same money. Dont ruin your trip renting a car with them. It will be stressing! Corra! Even the employees hate the treatment owners give them (dont receive payment for extra hours and so on, check the sues if you doubt). RUN FROM THIS COMPANY! Answering the company reply: Uploaded a photo of the car I had. Nothing suspicious here or do you think if I didnt have reason to complain I would waste my time here? Instead of arguing that you are not bad on the internet, why dont you improve your service level and treat your customers better? That is how it works.
I booked a smaller car because the streets near my hotel were narrow and fuel economy. They wanted a 1500 deposit on collection too. On arrival I was told that the car I booked wasnt available. They offered me a much larger car which wasnt suitable and the risk of damaging it near my hotel (And losing my deposit) was significantly greater. They also offered me an electric car of the same size I booked but I wouldnt have had the facilities to charge it. I looked at some of the other cars in their garage and they had various knocks and scrapes on the bodywork which didnt look good. Unfortunately I had to walk away and look elsewhere. A whole day of our holiday wasted because of these shysters. Steer well clear! Their agents in the UK are If you book with them for Funchal/ Madeira then youll more than likely get 7M. get their own very special review. You expect things to run smoothly and stress free when you go on holiday! A very disappointing experience and judging by many of the other reviews, I saved myself a lot of bother by walking away.
Just an awful experience. We had to change 3 cars on the first day of our rental. Cars are in bad condition, dirty and have bumps and scratches all over. 7M should change name to rent a wreck ! The owners don t care about the state of the business, so stay away from this company. Lots of good alternatives on the island
Dostali sme fiat 500x auto bolo v dobrom stave s automatickou prevodovkou.Odovzdanie aj prevzatie vozidla prebehlo v poriadku
Terrible experience. (7m car rent Funchal). We booked a jeep trip on Friday (July 12th). The salesman told us that in the price for 55 euros (full day) lunch (buffet) is included. We paid 110 euros for 2 people. When the driver took us from the hotel for the trip, he asked if we were interested in having lunch with others. We said what do you mean? the lunch is included. He said no, you havent paid, everyone else paid 75 euros per person with included lunch. We talked about the situation and what the salesman said to us. He said that its not the first time when salesman says something like that to client. So basically the company scams people. The driver told me to pay for the lunch from my own money (If I would like to have lunch of course) and take the check. With the check to go to the same place where I bought the trip and present them the check of 40 euros (for 2 people) for the lunch and that they should give my money back. After the trip I went back to the place I bought the trip and of course the salesman was not working today. The orher salesman told me to go to the main office (Estrada Monumental Edf.Rodamar nº 241 9000-241 Funchal Portugal) Once I got there the manager told me that its my problem and that I didnt pay for the lunch at first, so whats the problem? (I think they like to act stupid) They said that it might be problem of the specific employee and that they are sorry, but they wouldnt give my money back that I paid by myself for the lunch. And they said you should be happy, you paid for the lunch from your own money 10 euros less (for 2 people) that I would have paid at first to them for the lunch. Thats bad business practice.
Location faite dune petite Fiat pour 5 jours. Récupération à Funchal et retour à laéroport. Impeccable ! Tout sest très bien passé. Les indications claires pour le retour. Javais pris lassurance complémentaire au cas où et qui évite le dépôt de garantie.
****don t rent from this place**** the low prices aren t without cost. They are essentially running a scam. I recently brought back the motorbike I had rented for the last 2 weeks. First of all, they have 0 customer service, the maintenance light came on the day after renting it and they did nothing to accommodate. They also charged 400 for a couple barely noticeable scratches on the plastic. Whatever you do, do not rent from this place!
Been all.over Europe and never seen such incompetence. We booked online, selected a collection and drop off point convenient to us, from their list. It turned out that there is no one in that office, and no one was even going to call us to tell us that, good we called to find this out. We were told to go to another collection point and waited 2 hours there to get the car. Our day was turned upside down. The car had very little fuel in it and wasnt cleaned either. Cheaper than other places, but it turns out that in Madeira cheap comes with compromised day, anger and stress. So, maybe you should try others before going 7M if you dont have a day to waste
We are currently on our holiday in Madeira. The Country and its people are lovely and would highly recommend visiting here. HOWEVER, I would highly recommend that you find any other car rental companies other than 7M!! This morning we were up early to head out on a hike and found that we had a flat back tire. Yes this can happen at any time and should not be a problem. I went to change the tire and put on the spare and was prepared to get the tire fixed myself after our hike. This, however was not possible as there was no wheel brace in the car to undo the wheel nuts. It specifically says in their contract that all normal tools will be supplied. This is a normal tool to change a tire. We rang 24 hrs assistance as it was before 9am and he said not to ring him but to ring customer care which didnt open until 9am. We rang several times after 9am and could not get an answer. When we eventually got through we explained that we just had a flat tire but they had not supplied a wheel brace. From 9am we had sent WhatsApp videos and pictures having to explain our situation. They eventually said that someone would be up to us. We presumed that it would be someone with a wheel brace or a new tire and just switch over the flat one. At 11am we got a call to say there would be someone with us in an hour. At 12pm a TOW TRUCK arrived and the driver who was lovely to us, informed us that our car and us would have to be transported to Funchal, 1 hour away from our hotel, to get the car repaired. He understood it was silly but that is what he was told to do. So we loaded up the car and ourselves to the 7M garage in Funchal. Arriving at 1pm we were told that they were on lunch until 2pm so we went and had lunch. We arrived back at 2pm and the mechanic, who was also lovely, said that the puncture repair was done and that we owed 7M 240 for the tow and the tire repair. We argued for over an hour with several offices on the phone that we did not need a tow and that they had not supplied the wheel brace with their car. We eventually had to pay 130 for a puncture repair. We also asked when leaving could we get a wheel brace and they said no!. We drove the hour back to the hotel as the whole day was wasted to fine that the tire was going down again and the repair had not worked!!!!!! We immediately rang customer service again and they wanted us to drive back down to Funchal tomorrow morning again to get it repaired. We said how can we do that on a flat tire and we paid 130 and wasted a day of our holiday on a simple repair which was not done properly and still didnt get a wheel brace. We have asked for a refund for the tire that was not properly repaired and we asked for someone to come and change our wheel tomorrow morning or a replacement car as we are not wasting 2 days of our holidays over this. So watch this space for an update!!! To finish, I would SERIOUSLY RECOMMEND ANY OTHER COMPANIES OTHER THAN 7M.
Service acting like they have some symdroms, after all 0 help with questions, bikes in very bad coonditions
VAMOS A PONER UNA DENUNCIA Somos un grupo de siete que vinimos a Madeira cinco dias y alquilamos dos coches. Nos dieron uno de marchas y uno automático, y el de marchas se rompió al día y medio de usarlo. Se rompió el embrague en mitad de la carretera y nos quedamos tiradas a las 20h sin poder contactar con la compañía porque no nos cogían el teléfono (que se supone que es un numero 24h) Por suerte la asistencia en carretera nos encontró, nos confirmaron que el embrague se había roto y pudieron ponerse en contacto con la compañía. Dijeron que iban a mandar un taxi y que no sabían cuanto tardarían. A la hora todavía no había venido nadie, estaba anocheciendo y llamamos al 112. Nos enviaron a la policía que volvieron a intentar contactar con la compañía. Pasaron dos horas más hasta que la policía nos dijo que les entregasemos las llaves del coche y que al dia siguiente fuesemos a recoger otro coche. Volvimos a casa a las 23:30 de la noche sin haber tenido noticias de la compañía. Al día siguiente fuimos y nos negamos a pagar los daños que nos exigían por un fallo que no era responsabilidad nuestra. Nos dijeron que el coche era nuevo y les pedimos que nos enseñaran los papeles. Se negaron, dijeron que era algo interno de la empresa. Nos dijeron o pagáis los daños u os quedais sin coche. Nos negamos a pagar y perdimos los 200 que habíamos pagado por el coche para el resto del viaje. Ellos aludían a que los fallos mecanicos no eran responsabilidad suya, pero son todo fallos que no se pueden ver a simple vista (embrague, caja de cambios, motor, batería). Es un contrato lleno de trampas y redactado a mala fe. Podríamos haber tenido un accidente grave y la empresa se lavó las manos. Vamos a poner una denuncia. NO ALQUILÉIS EN ESTA EMPRESA
Ich war einer guten Woche da. Es ist furchtbar. Ganz schlechte Organisation. Ich bin dann zu einer anderen Autovermietung gegangen.
NO ALQUILAR, HAN ARRUINADO EL VIAJE Somos un grupo de 7 personas que hemos alquilado dos coches con esta compañía. Uno de ellos, un dacia jogger, nos falló al día y medio, dejándonos tirados en la carretera, con el peligro que conlleva también un fallo mecánico en una isla como Madeira. Sobre el supuesto servicio 24 horas no supimos nada ni recibimos ningún tipo de asistencia, dejando a 3 personas tiradas por la noche hasta que la policía se hizo cargo de la situación. Para nuestra sorpresa, solo 1 hora después de llegar a casa esa misma noche y con el coche tirado recibimos una llamada diciendo que tendremos que pagar el daño que habíamos causado, sin saber nada acerca del informe del mecánico. Y tras ver más reseñas descubrimos que era su modus operandi habitual. A la mañana siguiente nos mareaban de un lado para otro pasándonos una factura de 850 como comprobante, sin informe mecánico, diciendo que no nos darían otro coche a menos que pagásemos este daño, apoyándose nada más en las clausulas de un contrato abusivo que anulaba cualquier utilidad del seguro premium contratado. Tras hablar con los policías de varias ciudades de la isla, decidimos que lo mejor sería contratar un segundo coche, perdiendo así el dinero de los 3 días restantes y sin compensación por un servicio nulo y el peligro del fallo mecánico. Ahorraros el mal trago, ya que a nosotros han estado muy cerca de destrozarnos el viaje.
Un lundi matin nous nous rendons à lagence 7m pour louer un véhicule. Noté 9,5 sur Booking. Le jeune homme qui effectue les formalités des clients déjà présents n est vraiment pas sympa. Nous effectuons néanmoins la réservation et le paiement pour 3 jours avec l assurance pour une Ford Focus. Le soir nous venons prendre le véhicule avec un accueil aussi déplorable. En faisant le tour du véhicule nous remarquons que les pneus avant présentent de grosses déchirures (voir photos) avec un danger évident d éclatement. Le jeune nous dit que les pneus sont bons et récents! Nous indiquons que nous ne prendrons pas un véhicule dans cet état. Il fait donc venir une autre Focus et ... pneus aussi abîmés. Nous indiquons à nouveau notre refus et là cela s envenime Il ne veut rien savoir. Nous demandons l annulation de notre location et le remboursement. Il refuse. Nous indiquons que nous ne quitterons pas l agence. Il est très énervé. Nous demandons à parler au directeur: refus. Finalement après 3/4h un Suv automatique nous est apporté avec, cette fois, des pneus acceptables. Néanmoins 3 alarmes: sous gonflage des pneus, niveau de lave glace et piles de la telecommande. Cette société de location se fiche éperdument de la sécurité de ses clients. Du jamais vu depuis des décennies que nous louons des voitures. A FUIR
Very good
Absolutnie nie polecam, zosta am oszukana, auta ani pieni dzy brak
Nigdy wi cej. Pieni dze wzi li, auta nie dali
Najgorszemu wrogowi bym nie poleci oszu ci i z odzieje
Nie polecam dosta em samochód bardzo w z ej kondycji z ysymi tylnymi oponami które zagra a y mojemu zdrowi na górskich szlakach. Jak powiedzia em o tym obs udze to zapytali czy sprawdzi em ci nienie wsiada by o e w oponie by o powietrze porostu by a stara i zu yta. Nie polecam
, , 5 . , .
Obs uga bardzo uprzejma i ch tna do pomocy. Samochód rezerwowali my i op acili my online. Wypo yczalnia mailowo prosi a o przes anie ID oraz prawa jazdy przed odbiorem wi c tak zrobi em, ale na miejscu okaza o si e i tak nie maj tego w systemie wi c odbiór auta si wyd u y . Samochód niby ok, ale w Pandzie nie by o nawet radia. Samochód nie posiada tak e adowarki na USB oraz uchwytu na telefon. Obecnie to jest standard. Sprz g o w samochodzie raczej ju na ko cówce bo ha asowa o. Samochód raczej w dobrym stanie. My l , e mog poleci , ale jest troch niedoci gni a brak radia w samochodzie to jaki art.
Bonjour, nous avons loué une moto durant trois jours avec cette agence et nous avons été très bien servi et accueilli. Le véhicule était en très bon état et l accueil de perception et réception était simple et rapide. RAS de notre côté ! bonne expérience avec cette compagnie.
Hired a Fiat Panda for two days on the 10th June 2024. Engine gutless, Gearbox U/S and worst of all brakes totally failed coming down a very steep mountain road. Luckily car stopped using first gear and hand brake. A death trap that should not have been hired out. Cars by 7M obviously not seviced and company has no regard for customers safety
We have received a quite damaged car, it seemed that it was just out of some accident - major scratches all over the car, even on the roof, many bends and the back light completely shattered. The airport office did apologised for this inconvenience and assured us, that it should not be like that, but unfortunately at that moment they didn t have any other cars prepared for us, so they advised us to visit the Funchal office the next day and request for a car change. The next morning we have arrived to this office in the Funchal and were warmly welcomed by a completely unprofessional employee. He was working alone and greeted us already outside. After hearing just a few words, he got quite aggressive - I don t know what you want from me, we don t have not scratched cars, if you want better - pay more money, all our cars of this class are a PIECE of CRAP, I am not the owner of the company . Such a pity that in this moment it didn t come to our minds to record the conversation - hard to believe it can happen, but he was very arrogant, mean, laughing in our faces - a complete disaster. After asking for his name, he did introduce himself as Rickie, which in the end we found out was fake. So, sending you the warmest wishes Lewis/Louis/Luis (we did manage to get a real name after, just not sure how it is written). Hope, that the management can book some customers service trainings. :) Eventually we managed to get another car even though he said that it is not possible. Replacement was better (we only wanted to not have a car with major damages, especially not with a shattered back light). The mood was completely ruined on the very first day of our vacation. If I could I would rate it a 0.
Avoid them at all cost, they are a shame of Madeira
Worst car rental experience renting a car with these crooks, not even did I got a dirty scratched car with broken fuel door, I have been threaten with a police uppon returning a car as I been asked to pay 25 eur because a fuel cage indicator was 1mm in different position as when I got car, which wasnt with a full tank to start with, the car park was way outside the airport so had to walk for over 10 minutes as I was ignored completely and never offered a lift. I been shouted at by Pedro the big boss as they kept threatening me with a police, I wasnt scared of any police the only reason I walk away because I been getting late to my flight. 7M car rental is a bunch of scamers, never again would I choose them.
Staff at location Marina Shopping is terrible. Everyone can have a bad day, but they got a view chances. No greetings, no explanation about the car, when you ask for it you get rolling eyes. I told the person that s it not oke how he treat clients. Reaction: whatever! and he walked away. I thought it was reason to let 7m rent know how they re staff is treating (and losing clients) no response at all!
Joanna wanted me to say she was not good she was the most attentive and friendly person we have met. She organised a car for us within minutes of walking through her office door. Will definitely recommend to use this company any day
Great car rental company with affordable prices and excellent service. Diogo was very helpful!
We booked a car online to be delivered by 09:00 to our hotel slightly outside of Funchal and to be returned a couple of days later at a hotel in Porto Moniz also at 09:00. This was confirmed by 7m rent a car by email. On the day of the pick up, no one from 7m Rent a Car showed up at our hotel. When I called around 09:30, the lady on the phone told me that they only start working at 09:00 and therefore wont be able to deliver a car by 09:00. Why is it then even possible to book that delivery time on your homepage and why do you confirm that if you know it isnt possible? The same problem happened when we wanted to drop off the car. No one was there at 09:00 even though I especially asked during the pick-up if this will work for the drop off. This time, also no one answered the phone until close to 10:00. Again, I was told that they wont start working before 09:00 or sometimes 10:00. The car itself was in a desolate condition. Hugh marks from crashed on both sides and the left front light was broken. When starting the car, every time various warnings showed up and the key battery was low from the time we received the car. All in all, I cant recommend 7m Rent a Car at all and will personally avoid it at all costs.
Ca y proces przebiega sprawnie i bezproblemowo. Obs uga by a bardzo profesjonalna i pomocna, a samochód, który wynaj li my, by w doskona ym stanie, czysty, zadbany. Na pewno skorzystam z ich us ug ponownie i mog mia o poleci
Freundliche Angestellte, gute Fahrzeuge zu fairen Preisen
Very positive experience. Last minute booking, got car with 7000km. Very kind personnel. Would recommend!
I rented car from 7M a lots of time always I get the best service from them. But today what s happened with me? it was terrible and unbelievable! I take car from funchal yesterday when i go to return their car today, there has no parking space. And the service manager told me to return the vehicle any other branch so that i drive the car to lido branch from funchal. And the lady who was in this branch she was too crazy and very rude, her talking style was very rude i can declare that she is mentally abused or racist. She charged me extra 40 euros!! And claimed a little scratch which one happened before it was not happened by me. For the fuel and dirty car as a reason she charged 40 , those reason was too weak and it s unnecessary.
Haben über Discover Cars ein Auto bei 7m gebucht. Schnelle Abholung des Fahrzeugs am Flughafen (man wird mit einem Kleinbus abgeholt und dann zum Parkplatz 6 gleich beim Flughafen gebracht wo das Auto übergeben wird). Sehr freundliche Mitarbeiter. Hatten 2,5 Stunden vor unserem Heimflug eine Panne, der Support war bemüht und sofort Hilfe zu schicken. Diese ist auch sehr schnell gekommen und wir haben dann unseren Flug noch erwischt. 7m ist die größte Mietwagenfirma auf Madeira, wodurch auch der Support sehr gut ist! Ich kann 7m uneingeschränkt weiterempfehlen!
Alles war in Ordnung und das Personal war freundlich. Gerne wieder!
The staff is very rude!! Do not use this service! They are arogant, misogynist and probably even racist! If you have a problem they are trying their best to blame it on their clients! The worrst service ever.
Hyrde motorcykel och bil. Gick bra och vi är nöjda.
Bitte Wartezeit mitbringen. Wir waren an der Stadtstation in Funchal. Vor Übergabe wird sehr sorgfältig dokumentiert welche Schäden am Fahrzeug vorhanden sind. Rückgabe schnell und unkompliziert in der Nähe der Marina.
We booked a car in advance via DiscoverCars. Both pick-up and return of the car went smoothly and quickly.
On a loué une voiture pour 3 jours . Nous avons eu un soucis avec, jai du payer 590 euros supplémentaires malgré lassurance premium. On nous avait dit quon recevrai les factures de la location ET des réparations dans les 3jours qui suivent. Ça fait maintenant quasiment 1 mois et je ne les ai toujours pas donc je ne peux pas me faire rembourser. Jai envoyé 2 mails et toujours sans réponses à ce jour !!!!
Easy and fast. The car was great!
Wir hatten kurzfristig ein Auto gemietet. Auf Madeira hatte 7m Rent a Car den besten Preis und vor allem ein Auto verfügbar. Die Abholung in der Stadt erforderte leider viel Wartezeit, bis wir das Auto hatten. Auto war sauber und hatte kaum Beulen oder Kratzer und ließ sich gut fahren. Die Abgabe am Flughafen war unkompliziert und schnell. Wurden sogar kostenlos zum Terminal gefahren. Die Kaution fand ich schon recht hoch.
Bastante prestável o Sr Hugo Fernandes, merece o reconhecimento pelo trabalho desenvolvido com a minha reserva.
Ils vous appâtent avec un prix de départ faible sauf qu ils vous OBLIGENT à prendre l assurance ! Le prix double finalement ! ATTENTION à l arnaque ! Preuve par mail que sans l assurance ils ne vous la loueront pas !
Booked the car hire on line and received a 10% discount. Car collection and drop off from Madeira Forum was seamless and quick. Would highly recommend 7m car rental and will definitely use again.
Nous étions septiques au vue des avis. Nous avons loué via la plateforme discover car avec assurance complète par discover car et non directement 7m , ce qui nous a contraint à laisser une caution de 2200 avec carte de CREDIT, mais tout cela était bien mentionné sur le site. Aucune surprise donc. Voiture récente et assez puissante pout rouler sans problème à madère, en bon état. Nous avons été récupérer à laéroport à lheure prévue (23h). Véhicule récupérer très rapidement et de nuit donc le monsieur qui nous à récupérer nous a dit de linspecter à la lumière le lendemain et de prendre video / photo en le contactant si des rayures nétaient pas mentionnées sur le contrat, ce qui a été chose faite (simple rayures de la jante mais on ne voulait pas prendre de risque, je vous conseille de bien tout regarder même ce qui vous paraît minime). Aucun soucis la dessus. Restitution rapide sans prise de tête. Vraiment parfait et sympathique du début à la fin.
We rented a car for 3 days and did not regret it! On the second day, an unpleasant situation happened: the car was parked and someone broke the mirror. We were worried that they would blame us and charge us a large amount for repairs, but in the end they changed our car at no extra charge and even upgraded us! Now in Funchal we will only rent a car there)
i was disapointed in their service. the car was not what i asked for and in a bad condition (goes left everytime i dont hold the steering wheel well), no air conditioner works, a weak engine (struggled to get to fanal) , and when i asked to change it, they gave me a worst choice (broken reflection light, brakes make weird noise, even one of the park staff mentioned that they were ashamed by delivering the car in that condition to a customer ... i have never had this issues with other rental companies in madeira . PS: the guy in the office lacks the skill of satisfying a customer . ruide in a way
Booked a motorcycle about a month in advance. Arrived with my confirmation and was told they couldnt find my reservation. They then informed me the bike I booked was away for repair (had been off the road for weeks) and to pick another. All the other bikes were of a different style, reluctantly I chose one. This one would not start! The 3rd bike started and i set off. 10mins later i discovered it would not run properly and had a gearbox issue. I had to return the next day. It was 2 days of my holiday wasted. Oh, and Im not even going to talk about having to wait over an hour to be spoken too. Every time i went there it was a nightmare with overwhelmed staff. There are other hire companies that are of a similar price. Choose them.
The car rental is great but they have hold on to my credit card deposit of 1.500,- already since the end of November. I would get it back in December. I called and emailed them but two months later I still dont have the money back. They also dont respond to my emails so Id recommend to rent at another place.
I rented a car from 7M Rent a car at the Marina Shopping Center. I had a great experience. The staff was friendly, efficient, and very helpful. I got an excellent car that was in great condition. It was a pleasure to see Madeiras beauty with my rental car.
Wszystko ok.Bardzo sprawnie, autka w dobrej kondycji.Tylko dziwne e p ac c full ubezpieczenie pan ogl da auto z ka dej strony.Nieco to poni aj ce dla zawodowego kierowcy który mimo wszystko za o y e jest amatorem i zap aci jak nale y .
The only one thing I did not like is collecting car process as they dont have on airport office,but the price they offer make up for it and the whole experience was good
Tres bon accueil. Bons prix .Tres rapide pour avoir la voiture que je nai pas encore rendue
Totalmente recomendable. Rápida gestión. La recogida y la entrega la realizamos en el aeropuerto pagando un costo adicional mínimo.
Péssimo serviço, aluguel um carro no dia 22/02,na Rua do Carmo,e como ia ficar no hotel do centro, disseram que o podia levantar aí,mas quando lá cheguei informaram que não podia levantar,e tinha que ir ao shopping lido, fizeram me andar a pé para o lido,e quando lá cheguei , disseram porque é que me fizeram andar a pé para o levantar quando o podiam ter feito na Rua do Carmo, estava também comigo uma Senhora com Parkinson e eu com 73 anos,muito mau serviço. Em resposta ao seu comentario ,alguem mentiu ao Senhor porque é verdade que a reserva foi feito online,mas tive o cuidado de ligar 2 vezes até penso que falei com o Senhor tiago para confirmar e disse me que não havia necessidade de ir ao shopping da marina ,dado que eu ia ficar no hotel carmo,podia levantar ai o carro,e nunca foi mencionado que iam levar o carro á rua do carmo,eu até sai de lá amargurado,disse ao Senhor que tinha uma certa idade,e ele (nunnnnca )mencionou o que o Senhor está a dizer,pois fique a saber que não foi decisão minha,ele disse me que era á volta de 15 minutos até lá chegar andar a pé.MENTIRAM eu fui á madeira para desfrutar e não para me chatiar(acha que eu ia inventar esta historia só por 1 dia de aluguer e com tantas inverdades á mistura dos vossos funcionarios)vou ficar por aqui porque não tenho pachorra tambem já fui funcionario e agora estou a desfrutar a minha reforma.
. . . !
Serviço excelente. Ficámos muito satisfeitos com o serviço atencioso e disponível. Recomendo e voltarei a alugar por esta empresa, caso haja nova oportunidade.
Fraud. I do not recommend to anyone. It started with the transfer from the airport. A nice lady informed me that I cant take my family but I have to leave them at the airport and then pick them up myself (they waited over 45 minutes). Even though I paid more online for a bigger car, the owner on the phone said that there is only a panda and if I dont like it, dont take it (the family is waiting at the airport all the time so I had no choice)The car is in a terrible condition, dented on all sides, with a not very nice smell from the air conditioning. I also recommend reading what you are responsible for if you take the car from them. ( refill oil, water, check tyres pressure) I started my holiday very badly because of them and lost some money, so I do not recommend Edit: You, the owner who put me in this unpleasant situation, when you pay for coffee with a cake and only get coffee, are you happy? You were just impervious on the phone and now in your answer, which shows that I will advise everyone against this company.
De auto was niets mis mee maar de organisatie wel. Bij aankomst niemand die aanwezig was. Na 20 minuten wachten gebeld. De man wist van niets maar zou komen. Na 15 minuten was hij er, toen moesten we eerst mee om alleen maar een handtekening te zetten (??). Eindelijk konden we vertrekken om na 15 minuten weer gebeld te worden dat we moesten terug komen. Gedaan omdat hij dacht dat we niet hadden betaald. Ik heb het afschrift laten zien dat dat wel zo was. Uiteindelijk dus n uur vertraging gehad. De auto (VW T- Cross) was goed. Niets mis mee en het inleveren ook niet.
After two days of renting our car, it got some issues. We went back and basically got a replacement immediately. Great service.
Ich habe heute morgen ein Töff gemietet, nach 2 std der Motorrad bleibt Stillstand. Nach zwei Stunden haben sie mich abgeholt und der Motorrad abgeschleppt. Sie geben mich die Schuld das ich der Kupplung das Motorrad kaputtgemacht. Sie wollen die gesamt Kaution die 800 Euro abzogen. Ich habe die Polizei angerufen. Ich empfehle niemand hier, soll er etwas Mieten Töff oder Auto bei diese Unternehmer. Ich habe hier ein schlechtes Erfahrung gemacht habe.
Very satisfied. Rental for 2 days class B cis insurance. The car was new
Bardzo polecam biuro do wynaj cia auta. Dostali my nowiutkie auto z przebiegiem 700 km, które bardzo dobrze sprawdzi o si w górach i na czasami niebezpiecznych drogach wyspy. Obs uga szybka, mi a. Wszystko by o na czas. Polecam
I reserved a car at the 7M Rent a car agency a month before my trip to Madeira and I did not get it and also they did not answer on my calls. I do not recommend the agency.
Perfect customer service !!!!!!Special Thanks for Nicol !!!Amazing person .See you next time sure!
Obsluha i cena za pronájem bez problém auta trochu pobouchaná, ale funk ní nelekejte se pokud budete mít na brzdách patné kotou e , p i t ch kopcích by je museli m nit skoro po ka dém p j ení,
We rented a vehicle from the 12th to the 16th of May. Very good service, very competent and punctual. I highly recommend them.
Inadmisible lo que nos hicieron esperar. Nos trasladaron en furgoneta de una oficina a otra, esperando una hora en cada una de ellas, un montón de gente, no nos decían nada, descontrol, ineficiencia, lentitud . No lo recomiendo para nada.
WARNING! If you pay before inspecting the car, you might end up with something different than what you paid for, and in that case, nobody will refund your prepaid money. Its highly unethical. If you have to rent a car from them, bring a second person as a witness. I had to seek help from the police in Funchal. If theres a problem, report the incident to the police, record a video and show it to the police, take photos of the documents... Its sad that they are discouraging customers from such a beautiful place like Madeira.
Despite a small delay at the airport pick-up we were very happy with our rental. We were upgraded to a nearly new higher spec car which made our week much more comfortable. Returned the car in Funchal and could then enjoy the city car free. Great service - thank you.
Rental process was super quick, and car was delivered on time. On our last day there were severe weather conditions, which made us unable to use the car. The stuff was super flexible and extended the rental period by half a day. I warmly recommend this car rental company in Funchal, Madeira.
Absolutely ridiculous ownership, they take advantage of people due to weather conditions. Absolutely DO Not Do Business here!!!!!!!! They rip people off at a whole different level!!!!!!!
Má experiência, primeiro foi me dado um Fiat Punto, cujo o vidro de trás era possível de abrir por fora (com o carro trancado e fazendo pequena pressão no vidro para baixo), extremamente difícil de meter 5 velocidade. Este carro não era capaz para o terreno difícil da ilha, não conseguia subir em algumas estradas que o GPS mandava. Depois de contactar a 7m trocaram me o carro, no qual disseram que tinha tido azar e me tinham dado o pior carro (se sabem isso porque o dão?, Engraçado que no dia seguinte, voltei a ver o Fiat Punto a andar, não me parece que tenham resolvido os problemas). Com a troca deram me um Renault Clio, este muito mais capaz que o Punto, mas também com os seus problemas de segurança. Quando liguei as luzes reparei que nenhuma luz frontal esquerda funcionava (o código da estrada indica que caso isso aconteça o veículo deverá ser imobilizado e reparado, não podendo circular, mas mesmo assim deram me o carro), este mesmo carro no pneu da frente esquerdo tinha a sidewall danificada, o que é uma parte integrante do pneu, e que por este motivo penso eu andei 90% do tempo com um aviso para verificar a pressão dos pneus. Por último era notável o desgaste do sistema de travagem pois ao travar a 90 kmh todo o carro vibrava. Com estes factos todos, esperava que os carros tivessem verificações de segurança antes de saírem para clientes, não senti segurança de todo. No entanto deixo 2 estrelas pois foram recetivos ao trocar o carro quando reclamei do Punto. O levantamento do carro no aeroporto não foi de todo suave, estive 20 min à espera do carro (tendo colocado o número do voo). Quando liguei para o número online, disseram que o colega estava 24/7 no aeroporto para ligar para ele que trariam o carro ao terminar (não soube deste número antes de contactar o call center), sendo o levantamento no terminal e estando o carro num parque a 50/100m podiam indicar isso e as pessoas dirigiram se para lá, não era preciso perder tanto tempo, ou tendo a 7m o número do voo e a hora de levantamento, poderiam contactar o cliente a perguntar se estaríamos prontos para levantar o carro. Outra coisa o funcionário trás o carro ao terminar e depois sai no Parque, que como éramos 4 pessoas (com malas) quem ia atrás teve de ir um pouco apertado nesse pequeno trajeto.
I took Fiat Panda on 1 day. The staff was polite and answered all my questions. Thank you for that. There were no problems with the car on the road. I noticed the tire pressure light was on but it didnt affect the ride. To all drivers: Dont forget to turn on the low beam during the trip otherwise there might be a fine because of tunnel.
We could rent a nice Nissan for our family. Lucia, Luis and the rest of the team at the Fórum office were very professional and friendly. Due to the high demand season, we received a car with several external damages but safe and functional. I would recommend to take the full insurance. Enjoy that wonderful place and drive safely (the island topography is not easy).
Car and price was great, staff were friendly and flexible. We hesitantly paid the 1500 euro deposit but it was back in my account before I left their office after handing back the keys. I ll definitely use them next time I m back.
Terrible mgmt, read the small print or just stay away!!!
Terrible service
Everything great. Friendly staff and good service. Had a Fiat 500 Electro. The car was clean, the battery was full. And all that at an unbeatable price. For me one of the best car rental companies in Madeira.
Wir haben kein Auto gemietet. Der Laden scheint aber eine gute Auswahl zu haben. Leider gab es nur Helme zu den Motorrändern sonst hätten wir eines gemietet.
Do not rent from this dishonest business. We ve rented dozens of cars all over the world and 7M was the worst experience. We actually returned the car the next morning. I specifically booked a small car (Renault Clio) for Funchal because the streets are tiny and parking is difficult. When we arrived at 7M to pick up our car at the CORRECT time, the ONE staff member working literally ignored us for almost 45 minutes while they spoke to several other customer also waiting. If there are multiple pickups/returns booked, why is there a single staff member there? When we finally were able to approach the desk, we had to fill out some forms even though we booked online and they had all our details. It s a ridiculously inefficient process We were taken to our car which was a Fiat Tipo. I explained to the staff member that this was a MUCH larger car than I booked and Id like a smaller car. I explained I did not mind picking it up later in the afternoon. He immediately became aggressive and kept repeating they re both class B vehicles and began walking away. Nowhere on the website is there a list or description of class B vehicles . I booked a Renault Clio or similar and this car was objectively NOT similar. Oh, and the fuel tank was almost empty so we had to fill up right away. When I asked to cancel the order, the staff member told us if we don t want the car don t take it and that we d have to call head office to organise a cancellation?? We mistakenly took the car, but had to return it the very next morning. It was literally too large to fit in our hotel carpark and finding a park was a nightmare. When I returned the car, I emailed head office to request a refund for returning the car 2 days early. I believed this was a reasonable request as we were not given the car we booked. To my surprise, head office is flat out refusing to send any kind apology let alone a refund.
Great staff good car good price will use this place again.
5-star service, from the online booking, to picking up the car at the airport, and delivering it to the dealership. On my next visit to Madeira I will book with 7M again and will recommend it to anyone visiting Madeira.
Moja supruga i ja zadovoljni s uslugom u ovoj poslovnici 7M Rent a Car i na om Fiat Pandom koja nas upoznavala s prekrasnom Madeirom.
Buenos días, alquilado el coche con ellos. Llegamos antes de la hora prevista y nos lo dieron en el aeropuerto antes. Lo mismo ocurrente con la entrega el día de finalización. Nos acercaron también al aeropuerto. Por esa parte todo muy bien. Si es verdad que con el coche que nos dieron, un FIAT TIPO nos lo dieron los frenos desgastados pero en cuánto llamamos nos lo cambiaron por otro similar en menos de una hora. Buen servicio y totalmente recomendable.
They have provided exactly the car I booked. The car ,Fiat 500 , electric was in perfect condition and I enjoyed my driving.
This car rental is one of the best I rented so far , I choose airport pickup the guy was very polite and always with a smile on his face, did everything in time had no issues ,
Tuvimos que esperar a que nos recogieran 30 minutos cuando el parking estaba a 5 minutos andando y no nos lo dijeron. Al llegar no tenían mi contrato y tuvimos que esperar otros 30 minutos a que lo trajera otro compañero suyo porque no tenían impresora. Nos dieron un coche nefasto, que para esta isla no vale de nada ya que son todo subidas y el coche prácticamente lo tienes que llevar en primera o segunda en todo momento. Al devolver el coche no me suben al aeropuerto diciendo que puedo ir andando y cuando llego, están subiendo a la otra persona que dejó el coche a la vez que yo.
when canceling booking, no 100% refund, stripe card fee aded. Never had something like this. Legal scaming.
Absolut pünktlich und freundlich! Übergabe und Abholung am Hotel klappte wie per Website gebucht perfekt. Das Auto war übrigens auch besser, als gebucht (mit A/C, mit Navi und mit Automatik (Leute: Bucht auf Madeira immer mit Automatik, ernsthaft!) und quasi neuwertig. Meine Empfehlung
W zwi zku z podró w wysokim sezonie zarezerwowali my auto 3 miesi ce przed wyjazdem. W dniu poprzedzaj cym odbiór, pó nym popo udniem, otrzymali my telefon z m tnym t umaczeniem, e zarezerwowane auto jest niedost pne. Podobny telefon niemal równocze nie otrzymali wspó towarzysze podró y, którzy zarezerwowali drugie auto. Stan li my przed wizj nag ej konieczno ci ca kowitej zmiany planów wakacyjnych. Sytuacj uratowa a Rezydentka BP Itaka za atwiaj c nam auto z innej wypo yczalni w kilka minut. Nie polecam wypo yczalni 7m.
Freundliche Autovermietung, preislich in Ordnung. Auto hatte allerdings viele Kratzer und Beulen. Auch die Innenausstattung war schon sehe abgegriffen, u.a. Brandloch im Sitz. Bremsen quietschten. Daher habe ich das Auto vorher genau fotografiert. Die Abgabe war wiederum freundlich und unproblematisch.
Voy a tratar de ser justo poniendo 3/5 estrellas. Durante un alquiler de 17 días en Madeira, con seguro a todo riesgo, tenemos la mala suerte de que una china en la autovía impacta en el parabrisas delantero. Al día siguiente, con los cambios de humedad y temperatura de la isla, se crea una grieta de 15 cm. Consultamos las condiciones del seguro a todo riesgo y oh, ¡sorpresa! No cubre daños a las ruedas y a las ventanas. Puedo entender los daños a las ruedas en caso de negligencia o mala conducción (ej. un bordillazo, o pinchar las ruedas por circular por un camino de tierra), o los daños a las ventanas porque se te han olvidado las llaves dentro y la has roto con una piedra para acceder a ellas; pero me parece lamentable que un seguro a todo riesgo no cubra daños en el parabrisas de una piedra que te lanza el coche de delante. ¿Qué se supone que debería hacer, dar un volantazo después de detectarla con mi supervisión? Tras consultar con el servicio de atención al cliente, cuya respuesta fue muy rápida y servicial, confirmaron lo que ya sabíamos, y nos hicieron pasar por caja para pagar 400 . Lo gracioso es que si la grieta iba a más (cosa que así fue, aunque conseguimos ralentizarla por nuestros medios) no nos ofrecían un coche de sustitución, sino mandarlo a reparar mientras nos quedábamos sin coche. Ni que decir tiene el estrés que pasamos el resto de las vacaciones con la maldita grieta... porque quedarse sin coche en Madeira, con el alojamiento a 1h de Funchal, habría supuesto mucho más gasto en taxis que esos 400 que ya habíamos gastado. Por lo demás, el coche estaba bien (un poco justo para las cuestas de Madeira), el servicio siempre fue atento y cordial, y el servicio de recogida / devolución en el aeropuerto fue mejor de lo esperado. Pero me pensaría volver a alquilar un coche con ellos, a no ser que cambien la letra pequeña del seguro a todo riesgo.
Por partes.... El servicio bien, el coche (Fiat Tipo Cross nuevo) perfecto. Todo dinámico y sin problemas. Lo único es que la reserva la hicimos por Carjet y no se bien la que liaron entre unos y otros para acabar pagando un precio superior. No sé si hubo picaresca por parte de 7m o falta de profesionalidad por parte de Carjet, el caso es que pasamos un mal rato sin saber si teníamos coche o no y no obtuvimos el precio ofertado. Un puntito de profesionalidad faltaba en el aire.
Nos ofrecieron un coche sin potencia, que teniendo en cuenta las características de la isla no deberían ni ofrecer, además los frenos hacían ruido y no frenaba correctamente. El seguro a todo riesgo no cubría nada, ya que el contrato indicaba que cualquier desperfecto era una negligencia y por tanto responsabilidad del conductor. Teniendo en cuenta el tipo de coche que alquilamos, y en las condiciones que nos lo entregaron, fue difícil no romper los frenos, embrague, neumáticos....
Recently booked a car at Madeira with 7M online and paid for full insurance. Everything went smoothly from the airport pick-up all the way to the drop-off. When I wanted to arrange a later drop-off than originally agreed, they were acommodating. Got an almost brand-new Fiat Tipo that was very clean and in a very good condition.
We got a brand new car with only 2900km on it. The car was really good. The service was also good.
Aluguei há 2 semanas, serviço espectacular ,carro novo com poucos kms, segunda vez aqui na ilha, primeira vez com a 7M, excelente atendimento, carro alugado com senhor Pedro, que nos proporcionou um carro na hora. Recomendo essa empresa de aluguer
Todo muy bien
The staff was really professional and efficient. They tried to move as fast as possible and not to keep us waiting. The rented car (Smart for two) on the other hand, was a bit of a mess. It was pretty damaged (the left side mirror was shaking, the left door wasnt closing properly, the right side mirror was cracked) and the tank was almost empty. In the end, it did the job.
Reasonable price if you order in advance, just 1 day before and good car was delivered, Fiat Tipo Cross Diesel 9k km in class of Renault Clio, pleaseant service and quick. Planned to rate for 5 stars, but got charged for cleaning , fear enough, but knowing that would be able to clean by myself in 5 minutes longest. Anyway, would order next time again.
Terei que dar apenas uma estrela. Experiência a não repetir. Fiz a reserva com alguma antecedência de modo a que tudo funcionasse bem uma vez que viajo com crianças gêmeas de 3 anos. Foi informado que chegaríamos ao aeroporto pelas 9h00 da manhã, para que o transfere nos levasse até á rent a car de modo a efectuar o restante pagamento e levantar a viatura. E foi aí que o pesadelo começou. Quando nos deslocamos ao funcionário que já lá estava na rua ele disse nos que uma vez que éramos 5 adultos com duas crianças não nos conseguia levar pois já tinha outras pessoas para levar e aconselhou-nos um de nós ir no transfere, tratar das restantes coisas e aí já trazia a viatura de aluguer. Não achamos que fosse o correto uma vez que tínhamos avisado que chegaríamos ao aeroporto pelas 9h00, se a rent a car sabia que haviam várias pessoas para transferir nesse mesmo horário teria de ter feito de forma para que os clientes não ficassem lesados. Mas assim aceitamos. Infelizmente não correu bem, pois tivemos cerca de 1:40H á espera e com 3 crianças impertinentes. Tínhamos acrescentado duas cadeirinhas de bebê auto (valor pago no extra) e essas mesmas não estavam na carrinha, foi pedido que as colocassem uma vez que já tinham sido pagas, levaram imenso tempo a ir buscá-las porque não estavam na rent a car, para agravar a situação nem as colocaram fixas no carro, tivemos nós ainda de as colocar e com bastante dificuldade, uma vez que são cadeiras bastante diferentes de que estamos acostumados. Para além disso foi nos entregue uma viatura completamente estragada, cheia de moças e riscos. A porta lateral completamente metida a dentro, esteticamente muito má, esperemos que em questões de segurança não seja também grave, uma vez que chegamos ontem e ainda não conseguimos perceber se haverá algum problema nessa mesma área. Acrescentamos também que a viatura foi-nos entregue com muito pouco gasoleo. É de lamentar este sucedido. Aconselhamos outra rent a car.
Los coches dejan mucho que desear. No transmiten ninguna seguridad y cuando tú lo comunicas ellos actúan de una manera nefasta y coaccionandote indicando que eres tú el responsable. Además de todo eso en los contratos indican cláusulas abusivas. Trato nefasto.
Mi experiencia con esta empresa ha sido lamentable. Mi grupo de amigos y yo alquilamos dos coches con ellos, el segundo día de nuestra estancia en la isla el coche no arrancó, se había quedado sin batería, llamamos y nos trajeron otro coche. Ese nuevo coche, desde el primer momento en que lo cogimos presentaba algunas deficiencias (al frenar, hacía muchísimo ruido y vibraba todo el coche), cómo era el segundo coche que nos dejaban no le dimos más importancia y seguimos con el viaje. Al cuarto día, en una subida el coche empieza a oler a quemado y el embrague no funciona, como es evidente, nos paramos en la carretera y comunicamos al responsable de lo sucedido. Nada más comunicarle lo sucedido nos dice que hemos quemado el embrague del coche y que lo hemos de pagar, sin verificar ni venir a atendernos en la carretera nos pasa vía WhatsApp el importe de la reparación, en primer momento 980 , para posteriormente borrarlo y decirnos que son 1100 . Nos dicen que en el contrato pone que no cubre (a todo riesgo) la rotura de embrague y q por tanto hemos de abonarlo, su argumento es que el conductor ha quemado el embrague por inexperiència en conducción manual de coches, debo decir a esto que el conductor tienes a sus espaldas 35 años de experiencia de conducción sin ningún problema jamás! Le comunicamos que en 2 días es imposible romper un embrague y que seguramente es del desgaste de un coche de alquiler y que nos reventado a nosotros... Mientras pasaba todo esto, unos asistentes de carretera nos brindaron apoyo y nos dijeron que no abonaríamos el dinero que todo esto no era legal. Al ponernos de nuevo en contacto con ellos nos dijeron que si no pagamos iban a llamar a la policía (cosa que ya habíamos hecho nosotros) y que iniciarían una denuncia legal, insistimos en que no vamos a pagar algo que no hemos roto, les decimos que tenemos fotos del mal mantenimiento del coche y su respuesta fue coaccionar nos para que accedieramos a pagar, su argumento fue que con una causa legal íbamos a tener problemas y no nos dejarían salir del país al día siguiente, desde nuestro desconocimiento y coaccionados por el miedo accedimos a pagar para poder volver a casa. Posteriormente, la policía nos confirmo que jamás no hubieran retenido en el país por esto. Nosotros hemos iniciado un recurso legal para reclamar nuestro dinero, nos sentimos engañados, manipulados y coaccionados.
Der Service war sowohl bei der Abholung als auch bei der Rückgabe gut. Es gab keinen Versuch mir unnötige Versicherungen einzureden. Der Wagen hatte eine höhere Ausstattung als gebucht, Navi und Rückfahrkamera. Die Motorleistung war exzellent für das Fahren in den Bergen von Madeira Die Rückgabe war in 5 Minuten erledigt, einmal außen herum und Kratzer geprüft, innen auf Sauberkeit und den Stand der Tankfüllung geprüft, fertig.
Do NOT use this company if you are renting a motorbike. They offer no insurance, and any scratches that happen to the bikes they will take the full 600 deposit - no dispute process and no mechanics to give proper repair costs (without fixing any of the bikes on the floor, as they are all scratched up)
Nous avions sélectionné l option Transfert depuis et vers l aéroport de funchal en précisant les horaires sur le formulaire de réservation et via whataps,malgré ça, a l aller comme au retour nous avons dû appeler plusieurs fois rien n était prévu nous avons dû attendre plus de 30 minutes et relancer plusieurs fois le véhicule récupéré était une Fiat panda fortement accidentée le véhicule n est absolument pas adapté au territoire : nous avons rencontré de grandes difficultés dans les montées, impossible de dépasser les 25 km/h .sur des routes prévus à 70 ou 90 km/h Très déçu de 7m
A fuir !!! Agence malhonnête qui na pas hésité à nous soutirer une forte somme dagent (plus de 1000 euros) sans justification pour une petite rayure sur la voiture qui nen valait clairement pas autant. Une personne de lagence nous a même proposé de mentir à notre banque pour être couvert.... Cest dire leur niveau dhonnêteté
Los coches están en muy mal estado. Nos dieron uno que al día siguiente le fallaba la batería (estaba además lleno de golpes, la puerta forzada, por dentro las fundas rotas). Nos dieron otro de sustitución y empezó a fallar a los 4 días el embrague, nos hicieron pagar 1000 para substituirnoslo porque según ellos la avería no estaba cubierta y era nuestra responsabilidad, y no fue así. El coche estaba en mal estado, tampoco le funcionaban bien los frenos, y nos han hecho pagar una reparación que nosotros no causamos porque en ningún momento condujimos forzando el coche. Si no pagas te dejan tirado en medio de la carretera diciendo que si no tomarán acciones y no podrás salir del país hasta que se resuelva. NUNCA MÁS
Preiswert, nett und flexibel
Excelente atendimento, bons carros, staff atencioso e excelente serviço. Recomendo!
A very unpleasant experience I had with this company. The mistake was mine, for sure, but how theyve handled was disappointing. Ive booked a car online for 3 days, but on the day I had to take the car I realised that I dont have the driving license with me. Unfortunately they are not accepting showing a scanned version of the licence, so they were not able to give me the car. Until this point it was perfectly understandable, the rules are rules for everybody. At the first discussion theyve promised me, that they will charge only the first day, as it would be logical. Later than the lady told me, that her boss is not going to give me back the money for the other 2 days, trough that they have full access to the car, and they can rent it to somebody else. So better check twice all your documents, before you book a car.
Very friendly and good cars
Fiat Tipo Cross diesel brand new (11000km), perfect for Madeira. Super services. 10 points.
Rented out an unsafe car, the tyres were bald and had holes in them. No advice on how to drive on the hills. Brakes started smoking on the way down. No help and bad service. While in the shop picking up the car also heard people being charged for a tyre replacement when they had the full premium insurance that stated that was included. Scammers avoid at all costs
We explicitly asked for a car with an integrated navigational system, since our mobile phones don t always have a stable connection on the island. The Assistent in the shop gave us a total of 3 cars - none of them a with navigational systems. The assistant told us to go to another 7M shop to get the money refund. When we arrived the assistant told us that no money refund was available since 7M claimed that they nowhere stated that their cars have a navigation system. 402 EUR spent A total of 4 hours went by And we lost a trip to a place on Madeira Google does not allow for less than 1 star unfortunately .
We rented 2 ATV s, for one day, deposit of 1000 and 750 . Was a suprise of my dad, to see the island in a fun way. The atv s were clean, not filled up, but ready to use. Helmets, provided by the company, no small available, the only one they had, was so old, that it didn t fit, was almost like an large. During the ride, you will go to the side, park the atv s and make photos, this wasn t possible for me, because my parking stand in the shifter didn t work, so had to stay on the atv every time, to hold the brake or it went rolling off. We had the problem on the way as well, that we got a flat, we run over a bolt, this can happen, with luck, we had a garage close by, the fixed the tire and we were off again, to bad, the fixing didn t hold and we had a flat again. Next garage couldn t help, because they didn t had the materials, so we kept on going, from one gasstation to the next, until we could bring back the atv to 7m the next morning. We explained the problem, offered them, that we would get it repaired, they denied. They gave us the offer of 522 , 400 for 2 new tires, the tires did 150km, so still new, to fix just one, then 122 for losing money that they could earn. With a lot of barging with them, they took one tire of the price and charged us 322 for the repair and the most money. I went to a local shop, got an offer for 2 new tires, placed the same day, just have to bring in the wheels to be changed, 210 , I shared this news with 7m, they wouldn t loose time and wouldn t loose money, I would pay the 2 new tires and i would go for the repair. For me, seems like an honest and good idea, because it is a win win situation for both sides. They declined it, prefer to keep the money, wait 2 weeks for a tire and not to use the atv anymore. They told as well, it is not possible to let it be fixed, because they already placed it at their mechanic, 5km further on, with a puncture tire and are fixing it, knowing that they have a tire, don t loose a day to rent it out and that we payed it completely for nothing. Just saying to me, this is your problem, so with this, the didn t even gave me an option to do a review, but I saw the QR code on the desk and went for it. This is a company that only goes for hard profit, they give you blame and not an option to fix something and as well, will steal from you, the tires that they have, are from 85 -150 to buy and be placed, so this is Avery big profit to do nothing. Keep in mind, your insurance in included in the price, so normally, you don t have to pay for problems like this So watch out with what you do and if you have a problem, or fix it before you go in or call it in before they blame you.
Friendly, efficient service and I only had to wait a short while to be attended to. I booked the car online. It was very easy and a great deal. I have been using 7M on my last two stays to Madeira and would definitely recommend.
Bonne agence de location, tarif attractif et personnel accueillant !
For over a year we re very well served by all staff. Rates and payment is simple through website and fare are much better compared to other companies.
Plenty of offices, great staff and good prices, no upselling.
First time in Madeira. Made a rental car reservation through my credit card agent for a grand total of 600+ euros (4 days). I came across 7m a few days prior to my trip and made a replacement reservation online for 200+ euros. Car was a Smart car - I was the only traveler so perfect for me and the luggage. Also sturdy enough for the mountainous terrains and decent power for good acceleration. No complaints with the car despite 80k km on mileage. What I appreciated was Nelson - guy who helped me pick up the car. Straightforward process, he was genuine in getting me on the road quick, and also gave me pointers for sightseeing. Appreciated his insight and straightforwardness, which was again on display when I returned the car. Btw, I picked up my car from the airport - wait for the pick-up at the terminal. Cars are located at a parking lot which is decently far from the arrival hall. And there ain t a check-in counter after baggage claim.
Wenn Sie sich hier einen Motorroller mit 40.000 Kilometern auf den Tacho mieten , das Fahrzeug mit einem Motorschaden liegen bleibt und man dann die Kaution einbehält, können Sie das machen. Sollten Sie aber nicht ! Nie wieder ! Das ist nicht seriös! Ich wünsche einen schönen Urlaub!
Korzystali my z wypo yczalni 7m w grudniu 2023.Wszystko przebiega o zgodnie z planem, mog z czystym sumieniem poleci . Rezerwacja dokonana przez internet, z 10% zni k . Zamówili my Renault Clio, a zamiast tego dostali my bez dop aty Fiata Tipo. Z samochodem wszystko by o w porz dku, kontakt z wypo yczalni tak e wzorowy (pod koniec chcieli my zmieni godzin oddania i nie by o adnego problemu).
Walked in off the street and was given great help and a great car! We will be back!
Battery died on the moped I hired as they said I wasnt turning it off properly although I was turning it off as i was showed initially, admitted it a problem they are having , told me Id have to pay 100 euro or they would take my full deposit of 350 as Id damage the bike somehow by having a flat battery absolute disgrace staff were ignorant, its a con do not use 7m!!! I later returned to the 7m where I rented the bike and could see all the other bikes were turned off as i was doing it, i then asked another staff member to show me how to correctly turn off the moped, she refused, as she didnt know how to . A flat battery does not constitute damage 7m.
Excelente locadora de carros. Joana nos atendeu muito bem. Parabéns!! Recomendo a todos
Excellent service, great nearly new cars and great value. Will certainly use again
Auto war sauber und gut ausgestattet.
Wir haben unseren Scooter ein Tag zu spät bekommen. Dadurch, dass wir eine Vorzahlung machen !mussten! Haben wir für den Tag schon bezahlt. Es hieß wir würden, dass Geld später bekommen. 5Monate und etliche Diskussionen später haben wir immer noch kein Geld erhalten.
Kohtuullisen edulliset hinnat, meille sopiva auto (Skoda Fabia automaatti), erittäin ystävällinen palvelu. Nuori mies, joka teki mielemme iloiseksi asenteellaan. Hyvällä paikalla, joten helppo saavuttaa. Suosittelen!
Have been renting with 7M several times - amazing services and they deliver to your hotel. Amazing prices too. Dont go anywhere else!
Good rent a car in Funchal, prices undergo seasonality so be careful when booking. Strongly recommended.
7M Rent a Car made my stay on Madeira Island easier. Very helpful staff and I received my car on time. I recommend it 100%!!!
Reserve un coche por la web y al finalizar la reserva del coche y meter la tarjeta fallo la pagina , al momento se escribio un email para ver si estaba realizada la reserva y nos confirmaron que si. Al llegar alli nos contestan que no tenemos reserva ,le insistimos y apesar de enviarle el email que ponia que estaba confirmado por ellos ,NOS DEJARON TiRADOS... En plena semana santa ,tuvimos que pagar 5 veces mas d lo normal en otro rent a car.... RECOMIENDO NO RESERVAR...vamos denunciarlo.
Les agences de locations de voiture jen ai vu... Je pensais pas pouvoir voir pire mais si ! 7M propose des voitures mal entretenues, a peine propre, état des pneus limite, pas de lave glace et jen passe... Le tout pour 80 par jour pour un Smart 2 personnes ! Le jour de récupérer la voiture le prix était subitement passé à 60 ... Le prix a changé aujourdhui nous a t on expliqué !
I would give 0 if I could. We booked and payed the car 1 month in advance and when we came to pick it up, they told us they do not have any car available. They ruined our vacation, we spent 2 days searching for another car, in high season, so we payed double for smaller car and shorter time. NEVER AGAIN!!!
Not sure why they dont have good reviews as we found the staff friendly. We got an upgrade as they didnt have the Clio available, the Kia was freshly cleaned and spotless inside. Only reason its not 5stars was the petrol tank was nearly empty, not ideal to have to fill up straight away but everything else was great and easy return on our last day of the holiday.
Disseram que enviavam fatura por email e não enviarem, após troca de emails deixaram de responder.
A experiência que tive com a 7 M dececionou-me, desde a falta de profissionalismo dos jovens que estavam a atender no local de levantamento, para além de ter ficado no aeroporto cerca de 1.20h a aguardar pelo transfer, depois o carro que me foi entregue isso então é de lamentar o estado do mesmo, os travões chiavam mais que o avião, a embraiagem só cheirava a queimado, todos os painéis do mesmo tinham moças, e a categoria que me foi entregue foi inferior à requisitada, alegando que não tinham mais nenhum para entrega, este carro era um perigo em estradas como as da Madeira! NÂO RECOMENDO
My experience with 7m wasnt great. Firstly the car which I wanted was advertised as available online (which was the reason we went to rent a car there), but it happened that it wasnt and the only available car was obviously a more expensive one. Once we got the car, we found out that the boot/trunk was faulty, because they were waiting for a piece for repair, and so we could only access it from the inside. The car had a bad smell inside and had not been cleaned properly. The steering wheel leather was very used and there was a cigarette hole on the seat (only details but it doesnt feel very premium especially when you get a cabriolet). The car was scratched a lot, some people might like it as it would make them feel like another scratch wouldnt be much, but it personally bothered me a bit. It was also covered in stickers advertising the company everywhere: not great from a security point of view to look like a tourist when you leave your car parked. Lastly, the car was only filled with a quarter of petrol and expected to be returned with the same amount. Obviously not knowing the island, I didnt know how much I would have to drive between the places I wanted to visit and so I overfilled the tank. Returned the car with a tank probably a bit less than 3/4 full... We would have obviously been charged a lot if it was underfilled. Cars should always be filled completely when delivered to customers. I also tried to contact them couple of times by phone at the number they provided on the contract and there were not available. I have to say, all of this gave me a bit of a sour taste.
Hey, we rented Smart ForTwo cabrio for 5 days in Madeira island. Very good and economic car! Fully satisfied expectations. No problem to trip all islands roads and hills. Easy to communicate with 7m rent a car company. Very friendly driver who delivered car for us. Everything was so good! Big recommendation!
Everything was great. Very nice client service
Everything went great! Rented fiat panda with full insurance and had no problem. Service was nice.
Not the best place to rent a car. Would be better if people actually understand what you saying. Waste over hour to rent a car.
Alugamos carro ( Fiat Panda) com a 7M para visitar o Funchal e correu tudo bem. Não aconselho a fazerem a subida dos cestos porque o carro não sobe excetuando isso, subi todas as subidas e desceu a Madeira
Teníamos nuestras dudas pero al final la reserva salió bien. Las reviews que aparecen aquí no hacen justicia a esta empresa. Nuestra experiencia fue buena. Como puntos negativos: coche poco potente a pesar del precio y no tienen disponibles todos los coches que ofertan en la web. Recomendamos llamar por teléfono para preguntar.
If you care only about the price, it could be a good choice. Otherwise, service, accountability, car status and so on could be definitely improved... A pity to be honest.
Não aceitaram dinheiro o que é ilegal. A forma de pagamento deverá se sempre opcional, enquanto houver dinheiro a circular deverão aceitar esta forma de pagamento e não obrigar os clientes a pagar com cartão.
During quite busy season in Madeira staff offered very quickly Kia Rio with manual transmission and diesel. That was great for mountain trips. Company stuff were pleasant and very polite, managed to organise everything in a short notice, great experience of using services of 7M rent a car company. Will definitely approach this company again during our next stay on Madeira :)
Se tivesse estrelas negativas, era o que eu oferecia. Atendimento péssimo, as chamadas são prioritárias ao invés do atendimento ao cliente que está à sua frente. O carro que alugamos estava todo amolgafo e sujo. Questionamos se tinha havido algum acidente ao qual nos responderam que não fazíamos a mínima ideia. Não recomendo, péssimo serviço, pessimo carro. Sem manutenção!
Fair prices and clean vehicle provided. Only received at a half full tank which makes returning at the same level a real pain. Should always be full tank picking up and returned.
Worst rental company, DO NOT rent a car from them. We rented a car and we paid full insurance. They guy from the company told us that this insurance is covering every damage (flat tire, scratches etc.). Last night , we had a flat tire far away from our place. There wasn t a spare tire to replace it so we called them. They came only to bring the car and they left us there at night. They told us that if we want to go home we need to PAY ALONE for a taxi. Next day, they didn t accept to transport us to Funchal and they told us that if we want to get a new car we should pay 200 for the tire. They are telling lies all the time in order to get more money. Don t trust them!
Masz mo liwo wypo yczenia auta z ubezp. podst. i wtedy musisz zostawi depozyt w wysoko ci 1500 EUR (za np. Clio). Wypo yczaj c auto z tzw. pe nym ubezpieczeniem nie ma depozytu. Warto jednak zwróci uwag , e w umowie istnieje zapis, e nawet je eli posiadasz full ubezp. to odpowiadasz finansowo za ka de uszkodzenie auta do 4% jego warto ci (czyli wysoko ci depozytu), wi c w sumie p acisz dodatkowo za to, e nie musisz zostawia depozytu, a nie za ubezpieczenie od uszkodze . Jak dla mnie sztuczne zani anie cen, wprowadzanie klienta w b d i nieuczciwa konkurencja. Ceny nieco powy ej redniej, du a dost pno aut i sprawna obs uga.
Worst car rental company I have came across.
Excellent service, punctuality, friendliness, and dynamism. We had a problem with a tire and it was quickly resolved by changing the car.
Péssimo serviço! Desaconselho totalmente. Esperámos mais de 1h e meia no aeroporto pela carrinha que nos iria levar do aeroporto ao carro. Quando chegamos finalmente ao parque onde se levantava o carro, o mesmo não estava disponível!!!! E tivemos de esperar mais uma hora pelo carro que havíamos reservado com bastante antecedência. Atendimento muito pouco profissional
Rented an Abarth from them. The car had a good price and was in good condition. The rental process went smoothly and fast.
They have good opening times and were not closed at 2pm as other car rent companies. Price was 62 per day for a Fiat Panda. Not great, but ok because complete insurance was included. Alternative would have been 42 per day with 1500 deposit. Tank regulation is also not good (return as you got it instead of full/full) 5 stars for the friendly staff and the uncomplicated return of the car.
N ayant pas de crédit, nous avons décidé d aller dans cette agence malgré les mauvais avis pour louer notre voiture pour notre séjour à Madère. Et nous avons bien fait. Nous n avons eu aucun soucis, très bon service avec des prix très raisonnables. Il ne restait plus qu une petite Smart Fortwo à louer quand nous sommes arrivés, et malgré nos aprioris, cette petite voiture a été très facile et agréable à conduire, par sa petite taille, sa puissance largement suffisante et le fait qu elle soit automatique (conseillé vu les routes sinueuses de Madère). Nous repasserons par cette agence sans soucis !
Rented an abarth from them, all good. Not sure why those bad reviews, pro company.
Au vu des commentaires nous étions un peu sceptique et sur les conseils dun serveur rencontré sur lîle nous nous sommes lancé et avons louer une Nissan micra 2021 pour 24h. Nous avons pris lassurance a 20euros par jour pour être tranquille et tout sest très bien passé. Léquipe est également très sympathique
Very warm welcome from the agency, customer service is very responsive 24 hours a day and friendly. Their airport shuttle is very convenient. One star less because the car was badly damaged.
It s a company with good cars and fair prices! Only when you make a mistake in the reservation, the company support desk will give a voucher, instead of money back. It does not matter if it s mentioned months upfront, it s a company policy. One month after returning the car. The 7M company has not given a voucher nor money back or any other reaction.
The car was in great condition, it looked new!
Lieber nicht hier mieten... Derartiges kann auch bei anderen Mietwagenanbietern passieren, aber trotzdem. Fahrzeug nicht wie vereinbart am Flughafen ( Flugnummer mit Ankunftzeit bei Buchung angegeben ). Taxi zum Hotel 90,-. Anlieferung zum Hotel am nächsten Tag (24 Stunden später als gebucht) mit Extrakosten 20,-. Mitarbeiter unfreundlich, inkompetent, unpünktlich ( ja, ich wohne in Deutschland, 10 oder 15 Minuten sind ok). Rückerstattung von 63,- wegen des verlorenen Tages anscheinend nicht möglich ( mal abgesehen vom Taxi und Anlieferungsgebühr). Zur Zeit Versuch der Rückbelastung von 63,-. Firma stellt sich wie zu erwarten quer... Bucht woanders...
Nous avons loué un véhicule un peu plus spacieux que dhabitude pour un séjour à 3. Accueil dans les temps. Manque de réactivité totale pour des questions envoyées par mail ou WhatsApp. Il est plus simple dappeler. Attention les routes à Madère sont très escarpées. Le moteur de la Kia STonic louée nest absolument pas adapté à ce type de route. Vraiment dommage de ne pas avoir indiqué les puissances des moteurs au moment de la sélection des véhicules. Pour le reste tout était conforme: véhicule propre et entretenu.
Hemos viajado a Madeira en Agosto de este año y tras valorar distintos compañías, vimos que el precio en 7M era bueno. Llegamos al aeropuerto y solicitamos transporte para recoger el coche que estaba justamente en unos aparcamientos del aeropuerto. Buen trato, gestión rápida, el Kiat Stonic en perfecto estado y la devolución rápida en el mismo punto. Volveremos a confiar en esta compañía. Gracias.
The service is OK and I will probably give them another chance next time Im in madeira but this time it wasnt great. The car was over an hour late even after showing up 20min later than the time on the documents as advised the day before. The car it self was clean although unlike advised it struggled to get up hills, on the motorway it struggled to get up to the speed limit of 70kmph. Also came with a tpms warning light on the dashboard! There was one guy we spoke to who seemed to know his stuff and had good customer Services skills unfortunately on the day of us making the booking he was away and the other person didnt offer much help or advice so I think it depends who you get on the day as to what your experience is like.
Great car rental company :)) very friendly and good service!
Finger weg! Wir haben uns beim Service gemeldet, nachdem vier Lampen am Kombiinstrument aufgeleuchtet haben (unter anderem die Motorkontrollleuchte mit dem Hinweis check engine), und wurden vom Mitarbeiter und Mechaniker belehrt, dass das alles kein Problem sei und das bei dem Auto normal wäre. Katastrophaler Service vor Ort! Kein Mechaniker sollte ein Auto beurteilen, wenn er es nicht persönlich begutachtet hat. Nach langem Diskutieren könnten wir nun auf eigene Kosten und Gefahr das Auto nach Funchal bringen (sind aber auf der anderen Seite der Insel). Sie könnten sonst nichts für uns tun. Nie wieder!
Mi a obs uga. Nowa flota. Dobre ceny. Polecam.
I rented a motorbike for 4 days. No hassle. Friendly service and will use them again on future visits to Madeira
Za nás v e OK. Rezervace i platba na poslední chvíli p es net. S vyssim pojisteni bez kauce a cena lepsi nez jakykoliv online konkurent. Vyzvednutí v Marin ve Funchalu na cas, pro odevzdani na letisti jsme asi 5 minut cekali, ale pak nas odvezli az k hale.
Serviço horrível! Estive mais de 1 hora no aeroporto à espera que me entregassem os 2 carros que já tinha reservado e pago previamente. Não recomendo de todo
Hemos alquilado un coche en Funchal aeropuerto con el seguro a todo riesgo. Primer día, saliendo del aeropuerto pinchamos una rueda con el bordillo. Solución? Pagar 500 . Pese a tener el seguro a todo riesgo, lo consideran negligencia. SON UNOS TIMADORES. 200 tirados a la basura. NO ALQUILES CON ELLOS. El jefe de la compañía un incompetente, hasta la policía habló con él para decirle que fue un accidente. Nos han hecho perder el dinero y el tiempo. Consejo de turista: ahorratelo tú si puedes.
Went here to resolve an issue with the Fiat Panda I was renting. Although the office was understaffed and it took ages before it was my turn, the staff was very kind and helpful and I was very happy when they replaced my Fiat Panda with a Kia Rio. In hindsight I would have rented a Kia Rio. Its such a nice car and infinitely better than the Fiat Panda considering the elevation. The Fiat Panda simply doesnt have enough horsepower to comfortably drive around the island. Overall, 7M has proven to be a reliable car rental company with good prices and great service.
Mi a obs uga, auta bardzo czyste. Formalno ci za atwiane szybko.
Just don t do it! Customer-Service is fatal! If you have questions or problems - better not call, you could disturb them while working. AND they give you wrong information. Very unfriendly and annoyed young man on the phone. Couldn t find a free charging station for the electronic car. He told me it s not his problem and that I should wait. I have to bring it back fully charged. I am walking now half an hour to my apartment. There are a lot of car rental stations, alls cost about the same. Just pick one who doesn t jells at you at the phone makes your nice day on a vacation end bitter UPDATE: returned my e-car today. I told the guy on the counter it is my first time, driving and charging an electrical car. he showed me how to do it and told me it was no problem to find a charging station, I could just leave it over night- well TODAY I am finding out: I had to pay 40 (!!!) euros for charging it over night and that this is even illegal. Nobody can do anything. Had to pay the 40 , again- MY problem, no good will. Nothing.
7M ist vermutlich die einzige Autovermietung, die leistbare Elektroautos auf Madeira vermietet. Wir hatten über das Wochenende einen Fiat 500e geliehen. Für zwei Personen ist das Auto perfekt um die Insel zu erkunden. Es hat ausreichend Leistung für alle Steigungen und es macht richtig Spaß. Bergab hat man durch die Rekuperation eine sehr angenehme Bremse, die den Akku auflädt und die Bremsscheiben können nicht überhitzen. (Tipp: Mit dem Range Mode hat man volle Motorbremse, wenn man vom Gaspedal geht) Die Batterie reicht locker aus um den ganzen Tag lang auf der Insel unterwegs zu sein. Ich habe das Auto selbst am 7M Stützpunkt abgeholt. Alles ging sehr schnell und die Mitarbeiter waren freundlich. Man bekommt eine Ladekarte, die man auf der gesamten Insel verwenden kann. Wir haben für 331km 27 für Strom an Fastchargern bezahlt. Das ist nicht ganz billig, aber trotzdem ~30% weniger als mit Verbrennungsmotor. Wenn man an langsameren Ladestation lädt ist es billiger. Fazit: Das Auto war perfekt und die Vermietung unkompliziert und preislich fair.
Total scam do not rent a car. Staff very threatening. Dont care once they have your money
Not good services at all. I book ar car for 9 oclock. They came around 9:30-9:40. And give the car around 11 oclock. One person doing whole process. After i left with car just 4-5 km drive clutch plate was burned car stopped . I called assistance . They ask me to pay 770£ pay that. The guy who deliver me the car he said i know you didn t do this. But he cant do anything. I need to go There another office. From one office to another, then for another office my half day was finished with those things. They didn t make any solution. I Left without car. My whole day all plan was spoiled....
Awful experience They tried to charge 420 euro for a puncture for a tyre that was almost bald and covered by insurance We called police They then threatened to remove the car again illegal The police settled matters on our side. We handed car back with no problems Upon arriving home we had a phone call illegally reinstating 420 euro, we immediately rang our bank who blocked card This ruined our holiday The local staff seemed fine but their management are bullying cavemen,who i,m sure treat their staff as badly as they their customers After 40 years of hiring cars worldwide this company is by far the worst
Really nice service with both pick up and drop off. The car was perfect, the small smart car with automatic. Perfect for steep roads! Also one of the cheapest options around and insurance with them was reasonable.
I think it would be a very good idea to give the staff at 7 M in Estrada Monumental a second computer. I waited 30 Minutes for a car that I had already paid online at the 7M website. And rix your broken radio.
This car rental is one of the best I rented so far , I choose airport pickup the guy was very polite and always with a smile on his face, did everything in time had no issues , we rented a fiat panda and it was a good car to go arround for me that am used at driving in Madeira , at the drop off everything went smoothly the guy was very nice and polite! And fast really pleased with the customer service these guys should get a raised! Will go back in January and rent again from 7m Thank you see you in January!
Great service. Had some issues with air con not working, but the staff gave me a different car that was an upgrade. Also there were no issues with changing the drop off time. I would recommend this place for car rental. Also, dont cheap out and take a more powerful vehicle as there are some really steep hills in Madeira :)
Alugar um carro aqui fez me lembrar o que acontecia em certos países nos anos 90 quando se alugava com franquia zero e mesmo assim tentavam cobrar alguma taxa usando técnicas já ultrapassadas, tratando o cliente como ignorante. Até para se ter a factura, solicitada quando do pagamento antecipado, na entrega do carro, na devolução e posteriormente via e-mail demorou dois meses.
Serviço impecável. Staff muito competente e disponível.
Great customer service, wide choice of cars available at very competitive prices. For a small fee they can deliver the car to the hotel of your choice. Extra insurance is recommended especially if you have never driven on the island before.
Oszu ci.Nie oddaja depozytu 1500 euro!Po tygodniu czasu pani w biurze kazala zglosic sie do mojego banku jak on by mial cos z tym wspolnego!nie ma terminu zwrotu pieni dzy! Dzwoniac do biura w jezyku angielskim Pan udawal ze nic nie slyszy po czym rozlaczal telefon!Na maile nie odpowiadaja. Nie polecam no chyba ze chcecie stracic 1500 euro za nic!
Don t hire the car from this place!they don t give back the deposit 1500 euros! They don t want to help you, they don t reply to your emails, they don t answer the phones!Scammers!!!!! edit: yes you started to reply my emails when I said I will go to the police with that . I was calling you and the guy was pretending he didn t hear me because he didn t speak English, and he was hanging up. First you said that money will be back in 3/4 days , now you are saying there is no specific date!Maybe you should tell the customers when you are giving back the deposit before they pay because it is already one week and I am still waiting . Merry Christmas too
Nice experience, cheap cars and full insurance for reasonable price.
Serviço top, alugamos um. Carro é correu bem, colaboradorres com boa disposição, parabéns pelo bom atendimento.
Aluguei em Julho, foi fácil e correu tudo bem!
Alquilamos un coche con ellos 4 días en Funchal, un Fiat Panda. Todo correcto, atención estupenda. El último día lo entregamos en el aeropuerto y todo perfecto, quedamos con un chico que nos lo recogió y luego nos acercó al aeropuerto. Recomendado.
Neticiet sol jumiem, izrun jiet visu, kas ir l gum ! Saka - full insurance, bet realit t neko nesedz. Neiesaku! Paldies par atbildi, izmekl anu var veikt tikai policija un j s mums meloj t tik un t .
Excellent car rental company! No problems at all. We were a bit scared after reading the reviews but it all went smoothly! Car was very good for the price, in excellent conditions and staff was very professional. Highly recommended company
Bardzo dobra lokalna wypo yczalnia. Wypo yczy em Mitsubishi 5 drzwiowe, pe ne ubezpieczenie od wszystkiego bez udzia u w asnego w szkodzie, bez blokowania rodków na karcie - 40 euro za dzie . Szybko i taniej ni przez internet. Polecam.
They took our rental car by law enforcement at the begin of the pandemic and we told them multiple times, that we need a lift from the other side of the island to the airport, since it was the last flight to germany. We are still waiting for our refund. As soon it gets critical, they just dont answer anymore. If we didnt ordered a private transport to make sure we dont miss our flight, we would still be on madeira because noone showed up. We payed 110 for this transport additional to the cost of the rental car we couldnt use. To be honest, even a one star rating is too much. Update, 5 months after the promise, that we will receive the refund: no reaction. Still no refund received. Great service.
Horrible experience and costumer service. I booked a car through email more than a month beforehand, since I needed a car that could accommodate 6 in total, among the 2 toddlers. It was confirmed via email that the reservation was booked at Marina location. When I went to pick up the car, no reservation could be found and no 7 seater were available. No apologies given, no explanations and no attempts to procure a van at another location. Cannot recommend specially for the carelessness in trying to accommodate us, once the mistake was done.
This is the second time I am renting a Car from 7m. I rented a Panda for 31 days in total. 7m was very kind to give me a very competitive price(If not the best) on a very short notice. Without any complaints, I can only recommend their service. I am looking forward to rent another car from them on my third visit. Thank you very much!
I recommend it
Very good experience with almost new fiat panda. No credit card needed. No deposit required when you have full insurance (but the insurance doubled the price still cheaper than some competitors).
Very informative and helpful service! Even though ended up going with different selection but service from you was great! Thank you!
I never through Id ever give a car rental company 5 stars, but here we are. Rented from 7M a total of 5 times, both for weekend trips and on monthly basis. Had no issues: - Booking online is easy, and you get 10% off by doing so. - Pickup is fast, and if youve rented there before you dont have to do all the paperwork again. They also do not push you to get the full insurance. - We had an instance where the car didnt start and within 45 minutes 7M came and fixed it. We were not charged for this. - When we wanted to extend our rental period by a month, we could easily do this online and just needed to pick up the new contract at their main office. - Returning the car was no hassle at all and no attempts from their end to blame any nonexistent issues on us. Renting with 7M was the way renting a car should alway be, smooth and positive. We rented from both the office in Forum and the one in Caniço. Personally Im very sceptical of 5 star reviews of companies like this, so I just want to add that noone asked me to post this. I just had such a good experience with them.
Excellent car rental company with competitive prices. Had 2 different cars for about 2 months with 7m and in both cases had great experience with the staff and service! Will rent a car there again when im on Madeira.
Seriös, freundlich, unkompliziert, englischsprachig und ohne online Anmeldung haben wir hier umgehend einen Wagen in der Woche anmieten können. Die Wagen sind neuwertig und gepflegt, von kleinen Fiat Panda bis großen MB 180. Die Preise sind moderat und ortsüblich. Klare Empfehlung.
Buen trato por parte de la chica y nos ha facilitado mucho las cosas lo recomiendo 100%
Fantastic rental experience with 7M we had an unfortunate mishap that wasn t covered under insurance (our fault) but the whole 7M team was fantastic, especially the mechanic, Dionisio, who was patient, kind and helped us make the best of an unfortunate experience. We also ended up leaving an item behind in the car, as well, which they were able to take to one of their other location nearer our hotel. Overall, fantastic experience, can t recommend them enough and if we return to Madeira, will certainly be doing our next car rental through 7M. Thank you to the team and especially, Dionisio!
Ive been in Madeira for more than 1 month and every weekend I used a 7m vehicle, usually a motorcycle.This weekend I was surprised with an increase of more than 100% in motorbike rental (from 18 /day to 50 /day). The explanation was, there is demand, and the boss asked to increase the value. I think this is disrespectful to the consumer, and a breach of the companys image. I hope the company will review this policy of extreme exploitation of tourism.
Bardzo pozytywne odczucia. Nie do e dostali my w tej samej cenie auto lepszej klasy z lepszym silnikiem, to procedura odbioru i zwrotu bardzo szybka i klarowna. Polecam skorzysta ze zni ki 10% p ac c za rezerwacj z góry online.
Car rental 7m rent a car has a wide range of vehicles - but at a very high price in high season! The price before the day of our reservation increased by 10 euros per day, which seems to me to be too big a difference. In total, a person pays around 60 euros per day. We chose the Kia Picanto car over the internet and paid online - we got a 10% discount on the total amount. We found the wrong date in the email, so we tried to communicate with the company, but for several days they did not respond via email and we called by phone until about the fifth time. In the end, we solved everything. Unfortunately, upon arrival we were offered a completely different car - supposedly in a better category with a better engine - we got a three-door Fiat 500. At first glance very nice car, but no win with performance - weak engine, almost no trunk, our big backpacks almost did not fit inside . There was no other car to choose from, so we took it and were a little disappointed. But one gets used to it. It was very lazy and slow, but it got us everywhere. When we returned the car, the car rental employee wanted to charge us for extra cleaning, saying that we had returned the car very dirty. Unfortunately, they have no measure of what very dirty means to them. There were some tree needles on the rugs, that was all. Still, it was a big problem. So we were not lazy and in front of other clients right in front of the car rental we started dusting the carpets and cleaning them by hand. Work for 5 minutes and the car was clean according to them - something a vacuum cleaner could do in a few minutes. But the car rental company would like to pay extra for this. That made us very upset. Despite the fact that when they gave us the car, it wasnt exactly the cleanest. I definitely recommend full insurance, you dont have to deal with any scratches or other things. I would rather not recommend this car rental, I have experience with much better car rentals with better conditions.
HORRIBBLE - Hands off. The employee was friendly when I picked up the car, no issues so far. When parking I made some scratches into the door. So when I brought back the car, I paid for the damage. But when asking for a damage report so I can reclaim the money from my personal insurance, I was told that the guy doing the reports is not in today we will send it via e-mail Then I was more or less ignored by employee (same employee I picked the car up from) asking whether there is no possibility to get it now. Of course the report never came. Since then i have: - written multple E-mails (no response) - called multiple times (if I got someone on the line that soke reasonable English I was ensured they would look into it and get back to me. Never happened). - written to their whatsapp (no response) I have done everything I possibly can and all I want is a piece of paper describing the damages. It is so frustrating. Also, when I called the 24/h emergency hotline to report the damage noone picked up (go figure). I had to go to the branch. If you consider booking with 7m, seriously reconsider to use one of the international companies with standard processes or pray you have no issues.
Vi lejede bil i kategori d og fik en Kia Rio med 2 punkterede dæk hvilket vi først opdagede da vi var nået op i bjergene. Tilbuddet var en bil i kategori a uden penge ej heller for tanken vi havde fyldt op fra helt tom. Dårlig service.
Kia picanto za 12euro/den.
NOT RECOMMENDED! We rented a car in Funchal in August for two days, first the car was really overpriced when we drove the car up & down the hills the car started shaking it seemed that the brakes were not working properly. As a result we decided to take the car back to the rental office. They sent us to some other office to check the car, then we waited for a mechanic to make a check. It took us half a day but finally we got a new car. The new car had only 1/4 petrol, the car we returned had 1/4 petrol more than during take over at the beginning. As a result we were said we are allowed to return the new car with 0 petrol . When we said that it is kind of not possible we were said there is nothing more they can do for us. It was really one of our worst experience with car renting and I would recommend to avoid this company.
, . .
First they were simply rude, then after we returned the car they started to harness me asking where is the car as it was somehow not in their system. She kinda questioned me that I kept the s*** car instead of looking into their administrative issues. Pretty horrible rent somewhere else..Re your response: great your checked and sad that you dare to accuse a customer. Ill get in touch with my lawyer as your are publicly accusing me of lieying I hope u saved the recording. When I called to clarify any misunderstanding you hang up the phone. Seriously unprofessional. Everyone: stay far away from these people
Very satisfied.
We had a great experience with 7M! Since we visited Madeira quite spontaneously it seemed impossible to still find a car to rent in the high season. Eventually we came to 7M and were so pleasantly surprised - we got a car in like 10 minutes for a fair price with amazing service. The lady working there is so friendly, we felt very welcome. Everything worked perfectly fine when returning the car 2 days later. I even forgot something in the car but as soon as I noticed it I emailed them and got it back on the next day. I d decently rent a car here again in case we visit Madeira another time. 100% recommend :)
What a customer service... we paid an extra charge for a night pick-up 20 , nobody came, nobody on the 24h phone number... we had to take a taxi. And no apologies, no discount, they arrived late the next morning. The car was clean and new, but the air-con was not working, no windshield water fluid... well a real disaster. Better to choose a more serious company ! Un service client déplorable... nous avons payé le supplément de 20 pour un pick-up nocturne, personne nest venu, pas de réponse au soi disant numéro 24/24... on a du prendre un taxi. Le lendemain, aucune excuse, aucun geste commercial, ils sont arrivés en début daprès midi seulement. La voiture était propre et en bon état mais la clim ne fonctionnait pas et pas de liquide lave glace... un vrai désastre cette boite ! Il vaut en mieux en choisir une autre, y a du choix sur Madère.
I ordered a Kia rio car online and got a Reno Clio. The woman said that there is no Kia Rio, which was a lie because after a few moments, two cars Brand New drove up to the salon for other people. The car I got Reno clio was in a very poor condition (a lot of scratches, even a cut tire, gearbox very week ). I advise you to avoid this place !!!
Preis, Auto sind ok aber es dauert ewig und wenn man fuer 9 Uhr reserviert hat ist Auto noch lange nicht da.
I rented a car in August 2021 with 7M Rent a Car. Pros : - it was on of the cheapest car renter on the Island. So with lowcost you cant really expect everything to be perfect. - its not a scam ! Cons : - their communication is quite bad, except for one confirmation e-mail, dont expect anything. - on their website, they claim a 4.5 rating on google, which is completely false - they were quite late to pick us up at the airport. - its a bit scarry to let the car at the airport without meeting anybody ... - the car was indeed the one we booked, but with a very poor engine --> hard to go up in the mountains. So please improve your communication, and you will get better review.
Great staff, good prices, new and clean cars
We took A class car for 12 days at Garajau First evening we drove to Pico do Areeiro to watch a sunset after that i noticed that low beam headlights and taillights not working. Next day i drove to office and told me to drive to central office in Funchal to get car fixed. Car was fixed very fast, but i dont think that client should take care of such things. Car returning: we had to bring car at 10 am we came to office at 9.30 (they start at 9.00), but office was closed the other costumers also waited. I called by phone few times first they said that is trafics in highway, other time they said that they dont know why office is still closed and suggested to leave car key in bakery nearby and later to come back to take back deposit (Hotel about 3 km away from office) or to bring car to funchal office. We chose second option. When we came to funchal they told us that office in Garajau is open and you can go back.... we left car in Funchal... i dont think it is normal custumer service, thanks god that we had free day before flight. There was other ways to somve this problem they may take car from hotel or even hire taxi to hotel, because it was pouring with rain...
Everything was all right. Big benefit for me is that you neednt have a credit card. I would definitely recommend it.
El vehículo nos lo dieron con la carga de combustible de un poco por encima de la mitad, exactamente igual que se lo devolvimos, pero nuestra sorpresa es que la persona que nos atiende en la entrega nos dice que en el contrato consta que el vehículo tenía marcado 3/4 de la carga. Nos dice q se nos cobrará 25 por falta de combustible. Obviamente, dado que entregábamos el vehículo 2 horas antes del vencimiento, nos dirigimos a la gasolinera más próxima para repostar, pero lo peor fue el trato que nos dieron, tratándonos como mentirosos y molestando a los clientes por 5 de diferencia del reportaje.. para nosotros supuso un lío tener que buscar la gasolinera, buscar nuevamente la dirección de entrega etc.. Ojo!! Muy atentos con lo que ponen en el contrato sobre la carga del vehículo..!! esperemos que esto se trate de un error y no de un engaño.
Avoid this car rental... Its very risky to rent a car from them... I rented a B1 car with premium insurance. Cost for the insurance was 15 per day. I had to pay for rental before I received confirmation of rental. When I read what was in conformation I saw that I paid 15 more than I should. I came back, I showed the confirmation and lady from the office said that accidentally system counted 20 per day for insurance. She said that everything would be alright. She took my bank account, and she said that she would pass it to the administration and then they would send me my money... Yeah I rented a car at the begging of September and I havent received any money. I wrote an email and I attached photo of confirmation and screen from their website to proof that I overpaid. Now they told me that I have so much bad luck and only at this time when I was renting the cost of insurance was 20 per day. I tried to text with them but they didnt want to reach an agreement and only thing that they did was making a fool of me... I trusted the girl from the office and I was a mistake... When something goes wrong and you dont have a lot of time in Madeira its a nightmare... BTW I rented a B1 car, It was Kia Sonic and it had very little power available. It was new car, but with two person on board it was very difficult to drive in mountainous Madeira...
Ich habe mir ein Motorrad, 125ccm reserviert und 100,- in Bar bezahlt. Zwei Tage später, bei der Abholung funktionierte meine Kreditkarte nicht, sodass ich die Kaution nicht hinterlegen konnte. Ich habe die Reservierung storniert, aber mein Geld konnte mir nicht in Bar wieder zurück ausgezahlt werden. Die Mitarbeiterin vor Ort sagte, ich muss mich bei einer E-Mail Adresse melden und meine IBAN hinterlegen, anschließend würde ich das Geld zurückerstattet bekommen. Nachdem ich die Mail schrieb, bekam ich nur als Antwort zurück: Kautionen können nur mit der Kreditkarte bezahlt werden. ?? Auf meine Situation wurde absolut nicht eingegangen, für mich ein klares No-Go! Ich habe drei weitere Mails geschrieben, ohne Antwort oder Erfolg! Anschließend rief ich dort an. Der Mitarbeiter sagte mir, dass das Problem umgehend behoben wird, ich müsste in zwei Tage mein Geld erhalten, nun sind mehr als 5 vergangen!!! Ich werde das Unternehmen solange weiter terrorisieren, bis ich mein Geld zurück erhalten habe. Kann das Unternehmen absolut nicht empfehlen! Es gibt genug andere Vermietung auf Madeira, lieber dort sich umschauen, da geht es mit der Kaution auch ohne Kreditkarte Nachtrag: Ich habe tatsächlich Wochen später dann das Geld erhalten. An den Support sollte trotzdem gearbeitet werden
Aproveitaram o voucher dado pelo cancelamento na altura da pandemia para cobrar o triplo do valor perto da época alta quando a marcação tinha sido feita em época baixa. Depois o responsável foge às suas responsabilidades e nunca está disponível. Por fim ainda se atrasam na entrega do carro. Não recomendaria a ninguém esta experiência. Em reposta ao comentário abaixo: Primeiro é pena que durante o tempo que tentamos esclarecer e contactar tenha sido tão mais lento e indisponível face à resposta deste comentário. Nós percebemos, não convinha. Em segundo lugar, o que não faz qualquer sentido é a marcação ter sido feita em março para setembro e não ter sido referido nada relativamente ao preço e, já em cima da marcação, informarem de um ajuste aplicando os preços praticados em época alta ( e tendo em conta que já tínhamos reduzimos um dia à estadia). Também a primeira marcação foi em época baixa ( dezembro) para junho. Iriam fazer um ajuste em junho também? Tal como já lhe disse assim como o preço de um bilhete de avião ou estadia não altera uma vez marcada o preço do Rent a Car também não . É incompreensível e demonstra má fé da parte da empresa
Bonjour, J ai mis une étoile par obligation par l application google pour pouvoir laisser un avis mais si j aurai pu je n en n aurai mise aucune. J ai loué 3 années de suite dans cette entreprise de location. Les deux premières années j ai loué sur place sans problème mais la dernière année n étant pas encore sur l île j ai réservé à distance ( c était la première fois et la dernière ! ). Plus d une heure d attente pour pouvoir récupérer notre véhicule à l aéroport ! Nous avons appelé à de nombreuses reprises l entreprise pour signaler leur retard, pour qu au final on nous dise « nous somme sur la route » ( je tiens à préciser que je devais récupérer le véhicule à 10h45 et il ne sont venu qu à 12h) sans oublier qu il n y a eu aucun geste commercial ni même une simple excuses de l employer pour le retard et l attente. De plus quand fut le moment de payer, il me fut impossible de laisser une caution par chèque ou par virement (plutôt étrange), j ai dû être contrainte à laisser une assurance de 420 pour pouvoir obtenir la voiture sachant que j avais déjà payé au préalable 1300 pour 3 semaines ( Ça commence à faire cher pour une fiat panda sans compter les 60 pour le dépôt et la réception à l aéroport de la voiture)mais ce n est pas le pire ! Nous nous somme rendu compte (trop tard malheureusement) que la voiture qu on nous avait donné, avait les pneus lisses ! Du jamais vue! Plus dangereux il n y a pas ! Le dernier jours notre voiture patinait sur la route dans les montées à cause de la pluie! C est une chance qu il ne nous soit rien arrivé et qu il ce soit mit à pleuvoir le dernier jour avant notre départ! Je déconseille grandement ! Aller voir ailleur c est simplement une pompe a fric !
Worte sind ihnen egal. Das Traurige daran ist, dass sie den Vertrag nicht erfüllen können. Ich empfehle nicht.
Rápido, prático e económico.
- 2021 , , . 7M, , . . , , 2 , , , 4.4, 2 , . , 10-15 , 13500 , . 3 129 , ! , , . , - 400 . 7 , ! , . . !
Nous avons réservé une voiture. Le lendemain nous avons téléphoné pour savoir si on pouvait annuler la réservation. On nous a répondu OUI, sans problème et sans frais. Nous avons donc annulé. Mais, en vérité, nous navons pu récupérer quun voucher nominatif (et ce ne fut pas facile) valable 2 ans. Donc pour lutiliser, nous sommes obligés de revenir sur lile de Madère avant 2 ans... Nous avons donc perdu une semaine de réservation de voiture, 350 euros ! Alors quils nous ont bien dit que lon pouvait annuler sans problème et quils ont reconnu sêtre trompé sur linformation donnée... Mais impossible de négocier. Pas très compréhensif, pas très commercial, et pas très honnête.
Hatten uns kurzfristig für drei Tage einen Fiat Panda gemietet. Günstigstes Angebot der Insel. Punktabzug, weil die Premiumversicherung nirgends näher beschrieben wurde und dazu auch von unterschiedlichen Mitarbeitern verschiedene Aussagen getroffen wurden. Im Endeffekt ging mit dieser Versicherung alles schnell bei der Übergabe, da das Auto nicht auf Kratzer oder sonstiges gecheckt wurde.
Dauerte sehr lange. Ganz schlecht beschrieben wann die Rückgabe ist. Wir bekamen ein böses Telefon und man sagte uns wir müssen es sofort zurückbringen. Wir dachten wir bringen es am Abend zurück doch es musste vereits am Morgen um 10.00 Uhr dort sein. Dann bezahlten wir nochmals 49 obwohl wir das Auto abgegeben haben um 14:00 Uhr. Wir würden dort niemals mehr ein Auto mieten.
Not simple but effective
Very satisfied. Excelent service by Igor at Funchal Marina Shopping. Would recomend 7M to everyone. Online booking with discount.
Realizei uma reserva pela página web e me cobraram duas vezes e 20 dias depois ainda não me fizeram a transferência (Dois dias depois a esta resposta ainda continuo aguardar o pagamento
Very bad communication. It is not possible to contact them via phone/whatsapp. We paid 30 EUR for airport pickup but they kept us wait about 45 mins without any notification. The car condition was not so good but acceptable. 3 stars for good price and fast car return
Levantar o carro nao correu bem. Nao tinham a cadeira como solicitado para crianca, demraram a ir buscar. No entanto assumiram o erro e tentaram compensar justamente.
Fácil e sem complicações. Experiência agradável e que iremos repetir quando voltarmos à Madeira. Nunca foi tão simples alugar um carro. Obrigada!
I recommend it 100 % , very nice service!
HIGHLY NOT recommended, unacceptable behavior by the agency. We have booked the car one week before the pick up and received the reservation confirmation by the agency representative, we have surely specified the pick up and drop off dates as otherwise whole booking thing makes no sense however when we came at agreed time to pick up the car, agency claimed that the reservation is not valid as we do not specify drop off date. Likely that the agency practices double booking as due to holiday season they have applied new higher prices on the rental. Please be aware before approaching this agency.
Personnel très sympathique et efficace je recommande
Tried contacting them via email as their web site booking system would not work. Abrupt rude reply, so didnt bother. Used Gocar instead.... Fantastic, and half the price of 7M.
We hadden een Smart cabrio 2sit. Bijna nieuw, reed heerlijk, goede prijs en geen vervelende verrassingen. Zeker een aanrader!
So einfach und schnell habe ich noch nie was ausgeliehen. Der Preis ist absolut Fair und es ist keine Kaution erforderlich. Die Rückgabe war genau so unkompliziert. Würde ich nur empfehlen!!
I am very satisfied. Very good service, very punctual staff and nice cars. I got the cheapest car that they offer and it is literally like brand new with many extras. I can imagine what it will be if I rent one of their premium cars. They delivered to my house and then came to pick it up (they even came twice because couldnt find me the first time, sorry for that ). Many thanks and I look forward to rent from you again soon!
Excelente!!! Preço acessível, serviço do vendedor impecável, automóvel quase novo, caução devolvida sem problemas. Só posso recomendar. Até ao próximo ano!
Recomendo. Simpatia e profissionalismo.
Um aluguer a repetir com certeza ! para aqueles que adoram adrenalina nas estradas recomendo ! Abarth monstro !!
Flexible, schnelle Bedienung, gutes Auto und ein wirklich fairer Mietpreis für den Kindersitz (bei vielen anderen Agenturen ist er so hoch, dass man dafür einen neuen Sitz kaufen könnte!). Unsere Entscheidung zur Versicherung wurde umstandslos akzeptiert (auch das ist ja nicht normal, leider!) und über die zu hinterlegende Kaution konnten wir uns flexibel einigen. Also: eine angenehme Erfahrung, die ich gern weiterempfehle!
Horrible service. They were late by 40 minutes to provide the car. At the rent at the airport is not even at the airport. They drove you 30 minutes to Funchal. Do not recommend. Chose another car rent.
Finger weg !!!!!!!!!! Man reserviert ein Voll Tank, bekommt aber ein X Zustand und muss wieder dieser Zustand bei der Rückgabe halten. (was sehr sehr schwierig zu schätzen ist). Ich konnte warten bis sie das Auto Voll tanken, machen sie aber nicht. Wenn man bei der Rückgabe mehr als der X Zustand zurückgibt, bekommt trotzdem keine Erstattung. Wir wollten am letzten Tag noch einen Tag addieren + shuttle zum Flughafen, der Typ, der da war, mit glatt Kopf, wollte unbedingt seine Variante anbieten, die sehr teuer waren und als ich eine günstigere Variante ausgewählt habe, wollte er meine Auswahl nicht annehmen und meinte er zu mir: Die beste Variante ist, Auto jetzt zurück und keine Verlängerung. Schade wenn man eine schlechte Behandlung am letzten Tag bekommt !!
Avoid these at all cost. Use a more reputable company. I would not recommend this company at all. The service we have received has been appalling. We were initially detained over an hour in the shop due to a server issue in head office, and had to book the car manually. This is forgiveable as computers do play up from time to time, it was our bad luck Im guessing. But what is not forgivable is the delay in getting our refund back for the deposit. It is now over 6 weeks since we returned the car and have been chasing them since to no avail. Do not return your car to the airport as we did, as they have no facility to receive the car and issue a refund for the return. A guy turned up in the car park and drove off. We were promised the moment he got back to the office the refund would be actioned. A screenshot was sent of a card terminal saying not authorised/declined, but no refund have been received. Are what point do we report this to our credit card company as fraud.... Shocking customer service