R. Castilho 72, 1250-071 Lisboa, Portugal
Alugue um carro na Hertz em Lisboa. Faça a sua reserva online, contacte-nos telefonicamente ou visite-nos numa das nossas 62 lojas em Portugal. A equipa da Hertz rent-a-car esclarecerá qualquer dúvida ou questão relacionada com o aluguer da sua viatura e sugirá o carro ideal para si.
Terrible place. Tried to inform them of a delay in my plan, no way to reach them whatsoever. Called 15! times, never picked up the phone. Get there to collect the car: reservation cancelled for no-show.. just an all together terrible experience! Better of taking an uber in Lisbon than renting a car at this place!
Just plane rude and zero communication on anything. From why he has been starring at the screen for 20 minutes (we booked ahead of time) and only grunted when we asked a questions concerning cost. We got no instructions on the car, tolls or anything. He literally drove the car out and walked back in without a saying a word. Just a good old fashion dickhead. I would not recommend this place.
By mistake of the check in clerk I was charged 109eur for refueling, though I had returned the car with full tank. This fact was later verified and confirmed by the Hertz staff. It already took me 2 viaits to Heetz office (as they ignore emails) and 2 months and I still have not got reimbursed.
Came in at 09:00 when they opened and there was already a line of five people. Only one desk clerk at that time and each customer took at least 15 minutes. At 9:40 anlther desk clerk came an at 9:50 another one came. Although you could see there were several other workers in the place but I guess they dont handle the desk and customers. Really annoying the time it took to get a pre booked car. Will probably not use hertz in portugal again. It seems like Hertz dont care about their customers complaining about the time it takes to get a car in time since almost all of the negative reviews here mention the same problem, that it takes more than an hour to get a car if your not first in line.
Waiting now for a look almost 90 minutes. Already pre-booked and paid but does not matter. Why do you accept more rentals than your capacity? Why is there no proper communication on waiting fine? No water, no seating, what a horrible experience...
I had a very very good experience!! I booked with billiger-mietwagen.de months ahead with Dollar with pick-up in city office. However I was very unsure if this would work out because there is no information about Dollar to be found online at this location, just Hertz and Thrifty. So when I arrived in Lisbon I went two days in advance to the location as I was skeptical if my reservation had actually been placed and if Dollar is actually in this location. I was greeted by the very friendly and sincere Luis who checked the system and quickly found my reservation. When I came to pick up the car two days later everything worked like a charm! Luis was very friendly and professional throughout the entire process. The car he gave me is very nice, new (only 8000 km) and in perfect condition. Even the booster seats for my kids I booked where available, clean, perfect condition. I was rather afraid what would await me after I read all the negative reviews. So I was very pleasantly surprised of how good the experience was!! Please people, treat the people at this (and any) car rental company with dignity and respect as you would want to be treated yourself!! All the best to Luis!! Chris from Germany
The car was as expected and worked well. We had an unfortunate experience that I am sharing in the hope that the location can learn from this. This review is mostly a reflection of my rental experience with Luis G at this Hertz location. Some points of negative experience: - He was aggressive and scaremongering in trying to get me to upgrade the insurance plan. The vehicle I rented has a retail value of ~$20k and they set a $40k liability on the vehicle. - He required that I make a payment for over $1k without showing me a line item explanation of what all of the charges were for. When I told him I wanted to see the breakdown in writing so that I could agree before being charged, he threatened to cancel the reservation, saying he could only show the line items after the payment. I hope management takes this feedback as a learning opportunity to prevent other potential customers from having poor experiences. Nobody should be charged for something without being allowed a line item explanation of the charges. The place is well kept and the vehicle was perfectly fine, better training for employees can make this a better experience.
made a reservation online, added insurance- just in case.. for a total of 69 euro. when i arrived to pick up the car, there were 3 customers before me, and only 1 staff member. ended up getting the car at 10:30 instead of 9:00. before paying, she pointed out casually for the amount to pay- 123 euro(!). she completely ignored the insurance i bought online and tried to trick me into buying a 54 euro insurance. just be careful of those hustlers. you would not expect such a behavior from a big company like Hertz.
If possible, it is best not to rent a car here. It was obvious that he didnt want to work, and instead of being friendly, there was no explanation for the wrong car. For reference, its Presidents Circle and I rent a lot. Renting it out in the first place is a mess, so there will be problems later on... If you rent a car here, I recommend that you check the oil accurately when you receive the car, and record the name of the person in charge and the method. If you go there, you will see a woman who has immigrated and hates working. Just dont even talk to me... this branch is trash.
Good service. New cars.
Reservei pelo site um carro SW com porta malas grande e me deram um Nissan mini SUV, tivemos que andar por Portugal com malas no interior do carro. Mas o maior estress foi na entrega do carro no aeroporto. Não tem sinalização adequada e fiquei rodando quase 1 hora com um trânsito infernal nas imediações com risco de acidente e multa. Tomem cuidado se for entregar no aeroporto.
I still haven t received email confirmation of returning a vehicle two days ago but they have charge my credit card for several hundred dollars more than was confirmed for.
Horrible service. They lie . We waited more than 2 hours even though we reserved online. Terrible and irrespectful staff.
Charged for gas after I filled-up at the full service gas pump across the street.
Die Leihe war sehr günstig und unkompliziert. Der Bearbeiter war geduldig, keine versteckten Kosten, hat alles geklappt.
Extremely inefficient and slow service. Staff didn t communicate amongst themselves about the promised extended return time. Return took way longer than expected, almost took 30-45 min.
Fakeanrufe von dieser Nummer
Loja sem condições necessarias para as pessoas esperarem por questoes que deviam ja estar resolvidas e tratadas. Queria beber um copo de agua da maquina na sala de espera, questionei por um copo a resposta foi que n tinham se eu quisesse para comprar uma garrafa de agua da maquina de vendas ao lado! Enfim hoje em dia ate os animais tem direirto a entrar nas lojas e a ter uma taca com agua mas na hertz é mais importante lucrar com a venda de garrafas na maquina da loja. Lamentavel
Rude staff and slow service. No thanks
Vehicle pre-ordered from France. From the wait at reception, the staff is unpleasant and gives no explanation. If you have a choice, go elsewhere.
Cette agence Hertz pourrait être comparée à une prison au vu de laccueil quelle propose; - 45 minutes dattente (pour une location anticipée et pré-enregistrée). - aucune explication donnée quant au vehicule et aux termes du contrats de locations. - létat des lieux du vehicule ne nous est parvenu que 15 minutes après départ de la concession ( par mail ), preuve encore une fois dun service fait par des professionnels donc prévoyez quelques photos pour éviter tout malentendus. - pour en revenir à laccueil, nimaginez pas communiquer sympathiquement avec les agents daccueils, ils ne sourient pas, vous engueulent pour demander des documents.. Bref bof
We are extremely disappointed with the experience we had with Hertz in Lisbon. We have booked with Hertz three times before - once in Canada and twice in Italy - both having been great experiences, we chose to go with Hertz again. We wish we had chosen a different car rental service as our experience was horrendous. At first, the agent serving us was very nice, but as soon as we began to ask questions about the rental agreement, his mood changed. First, he tried to make us pay for an upgrade of the car that we rented. When renting the car, we ensured it had enough capacity for our two suitcases and two carryons. We chose the economy option which was indicated as having a 3 luggage capacity. However, when we checked in, the agent warned us that if we put our luggage on the back seat it was against the law and we were being negligent. After refusing a larger car and loading the one we originally rented, our luggage fit in the trunk perfectly. We are glad we did not get pressured to take a larger car. Second, the agent scared us into taking additional insurance. Although this was ultimately our decision, fear tactics were still used to pressure us. The insurance included putting a 900 euro hold on our credit card (understanding that we took the insurance option with a deductible), which was charged at Hertz s exchange rate. The exchange rate included a 4% markup, which was not mentioned to us and the only reason we found out about it was its inclusion on the rental agreement. We were not provided with the option to pay in euro and have our bank s exchange rate apply, which is more beneficial to us. Third, the agent made us pay for many additional services that we did not explicitly accept. We prepaid for our reservation online and explicitly refused many additional charges, opting not to purchase them. Instead, the agent refused to show us a list of additional charges and said he would explain everything once the charges were paid. We were told we were only paying an additional amount for insurance, gas and tolls, which was acceptable, but there were additional charges for glass and tires amongst other things that we did not accept. Disregarding the insurance, the price we paid for our rental was $230 additional to the $230 we paid originally, doubling our booking fee. We are appalled that we were charged for services without being told before actually paying for them. Fourth, the agent inspected the car himself and proceeded to take photos. He then asked us for a signature and mentioned it was only to authorize that they send us the photos. However, the screen included a notice that we accept the condition of the rental car as indicated in the photos. Due to this, we refused to sign until we inspected the car ourselves (in our prior experience with Hertz, we either were given the opportunity to inspect the car or inspected alongside the agent). The agent got visibly frustrated and annoyed, walked away and stopped serving us. Finally, we cannot even identify the agent who served us due to the fact that he was not wearing a name tag (no agents were). In addition, upon returning the car, we had terrible service with the same agent. We received non-commital answers to all of our questions. We are extremely disappointed in the service we received and will think very hard before booking Hertz in the future while it was a no brainer up to now.
, , . . .
Waiting queue of 1,5 hour. Outrageous!
Reservamos el coche con antelación y nos están teniendo dos horas de espera. Tienen un mostrador con 5 ordenadores y solo trabajan en uno o dos de ellos..sin posibilidad de hacer seguimiento del turno y con cada cliente están más de 15 minutos. Viendo las reseñas, veo que no es algo puntual
CUIDADO , nao devolvem o dinheiro do combustivel . . .
Excellent and very convenient locations in the centre of Porto and Lisboa. Thank you
0 Sterne, schlechter Service und Abzocke vom Übelsten. Nie wieder würden wir bei Hertz etwas mieten, wir haben unsere Kaution nie zurückbekommen und erreichen den Support nicht. Selbst nicht auf Anfrage vom Hertz Sitz in der Schweiz, die ihre Kollegen aus Portugal um Rückmeldung bitten.
Nous avons eu la chance de tomber sur personne formidable qui s appelle Luis , super gentil et surtout professionnel qui nous a très bien conseillé et accompagné pour choisir notre voiture selon le circuit que nous avions envi de faire ! Il était vraiment de bon conseil! Nous tenons aussi à le remercier en plus de son accueil et sa gentillesse pour son honnêteté car il nous a gardé mon IPhone que j ai oublié dans la voiture le dernier jour et grâce à lui je l ai récupéré !!! Merci mille fois Luis !!!
Our experience was as expected. Pretty fast considering the amount of people waiting in line.
Accoglienza e professionalità sono di casa, un ringraziamento particolare a Louis per la sua gentilezza e cortesia!
Très bonne expérience chez Hertz, nous avons été acceuilli par Luis qui fut très prévenant et de bons conseils, il nous a même fait un petit rabais le tout dans un francais parfait. Merci Luis merci Hertz et à bientôt!
Watch out. These guys are skilled scammers. They will lie to you, to get you to sign the contract under false conditions. I cost me 460 euro, and they ignore any e-mails. Never again !
Foi efetuada reserva pela seguradora para dia 3 Agosto 2024, à minha chegada referem que a reserva só é válida na hora marcada que foi marcada sem o meu consentimento e por impossibilidade devido a trabalho não foi respeitada, pelo que referem só ter carro elétrico tendo eu verificado em garagem outras hipóteses. A seguradora tinha garantido que a reserva era de 24h. Acabo por aceitar por estar desde o dia 22 Julho a tentar ter uma viatura de substituição através da Fidelidade sem sucesso porque só funcionam através de atendimentos gerais e depois não falam com o cliente. A viatura entregue foi a AR-09-QR com vários danos inclusive falta de bocados de pneu em 2 pneus. Também não encontrei o documento do veículo. Não consegui contatar com o local de levantamento (Rua Castilho) pois além do contato quase só falar em Inglês funciona de forma automática e com gravador que não me entendia ou desligava portanto tive de me dirigir no dia seguinte ao local de levantamento assim que consegui sem sequer o ter usado e devolvi. Está em causa a segurança rodoviária e o respeito. Perdi o direito a 1 dos 10 dias de aluguer que tinha direito. Não existiu um pedido de desculpas, hipótese de troca de veículo nem nenhum contato por parte de ninguém até esta data, inclusive o chefe apenas demonstrou estar admirado. Ano passado este mesmo local forneceu uma viatura cheia de formigas. Quis realizar reclamação por escrito, referiram ser no site e não encontro a não ser livro de reclamações normal então podia ter sido no momento. Ainda foi cobrado 2,18 por aluguer da via verde que não foi usada. Fiz reclamação no portal da queixa e por email para o apoio cliente e nenhuma resposta. Não recomendo a ninguém esta rent a car.
Nous allons récupérer un véhicule et avions fait tout le pré-enregistrement avant pour ne pas attendre. au final nous attendrons presque trois quarts d heure pour apprendre que le véhicule ne sera pas là avant deux heures de temps. Pas d autres véhicules à nous donner. Et finalement ils trouvent un véhicule électrique : 2008. Nous nous assurons avec le retard pris que nous pourrions aller à destination en une seule traite. La réponse est oui. Il n en est rien au final car l autonomie indiquée est à diviser par presque 3 !!! De plus, nous avions bien précisé que c était la première fois que nous louions un véhicule électrique, nous n avons eu aucune information sur sa recharge. Belle galère que de comprendre comment cela fonctionnait et la gestion des charges et Supercharger. Au final nous avons mis presque 8h contre 2h30.
We registered for a 5 day car rental, but upon arriving they rudely told us they were out of cars and put us on a waiting list (an available car never arrived). Thankfully, I left and found another rental in the area. I hadnt used Hertz in a decade, and now I remember why.
Here for 2 hour awaiting a car, absolute zoo
Unkomplizierte Rückgabe mit sehr gut erreichbarer Garage direkt an der Straße.
Alles Bestens
Our reserved car (as well as any automatic option) was not available when we arrived. It was stressful, but the people working were all hustling hard to solve everyone s issues. Luis G. was particularly great and deserves 5 stars himself.
The worst service at a car rental agency I have ever witnessed. Took close to 2 hours to be served and get car Long queues over an hour are the norm here and staff move at a snails pace - they don t seem to care about the customers. Go elsewhere if you value your time!
Hertz Lisbon is just a joke - the worst car hire experience Ive had in years. Its absolutely pathetic that in 2024 Hertz are running such an outdated rip-off business and customer experience. We waited for over 90 mins to collect a pre-booked car with no apology for the inconvenience or water available. Its takes at least 20-30 mins for each customer to be served, as service agents manually input details and attempt to up-sell and attach needless additional services, insurances and fees. All the while a huge queue of tired families and customers piles up. I had to approach staff 3 or 4 times as I watched many people who arrived 30-40 mins after us being served. I was told the system selects who is served next at random and they were unable to tell me either where I was in the queue or how much longer I had to wait. Sort this out Hertz, people pay a premium for a global brand and dont expect such a poor, outdated and slow customer experience.
Took +2 hours to get a car. The employees work incredibly slowly and make absolutely no effort. By far the worst experience I have ever had with a car rental provider. I would recommend everyone to book somewhere else.
Péssimo atendimento. Recomendo outras locadoras. Agem de má vontade e sem educação.
I took the car for one day with full insurance. The price was 74 euros for a Ford Puma. In addition to full insurance, they took another 80 euros deposit for a full tank of fuel. At the time of the cars return, 3/4 of the fuel remained in the tank. How much do you think Hertz returned from the 80 euro deposit?? Only 2 euro!!! Cheaters and scammers. I do not recommend it. The receipt below.
Très mauvais accueil, personnel très peu poli voire insultant à certains moments. Prix élevés, nous déconseillons fortement.
Ho noleggiato un mercedes Vito (19 luglio) ed ho dato una garanzia di 117.23 per il pieno carburante che doveva essere restituita al momento della riconsegna (avvenuta a Porto il 22 luglio). Dalla verifica è risultato tutto ok incluso il carburante ma ad oggi non ho ancora ricevuto quanto dovuto. Ho mandato una mail al servizio clienti ma non ho ricevuto risposta
Muy mala atención! Tuvimos que ir a otra agencia para concretar. Personal poco calificado para cotizar y responder preguntas
Jueves 1 de junio: Alquiler el auto el 10 de mayo hasta el 21 de mayo. Me retuvieron 900 euros y hoy 2 de junio solo me devolvieron 103,50 sin una justificación que pasó con el resto. Envié 2 emails y nadie responde. Si se dignan al menos a responder por acá mi reserva fue K85306365F8 Martes 4 de junio: Agregó al comentario luego de 3 días del reclamo, siguen sin enviarme el resumen. Actualizaré hasta que llegue la información
Atendiento telefonico da central para a Rua Castilho nulo durante a manha toda. Tinha necessidade de saber que classe de carro a Seguradora tinha contratado. Se nao fosse da mesma classe ou superior nao tinha levantado o carro e reclamava à Seguradora.. Acabou por ser uma classe inferior. Ha 8 anos que guio carros automáticos e este nao é nem havia. A viatura traz dois toques menores mas tem. Nao me avisaram. Vi quando cheguei a casa. Será que vao dizer que fui eu?
Fácil, bom atendimento-claro e objetivo, fácil localização
I would give 0 stars if I could. I have never encountered a ruder manager who, upon arrival, informed us that we had missed the 2 hour window to pick up our car (which was never communicated to us) and they no longer had a car for us, despite us having already paid. Since we had booked through a third party agency, they were unable to process our refund of our money, but when my travel agency called to ask for proof that they had cancelled our car, they would not answer the phone. We are still waiting to get the proof from them to process the refund, hours later, and had to book another car with a different company at a higher price, delaying us on getting on our 3 hour drive. I have rented many cars at different agencies in Europe, and unfortunately, Hertz is always the worst. Avoid at all costs.
Very quick and uncomplicated vehicle pickup. The employees were all very nice. Any time. Thanks
Terrible service. We went and booked a scooter for the next day. The man who served us that day was helpful and nice - the one star is for him. We were told that when we came to pick the scooter up the next day, to take a ticket from the machine and wait. When we came to pick it up at the time we said we would, we took a ticket and sat down and waited. And waited. There were three people serving, but we were told only one could deal with scooters. However the other two people seemed to serve no one while the man we were waiting for kept serving everyone who came in after us who wanted to hire cars. After waiting 45 minutes while others were served ahead of us we asked twice to be helped and were abruptly told they would deal with us in a minute. We told them to cancel the reservation and left having wasted almost an hour of our day. They made us feel deliberately ignored and were simply rude and unprofessional. I would avoid and go with another company if you don t want to waste your time.
Hertz ist nicht auf die Kundenwünsche eingegangen
Very professional, pleasant staff Top rented vehicle
Long waiting time despite appointment incompetent employees
Chegamos na Locadora com o voucher do pagamento efetuado no Brasil e o atendente simplesmente nos ignorou e disse que como não havia nada no sistema, teríamos que pagar o aluguel integralmente. Ficamos mais de uma hora sendo ignorados pelo Rui....uma sensação muito ruim de desprezo. De repente, do nada, ele apareceu com um novo recibo, onde já havia aplicado o voucher e ainda disse que deveríamos agradecer e fazer um elogio..... Não acho que um mal atendimento mereça elogio, pelo contrário. HERTZ, nunca mais.
The car category I requested was not available. The staff were friendly but an older gentleman who looked like the manager was the rudest person I have encountered. We were at the rental agency at 12:15 and between customers they had to serve and our rental process we got into the car a couple of minutes before 1 pm - their lunch time. This older gentleman ( manager?) was in such a hurry to run out that he started cursing even as we were adjusting the seats and mirrors - I think l the other staff felt embarrassed at his rudeness. We drove out at 1:01 pm ( a minute beyond closing time) and he was still angry/ cursing and muttering - Jesus, Jesus! ). I loved the other stuff but I will not go back ever to this location because this man was so obnoxious. If he is indeed the manager Hertz should seriously think if they want this culture. He did not seem nice to his staff either but that is just my impression.
They charge you 4% FX fee on your credit card. It s in the T&C of course. Tell them if it s possible to pay in your own currency.
Excellent service mais le personnel au retour des voitures manque de chaleur.
I was supposed to get a car at 1:00 pm yesterday, but the agency was closed. When I called the customer relationship they told me that I was supposed to get the car till 1:00 pm and they cant give me another car from another location. I told them that if the agency closes at 1:00pm the system should not allow me to make the reservation at that time. So now Ive lost one day of rental. We get to the agency, they cancels our reservation and refused to rent us another car. We had to call the police finally and they came in the agency to fix the problem. We finally got our car thx god(and the police) but very very bad experience. Please avoid this agency.
Car drop off was fast and smooth during location opening hours.
Luiz is erg vriendelijk en spreekt goed Engels. Goed geholpen met de verhuur van de auto. Bij het ophalen van de auto goed op schade letten en aangeven. Ze helpen je dan goed om de schade in het systeem te zetten. Ik raad het zeer aan!
Much better than Sixt.
Hard to spot but worth it for the prime location, small gas station right out front that s a little shady but the guy who you have to pay cash was pretty nice.
Atendimento é meio confuso, mas, tudo bem
We rented a car for a week to drive around Cascais and Sintra. This was by far the smoothest car experience we have had, espescially abroad. Luis & Tiago where paragons of proffesionalism, helpfulness and all round superstars, including sharing local sites to see. After reading some of the negative reviews on here I am forced to conclude some of the people have never had to interact with other human beings, much less hired a car before. Yes, you will need a credit card. Yes, they will offer you insurance. Yes, you can politely decline. If you cannot afford either, maybe do not hire a car? Anyway, thanks so much Luis, Tiago and the Hertz team. We will be back.
Le véhicule nétait pas celui demandé au contrat.
Rude customer service right off the bat. For no reason whatsoever. Unpleasant experience.
The reservation was at 1 pm and I arrived at 1:03 pm . There was 3 employees inside. They closed the door on the front of me and went for lunch . Their lunch is 1,5 hr. I had to hang out outside with a young child . I asked why did they booked me at 1 pm if they have to have lunch. Did they plan to be done by 1:03 pm ? I cannot believe they literally kicked me out and I was left on the street with my family. I will be late for my planned action because of that . 1,5 hour is a long wait especially with a child
Great location! Everything worked well, we were a bit late but didn t have to wait a minute. We booked the car in advance via a third website (return elsewhere, so can t say anything regarding that). Pick up was perfectly organized and the staff is extremely professional and friendly especially Luis Gonçalves who took care of us. We even got an upgrade.
Oplichters! Ga hier nooit heen. Wij wilden een scooter huren, dit was voor 2 dagen met 2 helmen 118 euro! Bizar! Bij de Europcar kost het 38 euro.
Employee Sônia is very competent and kind Congratulations
Staff is rude and not helpful. Tried to charge me 10 times the amount I would have normally paid dont go there
Uma fraude, só não classifico com zero estrelas porque não há essa opção. Atendimento telefónico sem resposta, dez telefonemas e não atendem, quatro e-mail sem resposta. Facturam e debitam portagens que nunca foram efectuadas e depois remetem-se ao silêncio. De evitar a todo o custo, há outras melhores opções de aluguer de carros em Lisboa.
Tive uma ótima experiência! Funcionários atenciosos, rápido atendimento tanto para retirada do veículo como na devolução, sem burocracias. Recomendo.
A Friendship Born at Hertz Lisbon - Rua Castilho 72 If I could give more stars, I absolutely would! My recent experience with Hertz at their Lisbon location on Rua Castilho 72 was nothing short of exceptional, and its all thanks to the amazing team, particularly Nicole and Luis. From the moment I stepped into the rental office, I was greeted with warmth and professionalism. Nicole and Luis went above and beyond to ensure that my rental experience was seamless and stress-free. What stood out the most was their genuine friendliness and willingness to assist in any way possible. It wasnt just a business transaction; it felt like I was catching up with old friends. Nicoles attention to detail and thoroughness in explaining the rental process made me feel confident and well taken care of. She took the time to understand my needs and preferences, ensuring that I got the best possible vehicle experience for my 2-week Portugal trip. Luis, on the other hand, was an absolute delight to interact with. His upbeat personality and infectious positivity made the entire experience enjoyable. What struck me the most was their unwavering commitment to customer satisfaction. They didnt just treat me like another customer; they treated me like family. Nicole and Luis went out of their way to accommodate my requests and provided valuable insights to enhance my first-time travel experience to their incredible country. But what truly sets them apart is the genuine connection they build with their customers. It wasnt just about renting a car; it was about forging meaningful relationships. By the end of my rental, I felt like I had made two new friends in Nicole and Luis. If youre looking for a rental car experience that goes above and beyond your expectations, look no further than Hertz Lisbon - Rua Castilho 72. And when you do visit, make sure to ask for Nicole and Luis. Trust me; you wont regret it. I wish there was a way to recommend Hertz Lisbon - Rua Castilho 72 more than I already have. You truly will be wasting your time anywhere else for your rental car needs. Choose Hertz Lisbon - Rua Castilho 72 and experience the exceptional service firsthand. Thank you, Nicole and Luis, for making my maiden voyage into Portugal a truly unforgettable trip in so many ways!
Horrible customer service. Lots of attitude and lack of operational intelligence for car return
People definetelly NOT nice. Third time I try but never again. Terrible.
Rented an electric car from this location for a one-way drive to Porto. Great experience overall. Was running late to our car pickup, so called the local Hertz number to let them know I was running late. Friendly reservation agent said he would call the location and notify them of my arrival. Once at the location, very friendly staff processed my rental, explained all of the charges and showed me pics of the virtual walk around of the car. So glad we rented a car as we were able to stop in Obidos, Nazaré and Coimbra during our day-trip to Porto. Drop off in the Hertz Porto city center location was easy too. Great experience overall.
Im canceling my reservation and will probably never reserve a car here solely because of Francisco at the main center. I called the Hertz number to change my reservation. Got in touch with Joao who was nice and said thats no problem and he will talk to his boss and email me in 15mins with the change. The email never came, so I called again, and I would get connected to Francisco at the main Lisbon center (I think), who would transfer me to the City Center location, but every time the phone would go silent and then drop on its own. I called again and again, and explained to Francisco every single time what was happening and asked for his help to get connected. He became rude and said you just email them. Dude - you are in customer care. Your literal job is to help clients solve a problem and build a better relationship with your company, not rudely dump them on their own. Theres no way to contact the City Center office directly. Youre making it impossible for customers to get in touch with you (often times seems like its on purpose). Anyways, really dissapointed. Just going with Sixt I guess.
Atendimento zero , telefonei para reservar carro e fiquei pendurada sem atendimento
Efficient and professional service
Great experience,very kind and helpful team
We rented a car (Renault Clio) online, with basic insurance and when we arrived at the Hertz office (R. Castilho 72, 1250-068 Lisbon) they told us they would give us an Audi A1 for the same price, so everything was fine. On the other hand, at the end of the trip, we realized that the insurance they had given us was not the basic one that we paid for, but higher insurance and we had to pay an extra 322 on arrival. They told us that we had signed all this (obviously its all in Portuguese) and that we would not have given our consent if we had known this. We would have appreciated it if things had been explained to us adequately before we left and not on arrival when we had no choice but to pay. Im sorry, I will not use this company again.
Made reservation with 2 car seats, upon arrival they informed us they don t have them. Very unprofessional, we have to find now car seats separately.
Atendimento péssimo
Auto über Sunnycars gemietet, hier abgeholt. 09:00 morgens bei Abholung absolut unfreundlicher, älterer Mitarbeiter, lange Wartezeit. Uns wurden falsche Informationen bezüglich der Maut gegeben. Selbst die Drogendealer in Lissabon, die einen ansprechen sind freundlicher als dieser Mitarbeiter. Der Schlüssel wurde uns ausgehändigt, das Auto stehe unten. Da mussten wir uns einen Mitarbeiter suchen und aktiv ansprechen damit das Auto freigeparkt werden konnte. Andere Kunden hatten das gleiche Problem. Bei der Abgabe war der Mitarbeiter freundlicher aber auch hier lange Wartezeit obwohl anfangs nichts los war. Absolut unverständlich. Das Auto an sich war gut, allerdings nicht super gereinigt. Krümel von Vorgängern in der Ablage. Glücklich, dass ich über Sunnycars gemietet hatte.
They have a lot of hidden costs. I had a reservation online for the amount of 54eur and on the spot they requested 82 eur.
No problem. Efficient. In and out with hybrid fiat in 17 minutes
Good service
Wir haben unser Fahrzeug über SunnyCars gebucht und haben einen Seat Ibiza Neuwagen erhalten. Alles hat Problemlos geklappt. Alles wie gebucht, keine Zusatzkosten. Einen Stern abzug für den unfreundlichen Mitarbeiter der uns bedient hat. Die anderen beiden Mitarbeiter waren jedoch freundlich. Wir werden wieder buchen.
Freundlich hilfsbereit tip top
Muito tempo de espera para ser atendido! Apenas 2 funcionários para fazer todo o trabalho e mais de 10 pessoas esperando na fila.
2a vez e nas 2x tive problemas!!! 1 vez não devolveram uma cobrança feita a mais é na 2a entregaram carro com tanque pela metade falando que era problema no marcador mas não era. Fora a gerente que é mal educada. Fuja desse local!!!
Over 2 hours wait (with pre booking + confirmation) Terrible service !
Hours of waiting in line, don t go there
Out of 5 service desks, only 2 work on a busy Sunday morning. Waiting for more than 1 hour to collect a pre booked car
Great experience with first time rental and drive in Europe! Clean car. Had our car ready. Easy location for traveling in our out of the city!
I had a bad experience with them in 22. João, the employee with whom I dealt on my last trip (23) was very nice and helpful.
Wir waren pünktlich um 9 Uhr vor Ort: super unfreundlicher Mitarbeiter, ein älterer Mann, sehr lange Abwicklung, obwohl wir alle Angaben zu den Extras im Voraus gemacht hatten und die erforderlichen Dokumente bereit hatten. Das Auto mussten wir selbst in der Garage suchen mit Hilfe des Autosignals (wir hatten nicht einmal das Kennzeichen erhalten). Als wir das Auto gefunden hatten, mussten wir nochmals Hilfe holen, weil ein anderes Mietauto vor unserem Fahrzeug geparkt war. Eine Einführung zum Fahrzeug gibt es nicht. Nur auf unsere Nachfrage haben wir zudem erfahren, dass das Auto nicht über ein Navi verfügt. Was uns am meisten genervt hatte, waren die irreführenden Informationen zum Mautsystem. Nur auf unsere Frage hin hatte er geantwortet, dass wir per Kreditkarte die Maut bezahlen könnten. Effektiv war es aber so, dass das Fhzg über einen Via Verde Transponder verfügt und wir uns jeweils vor der Maut-Zahlstelle in diese Spur einordnen sollten. Ein wirklich sehr kundenunfreundliches Verhalten.
Sehr netter Mitarbeiter. Alles hat Problemlos funktioniert. Ich empfehle dringend Mietwagen im voraus Online zu buchen da die Preise in der Filiale mehr als doppelt so teuer sind. Wir hatten für 9 Tage 1100 Euro bezahlt via Vergleichsplattform waren es dann insgesamt 460 Euro.
Beware of scam Forces you to take the via box at 2 euros / day because it tells you that the French European bipandgo does not work. This is false And no choice if you want to have your car
1 h 30 dattente pour avoir son véhicule réservé 1 mois avant pour 25 jours...accueil tout juste poli dune dame revêche et peu disposée à lécoute. Les procédures de remise du véhicules bâclées avec juste un envoi par mail de photos pour tout état des lieux. Au retour un peu mieux avec une jeune fille peu loquace qui elle fait par contre bien le tour du véhicule et qui se contrefiche de notre remarque sur la difficulté de constater létat du véhicule au départ. Par ailleurs à noter que le véhicule navait pas été préparé convenablement puisque dès le départ un message dalerte sest affiché pour la pression des pneus. Agence à éviter.
Wir mussten leider trotz Termin fast 2 Stunden lang warten. Das war echt schade. Man muss also oft echt Zeit mitbringen. Der junge Mann der uns bedient hat war aber super nett und wir bekamen tollen Service. Zu der Wartezeit: Entweder müssten Besitzer mehr Personal einstellen, oder sie dürfen nur weniger Aufträge annehmen. Wenn schon eine Terminzeit wählbar ist und angeboten wird, sollte es nicht zu 2 Stunden Wartezeit kommen. Das Auto war aber sehr gut. Daher mehr Sterne.
Im Korean!! I was worried because the reviews were so bad. Im not good at English either haha. The female employee seems to be a bit high-ranking, but she is chic and kind. I thought it was a scam because the deposit was expensive, but when I came, it was expensive. I had to cancel the card later and fill up the gas tank. Everyone in Porto needs to use automatic hi-pass. I was scared because it was my first rental, but they even translated it with Papago. The staff took care of it well. Very Berry Nice
Welcome Benefit Price
Ótima localização e pessoal muito profissional e prestável.
Aluguei carro na Herz Lisboa, Rua Castilho 72, e não recomendo de modo algum. O atendimento ruim já começou na entrega. O funcionário fazia caras e bocas e colocou obstáculos para encontrar a reserva que eu havia feito, dizendo que não estava encontrando o nome do meu marido (a dificuldade foi porque o próprio sistema da Hertz abrevia o nome informado pelo cliente!). O carro apresentou problemas já no dia seguinte ao da locação. Foi-nos entregue com todos os 4 pneus descalibrados (contudo, essa questão foi fácil de solucionar, obviamente), mas o carro também começou a perder força. Estávamos hospedados em Lagoa e achamos uma loja da Hertz mais próxima em Portimão, outro município. Ao chegar, a loja estava fechada, porque era feriado (atenção: a Hertz não abre suas lojas nos feriados, se não for loja do aeroporto! Se você tiver problema com o veículo e não estiver perto de aeroporto, terá problemas). Tudo isso nos causou grande transtorno, já que usamos o carro para descolamentos entre as praias e os vilarejos do Algarve. Voltamos no dia seguinte a Portimão, encontramos finalmente a loja aberta e trocamos o veículo. Na entrega, outro problema: na reserva, constava a instrução de que a devolução deveria ser feita no endereço R. Castilho 72, Lisboa (loja mais próxima ao Centro, onde eu estava hospedada). Ao comparecer, a loja estava fechada, porque era feriado. Ao ligarmos para Hertz, disseram que era para entregar no aeroporto, bem distante do meu hotel. Perdemos tempo e dinheiro indo até o aeroporto e para voltar ao Centro. Experiência horrível.
No se porque alquilar un coche se convierte en algo tan pesado, lento, engorroso y que todo lo tienes que revisar al detalle incluyendo la cuenta final para evitarte sorpresas. Mejor alquilar en el aeropuerto. Cada cliente se gasta mas o menos media hora frente al mostrador. Así que llénate de paciencia, aparta tú tiempo y si te gustan los retos, saltar barreras e ir a contra corriente aquí hay uno interesante para tí. Tip: Si no vas a salir de Lisboa o incluso vas a sitios cercanos no vale la pena alquilar coche y si lo vas a hacer con Hertz ábrete una cuenta Gold y reserva previamente, ahorras algo de tiempo.
- No one answers the phone - Was charged more because the electronic toll tag was not installed on the cars windshield. + Good service in the office + Got a better car because they didnt have the car Ive booked.
Unglaublich lange Wartezeiten, 20 Wartende, 2 Schalter besetzt, der Rest quatscht oder telefoniert. Nie wieder Hertz mehr als 1 Std. Wartezeiten
Me encantó el sitio. Me recordó mucho a mis años en los que veía Dragón Ball Z y Vegeta se metía en la cápsula del tiempo, dónde 1 minuto dentro correspondía a 1 año de entrenamiento. El chico del alquiler nos dijo que íbamos a esperar 10 minutos hasta que nos atenderían. Por ahora han pasado 15 años, sigo esperando que me den el coche, pero he tenido 2 hijos, Pedro y María, con mi mujer, Gabriela, la cual la conocí porque ella también está esperando su coche. Ya nos divorciamos pero seguimos teniendo muy buena relación,por ahora llevamos la custodia compartida, una semana en la sala de espera 1 conmigo, y otra en la sala de espera 2 con su madre. Espero que mi familia, la cual se quedó en España siga bien. P.D: el café de la máquina no funciona.
I rented an automatic car from Hertz, and when I arrived today, they didn t have any automatic cars available. While I called around to other rental car agencies to see if anyone else had automatics available, all the Hertz staff went to lunch without saying anything. When I looked up from my calls to ask for help, there was no one available to answer questions. I have no idea when they are going to come back or who I can ask for help or what to do. I think I found another car, but I m not sure what s going to happen if I leave. I m just very confused. Edit: I emailed Hertz at the address they provided with my reservation details over 24 hours ago, and I haven t received a response. I ve tried calling this location and the central number for customer service, and I haven t been able to get a refund.
It takes ages to pick up your car. Very slow service. Do not book at this office.
This place has ok service giving us the best deal they could. But when we drove us the car started smoking and broke down. When we came back the worker here didn t even want to help and just called a pickup truck leaving us to do the rest of the work
Car started smoking and broke down. After trying to get out of the super super small garage they have there, not even two streets down and people are honking at us. Smoke starts to come in through the vents and windows and we get out of the car, the whole car is smoking and broken down. We then have to call a tow truck to come and pick the car up. They were not helpful and said they couldn t help us . Your better off taking a bus or uber.
got scammed do NOT go there it s very bad customer service
Se potessi darei -10, non per la condizione delle macchine ma per lassistenza e la gentilezza, in particolar modo della responsabile. Avevamo prenotato con Expedia e di fronte a un problema tecnico tra Expedia e Hertz abbiamo avuto nessun tipo di assistenza e nessun tipo di responsabilità a risolvere il problema. Risultato: perdita di soldi e di tempo (due ore per ritirare lautomobile e 60 persi chissà dove perché Hertz non vuole rilasciare ricevute). Lattenzione al cliente non si vede solamente nella pulizia delle macchine. Consiglio alla supervisor di rivedere i suoi approcci al cliente, lavarsi le mani e chiudersi in stanza non farà di lei una buona responsabile. Sconsiglio a chiunque di rivolgersi a questa filiale, dove la cortesia e linteresse al cliente sono pari al niente.
Freundlich, kompetenten Service, angenehmer Wartebereich. Mautbox würde gut erklärt.
Fomos muito bem atendidos! Pela primeira vez gostamos muito. Vamos ver se continuamos bem servidos.WCF
Fait ma réservation avec la carte de crédit de ma conjointe. Arrivé là-bas, il fallait payer pour le transpondeur et le dépôt. Afin de profiter de lassurance de la carte, nous devions lutiliser pour lensemble de la location. Le hic, là-bas, pour pouvoir finaliser avec sa carte, ils nous ont obligé dajouter ma conjointe comme second conducteur. 100 euros... Je ne recommande pas du tout. Cest du vol
If you want to enter a world of chaos and wait an hour to get your car hire then come here
Dépose et prise de voiture efficace. Dommage quil ny ait pas de possibilité de retour hors ouverture.
Pick up your rental car quickly and easily. Close to the center.
Péssimo! Carro já pago, mas para liberar precisei pagar de novo. Agora terei que resolver na volta da viagem.
Quick drop-off after pulling into the garage off the street. Very convenient and quite friendly. No issues or concerns.
Faire une réservation en gold rewards, le signaler à l entrée, attendre 45 mn en voyant des gens arriver après nous, passer avant nous, et au moment de récupérer (enfin) la voiture, devoir aller chercher de l aide car elle est garée derriere d autres vehicules le tout traité par du personnel qui semble avoir oublié ce que c est d être aimable avec les clients et au final voir que la garantie bloquee sur la carte bancaire n est pas encore levée au bout de 3 jours en dépit d un retour de vehicule absolument parfait Hertz à Lisbonne gagnerait à être repris en mains ! Bref, expérience discutable. Je précise que je parle portugais et anglais, donc c est pas dû de l incapacité à se faire comprendre. Deux étoiles parce que le véhicule était propre et en bon état.
Tragedia. W a nie mijaj 2 tygodnie odk d zda em pojazd i wci nie mam zwrotu depozytu na konto, mimo zapewnie , e b d 5 do 8 dni. Nie mówi c ju o tym, e pracownik zamiast zablokowa kwot , po prostu j pobra . Dodzwonienie si do biura graniczy z cudem. Na maile nie odpowiadaj . Bardzo nie polecam, i rz dam natychmiastowego zwrotu moich pieni dzy.
Super courtois, j ai réservé avec Expédia et tout étais parfait! Gens sympathique qui parle toutes les langues ou presque. Merci
Good experience. They were short staffed but did great regardless. Hertz need to streamline their process, for too many steps. Even for known gold customers it takes 10mins to process people. Madness
Beware! If reserving an automatic car don t expect to get one when you arrive. We called the day before and were told they didn t have any at our nearest location so we had to travel 30 minutes away, we reserved it and got a confirmation number but when we arrived they told us they didn t have any for us!! What am I supposed to do now? Very disappointing.
Convenient location with a good selection of vehicles HOWEVER you need to review the insurance information and rental agreement VERY carefully before you rent here. I reserved a car on the Hertz site directly and when I went to pickup my car the only insurance offered was partial for 45 Euros a day or full for 75 Euros a day. If I had booked the car through Expedia the insurance would have been $13 dollars a day. Plus, the staff didn t take the time to review the condition of the vehicle (you get pictures after you sign the agreement so make sure you take pictures of any concerns before you leave the location) or the additional charges. For example, you will be charged 2.70 euros per day for a transponder. They also process 1200 euros on your credit card as a deposit , which was not mentioned on the website before I got there. Finally, when I reviewed my final invoice in detail, I was charged for Glass and Tyres and Personal Roadside Assistance . Turns out that this is what they mean by partial insurance. In the end, it was a learning experience and you d be very wise to review all the details before you go to pick up the car. We had a hotel booked in the Algarve that day and our options were limited. If you have rental car coverage on your credit card, DO NOT purchase the overpriced insurance coverage at this location.
Nous avons réservé en ligne sur expedia. À l arrivée nous n avons pas attendu longtemps. La voiture était prête, propre et convenait à ce que nous avions demandé.
good experience fast and professional
We entered the store and were told to take a ticket despite being the only three there. So we waited and our number was called. It was kind of weird. The desk person also was fairly rude for no reason, but then very grateful after we finished. I have no idea what was going on. Our car was in good shape and we were in and out fairly quickly.
Jai été accueilli par du personnel parlant français, il ny avait pas dattente. La récupération du véhicule et le retour se sont très bien passés. Il y a une station service juste devant lagence et il est possible de refaire le plein avant de rendre le véhicule. Laccès à lagence nest pas simple car il y a beaucoup de circulation le matin.
Cancelled my reservation last minute
Horrific experience! They let us wait more than 3 hours before our car was ready!!
Zouden om 13 00 auto krijgen, echter zou het bij aankomst aantal uur vertraagd zijn. Bij 2e aankomst werd het opnieuw vertraagd en was er nog geen auto, werden ook simpelweg niet geholpen. Nederlandse filiaal maar gebeld die hebben ons top verder geholpen.
Geboekt via Sunny Cars. Om 13:00 zouden we de auto ophalen. Stipt 13:00 daar. Eerst zat de dame van de balie 10 minuten wat in te tikken. Daarna kregen we te horen dat de auto er pas om 15:30 zou zijn. Dus hier om 15:30 zijn, werden niet eens binnen gelaten ja nog een half uurtje toen Sunny Cars geboekt die dit goed opgelost hebben. Vervangend vervoer gekregen. Zeer slechte zaak.
They dont update their hours. Apparently they close at 1pm even though I had scheduled to return a car at 6pm. So clearly they dont even update the hours internally.
They are totally unprofessional. They sent us an email an hour before our reservation saying that they can t give us a car and we should not go there (even if we booked the car like one month ago). The employees were also rude. When we told them that this is unacceptable they said that there s not car for you and we can t do anything and that we should leave
We rented a car online one week before our arrival. One hour before the pickup they emailed us that they ran out of cars. No options, no immediate refund, just a rude employee not the slightest willing to find a solution. Unacceptable.
We rented a car online one week before our arrival. One hour before the pickup they emailed us that they ran out of cars. No options, no immediate refund, just a rude employee not the slightest willing to find a solution. Unacceptable.
We reserved an Economy car 3 weeks ago and received a confirmation. At our arrival at the rental station, there was no car available. They told us they have to cancel our reservation. After 30 minutes there was a car available, but in an higher class. We had to pay an extra charge of 40 to get this car. Since we had no other choice, we did this. I don t recommend to rent a car at this station.
Perfect experience. Luis was the most professional and kind person we could have asked for. Thank you again Luis. Obrigada, merci! Vitry/ Ivry connection
This place is a scam! The salesperson explicitly told us we will get the gas surcharge refunded to our credit card if we return the car with the full tank. At the end, they told us we chose the option to return the car with empty tank, and it is thus our fault that we returned the tank full. Furthermore, they charged our credit card 3 times after a few weeks, with no explanation/receipt regarding these charges. We wrote several emails to them and issued a complaint, but their responses were completely unrelated to the topic. We did not receive any receipts for the additional charges, and no refund for the gasoline. Don t go there.
Péssimo atendimento e profissionalismo abaixo do quiosque da esquina. Não gostei.
All good
great car. wonderful staff! Thank you!!!
Atendimento mito rápido e eficiente.
It s was very easy check in and drop off. Customer service is great everyone was pleasant. I would recommend this location.
Uma rent a car de excelência
Uma equipe fantástica parabéns
Atendimento 5*, equipa de excelência. Com toda a certeza que voltarei alugar um carro para as seguintes férias.
Eu adorei e recomendo . Atendimento espetacular, principalmente da dona Maria Nicole foi 5 estrelas. Preços muito acessíveis. Até a uma próxima
first time I was in Portugal, I was excited to drive in those narrow streets, and the team was so nice, they gave me the best tips to were I was going. And the highways are amazing. Definitely going back there and renting a car again!
Devolvi carro que aluguei em Almada, bom atendimento!! Equipa fantástica que estava ao atendimento, bem dispostos, simpáticos e com paciência para todas as perguntas que eu e alguns clientes colocamos!! Recomendo
fui recebido por uma equipe muito simpática. o atendente conseguiu esclarecer todas as minhas dúvidas e não tive problemas durante minha viagem. voltarei a alugar nesse lugar! :D
Personalul amabil i serviabil. Foarte dr gu i, ne-au explicat fiecare am nunt în parte i am avut parte de o ma in curat . De asemenea este de admirat la ei faptul c au o flot de ma ini nou . :)
Boa localização, a equipe muito simpatica, viaturas limpas, devolução rapida e digital!! Recomendo 5*
Very friendly service and efficient
Tudo correu muito bem. A equipa super atenciosa parabéns a hertz
I rented a car 2023 November 30th 9am, at the Lisbon city center(72 Rua Castilho). The Customer Sales Representative who helped me was Luis Conçalves. Here are the positives from my experience with Luis: - English skills: 10/10 - Listening to customers: 10/10 - Empathy: 10/10 - Finding the adequate solution: 10/10 I have been so pleased, enough to take my time to show gratitude and send this feedback.
Friendly service, easy location to drive out from Lisbon
What could this experience with Hertz have been if it wouldnt have been so fraudulent from the beginning. We booked a rental car here on our honeymoon, my wife being a hertz gold member showed her reservation and the agent already was a little grumpy while another customer across the room was screaming to the agent that they ripped him off. Not thinking this would be a red flag, we went on with our reservation and the agent told us that we could return the car either with a full tank or a partial tank and they would charge us by the liter. The tank would be coming up as a full tank now and we would get a refund for the difference on how much weve actually used. Given that the liter price was 2-4 ct cheaper per liter (as pointed out by the agent) than what most gas stations charged, we went ahead with this. Two weeks later, we were still hit with being charged for the full tank, even after the dropoff agent confirmed to us that we would only have to pay the difference and after several complaints with Hertz. Im all for Hertz being revived, but their customer service couldnt be much worse. Ive ended up loosing about 40 in gas surcharge on this rental because the customer service agent lied to me. I will not use Hertz ever again
Mich more complicated than US rental.
The one-way fee was very expensive.
Péssimo atendimento por parte dos funcionários deixa muito a desejar.
Após o meu carro ter avariado vim a este estabelecimento levantar a viatura de substituição, para meu espanto e por culpa da seguradora o carro não se tratava de um carro automático. Graças ao civismo e humanidade do Luís e da Nicole que estiveram mais de 2h comigo a ligar para a seguradora, para a centra de reservas e para todos os sítios possíveis lá consegui finalmente resolver a situação. Muito obrigada, se não fosse pela ajuda dos dois ainda estaria em lisboa à espera que a seguradora resolvesse a situação.
The service was terrible. Very rude staff. They offered something and didn t keep up with their part. Ruined the vacations. Worse rental experience ever
Very rude staff, since the begging, not friendly at all. Better use another company.
Il est toujours difficile de mettre un avis négatif et pourtant ! Aimabilité zéro Refuse de proposer un véhicule sous prétexte quon a pas réserver sur internet, alors que en direct sur mon portable plusieurs véhicules était réservables et disponibles Nous fais comprendre de partir... Cela fais plus de 15 ans que je suis client chez HERTZ ---- Du jamais Vu ! Lagence de location juste a coté de la rue est parfaitement pro et sympathique
Auto gehuurd en alles vooraf betaald. Omdat ze zich het recht voorbehouden om de auto aan een ander te verhuren wanneer je een uur te laat bent, waren we een half uur te vroeg. Ondanks alle voorbereidingen moest er nog een kwartier allerlei schermen ingevuld worden. Daarna moesten we wen kwartier wachten tot het 11:00 was. Vervolgens werd er 12 minuten aan een scherm geklikt on een reservering op een creditcard te zetten. Daarna kwam de vraag of we weer even wilden plaatsnemen en nu krijg ik te horen dat de auto er over 20 minuten is. Echt niet van deze tijd.
Péssimo serviço. Reservas feitas com antecedencia sem resposta e depois de insistencia revelam ridiculamente não ter viatura disponível sem apresentar qualquer soluçao. Não recomendo. Pessima experiência. Funcionários pouco profissionais
This place runs a scam operation. Do not give them your credit card. They added a charge days after we returned the car - we spent two months emailing and calling to understand the charge. It s been five months, and they still cannot explain what they charged us for. It s illegal not to provide a receipt, and this business cannot. Absolutely do not use their service. Eventually some VP called us from the US and gave us a gift card, but this office in Lisbon is still unable to explain why they actually charged us. If anyone there is reading this, by all means, respond to ticket #12703019. Last response said they ll get back to us in two weeks - that was January 24th. No response to our multiple emails since.
Also wir können wirklich nichts negatives berichten und es lief alles super. Wir buchten in Deutschland über SunnyCars einen Mietwagen und sind mit einem etwas mulmigen Gefühl aufgrund der sehr durchwachsenen Bewertungen zur Abholung gegangen. Die Vermietung war gut besucht, dennoch sind alle und auch wir schnell betreut wurden. Uns wurde nichts extra aufgeschwatzt , auch die Kaution war nicht höher als vorher angegeben und wir bekamen einen Mietwagen in einem wirklich guten Zustand. Wir waren sehr zufrieden
Sehr lange Wartezeit und Personal gestresst
Terrible service! Rude staff!
Never ever again - they have a severe management problem! Hertz car handover service was a complete disaster and it took over an hour to get the car. The man at the counter was friendly and ok. Then I waited 20 minutes for the car which came by a Hertz employee, in a poorly illuminated underground parking lot. The car was dripping wet - which made the identification of any defects nearby impossible. The Hertz employee handed me an Ipad with the text of the contract in Portuguese (knowing that I am a German tourist) and pointed to the signature field, that I should sign. I explained to him that I dont speak Portuguese and would like to find out from him before the contract acceptance what defects there are in the vehicle. Unfortunately, he didnt speak a single word of English, which is why I then spoke to the counter clerk again, that it was strange to have to sign a Portuguese contract and not receive any information about the vehicles defects when the vehicle was handed over. He said that was not a problem, photos of the car were taken on an ipad and I would later receive an email with an overview of all the defects. Now I was supposed to sign the Portuguese contract, which I also criticized. Then the manager came and explained to me in a friendly tone but aggressive tonality, my desired way of working with coordination of defects before written acceptance would not be usual at Hertz and the employee would take photos (using an iPad in a poorly lit underground car park) from a dripping wet vehicle, which I would later receive by email and then I could always report defects later (a strange procedure that I have not encountered before). I insisted that before I took delivery of the vehicle I wanted to see ALL the defects and have them marked in the photos, which the manager then did, very unwillingly but in the end. I asked her if it was normal for her to use non-English speaking staff to hand over vehicles to tourists and that I should sign a Portuguese contract. She then changed the language of the contract to English, added the numerous flaws in the photos and after additional photos of my own I was finally able to sign the English contract. It took more than an hour until we could finally drive off, costing a lot of nerves and trouble. My impression is that there is a real management problem here, since linguistically unsuitable employees are used for vehicle handover with non-Portuguese-speaking tourists and an unsuitable vehicle handover process is practiced. Overall it was a very unpleasant experience and I will definitely book again with Avis, Sixt or Europcar next time!
Worst Service ever!!!! I felt blackmailed. They wanted to charge insurance fees only because I had a VALID debit card instead of a credit card . Poor Service!
Everything went well. I pre-paid when I made the reservation. Only additional cost was to activate the paying highway automatic paying option at 7 . Arrived 2hr later than my reservation - due to late plane. My car was ready when I went at my desk. All good!
Made reservation 2 months in advance four days before pickup I found out they do not have a car for me. What s the point of the reservation. Disappointing
Dont forget to take a ticket. Employees are professional, car was nice / thanks for the upgrade
Atualmente quem precisa de carro grande para viajar com a família, essa com mais de 3 pessoas, terá dificuldade em conseguir um carro adequado para transportar suas bagagens, encontrará apenas carros muito rodados que nem uma boa higienização consegue disfarça o odor de ensebado, experiência própria. Segundo relato, a empresa está mudando a frota apenas para carros pequenos e manuais, diminuindo muito as opções dos clientes. As station Wagons, que são maioria nas frotas da cidade, estão desaparecendo das opções para aluguel.
. bmw .
El peor lugar del mundo, no sólo nos hizo perder dos horas, no nos quieren cancelar aunque la página no funciona, no contestan el teléfono, el peor servicio del mundo
Extremely unpolite
We needed a car to drive north to Nazarre for the day and then south to Algarve the next day. I was super hesitant to book here because of all the negative reviews over the past few years at this location. However, my experience with them was 5 stars from start to finish. We would recommend them .... - They opened at 8:30am promptly - Our agent spoke English beautifully - Youll need to show them passport if you dont have a local license - 15 mins walk through the contract and to get my car - They post photos of the car to the agreement and also encourage you to take photos as well - They talk you through the insurance options and I didnt feel pressured to take them - Reservation matched exactly to contract (rate/unlimited mileage/car type) - They do not have a lot of automatic car options so be prepared to drive a manual - 10 min drop off inspection when dropping off my car - No extra charges or hidden fees - Tolls booked to my card within 7 business days with little to no up-charge ($61 in toll charges for just under 1000 miles)
Long time waiting ..
Extremely slow service, took us almost an hour to get our car, but otherwise rental was fine.
Branch manager should be fired on the spot! Waiting for more than an hour for a car with reservation. And I m not the only one complaining given the horrible reviews of this Hertz location.
Très lent, bien que réservé à lavance nous avons dû attendre 90 pour récupérer notre voiture. Lorsque nous lavons retourne a la fin de notre séjour à faro, Impossible blé dobtenir un reçu
Aluguei o carro no aeroporto de Lisboa e devolvi na agência do Centro da cidade. Sem problemas, muito atenciosos.
I picked up a car from this company, and when I did so they told me that I could return the car wherever I wanted. When I returned it they charged me 50 because I did it at the airport. This company encourages consumers to return their cars elsewhere and then charges a fine for doing so. Be careful, they are deceiving consumers! They are inciting them to charge a fine!!!!
Although I am a Hertz Gold Presidents Circle member in the US, I had been extremely worried about renting a car in Portugal because of all the highly negative online reviews. However, I was incredibly surprised by how good my experience was in renting, driving, and returning a car at this Hertz location in central Lisbon. When we arrived we took a number and had to wait about 15 minutes, but when we were helped, I believe it was by the Manager, the service was very good and she explained everything well including the highway toll billing and payment process. The rental pre-inspection process in Portugal is different from the US, in that you are shown some photos of the car on an iPad and must accept these in order to rent the car, which is worrisome since you dont see the car itself. Thus, we also took many photos of the car ourselves as backup before driving off the lot. After a week using the car we returned it to the same location and simply turned in the keys to the same Manager. Happy to report that a few weeks after returning to the US, the billing was accurate, including all tolls and associated fees, and we were not challenged at all about the condition of the car. We were very impressed by our experience and would rent again from this Hertz location.
Be prepared to wait We have been sitting here for 1 hour and were not even close There are two people working four other terminals that could be utilized. Bummer! As an edit Once we get through the queue the staff was friendly and attentive, the procedure was quick. Just make sure to give yourself quite a bit of time.
Não gostei da experiência geral que tive. No atendimento não me foi oferecido ou perguntado nada. Não pude escolher o modelo do automóvel assim como não me deram opções se eu queria ou não tudo que eu pagaria. Solicitei o aluguel de uma cadeirinha de bebê, essa foi jogada dentro do banco traseiro, totalmente suja. Coube a mim instala-la e limpa-lá, penso que seria gentil se me ajudassem no trabalho, já que eu paguei por ela. Eu peguei o carro para descer de Lisboa para Porto, era apenas por um dia, mas sem que nada fosse dito, me deram a hora de entrega impressa no recibo para as 18h. Cumpri corretamente. Foi uma péssima experiência e não recomendo. Em 10 dias em Portugal, a Hertz, foi a única empresa que me maltratou por ser brasileiro. Senti o atendente sem paciência e preconceituoso comigo. Precisava do carro porque tenho um filho pequeno, se não teria desistido do negócio. Deixei o meu orgulho de lado. Pensem bem antes de alugar um carro no local, ainda mais se não for de origem portuguesa. Tenho todos os recibos comigo.
Auto già prenotata dallItalia. Tutto come richiesto.
Atendimento rápido e eficiente
We rented a car from this location and returned it later that evening to the Hertz in Porto, Portugal. We booked this reservation a few weeks in advance. We were charged for ONE ENTIRE MONTH and hertz has not replied to any of our emails or helped us over the phone. We were charged over $4,000 for a one day rental which should have been around $135. According to the receipt we were emailed, we still have the car, as they charged us for 31 days; this is impossible, as we flew out of Portugal on 10/25/22. It is obvious the rental agent mistakenly entered 9/23/22 as the pickup date instead of 10/23/22. We only had the car from the morning to the evening on 10/23/22. When we were at this location renting the car, the rental agent verbally confirmed our return date for the car would be that same evening and rushed us through signing the receipt. Hopefully writing this review will encourage the management to assist us in resolving this matter.
Renting the car went smoothly.we were upgraded on the spot.the return at airport took 3 minutes!
Esta oficina es horrible con un staff que Oria su trabajo (me lo ha dicho el mismo)
Without doubt the worst rental experience I have had in my life and having been a Hertz renter for over 25 years, I have now changed to Avis (who are just up the road from Hertz Lisbon for what its worth) and issued a new policy at our company that we no longer reimburse for Hertz rental cars - we now have a Do not rent list with the only company listed being Hertz. I had booked a car for a personal holiday months in advance. I show up to be told that Im on a Do not rent list. Can you please explain why? No. That is as helpful as they could be. I explained that I rent from Hertz every month and as recent as the prior week and this didnt make sense. No interest in resolving at all. They refused to contact anyone at Head Office to sort it out so I was left with wandering up to Avis who came to the rescue. So I then followed up with Hertz in the USA who advised that clearly it was a mistake and resolved the issue. However as a result of the attitude of the staff at this agency, I will never rent from Hertz again, nor will any of our 75 employees. Without doubt the worst experience Ive ever had renting a car, or quite possibly the worst service across all industries Ive ever encountered. Response to reply. I will contact you but you have all the information on file already. Did you even look up my details before you wrote your reply?
Rented the car a while ago. Overpriced. Very pushy regarding upgrades. The car had broken USB port. Do not recommend.
So I got a car for a few days and I was told that the fuel tank was full and that i should returned it that way in order to get my deposit back. The fuel indicator was divided into 10 lines and funny thing is that as soon as I drove aprox 1km it went from the 10 lines to 9 meaning it was barely fueled like to just reach the 10th lines. I have been driving more than 50Km and I am still at the 9th lines.« meaning that each line should be more than 50KM! Do not trust them.
can i contact you by e-mail?
Extremely slow service. You could watch grass go faster. 1 person on the service counter is not acceptable.
Equipa simpática, disponibilidade de viaturas com boas características, serviço de apoio ao cliente competente e atencioso. Nada a apontar, recomendo a Hertz como empresa de referência no aluguer de viaturas.
Para esquecer
Boa experiência muinto bom atendimento viaturas top
Le personnel pas aimable du tout pas d effort pour se comprendre
Hanno la casco carissima 50 euro al giorno una esagerazione
Muito bons serviços.
Drop off the car at this location (one way rental). Drop off experience was seamless and quick. Overall, very impressed with our first time experience with Hertz!
Rien à dire
Great service
No tenian autos disponibles.
Le personnel est très désagréable. De plus jai du changer trois fois de voiture en 8 jours. Les véhicules sont très mal entretenus. A éviter.
Terrible place. Arrogant. Unprofessional. Try to make you sign for car pics before seeing the car! Never saw Hertz service like this
. - . . - . . 18.20, , 5 , . 18.30, . 18.30, , 18.30 . , , 1 , , . , , , . , , , , , . . 5 . , .
Juste attendu 1 heure avec seulement 2 clients devant nous pour nous dire au final quil ny avait plus de véhicule disponible sans réservation. Pas du tout professionnel!
Assistant was moody and needs better customer service
Após verificar que poderia chegar ligeiramente atrasado à hora de entrega, liguei para os serviços centrais que por duas vezes reencaminharam a chamada para a loja da Rua Castilho, a qual ninguém atendeu. Assim, e para não perder mais tempo, desloquei-me à loja para entregar o carro. Perdi ainda mais tempo pois o Google Maps está a dar entrada pela R. Joaquim António de Aguiar e com o traço contínuo não é possível chegar à loja obrigando a voltas enormes e demoradas. Com estes atrasos entrei na loja às 18:30 em ponto (o relógio do carro marcava 18:27) e qual não foi o meu espanto quando a encarregada da loja diz, de forma bastante antipática, que não me atende e que tenho de voltar no dia seguinte. Tentei explicar a situação, mas o interesse e boa educação foi inexistente.
Voiture ok mais aucune explication ni mode d emploi, déverrouillage du réservoir placé sous le siège. Nous avons perdu 20 minutes au retour.
They have very nice cars at this location
Waiting forever
Worst herz (and all car rentals) service ever. Avoid this location to save your time and nervous system.
Já passou alguns dias e não devolveram os 80 da caução . Cuidado com esta empresa de alugar . Eles tentam sacar dinheiro das pessoas de todas as formas .
Nach 2 Stunden Wartezeit wurde ich vertröstet mit wir müssten noch warten bis ein mietwagen reinkommt absolute nicht empfehlenswert....
Die Autovermietung ist wie jede andere, man bekommt ein gutes Auto und es fährt. Wir haben ein Auto für einen Tag gebucht und hatte eine Check24 Versicherung. Hertz nahm trotzdem einen Deposit von insgesamt 1655 , was sehr viel ist, aber den Betrag für Selbstbeteiligung und Benzin denken soll. Nach Abgabe des Auto bezahlten sie diesen aber nicht wie besprochen nach 24h zurück. Ich musste auf das Geld über eine Woche warten und habe es bis heute nicht. Ich denke sie nutzen in Zeiten von COVID das Prinzip wie jede andere Firma. Private Kredite von Kunden nehmen. Klare Note 6 für das Verhalten!
Serviço rápido, eficiente, sem burocracia e tecnológico. Bons carros
Ottimo gelato e le torte spettacolari. Si vede la passione della titolare a l attenta cura e amore che ci mette nella scelta delle materie prime. Assolutamente da provare sono le torte..consiglio la foresta nera. Ottimo rapporto qualità prezzo. Andate a provare il gelato e tornerete di nuovo
Organização horrível depois da entrega da viatura ligam há procura dela . Não entendo . Evite deixar caução do depósito combustível eles não devolvem ficaram 80 .
Fomos super mal atendidos. No meio de uma crise econômica o funcionário não fez questão de dar qualquer suporte ou ajuda na locacao de um carro.
Thank you for the summer prolongation! We had great joy riding the new GS 1250 in Central Portugal. Everything was good, obrigado!
1 hour wait to collect the vehicle (reserved and paid 1 week before) Unable to modify a reservation To avoid.
Gave me a Fiat when I paid for a Jeep ??????
I was nervous because of the reviews here but had a totally pleasant experience picking up and returning my rental. It wasnt crowded at all, I didnt have to wait at all, the location is convenient, and Bernardo took good care of me.
Apesar da reserva de uma viatura a diesel não tinham nenhuma disponivel.
Sneaky thieves! I saw on a recent credit card statement that I was charged an undefined amount by Hertz (months after rental), after emailing them about what this hidden fee was there was a 2 day delay for them to tell me boldly it was for the road side assistance you signed for on your lease. The problem is: if I had been asked or had been aware of agreeing to this thats would have been good and well, but I most definitely would have declined that if they had actually asked me if I wanted it. I rented a car for 1 day to drive across the city, I did not need and would not have ever thought of asking for it. I would have expected to be told I was signing for it by the rep. When I asked them to respond to how they intend to correct this, theyve ignored me. In closing: Hertz, you wont get me as a customer again.
Atendimenro péssimo , 3 horas para devolver o dinheiro do deposito e nao foi devolvido .