Av. António Augusto de Aguiar 31 1, 1069-416 Lisboa, Portugal
Bem vindo à nossa agência de aluguer de automóveis Europcar Lisboa! Fazem parte da nossa oferta diária viaturas recentes, preços competitivos e amabilidade. Quer procure um carro por razões profissionais ou para passear, quer necessite de um automóvel (citadino, familiar ou de luxo), de um furgão ou carrinha, a Europcar disponibiliza-lhe o veículo de que necessita. O aluguer de automóveis ou comerciais é simples através da reserva online no Website ou através da aplicação Europcar. Nunca foi tão fácil levantar e devolver um veículo. Boa viagem!
EDIT: I know/hope it can be fixed and I'm still waiting for reply from customer support (I submitted it one week ago) - the point is that this kind of behaviour is devious and distrustful - it should not be necessary and it is sketchy at least that something is snuck on the bill afterwards without information. Everything seemed fine, pick up and return were calm and easy, return document confirmed we returned the car fully fuelled. Nevertheless we get quietly charged an additional 5L of fuel on the final invoice - different from the invoice we received on returning the vehicle. Seriously ? We drove only 68km and filled it up a few km from the Europcar stand. The pump stopped at 7L which seems slightly high for a Fiat 500 hybrid. But 12 liter total for 68km in this vehicle looks unrealistic. We didn't even drive inside the city. Very disappointing for what at first seemed like a flawless experience. We were considering to rent here more often, but now we don't trust them.
FINAL UPDATE: I seem mental with these updates, but I said I'd change my review if they refunded me. I didn't receive an explanation but they refunded me this morning. Not sure if Paulo played a role or not, but either way, problem solved. All it took was three weeks, ten emails, and one phone call. Another update: Paulo just called and told me he called me to authorise payment, but couldn't get through. Because of this, he added premium protection. Europcar emailed me with my rental agreement, with premium protection ticked, as if I agreed to it. This was used as proof that I agreed to it. The phone call with Paulo proves I didn't and that Paulo added the tick afterwards, making it look like I signed it. He could have emailed me, left a voicemail, texted me, or called more than once before taking extra money for protection. Instead, he took extra money and then ticked the box as if I agreed. He didn't accept this was an issue, but just kept repeating what he did as if it was fine. I disagree and won't be using Europcar again, even though I regularly do hire with them. UPDATE: Paulo is not great and lies to cover up his mistakes. I signed a rental agreement as normal and he told me I wasn't receiving premium protection. I've just been told that because their system was down when I hired the car, I've been charged for premium protection. How does that make sense? It doesn't. Avoid this ridiculous company. Original review: I've used this branch many times. However, the system was recently down so Paulo took my reservation on paper. A few days after returning the vehicle, I was charged 50 euros for premium protection that I didn't agree to. I was asked if I needed it, (Paulo even said "you don't usually take protection do you?"), to which I replied no. It was over a week ago and I still have no response. I have emailed the relevant email address multiple times and nobody is replying. I'm happy to change this review once I've been refunded!
After waiting for 1 hour (we reserved way in advance) we've gotten an old french car with 100k on the Odo, it started to give a red engine oil warning on a third day. The rental guy couldn't care less - we were told to call the number on the contract. Only that the number is for road assistance, not repair. I ended up just driving the car to the nearest EC branch where they've agreed to replace the car. This was also done with an attitude as if this was all my fault. The only decent experience was with the checkout guy who was quick and courteous (and even apologized despite this being none of his fault).
Everything is always made very easy for us here. Thank you for being so helpful, Paulo 😃 Editing to change the review: we were loyal customers here but recently got charged €50 for premium cover when saying “no” to this.
I had a terrible experience with Europcar. When I arrived at the rental desk, I discovered there were not enough electric charging stations, so I canceled my reservation. First of all, the person at the counter or the customer service representative on the phone cannot cancel it since only the central office can do so. Second, the central office responded to my cancellation email after a week. Despite not taking a car, they charged me 75% of the booking fee as a cancellation fee. Lesson learned: if you book through Europcar, pay at the counter and do not give them your credit card.
Best service in town. The rules, rates and deposits are clear information, opposite from many other I would call scam-renters in Portugal. Im a customer here 3-4 times now and always been a happy client, through everything. I will return again and again.
The location itself is hard to find. It is located in the underground parking. At first we had a great service, the employee provided us with great suggestions of places visit and spoke good French. However, since reserved through Expedia and even if the rental was fully paid before our arrival at the desk we learned at we had to provide a caution corresponding to the value of the rental + 300 euros. We showed the policy online that stipulate that the value of the caution is 300 euros when the rental is paid in advance. We had no help whatsoever. The person at the desk didn’t try to find a solution. It took more than 2 hours to get our car.
I'll be honest - it's hard to choose a car rent company, when you read through the reviews on google. Not a single company with 5 stars. I've rented from a different Europcar location a month ago and that was a smooth experience, so I decided to give this location a try since they are closer to where I live now. Again, read the reviews and was a bit sceptical. I've rented a Toyota Corolla Hybrid for a weekend and when I arrived to the location Paulo helped me with my booking. The whole process took not more than 5 minutes - I was offered to buy the excess insurance which I politely declined since I have it on my credit card - Paulo did not insist on selling me anything, no pressure at all, which I really liked, since a lot of car rent companies do pressure you into buying the insurance. Long story short, I was told that they are giving me an upgraded car. I was upgraded to a brand new Ford Kuga Hybrid, with all the bells and whistles inside. Very decent car and it had only 2000km on the odometer, no damage, no scratches whatsoever. We drove to Porto & Nazare for the weekend and it was a nice and smooth ride. When we returned the vehicle - the process was even smoother than pick-up. They quickly checked the car's fuel level and did a quick walk-around the car, signed the paper work and we were out in like 5 minutes. Thank you Europcar El-Corte Ingles team!
Gostaria de parabenizar o Sr. Paulo Brandão pelo excelente serviço prestado na Europcar do El Corte Inglés. Correu tudo muito bem graças ao seu profisisonalismo.
O Sr Paulo nos atendeu MUITO bem, simpático, prestativo, querido, nos deu várias dicas!!! Agora só alugo nesta unidade e com o Sr Paulo!!!
Aluguer de primeira!! Atendimento excelente prestado pelo Sr Paulo. Muito atencioso e cordial! Com certeza voltarei à usar a Europcar e recomendarei aos amigos!
O melhor atendimento e as melhores viaturas.
Pick up was very easy, details were well explained, including the toll booth transponder (get it!) Drop off was slick and easy.
VIP service thanks to the friendliness and work of Mr. Paulo. everything went 5 stars without any problems. as soon as I need it again I wont even look for other companies/prices, I highly recommend it.
Ottimo servizio!
Atendente nervoso e grosso, chegamos a este local depois de rodarmos e errarmos alguns caminhos, ao chegar no local pedimos apenas para tirarmos uma dúvida se poderíamos devolver o carro nessa filial que me foi alugado no Aeroporto quando chegamos para perguntar, o moço pediu para esperarmos, e como já havíamos perdido muito tempo por errarmos o caminho (pois somos do Brasil e primeira vez aqui) perguntamos a pessoa da fila em nossa frente, o atendente nos interrompeu gritando falando, não pedi para esperar?! E respondemos mas só queremos saber se podemos devolver aqui tb, ele não respondeu e continuou insistindo que era pra esperar. Esse não foi o problema e sim a maneira grosseira de responder! Diferente do atendente do Aeroporto. Estávamos no limite de devolução do carro de tanto tempo e ainda sermos atendidos por esse homem grosso e gritando conosco!
Mehr als eine Stunde Wartezeit hatte ich noch nie. Preisgestaltung ist ebenso intransparent und mir versteckten Kosten. Achtung
Quite a slow process tbh, they didn t have my car ready. Couldn t offer me the car I booked and ordered online. And then took an hour to find me a replacement. Very bad experience if you ask me.
Horrible servicio: Estuvimos dando vueltas buscando dónde recoger el coche en el Corte Inglés. 45 minutos después conseguimos la información de que el coche se recoge en otra oficina, en otra calle a 15 minutos de allí. Nos dirigimos para allí, hacemos el check-in, y nos dicen que ahí solo se hace el check-in, que el coche que habíamos reservado lo tenemos que recoger en el Corte Inglés. Nos tenían mareados, para luego darnos otro modelo de coche que tenían listo y cobrarnos 70 extra AL DÍA. Pésima información.
Sem funcionários, demasiado tempo de espera, muito mau
If you are in need of a rental car and you are in Lisbon, go to El Corte Ingles Europcar (down town Lisbon) and pick your car from the most gentle person who has ever been in this sector.
En simple me robaron con daños que no eran mios, y si no me creen por favor busquen reseñas de otras personas y veran que es una actitud repetitiva, estan organizados para eso. No usen esta oficina, lo barato que aparenta ser lo vas a pagar después. Me enviaron una foto en que aparentemente habia un daño en un neumatico, siendo que el auto tenia daños por todos lados (realmente el auto tenia rayones en las 4 esquinas, parachoques delantero y trasero, LE FALTABA UNA TAPA DE LLANTA), lo que detallado por la persona que lo revisó antes de irme. Envié fotos de eso. A pesar de eso me cobraron igual, basado solo en una foto poco clara que me enviaron ellos, sin contrastarla con una foto previa. Insisto, la revision previa del auto destacaba los daños en esa rueda en la que no habia tapa de plastico debido a un golpe previo, lo que fue tambien destacado en la revisión que hizo la persona antes de irme. Finalmente en su argumento decian que la revision habia sido hecha por un experto externo, lo que es derechamente una mentira, lo hace un señor bastante viejo, que no habla nada de otro idioma por lo cual es imposible comunicarse con el. Lei comentarios previos en Google acerca de que en esta empresa te roban de esta manera y crei que era casualidad. Pero lo hacen, estan organizados para ello, es parte de su negocio.
Fomos muito bem atendidos.
muy buena y rapida la atencion que me brindaron
Après une triste expérience avec une autre compagnie qui nous a refusé une réservation de véhicule à laéroport à cause dun souci de carte de crédit nous nous sommes retrouvés le bec dans leau alors que nous devions traverser une bonne partie du pays durant notre voyage de 10 jours. Jai donc regardé les avis sur google et jai pris contact avec cette agence et Paulo qui parle français et qui nous a accueilli dune manière admirable. Ce dernier nous a rassuré et nous a permis dobtenir un véhicule sans surcoût exorbitant. Le jour de la récupération du véhicule il nous a même fait bénéficier dune Mercedes CLA neuve alors que nous avions réservé une 308 et sans frais sup bien sûr. Merci à lui pour son professionnalisme et sa gentillesse qui ont largement contribué au bon déroulement de notre séjour.
Profissionalismo, Simpatia, Transparência, Cordialidade, numa dinâmica para que o Cliente se sinta Confortável.
Prezzo vantaggioso rispetto alle altre compagnie in città Ho prenotato on line lauto per le 16, mi sono presentata alle 14,30 e alle 15 ero fuori con lauto Persona che mi ha seguito professionale, veloce e cordiale Macchina pulita e in ottime condizioni Anche con la riconsegna in aeroporto è andato tutto bene Personale veloce, cordiale e disponibile Esperienza ottima Grazie
Paolo was great . He was very attentive to my needs and even went out of his way to upgrade my rental. 5 stars for him.
Ótimo atendimento
Não tinham o carro que contratei o que me obrigou a alugar um carro muito mais caro , que era o único disponível na data da entrega, para que coubessem as minhas malas.
Muitas filas e um carro avariado.
Estive a alugar um carro na unidade do El Corte Ingles em Lisboa e tive uma péssima experiência. Basicamente, minha reserva estava agendada para às 10h30, porém, ao ser atendido somente por volta das 11h tive a notícia que havia overbooking (overbooking de locadora de carro? Nao faz sentido) e por isso nao havia carro disponível no pátio para minha reserva, que tinha sido confirmada dois dias antes. Percebi que a mesma situação aconteceu com outros clientes. Nao percebo o ocorrido ja que a reserva, horario de chegada (e pagamento!), foram feitos com antecedência. Então, tive de esperar ainda mais tempo para um carro chegar de algum outro local e assim só consegui concluir a locação as 11:30 h. Ou seja, esperar um carro disponivel 1 hora depois do horário agendado, sendo que nao foi ao menos oferecido upgrade de categoria ja que a falta de organização foi da locadora. Eu já tinha compromissos agendados com horário marcado que foram impactados por este atraso todo que a locadora me causou. Lamentável. Sempre fui cliente da empresa mas essa experiência foi realmente péssima.
Reservei um veículo há mais de um mês de antecedência o qual não estava disponível no horário de retirada(hoje). Me forneceram um que está com problemas dentre estes o sensor de ré. Um absurdo. Aluguei 3 carros desde o dia 8 de julho 2024 e estou tendo esse reconhecimento por parte desta empresa.
Dopo che ho capito che era dentro il corte ingles è andato tutto in discesa
Ravie de la prestation. Monsieur Paulo parle français et est très arrangeant. La voiture était top et le retour sans aucun souci. Pour trouver lagence, il faut descendre dans le parking souterrain du Corto Inglese par les ascenseurs du centre commercial au niveau Car service center - Rent a car car Europcar nest pas indiqué. Je recommande cette agence.
João Pedro and Paulo were so kind, we always get nervous with car rentals but they made the process easy and I would absolutely rent from here again.
Good service, easy pick up and drop off.
Very difficult to find with no directions or signage to help find. recommend you go into the mall and down to -1 I think it was. Go to the back left corner of the car park. There was only 1 guy working but he was friendly and got a car upgrade for free. Very simple and easy to collect but its a very narrow drive out!
In algeminem sehr zufrieden mit dem Europcar. Ein bisschen Mühe hatten wir trotz Google Maps den Standort zu finden. Der befindet sich nahmlich im Parkhaus des Corte Inglés. Sonst hat aber alles tip top geklappt. Sehr freundliche Beratung, das Auto bequem, sauber und voll getankt. Die Abgabe am Ende, war sehr unkompliziert und schnell. Würde bei Eropcar wieder ein Auto mieten.
Excelente atendimento e o veículo disponibilizado estava muito novo, limpo e higienizado. Nos atendeu o Sr Paulo Brandão na loja do El Corte Inglês, extremamente atencioso e muito simpático.
Terrible experience returning our car. Charged extra damage fee for a little bit of sand in the back seat that could be easily vaccumed. It is clear in the policy that this not a charge we should have incurred. They also charged a fuel surcharge when the car was returned full. Will NEVER rent from this location again. Terrible.
Good experience overall. A little confusing when picking up the vehicle, but in the end everything went well
Once you get someone, very pleasant attentive customer service. But they seem to only staff this location with one person which means it takes forever to get your car. No kind of express pickup or separate line for members with status. They need an extra person here to take the customer to the car, as one person doing it all is far too time-consuming. UPDATE TWO MONTHS LATER Moving down from a 3 to a 2 after having rented from this location about 5 times (it s nearby and I m a glutton for punishment). The service is just way too slow. If you re coming here, factor at least 30-45 minutes to pick up your car. They re friendly enough but it s only staffed with one person so it takes for.ever.
Recomendo muito alugar o carro nessa unidade, e procurem o Paulo, ele realmente tornou a experiencia muito agradavel. Pensem numa pessoa gentil, educada e muito paciente, é ele. Nota 20 para o Paulo, muito obrigado.
Great experience at this location. Pick up and drop off was simple and our car was upgraded. The gentleman who served us was quite helpful. Would definitely use this location again.
Quick and easy process, very helpful staff. Vehicle not ready but we got an upgrade Access to parking area very narrow, hard to navigate. And not easy to find when you arrive. Easier with a street level branch
I like their professional service.
Paulo is a great professional. His service was outstanding!
My first experience renting a car, I was attended to by Mr. Paulo who made an effort to provide excellent service and minimize my anxiety. 5 stars!
En general todo estuvo muy bien. Solo dos detalles para apuntar. Uno, que si bien el vehículo estaba bien limpio, el interior tenia impregnado un desagradable olor a cigarrillo. Dos, a pesar de haber tenido un up grade, el tipo de vehículo no era el que me resultó más cómodo. Se trató de un Renegade.
O Paulo nos atendeu da melhor forma possível.
Muy bien sistema de reserva, excelente atención del staff al retirar el coche y al devolverlo. Excelentes condiciones del coche.
Delighted with our car rental. The employee spoke French and was adorable, he gave us advice on sightseeing, told us which metro to take to reach the airport and went out of his way to find us a car to book the evening before via the internet. I recommend :)
Paolo and Victor are cool. As an international traveler, I am often stressed about the idea of renting a car because many places have bad reviews. But Victor made it really easy and gave good information and the process was smooth. A few tips: 1. Book your reservation in advance. I made my booking the day before I wanted to pick it up. 2. This place was hard to find, just some advice, you can enter the mall and take the elevator down to the lower levels. There are a few car wash spots and the Europcar office is there.
Personnel très réactif, prise en charge véhicule rapide. Je recommande.
On Saturday, the 16th of March, at 9 am, me and my friend initiated our road trip with a rental car from the establishment. However, shortly into our journey, we encountered a distressing issue. At approximately 5:30, an alert regarding the oil levels appeared on the cars display, accompanied by the temperature gauge indicating a reading above 90 degrees Celsius. In response to this alarming situation, we promptly sought assistance by contacting the emergency number provided. Regrettably, the guidance received from the individual on the line was inadequate and dismissive. Despite expressing our urgent need for support, we were met with a lack of concern and even faced sarcasm regarding our safety concerns. Subsequent attempts to contact your Lisbon office for assistance proved futile, as our calls went unanswered on eight separate occasions. The language barrier presented by the Portuguese voicemail further exacerbated our predicament, highlighting a critical oversight in catering to the needs of international clients. In light of these distressing events, we took it upon ourselves to assess the situation for our safety. Upon inspection, it became evident that the oil levels were dangerously low, posing a significant risk to our journey, particularly considering the extensive distance we had yet to cover (the oil was at the lowest level). Our subsequent efforts to rectify the situation, including locating, purchasing and filling the necessary oil from multiple gas stations along our route, resulted in substantial inconvenience and wasted time. This ordeal not only ruined our travel experience but also compromised our safety and peace of mind. In summary, the substandard response from your emergency services, coupled with the consequential loss of time and undue stress inflicted upon us, has left us deeply dissatisfied with our rental experience. It is deeply concerning that such negligence could occur, especially considering the duty of care owed to customers, particularly in matters pertaining to their safety. We contacted customer support to request a full refund for both the oil and our entire reservation. The entire experience was unacceptable and deeply disturbing. Unfortunately, their response only addressed the cost of the oil, leaving us feeling unheard about the two days of inconvenience we experienced. We strongly believe a company that doesnt prioritize customer satisfaction doesnt deserve our trust and money. We would not recommend your services to anyone based on this experience. We are still hopeful for a resolution that reflects the severity of this issue. If we dont hear back with a satisfactory response within a week, we will be forced to share our experience with online review platforms so that potential customers know what to expect.
Rapidez no atendimento, profissionais gentis e automóveis em excelente estado.
Facilidade e qualidade.
They are situated in the garage on -1 under the food court. Very friendly personnel and nice car.
Experiencia fantástica funcionários Super profissionais
Ottima esperienza con Europecar. Non facilissimo da trovare, si trova al -1 del centro commerciale. Personale gentile e posizione comoda per uscire da Lisbona.
I wanted to take a moment to express my gratitude for Paulo Brandãos outstanding level of professionalism and empathy. His attention to detail and willingness to go above and beyond to ensure that his clients needs are met have not gone unnoticed. Thank you for all that you do. Helena DaSilva
Muito satisfatória..
Gosto de alugar nesta agência, pois os carros estão sempre impacveis e o atendimento é nota 1000.
Foarte scump
Rentcar de referência! O sr. Paulo foi um excelente profissional e simpático. O levantamento e a devolução foi rápida, o carro foi muito bom com poucos km e era praticamente novo. Tudo 5*. É de salientar que a Europcar fica no piso -3 do El Corte Inglés tendo que entrar na loja e descer até ao -3.
I pre-booked a car and arrived 10mins before the scheduled time. They didnt have it. I waited for 2 HOURS until they gave me some different car. EDIT AFTER YOUR RESPONSE: I already earlier contacted your customer service like you are suggesting. Also mentioned there that I got charged too much from gas - when I returned the car to the airport, the lady told everything is ok, but they still decide to extra charge and send me an invoice. The customer service decided not to help, which is why Im leaving this review. See their response below. What a joke. I am sorry to hear that you had a longer than expected wait to receive your vehicle. It is important that we ensure that all of our customers have all the necessary details in order to have a trouble free rental, and this process may take time for each customer. However, we do thank you for bringing the issue, as well as for any other than you believe to be less than correct, as that is the way we can keep perfecting the quality of service we provide to our customers. Please accept our apologies for the delay and any inconvenience that this situation may have caused.
Takes a very long time to pick up a car from here as they only have one person working and very long queue and 5 minutes plus per customer. Would recommend people find another car pickup service
Bad bad experience! Firstly there was only 1 counter opened and perhaps it was a weekend so there were a long line. We waited around 45 mins in line before getting to the counter. Then finally we got our keys to the car but they mentioned that they needed to drive our car over. We waited for another 30 mins and turns out they completely forgot about our car so more time was spent waiting for our car. We waited in total 2 hrs at office just to get our car and wasted the whole morning. This was such a bad experience leaving us really angry given that we wanted to maximize the day at Sintra where we were heading next. The manager was apologetic but couldn t help us expedite the process in any way.
Super nice team and service! Two UK customers (I am sure they gave a bad review somewhere below) made the experience bad as they were upset that they had to wait like everyone else. They were yelling and even kicking and hitting things around them but the team handled it very well and professionally! The car was awesome and the price was good as well. Would recommend anytime!
Professionalism, friendliness and good humor in an excellent space with the best cars Congratulations
Mal placé en sous sol du centre commercial et pas indiqué sinon aucun Autre problème. Restitution Rapide efficace .
Um site horroroso mas um atendimento pelo Paulo Brandão que fez esquecer as dificuldades de navegação no site. Paulo é fantástico.
They re incredibly understaffed and disorganized. Not the fault of the employees who helped us but it was a mess that took hours. Will never use eurocar again
Everything always goes smoothly when we rent here! We ve used this location 3 times now and each time it has always been efficient. Reserving online makes the process easier. The great people working are so kind, always !!! and if you re an English speaker - then have no fear. Plus, you can get last minute snacks for road trips from the mall that it s inside.
Very friendly and helpful staff, who strives to provide to me efficient and comprehensive service, including picking a real great car to drive! Great daily rate. I highly recommend!
The personnel is not professional and screams against the clients. UPDATE: The Employee of Europcar call me today, saying that the documents that his colleague(from Europcar Lisbon City Center) put on the car was behind the seat. And they refound the money that they was stealing from me. Im glad to see taht all solved in the best way
Serviço 5 estrelas
Da simpatia dos funcionários ao veículo atribuído tudo impecável! Irei, com certeza, recomendar esta estação Europcar a todos os meus conhecidos!
Positive experience. Brand new, clean car rented, nice and friendly staff. Payment accurate and as expected, no hidden fees in my experience. I would rent there again. Thank you!
Great service.
Poderiam melhora a clareza nas taxas cobradas.
Excelente servicio
Excellent service from Mr. Paulo! I highly recommend Europcar. It is located right inside the El Corte Ingles parking lot.
Booked a family car at short notice. Paolo looked after us. He was very kind, considerate and polite. Excellent customer service. Car very well suited to our needs. Would definitely use again and recommend.
Jai effectué une Location dun scooter 125 pcx pour un week-end de 3 jours à Lisbonne cela cest très bien passé avec le personnel aussi bien pour récupérer ou rendre le véhicule le seule point faible à était pour trouver lendroit exact de lagence qui est placé en parking souterrain dun grand centre commercial. Mais si non je recommande
Autonoleggio serio. Servizio chiaro, preciso e trasparente
Great experience, I fully recommend Europcar
Abbiamo affittato lauto qui per la primissima volta durante il viaggio a Lisbona. Prenotazione facilissima dal sito, abbiamo pagato pochissimo e, cosa davvero piacevole, laddetto, oltre ad essere gentile, parla e capisce litaliano. Ciò ha facilitato di molto laffitto e ci ha tranquillizzato. Infatti, abbiamo prolungato laffitto per un giorno in più. Unica pecca, si trova in un centro commerciale, al piano meno uno. Lingresso per poter riportare lauto è dalla parte di dietro e non davanti. Stra-consigliato.
Excelente atendimento. Empenho do Paulo para conseguir o carro que queria foi fundamental. Carro muito bom!!!
Muito boa. Muito atenciosos e prestativos.
5 estrelas para o atendimento no El Corte Inglês em Lisboa pelo encarregado Vitor .. Muito preparado para esclarecer dúvidas e muito prolixo !! Parabéns !!!
Paulo foi super profissional e flexível com a minha reserva. Me respondeu todas as perguntas e se dispôs para que minha reserva seja aproveitada ao máximo. 100% recomendo.
Da entrega à devolução, a equipe foi rápida, cordial e objetiva. Recomendo 100% !
Der Standort ist nirgends ausgeschildert. Er befindet sich in der Tiefgarage des Einkaufszentrum auf -1. Wir haben 20 Minuten gesucht. Sehr ärgerlich. Die Abwicklung war aber gut. Mitarbeiter spricht gut englisch und war Freundlich! Vom Standort ist man schnell aus der Stadt raus um an die West und Südküste zu fahren. Das ist gut gelegen!
- , 264 , , 3 , 5 . 14-28 . , , . , , 30 , , . , , . , , . , , 8 , 400 , 5,8 100 , 23 , 32 , , . , , . , .
Paulo was just amazing! Not only did he give us very special treatment he gave us lots of tips and tricks on what to see and do in Lisbon! So friendly and accommodating it took our rental experience in Europe to a whole other level! The only area of improvement would be for Europcar to provide better signage inside and outside the mall to guide customers on the location of the business. Thank you Paulo we will be back to visit lovely Lisbon because of you Chris and Lisa from
Atendimento rápido e de fácil acesso no piso da garagem -1, ao lado da oficina vermelha grande. Obrigado Paulo Brandão pelo seu excelente atendimento.
My experience with Portugese Europcar at the courte de Ingles location was great. I need to say that Mr. Duarte was very nice and opened to explain all the info about the car and rates of additional insurence coverage as well. I was lucky to get the car that was even better then the one I reserved which was great. It has served me well and there was no problem when I returned the car. Thanks for this great service that I would repeat the next time when in Portugal.
Atenção aos detalhes omitidos pelo atendente. Ele não me informou acerca das taxas diárias para uso da tarja ViaVerde - passe livre nos pedágios e omitiu o horário da retirada do veículo no contrato.
Ótimo atendimento pelo Sr. Paulo, simpático e agradável!
O Sr. Paulo é um excelente profissional. É extremamente atencioso e não mede esforços para ver o cliente Feliz e satisfeito. Da pra notar que ele está focado 100% na satisfação do cliente. É absolutamente confiável: consegue SEMPRE as MELHORES tarifas, condições e cobertura do mercado, melhores carros, (mais modernos e com baixíssima quilometragem), e com muito conforto. Acompanha durante todo o processo. Preocupado com a PERFEITA experiência do cliente. Ele não aluga carros. Ele transforma vidas e realiza sonhos. Sempre alugo com ele. De olhos fechados. Sem dúvida, recomendo a todos.
Entourloup, méfiez-vous photo ect...avant de louer les voitures même si vous prenez lassurance full option !
Zu wenig Personal viel zu lange Wartezeiten vor allem bei einem Kurztripp Mindestwartezeit 3 Stunden und das nicht um ein Auto zu bekommen sondern Fragen beantwortet zu bekommen vielen Dank
Super je recommande - très facile et efficace.
I recommend
Rented a car for 2 weeks. Paulo was great to deal with. Pickup and return of the car was easy and had no issues at all. The location is a bit hard to find as its in the parking lot area under the shopping center but highly recommend this location.
Renting a car at El Corte Inglés is a unique experience. The employee Paulo is very friendly and professional.
Atendimento excelente por parte do Sr Paulo Brandão , muito atencioso
Serviço de excelência
I needed the services of this company, and I received excellent service. Excellent service from Mr. Paulo Brandão. I recommend it.
Not worth calling, theyll never pick up the phone. Go rent a car somewhere else.....
Acabamos fazendo o aluguel em cima da hora e quase ficamos sem carro mas o atendimento do Paulo foi nota 10, muito prestativo, simpático e com um atendimento de primeira qualidade, transformou nosso aniversário de casamento simplesmente perfeito!
O atendimento nessa loja e de belíssima bbqualidade, obrigado Sr. Paulo por ser tão prestativo!
Excelente atendimento e Simpatia
Scandaleux, honteux, voleurs, escrocs ! Alors passons le fait qu il n y avait pas d huile moteur, que les pneus étaient dégonflés, que nous avons attendu plus d une heure pour que quelqu un daigne venir récupérer la voiture, mais nous demander de payer en espèce pour ensuite débiter la carte bleue qui à la base servait d emprunte bancaire , je suis outrée , donc évidemment nous allons porter plainte et sommes en relation avec le service client ! NE PAYER PAS EN ESPÈCES !
Loja ínfima, com poucos carros e praticamente nenhuma opção de up grade
Personale cordiale, laddetto parlava diverse lingue. Lauto fornita sopra le aspettative, peccato per le gomme al limite dei limiti. Mi avevano consigliato di pagare 1,5 per iltelepass cosa che non ho fatto ma consiglio perché comodo in Portogallo.
Probably fine usually but completely unsympathetic to our difficulties finding an open office to drop our car off
Nice experience, Paulo has been very nice. The office and parking are in the parking area at -1.
Recomendo a loja no estacionamento do El Corte Inglês
Très bon accueil de Paulo qui nous a aidé dans notre recherche un peu compliqué de voiture, merci pour son efficacité et son professionnalisme en plus de ses conseils de guide touristique !
Titolare fantastico, gentile e simpatico e cercava di parlare anche in italiano. Vale il voto solo lui. Poi agenzia seria ed affidabile. Macchina migliore di quella richiesta a pari costo. Da consigliare
Smooth check in experience and professional service
Great customer service.
Agence pas facile à trouver vu quelle se trouve dans un centre commercial et sans indication dans la rue. À notre arrivée à lheure prévue Agence fermée. Sans explications. Le personnel est arrivé très en retard mais sa sympathie a rattrapé notre peur de ne pas avoir de véhicule un dimanche ! Véhicule neuf fourni donc agréable surprise.
Excelente atendimento, disponibilidade, simpatia e um grande profissionalismo. Um bem haja!
Impecáveis e profissionais atentos ao pormenor.
Atendimento perfeito e rápido.
The Europcar attendant (Mr. Ali) was very competent, polite and professional! Congratulations Europcar for the professional you have
The entire experience went very smooth. The handout of the car was very good, the employee was extremely polite and courteous, the same when I returned the car. My only complain was that it was a rainy day, and the windshield wipers were very old and my visibility was impaired because the couldn t clean the windshield properly.
I recommend
5 estrelas atendimento por paulo Brandão
Excelente atendimento.
Innerhalb von 10 Minuten hatte ich ein Auto. Der Mitarbeiter war gut informiert, konnte gut englisch sprechen und meine Anliegen gut umsetzen. Die Rückgabe des Autos erfolgte ebenso schnell und problemlos.
Ótimo atendimento
Sehr freundlicher Mitarbeiter, spricht sehr gutes Englisch und ist sehr hilfsbereit und kompetent. Absolute Empfehlung in Lisbon. Einfahrt etwas tricky aber man findet es, nur das Tanken ist so ne Sache in Lisbon
Good service! I Will rent again.
Meu próxima ruta
Never would use their service again; twice reserved one car a week in advance and when you arrive to pick up the car they for some unknown reason don t have the car you reserved. So we reserved a nice Mercedes and instead were stuck with Toyota SUV(we didn t want and didn t beed an SUV) for our 1 week trip. They said sorry and that this is the inly car they have and we have no other options. Seriously?!
Weve rented a car online and planned our day. On the pick up at Europcar at El Corte Ingles, we were told the car was not available. The same class car was 2.5 times more expensive. The agent explained that computer gives only the package with full premium insurance and extra gas charges. We felt fooled.
O atendimento inicial é muito demorado, depois disso tranquilo.
Reserva no próprio dia e rápida - carrinha comercial para mudanças. Atendimento profissional, célere e muito agradável. Fui com o meu veículo próprio até ao local e disponibilizaram-me estacionamento gratuito durante o tempo (algumas horas) que utilizei o veículo alugado. Este por sua vez encontrava-se irrepreensível. Check out sem qualquer problema e uma vez mais, célere. A repetir. Especial agradecimento ao funcionário: Sr. Paulo
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