R. Conselheiro Dr. Manuel José Vieira 35, São Martinho, 9000-005 Funchal, Portugal
Rent a car na ilha da Madeira, sem franquia e sem cartão de crédito, sem sorpresas!
The best car rental that I had experienced! Car was amazing&perfect for mountainous Madeira. There was no hidden costs and full insurance in the price I’ve paid. I really recommend them and I would definitely rent a car from this company again :)
5 estrelas! Everything was handled efficiently and quickly, without any bureaucracy, hidden fees and pushing for extra costs. No deposit/credit card needed and price was really good compared to others. The car was clean and in very good condition. We got a Toyota Aygo and the car performed as expected. I would recommend going for a car with more power if you are planning on going up the hills. Look no further, this is the rent a car you should go for ;)
Great experience. Good price, clean car, fast delivery to the airport. Renting a car never was so easy for us. I would love to use this rental company again.
Absolutely recommended! Especially for the people with only debit cards. It's not by accident they have such a high rating here on Google maps! Their website(even the updated one) needs some polishing, but apart from that: they were super helpful on the phone, super punctual and correct in real life showing all the existing marks on the car. I would definitely use it again! Ps.: their new website is a bit buggy so I would recommend using their older one when using the booking
We booked a car with this company before we flew to Madeira because we had read some nice reviews about it. We are glad these reviews were true because the service and the car were great! We received confirmation emails immediately after booking, after which we were able to sort out all the paperwork in advance. The day after our arrival we received the car at the agreed time at our hotel where the handover took place, complete with good driving instructions. To be honest, I've never received such good car rental service abroad! Thank you, thanks to your car we were able to travel around this beautiful island 🙂
I would highly recommend this company. They work very punctually and correctly. You don't have to be afraid of unpleasant surprises. Unfortunately I had a small accident during our rental period, but this was also handled very professionally and without a negative attitude. This is how every rental company should be. Again: highly recommended!
Great services! the car was perfect and the pick up and drop of was fast and easy. Price was great, it was very affordable and had full insurance. Also a deposit and credit card was not required and i payed the full amount when i picked up the car! Highly recommended car rental for those who want a straight forward and hassle free experience!
We were really happy with the provided services, everything was handled correctly, no issues when taking over or returning the car. Communication was great, both when booking and when asking ad hoc questions. The price was good and included insurance (no credit card needed). As for the car - we got a Toyota Yaris hybrid, and I think it's a great car for traveling Madeira, I would strongly advise against the cheaper options (you would anyway pay the difference on fuel). The electric motor gives you a lot of torque that helps when climbing the steep roads, we never had a feeling it's struggling uphill. It's an automatic, so you don't have to stress yourself with shifting in the steep hills. It's great fun to drive on the twisty roads, large enough for 2 adults plus backpacks and hiking equipment, but small enough for the narrow roads and parking in tight spaces in Funchal.
Compagnia di noleggio seria, affidabile. Puntuali sia per la consegna del mezzo che per il ritiro. Molto veloce e comodo. Te lo portano direttamente alluscita allaeroporto. Servizio impeccabile. Torneremo sicuramente da loro.
Super société, nous avons réservé en ligne. Meilleur rapport qualité/prix pour une manuelle. Les voitures automatiques sont chères sur lîle. Récupération de la voiture à la sortie de laéroport très rapide. Tout est nickel !
Great service and clear communication style. They went above and beyond to help us have a great renting experience.
Everything on time, without any hiden costs. No deposit, full insurance. Very good service
Bardzo dobry kontakt, samochód podstawiony do hotelu na czas. P atno gotówk bez depozytu. Bezproblemowo i bezpiecznie.
Everything fine, very pleasant service, on time and easy to communitate with. Everything all right with the car. Would hire again!
Excellent service. Unlike all the other ridiculous services they dont ask for a credit card for payment. And they deliver the car to the hotel which is super convenient
Foi uma boa experiência alugar o carro através da empresa, no dia da chegada estavam a nossa espera tal como combinado, depois durante o primeiro dia surgiu um situação que foi logo prontamente resolvida tendo ido duas pessoas da empresa ter conosco onde combinamos e no último dia, estavam a hora que pedimos para entregar o carro. E não tínhamos limite de km para andar nem deixar caução para podermos andar com o carro
Ótimo serviço e muito simpáticos
Friendly and helpful, I recommend it! As agreed, everything went as expected. Thank you
Great service, everything explained well.Cars was clean and new, technically good no problem with them.Paint damage marked in detail before acceptance. Really good prices. I will definitely use it again in the future
Bardzo profesjonalny serwis. Szybko, konkretnie, konkurencyjnie cenowo. Auto podstawione i odebrane na czas. wietny kontakt, adnych niejasno ci. Pe ne ubezpieczenie, mi y kontakt. Polecam zdecydowanie, zw aszcza, e bardzo dobra cena w porównaniu do innych bardziej rozpoznawalnych dostawców!
Wie wahrscheinlich viele andere haben auch wir nach einem Mietwagenverleih gesucht, dessen Bewertungen nicht überwiegend daraus bestehen, dass Kunden übers Ohr gehauen wurden. Nach wirklich langer Recherche sind wir dann auf Statusflamingo gestoßen und wurden nicht enttäuscht! Die Buchung war einfach, die Lieferung zum Appartment und Abholung haben problemlos und wie abgesprochen funktioniert, alle nötigen Versicherungen waren dabei, der Papierkram war minimal und Carlos hat bei der Rückgabe ein kurzer Blick ins Auto gereicht, um zu sehen, dass alles in Ordnung ist. Er hätte uns sogar noch ein Stück mit unseren Koffern gefahren, wenn wir das gewollt hätten. Wenn wir noch mal auf Madeira sein sollten, werden wir gerne wieder hier buchen! Wir hatten übrigens einen Renault Clio, der einen relativ neuwertigen Eindruck gemacht hat. Von der Größe und der Power her können wir das Auto für Madeira empfehlen, damit kommt man fix jede auch noch so steile Straße hoch und in die teilweise sehr knapp bemessenen Tiefgaragenplätze hat es immer reingepasst. Der Berganfahrassistent ist auch Gold wert. :)
Samochód podstawiony we wskazane miejsce punktualnie, bardzo dobry i szybki kontakt z wypo yczalni . Nie potrzeba p aci depozytu, nie wymagaj karty kredytowej. Polecam
Azienda molto affidabile e seria, sia in fase di prenotazione (hanno sempre risposto subito alle nostre e-mail) sia quando abbiamo preso la macchina allareoporto! Nuno è stato gentilissimo, ci ha spiegato i dettagli del contratto e lasciato il suo numero di telefono da contattare in caso di dubbi o problemi! Non abbiamo avuto nessun tipo di problema, anche se la macchina aveva molti km è riuscita a portarci ovunque per tutte le ripide strade di Madeira! La consigliamo vivamente! Quando torneremo a Madeira sceglieremo nuovamente di affidarci a loro!
Je confirme les bon commentaires. Nous avons loué une voiture (Toyota aygo) et aussi bien que la prise en charge à l aéroport et la restitution se sont super bien passés . La communication par whatsapp est excellente . On recommande ce loueur .
Mi a obs uga. Brak depozytu i limitu kilometrów. Polecam
Everything was ok. I have nothing to complain about. I recommend.
Excellent service provided by Nuno and StatusFlamingo. All my questions, either by email or upon arrival, were answered well. We rented some Toyota Yaris hybrids and they were in great condition, perfect for exploring the island. The scheduling of other rentals allowed for our cars to be dropped off and collected at our hotel near the airport instead of at the airport itself, which was a great quality-of-life improvement.
Je recommande à 100%, tout est bien expliqué du début à la fin de votre séjour vous pouvez y aller les yeux fermés.
Amazing service, great car, everything was perfect!
Perfect service. Handoff was amazing, the car served us beautifully. Thank you so much 5
Great experience. Got an almost new Seat Ibiza, no deposit, friendly staff. Definitely a way to travel around the island.
Bom profissional.
Nous avons loué un véhicule de classe C chez ce loueur et tout sest très bien passé : tarifs très concurrentiels et paiement en cash auprès de Nuno qui sest montré très ponctuel devant notre hôtel. Le retour du véhicule a été très efficace devant laéroport : un rapide coup d il pour vérifier son état et nous avons pu prendre lavion rapidement. Louer sur lîle semble être sujet à pas mal darnaques, alors si mon expérience peut en rassurer certains... Foncez. Ils sont sérieux.
Gran, empresa de alquiler,con un trato excepcional desde el primer momento, comunicación excelente,desde el primer día.Coche prácticamente nuevo,cómodo Gracias a toda la gente de la empresa Sin duda cuando vuelva, volveremos a alquilar Animo y continuar así!! Muchas gracias
Aqui está uma empresa local de Rent a Car que mete as grandes marcas do sector a um canto. Serviço simples e sem os truques do costume. Sem cauções ou necessidade de cartão de crédito. Carro em excelentes condições e com um preço muito competitivo. Quando voltar à ilha da Madeira já sei a quem recorrer. Recomendo.
V echno super - p edání, vrácení, stav auta, cena....Doporu uji....
Dificilmente se pode pedir melhor serviço que o prestado pela StatusFlamingo! Sem complicações e burocracias com muita simpatia, ajuda pronta e flexibilidade nas horas. Simples e eficaz na recolha e na entrega. Totalmente recomendado!!
Everything was perfect! They waited for us with a car right on airport parking lot, basically you get your car just as you walk out of arrivals door. Car was clean and well-kept, not a single problem throughout the rental period. Handover was fast and smooth, Nuno greeted us by right by departures and took the car, making sure nothing is left behind. We re fully satisfied with service and car, totally recommend for everyone wanting to rent a car in Madeira!
Perfekcyjna wypo yczalnia. Auto sprawne, czyste, dostarczone do i odebrane z hotelu. Brak depozytu, przyst pne ceny oraz kontakt z wypo yczalni to cechy, które wyró niaj t wypo yczalni . Polecam! :)
Car was newish, clean. Everthing went smoothly, no crazy big deposit, great customer service.
Excelente en todos los aspectos. Unos amigos nos recomendaron esta compañía y ha sido todo un acierto: muy buena atención, precios más que razonables, vehículo con pocos kilómetros y en perfecto estado, ni una pega, ni un problema etc. Propietario hablando español bastante bien. Muy buena comunicación ante cualquier duda o imprevisto. Y muy amable. Perdimos un documento, pasadas unas semanas lo encontraron en el coche y se pusieron en contacto con nosotros: nos lo han enviado por correo. La atención al cliente no puede ser mejor. No busques más. Acierto seguro si quieres alquilar un coche en Madeira.
We rented a car for 2 weeks, everything was professional - clean hybrid car, waiting for us as we exited the airport. Before we picked up the car, they answered all my questions quickly and reduced the rental price as it dropped since I had booked it. I love their policy of not needing a credit card or deposit prior to picking up. Would 100% recommend and rent again with them.
wietny kontakt z wypo yczalnia przez e-mail. Auto podstawione pod hotel o czasie. Auto podstawi bardzo mi y Pan z którym podpisali my umow . Auto mia o full insurance ale i tak pokaza wszystkie szkody na aucie eby my wiedzieli. Jedyny problem to do zu yte sprz g o które troszk utrudnia o jazd po górzystych drogach Madery ale da o rad . Pewnie jakby my zareklamowali w firmie to by nowe auto podstawili gdy Pan zapewni e jak co nam nie b dzie pasowa o z samochodem to mamy dzwoni . Kluczyki zostawili my w recepcji hotelu po okresie wypo yczenia i tyle! Polecam!
Bardzo mi a i przyjemna obs uga, wszystkie potrzebne informacje zosta y nam przekazane. Samochód zosta nam podstawiony do hotelu bez dodatkowych op at. Mieli my wykupione pe ne ubezpieczenie, ale dla naszej spokoju zostali my poinformowani o zarysowaniach na zewn trz samochodu. Oddanie samochodu odby o si na zasadzie pozostawienia kluczyków w recepcji hotelu bez adnych problemów.
Desde a simpatia dos funcionários, à facilidade e qualidade do serviço. 5/5
Einfacher geht nicht. Ohne Kreditkarte ,Anzahlung oder Kaution. Fahrzeug Übernahme und Abgabe am Flughafen. Sehr zu empfehlen.MfG H.E.
Naprosto skv lý. P ivezli auto k hotelu a p edali nám ho. P i vrácení jsme dali klí e od auta na recepci a bylo to vy ízeno. Dacia Sandero si s kopci poradila. D kujeme.
Firma cechuje si wietn obs ug klienta. Nowy, sprawny samochodzik, który mkn po Maderskich drogach a mi o. Jasne warunki wypo yczenia i szybki kontakt z klientem i bardzo rozs dna cena. Mog mia o poleci i je li wróc na wysp to na pewno wypo ycz autko ze statusflamingo jeszcze raz!
Best car Rental! We picked up our car directly in front of airport arrivals and everything worked great! :)
Can recommend further on! 5/5
Melhor decisão impossível, todo o processo foi super fácil e o serviço impecável, recomendo!!!
Wszystko super. Punktualno , brak depozytu, mi a obs uga. Polecam ze szczerego serca.
Brilliant service, delivered and collected on time, very good communication. We will definately use again when next in Funchal. Thank you very much Carlos. Update a year later Feb 2024: As before, brilliant service, very nice low mileage spotless car. If I could give more stars I would. Thank you.
Swietny kontakt. Procedura odbioru auta na lotnisku super - wychodzimy, czeka go z tabliczk Flamingo idziemy 50 m dalej do auta i za 10 minut mo na odjecha - wszystko przy piesza przes anie im wcze niej na maila, zgodnie z instrukcj zdj prawa jazdy i dokumentu to samo ci. P atno przy odbiorze dowoln kart albo gotówk - wg wyboru klienta. Pe ne ubezpieczenie poza ko ami w cenie, mimo to uczciwie zaznaczone uszkodzenia. Trzeba mie smartfon bo nie dostajesz adnych papierów, a tylko dokumenty wypo yczenia do okazania ewentualnie Policji na majla. Zwrot jeszcze lepszy - oddawalismy auto po tygodniu w hotelu w Funchal, który wskazali my przy odbiorze - zostawili my kluczyki w recepcji i kto z wypo yczalni odebra je sobie z parkingu hotelowego. Stan techniczy auta taki sobie - za 222 euro na tydzie mieli my Toyot Aygo w wieku niespe na dwóch lat, ale z przebiegiem 58000 km i to by o wida po oponach i czu po sprz gle. Wzi bym auto w tej firmie jeszcze raz ze wzgl du na obs ug i uczciwe warunki ubezpieczenia.
I wanted to express my gratitude for the outstanding service I received during my recent car rental experience in Madeira. Your staff were exceptional friendly, efficient, and went above and beyond to make the process seamless. The attention to detail in the rental process and the quality of the car provided truly exceeded my expectations. Thank you for making my trip memorable with your excellent service. I highly recommend Statusflamingo Car Hire to anyone visiting Madeira!
The car was all clean and in a good condition. Everything as expected.
Bardzo sprawna obs uga, umowa przygotowana , tylko podpisa . Wszystko punktualnie i dobra cena. P atno kart lub gotówk . Polecam !
We were fully satisfied. Quick communication by email. Quick deal. Nice car, relatively new, approximately 13500km has been driven. Fully recommended company.
Non serve carta di credito, ti vengono a prendere all aereoporto, veloci e cortesi, Auto nuova.
I recommend this Rent a Car to all my friends, family and clients. The owner, Mr. Carlos, is a very human and honest person. I recommend it with full knowledge of the facts. One of the best Rent A Cars in Madeira
Maximum satisfaction, our car (Ford Fiesta) was clean and perfect for Madeira roads. I highly recommend!
P j ení auta bez problém , bez kauce. Pán z p j ovny byl p íjemný, v e prob hlo rychle a hladce. Vyzvednutí i vrácení auta na leti ti
We highly recommend this car rental! Perfect communication. Also I would like to thank you again for returning my headphones, which I forgot in the car, and it was even delivered to me.
We have rented Renault Clio for 5 days and it was amazing. Totally new car that had only 1200km. The communication with owner was perfect, he waited for us when we have arrived to the airport and and also when we were leaving the airport. Everything went smoothly and the guy was very nice and polite. Thank you for your time and service and wish you a good luck!
Tém nový Renault Twingo (15k najeto) v etn Android Auto. P evzetí i vrácení na leti ti, naprosto bez problém . ádný depozit, plné poji t ní, platba v hotovosti. 356 EUR na 7 dní. Kdybychom nem li letenky na poslední chvíli, asi se dá najít levn j í, nicmén 14 dní p edem si lov k nem e tolik vybírat. Dal í nabídky od jiných za ínaly od 450 EUR vý .
Good place for renting a car. There are only 2 employees, so they provide really personalized service. If you send ID and driving licence they can bring a car to your hotel for free
Reliable service. The entire process was really easy and smooth.
Fast, simple and comfortable. Without deposit and the most economical on the island We drive great We are very happy
Very easy to deal with. Drop off and pick up only took a couple of minutes, and insurance is included in price
Very kind people, everything was great!
We are without exception delighted with this car rental. We were received on arrival in Funchal, a signature, the payment and the handover were processed within a few minutes and we could drive off directly from the parking lot. I have never had such a fast and uncomplicated car rental without the imposition of further unnecessary insurance. The car (Renault Clio) was very new (about 4600km) and partly still stuck the protective films on the dashboards. The performance of the car was more than sufficient, could pass the partly extremely steep and narrow roads of Madeira well, (including luggage and 4 people) and due to the compactness we have also always found a parking space. Would also like to give more stars if possible. We had no problems. Everything very good and recommendable. We could leave the car for the return even before opening hours simply at the airport.
Perfect service, nice and super clean car which was waiting for us at the airport parking, easy contact with the company. Definitely 5*
Wonderful experience, highly recommended. Car brought straight to hotel doors, very nice, (almost :)) brand new, no scratches, drove really well through Madeira hilly roads. Full insurance included in price. So again, if you need to rent a car in Madeira, look no further :)
Parfaite expérience avec ce loueur, voiture pratique et idéale pour les rues de Madère. Service très pratique et arrangeant ! Possibilité notamment de récupérer et rendre la voiture à l aéroport ou au domicile ce qui est très pratique ! Les échanges ont étés rapides et super arrangeant, je recommande ++++
Smooth and fair experience, everything was perfect, thank you guys.
Statusflamingo è una compagnia di noleggio affidabile e puntuale. Il valore aggiunto è dato dal fatto che portano lauto nel luogo e orario indicato dal cliente e la ritirano allo stesso modo, rendendo il check-in e check out semplici e veloci. Lauto che abbiamo preso in noleggio (Renualt Clio) è stata semplice da guidare e non ha dato alcun problema; lunica cosa è che a mio avviso è un auto a consumo elevato. I prezzi del noleggio sono molto competitivi rispetto alla media di altre rent car a Madeira. Consiglio Statusflamingo per i vostri noleggi auto.
Nous avions pris une ford fiesta pour 10 jours chez StatusFlamingo : le véhicule nous a été livré directement au logement et les papiers ont été réglé en moins de 5. Cette petite voiture était très propre, agréable à conduire et na eu peur daucune des impressionnantes pentes de Madère. Le retour sest fait tout aussi facilement que la réception, sans vérification. Cela change tellement des déboires à laéroport, des frais supplémentaires, des retraits sur visa à postériori ... Quel soulagement ! Nous recommandons vivement !
Everything was perfect, i would recommend this company to everyone and for sure book a car there again!
Communication was okay, car was pretty new and in a good condition, no problem at all.
Melhor experiência de sempre com empresas de aluguer. Tudo foi marcado com antecedência e tudo foi cumprido. O carro foi entregue à hora marcada no hotel em ponto. Carro limpo e impecável, um pequeno 108 que nos levou a todo lado da ilha. A entrega foi apenas necessário deixar o carro e a chaves na receção do hotel, não tivemos que esperar por ninguém.
Recomand. Nimic de comentat asupra serviciilor.
Wszystko ok. Nie potrzeba depozytu ani karty kredytowej. Samochód nowy i czysty, podstawiony punktualnie. Polecam
Mooie verzorgde auto die maar 6000 km op de teller had. Hij deed het heel goed in de bergen van Madeira. Zowel het ophalen als afleveren aan de luchthaven verliep heel vlot en zonder problemen. Alle verzekeringen (behalve banden) waren inbegrepen, waardoor we geen stress moesten hebben onderweg. Bedankt!
Excellent service, very good price without a deposit or any extra costs.
P j ení auto prob hlo zcela bez problém , nebyl vy adován ádný depozit. Pán nám p ivezl auto a k hotelu a stejn tam jsme auto vrátili. Doporu uju! :)
I highly recommend it. I have rented from this car rental company twice and it went very well. The cars are clean and working perfectly, with no deposit on card or cash. They adjust the time according to our needs to receive/deliver the car.
Cz: M li jsme p j ené auto Renaut Clio od statusflamingo.com Auto super, skoro nové, isté, pohodlné, v udy kopce vyjelo celkem v pohod . P edání i vrácení vozidla rychlé a bez problém . ádný deposit, ádné vnucovaní dal ího poji t ní. (poji t ní u bylo v cen ) STATUSFLAMINGO.COM rozhodn doporu uji. P í t u nebudeme muset hledat slu nou p j ovnu. Díky moc Eng: We had a rental car Renaut Clio from statusflamingo.com The car is great, almost new, clean, comfortable, it went up all the hills quite well. Delivery and return of the vehicle fast and without problems. No deposit, no imposition of additional insurance. (insurance was already included in the price) I definitely recommend STATUSFLAMINGO.COM. Next time we wont have to look for a decent rental company. Thanks a lot
Wszystko super. Samochód jak nowy, z przebiegiem 6000km. Pe ne ubezpieczenie. Sprawny odbiór i zdanie na lotnisku.
Everything was perfect. Good service and agreement. I can recommend
Totally recommend! - very easy process of booking the car, everything clearly explained on the webpage, they are transparent - full information about your insurance, prices, charges for potential damages are described and visible on the page - nothing to hide! - very good and competitive prices - very fast process of taking and leaving the car - very good contact with the company via WhatsApp - and what is the most important - my experience when not everything goes the right way - someone hit my car over the night when it was correctly parked - I reported it via WhatsApp in the morning just after I saw the issue. No one blamed me and tried to force me to pay or anything like that (I had full insurance and it was not my fault, but still things like this could happen). I didnt need to call the police or report it in any other complicated way. I thank them for trust and for non-complicated process. Thank you one more time for making my holiday less stressful (driving on Madeira steep roads was already enough thrilling :D) Agnieszka Grodecka
Non serve la carta di credito, auto nuove e ben tenute. Puntualità e affidabilità nel servizio
Good company and no pay garance for the car.
Top do top! Se quiser alugar um carro sem azia e sem dore cabeça não procure mais!!!! O rent a car status Flamingo é o aluguer de carro que precisa!!! Sem franquia, barato e total confiança do Carlos e do staff! Sempre que voltar na Madeira, vou escolho-o! Sem duvida ! Obrigado Sr Pinheiro Anthony
Perfect car rental. The price including full insurance and tyre cover was better than other companies without tyre cover. They wanted no down payment, no deposit, payment was made when we handed over the car at the payment terminal with a debit card. Communication was perfect and everything went smoothly.
We had a very, very good experience with Flamingo! Car was new, working properly, everyone was nice, the contact was great and the price was also really ok. I would totally recommend renting a car at Flamingo and surely come back here next time! Thank you!
Greetings !!! We had a very pleasant experience with the company. Members of staff were very friendly and explained to us everything we needed to know. The car was a Toyota Aygo and it did just fine climbing steep hills of Madeira. Highly recommend
Great experience. Punctual, the car drove well, was in good condition, great price with no added extras like other companies, no need to wait at a car rental desk on arrival at the airport they wait for you outside and it s super fast. 100% recommendable.
Very good car, friendly service, everything was simply, fast and perfect!
Bardzo dobry kontakt. Samochód zosta podstawiony bezp atnie pod hotel zgodnie z umow . Bardzo konkurencyjna cena, adnych ukrytych kosztów i op at lub blokowania karty kredytowej oraz adnych problemów przy zwrocie samochodu. Szczerze polecam !
Good value, excellent service and hassle-free. Highly recommended.
Great service!!
Everythings perfect, timely pick up and drop off of the car at the airport, no credit card needed, no deposit, full coverage and reasonable price. The car was doing very well on Madeiras most demanding routes.
Senhor Carlos foi uma pessoa impecável todo trabalho honesto ,melhor rent a car q já tivemos
Cheap price, no hidden flees!
We got what we payed for :) great prices, friendly staff, full coverage, no credit card was needed, and they answered to my e-mails in minutes. What I missed is the GPS we also asked for but did not get, because it didnt work (of course it was not calculated in the overall price)
Higly recomended! Very helpfull Staff, very easy to contact with. They will deliver a car for you in any part of Maderira. Cars are fully insured, You dont need to buy any extra insurance! Reasonably priced! Best regards!
Óptimo serviço, simpatia, bons preços e sem dores de cabeça (sem cartão de crédito necessário, sem depósitos, sem supresas desagradáveis), viatura nova em óptimo estado. Aconcelho vivamente.
Had a brilliant experience with StatusFlamingo! Extremely easy arrangement and communication, the car in perfect condition, very smooth pick up and drop off, and a great value for money! Would highly recommend this company!
Très bonne expérience avec cette agence. Nous avons réceptionné une Renault Clio 5 en très bon état. Notre contact a été ponctuelle et joignable par mail et sur Whats app. Rapidité et simplicité dans la location. Nous recommandons. Petit conseil pour les futurs voyageurs : préférez un véhicule essence pour un meilleur confort sur les routes très pentues de Madère (80 chevaux mini). Un petit véhicule est également plus pratique.
Everything worked out great. Had a car for roughly 8 days and had 0 problems from airport pickup to departure.
Processo muito simples, sem necessidade de franquia. Entrega e devolução do veículo rápida e sem complicações. Carro de acordo com o prometido e em boas condições. Atendimento prestável e simpático
My best experience with renting a car on holidays. Perfect communication, everything was according to our agreement. Nice clean new car, nice staff, totally recommend this company. Thank you Statusflamingo.
Very good experience, the cars were new and super clean, working smoothly. Everything went well, fast and easy. Highly recommended!
Sehr nett und unkompliziert per Mail kommuniziert, Zahlung vor Ort auch möglich. Fast neues Auto, alles problemlos geklappt - auch Rückgabe im Hotel.
Serviço TOP. Funcionários super atenciosos, rapidez no serviço de entrega/recolha do veículo (tempo de espera inexistente), simplicidade em todo o processo e preço ajustado (ao contrário da maioria das empresas mais conhecidas). Sempre que voltar à ilha já sei onde alugar carro. Experiência a repetir sem dúvida alguma.
Thank you for the great service, all availability with the delivery and pick up location and the great conditions the car was. The car was brand new and all flexibility from Sr. Carlos was very positive. Strongly recommend
Bardzo mi a i sprawna obs uga. Dostali my nowy samochód. Dobra cena. Polecamy.
Une belle expérience chez ce loueur. Victor nous a livré notre voiture la veille de la location à notre résidence. Très bon échange et aucune surprise . La restitution est faite par son collègue la encore aucuns soucis. Cette petite 108 nous a permis de découvrir lîle et de grimper tous les endroits pentus sans soucis. Idéal si vous êtes 2 personnes . Merci pour tout.....
The best car rental company in Madeira. Very good value for money, very helpful service. The car was impeccable and we had no complications with anything. No credit card surprises like other car rental companies. I recommend it 100%
Very good experience , the best of car rental ever.Very easy arrangement and communication, the car in perfect condition, very smooth pick up and drop off. Everythings perfect, timely pick up and drop off of the car at the airport, no credit card needed, no deposit, full coverage and reasonable price I recommend this company. Thank you very much Statusflamingo !!!
Great experience, quick response s and informative website. We had the Toyota Yaris automatic hybrid, a new, clean, and fantastic car for Madeira. Our friends were also impressed with the car. My partner calculated the car gave us at least 50+ miles per gallon. Pleasant to deal with Carolina and Carlos, thank you for helping us enjoy a hassle free holiday.
Excellent car rental, new car from 2022 with android-auto support, automatic transmission and all needed features.
Bien servicio. Bastante más barato que con Rentalcars u otras compañías a todo riesgo y por la mitad . Gente muy agradable . Coche con algunos kilómetros pero se notaba que bien revisado ruedas nuevas y coche a punto. Consejo coger si vais dos adultos y dos adolescentes un coche potente para Madeira , el chico nos lo advirtió y aún así cogí un Peugeot 108 y se me quedó corto de potencia .
Great. A very flexible company, completely hassle-free and without unnecessary formalities. I recommend it 100%, better than from large chain stores. The car is new and well-kept.
This is the second time Ive been to Madeira and both times I rented a car here. The cars are new, the service is good, I recommend it. Mr Carlos is very attentive.
Une location de voiture comme on aimerait à chaque fois. Aucun problème, pas de vérification de la voiture ni avant ni après ; pas dempreinte de carte, pas de caution, voiture changée sans supplément après crevaison... Bref, nous recommandons chaleureusement ce loueur.
The car rental went absolutely perfect. We got a Seat Ibiza for two weeks. The car has been optical in a used but good condition and technical perfectly fine, even the AC worked good. The prices were below the average on the island. Pick up and return on the airport worked perfect allthough our flight was delayed. Theyre very flexible! The communication has also been very good. I strongly recommend renting your car at statusflamingo!
Recommended by our friend and I can recommend too. Carlos was really nice guy, the car was in good condition (Renault Clio, 2018, just missing the parking sensors), and he did not care about little scratches. Good price. The only sad thing was a message when I was waiting for my delayed plane in Lisbon saying that there is a surcharge of 35 EUR for pickup after 22h. I should pick up the car at 21.30h so I would expect a notice about this (I do not think delayed planes are something rare here). Also, I have not found anything about the surcharge on the website. But our plane landed at 0.30 and Carlos was waiting for us and he was not angry so I paid the surcharge.
we were very pleased with status flamingo service. The car was delivered without problems and the service was great. Reccomented!! We will select again if we come back to Madeira!
Prometi ao Sr Carlos que lhe deixaria uma review no Google. Estive na Madeira no início de Outubro e por recomendação contactei a StatusFlamingo sem sequer procurar outra empresa. Sem cartões nem complicações, como se costuma dizer, a StatusFlamingo foi uma surpresa muito agradável. Desde o carro até ao atendimento não poderia estar mais satisfeita. Recomendo a mil por cento.
10/10! Sprawna, szybka i bardzo mi a obs uga. Samochód nowy, czysty, w pe ni sprawny- wietnie dawa sobie rad na kr tych i stromych drogach. Bardzo fajna opcja odbioru i oddania samochodu na lotnisku, mimo wcze niejszego przylotu, samochód ju na nas czeka na parkingu. Polecam serdecznie!
Molto carini, prezzi onesti, possibilità di pagare con carta di debito, macchina perfetta e personale gentilissimo!
Excellent service and no weird extra expenses. We will absolutely recommend and use this company ourselves again.
Last minute car, cheap price and almost new car. Recommended
Very smooth, flexible and the car was reliable, for a good price. Very happy
The best car rental service! We rented dacia sandero for 4 days, in good price. Car was perfectly fine, the trip was amazing. Thank you!
The best car rental service! We rented dacia sandero for 4 days, in good price. Car was perfectly fine, the trip was amazing. Thank you!
I highly recommend this car rental, had my first experience renting a car on holidays with Status Falmingo and it was flawless! Strong points comparred to other rental services I researched: - cash payment, no credit card required - super flexible booking, I made several changes to mine and all were handled super smoothly - flexible pick up/drop off locations - performing car, we had no problems at all driving around steep (steeeeep!) Madeira roads Thank you Carolina and Carlos!
Best car rental service in Madeira! You do not need to leave a deposit, full insurance included in a reasonable price. There is an opportunity to leave the car at the airport before departure. Highly recommend!
Rented Fiesta for 3 days and had great experience both with the car and the rental. Easy and quick pick up and drop off. Also, this rental has the lowest prices on the island (for fully insured cars) according to my research.
Après avoir longuement réfléchis à quelle agence de location de voiture choisir sur Madère, étant donné les nombreuses agences apparemment à éviter sur lîle, nous tombons sur lagence de Carlos. Que dire... Nous le contactons tout dabord via WhatsApp, et cest avec grande surprise que nous tombons sur une personne aimable, dynamique, et extrêmement réactive à nos différentes questions. Nous décidons alors de louer une voiture dans lagence de Carlos, pour une somme plus que raisonnable, avec toutes les assurances incluses. Le jour de notre arrivée, Carolina nous attend avec la voiture ; elle est très aimable, et aucune caution ne nous est demandée, encore un bon point. La voiture (une Ford fiesta) est adaptée aux routes de lîle avec une motorisation assez puissante, nous sommes ravies. Cependant, au milieu du séjour nous crevons, chose qui arrive malheureusement... Même à lautre bout de lîle, Carlos est venu nous dépanner très rapidement, et ce gracieusement, nous lui en sommes encore reconnaissantes. Une fois le pneu changé, notre séjour continue sans encombres avec la voiture, que nous rendons enfin à Carolina dans Funchal : récupérer et rendre la voiture là où nous le souhaitions, simplement en envoyant notre position à Carolina à été un vrai plus. Nous remercions léquipe de Statusflamingo pour leur professionnalisme et leur réactivité et nhésiterons pas à reprendre contact avec eux à notre prochaine venue sur lîle.
the best rental we could choose !!!! we had a rented car for 5 days, with a surcharge of 10 euros, the car was brought to the airport, where they already had the papers ready to sign and the processing took five minutes. we communicated via whastapp and on the day of our departure they came to pick up the car at our hotel (free of charge). the car was great, everything went smoothly. Carolina and Carlos were very nice. The car of group C came out perhaps the cheapest of all rental shops, we did not make any deposits and no credit card was needed. if I ever return to Madeira (I hope) I will rent here again. Thank you
Best experience with a rental car ever. One price that includes everything. Amazing communication. I can fully recommend it.
quick picking up and dropping off. best price, no deposit, clean car. Ive rented peugeot 108, its a little bit underpowered for Madeiras roads. Ill take something bigger next time.
The location is not true!
Wszystkiego Ok. Polecam
Best experience with a rental car ever. Excellent service, very fast bureaucracy and good price with no deposit neither extra costs.
Sem dúvida alguma que nossa visita a Ilha foi muito mais agradável com o aluguer do carro Levaram o carro ao hotel dia e hora marcada documentos prontos a assinar sem perdas sem necessidade de cartões de crédito No dia e hora combinada foram buscar ao hotel Muito práticos e simpáticos Obrigada por tudo e até um dia
Muito atencioso e simpático . Recomendo vivamente. Quando necessitar não irei a outro lado.
Muito bom gostei muito do atendimento e da viatura aconselho a todos obrigado sr carlos
Ich kann mich den positiven Kommentaren anschliessen. Einfach, unkompliziert, zuverlässig - Top:)!
Reasonable car rental with great prices with full coverage, and no credit card needed. They answered e-mails in minutes even in very late hours, and were able to adjust the booking (pick up time and location, and drop off time) easily. We rented Peugeot 107 with hill brake assist and air con, and it was great. We did not have any issues with the car, or its pick up (in Funchal city) and drop off (at the airport). They also gave us quite good tips on how to drive around Madeira.
Excellent rental agency. Carlos was very responsive and adaptable, whether booking or returning the car. The latter was perfect (Ford fiesta) for Madeira. I recommend without hesitation.
I can not give less than 5 as it was hassle free car rent on our holidays. Great and friendly service, on time ! For 210 eur / 5 days we got renault clio with 90tkm on odo with full CDW except tires, rims and underbody as stated on website. Transmission had a bit of play and suspension was a bit harder. We did not expect a new Bmw though :-) Car was reliable and we have paid 60 eur for gas / 5 days with driving for trips every day. I would rent it again! Thank you.
Overall the experience with this car rental was good, the price compared to others was simply the best when looking for full i surance options. I checked all of the rentals in madeira i guess. There were some downsides. When we came in the night, the guy that gave us the car was arguing with us like of we used some code that we werent supposed to use for our reservation, and we didnt even use any code it was just someone form the company that used the code internally, since we reserved by email. Anyway then we got the car, it was peugeot 208. The first one was nicely equipped with parking sensors and camera, it had like 150000 km so it wasnt new for sure. The car was very weak though and after 2-3 days check engine appeared. Fortunately we got the car replaced in the next 2 days. Weird is that they knew that it appeared before why the didnt fix that properly i dont know. Then we got another peugeot 208 it worked as it should had much more power because it was working without issues like the first one. The car was less well-equipped it didnt had any sensors. The steering wheel wasnt centered properly and the car was drifting a bit to one side. Whats more the tires were reaching TWI so they were worn out completely on the front. That definitely didnt give us a feeling of safety. If you plan on using Google maps for getting around, take a phone mount with yourself since they do not provide anything. We eventually bought one in the Chinese store at caniço shopping mall, we left it in the car so maybe if you are lucky you will be able to use it. Whats cool though is that in peugeot you can connect iPhone via USB and play your music and change the phone which is very useful because without it the phone would die like 3 times already. Overall I can recommend but definite that wasnt a 5 star service more like a 3.5
Very good service, easy rules, full insurance in price rent a car. High quality, new cars, everythink is explain, before you use a car. Staff is very helpfull and always ready to share advice with you. 100% RECOMMEND !
Simples e prático. Não perdi tempo com burocracias. Na próxima vez que voltar à madeira é aqui que vou alugar o carro, sem dúvida. Obrigado
Superbe expérience, prix très convenables et arrangeants! L entreprise se déplace directement à votre logement pour vous remettre la voiture. Flexibilité également pour le retour à l aéroport sans frais Supplémentaires. Communication avec Carlos impeccable ! Je recommande!
Melhor rent a car na Madeira!! Já aluguei em muitas e nunca encontrei funcionários tão simpáticos como na Status Flamingo. Foi a 2a vez nesta rent a car e não será a última de certeza. Carro a diesel, muito bem estimado e potente para as subidas da ilha. Um especial obrigado a Carolina pela disponibilidade a 100% quando preciso e pela simpatia. Não é preciso caução, e o seguro contra todos os riscos já está incluído no preço.
Ótimo serviço até uma próxima.
Thank you very much for the excellent service, the vehicle was in great condition, the service was 5 stars. It made the experience 5 times better. I will recommend you to my friends. Thank you very much.
We rented a car in Status Flamingo during our holiday and we had a perfect experience. Car was delivered directly to our hotel on time. We had no problems during and after rental. No deposit was required.
Atendimento super profissional. Preços competitivos. Excelente serviço. Parabéns. Recomendo
Serviço de excelência! Assim que chegamos ao aeroporto, lá estava o Sr. Carlos à nossa espera. A viatura estava em ótimo estado, de 2016. Recomendamos. Quando voltarmos ao Funchal, será esta a Rent-a-Car que voltaremos a contatar, com toda a certeza. Obrigada Sr. Carlos e D. Carolina pela simpatia.
Correu tudo bem, tudo impecável tanto à chegada como à saída! Enganei-me na reserva sem dar conta e reservei um carro de 3 portas e como tinha uma criança de 2 anos tinha à minha espera um carro impecável de 5 portas para a transportar! Muito obrigada!
I recommend it! Amazing company, very affordable price compared to other companies, the man who delivered the car to me was very friendly, he even gave me a map of the best places to visit on the island.
Not impressed with the attitude of Carlos Dony. Firstly, he wanted to collect the car on the evening of the last day of rental, rather than the following morning making it a round 24 hour lease. Not sure what we would be doing, we agreed on a 10pm collection. Unfortunately we ended up being delayed at a restaurant, making it impossible to return to the hotel on time. We phoned Carlos to explain and he demanded to know how long we would be. We suggested 11pm and he angrily acknowledged. We ended up getting back to the hotel around 11.45pm, after receiving several phone calls from Carlos. As he was not at reception, we left the keys with concierge, as originally arranged and went to bed. Sometime after midnight Carlos called our room demanding I bring my paperwork to reception so he can change the drop off time. I asked if this could not be done in the morning as we were in bed. Refusing to listen, he demand I bring the paperwork to him. Walking out of the lift I saw Carlos at reception shaking with anger. I told him I was unhappy to have to get out of bed to complete the paperwork but this was of no matter to him. I asked him to calm down and relax but he continued his demand for the paperwork be completed there and then. This whole scenario left a bitter taste and can not condone such behaviour. To see a sales rep acting like a spoilt child is ridiculous. Clearly Carlos is out of touch with his clients, forgetting they are on holiday and not at the mercy of his time table.
Thank you,everything was perfect, on time, reliable company :)
Very professional service, fluent knowledge of English, incredibly flexible in terms of the clients good :)) We sincerely recommend it :))
Carro em boas condições e à hora marcada estavam no local tanto para a entrega como para a recolha do carro. No meu caso pedi para ser no Porto do Funchal. Recomendo.
Thanks for Your help. Everything is fine. Pickup and return of the car on time. Competitive proces. Recommend!
Everything was fain. Good price, without credit card, without deposit . They replied by mail in 5 minutes. With full insurence was nothing problem with return car. I recomend.
Hace ya tiempo que fuimos a Madeira y alquilamos el coche en esta empresa. Teniamos mucha desconfianza, en los foros no hablan muy bien de las empresas de alquiler en Madeira. Hablamos por e-mail en repetidas ocasiones antes de ir, repondieron a todas mis preguntas adjuntando detalles,documentos,etc. Al llegar al aeropuerto me fueron a buscar con un peugeot que practicamente estrenamos nosotros, con un detalle muy importante en el equipamiento,el asistente en pendiente. Nos acompa aron incluso hasta el hotel para no perdernos y nos recomendaron un restaurante donde fuimos a comer con unas vistas de Funchal impresionantes. No dejamos rincon por ver en Madeira. Unos dias despues,regresamos a casa y dejamos el coche en el aeropuerto. Ningun problema, al contrario,muy buen trato, el due o incluso chapurreando Espa ol. Muchas gracias!!!
Alugámos o Ford Fiesta para uma visita de 4 dias à Ilha da Madeira em Março. O Sr. Carlos foi entregar e buscar o carro ao aeroporto. Fizemos um seguro contra todos os riscos e a melhor parte foi o facto de ser sem caução nem cartão de crédito associado. O Sr. Carlos foi bastante simpático e atencioso. Se voltar à Ilha da Madeira já sei a quem ligar caso necessite de alugar um carro. Recomendo!
The best one. No credit card needed, very nice owner, no problem. Thanks a lot!
Bardzo profesjonalne podej cie do klienta. Super kontakt. Nowe clio. Bez blokowania karty. Polecam!
5/5 service and great experience. Carlos is very helpful and kind. Being a tourist with no local data or mobile service, he gave us his contact number for if we encountered any roadside problems and needed his help 24/7. No petty scratch checks like other car rental company, fuss free and easy. Highly recommended!
highly recommended, very good car, service and great experience
I had a great experience with this company, unlike Sixt or Thrifty. They offered the best price, drove car to my hotel, the car was perfect, and they did not include many hidden fees like other companies. I have to fully recommend them to all travellers!
La dirección es incorrecta di más vueltas que un mono y no lo encontré llamé varias veces por teléfono y no atendieron a mis llamadas
Perfeito! Sem burocracias, simples, rápido, pontuais tanto na chegada como na partida.. sem caução..
I used Carlos services last summer and will do it again when on Madeira, good prices, great services.Thank you
We wanted Fiesta, but got Seat Ibiza FR with 1.0 L turbo charged engine. Perfect car, enough acceleration, good consumption. Everything else was excelent. Renatas S.
Um serviço 5estrelas! Após muitas dificuldades nas grandes representantes, encontramos um serviço honesto, onde prima a simpatia. Preço bastante acessível e sem grandes entraves. Contrato simples e claro desde o inicio. Recomendamos vivamente.
Correu tudo muito bem. Seguro contra todos os riscos, sem caução, foram entregar e buscar o carro ao aeroporto. O Sr. Carlos foi uma simpatia e muito prestável. Aconselho a todos!
La mejor opción de alquiler en Madeira. Te entregan y recogen el coche donde necesites. No hemos tenido ni el más minimo contratiempo. Hay que reseñar que aunque cogimos el coche (Peugeot 208) con seguro a todo riesgo, nos costó muchísimo menos que con las grandes compañías u otras que operan solo en la isla. Muy atento y muy buen trato de Carlos, siempre disponible para cualquier problema. En resumen, un 10.
Excelente empresa, honestos, com seguro em todos os riscos, sem complicações!
No nosso caso pedimos um pegeot 208, com seguro contra todos os riscos, sem caução. Foram entregar e buscar o carro ao aeroporto. São super prestáveis e simpaticos. No meu caso, no dia de partida quando cheguei ao aeroporto percebi que tinha deixado o telemovel no hotel!O Sr. Carlos que foi quem nos entregou o carro foi incansável e prontificou-se logo para ajudar... lá foi ele novamente ao hotel buscar! Sem dúvida foram impecáveis! Recomendo.
When I need a rent a car company, I always go to Statusflamingo. Before I was using a different company in Madeira and by chance found this place one day when I was desperate for a car. The service is top star and all the cars are new and in great shape. Im very happy with Enterprise.
Excelente empresa, excelente atención se recomienda a todos los turista que lleguen a la isla .
Statusflamingo rent a car wurde uns durch einen Bekannten empfohlen und wir sind total begeistert. Die Leute sind immer vor Ort und sehr freundlich. Die Autos sind gut genauso der Service. Wir kommen alle 6 Wochen für 4 Wochen auf die Madeira und buchen nur noch bei Statusflamingo rent a car. Immer zuverlässig und das Preisleistungsverhältnis stimmt. Können wir nur weiterempfehlen.
Excelente serviço! Numa próxima é sem duvida a quem vou recorrer.
Servicio excelente. Me llevaron el coche al hotel, que está en la otra punta de la isla y no me han puesto problemas al devolverlo. No hacen retención en tarjeta de crédito y hablan español.
Excelente serviço.
. , . . .