Estrada Monumental 187, São Martinho, 9000-100 Funchal, Portugal
We hired a car for 22 days from Rodavante because I wanted to rent from a long standing firm in Madeira. We are return customers and received a wonderful upgrade at no extra cost. Great service Rodavante and we are seeing you again 2025!!
After experiencing problems with a different, larger car company and not getting the car we booked, we were left stranded without a vehicle. We found Rodavante, which had a seemingly good offer for a manual car (as there were no automatics left), and we took it out of desperation after waiting over five hours at the airport. Unfortunately, they did not prepare us well enough. We had over three incidents where the manual brake failed while driving downhill and once while reversing down a hill. This was a traumatic experience, as we had to immediately shut the car down and use the handbrake instead. After restarting, the foot brake worked again, but the damage was already done. We are very unhappy, as our entire trip was marred by these recurring incidents. Moreover, the car had problems accelerating; on the highway, it sometimes wouldn’t go past 50 km/h, which is incredibly frustrating. During our 10-day stay, it took almost the entire trip to adapt to the car's faults. The accident we had was solely due to the lack of information before renting the car. We would have greatly appreciated a briefing about the car’s specific issues. Additionally, we are unhappy that the entire deposit was taken for damage that was inherently due to the rental team's poor communication.
My flight was transfered due to bad weather condition so i came one day after. There wasnt problem to pick up my car and also i got perfect condition seat ibiza which was useful everywhere and i had no problems to get anywhere i want. It was just few days but im already planning to come soon again and for sure i will use Rodavante car rental. Thanks!
Rude woman on the desk. Easy enough to organise hire, but the Fiat Panda was knackered. Returned it with 10km less fuel in it and was charged €10, tank costs €40 to fill so unjustified.
Bad experience with this company! For an invisible scratch on the bumper en a 2 cm scratch on a rim they charge 300 euro...They look at the car after renting with a magnifying glass. Dont rent here or pay the high extra insurance!
Horrible. Longest queue at the airport, very slow customer service, we waited 45 mins, there were issues with every customer before us. Did not get a car because they wanted a deposit that we were not warned about, even though we had made an online booking, and then were unable to process out cards. Complete waste of time.
Was told I didn't have the full insurance even though I did and had the paperwork to prove it. Wanted to charge me an additional €128 for glass and wheel cover. Car itself was a 7 year old Corsa that wasn't very good.
We usually hate hiring from smaller companies as they usually try find ways to make you pay more but this company from start to finish was great, no hidden charges, very truthful and if I’m in Madeira again I will definitely use them again! Davinder Landa A-3109973
Everything went smoothly, only the deposit was held on the credit card for 30 days / maybe not bad but it was annoying, and that The available framework was also reduced the whole time!
Nous avons loué une voiture en Octobre 2024 - pour une journée. Tres bonne communication de la part du loueur. Aucune mauvaise surprise à la remise de la voiture. Le retour a pu être fait en toute souplesse, même lagence fermée - ce qui nous a prolongé la journée. Jy retournerais volontiers.
Loueur a fuir facture des rayures a peine visible(véhicule de 4ans) daprès déclaration employée cela est normal chez eux ( double le prix de la location en partant du principe que lassurance vous remboursé)
Location sans encombre, qui plus est de dernière minute suite à un problème avec une autre agence. Accueil sympathique, João nous a bien aidé et parle très bien français (nous navons pas de bases en portugais) Tarifs corrects et voiture propre, rien à dire
Funcionária Jacin... super mal educada. Não recomendo este rent a car no aeroporto da Madeira.
250 euros facturé pour une éraflure à larrière du véhicule alors quà la remise des clés tout était déjà noté... soit disant .. cest récent ! de lescroquerie
Very friendly, generous about fuel and drop off time, highly recommended
ATTENTION : 150 euros de pénalité pour une éraflure sur le bas de caisse de moins 2 cm dont nous navons aucune idée si elle était présente avant le départ...
Wir haben angegeben dass wir das Auto um halb 2 nachts abholen und der Preis wurde auch dementsprechend angehoben. Als wir nachts ankamen war niemand da und auch an der Autostation am Parkplatz war niemand. Telefonisch war niemand zu erreichen. Über Opodo ließ sich die Buchung Gott sei dank stornieren, aber wir mussten vor Ort bei anderen Anbietern buchen für 500 mehr. Rodavante Cars behauptet in den folgenden Tagen sie wusste nicht dass unser Flug existiert. Eine riesen Frechheit. Dreister und unglaublich schlechter Service. Niemals dort buchen. Unzuverlässig und keiner hilft!!!
Reservamos uma carrinha, nos termos da reserva estavam descritos 300 euros de caução.. quando lá chegamos obrigaram a deixar franquia de 1500 euros! Falta de simpatia, funcionária mal disposta e com poucas competências, intransigente.. Ao entregarmos a carrinha, o funcionário que a inspecionou demorou mais de 10 minutos a tentar procurar algum problema.. tínhamos tudo gravado e fotografado. Péssimo!
Au top ! J avais réservé un véhicule sur Internet qui était prêt à l heure le jour-J. La gérante est adorable, elle parle très bien français. Elle nous avait réservé un véhicule surclassé de très bonne qualité avec lequel nous n avons eu aucun problème. Il faut un véhicule d assez bonne qualité pour affronter l énorme dénivelé de Madère, et une voiture nous semble indispensable pour apprécier le séjour et découvrir un maximum de l ile ;) Au retour aucune mauvaise surprise. Attention cependant a bien avoir une carte de crédit pour payer la caution et non pas uniquement de débit. Je recommande vivement !
They were correct
Cogimos el coche en Funchal centro, muy amables, explicando cosas del funcionamiento del coche importantes en una isla como esta con tanto desnivel. Lo único que les falta es un buzón de seguridad para poder dejarles las llaves del coche al terminar el día
Excelente atendimento, bons preços e carros em excelente estado.
Arnaque, à fuir absolument
An der Abholung hat es etwas länger gedauert aber ansonsten sind die Mitarbeiter im persönlichen Gespräch immer freundlich und hilfsbereit !! Bisher sind wir immer gut beraten gewesen!! Außerdem darf der Preis nicht vergessen werden - ziehe Vergleich zu Hertz etc. da setzt du dich auf den Hintern.
Haben über Check24 einen Mietwagen für eine Woche in Madeira gebucht. Abholung und Abgabe ohne Wartezeit und ohne Probleme. Wurde am Ende kurz angeschaut und dann durften wir schon gehen
Un seul conseil: prenez des photos lors du check-in. Location de 3 jours. Voiture récupérée à Funchal et rendue à laéroport. Prix très correct. Surclassement de voiture et accueil charmant à Funchal. Au retour du véhicule à laéroport, la personne montre des griffes qui avaient été mentionnées mais pas écrites sur le contrat au check-in. (avait fait semblant de noter ?) Il aura fallu 1h et un appel (après 5 essais sans réponse) de la part de lagence de funchal pour dire que ces griffes étaient présentes depuis longtemps et donc que nous navions rien à payer alors que la facture initiale était de 750 euros. Pas de soucis pour nous à reprendre cette agence dans le futur, mais nous ne ferons plus confiance à la mention des dégâts avant remise des clefs et nous prendrons des photos nous même !
La première personne qui nous a reçu lors de notre prise en charge de la voiture était absolument adorable et très aimable, par contre nayez JAMAIS à faire avec Cecilia BAPTIST, elle est odieuse, aucun sourire, vous reproche de ne pas parler langlais, mais surtout elle est absolument pas aimable, dommage pour Rodavante
Si la prise de véhicule a été relativement facile ( nous avons du bataille pour faire porter une éraflure sur un des rétro viseur ) les 15 jours de locations se sont bien passés. Lors de la restitution du véhicule ( plein effectué ) le receptionnaire , peu aimable , à contrôlé le véhicule et nous a fais signe de partir. Javais souscrit une assurrance complémentaire et je viens de mapercevoir que RODAVENTE me facture 50 pour ?? PT GAULA que je narrive pas à traduire. Jai limpression que ce loueur se gave après coût tout en sachant la difficulté que le loueur va rencontrer pour se faire rembourser.
Extremely and unnecessarily expensive price for a budget car we received. I d avoid using this company if the price doesn t look right. Opel Corsa, automatic - couldn t get up the hills, screaming at 5k revs, the car was dreadful quite honestly. Also had knocks and marks all over it. So very disappointing.
Nolleggiato con Rodavante a maggo a Madeira alla riconsegna dellauto ci contestano dei graffi sul cofano,paghiamo 125 euro di verniciatura,ci dicono che ci manderanno la documentazione per mail,MAI ARRIVATA!!! Scritta mail ,MAI RISPOSTO. Pessimi.
AVOID - on returning the car, they wished to fine us for a scratch on the car tyre rim, despite having video evidence of the scratch existing before, which they dismissed as shadow. They were abrupt, dishonest and unhelpful. A great shame.
ATENÇÃO, NÃO ALUGUEM CARROS NESTA COMPANHIA. Na altura de levantar o carro parece tudo bem, mas na altura da devolução procuram pequenos toques mesmo já existentes para cobrarem a reparação, e tem que ser pago logo na hora, caso contrário não devolvem a franquia. Os carros estão cheios de pequenos toques que são cobrados sem nunca serem reparados. Não fazem prova por fotos, simplesmente alegam que o dano foi feito por nós. Quem tem voo para apanhar, simplesmente paga e vai embora. O esquema tá bem montado. BURLÕES
Location en dernière minute par téléphone et confirmation par mail. Voiture livrée à lhôtel le lendemain de la demande, pour 3 jours. Retour également à lhôtel. Flexibilité, communication et gentillesse. Bon rapport qualité/prix. A recommander.
Got a car without air conditioning. In my opinion wrong category of the car. Drop off at 4 a.m. in the morning, no confirmation, no communication. Damage billed without any communication, no explanation, simply charged to credit card. I find it disingenuous.
Sehr freundlich bei Abholung, sehr unfreundlich bei Rückgabe. Schaden von Euro 75,- abgezogen, obwohl ich keinen Schaden gemacht habe.
Z apa em kapcia
Corectitudine,profesionalism,amabilitate,preturi de bun sim .
Aucun souci avec cette compagnie de location de véhicule. Les véhicules sont disponibles dans lenceinte de laéroport. Nous avons pris un modèle intermédiaire et avons été dotés dune clio neuve avec 50 km au compteur et une bonne motorisation (ce qui est essentiel quand on connaît la géographie de lîle). Laccueil a été très agréable avec une hôtesse parlant très bien le français. La restitution du véhicule a pris 5 minutes. Excellent rapport qualité prix.
Pessimo noleggio auto!! Vetture allapparenza ben tenute ma prive di manutenzione da tempo e gomme più che usurate. Pericolose! Personale scortese sin dallufficio in aeroporto e successivamente sia al ritiro che alla riconsegna auto. Pignoli al punto di guardare con una pila ogni angolo dellauto come fossi un imbroglione ma senza neppure salutare! Con la prenotazione ed il pagamento, avevo fatto come di prassi lassicurazione a copertura franchigia ma la hanno ignorata con varie scuse e mi è toccato lasciare la carta di credito a garanzia. Vergognoso e impiegata scontrosa! Da stare lontano e fare attenzione, cè molto di meglio. Bad car rental !! Apparently well-maintained cars but without maintenance for some time and more than worn tires. Dangerous! Rude staff right from the office at the airport and after both the collection and delivery of the car. Fussy to the point of looking at every corner of the car with a flashlight as if I were a cheater but without even saying hello! With the booking and the payment, I had done the excess insurance as usual but they ignored it with various excuses and I had to leave the credit card as guarantee. Shameful and grumpy employee! To stay away and be careful, there is so much better.
Wypozyczylismy samochod na 5 tygodni. Obsluga wypozyczalni na lotnisku w Funchal bardzo mila. Mielismy awarie samochodu zuzyte klocki hamulcowe ale bardzo sprawnie zostal nam wymieniony samochod na nowy. Oddanie samochodu i zwrot kaucji bez zadnych problemow. Doslownie to trwalo 5 minut. Goraco polecam te wypozyczalnie
Uns wurde bei der Abholung fast eine Beule an der Frontstoßstange nicht notiert erst nach dem ich die Mitarbeiterin drauf aufmerksam machte und ein sprung im blinker Glas des Autos wurde verschwiegen und von uns dummerweise auch übersehen der bei der Rückgabe dann natürlich angeblich durch uns instanden ist. Kann von dieser Gesellschaft nur ab raten.
Total unfreundlich, der Laden war schon früher als angegeben geschlossen. Über 1.5 Std . gewartet. Kein guter Service.
Wypo yczali my samochód na 3 doby w miejscowo ci Canico. Pani w obs udze bardzo mi a i atwo si mo na dogada . W sumie najni sza kaucja, a je li p acimy kart kredytow to wystarczy tylko pokwitowanie i nie trzeba wp aca pieni dzy ani nie pobieraj nic z konta. Je li wszystko jest w porz dku to oddaj pokwitowanie. Pani bardzo szczegó owo sprawdzi a samochód przed wydaniem, a przy oddaniu trwa o to dos ownie 2 minuty. Bardzo polecam. Atrakcyjna cena a samochód jak nowy.
Très bonne expérience, hôtesse très gentille à prix très raisonnable vous pouvez y aller
Atendimento impecável
Renting was easy and at a reasonable price. Highly recommended. A bus was also great at 120 euros. Friendly service.
Stay away
Recomendable. Nuestra experiencia con esta empresa ha sido muy buena, después de mirar muchas opiniones y viendo los timos de algunas empresas dudamos de alquilar un coche. Finalmente nos decidimos por esta empresa, alquilamos un C3 que nos fue muy bien ya que algunas subidas eran de vértigo, en tres días consumimos unos 40 de gasolina. La atención en el aeropuerto fue muy buena, devolvimos el coche si problemas y nos devolvieron la fianza que habíamos dejado en metálico. Nuestra experiencia con esta empresa ha sido excelente. El coche también se puede dejar en Funchal.
Location de 3 voitures en urgence à laéroport de Madère car le loueur auquel nous avions loué les voitures nous demandait une assurance exorbitante (Goldcar, à fuir). La dame de Rodavante a été adorable, nous avons eu 2 clio et une C1 en excellent état. Tout était parfait !
We were informed in returning our vehicle that as the back seat had a wet patch they were holding our deposit back. This was likely my youngest son having spilt Some water, hardly a serious offence. I was told we would have to pay a cleaning fee, ridiculous. Worse they told us they wouldnt confirm how much this was going to be or when theyd take it. Disgraceful. Avoid.
No issues with our rental in Madeira, we even left a coat in the back of the car and they sent it back to us straight away! Great service.
No issues with Rodavante at all. Great service, quick. They even bring you the car to your hotel for free and give you a lift if you return it to their office.
Location dune Clio pendant 2 semaines à lagence de laéroport. Rien à redire de laccueil au retour du véhicule (et parlent un peu français). La voiture avait 48 000 kms et était en bon état. Aucun problème (bien sûr lile de Madère est très pentue, donc des endroits en 1ère / 2nd ...).
Half an hour to get the keys seriously........
Recommended by many friends!
I need to draw your attention to the condition of the vehicle I rented from Rodavante. On returning the vehicle the agent pointed to a bulge in the rear tyre wall, indicating that this was a chargeable offence. I asked him to contact the agent I took delivery of the vehicle from and after a long phone discussion he informed me she was aware of the bulge when I took possession of the rental so in this instance he would waive any charge. At no time was I made aware of the problem and no apology was forthcoming as to the danger and potential risk I and my passengers had been in with this faulty tyre before or during my rental. When I expressed disbelief that anyone would allow such an illegal and dangerously faulty tyre to be fitted to a vehicle and rented out to a customer I was met with a shrug of the shoulders. This was a highly dangerous position to put both me and my passengers in, not only could it have been potentially life threatening, a Police stop would have resulted in a hefty fine and court appearance, as you can imagine I am suffering anxiety attacks several days later which is ruining my holiday as to what might have happened should the tyre have blown out on these difficult roads in Madeira. I cannot emphasis enough my shock and the stress I am suffering from this situation, this thoughtless and reckless action by Rodavante without any apparent interest for customer safety is inexcusable.
Péssimo serviço. Costumamos alugar carros na Europa duas vezes por ano, em férias, e nunca tivemos problema como este: queriam que eu pagasse 125,00 ( !!!!) na entrega, por um leve arranhão de aproximadamente 5 cm que apareceu na porta do passageiro. Reclamei. Não concordei. Eu disse que retiraria o carro e compraria uma cera de polir no supermercado para resolver o pequeno problema, pois o risco saria com qualquer cera. Eles insistiram que a porta deveria ser pintada.... após a discussão, reduziram para 50,00. Paguei, mas fiquei indignado, pois percebi que essa é uma forma de ganhar mais dinheiro na locação. Até mesmo pequenos pontos nos para-choques, causados por areia ou pedriscos na estrada, poderiam me cobrar! Um absurdo!
Waiting for an explanation as to why they took 150 euros from my excess deposit. Update: apparently it was for cleaning some dust off the outside, but they didnt bother to contact me about it. Profiteering at its worst. Never risk hiring a car from these cowboys!
Just had to pay 367 (!) for the repair of the clutch. And my insurance didn´t pay. Never again! Please don´t rent a car by this company if you won´t have many trouble. I am really angry about this because it was not my fault that the clutch was broken. Their cars aren´t really new and in a suspect condition.