7m Rent a Car em Funchal

R. do Carmo nº52, 9050-019 Funchal, Portugal

(115 avaliações)
Tipos de Veículos: Car rental agency


7M Rent a Car has a fleet of vehicles at your disposal, with dedicated professionals to provide you with the best service. We have the best price on the market. Contact us.

R. do Carmo nº52, 9050-019 Funchal, Portugal
Código Plus
M32W+46 Funchal, Portugal
Fuso Horário

Horário de Funcionamento

9 am–7 pm
9 am–7 pm
9 am–7 pm
9 am–7 pm
9 am–7 pm
9 am–7 pm
9 am–7 pm

Serviços e Características

Wheelchair-accessible entrance

Galeria de Fotos


115 avaliações

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prices (31) island (16) brakes (8) insurance (8) drive (7) pay (6) fiat tipo (5) gas (5) deposit (5) fiat panda (4)
5 estrelas
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2 estrelas
1 estrelas
November 16, 2024

Personally one of the best car rentinge dperiences in my life. Polite gentlemen that explained it all and gave us a wonderful vehicle at an amazing price. Easy and fast paperwork, and we were on our way in minutes. Big recommendation!

November 1, 2024

Everything was perfect, we had perfect car and we did a trip around a whole island. The guy from renting company was super nice and helpful. And the price is really affordable. Really reccomend this car rent. ☀️

Foto da avaliação
June 30, 2024

I got absolutely scammed by this company which put a real negative spin on our entire trip. I rented a Clio with this crew. I booked 2 weeks ahead but when I turned up on time they made me wait for over an hour, only to find they hadn't even organized a Clio. They tried to give me a much larger car which was not practical... I walked down the street and got a rental at another local joint for much cheaper. Do not do business with these people it is chaos and they simply don't care 🤷

June 27, 2024

Very good and smooth service! Fiat Tipo cross station was just a perfect car to explore the island - sufficiently spacious and high enough to crawl over rockier spots. We had a small issue that was smoothly resolved by the staff of 7m. Highly recommend!

May 24, 2024

We booked a Renault Clio for one day. The rate for the car plus insurance was competitive. There was 10% discount for booking on line which we did in advance of our trip. On the day, we had a short wait while the agent dealt with another customer. Paperwork was quick and efficient. We were provided with a Fiat Tipo estate, which was a bit larger than we needed. The car was almost new and very clean. We had no problems with the car which drove very well. We left it back with tank 3/4 full as instructed. Agent called us an hour ahead of closing time to remind us. Hand back of the car was very straight forward. The only caution is the access in and out of the Carmo garage. It is very tight! The agent moved the car for us both times, which we really appreciated. Thank you all at 7M for a hassle free experience, especially Tiago at Carmo. Brian

March 27, 2024

All in all it was a good experience renting a car twice from 7M. We had to wait 10-30 minutes each time, due to the staff being busy. The option to pay 20 EUR per day for full insurance makes the process hassle-free with no deposit necessary. But it also means the rental rates look a little too good to be true at first sight. We chose the "Renault Clio or similar" category both times. First we got a Clio, which is I think an ideal car to traverse the island with (in case the driver is experienced with manual gears). But the second time we got a Fiat Tipo Cross, which is a rather large vehicle, making it difficult to park and turn around in some cases, while its engine is not particularly powerful. Nothing terrible, but looking back, a Panda could have been just as fine while easier to maneuver. UPDATE: Based on the response by 7M, I would like to point out that I have left a review on Trustpilot too. I encourage everyone to use Trustpilot as well as Google Maps when planning a trip.

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June 27, 2023

Do not rent from this dishonest business. We’ve rented dozens of cars all over the world and 7M was the worst experience. We actually returned the car the next morning. I specifically booked a small car (Renault Clio) for Funchal because the streets are tiny and parking is difficult. When we arrived at 7M to pick up our car at the CORRECT time, the ONE staff member working literally ignored us for almost 45 minutes while they spoke to several other customer also waiting. If there are multiple pickups/returns booked, why is there a single staff member there? When we finally were able to approach the desk, we had to fill out some forms even though we booked online and they had all our details. It’s a ridiculously inefficient process… We were taken to our car which was a Fiat Tipo. I explained to the staff member that this was a MUCH larger car than I booked and I'd like a smaller car. I explained I did not mind picking it up later in the afternoon. He immediately became aggressive and kept repeating “they’re both class B vehicles” and began walking away. Nowhere on the website is there a list or description of “class B vehicles”. I booked a Renault Clio “or similar” and this car was objectively NOT similar. Oh, and the fuel tank was almost empty so we had to fill up right away. When I asked to cancel the order, the staff member told us if we don’t want the car don’t take it and that we’d have to call head office to organise a cancellation?? We mistakenly took the car, but had to return it the very next morning. It was literally too large to fit in our hotel carpark and finding a park was a nightmare. When I returned the car, I emailed “head office” to request a refund for returning the car 2 days early. I believed this was a reasonable request as we were not given the car we booked. To my surprise, “head office” is flat out refusing to send any kind apology let alone a refund. EDIT: In 7M's reply, they have flat out lied again. There is NO reference on their website to "class B vehicles" — they just make up their own rules when customers aren't happy with their booking. We booked a Renault Clio "or similar". The car we were given was a much larger and longer sedan. Do not rent from these people.

Foto da avaliação
February 23, 2022

Amazing rental experience! The car was new and in good condition. We've rented a Smart for 5 days and traveled 700 km of Madeira roads. The company responds quickly to any requests.

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January 10, 2025

We used the services of 7M, everything went without problems, we got a lot of positive emotions from the trip! In Madeira without no car!

November 30, 2024

Nieuczciwe praktyki, oszustwo Zapis w umowie mówi cy e szkoda (przytarcie, wgniecenie) jest niedbalstwem kierowcy i wtedy ubezpieczenie nie pokrywa szkody a ty jeste zobowi zany zap aci za napraw . Oczywi cie personel bardzo nieprzyjemny, odsy a do swojego szefa gdzie kontaktujesz si z nim telefonicznie, nic nie za atwisz a na koniec zostaniesz wy miany i po egnany rodkowym palcem. Odradzam serdecznie!!!

October 31, 2024

Bien même si il ne parlait pas du tout le Français ..... Voiture un peu ancienne mais quimporte elle fonctionnait bien !

Guia Local
October 31, 2024

Ich habe einen Fiat Tipo Cross für 3 Tage bei 7m gemietet. Das Fahrzeug war in einem Top Zustand und ich hatte keinerlei Probleme. Die Buchung erfolgte online über die offizielle Internetseite. Die Preise sind voll in Ordnung. Vielen Dank an das Team des 7m Rent a car. Ich hatte einen angenehmen und schönen Trip durch Madeira!

October 31, 2024

Autonoleggio chiaro, preciso e disponibilissimi, avevamo preso una panda base ma dopo un giorno ci siamo accorti che ci serviva qualcosa di più grosso e ci hanno cambiato macchina senza battere ciglio. Grazie ci avete reso la vacanza bellissima senza problemi

Guia Local
September 30, 2024

BLOCCATO SU WHATSAPP AUTO ROTTA VACANZA ROVINATA. Mi hanno preso i soldi e ancora non ho ricevuto la fattura per i danni al veicolo. Ma facciamo un passo indietro e vi racconto la peggiore esperienza della mia vita con questagenzia di noleggio. Appena ho ritirato lauto, mi sono subito accorto che i freni non funzionavano bene, ad una leggera pressione vibravano terribilmente. Chiunque sia stato a Madeira sa quanto possa essere pericoloso, dato che le strade sono tutte salite e discese. Ho quindi contattato immediatamente lassistenza, ma mi hanno risposto solo il giorno seguente, dicendomi che si trattava di normale usura. Il giorno successivo, dopo pochi minuti di guida, dal cofano è cominciato a uscire fumo bianco. Presi dal panico, ci siamo fermati immediatamente e abbiamo chiamato di nuovo lassistenza. Aprendo il cofano, ho visto che il liquido del radiatore era fuoriuscito. Nonostante tutto nessuna spia, la temperatura dellacqua era normale. Quando laddetto è arrivato sul posto, ha iniziato ad accusarci di aver causato noi il danno, come se il problema fosse dovuto alla mia guida, piuttosto che alla scarsa manutenzione del veicolo. Il punto è che, non avendo sottoscritto lassicurazione premium, ma solo il deposito di 2200 euro, da contratto dovevo coprire tutti i danni, anche se il guasto era probabilmente preesistente. Promemoria per il futuro di leggere tutte le clausole dei contratti, perché sono studiate apposta per mettersi in una situazione di vantaggio con il cliente. Ci hanno lasciato per più di tre ore sul ciglio della strada, chiedendoci di pagare 1500 euro per il danno. La diagnosi è stata fatta da un meccanico... per telefono. Esatto, per telefono. Noi volevamo saldare il giorno successivo, dopo un controllo accurato da parte di un meccanico, ma laddetto e il suo capo al telefono si sono dimostrati estremamente arroganti. Hanno sfruttato la situazione di stress e disagio in cui ci trovavamo, dicendoci che senza il pagamento immediato non ci avrebbero fornito unauto sostitutiva. Erano i nostri primi giorni sullisola e avevano il deposito bloccato sulla carta di credito. Alla fine, esausti, stressati e devastati dallesperienza, abbiamo ceduto e pagato. La beffa? Abbiamo dovuto aspettare il carroattrezzi e pagare anche il taxi. Successivamente abbiamo chiesto ripetutamente, con ogni mezzo possibile, la fattura e il verbale del meccanico, ma non abbiamo ricevuto nessuna risposta. Ripeto: abbiamo pagato la riparazione di danni diagnosticati al telefono e non abbiamo ricevuto nessuna fattura o risposta dallazienda. Complimenti per il servizio clienti. Ognuno tragga le proprie conclusioni. PS: Prima che lo scriviate, ho già fatto la recensione su TrustPilot e posso fornire qualsiasi fotografia e screenshot dellaccaduto.

August 31, 2024

La voiture était endommagée lors de la prise de possession. Aussi, le changement dhuile était dû. Lors de notre location de 2 semaines, mon mari a laissé par accident les clés dans la voiture. Nous nous sommes directement présentés au centre de location pour aller chercher la 2e clé quil navait pas. Nous avons attendu 3 heures afin dobtenir le double de la clé. Il devait venir nous la remettre directement à lendroit où se situait la voiture et finalement, nous avons été dans lobligation de retourner la chercher au centre de location où nous nous étions présentés initialement. Ils nous ont chargé 122 euros, alors quils ne se sont même pas déplacés.

August 31, 2024

The worst renting company.

Guia Local
August 31, 2024

Schlimmste Autovermietung auf der ganzen Insel generell 7M !!! das Shuttle wollte nur die Fahrer vom Flughafen abholen und ich sollte alleine am Flughafen warten Wir hatten ein Fahrzeug mit Klimaanlage gebucht und ein Fahrzeug ohne erhalten Bei der Rückgabe wurden wir nicht gefragt ob wir zufrieden waren weder noch freundlich begrüßt oder verabschiedet Der Fahrer ist katastrophal gefahren und hat keine Rücksicht auf seine Kunden genommen (wir fahren mehrere Personen im Bus)

Guia Local
August 31, 2024

Nous avons loué une voiture chez 7m rent a car pendant une semaine. Tout sest très bien passé. Loueur honnête et lun des moins cher de lîle ! Je le recommande vivement !

Guia Local
August 31, 2024

Wir haben für 3 Tage ein Auto gemietet. Das Personal war nicht unbedingt freundlich, eher am Abschluss orientiert. Als uns gesagt wurde, dass wir 4 Tage zahlen müssten, aber eigentlich nur 3 Tage das Auto nutzen könnten, waren wir stutzig. (Montag 9.30 Uhr Abholung ,Donnerstag 9.30 Uhr Rückgabe) als wir dies Ansprachen und uns woanders ein Angebot einholen wollten, gab es plötzlich Optionen. Letztendlich können wir dann das Auto zum Preis vom 3 Tagen mieten und es auch 3 volle Tage nutzen. Das Auto war in einen ziemlich schlechten Zustand! Abgesehen von den ganzen Schrammen, fiel uns während der Fahrt auf, dass die Bremsen nicht so ganz zuverlässig funktionierten, es gab mehrfach Fehlermeldungen im Display und bei der kleinsten Unenenheit auf der Straße quietsche und knarrte die Karosse.... bei den bergigen Straßen auf der Insel, nicht wirklich vertrauenserweckend. Die Rückgabe hingegen verlief unkompliziert. Wir würden dennoch hier nicht wieder mieten!

Guia Local
July 31, 2024

We rented an illegal car. Avoid this shady company! We rented a small Fiat Panda for 1 day. On our way out of porto Moniz we got stopped by police officers and after inspection they found out that our car should have been checked by a garage over 1 year ago. (Rental cars have an additional check to do apparently after 5 years) This is why our car was legal to drive but illegal to rent to anyone. When telling this to the company they said they couldnt pay us back the money we spent ON AN ILLEGALLY RENTED CAR.! On top of that one seat belt was not functioning but we only found out in the afternoon when switching seats in the back. If the police officers had found out, the fee of 1500 would have been much higher. And to top it off I got asked why I didnt put petrol back into the car...ridiculous. We asked to speak to a manager but were told it was not possible. Their solution was to call the agency for a new car. We were on the other side of the island at 3pm and wanted to be home around 4pm. All the garages are ON THE OPPOSITE of the island, the math was not mathing. We were only asking for 60 Euros but they only offered another car which wasnt needed since we were about to leave funchal. Good luck with the fine, you give Madeira a bad reputation.

June 30, 2024

Absolutnie nie polecam, zosta am oszukana, auta ani pieni dzy brak

June 30, 2024

Nigdy wi cej. Kas wzi li, auta nie ma

May 31, 2024

Ich bin spontan hingegangen und habe mir gleich für nächsten Tag ein Auto gemietet. Der Ablauf war sehr unkompliziert und die Mitarbeiter sind sehr freundlich.

Guia Local
May 31, 2024

I came to rent an automatic car the same day. The guy was very polite, and taking it out and returning it was very quick! One huge warning I wish I knew about beforehand: the pickup/return was extremely stressful because of the location. There are no parking spots, just a narrow one-way street. When I picked up the car, the guy drove it up, paused in the middle of the street, and handed me the keys. There were already cars lining up behind me, so I didnt even have time to adjust my seat or get familiar with the car, nor were there any spots to just pull over for a minute or two. Upon return, theyll tell you to park it somewhere on the street, but there are only 3-4 spots that are almost guaranteed to be occupied because its Funchal. This place has amazing service and is a good option if you need to rent a car, especially on short notice, but just know that the roads wont make it easy.

Guia Local
April 30, 2024

SCROCS& VOLEURS je m explique: Personnel qui a vraiment l air débordé, nous avons loué une voiture pour 5 jours ( Fiat panda ou similaire) nous nous sommes rendus à l agence et déjà nous sommes tombé sur un monsieur sympathique, qui nous a directement imposé une assurance ou alors de mettre une caution alors que nous avions déjà réglé la voiture en ligne. Donc l assurance nous a coûter 100 de plus pour 5jours, car sinon c était une caution à 2000 à avancer ! Suite à cela une attente d 1h20 s en ai suivis, le monsieur était seul et tout les clients s impatientait . Nous avons récupérer la voiture qui était donc une mitsubishi , voiture complément rayée, avec le par choc avant qui tiens à peine enfin bref ( pensé à prendre des photos) . La nous sommes au troisième jour de location , nous quittons Porto Moniz pour nous rendre près de Funchal , et les freins de la voiture on commencer à fumer , et à sentir le cramer . Nous avons du faire une pause en route car nous avions peur que cela prenne feu ! Ensuite nous avons voulu mettre de l essence, et par erreur nous avons pris la pompe gasoil nous avons mis 12 litres à peine dans le véhicule, on s en ai vite rendu compte et nous avons appeler l assistance et nous n avons même pas démarré le véhicule car nous ne voulions pas endommager le moteur. Et voilà qu on nous demande de payer près de 900 pour un dépannage et un échange de carburant alors que nous a avions mis 12 litres et non un pleins complet ! Alors qu entre vous et moi nous savons tous qu il suffit juste d aspirer le carburant ça prenais moins de 15 min ! Nous avons essayer de discuter en vains avec la personne venue nous dépanner qui n as rien voulu savoir, donc nous avons débourser la somme imposée. Nous avons reconnu notre erreur je ne dis pas le contraire, mais absolument rien ne justifie une telle somme, et nous nous demandons bien à quoi sert l assurance que nous avons payer puisque apparemment cette dernière ne prend pas se problème en charge !

Guia Local
February 29, 2024

I unfortunately had to cancel just a few hours after I made a booking for a car for a week but I could only get 50% of the total returned since it was 5 days before the start of the booked date. Shocking since plenty of other car rental places on the island have much better policies for the customer. The duration of the booking simply doesnt count, only the start date. It was impossible to contact them by phone and their website doesnt allow to to manage bookings. EDIT in response to the feedback: I received a quicker response on Google maps reviews than answering the phone I understood the policy - I am just deeply disappointed in it as it is not reasonable for the customer, especially compared to other car rental companies on Madeira. I think the policy is awful! There is no cool down time, 50% of the total plus fees is a huge amount when booking for several days and the total amount refundable is affected by the start date of the booking. This is why I recommend anyone who is booking for several days or more to choose a different car rental agency. The website doesnt allow you to amend your booking, they dont answer their phones so the only way is to email and hope someone sees it in time. They make promises of commuting to better customer service but after 2 years of disappointment using 7m I cannot believe this.

Guia Local
February 29, 2024

Najgorsza i najbardziej nieuczciwa wypo yczalnia z której us ug skorzysta em ostatni raz w yciu.W trakcie dokonywania rezerwacji przez Internet nie informuj o dodatkowych op atach które pobierane s w momencie odbioru. Jeste przekonany e wypo yczaj c u nich auto na tydzie czasu zap acisz w granicach oko o 100 euro a nast pnie na miejscu okazuje si e zap aci trzeba 300 euro. Do tego otrzyma em taki samochód który mia yse opony i wpada w takie wibracje e my la em e si rozleci na kawa ki. Nigdy wi cej.

Guia Local
January 31, 2024

Weve had a very good experience with 7m rental. Our car was in very good conditon (opel corsa), rental proces was nice and quick, no surprises on return of the car. Recommend!

Guia Local
January 31, 2024

goats dos carros na ilha das bananas

Guia Local
January 31, 2024

bom preço

Guia Local
January 31, 2024

We rent from 7m(Carmo) quite often. The staff here is great.

January 31, 2024

Worst experience with rentals. We went to the store at 10:30 in the morning and around 11:00 the manager told us that he would take a look if he could find us any car for the day. After he looked after all the other customers, he then proceeded to search a car for us at 13:00! We agreed that we were gonna take the car at 14:30 and when we came back he didnt have the car! We finally took it around 15:20! We already had lost half the day just for waiting. He couldve told us from the beginning that he didnt have anything available and it wouldve been fine! And after all the inconvenience we asked just to deliver it at the airport so we wouldnt spend the other day waiting for him to check the car and then use the bus but he told us that we had to pay extra although we lost all our day waiting!! He was kind but the whole experience was a big no!

Guia Local
January 31, 2024

Bien, normal de precio, los coches son aceptables. Tengo que poner 2 estrellas porque cada vez que voy tengo que esperar 60 minutos, 7m Carmo siempre tiene retraso en la entrega y recogida de tu coche. Creo que podrían poner más personas en las horas puntas. Por otro lado, deberían hacer un sistema web automático para rellenar todos los datos del cliente y el recepcionista sólo verificarlos con los documentos de identidad. Ya son varios días en los que se les cae el sistema y tienen que tomarte a mano todos los datos, esto genera mucho retraso. Además, también genera retraso el TPV para dejar el depósito.

Guia Local
January 31, 2024

They tried to charge us an extra fee that wasnt mentioned anywhere in the contract. Only desisted when we insisted on that we never had to pay that before. The front desk guy was also very rude and dismissive, didnt even let use use the bathroom. Ill rent a car somewhere else next time, where they are nicer with their customers and dont try to scam them. Update: a little after we left with the car, we got a tire low pressure alarm. After calling the car company the made us get back just to tell us to go to a gas station and pump air into the tires, something that is THEIR job. Thanks for making us waste an hour :)

Guia Local
January 31, 2024

Super friendly and helpful. Quick, yet thorough, and felt like he was honest and open the whole way through. I would recommend booking directly through their website though, as youll probably find its cheaper there than through comparison sites.

January 31, 2024

We had a great experience renting a smart car from Joao Anjo for 5 days. The staff were very straight forward and friendly, the car performed GREAT all over the island even on the steepest hills, and we received our deposit back with zero problems. Their system was down when we were supposed to pick up the car, causing a 2 hour pick up delay, but they did allow us to extend the rental if we wanted. We didn t need to but it was nice they offered. And if you do extend, make sure you have it in writing (or email) just in case. Car rentals always feel like a risk but this one worked great for us!

Guia Local
January 31, 2024

Personal nett, Preis gut, Auto eher schelchter Zustand was zB Bremsen anging

January 31, 2024

! , 60+ , , 7m . fiat 124 spider ( ), . , 2500 , 500, ( ). , , . . , . ! fiat 500, fiat 124 spider?

January 31, 2024

El primer coche ya iba mal cuando nos lo dieron, y duró dos días.hasta que falló la batería. El otro que nos dieron, a los tres días falló el.embrague. Cuando llamamos nos coaccionaron a pagar 1.000 para que nos cambiarán el coche porque el embrague no estaba incluido. Una vergüenza. Muy malas formas y amenazas de que iban a llamar a la policía y no nos iban a dejar salir de Madeira.

January 31, 2024

Atendimento Simpático, excelentes veículos, recomendo plenamente. Preços atrativos

January 31, 2024

Sehr guter Service, faire Preise und Personal, welches sehr gut Englisch spricht. Wir waren total zufrieden

Guia Local
January 31, 2024

I booked the cheapest car offered (90 for 6 days). I got an old beater Panda with lot of scratches. I took a few pictures on pick up. The car worked flawlessly and the drop off was very smooth and friendly. One unmarked scratch seen from my photos didnt cause any issue, deposit released immediately. I recommend.

Guia Local
January 31, 2024

Very friendly and accommodating. Serious. We borrowed a car for a week and are completely satisfied. Thank you very much and keep it up!

Guia Local
January 31, 2024

Booked a basic car so we could go to the beach & the bird zoo on the way. Good prices. Car ok - brakes a bit squeaky. All in insurance a bonus. Check in - a little slow as only one member of staff. Staff drive the car out onto the road and hand you the keys so you have to get in and move before you can get settled/adjust mirrors etc as they leave you right in traffic! Would be much better to swap in their drive Would use again. Would recommend. Thanks

Guia Local
January 31, 2024

Prima verhuurbedrijf. Ik bedacht vanochtend wel een auto te willen huren om de bergen in te rijden. Er waren meerdere modellen en typen beschikbaar, ik heb gekozen voor een smart, automaat, benzine. Prima auto, uitstekende hulp (nadeeltje: kopie van paspoort en rijbewijs vindt men nog steeds nodig, terwijl het juridisch gezien helemaal niet mag. Aan het nummer van het paspoort en rijbewijs alleen heeft men in principe voldoende.

January 31, 2024

I recommend it. Efficient employees, quality cars and competitive prices. Nothing negative to point out.

Guia Local
January 31, 2024

Helpful people, lots to choose from. However please dont rent a Harley ot Indian for two as those cruise bikes are just no good. Cars are good quality and well kept. Motorcycle fleet needs better looking after. But staff helpful and friendly

January 31, 2024

Fint bil, fin oplevelse. Intet forsøg på mersalg eller snyd. Lej trygt hos 7m.

Guia Local
January 31, 2024

I had a good experience renting a car here. I had no issues and they returned the deposit immediately. They take around 20 to 30 minutes to handle each customer so on busy days you have to wait for a while. Also I wish they used less paper. I got 5 pieces of paper just to rent a car for 3 days.

January 31, 2024

I can recommend 7M, good cars and good service.

January 31, 2024

Polecam wypo yczalnie, bardzo dobry kontakt, zarezerwowa am automat co by o strza em w 10, otrzyma am nowe Mitsubishi z 3200 km na liczniku, stan idealny. Podczas rezerwacji online wykupi am te ubezpieczenie, aby niczym si nie martwi . Polecam.

January 31, 2024

Everything worked out great! The day before I had arranged to rent a scooter for the next day. Everything worked! Great price, great scooter! The employee was very nice and easy! Next time Ill come back to you!

January 31, 2024

Good cars and service, prices are nice too

Guia Local
January 31, 2023

Rápido, eficiente e familiar. Nada como as rent a car monstras e vigaristas

January 31, 2023

We were able to rent a car for 3 days at end of March. Went in person to the office near Hotel do Carmo to ensure terms of hire. Extra Insurance well worth the cost for piece of mind. Good clean neat Panda coped well with some very steep roads! No problems with hand over or returning the car (just has to have the same amount of fuel as at the start.) Friendly, efficient staff good explication of paper work and no extra charges! Would use again.

Guia Local
January 31, 2023

Simpatia e prontidão. Preço caro para carro todo riscado.

Guia Local
January 31, 2023

Cette agence est parfaite. Louer une voiture est toujours une angoisse, mais avec eux pas de panique. Nous nous sommes senti en confiance lors de la présentation des modèles. Nous nous sommes pas senti forcé dacheter des options supplémentaires. Je vous mets en garde pour le deposit, il faut absolument une carte de crédit. Je vous conseil de prendre lassurance à 20 par jour qui vous donne une vrai tranquillité desprit. Attention prenez bien un modèle de voiture pouvant assurer les montés de Madere. Pas de panique, ils sont là pour vous conseiller. Nous avons eu un soucis de frein avec notre voiture. Inquiète nous sommes allez dans notre agence de location pour leur en faire part, malgré les moins de 24h restant sur notre location, léquipe à immédiatement changé notre voiture, avec un surclassement. Alors merci à léquipe, réactive et sympathique.

January 31, 2023

Alquilamos un Fiat 500 Diesel para dos días en el acto. El responsable nos atendió muy bien y todo fue muy sencillo, a pesar de que fuimos en plena temporada alta y casi no había opciones. Me parece una opción de confianza para alquilar directamente allí, sin la incertidumbre de la reserva online de última hora.

Guia Local
January 31, 2023

Muy buena experiencia con ellos. No tuvimos problemas en ningún momento y son la opción más barata. Echaremos de menos al nuestro Fiat panda, nos llevó a todos lados y nos subió por cuestas imposibles. Siempre contigo, panda

Guia Local
January 31, 2023

Expérience impeccable, agent très efficace. Tu vas me manquer petite Panda !

January 31, 2023

The car rental was resolved within 10 minutes. I recommend paying extra for insurance. Professional service

Guia Local
January 31, 2023

Great service. Friendliness. Good conditions Very good prices

January 31, 2023

Compañía poco seria. Desde un inicio tuvimos problemas con ellos para localizarlos al llegar al aeropuerto para entregarnos el coche. Después hubo un problema mecánico y aunque finalmente logramos que nos diesen otro coche, nos tocó perder nuestro tiempo de vacaciones en asuntos que le pertenecían a la empresa. No nos gusto la atención que nos dieron.

Guia Local
January 31, 2023

Poor condition car for nice price, though.

Guia Local
January 31, 2023

Good price/quality ratio.

Guia Local
January 31, 2023

Im disappointed because I ordered the Fiat 500X through their web page 3 weeks ago and they give me old koda Fabia with lot of issues (left head light was broken, after every engine start it should go to service, weak brakes). They told me I can go to main office and change it, but I dont want to waste my holiday time, even if they have 3 weeks to prepare it for me as a customer.

Guia Local
January 31, 2023

Pierwszy kontakt z firm by online przez whatsupp. Tutaj ci gle odsy ali mnie do strony gdzie sprawdz dost pno i ceny jednak na wszystkie inne pytania odpowiedzieli sprawnie. Przed wypo yczeniem udali my si do salonu w centrum Funchal aby dopyta o reszt szczegó ów i dokonali my rezerwacji przez stron internetow z 10% zni ka. Sam proces przebieg sprawnie, wzi li my opcje z pe nym ubezpieczeniem dzi ki czemu przy odbiorze sprawdzili jedynie poziom paliwa. Polecam :)

Guia Local
January 31, 2023

Bom serviço prestado no aluguel do veículo

Guia Local
January 31, 2023

, . , , , . , , .

January 31, 2023

Serviço top, bom atendimento

Guia Local
January 31, 2023

Buenos precios a la hora de alquilar coche para moverse por la isla. Lo que me parece un poco excesiva es la fianza, aunque es verdad que si entregas el coche de igual forma que te lo llevaste, la devolución es inmediata (por lo menos en mi caso). Aunque también entiendo que tienen que cubrirse las espaldas.

Guia Local
January 31, 2023

Disponibilissimi,molto chiari sulle condizioni del noleggio. Prezzi decisamente economici. P.s. piccola nota di attenzione. Il secondo giorno abbiamo noleggiato una mitsubishi con avviamento start e stop. Il ragazzo ci ha portato la macchina allesterno dimentcandosi di darci la chiave. È subito corso per sporgercela (semaforo rosso ti amo). È un sistema quello con avviamento a pulsante, che odio. Se malauguratamente la batteria del comando si scarica in centro allisola tu come la apri la macchina senza chiave fisica?? Viva le panda ibride che consumano anche meno!

Guia Local
January 31, 2023

Freundliches Personal, sehr gepflegte Autos, faire Preise. Wir hatten einen ELEKTRISCHEN Fiat 500e - absoluter Tipp! Denn dank Elektro-Motor ohne Schaltung, easy anfahren am Berg - und beim Runterfahren wird die Brems-Energie wieder zurück in den Akku gespeist. So haben wir für eine Woche nur 20 Euro Sprit bezahlt.

Guia Local
January 31, 2022

This agency is really professional with very good prices (maybe the most competitive prices). Everything went fine for us. Good car and good people at reception. You can drop the car at airport if you like for small price. I m happy to post the first comment for them. Good job !

Guia Local
January 31, 2022

Ottima esperienza, prenotato tramite sito che cha fortino la disponibilità reale anche in alta stagione. Molto veloci sia al ritiro che alla ri-consegna.

Guia Local
January 31, 2022

Really nice people and good cars. I recommend taking an automatic, because driving uphills on the island is quite difficult on manual.

Guia Local
January 31, 2022

Wszystko przebieg o bez problemowo. Wykupili my pe ny pakiet ubezpieczenia i przy oddaniu sprawdzilijedynie czy ilo paliwa jest okej. Pan Bruno to jedna z najbardziej pozytywnych osób jak pozna em. Everythings gone alright. Weve bought full insurence and when we were giving back the car they only checked fuel level. Mr Bruno is one of the most positive person I have ever met.

Guia Local
January 31, 2022

Rent your car or scooter in this agency. Professionnel, good prices. The guy at the reception, Bruno, is the best. Good informations about the rental but also about the island, the way of driving, the good spots to visit. Many thanks to him. I totally recommand.

January 31, 2022

Good local car rental company. We get Smart and this is best car to discover Madeira. Good service and good manager in this local office.. tried to help us with all questions not only about car. 5stars :)

Guia Local
January 31, 2022

Very friendly service. Our booked car was not available but they kindly upgraded our vechicle and made our drive around Madeira much more enjoyable.

January 31, 2022

Bruno était super gentil, accueillant, souriant. La voiture Panda était parfait pour notre séjour! Nous sommes montés meme avec jusqu au pico ruivo!!!!!!

Guia Local
January 31, 2022

Bardzo mi a i pomocna obs uga. Ceny poza sezonem bardzo atrakcyjne

Guia Local
January 31, 2022

Atendimento fantástico! Obrigada Bruno!

Guia Local
January 31, 2022

Moi boa atenção , sobre todo o rapaz que traballa ali Bruno!!! Tudo moi bem

January 31, 2022

Fast and high quality with a smile! travel 350 km in two days, watch the whole island. be calm on the Madeira road next time I will take a powerful car) Bruno is the best

January 31, 2022

We got absolutely scammed by this company today, and I m so disappointed by it. We trusted and believed all the good reviews. We extended our 1 day rental with their office to become 2 days via phone, and when we dropped the car back they refused to honor the phone booking, and insist on charging an extra 100 euro late fee. Absolutely appalling behavior to rip off tourists this way - don t trust them. Only ever use Sixt or reputable companies. First time we have ever had a car rental issue in our lives, after 40 years renting. Guess we learnt our lesson.