R. João Cunha Serra lote Q 5, Freguesia, 1800-003 Lisboa, Portugal
Louez votre voiture chez Centauro Rent a Car à Lisbonne et vous pourrez vous déplacer partout dans cette ville du Portugal tant appréciée des touristes. La ville portugaise a des températures très agréables tout au long de l’année et il y tant à faire et à voir que vous soyez à Lisbonne pour un court séjour ou des vacances : culture, histoire, architecture incroyable, immense beauté de la ville. Louez votre voiture au meilleur prix à l’aéroport de Lisbonne chez Centauro Rent a Car où nous vous proposons une flotte de véhicules renouvelés chaque année pour que vous puissiez conduire en toute tranquillité. Vous pourrez également ajouter à votre location des services tels que l’assurance tous risques sans franchise, GPS, siège enfant, etc.
I recently rented a car from Centauro, and I’m thoroughly impressed with their service. From start to finish, the process was seamless. The booking was straightforward, and I received clear communication regarding pick-up instructions. At the pick-up location, the staff were professional, friendly, and efficient. The car I received was in excellent condition—clean, well-maintained, and exactly as described in the booking. It made my trip so much easier and enjoyable! The return process was just as smooth, with no hidden charges or surprises. I appreciate their transparency and competitive pricing. Centauro truly offers great value for money, and I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend them to friends and family. I’ll definitely use their services again for future trips!
I had a very good experience, i had trouble renting a car since i am under 24 and have no credit card. Centauro accepted my debit card and everything went pretty smoothly, you'll have to pay 275 euro when u arrive for the toll and gas but you should get this money back. I reccomend buying smart cover if you don't want to pay the very expensive deposit. The car was in good shape and super clean, had a few scratches but nothing crazy. Next time i need a car i will deffinetly go back.
Customer's service was fast, efficient and polite even though it was during August, at the peak of tourism season. The shuttle bus was on time, though I far prefer picking up the rental from the airport, than from somewhere else, even if its only 10min drive from the exit gate. We had to take a number and wait for our turn to the front desk, but the reservation we had made a few days ago made things simple and without delays. The car was new, clean and delivered within 10 min after our arrival . It also comes with a transponder that will get you through tolls, nice and easy. If you plan to drive to Spain, insurance policy will demand an extra fee to cover your visit there. The deposit for fines etc. that you place upon delivery, will be returned 10 days after the return of the vehicle, once they check that everything was ok during the days you used the car.
Read before booking. In conclusion from my own experience and summary from others I would say Book it with extra care. Even though they advertise as Airport Rental, they are not. There is shuttle between airport and rental office during opening hours. They will try to sell you insurance for peace of mind. They will detuct 1600€(deposit if you do not take insurance)+ ~100€(fuel deposit) from your CREDIT card. If you deny the insurance that is approximately 3-10x more than the rental amount, then definetely take pictures and videos of the vehicle outside, inside and beneath also as the vehicles are scratched from every side and they deny to mark all the faults in the car for obvious reason. Before accepting the vehicle: If the clutch is worn, request new vehicle or walk away. Otherwise you are going to pay for the clutch replacement, see previous reviews. Returning the vehicle was easy and it took only 5 minutes.
I had a horrible experience last night with the is car rental … we landed late and they offered a car that has a big accident and they expected me to drive the car … we reached the hotel at 1 am after a long flight . Staff are very unprofessional and arrogant. Even they said the toll fee deposit will be returned after 10 days.. I had to find a new car rental spend a whole day making new arrangements and pay more . I always rented cars never had such a bad experience .
Good morning. I rented a car with Centauro Lisbon, from 28.August to 03.September. After deposits (fuel and tools) paid, the lady on reception was very nice and gave me a nice car (I've got an Citroen C4 latest model with 22 kkm). After (and still without leaving the property) I notice that the car had only 3/4 of fuel. Went to office and a manager (bald guy, named António, if I'm not wrong) came shouting to me take you car from there. An argument started to a few moments later he realised that the car to remove was not my rental car. I toke the opportunity to speak about fuel (when purchasing the rental on website, it's stated full- full for fuel), and he told me (speaking quite loud) to read the contract on email. I did it, and was in fact stated there 75% (was a bit less but ok). Rental went fine, car was nice, well clean, economic and quite big actualy, almost on the size of a Nissan Qaishquai. On arrival (new location - they moved locations in that weekend), the same manager was receiving clients and this time was quite nice with me and we talked a little. Car delivered with 80% fuel, and 1st refund made immediatly (not all the value, and was explained to me that was for tools). But on 2nd refund, around 20,00€ missing. Completely piss off, I made a bad review on their quaility enquiry and wrote a few emails. No answer as usual, according the reviews from another clients. Now came the complicated part. On the contract, that does not came specified correctly, theres a fee from 33,04€. After checking all invoices one by one, that FEE value it’s no more no less that the total value from tools and the tool device (Via Verde device). Centauro only shows the total values from tools when they receive them. Fair enough. However, I came to suggest the improvement from the description of the values on invoices, and to be more clear how those values are presented. And regarding the way I was treated in the beggning of the rental (and taking in consideration the tratement by the same person on the end), I do believe that the gentlemen in question maybe was having a bad day (the stress from move). Clients have no fault for his day and I would also suggest to control his emotions when talking with clients. After this, just left me saying thank you for your service. I do not know if I will hire with Centauro again, but the will @ the moment does not exist, @ least until they improve quite a lot in their communication in invoices.
Good clean car (basically brand new) and effective staff. For getting the car. The problem was returning it (plus the internet still thinks they’re at their old address from 5 years ago) A very opportunistic person claimed that it was “dirty beyond common use” because of a little sand (we had rented it for 10 days and I think you’d have to expect to vacuum a car after 10 days rental) and demanded 75 Euros extra. Otherwise we had to “clean” the car - and was told we couldn’t use the vacuum or even the space to clean the car - and by the way we “had to respect her” right after she tried to take us for 75€. See photos for reference. That was the state of the car after 10 days rental. Long story short, she tried to pull a fast one which unfortunately seems to be a company policy, according to other reviews. They also do not refund extra fuel. Shame, because otherwise it worked really well.
Very good service and quick to collect. Unfortunately, I wasn’t aware that I needed to take a shuttle to get the vehicle, but this didn’t negatively impact our experience. The office is really close to the airport, less than 10 minutes away. Once we arrived at the office, we only waited for 2 minutes (at 10 pm). I’m not sure if it’s as quick during the day. The deposit is not required if you take the premium cover, but a €100 hold for fines will still be placed and refunded in 10 days, along with €85 for the tools. No credit card is needed. I highly recommend using this service. We will use it again in August and plan to get a nicer car too. Obrigado, Centauro!
Try to increase the needed security deposit after the fact in order to sell their insurance. I thought it was a legit rental company. Not again
Excellent service, friendly staff, great car. Everything was fine.
Our preferred car rental service for Portugal. Weve been using their services for years now (at least 2-3 times a year). Great service at competitive price.
One of the worst car rental experiences we had. Please if you select to use this car rental company please be aware of many things. 1.They are not keeping a careful record of the damages of the car and in the end they try to blame you for hidden and small damages that are not record and obvious. Take photos everywhere you can and dont t leave them charge you. 2.The whole situation for the refund takes ages and the communication with the Lisboa department is unfeasible. I managed to get a response after 2.5 months of my initial email and only because I was calling Centauro weekly and I was creating pressure to them in order to answer. I must have called then 6times to finally manage to get an email.answer that was supposed to be answered in 12 days. Lisboa Centauro department doesnt have a direct call connection and the Central Centauro customer service does not connect you directly with them. It is a nightmare. 3. They do not offer good services on their shuttle bus connecting their return base with the airport. They just have on small bus of 8 people and if there are more people you have to wait at least 30-40min depending on the traffic to take you to the airport. So there is a possibility of losing your flight. Taxis are not easy to find in this area for some reason I dont understand and they do not offer any help. They just dont care or they do not offer another transit bus. 4. People that were working there were rude and not helpful at all. In other words our experience was awful and we will never again book with this company.
Tive uma experiência mista com a Centauro Rent a Car em Lisboa. Apesar de gostar e recomendar a empresa pelo bom serviço e pela amabilidade da maioria dos funcionários, gostaria de relatar um episódio que pode servir como advertência. Ao chegar, fui atendido por um motorista que realiza o transporte dos clientes do aeroporto para a sede da Centauro. Ele era um senhor careca, de meia-idade, e foi extremamente mal-educado. Situações como essa podem prejudicar a imagem de uma marca tão sólida e profissional. O caso foi o seguinte: depois de receber os documentos do carro que aluguei, percebi um furo no capô e retornei à recepção para esclarecer e registrar a situação. Durante o caminho, o motorista me abordou de forma rude, afirmando que, se tivesse algo a resolver, deveria procurar o colega do estacionamento. Quando perguntei o nome da pessoa a quem ele se referia, ele apenas repetia Colega, Colega, sem fornecer informações claras e, visivelmente irritado, começou a levantar o tom. A conversa foi completamente desnecessária e absurda. Expliquei que só queria resolver a situação de forma adequada e que sua abordagem era inaceitável. Ele, no entanto, reagiu de forma agressiva, gritando e sendo ainda mais rude, o que me deixou admirado pela falta de profissionalismo. Felizmente, o colega que encontrei no estacionamento foi muito educado e prestativo, explicando tudo com clareza e resolvendo minha dúvida rapidamente. Reforço que a Centauro é uma ótima empresa, mas é importante que atitudes como as desse motorista sejam corrigidas. Atendimentos ruins podem prejudicar a reputação de uma marca, e acredito que uma empresa tão profissional não deve permitir esse tipo de comportamento. Em resumo, o serviço geral da Centauro foi excelente, mas deixo aqui meu alerta para que episódios como esse não aconteçam novamente.
ALUGUE SE QUISER PASSAR RAIVA! O carro parou no meio da estrada. RESUMO DO CASO: 1. O carro estragou nas primeiras horas de estrada quase causando grave acidente. 2. TENTARAM ME CULPAR DO OCORRIDO COM O CARRO E ME COBRAR POR TAL (tenho as documentações que comprovam o contrário). 3.Suspeito (agora com mais certeza) que entregam o carro avariado e tentam culpar o cliente pela avaria. Quem entra sem seguro provavelmente acaba sendo cobrado dentro do valor de 1200 do cartão de crédito (conforme li em alguns casos abaixo) 4. Completa falta de preparo da empresa para solucionar o problema 5. A Centauro é impossível de contactar para solucionar qualquer questão, visto que já fazem 27 dias que estou tentando resolver o problema. Ou seja, provavelmente a dificuldade é proposital. O CASO COMPLETO: Simplesmente o acelerador parou de funcionar no meio da auto estrada, quase causando um acidente grave. Suspeito que os carros não passem por inspeção adequada entre um aluguer e outro. Esperei 2 horas por um reboque sozinha de noite no acostamento e 3 horas por um taxi para me levar de volta a Lisboa. Além de ter que solucionar problemas de comunicação e processos entre seguradora e Centauro que não deixam claro para quem devemos ligar em caso de urgência. Agora estou à procura de alguem para reaver o dinheiro da minha reserva e é simplesmente impossível encontrar. Ligo e me direcionam para o site, que ao enviar email apenas respondem com um email automatico dizendo que a questão está resolvida. NÃO RECOMENDO. P.S. Exceção para dois atendentes que foram muito solicitos comigo durante o processo. ATUALIZAÇÃO DO CASO - NÃO ALUGUE POR AQUI DE JEITO NENHUM: A RESPOSTA ABAIXO NAO SOLUCIONOU O PROBLEMA. Me direcionaram para o local do site reclamado anteriormente (que não resolve a questão). Não consigo comunicação para reaver o dinheiro da reserva. Já que o carro PAROU NO MEIO DO CAMINHO. A única maneira de reaver o dinheiro será por meios legais pelo visto. ATUALIZAÇÃO 15 DIAS DEPOIS: Tive que ir presencialmente na Centauro para finalizarem meu contrato pois estava ativo ainda 5 dias depois da entrega, e um funcionário ainda queria me culpar do ocorrido, alegando que carros sofrem avarias. Meu caro, SIM, carros sofrem avarias, e o esperado é que uma empresa séria de aluguer de carros deveria ter um serviço preparado para atender o cliente caso elas aconteçam. Inclusive avaliando a necessidade de resarcimento, não retirando o dinheiro do cliente a qualquer custo. continuando... 5 dias depois, tiveram a CARA DE PAU de me devolverem apenas 40 euros do aluguer, sendo que contratei com seguro total e ainda devolvi um dia antes da reserva concluida com tanque quase cheio (quer não deveria nem ser cobrado, já que não tem como, nem porque, abastecer um carro que não funciona). Um serviço que se der qualquer MINIMO PROBLEMA você não conseguirá resolver. REPITO: NÃO ALUGUE AQUI. Precisarei entrar contra a empresa por meios legais para resolver uma questão que deveria ser relativamente simples. CONTINUIDADE (5): A CENTAURO teve a coragem de colocar meu caso como negligência minha, indicando que EU tinha abastecido o carro com o combustível errado. Como eu tinha todos os docuemntos, comprovei o contrário. Isso PROVA que entregam os carros sem revisão aos clientes e depois tentam culpá-los das avarias.
100% tecomendable
A chefe deste estabelecimento ,que se diz chamar de Rita, é absolutamente incompetente, além de que bloqueia os clientes que escrevem no livro de reclamações pelo péssimo atendimento que receberam de alguns funcionários . Esta senhora, escolhe os melhores carros para os seus amigos e conhecidos e dá os carros mais usados para os clientes que não gosta e faz isso descaradamente à frente dos clientes, em tom de provocação. É extremamente mal educada e mal encarada e agressiva, como chefe que se diz ser, é extremamente mal formada, não saber ouvir os seus clientes e dá sempre a razão aos seus funcionários, mesmo quando estes tratam mal os seus clientes. Mais medidas serão tomadas.
I booked a car online with Centauro Rent A Car for an urgent situation, paid in full, and went to their office expecting to pick up my vehicle. What followed was the most frustrating and disrespectful experience Ive ever had with a rental company. The rude receptionist informed me that they do not rent cars to people living in the country during this time of year. When asked for a flight number (which I obviously didn t have as a resident), I explained my situation, only to be told they couldn t give me the car I had already booked and paid for! Their reasoning? They are only giving cars to tourists. I asked about my payment, and the receptionist nonchalantly said it would be refunded. No apology, no attempt to find a solution nothing. My plans were completely ruined because of this unprofessional and discriminatory policy. Centauro Rent A Car is unreliable, disrespectful, and clearly doesn t care about its customers. If you re not a tourist, don t bother wasting your time or money. Absolutely awful service avoid them at all costs! Absolutely disgusting once I get free from this urgency, I am going to complaint in theit complaint book for them.
Pela segunda vez que aluguei com a Centauro.Aluguer sem complicações nem comissões,nem seguros complicados. Levantamento e entrega rápido. Veículo em boas condições, praticamente novo,e limpo.Com via verde que facilita nas portagens e alguns estacionamentos.
Bom transfer van,rapido e personalizado atendimento e boas viaturas
There are a lot of horror stories and its scary. For my part, my rental went very well. No hidden fees and I was refunded my deposit after 14 days. I was a little worried, but in the end I paid the right amount. So, I recommend for your rentals, I had a good experience.
Guy who informed me while picking the car up was great, bold guy I returned the car to was making dumb jokes and was really rude. I made a scratch no reason to be extra rude or moody. Would do the place good to let this guy go
Mesmo após reservar e pagar pelo Booking, a empresa se recusou a disponibilizar o veículo pois o meu cartão de crédito mostra os números no app do banco (Nubank ultravioleta) e não no cartão físico, mesmo possuindo o limite de 1600 euros que a empresa iria bloquear no cartão (além de taxas adicionais que só me foram apresentadas no momento da retirada). A atendente não teve o menor interesse em resolver o meu problema (possivelmente pois eu não quis pagar um seguro adicional de 200 euros oferecido pela empresa), como olhar as informações do meu cartão no app do banco. Talvez, se eu fosse português, seria melhor atendido. Fui na empresa Avis e saí com um veículo melhor em 15 minutos, utilizando exatamente o mesmo cartão e sem pagar taxas abusivas. NÃO RECOMENDO ESSA EMPRESA.
Méfiez vous de ces voleurs qui essayent de vous soutirer de l argent Les vendeurs au comptoir vous mettront la pression pour vous vendre des assurances supplémentaires et la caution pour le péage de l autoroute A l arrivée dans un pays on a une très mauvaise impression Surtout pensez à prendre des photos de la voiture Tout est bon pour vous soutirer encore plus d argent
One of the most reliable among non-multinational airport rental companies Good value for money and restitution without too much hassle. This is the most important! a plus for the toll pin which is not automatically billed. a good 4*
Nada a apontar, eficiente.
Gute Autos gut Beratung
muito bons carros a preços acessíveis, com um atendimento super profissional!
Serviço de recolha e devolução rápido e ágil, viaturas novas, em ótimas condições, time atencioso.
Péssima experiência, empresa não confiável! Fiz uma reserva de carro na Centauro pelo site, seguindo todas as regras descritas. Ao chegar para retirar o carro, o atendente se recusou a aceitar meu cartão de crédito, que estava no meu nome e em conformidade com as exigências da reserva. Alegaram que, como o cartão não tinha explicitamente escrito crédito , não poderiam aceitá-lo. Isso é simplesmente absurdo e claramente uma tentativa de enganar o cliente! Ao sair de lá, fui a outra locadora, onde o mesmo cartão foi aceito sem nenhum problema, e os próprios funcionários ficaram surpresos com o motivo ridículo apresentado pela Centauro. Não recomendo esta empresa de forma alguma não é confiável e parece disposta a criar barreiras para dificultar o cumprimento do contrato. Evitem a Centauro! Terrible experience, unreliable company! I booked a car with Centauro online, following all the stated requirements. When I went to pick up the car, the employee refused to accept my credit card, which was under my name and met all the reservation criteria. They claimed that since the card didn t explicitly say credit, they couldn t accept it. This is simply absurd and clearly an attempt to deceive customers! After leaving, I went to another rental company, where the same card was accepted without any issues, and the staff there were shocked by Centauro s ridiculous excuse. I do not recommend this company at all they are unreliable and seem eager to create obstacles to avoid honoring their commitments. Avoid Centauro at all costs!
I recommend. We dont have to worry with hidden costs. Smooth process.
política de combustível QUESTIONÁVEL Venho por meio desta registrar minha insatisfação com a recente mudança na política de combustível ao alugar veículos. Anteriormente, os carros eram entregues com o tanque cheio, e bastava devolvê-los também cheios, o que facilitava o controle por parte do cliente. Contudo, agora os carros são entregues com uma quantidade aleatória de combustível, sendo exigido que devolvamos com a mesma quantidade. Esse método não é prático nem preciso, pois é muito difícil abastecer o veículo exatamente até o nível inicialmente fornecido. Em duas ocasiões recentes, fui orientado por atendentes diferentes a devolver o carro com uma quantidade maior de combustível, sob o argumento de que isso evitaria cobranças adicionais no cartão de crédito referentes ao caução. Na prática, isso me obriga a entregar mais combustível do que usei, o que considero um prejuízo ao cliente e uma prática que induz ao aumento dos lucros da empresa de forma questionável. Esse novo sistema não só prejudica a experiência do consumidor como também pode ser entendido como uma forma de ganho desproporcional em detrimento do cliente, já que muitos acabam abastecendo a mais para evitar penalidades. Gostaria que essa reclamação fosse avaliada e que a política antiga ou pelo menos uma alternativa mais transparente e justa fosse considerada.
Always well served by Centauro! I recommend it! The only thing that needs to be reviewed is the management of late arrivals (after the agency closes). The automatic cancellation of reservations after 12pm can be really problematic for the customer!
Very good
Félicitação aos funcionários da entrega au recepção
É a segunda vez que alugo na Centauro (pacote Premium, melhor opção). Quem entregou o carro e quem recebeu o carro, ambos pessoas simpáticas. Desta vez aluguei o carro para 13 dias, sem um único problema. Entregaram-me o carro em 5m, foi chegar e levar. Temos um autocarro que passa a cada 15m no aeroporto, levam até a Centauro e até ao aeroporto, gratuitamente. O carro foi entregue em excelente estado, como novo e limpo. Pontos fortes: Carro entregue com rapidez, limpo, novo, sem muita papelada, staff 5* Ponto negativo: demora na devolução do depósito. Sempre que for a Portugal, será aqui que irei reservar um automóvel.
Serviço FANTÁSTICO. Pessoas FANTÁSTICAS. Recomendo 100%.
Good service Fast and efficient. I will rent another vehicle from Centauro again.
Great service as always, though the car return process can be a bit crowded in the morning, especially for those without full insurance and you stuck in the queue.
Toda a gente sabe o stress de viajar. Já estávamos com a cabeça cheia com o alojamento e a travessia. Como foi a nossa primeira vez a alugar um carro estávamos um pouco perdidos. O atendimento de todas as pessoas com quem interagimos foi muito bom, em especial o da senhora da receção que creio chamava se Maria Aparição. Muito atenciosa, explicou muito bem os detalhes todos da segurança e limpeza do carro, bem como todas as questões do aluger. Deixou nos muito mais relaxados com o procedimento e fez nos confiar na empresa
Muito contente, com todo o processo de aluguer
Absolutely disgusting company. Starting from rude attitude to the client, ending with a car with 120.000 km of mileage. If you want to spoil your mood, you are welcome.
Heb al 6 x een auto gehuurd bij centauro Lissabon, altijd met volledige dekking en alles was steeds 100% in orde.
minha reserva foi eliminada por motivo não teve voo marcado Fui informado sou asi podia alugar carro Depe fui anulada reserva fui dito valor ia ser devolvido para meu cartão da minha conta do Banco até agora nada fui mandado para cartão Resposta nada
Worst car rental experience in my own country (many hidden fees, give you faulty cars, zero customer assistance) i m an experienced driver, having driven in many european countries and North America - but i never experience such issues with a car rental anywhere else. From the moment of pick up at airport people were complaining about waiting times, we then went to their offices and more people were complaining - i knew this wouldn t bode well for my experience. There were many issues with payment because of their operating system on card machines, they push you to get their smart cover which is 140Euros plus to facilitate payments. I was told they upgraded my rental but then removed it once i told them i have to travel to the countryside. The car had a faulty engine which meant it stopped accelerating and stalled. First time i was on A1 leaving Lisbon and the car stalls on the highway. After turning off and on car again, I was able to continue my journey. This happened countless times during the journey. Once i got to the destination I contacted assistance and they blamed me for the car issues, plus if i wanted a replacement i would have to pay for the car to be towed to lisbon (250km +). I didn t use the car at all during my time in Portugal and decided that i would drive back to lisbon a day before my flight in order to be safe. The journey back was even more painful, the car keys stopped connecting to the car and the it wouldn t start completely, I also had to stop many times on highway and turn off/on again. This was a traumatic experience as you re arriving into lisbon you have 5 lanes with busy traffic. i gave up the car, it was making so many noises and even though the team apologised and told me they would swap the car for last day , i told them i didn t want it. it was a traumatic experience, and i will never rent from this place again.
Fijne verhuurder kom er al jaren nog geen enkele keer teleurgesteld. Super fijne shuttle service en erg vriendelijk personeel
Querem alugar carros? Não façam com a centauro. São uns ladroes de quinta categoria. Aluguei um carro com eles no fim só foi dor de cabeça e são um mentirosos mas não vai ficar assim vou vos levar a tribunal por conta da vossa burla e nem é pelo dinheiro é pelo mau caráter que vocês tem.
Très bon accueil ,juste un peu d attente du côté des transports de liaison entre l aéroport et la boutique. Dans l ensemble tout s est très bien passé et le personnel très sympathique.
I liked the service, price, conditions and car. Will return =) Details: - Car: in general, in good condition (small scratches, front parking lights blink sometimes, the clutch is a little jerky but not a problem) - Insurance. I got insurance through the car rental aggregator site. It was 2.5 times cheaper than the insurance offered by Centauro. They let me use my own insurance. - Deposit. 1600 Euro for the car, 116 Euro for the gas (if you dont return the full tank), 100 Euro for the toll roads. The car deposit was returned to my debit card immediately, the gas+toll deposit was returned in two days. - Pick-up/Drop-off: in their office - Service: quite friendly and helpful but not worshipful =)) Advice: its better to take photo of all defects (my contract did not contain the full list of damages and I was advised to take photo of all of them just in case). However, the drop-off review in my case was not picky, they did not check all the scratches.
SCAM COMPANY! AVOID AT ALL COSTS! NEVER GOT MY FULL DEPOSIT/REFUND BACK! I booked with them through Expedia for 9 days, Aug 25 - Sept 2, it included unlimited milleage, and I had collision damage. When I arrived they told me the collision damage I had doesnt work and I had to buy theirs for 400 euros.... 1st scam. I had to give a deposit of 109 euros, which I would get back if i didnt use any tolls and I also had to give another deposit of 100 euros, which i would get back fully if i returned car with gas tank full. I gave a total deposit of 209 euros. I only got 100 euros back because I returned the car with the gas tank full but I did NOT receive any money back for the toll deposit that I did not use. I did not use all of the toll deposits of 109 euros. I ONLY used 43.31 euros on tolls, so I should be receiving 65.69 euros back. THEY NEVER REFUNDED ME! They take 2 months to reply back every time I contact them and they refuse to give me my refund. HORRIBLE CUSTOMER SERVICE! They state my booking was 35 days long, which it wasnt, was 9 days!! They stated I got a refund on July 11 but my trip only started Aug 25.... THEY LIE AND GIVE WRONG INFORMATION TO SCAM YOU. They said i had limited milleage, which is also wrong, my contract said unlimited. Despite telling them their information is wrong, they keep insisting what they are telling me is accurate to avoid refunding me. SCAM COMPANY!! UNBELEIVEABLE!
Deberían de tener una abanico más de idiomas, ya que te atienden muy serios.
Belle voiture de location , juste un petit truc à améliorer cest de la louer propre
Noleggio auto conveniente e comodo
Great service, recommend it!
Até ao dia de hoje sempre tinha corrido bem. Hoje, um funcionário armado em artista resolveu inventar danos no carro e tentar imputar-mos. Como se fosse possível convencer alguém que um carro com 25 000km pudesse (como eles põem no contrato que só nos mandam depois de já não estarmos na loja) não ter absolutamente nada. Rebati imediatamente essa encenação batata (por não ser verdade) e, infelizmente, não voltarei a contratar nenhum serviço com a Centauro, o que eu lamento porque sempre os escolhia. Não é assim que se tratam os clientes. Se não querem alugar carros a clientes que fazem a reserva pelas aplicações de rent a cara assumam logo isso.
Hoy día 10 de diciembre al devolver el coche nos han hecho firmar un documento en el que se nos cobraban 1.200 en conceptos de daños que no le habíamos hecho al vehículo. La cuestión es que nos han hecho firmar el documento diciendo que todo estaba bien y que nos devolverían la fianza/deposito en los próximos días hábiles. En ningún momento a la hora de firmar el papel nos mencionaron nada de cargos ni daños en el mismo y por eso firmamos. A los 30 min, nos llega un retorno de 517 en vez de los 1200 , son literalmente unos ladrones e impresentables ya que el vehículo se entrego en las mismas condiciones que lo recibimos. Hemos vuelto a la oficina para reclamar el dinero y que nos enseñen fotos del vehículo antes de nuestra llegada, ya que nuestras fotografías no les han servido. Esperamos que centauro actúe legalmente y solucionen este problema con nosotros y con los incompetentes de sus trabajadores.
Realmente deveriam permitir dar uma avaliação de -10 estrelas. Ao devolver o carro, sem nos informar ou explicar nada, nos fizeram assinar um documento de devolução. O atendente nos disse que estava tudo ok , confirmando que o carro estava em perfeito estado e que o devolvemos corretamente. Quinze minutos depois, já no aeroporto, recebemos uma cobrança de 1.200 na conta, alegando danos que o veículo teria sofrido nas rodas, danos que EVIDENTEMENTE não foram causados por nós. O que o indivíduo loiro/ruivo, totalmente desprezível, não esperava era que voltássemos para reclamar. Ladrões, golpistas e irresponsáveis! _________________________________ Realmente tendrían que dejar puntuar -10 estrellas. Al devolver el coche sin informarnos ni explicarnos nada nos han hecho firmar un documento de devolución. El chico nos ha dicho que todo estaba okey conforme estaba todo bien y el coche lo devolvíamos correctamente. A los 15 minutos ya en el aeropuerto nos ha llegado un cobro de 1.200 a la cuenta en concepto de daños que el vehículo había sufrido en las llantas, daño que EVIDENTEMENTE no le hemos hecho nosotros. Lo que no se esperaba el tipo rubio/pelirrojo impresentable es que volviéramos para reclamar. Ladrones, estafadores e impresentables.
Acabamos de devolver el coche en centauro Lisboa. La persona que nos ha inspeccionado el vehiculo me ha hecho firmar en su móvil sin darme ninguna información. Le he preguntado verbalmente, y me ha dicho que todo estaba bien. Una vez en el aeropuerto vemos que me retienen 1200 euros. Hemos vuelto a las oficinas y ahora me dicen que la retención es por dos llantas que ahora han aparecido rotas. Muy pocas explicaciones. Que rellenemos reclamación. Cuidado cuando recojáis el coche. Hacer un video y fotos de todo, al cogerlo y devolverlo, o te aparecerán cosas después de dejarlo.
Le pongo 1 estrella porque no hay 0. Son unos estafadores . Nos retuvieron en la tarjeta 1600 en concepto de fianza y en la entrega del coche nos cobraron 1200 en concepto de desperfectos, cuando no es para nada cierto. Cuando llegamos a la oficina un individuo por llamarlo de alguna manera comenzó hacer fotos del vehículo sin explicarnos nada, de rayas en las puertas, parachoques, llantas, etc. Cuando entregamos las llaves le preguntamos si había algún problema, y este nos confirma que todo está bien. Le preguntamos por la devolución de la fianza si tenemos que ir a la oficina y este nos dice que no, que la devolución de la fianza es automática . Cual es nuestras sorpresa que cuando llegamos a al aeropuerto vemos que Centauro nos han cobrado 1200 . Como íbamos con tiempo hemos regresado a la oficina y les hemos explicado la situación. En la oficina el empleado nos informa que la persona a la que hemos entregado las llaves nos tenía que haber informado de todo. Nosotros le contestamos que no y el empleado de la oficina nos dice que esto no puede ser. Por suerte en ese momento aparece por delante nuestro y el individuo de la entrega de llaves y el empleado de la oficina le pregunta si nos había informado, este se encoge de hombros y responde que no. Poco hemos podido hacer desde la oficina solo hacer una hoja de reclamación solicitando fotografías del anterior usuario para confirmar que estos desperfectos no los efectuado nosotros, sin que el importe de los 1200 nos sean devueltos. Repito unos estafadores, nada profesionales. Es una pena porque la ciudad es preciosa pero esto te resta en no recomendar para nada la experiencia es esta ciudad por este tipo de engaños.
Fast service. Car super clean. I will definitely take it again.
Achtung Betrüger, absolut NICHT zu empfehlen. Berechnen eine Pauschale in Höhe von 150 bei Abgabe außerhalb der Öffnungszeiten ( negligent driving ), obwohl dies nirgends in den AGB steht. In der Hotline ist niemand zu erreichen und auf Mails wird wenn überhaupt erst nach 2 Monaten geantwortet. Absolut Frechheit
Attention agence très excentrée de laéroport - pas évident à trouver et surtout si vous passez par eux, prenez le temps de faire le tour de la carrosserie même si vous êtes fatigués de votre vol et vérifier également les jantes du véhicule car en faisant le tour du véhicule jai encore levé des défauts mineurs mais quils mauraient très certainement facturés car ils ont utilisé ma cb pour me débiter 451 ! pour une jante en plastique légèrement rayée - abus caractérisé, du vol... heureusement javais souscrit une assurance pas très cher pour couvrir ce genre de dommages ! jessaie de joindre leur agence au Portugal depuis 2 jours pour obtenir des factures pour les envoyer à lassureur mais sans succès . Je ne recommande évidemment pas les pratiques de cette agence
Boa experiência e serviço eficaz
Péssimo serviço. Uma eternidade para fazer o levantamento de viatura, com senhas que ninguém percebe a numeração! Quase o alfabeto inteiro com diferente numeração, todos premium! No balcão 3 funcionários apenas! Muito mau!
The reservation office is highly knowledgeable and operates in an organized manner, ensuring no confusion or chaos. The staff is exceptionally skilled and provides recommendations that truly prioritize the customer s needs. The delivery and return area is spotless and well-maintained. It is just a 10-minute walk from Oriente Station. We tried at least 10 different companies in Lisbon, and this one is by far the most successful.
They tend to lie about the fuel level and damage. Make sure you take full video of your car and fuel before rental
Excellent car and service although the pick up office does not answer their phone. I had to go through the central office.
Uma excelente opção para alugar uma viatura: fácil de reservar; relação qualidade/ preço excelente; atendimento marcado pela simpatia e eficiência.
I had no lights on the motorway and they didnt want to change my car. After a small dent in the side member, the repair cost a maximum of 200 euros. They charged me 900 of the 1200 euro deposit. Run away from these crooks!
São muito simpáticos, versáteis, atenciosos recomendo mesmo
Unfriendly, not recommended, find another car sharing company
Excelente atendimento tanto na retirada quanto na entrega do veículo. O carro também era muito bom, econômico, estava limpo e proporcionou uma excelente viagem para minha família. Fiz a reserva on-line e fui de uber para a Centauro. O atendimento até a retirada do veículo não demorou nem 10 minutos, foi muito rápido e o atendimento foi super educado e gentil. Os valores cobrados são um pouco superiores aos concorrentes, mas vale cada centavo, pois aqui na Europa é comum encontrarmos alugueis baratos, mas que retem valores altíssimos no cartão de crédito e caso você tenha algum problema, a franquia também é muito cara, se converter em real então, você paga um carro a locadora. Já na Centauro eles não retem valores elevados (apenas o equivalente a alguns pedágios e um tanque cheio de combustível), que eu acho bem justo! Não há franquia ou valores cobrados a mais independente do que aconteça! É seguro total! Sem dor de cabeça, sem burocracia, rápido, gentil, educado, justo e tranquilo! Indico a todos!
Deram-me um carro que já havia tido o mesmo problema e estavam a querer dizer que eu não tinha direito a outro carro de substituição visto que o mesmo deu problema na estrada. Não sei se volto a alugar com eles. Péssima experiência
Very good, fast, efficient, professional I recommend this agency for the models and the kindness of the staff Thanks again to everyone
It used to be a good rental company that I used for a few years, but no longer. The service level dropped down, and the last three rental cars had technical issues. I would avoid renting from them.
sempre que preciso um carro, trabalho com centauro, uma empresa seria com gente muito profisional
Excelente trato. El coche fue correctamente, no tuve problemas algunos. Buen precio, buena cobertura. Gracias al atendimiento de Afonso. Recomendable
Terrible service. Dont rent a car with them unless youre ready to be scammed! Our car stopped in the middle of the highway with smoke coming from the gear box. The towing service took 3 hours to arrive, arriving at around 9pm, leaving us waiting in the highway in the cold and dark. Centauro refused to deliver a new car, arguing that we had to pick it up ourselves, when their car was clearly not functional and not our fault. The Brisa road maintenance man told us the gear box was likely worn out from different rentals and stopped working, so clearly there was a lack of maintenance from Centauro. When we called Centauro for assistance, each different worker gave us different information: one said we must pay for a taxi home, another said we could choose to not take the taxi; one said their office would be open from 7am to 12pm, another said it was only open from 8am to 10am. When we said it was unacceptable to wait so long for help in a dangerous highway, their worker replied, Youre lucky you never had to wait 3 hours for a towing service. Its the way it works. Clearly showing no empathy and trivializing the whole situation. Centauros customer service was of no help and provided zero empathy. We were charged 1700 for negligence driving, when the car was already defective from previous uses. Why have a business when youre going to provide a bad service and on top of that, be unfriendly towards customers?
For some time now that Im hiring car with Centauro every time I go to Portugal, the experience is always great and the cars are in good conditions. The only reason to do not rate with 5 stars is because I do not like so much the new location and the new system that is being used at the arrival when you go to collect the car, can be more professional then before but is much more cold and we Portuguese people are known by our warm reception to everyone.
Excelente serviço prestado no aluguer do carro.
Me cobraram mais do combinado. Atendimento péssimo. Difícil para pegar o carro. Política de perdida de cliente, muito eficaz, parabéns! Vou voltar para Avis, que não teve problema nenhum. Tentei o contato com atendimento ao cliente e só ficam me enrolando.
Pésima atención por parte de las dos personas que estaban en la oficina, teníamos el alquiler del coche a las 7 am y como mexicanos fuimos rechazados para la renta del coche. Agregándole a esto que fueron muy groseros al decirnos que no aceptaban mexicanos y lo mínimo que podían hacer como profesionales y personas adultas es ayudar a turistas a conseguir algún otro alquiler de coches o explicarnos un medio de transporte que nos pueda funcionar. Metimos una queja y no nos permiten seguir con el proceso, llamamos al call center y la señorita que nosotros creíamos nos apoyaría, también estaba cubriendo a las otras dos personas, le pedimos su nombre y no nos lo quiso dar completo. Si no aceptan a mexicanos para manejar coches de su alquiler lo mínimo que podrían hacer es ponerlo en su página y evitarnos la pena de estar perdiendo el tiempo y recibiendo malos tratos en nuestro primer día en Lisboa.
Good service, great price and rent conditions!
Vraiment au top
Incompétence et malhonnêteté totale. Refus de remettre le véhicule sans souscrire à leur assurance, alors que j en avais déjà une. Ils exigent une carte de crédit et non de débit, contrairement à ce qui est indiqué dans ma réservation. Résultat : vacances gâchées à cause de cette agence. Une honte !
J étais très incertaine de louer chez Centauro au vu des commentaires sur différents sites. J ai osé et je recommande très fortement. Pour ma part, tout a été fluide et parfait. Dorénavant, je ne me fierai pas qu aux commentaires, mais plutôt à mon feeling. Merci
Sempre recorri a centauro no Porto e Lisboa e fiquei satisfeito com o serviço . Este mês do 30 fiquei surpreso com a mudança de instalações e o atraso da carrinha para nos ir buscar ao aeroporto o novo local não é estratégico e nem acessível . Os carros tem sido entregues a faltar um quarto de depósito . Onde o prático e correto é o cheio cheio . É a minha opino para não perder tempo e não perder voo .
Nunca cometa o erro de alugar uma viatura nesta empresa, que decide entregar o carro todo sujo, fui atendido pela Rita de forma rude e desagradável, para além de tentar impingir extras de forma enganosa não conferiu o estado do carro, caso não estivesse atento assinava um contrato em que o combustível dizia estar a 60% e na realidade o depósito nem meio estava. Caso não tenha outra opção faça atenção a todos os detalhes e fique com provas do estado do carro.
I felt good. Luis looked after me very well and was very helpful
Very professional and fast service. We used it in Italy and Portugal and in both cases was impeccable.
Best agence de location qui nous a dépanner lorsque lautre agence nous a refusé notre carte avec laquelle nous louons toujours. On a loué avec centauro en Espagne aussi et nickel
Die Abholung am Flughafen und die Übergabe des Mietwagens waren, wie immer, problemlos. Die Mitarbeiter von Centauro sind sehr zuvorkommend. Es gab nichts zu beanstanden. Miete gerne wieder bei Centauro. Liebe Grüße aus Wien.
Centauro Rent a Car en Lisboa fue una grata sorpresa. Aunque no está en el aeropuerto, ofrecen un transporte gratuito rápido y eficiente. Me entregaron un coche en excelente estado, y el proceso fue bastante ágil. La empresa tiene una trayectoria sólida en el mercado, conocida por su buena relación calidad-precio. Lo único que podría mejorar es la ubicación y la política de combustible, ya que prefieren que devuelvas el tanque lleno, lo que puede ser un poco incómodo si tienes prisa. En general, una opción confiable para explorar Lisboa y sus alrededores.
Everything was perfect. Im happy that Ive got such a great service from this company. Im dead sure I underpaid, that is how good everything was xD
Já aluguei várias vezes na Centauro e até ao dia de hoje, nunca tive nenhum problema!
Agence minable ! Jai attendu plus de 1H ... je voyais passer des clients devent moi et toujours pas appellé et les employés indiférents à mes demandes. Le pire allait arriver... lagence nouvre quà 7H00 du matin et je devais prendre mon avion à 7H00... et bien, ils navaient aucin système pour laisser les clés à 5H30.... jai dû laisser la voiture (perte de ma location) et aller louer une autre voiture !!!! 1er et dernière fois chez ces gros nazes !
Atendimento fantastico
Quite a distance from the airport, and youll definitely need a GPS to find it for the return.
very good service
Minha reserva era as 22:30, a loja fechava as 23 e a empresa não se preocupou com os ocasionais atrasos que ocorrem nos aeroportos, seja na aterrissagem, entrega das bagagens, ou alfandega. Não houve tolerância, nem comunicação, alerta explicando o risco de uma reserva tão próxima do horário de encerramento. Cheguei depois das 23:00, liguei para empresa e para a Auto-Europe, fui informado que poderia pegar o carro apenas no dia seguinte. Gastei dinheiro num Uber, quando esperava conduzir meu próprio veículo. Ao chegar na Centauro no dia seguinte, o atendente me informou que a reserva tinha sido cancelada e já não tinha mais carro para mim. Atenção que a tarifa foi cobrada integral! Paguei pelo carro que nunca me foi entregue! Repito: apesar de ter sido cobrado integralmente pelos 6 dias de aluguel, o meu carro(pago!) não estava mais disponível. O desprezo e a completa falta de empatia do funcionário foi aterradora. Entre setembro e novembro, aluguei carro 6 vezes, quase todas em locadoras diferentes em países diferentes e em nenhuma fui tão maltratado. Certamente não retornarei, nem recomendo. Achei-os desumanos.
Easy to deal with. Purchased with full insurance and it s a great value for money! Booked before, will book again in the future
Rapide et fiable
Picking up and returning the car was smooth as we had the premium package. Staff was friendly and helpful. We rented for 8 days. It wasnt the car we selected and paid for, a smaller one but still the same type SUV. The car was fairly new and we had no issues with it. For the first refund (from the petrol deposit), the amount was clear as the personnel did show the breakdown of the toll charges for the first 6 days of rental. As for the second refund (from the 100 Euro deposit) which came 12 days after the rental, the toll charges for the last 2 days of the rental was more than the first 6 days (even with the admin fees for the via verde included) when we drove far less distance. It would be great if you had emailed us the invoice when the refund was issued for transparency.
Fuel should have been half full, but wasnt, so be careful to video everything. Other than that all went well
Voiture 5008 Peugeot qui nétait pas lavée autrement rien à dire
I was a bit sceptical renting car after reading some recent reviews but since I have very good experience from renting cars from other Centauro location and due the lack of good altenatives I decided to give it a try. And everything worked perfectly fine. For booking I used their own website.
I recently rented a car from Centauro, and while the initial rental process was straightforward, the post-rental experience left a lot to be desired. When I returned the car slightly later than the agreed time (14:30 instead of 10:00), I was charged for a full extra day, including insurance costs. Centauro claimed to waive the standard 50 late penalty as a gesture of goodwill, but the total charge for the extra day turned out to be even higher than the penalty itself. Adding to the frustration, when simulating a later return time on their website, the rental cost only increases by 3 for the same day. This inconsistency feels unfair and lacks transparency. Additionally, I was charged twice for the Smart Cover fee on the final day, with no clear explanation or justification. Despite raising this issue, I have yet to receive a satisfactory response or a refund for the duplicate charge. To make matters worse, I was warned that I would be charged 75 for cleaning because there was a fair amount of sand in the car. While I acknowledge that there was sand, this rental was in a surf and beach area where some sand is inevitable. 75 seems excessive, especially for Portugal, and the charge felt disproportionate to the situation. To avoid this fee, I took the time to clean the car myself before returning it, which was an unnecessary hassle. While the car itself was fine and their staff was semi polite, these billing practices and lack of consistency leave a bad impression. I would caution future renters to carefully review their invoices and confirm any additional charges to avoid similar issues.
A melhor escolha em aluguer de carro
As always great experience with Centauro. Took their cars in several cities in Europe and always everything is great. Fast pickup, return took virtually 5 . Money back on account on the fly. Car new, efficient etc. Sensible prices. Always recommend
Fast and efficient service. Nothing to complain about with Centauro. I would just like to point out that when you book through an agency, it is not worth paying for the insurance that the agency offers, because then you will have to take out another insurance policy with Centauro. We paid for two insurance policies for the same vehicle.
Centauro, é uma das grandes empresas de Aluguer de automóveis em Lisboa com escritório no Prior Velho perto do aeroporto onde se aluga os carros a bons preços e, também têm grandes vantagens e promoções o ano todo. Recomendo a todos para procurarem a Centauro porque é o mais barato e melhor
polecam wypo yczalni . Sprawny Check-in, bezproblemowy sprawny zwrot. Ceny najlepsze, auta w bardzo dobrym stanie technicznym.
Para mí parecer son unos ladrones luego no te devuelven el dinero q te corresponde por los adelantos q te piden. Espero no volver a contratar con ellos
Rechtstreeks auto geboekt bij deze verhuurder inclusief volledige dekking. Er is een gratis busje van Centauro wat je naar hun filiaal brengt. Dit is misschien een nadeel tov verhuurders die een balie hebben op de luchthaven maar de prijs is dan ook voordeliger. Werden vlot geholpen en een auto meegekregen die wel wat dingetjes had aan de buitenkant. Ik heb hier gelijk fotos van genomen en het stond ook allemaal al vermeld op het contract. Aangezien we volledig verzekerd waren was dit verder ook geen probleem met het inleveren. Auto was verder technisch in orde en ook schoon van binnen. Al met al best een positieve ervaring dus en we zullen zeker weer bij Centauro boeken als we weer in Portugal zijn.
5 estrelas Super bem atendimento pela SRA RITA Professional Carro limpo e em boas condicoes Rapido atendimento
I had a car for 3 days, waiting to get the car took about 40 minutes, everything was good but indidn t receive all my money back from you. I was supposed to get one deposit of 135.23 , wich i receive it next day after drop off the car, but i sill need to get another 127.03 from you, the car was good, petrol was full, the guy there told me i will get all my money back but i still didn t receive nothing I tried to send you emails or access links to see what s happening but still no respons from you , i will report this to my bank too anyway
Muito bom! Recomendo
Nao existe um contacto directo com a centauro em lisboa .. você liga sendo cliente e atendem de espanha.. o quao ridiculo é.
very bad experience. very rude staff. we paid everything online and then when we come to pick up the car they warn us to pay triple the amount paid online because they add other policies not specified online. very rude.
Esperienza perfetta. Tutto come indicato. Juao IS THE BETTER. THANKS BY MARCO (Picasso) E ILARIA
Les nouveaux locaux sont une catastrophe par rapport à lancien. Étant une habituée de louer une voiture chez Centauro tout cest toujours bien déroulé sauf depuis quils ont changer dadresse. Arrivés 2h avant notre vol, nous avons failli le rater. Retour de véhicule trop long (obligés dattendre que les véhicule devant nous soient checker un par un), une seule navette pour laéroport en marche, nous avons attendu au moins 30min une navette, et la nouvelle route pour sy rendre est pleine de bouchons. Les chauffeurs de navette se font crier dessus par les clients les pauvres alors quils ny sont pour rien, les clients sont fâchés car ils sont tous en retard et essayent tous de monter à bord de la navette. Cette nouvelle adresse est vraiment une horreur, prévoyez de lavance !
Waiting ages to be atendet and they pass on customer. On top they super rude. I left whit out thaiking my rental car and went to an other rental company .
Non affidatevi assolutamente a questa compagnia!!!! 2 ore e mezza per poter ritirare una macchina già prenotata, letteralmente una sola persona dietro gli sportelli, ho perso un intera mattinata. Esperienza atroce, in coda centinaia di persone disperate, alcuni hanno perso voli aerei per essere rimasti lì più di 3 ore. Una vergogna.
Worst car rental ever lasted hours
Abwicklung bei Empfang und Rückgabe ging schnell vonstatten, Personal recht freundlich. Allerdings hatte das Fahrzeug ein paar Mängel (Scheibenwaschanlage defekt, Scheibenwischer knackte laut, Getriebe machte Klapper- und Schaltgeräusche).
The bad: waiting for the Centauro van to pick us up at the airport - 1.5 hours. Super slow, uneffective and laggy behaviour of the staff at the Centauro office plus 1.5 extra hours. 0.5 hours transfer from airport to Centauro office. In total we wasted 3.5 hours of our precious time. The good: Got a decent car - Nissan Qashqai (with 16k km on odometer). Drove 1000km in 7 days - flawless. Also drop off experience was pretty good - after 40 min of waiting Centauro Van transfered us to the airport. The price (with Premium package) was really good ! Key take aways: Take Premium car rent package with insurance CDW all inclusive - this will save you time money and will give peace of mind. No hassle - no tricks with double insurance, huge deposits or scratches coming from nowhere (for example from previous clients). Do smart smart check in in advance - youll find a link in email, open online system and upload the required documents (id, driving licence, etc) in advance. Unfortunately theres unpleasant factors you cannot control - delays. Keep that in mind when planning your agenda (first day) in Lisbon. Not recommended for clients travelling with kids - even adults get upset with these delays , for kids its way too much.
Excelente experiencia, no Tiago na é de enorme profissionalismo!
Classifico a rent-a-car-centauro, como Excelente, pelo acesso fácil de fazer uma reserva online, bem como a qualidade /preço e ter a particularidade de fazer o chek-in na altura da reserva o que facilita a entrega rápida do carro. Isso é o que tem sido, até agora!!!!! Desta ultima reserva foi completamente ao contrario, cheguei pelas 7.45 para levantar o carro, utilizando a forma prioritário, visto já ter efetuado o contrato na altura da reserva seria só confirmar com o cartão de credito e seguir, Acontece que estava ao serviço o funcionário de nome , Sr. António, que ao obter a chave do carro foi agressivo, rude e incompetente na forma de falar a dizer para esperar pela minha vez! ficando até as 9.15, mais de 2 horas de espera para a simples entrega da chave, abordei um outro funcionário que estava fora do escritório, na receção de entrega de carros e resolveu o meu assunto em 1 minuto, ainda por cima eu tendo uma incapacidade invalidez de 76%.
We were pleasantly surprised by Centauro. We risked trying them out on our recent trip to Portugal and dont regret it. We opted for the agency outside of the airport in Lisbon and made our way with their complimentary shuttle. One areas which needs attention is the service desk and the queues which can lead to a lengthy wait (we waited an hour!). Other than that, the service was acceptable and the vehicle was relatively new and of a good standard. The return was efficient, quick and there were no hidden costs. I would give them a 5 star rating if they addressed the queues at the service desk.
- At least one hour wait to collect your vehicle - Rude, unprofessional, demotivated staff - Aggressive scare tactic to sell insurance - Dirty and smelly car - Insane deposits A complete nightmare. Avoid this rental company at all cost.
Empresa fraude, fujam! Pior experiência da minha vida.
Öncelikle tam koruma sat n alacaksan z mutlaka rezervasyon s ras nda ekleyin. Çünkü son güne b rak nca o seçenek kalk yor ve bankoda almak isterseniz sizden 3 kat para istiyorlar. Zaten ucuz bir irket oldu u için bu seçenek de erlendirilebilir. Ben 35Euroya almad m, bankoda 100 Euro istediler. Bunu da vermek istemedim ama çok tedirgin oldum. Çünkü bu durumda 1200 Euro depozit kesiyorlar. Araban n her yeri küçük hasarl yd ne bunlar tek tek videoya çektim. (Bunu mutlaka yap n) Yine de atlad m bir ey olursa çok para keserler diye korktum. Ama teslim çok kolay oldu. Eski diye mi bilmiyorum hiç bakmad lar bile. 1200 Euro hemen iade edildi. Bunun d nda benzin ve otoyol ücretleri için de 226Euro kesildi. 1200E bekleyen i lemlerde görünürken 226E harcama olarak göründü. Lizbon - Porto aras ndaki otoyol ücret dökümümüz 56Euro ç kt . Sonuçta benzini full getirdi imiz için bu paradan da sadece 56E kesilecek ve iade edilecek. Tek s k nt bunu beklemek, çünkü hesap kesimi yak n olanlar bunu ödemek zorunda kalacak ve iadesini sonra alacak. Bir uyar da park yerleri için. Ben Portoda park paras vermeden arac b rakt m ve bir makbuz buldum camda. Cezas sadece 6 euro. Bunu 15 gün içinde mutlaka yat rman z laz m yoksa 150 Euroya kadar ç kabiliyor. Onu da makbuzdaki referans nosu ile ATM ya da gi elerde, baz ödeme noktalar nda yat rabiliyorsunuz.
Je ne mets jamais davis quand je suis déçu dune prestation mais là je ne souhaite à personne de vivre ça. Le loueur ma fait un sketch pour absolument prendre lassurance à 173 (location voiture à 40 pour 5 jours) en me disant quil fallait absolument une carte de crédit pour avancer la franchise de 1600 . Sans cette carte de crédit, je ne pouvais pas avancer la franchise avec une empreinte bancaire, et il fallait donc que je paye lassurance à 173 pour ne plus avoir à avancer la franchise. Ce qui est totalement faux et malhonnête ! En décidant de partir, le loueur me retient en me disant que finalement il va pouvoir sarranger pour que je puisse faire lempreinte bancaire avec ma catte de débit. Du nimporte quoi. Sans parler des 2h dattente (hors saison estivale). Bref ils mettent une pression monstre pour que vous preniez lassurance, en vous mentant.
. - , .
We waited more than 3 hours!!! to get our car. This is absolutly outrageous.
We tried to rent a car because in that case we would have seen more in Portugal. We booked a car at booking.com and paid the rental price, plus an insurance. We needed to tell them he flight number so they can see when we arrive and when they should pick us up to take us to the place where can we get the car (what we already paid for...). On the first shuttle bus there was not enough space for us so we had to wait they said 10 mins... it was 25 mins... Than we arrived to the Centauro rental office where were already like 30 people before us to wait for a car which they also booked. We had to get a number to get in the line... We have been waiting for 2 and a half hours to get in the office where it was 30 more minutes to get the car (once again we booked that car...). The booking was for the car and the time also so we had an appointment too. The appointment was at 10.30 but our flight was a bit late so we get there at 11.00 and we get the booked car at 14:00. So we have been there for three hours. At the end we did not get the car we booked because they had none of it... If it was not enough they said that what we paid was not okey (the insurance). We had to pay again for the insurance and now we have to ask booking.com to give the money back. The webpage said that we have to pay 1200 but it is not that simple. At the end you have to pay more and it have to be paid with the same card! So if you have a limit, dont worry they have a solution. They pay back the 1200 when you get the car back but the other solution is that you pay only 132 which is not getting paid back ever! So they got more money because they did not tell everything on the webpage... Thank you Centauro and booking.com! Bravo for this big business! We have waited 3 hours and paid more than it was told...Great vacation starter!
We are mainly satisfied by Centauro. Located in a few km away airport but free bus shuttle bring to the spot. Car condition with a full insurance like an excellent option. Even after road accident we stayed free of any charges. Staff is polite and proceed us a lot of useful info. Refunds recieved. Little bit long waiting for a car given to us but no matter, Thanks for cooperation.
Waiting in the queue for almost 2 hours and then we still had to report unreported damages. The whole process took us longer than 2 hours on a Saturday morning. Very poor management due to lack of personnel. The few workers there were very friendly though.
My first time exp with this rental and what i can an say: booked the car a day before taking it. I have ordered premium package Alpha Romeo (like full insurance and no deposit). So after the arrival i spent like 20 mins in a line and 2 mins: filling contract, paying fuel/paid roads taxes deposits and thats all (YOU WILL HAVE TO DO IT, its not the hidden pays). After all got the other equivalent car Nissan Juke with 17k kms(like new). The car was in excellent condition (except for a couple of scratches on a bumper, the manager said i dont even need to care about it). So, after a week of abusing it over all Algarve, the returning the car back took me like 2 mins aswell - drove it back to Lisbon, fast checking the fuel left, thats all. I do recommend this company and will use their service next time p.s. deposit refund got after two weeks (Revolut)
The first experiences with Centauro were very good, the transfer from airport to the agency and the reception of the car worked fluently. When we got the car there was a warning that the tyre pressure was not ok. We asked a service member and he said, that the warning would always appear, and hence could be ignored. Today when we stopped at a petrol station we were fortunate enough to notice that one of the tyres ended up being flat without having a spare tyre in the trunk of the car. Correspondingly, we contacted the road assistance of Centauro which supposedly ordered a tow truck and a cab to pick us up. They promised us to reach out to us as soon as they would have updates which ended up not being the case at all. After several hours of waiting in vain, we contacted them repeatedly (5 times) to ask about updates whereby they responded to us to be patient and that the tow truck would arrive. Now we have been waiting with an 8 month pregnant woman for more than 5 hours. Even more than disappointing is that the responsible road assistance never tried to contact us although we provided them the phone numbers they could contact, we always had to remind them! Things cannot get worse.
Extreme long waiting time to pick up the car !!
Ne surtout pas louer chez eux ,ils nous ont laissé sur le carreaux à 23 h à l aéroport, le lendemain nous retournons à l agence ,la réservation n est plus valable....lamentable, une étoile car on ne peut pas mettre moins.
Solid car rental experience. We reserved an economy car and were pleasantly surprised to receive a 100 HP Opel Corsa, which handled highway driving with ease. This was a significant upgrade from the expected 60-75 HP models often provided in this category. The airport shuttle service was reliable, but we waited approximately 15-20 minutes. While there was a queue at the desk, the staff worked efficiently to process customers. They did attempt to upsell insurance, but politely declining was not an issue. Its advisable to thoroughly document any existing damages with photos before driving off. The check-out process was smooth and quick.
Shockingly bad service from start to finish. Do yourself a favour and avoid at all cost! Here are just the highlights: - 3 hours from arrival in Lisbon airport to keys in hand. Including a long wait for an un-signposted shuttle. - Paid good money for a Citroen C4 (small SUV), got given a Peugeot 208 (similar to a golf). After lots of arguing, they finally replaced it with an estate. Still not what I paid for - 1 hour wait for an over subscribed shuttle to the airport on the way back (was a total free for all - resembled a rugby scrum more than a shuttle service) - 50 deducted from my deposit. No email, no reason given, no information whatsoever. I have sent 3 emails over the last 2 weeks and am still waiting to hear back. My recommendation is to book a car from the airport. Yes it costs a bit more, but it s worth it to save yourself from this diabolical service.
Mudança de local, espera por vez mais longa de que antes! Até 30 min! Mesmo já com toda a reserva paga!
I recommend
Wenn es ginge, kein Stern. Es gibt nur wenige Shuttles, die einen am Flughafen abholen, und dabei gilt leider auch, wer zuerst kommt malt zuerst. 20 Leute stürmen darauf zu, von denen nur 8 mitgenommen werden, und das jedes Mal aufs neue. Ist man dann endlich mal angekommen und hat sein Ticket gezogen, kann man getrost noch essen gehen oder sonstiges, da man ohne Prio gut 2 Stunden Wartezeit einplanen kann trotz vorheriger Buchung eines Zeitslots. Also am Buchungstag sollten keine zeitlich terminierten Planungen vorgenommen werden. Für den Rückflug werden wir auf jeden Fall ordentlich Zeit für die Rückgabe einplanen müssen. Es scheint, als wäre das ganze System nicht wirklich durchdacht.
Très long temps dattente pour la remise du véhicule.
Foi dado uma estrela porque infelizmente não existe a opção de nem atribuir. Já aluguei várias vezes na Centauro do Porto e NUNCA vi semelhante ao que acontece no de a Lisboa! Marcado para levantar o carro às 11h e só foi levantado à 13:30 porque não estavam a entregar. Após serem questionados mencionaram que este problema já não é de agora . Ao voltar para entregar o carro os mesmos pediram para aguardamos para o colega ver o carro e assim que visse podíamos seguir com o transfer, acontece que o senhor para ver o carro apareceu apenas depois do transfer ir embora e fez-nos esperar ainda mais tempo pelo o próximo. A sorte é que não existia um voo futuro. Não aconselho a Centauro de Lisboa, muito desaorganizada.
Pésima atención, maltrato psicológico a las mujeres, nos ofrecieron un auto peor al que alquilamos sin ninguna devolución de dinero. Por devolverlo un par de horas tarde nos cobraron multa por retraso y un día entero de alquiler mas. No los recomiendo. Los baños del local muy sucios, pésimo servicio.
ja passaram mais que 10 dias e nao tenho o meu dinheiro. vigaristas e mentirosos sem palavra ja enviei varios emails sem reaposta. reserva PR24119549 DC-8892646-8WTN
Mój dziesi ty raz z Centauro - znów pe na satysfakcja i adnych problemów. Rezerwuj zawsze przez ich stron i zawsze w opcji Premium. Zwrot kaucji za paliwo od razu po oddaniu samochodu, zwrot kaucji za ViaVerde po 10 dniach.
Llevo varias veces alquilando con centauro y nunca he tenido ningún problema, en este caso en Lisboa todo estupendo el coche la recepción y la entrega
Avoid this hole I waited 3 hours for the car. Never again! Também esperei 3 horas pelo carro. Nunca mais!
Antigamente nas antigas instalaçoes, nunca tive problemas desde que mudaram de instalaçoes, serviço horrivél, quase 1h30 de espera para a entrega do carro, simpatia nenhuma, 4 colaboradores da centauro no balcao a rir falar sem atenderem os clientes explicaçoes nenhumas ainda bem que ja eramos ( digo bem eramos ja nao seremos mais) clientes habituados com a centauro pois na entrega do carro unicamente deram a chave e mandaram ir para o estacionamento 3 onde se encontrava o carro na devoluçao do carro o tempo de espera horrivel igualmente so havia dois colaboradores ao balcao um atendia as entregas o outro as devoluçoes mas em dias com tanto movimento seria talvez uma boa ideia de meter mais pessoas ao balcao... nao recomendo
Worse experience ever. It took them 1 hour to pick us up in Lisbon, while no one was picking up the phone. When we finally arrived in their offices it took an additional almost 2hrs to get the car.. All in all almost 3 hrs the whole process. You can imagine what that means if you have kids....Super slow and by far my worse rental car experience
Car was okay, but they charged for extra cleaning because they need to use the vacuum cleaner (??). Also long waiting times for pick up. Will not rent again with them
Tive que esperar o translado no aeroporto de Lisboa por mais de 40 minutos, não existe nenhum número de contato ou assistência.
Extrêmement malhonnêtes. Nous voilà coincés avec une assurance à 300 de plus alors que nous avons une carte crédit et débit... Aucune communication possible avec la personne de la réception. Plus dune heure et demi pour récupérer un véhicule alors que le check in était déjà effectué en ligne. À fuir.
Have been using this company for years every time we go to Portugal, Never had issues, always a very easy and quick interaction. This time however it was the opposite. We arrived on time for our pickup and there were 4 people on the counter, of which only 1 was serving customers for some reason. We have a preferred customer account which usually means quicker car pickup but for some reason we saw customers coming long after us and getting their cars first. We also saw a group there which had been there for a while when we arrived and were still waiting after we left. That day they were horrifically disorganised. My parents also got a car that day and had an issue with the shuttle at the airport as people were skipping the queues and the driver wasnt bothered to keep things organised. I will still use Centauro in the future as this was a once off problem, but clearly improvements can be made.
Title: Unreliable Service and Poor Customer Communication I booked a 7-seater vehicle with Centauro well in advance, but when I arrived to pick up the car, I was told there were no 7-seater vehicles available. The worst part? They didn t alert me about this in advance. I had no prior warning, which is absolutely unacceptable, especially when you are relying on a vehicle for a trip with multiple passengers. As a solution, they offered me two cars with 5 seats each, which was completely impractical because I was the only driver. It was clear that they didn t consider my situation or try to resolve the issue in a meaningful way. Overall, the lack of communication and the inadequate alternative they provided left me extremely disappointed. I would not recommend Centauro based on this experience.
Check-In: Ziemlich lang (mehr als eine Stunde) Shuttle Bus & Wartezeit am Schalter. Auto: Top. modern, gepflegt, gute Reifen. Enspricht voll unsere Erwartungen. Check-out: Schnell und problemlos - Etwas Wartezeit wegen Shuttle Bus (20Min) Zusätzlich müssen als Garantie: 100 für Maut (ok) & 130 für Volltanken (unüblich). Das Geld sollte, abzüglich verwendete Mautgebühren, zurückbezahlt werden. Nach 1 Woche haben wir das Geld noch nicht erhalten.... aber glauben dass es klappen wird.
All was fine, the waiting time wasnt that bad 30 mins (we rented at the end of September). There were some people, but we have been invited quicker because of all filled documents online. The car was brand new Nissan Juke, clean and with low mileage. The pick-up and return process was effortless as well, deposit (100eur) was returned after 12 days, the tolls remaining budget was returned the same day. If anybody picks Centauro, suggestion to pick up the premium plan (as we did), less headache during rental process. Pricing is good as well.
A nice/good car rental company to deal with - easy to pick up the shuttle at the airport. BUT book directly with the company and not through a third party. You will get good rates and will get priority service when you arrive to pick up your car. When we arrived there was only one person behind the desk and many people waiting to pick up a car - because we had booked directly with them we were jumped to the front of the line to get our car.
Vergonha total! O transporte do aeroporto ate a agencia era uma carrinha pequena que ficava sempre cheia. Tivemos que esperar duas passagens para ter lugar ou seja 1h de espera. Na agencia 1h30 a mais de espera. Entregam os automoveis danificados e nao poem no constato. Alguns clientes que chegaram e fizeram confiança, tiveram que pagar uma franquia de 500 . As cartas de credito mesmo sem terem problemas, nao passam. O terminal deles nao aceita volontariamente. De fugir. Uma verdadeira burla portuguesa
Utilizo sempre a Centauro quando viajo, recomendo vivamente.
I rented a car for 5 days, to which they blocked 1200 euros from my credit card, and charged me an extra 209 euros for tolls and gas deposits. That is a bit above market prices, and there are options where you pay less, nonetheless I understand it and agreed to the charges. The car was returned in perfect state and with a full tank. Tools were charged from my deposit, but instead of returning the 209 minus tolls, they only returned 109 minus tolls and kept 100 euros. 13 days after returning the car I still havent heard from my 100 euros. Just to add to the terrible service they offer: it took me 1 hour in total to get the car on the correct day and time I was supposed to get it. There are WAY BETTER low cost rental companies in Lisbon, do not choose Centauro!
Am Tag der Abholung mussten wir trotz Reservierung 2,5h auf unser Fahrzeug warten. Das war nicht eingeplant und auch in einem sehr warmfeuchten Warteraum eine Belastung für meine schwangere Freundin und mich. Neben der Kaution von 1200EUR haben wir 100EUR Kaution für die Mauterfassung und 85EUR für einen Benzintank per Kreditkarte hinterlegt. Bei Abgabe wurden keine Schäden oder Mängel festgestellt, das Auto wurde mit 100% Tankinhalt zurückgegeben. Wir haben die Kaution von 1200EUR zurückerhalten, darüber hinaus aber nur 47,52 EUR von Maut und Benzinkosten. Wir können unmöglich so viel Maut verfahren haben, hier handelt es sich um einen Buchhaltungsfehler. Ich habe dies am 7.10 reklamiert und warte seitdem vergeblich auf Rückmeldung.
Könnte ich 0 Sterne auswählen, würde ich es machen. Anscheinend gibt es hinter den Preisstrukturen ein Premium System das bei der Buchung nicht ersichtlich ist. Somit landen Kunden die weniger bezahlt haben am Ende der Warteschlange. Dadurch dass ständig neue Kunden mit dem Shuttle kommen, dauert es dann. Die Mitarbeitenden weisen einen immer nur an zu warten. Wir haben 1,5 Stunden gewartet obwohl unser Auto die ganze Zeit fertig bereit stand. Auch die Abgabe hat ewig gedauert. Jetzt, eine Woche später musste ich feststellen dass mir nicht die volle Kaution zurücküberwiesen wurde. Von einer Telefonnummer oder einem Kundenservice auf der Website keine Spur. Ich rate diese Vermietung also jedem dringend ab.
Do not use this company. I regularly use Centauro in Lisbon for a couple of years and never had a problem. I hired a car which the staff member told me was at 75% fuel which I should bring back the same but told me not to worry if it wasn t exact. Before I took the car I took photos of all damages and the fuel guage which was showing at just under 60%. Today i returned my car and the staff checking the car charged me 20 euro as the fuel was just below 60% and not at the 75% shown on the contract even though I had a photo from the original. He was unreasonable and common sense would be to use the photo as evidence but not this man. Based on this I won t be using Centauro again. Very unethical.
Good car rental no surprises.
Levantamento do carro demorou praticamente 3 horas. Estavam constantemente pessoas com senhas premium a chegar (ninguém presente percebia o que eram as senhas premium). Funcionários extremamente mal educados não chamavam senhas normais. Fizeram o bloqueio de 1200 + 209 . Passados 15 dias ainda não devolveram o valor total do combustível. Experiência a não repetir!
Ma réservation était prévue à 22:45 a laéroport de Lisbonne. Nous sommes allés attendre leur Shuttle. Résultat personne, agence fermée. Pas un message pour nous dire que lagence était fermée!! Sympa. Nous avons payé 100 euros de taxi aller retour pour nous dire le demain que notre résa était annulée car non prise dans les 12:00! Seule solution: une nouvelle résa du double du prix !!! Quel sens du commerce et de la relation humaine! Arrêtez de prendre des résa 15 minutes avant votre fermeture et prévenez les gens. Cela sappelle le sens du client et de la relation
Muito satisfeito com o serviço da Centauro. Tempo de espera longo mas compreensível. Entrega do carro rapida e sem surpresas. Tudo o que paguei foi esclarecido e nada escondido. Os depositos para a gasolina e portagens são justos e reembolsados, no meu caso 2 semanas.
Difficile fa trovare, locale piccolo e sovraffollato. Tempi di attesa lunghi sia in arrivo che in partenza. Prezzi alti
Até agora tudo bem
This is the wrong location of Centauro
they charge 100 for fuel deposit and 85 for via verde. My boyfriend tanked the car to FULL tank before returning the car (he even overfilled the tank to the point that after the tank pistol indicated full, he was still putting more fuel just to make sure) at the closest gas station located 700m from the rental place. And they still felt the need to deduct 13 from the deposit that is probably 1/4 of the capacity of this tank. They indicated on our documents that we returned the car with full tank. It s not a lot of money, but definitely an unnecessary rip-off. This is the reason why you can never trust car rentals, what a joke. :(
Nous avons loués une Fiat 500 pendant 10 jours. Pris en ligne un contrat premium. 275 Euros + 185 Euros qui sera pris sur votre carte de credit pour une réserve du carburant et des péages. A larrivée à laéroport, il faut se diriger vers le shop de Vodafone bien visible et attendre à lextérieur à hauteur du 1er passage pietons ( y a pas dindications). Une camionnette de couleur jaune avec CENTAURO comme logo vous ne pouvez pas la ratée, fait des navettes regulières, il suffit de patienter. Hésité pas à vous imposer car les gens sans gêne passeront devant vous et ne laisseront même pas le temps aux autres de descendre. Arrivé au centre, cest un peu la foire, beaucoup de monde et le check up rapide nest pas aussi rapide que ça. 1h dattente. Vous devez encoder le numéro de contrat sur un ecran qui vous delivreras un numéro pour vous indiquez votre tour. Un conseil réservé à lavance et prenez un contrat premium ca évitera des surprises. Le retour est plus rapide 10 min max. Le seul bémol Centauro devrait mettre plus de personnel pour donner les véhicules, ils etaient 2 pour une 20aine de personnes, ça éviterais de devoir attendre trop longtemps. Sinon dans lensemble cest la 2eme fois que je réserve chez eux et ils ont toujours été honnête, jai récupéré 132 euros des 185 euros pris en réserve. Ramenez un véhicule comme vous lavez pris et vous naurez pas de problèmes.
Easy booking online, got a car similar to the description. Pick-up and return went smooth, with no issues at all. No hidden fees and very friendly staff! Highly recommend for rental in Lisbon
Servicial y correcto
I would give this a 0 if I could. STAY. AWAY. They literally stole money from me. I rented a car for 5 days and had to pay around 450 euros deposit. (150 for tolls, 200 for insurance even though Expedia already had made me pay for extended insurance, and another 100 on gas which was supposed to be refunded when the car was brought back full) When I brought back the car they told me I had used 50$ in tolls and that the gas was full therefore I would get a refund of 200$ (100 for gas and 100 for the remaining tolls) They then proceed to refund me 70$ refund and ghost all my attempts at reaching them. I am in another country so I can t go in person and am powerless to getting robbed. Absolute disgrace, AVOID!
Diem l j saka - esam v lu ies komp nij . Auto bija labs, viss it k bija ok. Atgriez m auto, to pie ma bez pretenzij m, sol ja atgriezt naudu da u dienu laik , ta u par degvielu ietur to naudu neatgrieza 100% apm r . B k , sa emot auto, degviela bija 75%, teica, ka tik ar j atgrie , ko izdar j m. Ir viss fiks ts ar foto. Tas nel dz ja, jo komp nija nekomunic , neatbild uz e pastiem un neko neskaidro. Ietur ja 26, 65 eiro. K p c? Nav skaidrs. Iesniedz m pretenziju bankai. Lasot atsauksmes, tagad saprotam, ka t ir Lisbon Centauro strat ija k ieg t papildu naudu. l, jo di vi i nodara sev lielu sliktumu. r j m Centauro auto ar Sard nij , oti labi, nek du probl mu, t p c izv l j mies Centauro ar Lisabon , bet te sastap mies ar negod gu r c bu. Centauro nopircis sev negodu par 26 eiro. l. Komp nijai j saprot, ka slikt s atsauksmes attur s cilv kus uztic ties ai komp nijai. NEIESAK M! P.s. Kad dodaties nodot auto, r inieties, ka uz lidostu transf rs var aiz emt ilgu laiku, jo ir tikai viens 7 viet gs buss. Mums bija daudz laika l dz lidma nai, t p c mums tas nerad ja stresu, ta u tas ir riskanti.
I am disappointed by the companys attitude. When I started renting the car, a fuel deposit of 100.50 Eur was deducted, but only 73.85 Eur was returned. I have written several times, but there is no answer as to why this happened. When I received the car, there was 3/4 fuel in the tank, I also handed over the car with 3/4 fuel in the tank. The employee who accepted the car said everything was fine and that everything would be returned within a couple of days fuel deposit money 100.50 Eur. I also sent a photo showing the amount of fuel at the beginning and end of the car rental. So far I have not received an explanation or the difference in money. Why do you have such an unfair attitude? I want to get my 26.65 Eur back. Explain when it will happen??? Ive been trying to contact you for a month, but its hopeless.
Very happy, you have to go directly to Centauro and take the Premium option, very reasonable price, so as not to wait. Clean and recent vehicle I recommend for rental in Lisbon
Great customer service and beautifully clean car. We also got an upgraded vehicle which was fab. The hire also included an extra 100 toll card which, although we didnt think wed use, we used and got most of that 100 back, but it was worth it for the efficiency in passing through tolls! Would definitely recommend this company!
Fuyez ce sont des escrocs ils vous forcent à prendre leur assurance,ce qui rend la location hors de prix. Sinon ils vont toujours vous trouver une égratignure que vous n avez pas signalée. Ils ne parlent pas le français ils refusent de communiquer avec un traducteur même si un portugais veut faire linterprète ils lui disent de ce taire et comme par hasard quand vous avez pris la fameuse assurance ils se décident à parler français. je regrette cette location
Had a great experience renting a car at centauro four times already, will use again, can recommend!
Muito atenciosos. Tive um problema com o carro nas primeiras horas e trocaram o carro sem problema.
Beware! I can only advise against renting a car here. We visited in early September for our honeymoon and had already paid for and reserved our car in advance. However, we were served by a very rude employee named Afonso. He openly gossiped and made fun of us in Portuguese with his colleague. On top of that, we were practically forced into paying for an unnecessary insurance that cost around 400 euros, which we didn t even need. They also tried to claim that we hadn t returned the car with a full tank, but luckily I was able to prove this with my card payment. We never got our full refund back. An absolute disgrace.
Nunca vi um atendimento tão lento e desorganizado em nenhuma locadora do mundo. Desde o shuttle que demorou 20min. Funcionários despreparados, tela com as senhas estragada. Se você está lendo esse comentário, recomendo fortemente escolher outra locadora.
75 for a little too much sand in the car. Damn cleaning surcharge. You won a nice bonus today, but lost a customer. Too bad for everyone.
UPDATED REVIEW: Bumping from 2 to 4 stars after issues have been solved. it hasbent been comunicated to me that Centauro only fully refunds you 10 days after your drop off to make sure all tolls etc are accounted. Better communication would have been appreciated but overall this now makes it quite good value for the trip and very easy to check in/check out of the rental. ORIGINAL REVIEW: Not giving one star because getting there, getting the car and returning it was actually really nice and people were friendly. However it has now been 10 days and Centauro is still holding 90 euros of my deposit for no reason. I left 97 euros fuel deposit and 100 for tolls. Out of that only 82 were refunded although the car was returned full fuel and only around 25 euros of tolls were used. If this is rectified I am happy to change the rating. Hard to get in touch with
Used the local website of Centauro to reserve a car. the process is very easy and is very pleasant to see there are no hidden deposits you need to make. There is a bus that takes you from the airport and takes a 10 mins ride to reach the dealer. The car was prepared upon arrival and was similar with the one that we reserved. There was no problem with the car. When returning the process was very easy. Another service that was briliant was the 100 euro fee for tolls that Centauro is requesting for the car. this makes the driver to take the automatic tolls everywhere which eases the driving experience. tl,dr : nice experience, easy process
Highly recommend the place. Using it for 8 months, very happy with everything! UPD 2023: still very happy. UPD 2024: still very happy.
: 1) - 150 . 2) . , . 3) 24/7 , , . . 4) . , 20 , . 5) , , 3- , , 2 . , . 6) , 75 , 2 . - . .
Esperienza super positiva. Consiglio assolutamente di scegliere Premium così non avete il deposito da pagare. Mi hanno chiesto oltre al noleggio della macchina, 100 euro per Via Verde (mi hanno ridati tutto tranne tipo 2 euro perchè ho usato il Telepass) e 85 euro di benzina che mi hanno ridato perchè era ancora piena (la macchina era ibrida). La macchina aveva un graffio evidente ma era stato segnato sul foglio al momento del ritiro. Personale cordiale, tutto chiaro, grazie mille.
The bestexperience ever . 1.everything started from wonderful harsh driving transfer. That nearly crashed the car on the way to office. 1.5 stuff inside laught like a horses.only normal manager was elder man. He was rude but helpful. 2.second was suprise of 2 deposits. It was predictable. And I think it is ok. Business is Business. But I have not seen this during online reservation. I was not prepared for this and have to exchange crypto to give card with my name . Card was visa gold and has only magnetic stripe it wasnt working ,so I have to p2p to eur card. 3.And the last but not least . The car was dirty and stink inside. I asked for the same that was standing near. Manager said that it is clean inside ,they dont have water .I can clean it by myself. I said nothing just sit inside smell a wonderful scent of sweat . And decided to leave car ,give them keys and supercontract . Said that I dont need refund ,just give me back deposit . Called Uber and left . I have visited almost all European countries Portugal was the last one on the land . First impression ruined forever . Avoid at all costs . Dont waste your time and nerves. It Is my second of even first time for 1 star rating.
Really bad!!!! Im Portuguese and I didnt come from any trip, they Centauro demanded a flight number!!! To be able to pick up the vehicle.
Molto professionali e prezzi accessibili
Muito ruim. Atendimento lento e desorganizado. A devolução do veículo só pode ser feita após as 7h, não disponibilizam absolutamente ninguém para atendimento 24h. Ou seja, se for voar cedinho, não conte com a Centauro. Não recomendo.
HS windshield wipers, we were forced to take a taxi at our own expense to return to the airport. I do not recommend this car rental company. The prices are exorbitant and are really not welcoming with zero professionalism.
Ich warne jeden vor dieser Autovermietung und würde nie wieder über centauro ein Auto mieten. Bei Abholung haben wir knapp 3h auf unseren Mietwagen gewartet, es war total unorganisiert und chaotisch. Die Autos sind zT in einer dunklen Tiefgarage geparkt, sodass man Kratzer etc. Kaum sieht. Bei Abgabe bemerkte der Mitarbeiter innerhalb von 15s einen neuen Kratzer , der am Unterboden so gut wie nicht sichtbar war. Dieser wurde uns dann sofort angehangen obwohl wir keinerlei Vorfälle hatten, die diesen Kratzer verursacht haben können. Es wirkte sehr geplant und strategisch. Die Abwicklung über die Versicherung dauerte über 8 Wochen und war sehr kompliziert. Auchdie Kaution wurde Wochen lang nicht rücküberwiesen. Ich kann nur von Centauro abraten! 0/5 Sternen
Went to collect the car in August....still waiting! Staff were trying their hardest but completely understaffed waited 3 hours to collect prebooked car with 2 children, very little seating but there was a free pool if you like a flooded toilet paddle. Great place to perfect your charades though if your skills are lacking as ypu have so much time to kill!
Muito satisfeita com o serviço, (tive receio em meio algumas reclamações apresentadas), mas esta primeira experiência com a Centauro foi muito positiva. Zhao que nos atendeu (loja do aeroporto de Madrid), muito simpático e acessível. Das poucas empresas rent car que oferece serviço completo sem aquelas varias opções de tarifas (que nos induzem a gastar mais do que o devido). (Melhorias: limpeza do veículo, foi lavado na hora por fora, mas na parte interna estava sujo)
Recomendo 5*, tudo ótimo , desde o atendimento , a viatura e a rapidez. Muito obrigada
Péssima experiência, nunca mais! Preço abusivo e não devolvem a taxa de tanque cheio. Há mais de 1 ano estamos a aguardar a devolução de 132 euros, porquanto devolvemos o carro com tanque cheio em 17 de maio de 2023 (voucher rsyl8p) e não restituíram o valor. Nos sentimos lesados pois os funcionários disseram para ficarmos tranquilos, vez que seria desbloqueado o valor no cartão de crédito, o que nunca ocorreu. Mesmo ao reclamar por escrito, nada adiantou. Nunca mais alugaremos carros nessa empresa. Não recomendamos.
Escroquerie ! Pire expérience de location de ma vie! Un personnel désagréable. 3h dattente pour récupérer la voiture. La navette qui a refusé de nous prendre a 4 , jai du prendre un taxi a mes frais avec mes 2 enfants pour rejoindre mon mari à lagence. Une obligation davancer 100 dessence + 120 de peage + lassurance 170 quon vous laisse pas le choix+ 70 pour désigner un 2ème conducteur! Au final une location qui nous avait couté 180 sur rayanair nous ait revenu a + de 600 ! Aucun moyen de réclamation auprès deux. Et malgré une voiture rendu avec le plein on nous a quand meme décompté de lessence ! Une grosse arnaque , a fuir !
Worst service ever. We have waited for 2 hours to get the car. They were calling tickets out of order because of a bug in the system. They werent able to manage the order by themselves. I dont recommend!
First and last time
Tanto en Barcelona como en Lisboa, buena ubicación, personal amable y rapidez. Lo recomiendo.
Lo primero que esperamos 2 horas para recoger nuestro coche una vez allí, todo bien hasta que volvimos a dejarlo, al dejarlo nos cobraron un montón de dinero de cosas que nadie entendía, fuimos a reclamar y nos dijeron que hiciéramos una cola de 2 horas, decidimos volver otro día y ahi si que nos devolvieron lo que nos correspondía pero teniendo que perder una mañana en resolverlo, pero ahi no termina todo, 2 meses más tarde me llega un importe de 300 euros de que 2 meses más tarde han visto un rallón, de verdad me estás diciendo que despues de 2 meses, en temporada alta con cientos de turistas todos los dias alquilando coches hemos sido nosotros los que hemos hecho el rallon? Lamentable, es como hacer un pacto con el diablo.
A parte de esperar 1h y 30min para recoger el vehículo, después nos cobraron un montón de cosas que no tenían sentido, teniendo que perder una mañana en la oficina para finalmente no nos la cobrasen, pero ahí no termina todo, después de 2 meses de dejar el vehículo me cargan una factura de 300 euros diciendo que encontraron un rallón en el coche... Eso ya me pareció una broma macabra, me estás diciendo que en plena temporada alta, donde todos los días había infinidad de gente, ese coche no ha sido alquilado por nadie en 2 meses? Una auténtica vergüenza, alquilar con ellos es como hacer un pacto con el demonio
The best, honest Car Rental in Portugal!!! Ive used Centuro Rent a car. multiple times now when visiting the Algarve in Portugal. The only time I have not used them whilst in Portugal was last April 24 when I believe they were moving premises. This unfortunately resulted in me using SIXT. Read that review too if you want a contrast! Centuro are cheaper, more honest and less hassle than any of the other rental places Ive used anywhere in Europe. Full insurance means FULL (Unlike SIXT where you absolutely best read every bit of small print! And will likely still get caught out. This time around I hired an Alfa Romeo. Group F. The one thing I will mention is no matter where you go, forget thinking you will get the car you choose. You will not! I discovered they didnt have the model I chose in Faro at all. I was insistant though that I was particular about what I drive so Centuro gave me an upgrade on the car I had chosen (A Guilietta sport) to a 280 BHP Alfa Torneo. Not my thing but decent drive, fast and handled ok for a FWD fake SUV. Point to take though is they gave me a free upgrade cos they couldnt offer me the car Id chosen. I had full insurance, the deposit was only for fuel and motorway toll charges. So.....No inspection at all.....No hassle, heres the keys, Ate Mais! UNLIKE SIXT who had several levels of Full insurance (READ MY REVIEW OF SIXT https://bit.ly/47mZ1RJ If you drive in Portugal then you are HIGHLY likely to pick up some scratches and dents.... No body gives a damn about opening their car door into one of your panels, stone chips, uneven roads (including the highways, a lot of gravelly tracks near beaches and some pretty lousy parking, plus of course thousands of tourists who probably are pretty bad drivers at home let alone driving on the opposite side of the road and changing gear with their right hand....You are almost guaranteed a new chip or dent. No fault of your own, I had several new ones appear on the ALFA, all whilst parked up and away from the vehicle. Centuro simply accept the reality and full insurance means full. The collection from the airport is seamless. We landed late, 10.30 and were collected within two minutes of arriving. The staff are cool, polite and helpful. Save yourself a tonne of hassle and avoid the big airport rental places like SIXT. Centuro are the best option in FARO!
Temevamo code lunghe o sorprese spiacevoli, ma è stato tutto veloce ed è andato tutto liscio, sia al pick-up che al return della macchina. Macchina non perfetta ma tutto sommato un ottimo servizio ad un prezzo onesto
Péssimo serviço Assistencia em viagem não funciona- uma chamada às 12:30 com atendimento em espanhol Ligamos às 13:30 a perguntar pela assistência e a resposta em espanhol foi ríspida, mal educada, uma senhora que informa com tamanha rudez que temos de esperar por que os colegas de Lisboa respondessem Às 15:30 ainda ninguém tinha ligado - com uma criança de sete, sol a pique no carro, resolvi fazer-me ao caminho, pela Estrada Nacional, a 60 km/h Demoramos uma eternidade!! Às 20:30 vou ao balcão em Lisboa (NÃO É POSSÍVEL LIGAR AO BALCÃO PORQUE EMPRESA ESPANHOLA SÓ TEM SERVIÇO ATENDIMENTO AO CLIENTE EM ESPANHOL!!) Os senhores ao balcão muito disponíveis e preocupados com a falha no sistema pediram desculpas e substituíram o carro Uma lástima o serviço atendimento em Espanha Uma lástima a falta de comunicação com equipa em Portugal Não deviam ter autorização para atender chamadas na América do Sul ou em Espanha para um serviço urgente em Portugal!! Não deviam estar habilitados a prestar serviços em Portugal
AVOID AVOID AVOID !! Have been scammed and insulated by Centauro employees, It s not just my experience, my friends were also scammed by this company !! Awful customer service, They don t respond for complains via email AVOID AVOID AVOID !!!
O site é muito bom, pois já mostra o valor da locação com franquia zero, o que facilita a comparação de preços. Também nunca tive qualquer problema com os veículos.
More than 1.5 hours of waiting to get your car. And probably at least another hour. This is unacceptable
Atendimento péssimo do início ao fim. 1) No momento do levantamento colocaram no contrato que o tanque estava 100% cheio e não estava. 2) O carro apresentava várias marcas não identificadas no contrato. 3) No momento da devolução um senhor careca atendia a todos com muita grosseria e disse me que as fotos tiradas dos defeitos do carro, não identificadas no contrato, não tinha validade nenhuma pois deveriam ter sido mostradas no momento do levantamento do carro e não na sua devolução, e que se fosse recorrer em tribunal eu certamente perderia. Ora, o próprio funcionário da locadora no momento do atendimento disse me que eu deveria registar tudo por fotos para que elas fossem mostradas na devolução. No final o homem aceitou a devolução do carro mediante as fotos, mas disse que estava aceitando PORQUE ELE QUERIA, e não porque eu tinha qualquer direito de reclamar. Absurdo o tratamento ao cliente nessa loja. Nunca me senti tao ofendido como cliente.
Personnel non accueillant à l aéroport avec les touristes . Aucune bienveillance , livrés à nous même . Aucune indulgence ni d indication pour trouver l agence . On reatque tout de suite que ce prime c est l appât du gain . En revanche voiture confortable et parfaitement entretenue
Servicii prompte, masina ok. Foarte multumita
Gostei do carro facultado, em upgrade. O atendimento foi simpático, rápido e eficiente. A devolução, então, foi um breve momento. Recomendo!
90 minutes waiting time for the shuttle. Car not ready when finally getting through the cue there. Wife and young child were not allowed to enter the shuttle. Had to leave them behind at the airport, to pick up the car.
Bad service from start to finish. Delay in pick-up at Lisbon airport (it took me 25 minutes - lots of people waiting, only one van working); problems with the car - which forced me to change it on the second day; overcharging for tanks that were supposedly not full; terrible, rude and ill-mannered service from the same person identified in the comment below - how can such an ill-mannered person work in customer service?!; delay in getting to the airport, with a completely rude, foul-mouthed driver who drove dangerously (an older Portuguese man, who made jokes about English people to an English couple sitting in the front seats of the van). A total disaster, not to be recommended, and never to be used again.
Extreme long waiting time. Expect an hour at least, but can be 2 hours easily before you get your car. Not a fun way to start your vacation. Not enough people to handle the customers. Left my family behind at the airport to pick up the car (because the bus to the garage was full)
Very long waiting time. Poor communication. Waited 1,5 hours. Not a good experience. Staff really tries, but it was a mess with elderly and toddlers being left hehind at the airport, because the shuttle bus was full. Nobody picking up the phone, when trying to reach their office multiple times.
El servicio nos fue muy bien, nosotros no tuvimos que esperar mucho para que nos llevará y trajera el minibus al/ desde aeropuerto y el coche muy bien.Tardó 8 dias para el depósito de 100 pero ya nos informaron que a veces se demora.Recomiendo cogerlo con antelación a través de su web con pack premium ( todo riesgo)
Moved address without updating mails/info so I traveled to old address. No sign. Nothing. it s not our responsibility
Fiquei super satisfeito com o serviço da Centauro. O meu voo aterrou em Lisboa quase 4 horas depois da hora prevista e mesmo assim as pessoas da Centauro fizeram um esforço para esperar. Era 00:20 quando saí do aeroporto e lá estava a carrinha da Centauro. Apesar de estarmos todos super cansados, o atendimento e tudo o resto correu super bem e até bastante rápido.
Nous avons réservé pour 10h La navette arrive à 10h30 et on nous fait descendre car une personne râle Nous avons mis près de 2h pour récupérer notre voiture de location et en plus le personnel n.est pas aimable Bravo pour votre rapidité Je déconseille
Atendimento péssimo!! Infelizmente a minha empresa continua com contrato com essa b de locadora!!!!! 0 estrela 2 funcionários para atender 17 pessoas
Totally awful customer service. Gave me a car completely empty of gas and charged lots of extras. I had a bad vibe upon arriving and seeing the take a ticket and wait machine outside the office, loads of people were waiting. Some customers had returned to find some boots left in the back of the car when returning it the day before, only to be told they had probably thrown them away. Then there was the disordered scrum fighting to get onto the shuttle bus which is infrequent. Only redeeming feature as the returns guy was polite and efficient. Clearly the staff are mostly demotivated and dont care for customer service.
Horrible! Get premium otherwise you will wait around 3-4 hours for your car! Staff sits only around and does nothing; process 1 customer every 1-2 hours
I cant get through to anyone! I returned a full tank of petrol ( I have proof) and was supposed to get 109 euros. They .gave less with absolute no explanation! Not worth the hustle to be honest. I will be disputing this through my bank to recover the full funds
3 fois que nous louons chez Centauro de Lisbonne. Service au top. Le personnel très agréable et aidant. Les voitures que nous avons eu à chaque fois étaient presque neuves. Nous recommandons . Muito obrigado.
I must say that the staff are very friendly. I needed to change vehicles and they fulfilled my request in less than 5 minutes. Thanks to the staff
Waardeloos. Ze laten je zo lang wachten dat je dag naar de klote is.
2 hours wait for car! Really nice
Preise der Autos werden bei mir immer mit Versicherung in begriffen angezeigt, beste preis Leistung Verhältnis, ein tipp, Versicherungen nie über einen Drittanbieter abschließen das erspart euch viel ärger, die Autos bei Centauro war immer brandneu, warten musste ich nie länger als 15 min, sehr unkompliziert Abholung und Abgabe, Vollkasko erleichtert eich viel und die paar euro sind es wert
Novamente locando com eles para ter a real certeza que nunca mais!!! A primeira vez, locamos pelo rental cars e para retirar o carro, eles atrasaram em mais de 2hs para nos atender e fazer a entrega do carro, com diversas pessoas que chegaram bem depois de nós passando na nossa frente, quando reclamamos, nos foi dito que eles tinham prioridade porque nós locamos pela rentals e não direto com eles e por tanto não tínhamos prioridade no atendimento. Agora nesta segunda vez, pagamos quase 50 euros a mais para pegar o mesmo carro, mas diretamente com eles no horário certo e não ser como da última vez, tudo para termos a tal prioridade e o horário de retirada combinado do carro ser respeitado, pois bem, chegamos para retirar o carro com a loja sem ninguém, completamente vazia de clientes, retiramos a senha e nada de alguém nos chamar, passados 30 minutos de espera, chega uma van do aeroporto com mais de 20 pessoas, claro, todas passaram a nossa frente, e já dessa vez sem desculpas por nós termos alugado pela rentals e não por eles. Conseguimos retirar o carro depois de 2 horas e 20 minutos e com 50 euros a menos na carteira e a certeza de nunca mais locar na Centauro!!! Completa falta de respeito ao cliente!!! Não recomendo!
Prix défiant toute concurrence pour la location dune Peugeot 2008. Malgré les tarifs intéressants manque de sérieux dans les conditions de location. Première fois que je loue une voiture avec 60% du plein avec lobligation de restitution avec les 60%. Dépôt de garantie pour les péages (logique) et pour le plein dessence (toutefois comment évaluer avec sérieux 60% dun plein?). 1600 de dépôt en cas de dommages dans la voiture (pourquoi pas). Service client médiocre. Manque damabilité du personnel notamment le conducteur de la navette. Somme toute pour avoir un bon tarif il faut saccrocher et être très très tolérant..Le choix à chacun!
Book a car directly from their site during our recent lisbon trip end of august. Go for the premium. No addl worry re added insurance vs booking through 3rd party website. Friendly staff.Great service, quick pick up. Front desk staff and Shuttle driver was friendly and very helpful. Amazing rental car and clean it has a gps so that was helpful. Also, Go digitalize your doc on their app for quick p/ up. Deposit for toll (100eu) and gas (98eu) fair enough. I did get my deposit back the gas right after i return the car and toll after 10 days. I guess they have to wait for the statement from the toll service to find out how much i use. All statement and refund info on their app just login to your account. No hassle following up with statement etc. Overall great experience with centauro team. Will book again if around lisbon or europe. Thank you you added to our enjoyable trip at lisbon.
waiting for over an hour now, more and more people arriving and only premium customers get served and my number is not even close to being next in line.
2 hour waiting just to receive your car. Avoid at all costs. Just look at their comments to bad reviews on google, they expect you to contact them and fill a form instead of them taking the extra effort to contacting you . Just look at their responses to any bad review and you will find them saying please click the link and contact us
Very poor service
MAI PIÙ! Scegliete un altro car Rental e non questo! Mal organizzati, abbiamo rischiato di perdere l aereo al rientro perché la navetta ci ha fatto aspettare più di 30 minuti. La prenotazione online che dovrebbe farti passare avanti non serve a nulla. Una stella anche troppo
Fast and efficient
Très bien aucun problème retour de véhicule sans soucis. Seulement certains employés ne sont pas très aimables..
Lets me start with a great french expression Mais vous êtes con en faite?. Car: ok Service: bof Car return: TOTALLY RANDOM People availability: non existant They changed their warehouse location between our stay! To make things funny, no information what so ever anywhere, like an email notification would have been nice i guess you do earn enough to build 1 newsletter . And 2 adresses available in google maps LOOOL but only one was right Sorry, but no consideration at ALL. Okay bye Centouro or as french would say Sans-touro.
Centauro efficace avec des horaires douvertures pour satisfaire un maximun de clients, je recommande +++++++++++++++
Tienes que estar esperando más de 1 hora por la furgoneta para ir al aeropuerto
Très bonne agence de location. En prenant le pack premium il ny a aucun soucis à se faire, pas besoin dattendre pour récupérer ni pour rendre la voiture, pas de caution et tous les dommages sont couverts. Les véhicules sont récents et en bon état. La caution pour lessence et les péages nous a été rendue dans les 10 jours. Je recommande cette agence.
Atención excelente y muy buen servicio en general. Solo hay que tener un poco de precaución y llegar temprano, ya que el transfer puede tardar un poco y (al menos en mi visita) era una van relativamente pequeña y casi no cabemos todos los que estabamos esperando.
Die schlechteste Autovermietung! Wir haben zwei Stunden am Flughafen gewartet, um einen Platz in einem (es gibt nur einen) Shuttle zu bekommen. Unorganisiert und chaotisch! Vor Ort mussten wir dann noch einmal über eine Stunde warten. Bei der Hotline ist niemand zu erreichen. Absolut nicht zu empfehlen!
Todo genial con está empresa por ser la primera vez, la verdad muy contentos y agradecidos nos trataron muy bien, por parte de los chicos..... Tanto el transporte del aeropuerto hasta la base centauro en Lisboa y el personal de la oficina, el coche estaba muy limpio, a pesar de que nuestro vuelo desde Barcelona salió más tarde, y llegamos a Lisboa a 2315h nos esperaron y todo genial, estábamos un poco a la espectativa xq hay muchas reseñas no les favorece... Pero por mi parte se lo recomiendo a cualquier usuario, yo hice la reserva en la plataforma check24 que tb gestionaron muy bien nuestro retraso de vuelo y un atención al público de 10 en ambas compañías check24 / centauro aeropuerto Lisboa ... Muchas gracias seguir así, saludos desde Barcelona.
Très contente des prestations. Personnel sympa et patient, nous avions quelque problème de compréhension je ne parle pas portugais et lui pas le français, merci google traduction ! Mais nous y sommes arrivés. Je relouerai chez Centauro. Jai rendu la voiture avec le plein dessence, très très rapidement jai reçu le remboursement des 120 euros. Merci
Centauro we use them 4 times, unfortunately according to the information in Lisbon many employees have resigned. The start of the holiday when you wait 2 hours instead of 15 minutes for the arrival of the car and another 2 hours for the handover of the car is a huge disappointment for me. Please tell HQ that you really need the staff, or youd better close Lisbon. If you all can, use another provider and save yourself 4 hours of your vacation.
Ottima soluzione per il noleggio auto in Portogallo. Costi contenuti ed auto nuovissima.
Sowie in Athen, wo wir auch bei Centauro gebucht hatten, auch hier alles bestens. Schnelle, freundliche Bedienung, genaueste Informationen, auch über die Kautionen betreffend Benzin und Mautgebühren. Auto in besten Zustand und sehr sauber. Auch die Rückgabe und der Transfer zum Flughafen schnell und freundlich. Centauro kann ich nur empfehlen.
O tempo para atendimento para um serviço pago com antecipação é absurdamente longo, entenda-se mais de hora. Apenas dois atendentes em serviço, sendo que uma deles simplesmente ficava apenas resolvendo questões administrativas outras que não o atendimento a mais de 20 pessoas que aguardavam. Desrespeitoso.
Terrible service!!! We waited more than 2 hours to pick up a vehicle. No place to sit. Only 1 employee to serve you!!! I do not recommend!!!
Péssimo serviço no atendimento ao cliente no aeroporto de Lisboa. Esperamos 3 horas para sermos atendidos e retirar um automóvel já reservado. Nunca mais!
Centauro Lisbon Airport is rated with 5 stars. Excellent service and car. Everything is covered with Smart insurance without excess. Recommended 100%
Worst car rental on a global scale. They made us pay 85 euros for a scratch that was there before we rented the car. We were lucky we had taken multiple pictures and we got a refund but they kept us in the lounge for an hour and we almost missed our flight. By far the worst customer experience and the guy checking the car was laughing at us when we said we will miss our flight.
Great service, efficient and easy. Shuttles were great to get in and out of the airport. Vehicles were readily available. Will use Centauro again.
Terrible service, few staff, and not to mention the fact that they are ill-disposed, we have been waiting for almost 2 hours and nothing. I am making a complaint in the room where I am waiting to pick up the vehicle that I have already reserved online and be very careful, but listen very carefully if I report that this company will do everything it can to charge for existing damages. I do not recommend it.
A leading company in car rental services in Portugal. There is a real concern for providing good service to customers. I highly recommend it.
You wait too much to van take you to terminal to take to car .
Uma vergonha incomparável. 25 min para processar o aluguer de um carro ... Esperas de 3 horas com crianças... Isto não é terceiro mundo, é incompetência, passividade e relaxamento. 3 pessoas a atender não fazem uma... O que já viajei por esse mundo e as empresas de aluguer de carros são de uma celeridade incomparável... Muito mau mesmo,
Très factuellement, voici le problème que jai rencontré avec cette agence : 1) Jai réservé une voiture pour 10 jours à partir de la plateforme Rentalcars. Etant français avec une carte de débit, jai cherché une agence de location qui acceptait à la fois les cartes de crédit et les cartes de débit, car je savais que certaines agences de locations nacceptaient pas les cartes de débit. 2) Une fois sur place, et malgré le fait que je sois en mesure de payer les 1600 de caution avec ma carte de débit (javais le montant sur mon compte), la personne à laccueil na rien voulu savoir et na pas voulu prendre ma carte de débit pour la caution. 3) La personne à laccueil ma alors dit très clairement : soit vous payez 324 dassurance, soit vous ne prenez pas la voiture (pour info, ma location initiale était aux alentours de 260 .. une grosse somme en plus, donc). 4) Je nai alors pas eu le choix que de payer 324 ... (je devais me rendre dans le sud du Portugal pour mes vacances...). 5) Une fois rentré, jai contacté Rentalcars pour leur signaler que leur site indiquait que la carte de débit devait normalement être accepté, chose quils mont confirmé : Je vous confirme que le loueur aurait dû accepter votre carte de débit à votre nom et vous demander la caution mentionnée dans vos T&Cs EUR1600. Chacun pourra se faire son idée sur les pratiques de cette agence de location suite à ce récit...
Primeira e última vez. A empresa não se assemelha em nada do que é oferecido no site. Paguei uma multa numa viagem e foram na minha conta sem autorização e aviso, pegar dinheiro de uma taxa da multa que paguei. E para pegar o carro que já estava reservado, foi uma tarde perdida à espera de atendimento.
Terrible service. Waiting time of 2 hours, with a 4 year old child. Non-existent Service Manager (whoever identified themselves as such must have been joking)
Hab jetzt schon keinen Bock mehr, dabei haben wir noch nicht mal ein Auto. Das kann echt nur besser werden, habe aber wenig Hoffnung. Die Mitarbeiter müssen vorher Politiker gewesen sein, langsamer kann man nicht arbeiten.
Worst service, slow. We left and didnt pick up he car
Worst service with shuttle bus-incorrect instructions by the company. For the shuttle bus you have to get a ticket and the person giving tickets is not in the pick up spot but somewhere in the airport building! Ridiculous as the employee named Lara (so brain death person). Last time I rent with the company
We had a great car and the return process went very smoothly. Unfortunately, the service employee Nicolas, who handled the pickup, spoke very little English and was therefore unable to explain the insurance or how the price for the fuel, toss and the additional driver was calculated. We can overlook that, but after renting a car for over a month, we had to start paying a fee per kilometer from the 29th day, which the employee failed to inform us about. Luckily, we didn t drive too many kilometers, but it could have been costly. Additionally, he did not inform us that the Centauro office was moving one day after our pickup (?!) and still listed the old return location for the car on our paperwork. Overall, we are satisfied, but hiring a car rental employee who speaks almost no English is not very advantageous.
Den Vertrag musste ich vor Abholung des Autos unterschreiben, natürlich in dem Glauben, dass alles in Ordnung ist. Auf den ersten Blick sah auch alles OK aus. Bei der Rückgabe jedoch wurden mir 360 in Rechnung gestellt, weil die Kofferraumabdeckung fehlte. Jedoch hat diese bereits bei der Anmietung gefehlt, was mir jedoch nicht aufgefallen ist, da dies nichts ist, wo man als erstes darauf achtet, wenn man ein Auto anmietet. Ich gehe hier deshalb davon aus, dass es sich hier um einen bewussten Betrug handelt, um die Kaution einzubehalten, da einige Leute wohl noch Fotos von außen von Kratzern machen und auf sowas achten, jedoch nicht auf die Kofferraumabdeckung. Im besten Fall haben die Mitarbeiter nicht aufgepasst bei der letzten Rückgabe, dass das Teil bereits fehlte und ich muss das ganze nun bezahlen. Ich hoffe, ich werde das Geld zumindest von meiner Versicherung wieder sehen. Bei Centauro werde ich jedoch sicher nie wieder ein Auto mieten.
Today after planning our weekend and flying into Lisbon, we lost the whole day as it took us no less than 3 hours to collect our vehicle. never Again!
Estou a mais de 3 horas esperando para retirar um carro que foi reservado antecipadamente. Não recomendo
Bei Abholung wurde trotz deutlicher Ablehnung wiederholt versucht, mir eine Zusatzversicherung anzudrehen. Daraufhin wurde mir ein Fahrzeug mit über 10 verschiedenen Vorschäden gegeben, wodurch eine langwierige Untersuchung durch uns erforderlich war. Niemand von centauro hat dabei geholfen. Bitte nach anderem Fahrzeug mit weniger Vorschäden wurde abgelehnt. Tankregelung war voll voll . Bei Abholung war Tank nur 3/4 gefüllt, was ich leider zu spät bemerkt habe. Insgesamt sehr schlechte Erfahrung. Unseriös. Keine Empfehlung. Lieber andere Anbieter und dafür etwas mehr zahlen. Wenigsten wurde bei Rückgabe nicht versucht, die Vorschäden als neue zu verkaufen. Daher gerade noch 2 Sterne.
A FUIR, le service est plus qu au ralenti. Des longues heures d attente pour récupérer la voiture dans un premier temps et encore d autres longues heures d attentes pour se rendre à l aéroport avec la navette. Vraiment ne perdez pas votre temps.
Perfect, good service, good price, nice staff. No deposit, I will be back!!
endlos langes Warten, Auto nicht wie bestellt, alle Regelungen recht zäh, Auto dann wohl in Ordnung, würde Centauro Lissabon beim nächsten Besuch vermeiden ..
Jaimerais pouvoir joindre quelquun pour savoir pourquoi je nai pas reçu mon dépôt de garantie de 100 euros mais ça paraît compliqué davoir autre chose quun disque ou des questions/réponses hors sujet sur le site .. cest désespérant ces agences qui proposent soit disant des prix plus intéressants et qui en fait se servent sur les assurances supplémentaires, les dépôts de garantie et jen passe.. Jai attendu 3 heures pour avoir ma voiture, parce quil fallait que jattende quune voiture revienne, mais personne ne ma tenu informé, AUCUNE communication, on ma juste laissé attendre dans la salle avec mon fils de 6 ans à 20 heures, et cest au bout de la troisième fois ou jai demandé si en fait on se moquait de moi que jai compris quil navait pas de voiture. A mon retour, jai dû prendre un taxi pour aller à laéroport parce que, malgré 3 navettes présentes sur le parking et beaucoup de personnel, il ny avait quune navette en circulation, et le responsable ma fait remarqué que cétait un service de courtoisie et quil ne se sentait pas dans lobligation de nous emmener à lheure à laéroport .. Jai utilisé CENTAURO en Espagne et ça sétait très bien passé, mais à Lisbonne cétait LAMENTABLE. Je veux savoir pourquoi on ne ma pas rendu ce quon me devait car, pour ne pas être embêté javais pris toutes les assurances . Donc jai payé un prix important dautant plus que je suis passée sur le site de CENTAURO et non par un broker.. Il est temps que DES REGLEMENTATIONS soient mises en place dans le monde de la location de voitures , pour que louer une voiture ne soit plus une angoisse.
Brand new car - excellent! Very clean - perfect! Pick up and drop off very easy and quick! Very nice and kind driver of the shuttle bus from the airport! Not enough space and time to put the luggage into the car, and get familiar with the car.
Worest customer service experience
Non ho ancora ricevuto i soldi del deposito ma nel compelssivo è stato un servizio ottimo. Con lofferta premium sono pienamente soddisfatto. Deposito di solo 100 euro per lautostrada e 120 per il carburante. Vengono resi al netto delle spese ovviamente (questo ancora devo verificarlo ma a parole sono stati onesti)
Não acredito nas publicações, pois contratando
Companhia 5 estrelas. Utilizo depois de varios anos e não procuro outra.
Wir waren zu 4 Personen am Flughafen und der Shuttle-Bus wollte nur den Fahrer mitnehmen, dies hat er auch sehr unfreundlich rübergebracht. Ebenfalls mussten wir über 1 Stunde lang warten und uns wurde eine zusätzliche Versicherung aufgezwungen, ohne diese hätten wir den Mietwagen nicht bekommen. Obwohl wir diesen schon im voraus bezahlt hatten.
Wszytko przebieg o sprawnie i bez problemu. Samochód sprawny i w dobrym stanie (tylko brak p ynu do spryskiwaczy). Szybki zwrot kaucji