Turisprime Rent a Car em Loures

Figo Maduro, R. 1º de Maio 9, 2685-388 Loures, Portugal

(1593 avaliações)
Tipos de Veículos: Car rental agency
Figo Maduro, R. 1º de Maio 9, 2685-388 Loures, Portugal
Código Plus
QVP9+JJ Loures, Portugal
Fuso Horário

Horário de Funcionamento

8 am–8 pm
8 am–8 pm
8 am–8 pm
8 am–8 pm
8 am–8 pm
8 am–8 pm
8 am–8 pm

Serviços e Características

Wheelchair-accessible car park Wheelchair-accessible entrance

Galeria de Fotos


1593 avaliações

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toll (31) shuttle bus service (30) bail (20) lisbon airport (16) terminal (16) via verde (15) video store (15) car (9) transfer (9) deposit (7)
5 estrelas
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1 estrelas
January 19, 2025

WE waited over one hour to the airport. The driver showed sleepy and he didn't apologise he just said that he ve been already here. Then when we gave the car the other worker of TURIS PRIME aked my wife if she recording him because she was holding her phone . And she had to show him the phone that she didn't record him. He show it and didn't apologise. He just said Ok. In my hole life i didn't find worse company and workers. Stay away.

December 31, 2024

A rip-off! 1. Apparently my credit card doesn't work, so I have to take out insurance. They don't even try to charge my credit card, but rather pressure me to do so. 2. after a lengthy discussion as to why they don't try to see if the credit card works, they try it with another (cheaper) additional package and lo and behold, it works. 3. The insurance taken out at home is also not accepted and you have to book the insurance from the provider. Cheeky! I relied on the good reviews, but exactly what is described in the bad reviews happened.

November 27, 2024

Honestly was super happy with this company. They stick to the contract (even though it took about 3 weeks to get my toll money back) and it was easy pick up and drop off. They were also super helpful and responsive when I had some concerns about the car I rented and they were helpful to resolve the issue immediately (of course it was a Fiat that had a small issue lol). Customer service all around was really nice and comforting for a foreigner, especially face to face at check in. I definitely recommend this company to rent a car. Side note: it is pretty clear some of the bad reviews are from people who do not understand how renting a car works and what the fees are

September 29, 2024

Worst customer service ever! Arrived to Lisbon with 2 hours delay. Got to the platform to wait for the comute van around 19, waited 30min with no sign of any van to pick us up. Started calling them over and over again, no answer. Then realised that actually the close at 20, which is unique for my experience with car rentals. Few minutes before 20 the van came and the guy told us our reservation was cancelled!!! How come our reservation was cancelled with no notice. We were left with no car, we had to rent last minute for 10 times more money for 3 days and waste one holiday to return to the airport and get new car from another more decent company. Don’t choose this guys, worst customer service ever.

September 22, 2024

If you want to rent a car in Portugal, do yourself a favor and stay away from this horrible company!!! Disgraceful service and filthy car.

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August 24, 2024

We arrived at the airport with 30min delay, waited 30min the shuttle, called several time, no answer, then took a cab to the garage to saw it closed...... We had to came back the next day to see a lady telling us we should be aware the garage closed at 8pm.... please tell me HOW? It says 12am on Google maps and they never sent us a message upon our arrival And the lady threatening us to cancel our reservation if we are not happy... perfect customer service - keep it this way

August 21, 2024

Awful awful rude staff. We booked a rental car with my name as the main driver. Our joint bank account card has my husband’s name on it. In the small print it says the client’s card will be locked. This is what I overlooked - despite my husband being the client as well. So they wanted to charge me €368 to make my husband the named driver. Of course we said no. This is how these cheap rental companies make their money. They find any minor detail to rip you off. The lack of empathy is another level. Computer says no and that’s it. We have rented cars in Greece, Turkey, France, Germany, USA etc and we have never had a problem. Want to change the named driver? No problem! Want to joint account? No problem. I will never use this company again. Not until they join the modern world and I will tell all my family who come here regularly to see my parents not to use this company.

October 27, 2021

Had a horrible experience with this company. You get what you pay for. Upon arriving to the airport, we had to wait 30 mins to get picked up even when I informed them of our flight number. When trying to call, was only able to reach someone after the 5th try. Car was reserved for 19:00H however due to the delay in pick up we finally got the car well after the original booking. Upon seeing the condition of the car, you can already tell that they are not well maintained, since there were numerous scratches. I had 3rd party insurance, and based on previous car rental experiences, you get escorted to your car and you go together with a representative over all the damages for documentation. This was NOT the case! Upon returning the car, there was an accident on the highway which resulted in a delay of returning the vehicle. I tried calling again the airport office, however AGAIN no answer! We finally arrived at the drop off location, however there was a guest ahead if us who had some credit card issues. This further delayed the return process and in the end they charged us 1 EXTRA DAY!! Not only that, since we didn’t notice a small scratch on the rim, they had the nerve to charge us €450,50!!! They’re excuse was that they would have to change the while rim which is total B.S. since you can tell no damages have been ever repaired. I have Emailed them addressing the issues and they have yet to reply. Overall this has been a lesson never to book with such an incompetent company. You get what you pay for, and I would have gladly paid more to get a more reliable and customer oriented company. Do yourself a favor and save yourself not only nerves but also money and book somewhere else!

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Guia Local
January 27, 2025

The car rental shop was easily accessible; however, I found the aggressive and unfavorable insurance/warranty upselling to be unsatisfactory.

Guia Local
January 10, 2025

Solito problema dei rental. Non parlano italiano si spiegano male in inglese, danno per scontate le loro regole e intanto bloccano caparre e fanno firmare cose che non puoi capire nei 10 secondi che ti danno. Alla riconsegna dovrebbero poi far controfirmato qualcosa che garantisca che tutto è ok sullauto. Invece niente.Se poi tenti di capire qualcosa si spazientiscono (daltra parte i soldi non sono i loro). Purtroppo ancora devo trovare un rental che offra un servizio adeguato, lavorano tutti allo stesso modo e male

Guia Local
December 31, 2024

Realmente iria dar uma nota 05 pois não tive qualquer tipo de problema PORÉM no dia da entrega fizeram uma cobrança sem aviso prévio em nosso cartão. Notei ontem quando estava verificando minha fatura. Hoje passei o dia ligando para a central de Lisboa porém ninguém atende. Achei uma falta de respeito. Estou comunicando a TAP pois a venda foi dentro do site. Abaixo recibo qual não consta qualquer cobrança. Ressalto que paguei todas as vias verdes com meu cartão e o carro foi entregue lavado e com tanque cheio. Aguardo estorno do valor cobrado.

December 31, 2024

Gostei o carro era bom não tive problema

Guia Local
November 30, 2024

Top Service, transfer fährt ständig Runden, hat .an ihn aber gerade verpasst muss man ca 30min warten.

November 30, 2024

Zéro, je ne mets même pas une étoile ! des personnes malhonnêtes surtout la personne féminine très désagréable. Il n ont pas voulu être arrangeant alors que j avais appelé pour dire que l avion avait du retard et que je décalais au lendemain matin. Ils ont annuler la réservation initiale et on fait une nouvelle réservation multipliant le tarif par 3. De plus quand j ai été sur leur site réservation internet le tarif en ligne était beaucoup moins cher qu à leur agence au guichet . Je ne recommande pas du tout.

November 30, 2024

Personnellement, notre expérience avec Turisprime Lisbonne a été plutôt bonne. La navette était bien là lorsque nous sommes sortis du terminal, chauffeur aimable qui nous a aidés avec nos bagages, nous étions à lentrepôt de location 10 minutes plus tard et avons même eu le plaisir de récupérer une voiture plus grande que celle que nous avions réservée. Cest vrai quil faut être bien au courant des garanties apportées par votre carte bleue de paiement pour éviter de payer inutilement lassurance proposée sur place. En revanche, aucun problème avec le système de télépéage : nous avons laissé une empreinte pour 75 mais navons été débités que des 13 réellement utilisés. Aucun problème au niveau de la caution qui na jamais été prélevée. Interlocuteur masculin plutôt sympathique qui a pris le temps de nous expliquer les subtilités de fonctionnement de ce genre dagence devant nos doutes quant à ce fameux état des lieux à faire seul : prendre le temps de faire des photos et des vidéos du véhicule avant de quitter lagence, cest la date de celles-ci qui fera foi si des dommages sont ensuite déclarés. Je mets seulement 4 étoiles pour cela car je nai pas aimé ce principe, pour moi cest un peu le minimum que lon puisse demander dune agence de location de faire le tour du véhicule ensemble avant de partir. Sinon pour le reste, très bien, pour ce prix cest normal de sattendre à un service un peu plus low cost que celui des loueurs classiques qui sont à la touchée des terminaux.

Guia Local
November 30, 2024

Blijf hier weg Heel onvriendelijk personeel Auto met veel schade Band stond na 1 dag plat Na indienen kreeg ik bevestiging dat de waarborg zou teruggestort worden maar er werd 45 euro van de borg gehouden Klacht via booking loopt nog Sluit om 20u en neen men gaat niet op je wachten als je bijv om 19u30 aankomt in de luchthaven !!!!! Heel slechte service !

November 30, 2024

Buchen jedes Mal unbegründet und unerlaubt Geld vom Konto ab nach der Rückgabe. Zudem das schlechteste Personal

November 30, 2024


November 30, 2024

Evito di spiegare la mia esperienza perché, ve l assicuro, è ampiamente spiegata dagli utenti che hanno recensito prima! Esperienza pessima, utenti veloci approssimativi e frettolosi ( stavano per farmi fare una transazione da 470 euro per la cauzione senza neanche spiegarmi il motivo, meno male che essendo sveglio mi sono fermato e ho detto no!) Condizioni non chiare! Abbiamo pagato più del dovuto e io mi sento truffato! Una volta capito di esser stato truffato li abbiamo chiamati e ci hanno messo in attesa per un sacco di minuti! Quando preso dalla frustrazione ho scritto loro un messaggio dicendoli che avrei risolto la questione con l avvocato, magicamente hanno risposto e hanno spiegato il motivo di certe transazioni: io purtroppo non posso spiegare i motivi perché ancora ora non ho capito, non sono state chiare le spiegazioni Sono dei LADRI! Concludo così: TRUFFA LEGALIZZATA DALLO STATO! ascoltate bene: non andate li, piuttosto spostatevi in altro modo ( ho speso più per il noleggio di 4 giorni che per tutta la vacanza in Portogallo!) 4 gg in Algarve più 3 a lisbona!! Ascoltate bene: non andate lì! AGG REC: AL MIO RIENTRO IN ITALIA SONO STATO COSTRETTO A BLOCCARE LA MIA CARTA DI DEBITO, IN QUANRO SPAVENTATO DAL FATTO CHE LORO SONO RIUSCITI AD ADDEBITARMI DEI SOLDI DAL CONTO SENZA CHE IO DOSSI FISICAMENTE LI, SENZA CHE IO AUTORIZZASSI NULLA! ANDATE ALTRIVE FIDATEVI

November 30, 2024

A minha experiência foi péssima, bom na verdade eu tive um dos dias mais complicados com essa empresa! Super mal educados e impacientes sem se preocuparem com o bem estar do cliente, devo salientar que nunca mais irei alugar um carro nessa empresa. carro super sujo, carro batido, carro com cheiro de tabaco! Essa empresa é a personificação de tudo que é errado no que tange a atendimento simplesmente uma vergonha Nunca senti-me tão humilhado e desrespeitado como ser humano. Quer um conselho de alguém que sofreu na mão deles ? Nunca mais alugue nenhuma viatura na mão deles.

November 30, 2024

Péssimo. Fomos trocar o carro e ainda por em más condições como podem ver na imagem Onde já se viu , entregar um carro ao cliente com o veículo em mal estado ? Sem falar no atendimento, que porventura se encaixa perfeitamente com os outros clientes que vieram nos comentários reclamar, são péssimos. Não é a primeira vez que fazemos algo com esta empresa, mas hoje , falharam e não tiveram a consideração pelo cliente . Não retornaremos. E não recomendamos.

October 31, 2024

Olha parece mentira mas correu tudo bem até eu perguntar quando seria devolvido o caução que foi pago, e me informaram que entre 2 semana o dinheiro seria devolvido, e já se passaram 2 meses e nada de devolução, não atendem telefonema e não respondem aos e-mails enviados...Uma falta de comprometimento com o cliente... Vamos tentar via judicial para ver se resolvemos, mesmo que não me sobre nada mas vou encomodar.

Guia Local
October 31, 2024

Absolutely not to recomend !!!!! Unfriendly and let me wait 2 hours at the airport because they barely pick up the phone!

October 31, 2024

Noleggiato auto da loro per la seconda volta..impeccabili e veramente economici!!..mi hanno dato una jeep Compass automatica a 40 al giorno!!..basta leggere le condizioni del contratto che vengono fornite via Mail per nn intaccare in sorprese inaspettate!!

October 31, 2024

Auch uns wurde versucht eine Versicherung aufzuschwatzen (230-300 für zehn Tage). Neben uns diskutierte die Mitarbeiterin sehr unangenehm mit einem Kunden, der ebenfalls die Abweichungen der Konditionen nicht verstand. Check24 versicherte uns, dass wir voll versichert sein, wie gebucht. Wir haben also keine Versicherung genommen, der Mitarbeiter war sichtlich genervt davon und hat das Auto ohne gemeinsame Kontrolle übergeben. Die Station als auch das Unternehmen waren für eine Frage während der Mietzeit nicht zu erreichen, trotz tagelanger Versuche per Mail und Telefon.

Guia Local
October 31, 2024

Habe über billigermietwagen (nicht Check24) gebucht, hat alles wie versprochen geklappt und die Prozesse beim Abholen und der Übergabe waren gut. Die Maut wurde (wie bei Abholung ausgemacht) im Nachhinein bei mir abgebucht, alles in Ordnung. Ich update diese Rezension, falls noch unerwartete nachträgliche Kosten kommen.

Guia Local
October 31, 2024

Rude , unclear, lots of surprises and extra costs at the counter. I had to give 3 different deposits, charges that were never mentioned while booking. Extra star because the car was totally fine.

October 31, 2024

Spoko wypo yczalnia, polecam.

October 31, 2024

Il prennent tes carte de crédit pour des dépot comme lessence, assurance et les poste de péage. Quand th retourne la voiture il te dise que tout est ok. Ils sont au courant que tu retourne la voiture juste avant daller a laéroport et que tu ne reviendras pas. Alors ils en profite pour te voler. Nous avont eu des transactions de 150$ sur nos carte pour aucun motif venant de cette compagnie. Et depuis ils ne répondents pas au téléphone et au courriels. Nohs nohs sommes fait voler. Alors conseil. Au retour de la.voiture, désactiver vos carte de crédit et assurer vous de retourner la voiture une journée avant daller à laéroport. Se sont des voleurs

Guia Local
October 31, 2024

No-nonsense autoverhuur.

Guia Local
September 30, 2024

Customers with family beware of this place.. the kids car seats are extremely dirty or full on fungus.. a lady when asked about this was super rude and acted as if we were asking the car for free.. they just throw some kids car seat at you without any instructions manual.. and you should then figure out yourself.. the person behind the counter was acting as if customers are loan defaulters.. had to pay 200 more of extra insurance although booking.com had given an insurance.. customer service is worst with 4-5 days wait time for email replies.. extremely unprofessional

Guia Local
September 30, 2024

Lagence de laéroport de Lisbonne cest vraiment du nimporte quoi Un transfert de laéroport vers lagence était prévu mais personne nest venu on a dû prendre un taxi. Laccueil à lagence pas sympathique du tout on a limpression quils se foutent de votre gueule.

Guia Local
September 30, 2024

Worst company, stay away unless if you want a headache

September 30, 2024

Kann die schlechten Bewertungen nicht verstehen. Wir haben über billigermietwagen gebucht (nicht Check24, vielleicht ist das der Knackpunkt). Als wir ankamen haben wir eine Nummer gezogen, vor uns waren noch zwei Nummern dran. Nach 10 min waren wir an der Reihe, haben Führerschein, Ausweis und Kreditkarte vorlegen müssen. Uns wurde nichts aufgeschwätzt, uns sehr transparent durch alle Kosten geführt und die Kreditkarte zusätzlich mit 75 belastet, was für die Maut Via Verde gedacht war. Dies funktionierte als Guthaben , was am Ende des Mietens (teilweise) zurückerstattet wird. Wir wurden auch darauf hingewiesen, dass Fotos mit Zeitangabe als Beweis für vorhandene Schäden gelten (wurden bei Rückgabe nicht benötigt). Das Auto an sich war top, ein paar Kratzer an Front und Heck aber keine einschränkenden Schäden. Die Rückgabe verlief schnell und ohne Probleme (keine 3 Minuten) und wir wurden mit dem Shuttle ohne Zusatzkosten zum Flughafen gebracht. Visa Debit Karten werden akzeptiert.

Guia Local
September 30, 2024

Kundenservice ist unter aller Kanone. Die Mitarbeiter sind unfreundlich und nicht lösungsorientert - wir haben über check24 ein Auto gebucht und Geld wurde bereits abgebucht aber wir haben kein Auto bekommen und wurden auch noch angeschnauzt

Guia Local
September 30, 2024

LEIHWAGEN-ALBTRAUM!!! Wir haben diesen Vermieter über check24 gefunden. Nachdem wir im Portal +8 kundenzufrieden gefiltert haben. Wir wollten die vollwertige(!) Kreditkarte über mein google-wallet erbringen. Lt. AGB wurde dies nicht ausgeschlossen. Der Agent sagt sofort dass dies nicht möglich sei und ließ auch nicht mit sich diskutieren. You are wrong, if you think different talk to your broker, check24 or what ever Check24 schlug als Notlösung das abschließen einer zusatzversicherung vor. Nach ewigen warten konnten wir das mit dem Agenten besprechen. Wir sollten zu den bereits gezahlten 120 nochmal weitere 240 für tankversicherung und unfallversicherung bezahlen. Wir sagten dass uns das zuviel wäre. Dann wurde es unseriös: der Agent sagte man müsse ohnehin eine Versicherung abschließen auch wenn man die Kreditkarte dabei gehabt hätte. Und unterm strich hätten wir nur wenig mehr bezahlen müssen sagte er. Das ist höchst widersprüchlich da lt. Check24 eine Versicherung in den 120 die man vorab bezahlen muss bereits enthalten war. Dieses unseriöse Verhalten haben wir bereits bei anderen Kunden beobachtet die vor uns am schalter waren. Alle wurden bedrängt eine weitere Versicherung zu kaufen und mindestens zwei waren ebenfalls kunde von Check24. Viele telefonierten hektisch und sahen mal verärgert mal ratlos aus. Insgesamt war die Stimmung unter den kunden sehr angespannt. Auch das protokollieren von vorschäden schien bei anderen kunden nicht problemlos akzeptiert zu werden denn ein kunde sagte wenn sie diesen schaden hier nicht protokollieren möchte ich sofort ihren supervisor sprechen Das alles hat uns veranlasst schadenbegrenzung zu betreiben und wir haben uns vom shuttle zurück zum airport bringen lassen um weitere böse Überraschungen zu vermeiden. Resümee: Urlaubplanung komplett kaputt, 1 Tage verloren und 120 für nix ausgegeben.

September 30, 2024

Super bad experience. Our flight got delayed. We tried to call the customer service a few times during working hours, but we haven t received an answer still. (2 days of trying to call). Check24 customer service tried to reach out to Turisprime too without any luck. We also paid a part of the fee.

September 30, 2024

Experiência Péssima com a Turisprime - Não Recomendo! Fiz uma reserva com a Turisprime no aeroporto de Lisboa, e a experiência foi, para dizer o mínimo, desastrosa. Cheguei ao aeroporto com um atraso de 1 hora devido às condições meteorológicas na origem e segui para o ponto de encontro indicado. No entanto, esperei por mais de 30 minutos e não apareceu ninguém da Turisprime. Tentei entrar em contato ligando para o número disponível na reserva, mas ninguém atendeu, nem mesmo no escritório de Prior Velho. Após mais de 30 minutos de espera e tentativas frustradas de contato, fui forçado a chamar um Uber para ir até a locadora, o que já começou a gerar bastante frustração. Ao chegar à Turisprime, o único ponto positivo foi que já tinham a minha reserva identificada. Contudo, o atendimento prestado por um funcionário específico foi inaceitável. O recepcionista, um homem de cabelos pretos e barba mal feita, com cerca de 30 a 38 anos, tratou-me com total desrespeito. Apesar de eu ter explicado claramente que já tinha adicionado um seguro à minha reserva, ele insistiu de forma rude e sem argumentos convincentes que eu deveria contratar outro seguro, afirmando que o meu não funcionaria. Quando continuei explicando a minha posição calmamente, ele ainda fez questão de insinuar que seria complicado utilizar o meu seguro em caso de necessidade, dando informações confusas e contraditórias. O ápice da falta de respeito veio quando entreguei meu cartão de crédito para pagamento. O funcionário, sem sequer olhar para mim, tirou o cartão da minha mão de forma brusca e sem o mínimo de educação. A sensação de ser tratado como um incômodo ficou ainda mais evidente quando ele, de forma grosseira, mandou que eu esperasse do lado de fora como se eu fosse um animal. Para piorar, após cerca de 10 minutos de espera, ele apareceu com um carro que estava encharcado e com os vidros mal limpos. Sem qualquer simpatia ou cuidado, simplesmente jogou a responsabilidade para mim, dizendo em um tom rude: Veja se está tudo bem com o carro e se falta alguma coisa diz antes de ires, e foi embora sem sequer se importar com a minha resposta. Infelizmente, o péssimo atendimento desse funcionário estragou completamente a minha experiência com a Turisprime. Após ser tratado com tanto desrespeito, decidi que jamais voltarei a usar os serviços dessa empresa em Lisboa. O que deveria ter sido uma simples experiência de aluguel de carro transformou-se em um cenário de descaso e falta de profissionalismo. Se este funcionário tem realmente mais de 10 anos de experiência no setor, como ele alegou, deveria rever urgentemente suas habilidades de atendimento ao cliente. Turisprime, melhorem o vosso atendimento, pois desse jeito estão a perder clientes!

September 30, 2024

Il y a un an j ai réserver une location en ligne via booking, comme certain avis le dise compagnie très douteuse il vous donne la voiture dans le noir sans état des lieu avant , ne vous faite pas avoir sur leur dépôts de garantie de l assurance des gros voleur , Rendu la voiture ras le gars n a même pas regarder le véhicule ( j avais pris des photo ) 2 sem plus tard il rentrait sur mon compte de 1650 j ai dû me battre 3 mois pour qu il me rembourse aujourd hui 1 ans après il vienne de me débiter 33 d une certaine amande d excès de vitesse à éviter !

August 31, 2024

Impiegato estremamente maleducato.

August 31, 2024

Pire agence de voiture de location sur lisbonne nous avons réservé sur un site internet une voiture 1 semaine et au final on se retrouve sans voiture et aucune solution. Le service navette inexistante entre laéroport et lagence dautre français on récupère une voiture avec un pneu crevé et une autre en reserve je vous déconseille cette agence

Guia Local
August 31, 2024

Flott und unkompliziert. Gratis-Shuttle vom Flughafen beim abholen (Grüße an Eduardo in Faro, bester Mann mit den schönsten Ausflugs- und Lebenstipps!) und beim zurückbringen zum Flughafen.

Guia Local
August 31, 2024

Very nice car, and one of the lowest credit carts deposit needed rent a car in Lisbon. They have shuttle to the airport. Remember to always take pictures and film the car before living. It s a must do in Lisbon. Always.

August 31, 2024

Horrível a pior de sempre há duas semanas que espero o dinheiro do depósito ninguém responde a e-mails ou a telemóvel vou ter que por o meu advogado nisto por isso aqui não recomendo trabalham mal mas mal !!!

Guia Local
August 31, 2024

La location sest bien passée, mais ils mont chargé des frais de péage alors que le système électronique Via Verde nétait pas dans le véhicule. La personne au Check-out a constaté que le badge nétait pas sur le pare brise et quil avait peut-être été volé... Vu quils ont conservé mes infos de certe de crédit, jai fait remplacer ma carte pour éviter dautres vols. Un litige de seulement 12 , mais méfiance, il y a beaucoup davis négatifs en ligne sur cette compagnie.

Guia Local
August 31, 2024

Theyre the worst, get to the airport wait 25 min for a shuttle no one shows up call both numbers nobody answers. Get to their terminal and only 2 people at their desk for many clients to pick up car so another 40 min waiting.

Guia Local
August 31, 2024

Abbiamo noleggiato unauto con turisprime per un giro del Portogallo, allarrivo in aeroporto abbiamo atteso 45 minuti la navetta che si collegamento con gli uffici perché il conducente non ha fatto rispettare lordine di arrivo dei passeggeri. Arrivati allufficio del noleggio abbiamo dovuto attendere altri 45 minuti per poter accedere al desk e ritirare lauto perché sebbene ci fossero 5 banchi di accoglienza solo 2 erano arrivi. Sul contratto era chiaramente evidenziato che avevamo richiesto e pagato il servizio di riconsegna auto in altra città, ma volevano farcelo pagare nuovamente. Non ci hanno spiegato nulla in merito al pedaggio autostradale e come andava pagato, fortunatamente ci siamo accorti che avevamo il servizio Via Verde attivo e quindi abbiamo evitato i caselli automatici e pagato cash il pedaggio autostradale. Se non avessimo proceduto in questo modo oltre a pagare il pedaggio autostradale avremmo pagato anche 75 per la fruizione del servizio Via Verde. Sul contratto che avevamo ricevuto dopo l acquisto online del noleggio non era specificato che nonostante avessimo pagato l assicurazione andava lasciata comunque la cauzione di 1550 euro. Decisamente da evitare come rent car, anche perché a conti fatti il risparmio paragonato allo sbattimento provocato non è stato proporzionale, tra l altro siamo arrivati in ritardo ad una visita guidata prenotata a causa delle attese. Ripeto: da evitare

Guia Local
August 31, 2024

Disgusting service! Do not use!

August 31, 2024

Lack of staff. Long waits.

August 31, 2024

Best staff! Best service! Turisprime charged corectly rentacar sum. The employee blocked my credit card with also 2 another different sums - deposit for the rentacar and deposit for the travel/highway taxes.They unblocked correctly(on the next day of car returning) the car deposit. About 10 days later on email I receved full list of my travel/highway taxes and they charged me with correct sum and unblocked the rest! Recommend full insurance although the Portuguese are very correct drivers.

Guia Local
August 31, 2024

I was not able to pick up the car I rent trough carjet because they would not accept my digital drivers license. Of the official brazilian government app with QR code. That I was able to even purchase a car and drive the whole year in portugal. I took a 1 hour drive from ericeira to lisbon to rent the car. As soon as I got to the place they let me know that they wont rent me the car without the physical document. So this doesnt make any sense, and why wouldnt they let me know this Im advance? I was able to rent from other places with this document without any issue. This was the first time I had faced any issue related to my drivers license in portugal

August 31, 2024

J ai loué un véhicule avec turisprime je l ai restitué il y a un mois sans problème et avec le plein d essence à ce jour aucun remboursement de mes dépôts de garantie essayant de les contacter par mail à plusieurs reprises aucune réponse à ce jour donc je ne conseille pas cette société de location pour vous prendre les sous ils savent faire mais pour rembourser la plus personne

August 31, 2024

Non si può obbligare le persone a fare una assicurazione extra, nonostante ne avessi già fatta una cosa discover cars. Mi hanno messo in una condizione di doverla fare per forza e questa è una cosa spiacevole. Purtroppo questa agenzia è poco chiara sulle sue politiche durante il contratto e gli addetti della reception sono frettolosi e approssimativi. Cera la possibilità di fare due coperture con franchigia diverse: di cui una da 300/400 che poi ti verranno ridati alla fine del noleggio, (giustamente scritto nel contratto) oppure un forfettario da 150 con una assicurazione extra fatta da loro in agenzia. (cosa pressoché inutile e soprattutto soldi che non riavrò indietro) Alla fine mi hanno obbligato a fare questultima perché sulla mia carta di debito non cera il mio nome, quindi non potevano farmi la classica assicurazione che avevo stipulato on line. Quindi alla fine oltre ad aver pagato sul sito 150 euro di noleggio compresa la copertura totale, mi hanno sfilato altri 150 in agenzia. Avrei dovuto mettermi a discutere, ma siccome siamo in vacanza e purtroppo a rimetterci siamo noi in questa condizione, alla fine ho dovuto lasciar stare. Dispiace perché la macchina era in buone condizioni e il ragazzo del servizio navetta era veramente simpatico e disponibile. Però quanto accaduto influisce troppo sul voto finale della recensione

Guia Local
July 31, 2024

Turisprime Rent a Car offers a reliable and customer-friendly car rental experience. During our first booking, we received a smaller category vehicle due to availability issues. However, on our second booking, they allowed us to choose the vehicle we wanted, which was a great gesture. The staff is very polite and accommodating. For our second rental, we were supposed to return the car on Sunday night, but we brought it back on Monday morning when they opened, and they didn t charge us extra. Overall, Turisprime Rent a Car provides excellent service, and I would recommend them for their flexibility and courteous staff.

Guia Local
July 31, 2024

Recentemente aluguei um carro com a Turisprime e tive uma experiência excepcional do início ao fim. Desde o momento da reserva até a devolução do veículo, tudo correu de maneira suave e sem problemas. O processo de reserva foi simples e direto, com várias opções de veículos disponíveis. Ao chegar na loja, fui recebido por uma equipe extremamente amigável e profissional, que fez questão de esclarecer todas as minhas dúvidas e oferecer o melhor atendimento possível. O carro que escolhi estava em perfeitas condições: limpo, bem conservado e com todas as funcionalidades operando perfeitamente. A entrega do veículo foi rápida e eficiente, o que é sempre um grande ponto positivo para quem está com pressa ou tem um cronograma apertado. Durante todo o período de aluguel, o carro se comportou de maneira excelente, proporcionando uma viagem confortável e segura. Além disso, a Turisprime oferece preços muito competitivos e transparência em relação aos custos, sem taxas ocultas ou surpresas desagradáveis na hora de pagar. Por fim, o processo de devolução foi tão simples quanto o de retirada, sem complicações e com a mesma cortesia demonstrada no início. Recomendo fortemente a Turisprime para quem precisa de um serviço de aluguel de carros de alta qualidade e confiável. Com certeza voltarei a usar seus serviços em minhas próximas viagens.

Guia Local
July 31, 2024

Servizio rapido ed economico, con navetta da e per laeroporto. Pagato poco , ma la Fiat Panda noleggiata non era messa benissimo, consigliato fare sempre foto alla macchina al momento del ritiro.

July 31, 2024

I strongly advise against renting a car from this company. We rented a car for 3 days using a debit card, and a deposit of 200 was taken. After returning the car, we received a refund a few days later, but only for the rental amount, not the deposit. The deposit amount was three times the rental fee. To this day, we have received no response to emails or phone calls. There is no contact at all. The intermediary through which we booked the rental denies any responsibility and asks us to contact the rental company, which is unreachable. Do not use this company. I definitely do not recommend it.

July 31, 2024

Worst experience ever with a car rental company An additonal toll charges deposit (75 ) And another deposit (65 ) Required according to them When everything was paid online ( I even paid extras just to be safe ) Returned the vehicle no issues whatsover Didnt use toll service Told me i had to wait 28 days to receive all the deposits 30 days later no deposit whatsoever They blame the merchant and my bank They kept all the deposits They took 81 minutes to answer the phone Remember buy cheap buy twice ... Cant go with more details due to goggle policy...

Guia Local
July 31, 2024

Ho prenotato dellItalia e pagato in anticipo il noleggio auto da lisbona con consegna a porto, quello che non ti descrivono allinizio è che devi versare il costo aggiuntivo per riportare auto da porto a lisbona. Quindi attenzione! Il noleggio ha fornito il telepass e auto con pieno.

July 31, 2024

Gar nicht zu empfehlen. Der Shuttleservice ist sooo unzuverlässig. Wir haben über eine Stunde gewartet und dann auf eigene Kosten ein Taxi genommen. Servicenummer nie erreichbar!! Finger weg! Not Good

July 31, 2024

No. Mai più. Abituati a noleggiare auto durante i nostri viaggi questa lesperienza peggiore. Arrivati in aereoporto abbiamo atteso quasi unora solo per trovare posto sulla navetta, nessuna indicazione su orari ecc... Arrivati al noleggio abbiamo preso la macchina quasi due ore dopo il nostro arrivo. Al rientro della vacanza lasciamo la macchina con lo stesso ritardo con cui labbiamo ricevuta, ci viene fatto pagare il giorno extra (e già qui assurdo) e per di più ci viene chiusa la pratica quindi non possiamo tenere lauto per il giorno che abbiamo pagato (assicurazione inclusa per lauto parcheggiata....) Alla fine della fiera interviene il titolare che ci restituisce lextra-day (forse, se arriva entro 3 giorni) e senza autorizzazione ci dirigiamo allaeroporto. Follia.

July 31, 2024

No alquilen aquí! Atención pésima, no atienden el telefono ni responden los correos. AVISO: SI ALQUILAS AQUÍ PIERDES EL DINERO DEL DEPÓSITO, el auto te termina saliendo super caro en comparación a otras agencias y ni hablar del estrés que pasas.

Guia Local
July 31, 2024

De auto was prima, de behandeling en afrekening niet. Er werden andere bedragen gehanteerd dan met de boeking overeengekomen en de tankafspraak eenzijdig gewijzigd waardoor hiervoor dubbel is betaald. Alles met dwang ondertekend alleen in Portugese overeenkomst, zonder uitleg van de inhoud. Zeer onvriendelijke reactie op vooraf elders afgesloten all-risk verzekering.

Guia Local
July 31, 2024

Melhor preço. Carros ótimos

Guia Local
July 31, 2024

They rip people off when you get there you have to pay £75 toll charges, £100 deposit for fuel and then £250 for insurance - avoid at all costs

Guia Local
July 31, 2024

Quando prenotate leggete bene le condizioni e non avrete sorprese. Il prezzo è ottimo, consiglio di fare la copertura totale e non avere pensieri. Per la riconsegna tenetevi unoretta di margine, cè solo una navetta e potreste dover attendere. Altrimenti prendete un taxi se siete di fretta. Consigliato

Guia Local
June 30, 2024

Fomos super bem atendidos pela agência, se tratando de Portugal os atendentes nem parece português, super recomendo

June 30, 2024

Ansicht eine gute verleich Firma jedoch etwas kompliziert mit dem shuttle Service

Guia Local
June 30, 2024

Mi trovo sempre bene ad affittare la macchina da loro

Guia Local
June 30, 2024

Ich hatte erst Vorbehalte wegen der schlechten Bewertungen kann diese aber nicht bestätigen. Gebucht hatte ich über Check24, der Preis war sehr gut. Mir wurde keine Versicherung verkauft, es gab ein kostenfreies Upgrade und einen vollen Tank wie angegeben, alle Schäden (Schrammen) waren festhalten. Die Rückgabe war problemlos und und es gab ein kostenloses Shuttle zum Flughafen.

June 30, 2024

Oplichters. Toen we in Lissabon de auto ophaalden werkte mijn creditcard zogenaamd niet. Mijn bank gebeld, die konden zien dat mijn creditcard gewoon werkte en dat het probleem aan hun kant moest liggen, ze waarschuwden dat ze me waarschijnlijk een extra verzekering zouden gaan verkopen. En ja hoor, ze kwam met de volgende oplossing, ik kon de maximale verzekering met mijn debet kaart betalen en dan kon ik de auto meekrijgen. Dit hebben we niet geaccepteerd, we zijn naar Hertz in de buurt gegaan en hebben daar een auto gehuurd. Daar deed mijn creditcard het ineens wel. Het is dus een zeer onfrisse zaak. Niet boeken en als je dat wel gedaan hebt en ze proberen het weer, loop dan heel hard weg.

May 31, 2024

Ganz schlechte Erfahrung nie wieder werde ich dort mieten. Die servicemitarbeiter waren sehr unfreundlich und haben mir eine teure Zusatzversicherung aufgenötigt, ich fühlte mich wirklich ausgenutzt in dieser Situation wo man mit dem gemieteten Wagen einfach losfahren möchte wie geplant und auf einmal 150 Euro mehr zahlen soll. Es war ein Schock aber wir haben daraus gelernt...Nie wieder.

May 31, 2024

Run away from them!! Terrible customer service, did not give us the car we booked; took forever to process our papers, the supervisor was an idiot! Just bad!

May 31, 2024

Finger weg- die schlechteste Mietwagen Erfahrung die ich je gemacht habe! Ich hätte besser vorher die anderen Rezensionen lesen sollen. Man bekommt bei der Abholung eine teure Zusatzversicherung aufgeschwätzt (ich bin bis jetzt unsicher ob dies nötig war) und uns wurden die versprochenen Dokumente dazu nicht gemailt. Das Auto hat geklappert und es fehlte Öl. Bei der Abholung wurde gesagt wir könnten den Wagen leer abgeben!? Hat natürlich nicht gestimmt. Also aufpassen beim Abholen in Lissabon: Namen merken und Alles schriftlich geben lassen. Passiert mir hoffentlich nie wieder

Guia Local
May 31, 2024

Pésima experiencia. Alquilamos un coche solo por unas horas para conocer Sintra. Pasamos por un control policial y nos pidieron el contrato del coche, el cuál nunca nos dieron. Pasamos una hora y media intentando llamar a la empresa, sin ningún tipo de respuesta. El contrato nos llegó a nuestro correo recién después de devolver el coche. Un desastre

Guia Local
May 31, 2024

A PIOR EMPRESA DE ALUGUER DE CARROS. Já aluguei muitos carros por esta Europa fora, mas esta empresa é muito má. Mais de 40 minutos à espera no Ponto para recolher os Clientes. Apareceu me todas as empresas, menos a Turisprime. Chamei um Uber, fui lá. Expliquei ao disposto funcionario o sucedido, e ainda foi ironico comigo. E entrei no jogo dele. Disse me que o Seguro que eu tinha feito na Orbit Car Hier, não Era seguro. Pois se acontecesse algo, seria eu a pagar e depois tratar de tudo com a seguradora em questão. Qual foi a Solucão ? Disse me que se Eu pagasse um seguro de 400 euros, e depois seria 250 . Qual foi a conclusao ? Dizer bom Dia e ir me embora. Liguei para a Orbit Hire, que tem os escritorios em Londres, expliquei a situacao e reembolsaram me o valor em questão. Resumindo, por telefone e em inglês o bom senso foi incrivel. Portanto, aconselho a Orbit Hire para o serviço de aliguer de carros.

Guia Local
May 31, 2024

Make sure you bring your passport to rent a car. The service is the worst all the way from service desk to a manager

Guia Local
May 31, 2024

Professionals of their job

April 30, 2024

Difícil de encontrar o shuttle no Porto. Praticamente te obrigam a pagar o seguro. De resto ok.

Guia Local
April 30, 2024

Quick, clean, efficient and friendly

April 30, 2024

Das war die schlechteste Mietautoerfahrung, die ich bis jetzt gemacht habe. Die Mitarbeitenden waren super unfreundlich, es wurde zu viel von meiner Kreditkarte was ich immer noch nicht wiederhabe, trotz Kontakt über Check24. Es wird für alles eine Kaution verlangt, die dann nicht wieder freigegeben wird. Sehr, sehr unseriös. Würde ich auf keinen fall empfehlen!

April 30, 2024

Sempre bem servido..recomendo..GRATIDÃO!!

Guia Local
April 30, 2024

Horrible service and none of the staff speaks to you in proper manner. Cannot recommend this car rental for anyone.

Guia Local
March 31, 2024

Servizio di navetta allandata scadente (tempo di attesa 1.ora e più) Ritorno invece 5 minuti. Per il resto ok.

March 31, 2024

1 star only because you cant give 0 Watch out, they try to trick you with overprized insurance and one way fee. In germany we say fckn bauern

March 31, 2024

The cars were good. But all others were so bad. The pick up shuttle from the airport was too late. The staff was very unfriendly and don t informed us well about some important things like Toll. Never again!

Guia Local
March 31, 2024

Foi tudo conforme o combinado. Única coisa que eu gostaria de pontuar é que a comunicação durante nossa estadia foi bem ruim. Não respondiam WhatsApp nem e-mail. E nós não tínhamos como fazer ligação. Em pleno 2024 é meio absurdo essa comunicação tão lenta. Queríamos saber quanto ficaria para entregar o carro mais tarde e não conseguimos. Com medo do preço, acabamos entregando no horário mesmo. Assim, acho que todos saíram perdendo né

Guia Local
March 31, 2024

Kan ikke anbefales - bilen brød sammen og ingen service og meget svært at få fat i via telefon

Guia Local
February 29, 2024

Pena que não tem como dar 0 estrelas, funcionários mal educados pedem rios de dinheiro de causao sendo que ao fazer o aluguel diz que seria 250 , carros ruins, local longe do aeroporto muita demora em tudo, não recomendo a ninguém passem longe pois é uma farsa esta empresa.

February 29, 2024

Leider habe ich keine guten Erfahrungen mit Turisprime. Mir wird seit der Buchung des Autos regelmäßig Geld in unterschiedlichen Beträgen von meiner Kreditkarte abgebucht. Auf Anfrage per Mail wird nicht reagiert und per Telefon ist dauerbesetzt. Ich kann die Firma leider nicht weiterempfehlen!

Guia Local
February 29, 2024

Stay away from these scammers! I paid approximately 500 euro for 4-5 days for a regular car (gas included). They lied that 100 euro will be credited to my account I am still waiting and of course they don t respond to my emails.

Guia Local
February 29, 2024

Não alugue se quiser a caução devolvida. Retirei o carro dia 12/11. Já enviei e-mail, reconheceram que tem valor a devolver, dizem que vão providenciar e até agora nada. E o horário deles é a partir das 8hs de domingo, e sábado até às 20hs. Como meu vôo era as 6hs precisei devolver no sábado.

Guia Local
February 29, 2024

Great car rental agency Good price

Guia Local
January 31, 2024

Tempo de espera maior que o desejado.

January 31, 2024

a card that is accepted by all car rental companies, this office did not accept. I used the same card 3 days before in the Azores, everything suited everyone. I think they turned me down because I didnt want to buy additional insurance. I do not recommend.

Guia Local
January 31, 2024

They were very friendly, but I did have to wait 40min to get my car...

Guia Local
January 31, 2024

Amazing service with very nice friendly staff very good option to rent from

January 31, 2024

For everyone who is skeptical about the company, dont be I had the best experience with the company, staff and car. Staff is very polite, I dealt with Louis- best guy ever. Very kind and helpful. I would highly recommend to anyone. Ignore negative comments, read/follow rules, take pictures before picking car just in case and if you are not buying insurance and have your own you just need to safety deposit. Pick up/drop off is smooth, its only 5min from airport and shuttle runs every 10mins or so. Great company with affordable prices.

Guia Local
January 31, 2024

Nunca atienden el teléfono de atención al cliente, tuvimos que pagar un seguro aparte del que pagamos en la web cuando reservamos, tienes que dejar 100 trabados en la tarjeta de crédito por si no dejaste el depósito lleno y tardan más de 15 días en devolverlo, mejor no sigo.

January 31, 2024

Uma estrela é demasiado para tantos ladroes!! Tive a infelicidade de me bater uma pedra no.para-brise !! Quando entreguei o carro assinalei de imediato que o vidro estava partido !! Disseram me que nao havia problema que teria de pagar no acto porque o seguro que eu tinha nao era diretamente deles ( foi um.seguro que fiz na carjet). Paguei volta de 650 euros deram me uma factura pouco clara onde enviei para a carjet e eles pediram me a factura final da reparacao . Comtactei a agencia onde demorou mais de 2 semanas a me redponder! E qual.o meu espanto !! A reparacao fou de 250 euros!! agora de 2 uma ou me reembolsao o que paguei a mais ou apresento queixa

January 31, 2024

O carro teve alguns defeitos (motor fraco e tampão da gasolina quebrado e inutilizável) mas a experiência de viagem no complexo foi boa. O que achei terrível e inaceitável foi a PESSIMA QUALIDADE DO ATENDIMENTO. Mais que uma semana para receber uma resposta por mail objetivamente fácil para esclarecer (os detalhes das cobranças na fatura), um monte de ligações ao número do atendimento sem respostas e tempos infinitos de espera na chamada, indicações contraditórias (não vamos cobrar, depois vamos cobrar sim porque vocês perceberam mal), mas sobre tudo...um TRATAMENTO ABSOLUTAMENTE INACEITÁVEL E GROSSEIRO por telefone quando finalmente consegui entrar em contato com alguém. Me fui adiantado no dia da entrega que não ia ser cobrado por algumas clausulas, quando vi que fui cobrado liguei várias vezes para pedir esclarecimentos e quando me responderam, como se eu tivesse pretensões absurdas, me foi dito a gasolina não se inventa. O mesmo profissional depois me fechou a chamada na cara. Como tinha um outro pedido liguei de volta e me responderam somente depois de horas, desta vez com mais calma (felizmente era uma outra pessoa). Quase todos desrespeitosos, rudes, arrogantes. Estou a falar de 70 de incompreensão, que é bem pouco mas com esse jeito conseguiram transformar o aluguer na minha pior experiência comercial que eu lembre. Espero ter sido a única pessoa em ter recebido um tratamento assim..

Guia Local
January 31, 2024

Same problem as others

January 31, 2024

We got a pretty decent car with just some little scratches and rent price was quite low so it was fine on that side. But it was quite hard to understand how to get a car in general as when you land no one greets you in the airport and they do not pick up the phone at all. Some other companys people told me to wait for pickup bus. During pickup we were asked to take additional insurance (to cover any possible damage) and based on quite rude staff and reviews here we agreed to take it just to avoid any additional problems with them (75 euros for 3 days), even though we already paid for basic insurance ourselves. They also did not let to change main driver for free and asked to pay for it. Well see how it goes with receiving deposits back (100e for fuel and 75e for paid roads).

Guia Local
January 31, 2024

Both rent and return went quick and easy. Deposit was back after 8 days (incl. weekend). I got a bit of feeling that this all was handled a bit too quick or careless, but at the end its all good. It was my first car rental in any company, so I may not know how it generally looks like in other companies. There was also no problem with finding or waiting for shuttle bus.

Guia Local
January 31, 2024

Best car price until now

January 31, 2024

Die einzige Autovermietung bei der ich je war, bei der meine ganz normale Kreditkarte für das Hinterlegen der Kaution mit der ich schon 20x Autos ausgeliehen habe, nicht akzeptiert wurde. Aber für 80 Extra hätte ich das Problem lösen können, eine Kaution hinterlegen zu müssen... Nicht zu empfehlen, gibt genug andere gute Vermietungen genau neben dran

Guia Local
January 31, 2024

Very good

January 31, 2024

We booked a compact car but we got lucky so after upgrades we receive this fantastic seat Ateca. Perfect tips for everyone to make deal breaker and dont have any fight with the company buy full insurance.

Guia Local
January 31, 2024

Hatte jetzt grundsätzlich keine Probleme mit dem Fahrzeug und Abgabe. Die Angestellten dort sind unglaublich langsam, man wartet ewig wenn man Pech hat. Als ich dann dran war, war der Mitarbeiter zunächst extremst freundlich und machte Witze. Als ich dann seine komplett überflüssige zusätzliche Versicherung nicht wollte waren wir plötzlich geschiedene Leute. Zuletzt hat er mir noch Angst machen wollen mit Blick auf die Abgabe und dass er ein Video sehen will vom Auto wie ich es abgeholt habe, um dann vergleichen zu können - lächerlich.

Guia Local
January 31, 2024

Operatori davvero gentili e disponibili

Guia Local
January 31, 2024

Excellent, sympathie, amabilité et surtout moins chers que les autres compagnies

Guia Local
January 31, 2024

Also erstmal war die Wegbeschreibung zur Haltestelle korrekt. Es hat ca. 30min gedauert bis das Shuttle kam. Ok ist nicht schlimm. Der Weg zur Autovermietung war ca. 10 bis 15 Minuten entfernt. Das Auto was wir bekommen haben, hatte ziemlich viele Kratzer und Beulen/Dellen. Die Mitarbeiterin meinte ich sollte alles fotografieren. Ein direktes Protokoll über den Zustand hat sie nicht gemacht. Und dann war das Auto auch nicht voll getankt. Das ist mir allerdings erst später aufgefallen, als ich schon die Halle verlassen hatte. Ich hatte echt Angst davor, wenn ich das Auto wieder zurück bringe. Aber der Typ hat nur geschaut ob der Tank voll ist und ist eine Runde drum rum gelaufen. Das Shuttle kam dann innerhalb 10 Minuten und hat uns wieder zum Aeroport gebracht. Die haben ja 420 Kaution auf der Kreditkarte geblockt. Mal schauen, ob die das vollständig wieder frei geben. Ich werde mich dann später nochmal melden! Die Kaution wurde einige Stunden später freigegeben!

January 31, 2024

Ich habe ein Auto durch check24 gebucht. Das Auto sollte VW Polo sein. Aber sie haben uns ein Mitsubishi gegeben, welches wie nicht mehr als 100km/h fahren konnten. Ich werde den Anbieter gar nicht weiterempfehlen.

Guia Local
January 31, 2024

At the counter, the salesman used almost intimidating measures to try to talk us into another expensive insurance policy. He tried to convince us that the insurance we had taken out was completely useless. In consultation with Check24, we were confirmed that this was a pure scam from the rental and brings no added value.

January 31, 2024

Alerta ESTAFA!!!! T entregan el cotxe amb una petita ratllada al retrovisor, imposible de detectar a la recepció. Quan el tornes et fan pagar 300 per un retrovisor nou. Es l estada perfecta i quals impossible detectar. Feu moltes fotos!!!

January 31, 2024

Very unpleasant experience picking up the rental. Had to pay double for insurance ( 150) because the insurance paid online doesn t work . Sad enough clients next to me had the same experience. Desk employee called me lucky that he took time to explain it to me because he has to deal with it every day . When I tried to provide feedback about the online platform as it seems to need a solution, he got annoyed and rude. Scam, would not recommend.

Guia Local
January 31, 2024

Booked online through Discover Cars, with full coverage included. It was cheap with full insurance. Once arrived on the place we had to purchase their own insurance otherwise they would charge us up to 2000 for ANY damage to the car. Online we already paid 28 for full insurance and on site we had to pay 110 to get the full coverage. Since the owner of the company was aware of the situation and didn t care about fixing it. I believe they are scamming their customers with this method.

January 31, 2024

Servizio impeccabile. Navetta da e per aeroporto veloce ed organizzata. Ritiro e riconsegna vettura rapido e chiaro. Vettura in ottime condizioni. Prezzo medio-basso rispetto ad altri gestori, ma tutto è spiegato alla perfezione e senza voci occulte. Durante il ritiro viene trattenuta una quota per il pieno di benzina, che viene restituita in qualche giorno se alla riconsegna lauto ha il pieno ripristinato. Inoltre viene trattenuta unaltra quota per il pedaggio; anche qui, a termine noleggio, dopo qualche giorno la reale quota pedaggio viene addebitata sostituendola a quella versata. Consiglio di scegliere copertura assicurativa completa al fine di evitare esosi addebiti, ma questo vale per tutti i servizi di noleggio.

Guia Local
January 31, 2024

Wirklich guter Autoverleih! Sehr aufgeräumt und gepflegt, vom äußeren nicht abschrecken lassen :) Gratis Transfer zum Flughafen. Auto war top, alles hat funktioniert. Gerne wieder !!

Guia Local
January 31, 2024

Très professionnel,bien parlé anglais ou portugais

Guia Local
January 31, 2024

We rented a car for 5 days and had no issues. They also offer the toll box so you can take all highways without considering how to pay for tolls.

Guia Local
January 31, 2024

Wartezeit war da. Dann aber zügige Abwicklung. Auto entsprach unseren Erwartungen.

January 31, 2024

Oplichters, pas op!

Guia Local
January 31, 2024

Getting to the office is a bit chaotic, you just have to patiently wait for the shuttle bus as instructed. But I had no problems at all with the rental, very smooth and customer friendly process

January 31, 2024

Scammers. They try to make you pay at the end for every tiny scratch on the car and blame it on you that you didnt take detailed photos. Very rude personnel

Guia Local
January 31, 2024

Excelente experiencia

Guia Local
January 31, 2024

. green way . . .

January 31, 2024

Zéro assistance client... Ma mère est arrivé à l aéroport pour récupérer la voiture mais n a pas réussi à trouver l agence sur place (elle a 70 ans et ne parle pas portugais). Elle a donc essayé d appeler le numéro d assistance sur son billet de réservation ainsi que le numéro de l agence pendant plus de 2h mais aucun des 2 n étaient disponible, idem le lendemain. Conclusion : nous avons annulé la réservation et payé des frais car annulation tardive. Même constat que les autres : agence à fuir !

Guia Local
January 31, 2024

Good prices, but when we had a problem, they didnt answer the phone or emails. In the end we switched to a more helpful company.

January 31, 2024

All new cars and the price tag is nice)))

Guia Local
January 31, 2024

Booked online through easyterra, very cheap. The thing is, once you get to the place, you can either buy a somewhat full insurance (paid 75 for 3 days) or have 350 blocked on your CC, which however is not a full insurance, it covers damages up to 1.5k. So, if you pay the 75 , you can scratch the car and no problem. What I didnt like is the fact that we had theoretically already bought extra insurance on easyterra, so, had to pay for insurance twice, the 2nd being more expensive than the car itself. Ended up spending 150 ish + tolls and gas for 3 days, can find cheaper in town

January 31, 2024

Very easy to check in and check out Very professional and welcoming staff

Guia Local
January 31, 2024

Excellent. I have never seen a Firm like that professional. The Staff ist very nice.

Guia Local
January 31, 2024

Total scam. When I picked up the car they claimed that my Mastercard does not work and I should contact the bank since their system works perfect. My bank confirmed that there is nothing wrong with the but that the machine is not able to establish the contact. Only possibility was to pay 200 with bankcard instead of the promised 36. Very interesting business model. When returning the car the personnel apologised, told that Mastercard frequently failed but that there was nothing that they could do - like a refund. The advise was to send an e-mail to their info@ mailadress. Keep away if you have MasterCard.

Guia Local
January 31, 2024

Muita simpatia, profissionalismo e óptima resolução de problemas

Guia Local
January 31, 2024

Wir hatten absolut gar keine Probleme mit dem Autoverleih. Verlief alles relativ fix und unkompliziert! Das Auto war super und sauber. Es hatte einige kleine Schrammen, die wir für uns selber alle dokumentiert haben und die am Ende als Foto mit Zeitstempel auch akzeptiert wurden.

Guia Local
January 31, 2024

Boas opções de carros.

Guia Local
January 31, 2024

Informação do ponto de recolha incorreta, pessoal mal formado e sem delicadeza no trato. No fim ainda nos solicitam pagamento de 1 jante por não termos provas dos riscos. Não volto a reservar com a Turisprime. O barato sai caro.

Guia Local
January 31, 2024

Mehr als perfekt, kann man nicht. Aber warum? Man bekommt nach der Buchung über Check24 eine Beschreibung wo man den Mietwagen abholen kann. Man folgt der Beschreibung und gelangt zu einer Haltestelle auf dem sich bereits mehrere Leute befinden, die auf einen Shuttlebus warten, der sie zu ihrer Autovermietung fährt. Der Turisprime Bus ist weiss mit dem eigenen Logo auf der Seite. Alle 20 Minuten kommt der zum Flughafen und holt euch ab. Es passen 8 Leute mit Gepäck in einen Bus. Vor Ort angekommen, gibst du einem Angestellten Deinen Voucher, dir wird versucht eine bessere Versicherung anzudrehen, aber dein Nein wird akzeptiert. Dann wird dir der Transponder von Via Verde angeboten, dir wird alles erklärt. Du bezahlst dafür 75 für 8 Tage, es lohnt sich aber, jede Fahrt auf der Autobahn wird darüber abgerechnet und an Ende kommst Du die Differenz ausgezahlt oder musst eventuell etwas nachzahlen. Der Mietvertrag wird dir dann per Mail zugeschickt (kleiner Tipp: Guckt bitte in euren Spam Ordner). Nach der Mietzeit gibst Du das Fahrzeug ab, der wird kurz gecheckt und dir dann gesagt, ob es einen Schaden gibt oder nicht. Du wartest kurz auf den Turisprime Bus der Dich dann zum Flughafen fährt und das wars. Mein Fazit: Perfekter Service von Anfang bis Ende. Von mir gibt es eine klare Empfehlung.

Guia Local
January 31, 2024

Efficient and courteous. Too bad about a telepass charge for which I asked for feedback and for which I never received a response.

Guia Local
January 31, 2024

Wir haben hier Durchweg positive Erfahrungen gemacht. Shuttle fährt bzw pendelt direkt vor dem Flughafen ca. alle 15 Minuten zum Standort der Mietwägen. Vor Ort alles unkompliziert und zügig. Sofern man vorab bspw über CHECK24 bereits Versicherungen gebucht hat, benötigt man vor Ort nichts mehr. Ein Mautsystems ist in den Autos integriert was das Fahren auf den Mautstraßen sehr einfach macht. Das Auto war super und es wurde auch nichts sinnlos bemängelt bei der Abgabe.

January 31, 2024

Transport from the airport was easy and fast. Service was super unfriendly and not helpful. The complete service and communication was driven to sell you more insurance or services. Be careful and check your rights. I would not rent a car there again. Safe travel for everyone!

Guia Local
January 31, 2024

Was no problems about service. Easy to find a bus , waited 30 min. Service was fast and drop off was really fast without any questions even the car had damages before. The car quality could be better i ordered VW Golf but got Mitsubishi Space. That car is not for such a landscape. Really low power engine is not able to go on top of a hills

January 31, 2024

Accueil exceptionnel, voiture impeccable, allez-y sans hésiter. Encore merci !

Guia Local
January 31, 2024

I was able to rent a Fiat here for 2 weeks. I did need to be thorough about inspecting the car and taking pictures of all sides of the car, which took about 20 minutes. If you book through a 3rd party with insurance coverage, understand you ll first be charged any damage by the rental company, then need to submit a claim through your 3rd party. If you purchase the rental company s insurance, I assume there would be less paperwork and claim steps. After the end of my rental period, I took the time to brush off the sand from the mats and trunk area, as I wanted to return the car in as best shape as possible. If you are transporting a surfboard, a hatchback is going to be the best option as you can angle the bag in to fit up to a 6 8 (maybe even a 7 ) board. I also got the toll reader device, and the rental company sent an invoice to me later which clearly outlined all the tolls I had incurred during my stay. It was overall a good experience, I did need to be firm about declining the insurance, be aware though that there will be extra steps to claim any damage through your 3rd party, and you will initially be charged for any damage to your card on file.

Guia Local
January 31, 2024

High quality rental compagny. Professional and good car. 5/5

January 31, 2024

We rented a car for three days here. The car was almost new, 13k mileage. The only thing I didnt like was the pick-up time. Everything else is great.

Guia Local
January 31, 2024

Tempi di ritiro/consegna inammissibile.. in più con arroganza

January 31, 2024

Extrem unhöfliche Frau am Schalter. Sie kann am Schalter nichts machen kann wenn es Probleme gibt. Man hat nur die Option eine neue Buchung abzuschließen

January 31, 2024

Tudo ótimo

January 31, 2024

DONT BOOK THIS PLACE. Got here didn t accept any of our cards. We didn t have a credit card as we purely don t own one. The lady at the desk was frustrated and wasn t happy about trying to figure out another way for us to hire the car. I started speaking to my boyfriend and the lady named Anastasia from the other desk started to SCREAM at me threatening to cancel my reservation telling me I have a bad attitude. Completely unbelievable!!!! Instead of making us have the deposit for the car she made us pay 150 for the insurance and for a full tank a whopping sum of 80. 80! For a full tank??? Ridiculous. Be aware about the company and make sure to check EVERYTHING before booking with this company. We got charged also for many more things than we expected and the customer service was unbelievably bad. Don t even bother trying to call to get any answers they won t reply.

Guia Local
January 31, 2024


Guia Local
January 31, 2024

Good car rental. A bit outside the airport but shuttle bus brings you there. Nice service.

January 31, 2024

Transfert de laéroport à lagence avec une navette qui prend que quelques minutes. Location dun petit véhicule; réservé en même temps que mon séjour ( hôtel+billet davion) ce qui ma permis de payer 135 euros pour 7 jours avec assurance; une Fiat 500 hybride neuve avec seulement 2000 km. Tout sest bien passé ( prise puis remise du véhicule).

Guia Local
January 31, 2024

Recentemente tive a necessidade de alugar carro algumas vezes e de todas está foi sem dúvida a melhor agência que utilizei , super atenciosos e explicam tudo muito bem ao cliente o carro que levamos foi um pegeout 2008 com 2000 km praticamente novo , super confortável e limpo, foi um atendimento de excelência sem dúvida alguma, aconselho numa próxima necessidade vou dar certamente prioridade

January 31, 2024

This is the worst company I have ever bought services from in my entire life. Our car broke down and we called the service. We were told to wait for the towtruck which would arrive in 1 hour, and given the choise to then take a taxi to our hotel and go get a new car the next morning, or take a taxi directly to Lisbon airport to get a new car that night. It was 9:30 pm. We took the taxi to airport, to Avis like they instructed. But at Avis they told as that this is the only company to which they cannot give a replacement car to, and still they keep sending their customers to Avis. We had to take a taxi back to our hotel in sintra. We waited for the taxi for 1 HOUR in the middle of the night. The next morning we called the service again and agreed that they would send a taxi at 10:30 to take use AGAIN to the airport, this time to the correct place. We waited for the taxi for 1 HOUR 20 MINS. Now we re waiting to get a new car, no idea if/when we will get it.

January 31, 2024

Absolut unseriös. Wir haben über Check24 gebucht und Sie haben uns versucht weitere Versicherungen auszudrücken. Das schlimmste war das das Fahrzeug bereits Vorschäden hatte und diese nicht dokumentiert wurden! ACHTUNG wenn ihr die Versicherung nicht abschließt werden Sie versuchen die Schäden euch anzuhängen. Bilder machen! Abholservice hat ebenfalls nicht funktioniert und habe deswegen meinen Anschluss fast verpasst! Dont chose Trustprime. There is really no trust.

January 31, 2024

War okey. Aber man muss mit langen Wartezeiten rechnen. Und die Mitarbeiter sind nicht unbedingt freundlich.

January 31, 2024

Fast Cheap Nice Uncomplicated

Guia Local
January 31, 2024

Aluguei apenas 1 vez um carro, era novo, correu tudo bem

January 31, 2024


January 31, 2024

Do not go here. Just like everyone else said these people try to upsell you more insurance for $200 euros more so that if you happen to get into an accident you don t pay the $1500 deductible. I declined it. I did my reservation online with my credit card. When I got there I happened to forget my credit card back in Canada. They told me that I had no choice to pay for the $200 insurance and a $60 gas charge to bring the car back empty since they did not have the credit card. Fair enough I forgot my card my fault but I had my wife s card who was right next to me. They said no because she wasn t the primary driver. So I said fine make her the primary driver just so I could avoid the extra insurance they try to get from you. Their next excuse was no because your name is on the reservation as the primary driver. THEN CANCEL THE RESERVATION AND MAKE A NEW ONE WITH MY WIFES NAME ON IT. yeah right you thInk they would do that. This company uses little tricks like your card isn t working or they can t accept certain cards to get you to pay for the extra insurance. They also like to have a transponder that they say will automatically charge your credit cards for toll roads like it s convenient for you. I asked them does it cost more than if I were to just pay the tolls. They said no it comes directly from your card of what the toll cost. Yeah but they don t tell you is there is a fee every day for the transponder. go somewhere else.

Guia Local
January 31, 2024

Vorab: Mit dem Auto, dass wir gemietet haben, war technisch alles in Ordnung und es war innen sehr sauber. Aber: Das Personal ist sehr unfreundlich. Noch nicht mal ein Lächeln gegenüber der Kundschaft ist drinnen. Stattdessen wird versucht unnütze Zusatzversicherungen zu verkaufen. Man bekommt das Auto als Schadenfrei ausgehändigt, obwohl es vor Beulen und Schrammen strotzt. Ich kann jedem nur raten vor Abfahrt Fotos und Videos von allen Beschäftigungen zu machen. Bei der Rückgabe wird das Auto penibel kontrolliert. Wer hier keinen Beweis für die Schäden der Vornutzer hat, bleibt eventuell auf ungerechtfertigten Kosten sitzen. Meine Handyfotos wurden zweimal mit den Schrammen angeglichen. Für mich grenzt das an Betrug oder zumindest an eine mangelhafte Verwaltung der Schäden.

Guia Local
January 31, 2024

Guter service. Sehr schnelle Abwicklung.

Guia Local
January 31, 2024

Entreprise situe à plus de 3 km des terminaux de l aéroport. Plus de 2 heures d attentes pour avoir une voiture déjà réservé et payé en ligne ! Les vendeurs particulièrement désagréables passent leur temps à essayer de vendre des assurances hors de prix. Entreprise de location à fuir !!!

January 31, 2024

Je donne une étoile pour le chauffeur de la navette, pour le reste fuyez !!! Nous avons pris le soins de remettre la voiture nettoyée à lextérieur et à lintérieur. Pourtant à la remise du véhicule lemployé sest directement précipité sur le pare brise là ou un éclat était présent (il le savait très bien). Par chance une photo faite par mes soins dans le parking bien sombre à pu montrer que limpacte était déjà présent. Une fois pas deux.

January 31, 2024

Unprofessional company with zero respect to customers. We were waiting at the airport for an hours before anyone from the company appeared. We could not reach them by phone. When they have taken us to their office it turned out that there are only 2 people working so the queue is so big that we need to wait another 2 hours in order to pick up our car (for which we have already paid). So far it was the worst car rental experience for us. Not recommend!!!

January 31, 2024

Pessima esperienza sotto tutti i punti di vista Posizione scomoda e distante dall aeroporto (è necessario prendere una navetta) Servizio lento ed inefficiente Pur essendoci stati pochi clienti abbiamo aspettato circa 40 minuti ( forse anche di più) Infine la macchina che ci è stata consegnata non era quella prenotata, ma ha comunque soddisfatto le nostre richieste Decisamente poco professionali

Guia Local
January 31, 2024

Avoid Turisprime like the plague! My recent experience with Turisprime Car Rental Agency was nothing short of a nightmare. From the moment I set foot in their establishment, it became evident that this agency is nothing but a collection of scammers, eager to waste your time and money. Upon arrival, my friend and I had to endure over an hour of waiting just to get our car, and the staff showed no remorse for their blatant inefficiency. Their utter lack of professionalism was amplified by their rude and unhelpful demeanor. When we realized that my friend had forgotten his drivers license, we tried to make a reasonable request to change the reservation or add a second driver using my license. However, instead of accommodating us, the employee we dealt with was incredibly impolite and dismissive, directing us to speak with Expedia, the platform through which we had made the reservation. The nightmare escalated as we contacted Expedia, hoping for a solution, only to be met with the same level of unhelpfulness. They washed their hands off the situation, stating that Turisprime was responsible for making any changes to the reservation. Unfortunately, Turisprime showed no intention of assisting us either, leaving us in a frustrating loop of passing the blame back and forth. What followed was a colossal waste of time as we had to return the next day with all the required documentation. To our dismay, we found a horde of disgruntled customers who had been waiting for hours, some of them having already lost hope and left without receiving their cars or refunds. It was evident that Turisprime had no regard for their customers time or satisfaction. At this point, we made the wise decision to abandon any hope of ever receiving decent service from this agency. The number of unhappy and waiting customers spoke volumes about the agencys incompetence and disregard for its clientele. In conclusion, I cannot stress this enough: steer clear of Turisprime Car Rental Agency. They are nothing more than a bunch of scammers with no regard for their customers valuable time and hard-earned money. Their staff is rude and unhelpful, and their business practices are shady at best. Save yourself the trouble and choose a reputable car rental agency that values its customers and delivers on its promises. Avoid Turisprime like the plague!

January 31, 2024

N fazem a devolução do caução, ladrões

January 31, 2024

The car was OK and we had no trouble with it. Rememeber to take good pictures when picking it up. Extremely long waiting time both for pickup and drop-off of the car. We waited at least 1 hour at the front desk even though the car was booked and paid for online so everything should be ready. We also waited about 1 hour when returning the car, so you should consider this if you have a flight to catch.

January 31, 2024

Ik zou hier nooit meer een auto huren! Zou hier van wegblijven! Ze hebben op het einde van mijn reis nogmaals 80 euro afgehaald van mijn rekening zonder enige reden. En als je een eigen verzekering hebt dat is voor hun niet van tel. Ze zeggen u dan dat je een depot moet laten van meer dan duizenden euro s! Oplichters wegblijven is de boodschap!

Guia Local
January 31, 2024

Adequado para a circunstância*****

January 31, 2024

Worst service. Unfriendly. Never never do this. Its not worth it

January 31, 2024

2 hours with just 5 people in line in front if me when I arrived. Worst ever. And still waiting for my car.

January 31, 2024

Mehr als 2 Stunden obwohl nur wenige Leute vor mir waren. Nie wieder !!!!!

January 31, 2024

If I could rate this company with less than a 0 I would. Everything from the phone number that leads nowhere to their shuttle pick up that never came, it was an absolute disaster. When we arrived at the pickup place after taking an Uber we had to wait another hour since they are only two people working and they are as slow as can be. Once we finally got to the person in charge, we were threatened of not getting a car because the tone of my partner did not satisfy the worker. The car in itself wasnt bad which is the only good thing I can say about this car rental company. We were hit with many fees during the signing of the contract that we still havent received after a month of using their service (deposit and tolls fees). When reaching out to the customer service, their phone number does not work (surprising) and they havent answer to any of my emails asking for an update on the situation.

January 31, 2024

Rented the car for 1 night (2 days). Me and my friends had to drive for a wedding. I had scheduled VW but... the guy at the counter offered an upgrade to Fiat 500 *my dreamy car*. Ofc I took it :) Everything went smooth with the rental, took us 15 mins to pay, sign stuff and departure with the Fiat 500. Paid for car + gasoline + deposit only - Total 220 EUR. Car was in a perfect condition, cabrio style. No scratches, clean, easy to drive, no issues on the road. On the way back quickly checked and I went home. No concerns nor doubts on TourismPrime side. Two cons that Ive experienced - waiting time at the office to pick up the car (difficulties to get there), lack of answering calls/emails. Deposit was fully released after 7 business days - nothing was charged (no scratches, gasoline, cleaness etc). Total desposit back on my CC 175 EUR. Overall I had good experience with TourismPrime, the service desk Reps were nice and smiling.

Guia Local
January 31, 2024

SCAM! Pior serviço que já utilizei. Contratei um carro por um dia, do sábado dia 15 julho até meio dia do domingo dia 16. E me cobraram um valor absurdo de inicio mais a caução. Me foi dito que a caução era somente um bloqueio no cartão, mas o dinheiro já me foi descontado! LEIA ISSO! O carro (kia Picanto) simplesmente parou de funcionar! Tínhamos enchido o tanque com gasolina. O guincho depois de 3 horas apareceu para rebocar o carro. Isso foi em um domingo. Terça feira nos deparamos com uma cobrança no cartão de crédito enorme! O valor do carro por um dia foi menos de $20 euros, mas nos foi cobrado até agora 480 EUROS + $377 euros de caução( que já foi descontado)! O serviço não foi prestado com segurança ( pois o carro nos abandonou) sendo que o carro não sofreu qualquer batida ou acidente e ainda estava com o tanque cheio! Foi quebra de contrato por parte da empresa e ainda tentam colocar a culpa no cliente. NÃO ALUGUE CARROS COM ELES! Arrependimento na certa! Estou verificando minhas possibilidades para entrar contra esta empresa e pedir além de ressarcimento de danos, ressarcimento moral, pelo inconveniente e incomodo além de dificuldades que o carro deles nos fez passar. Perdemos nosso passeio de domingo, além de ficar 3 horas, sem agua, banheiro ou abrigo aguardando o guincho chegar. A reserva foi numero 714444865 no dia 15/07/2023. As fotos são do momento do recolhimento do carro pelo guincho. Que arrependimento..

Guia Local
January 31, 2024

Everything went smoothly. Had to wait a little at the airport and tried to call the transfer bus then it just turned up, I dont know they might be going back and forth all day. Rental went relatively quickly, car was in pristine condition. Only later we realised that the petrol was put down wrong on the rental document; called them and they said its fine if we bring it back as we received it. Return of the car went quickly too. Id suggest though that you take pictures of everything, even if you cant see anything at the time, you never know when you need it. And definitely take a picture of the dashboard with the petrol level/mileage.

January 31, 2024

FUYEZ ! ARNAQUE Même une étoile c est trop ! Des voleurs, on avait déjà souscrit une assurance arrivé sur place, ils nous obligent à donner une garantie de 200 en disant que ça sera remboursé mais pas du tout finalement. Plus 100 d essence qui seront normalement remboursé si on rend la voiture avec le plein + 75 pour les péages soit disant la différence sera remboursé à la fin. On a dû payer 10 de péages maximum. Au retour ils nous ont assuré que l essence et le péage seront remboursé dans 5 jours maximum. On est à 15 jours rien n a été remboursé et impossible de les joindre. Vraiment fuyez, et le personnel est tellement désagréable !

Guia Local
January 31, 2024

muy bien y regular a la vez.... contarte por la página web y hasta la recogida bastante bien parecía todo bastante bien explicado hasta la recogida del vehiculo, me asignaron un polo y nos entregaron un Kia río bueno hasta ahí ni tan mal el Kia solo tenía 2000 km y está nuevo y vasta te bien, la cosa fue al firmar el contrato y de más ya me cobraron 75 euros de vía verde que aún estoy esperando a que me devuelvan el resto del dinero que no se gastó que me gustaría unos 25 euros... también pague un poco más se supone por un seguro a todo riesgo que luego no era a todo riesgo si quería un seguro a todo riesgo tenía que pagar más 180 euros más del precio que ya pague más 480 euros de fianza mas si no pagaba ese seguro me dieran a mi o diera yo tenía que pagar una franquicia de 1500 euros... en fin un montón de cosas que casi dejo el riñón ayi, todo transcurrió sin ningún problema en esa semana entregué el coche sin ningún daño y enseguida me devolvieron la fianza aunque aún sigo esperando lo del vía verde . la chica de la recepción un poco borde los demás genial

Guia Local
January 31, 2024

Prix et taxes in fine hors normes, à la limite du vol, fuyez !!!

Guia Local
January 31, 2024

Everything went extremely smooth - from getting picked up at the airport to renting the car. We didn t have to wait at all and enjoyed the car without any issues.

January 31, 2024

The price was good and everything worked well. Only at the arrival to take the reserved car I had to wait 2 hours. But it was the weekend when the pope was there, so I guess it took longer because of the tourists

Guia Local
January 31, 2024

Very long wait to pick up my car even though I pre booked. They didnt even have it washed. The tire pressure light was on. Then I had to wait a long time to drop it off.

Guia Local
January 31, 2024

Es muy demorado el traslado desde el aeropuerto al lugar de recogida del coche, principalmente por la mala organización del lugar donde se estacionan las van en el aeropuerto, luego en el sitio debes tomar un turno para que te atiendan el cual tambien tarda bastante.

Guia Local
January 31, 2024

Excelente locadora de carros

Guia Local
January 31, 2024

Péssimo atendimento! O peor servicio de alugo de carro que conheci Devolvi o carro no dia 11-08-2023 no aeroporto de Lisboa as 14h30-15.00 e o atendente me informou que tudo estava certo, que não havia nenhum custo adicional. Apos de 4h recebi uma cobrança de 40,75 euro no meu cartão, sem informar, sem especificar o motivo desta despesa.

Guia Local
January 31, 2024

2 hours to pick up the car. The counter was understaffed in August - they dont value customer experience

January 31, 2024

Même une étoile n expliquerait pas l expérience qu on a eu avec eux! Je ne recommande pas du tout cette entreprise de location! 30 min pour attendre la navette et 3h d attente pour récupérer la voiture ! Une honte !!

Guia Local
January 31, 2024

Falar com essa empresa por telefone é algo impossível de se fazer

Guia Local
January 31, 2024

Very nice service. André was very friendly, helpful and efficient. Overall it was a good experience

January 31, 2024

Nonostante la macchina è stata comoda per spostarci dall Algarve a Lisbona. Ci è stata consegnata senza acqua ed olio. L assistenza avrebbe dovuto essere 7/7 24h ma non ci hanno mai risposto!

Guia Local
January 31, 2024

+ good prices and great value for money + good service + cool cars (for convertible we got Fiat 500C Dolce Vita version) + no incurring for additional costs at the return - location

January 31, 2024

Cette société propose des tarifs intéressants et propose des voitures de très bonnes qualité CEPENDANT je vais parler très clairement, cette société pratique des méthodes DOUTEUSES ! - Premier point : L agence est indiquée comme se trouvant à l aéroport mais en réalité il faut se rendre devant le terminal 2 de l aéroport et attendre une navette qui vous amènes jusqu à l agence situé à 10mn. Je trouve important de le mentionner car personne d autres ne l a fait pour nous. - Deuxième point : il y a apparement souvent une très longue attente pour récupérer son véhicule malgré une réservation et paiement préalable (Prévoir 1h-1h30 d attente). - Troisième point : Lors de la réservation vous allez sûrement payer une assurance cependant les agents sur place tentent de vous intimider pour prendre leurs assurances (indiquant de manière insistante et répétitive le montant redevable en cas d accident). Il est de ma compréhension que l assurance souscrite en ligne couvrira les dommages mais présente des procédures plus fastidieuses que l assurance poussée par Turisprime. - Quatrième point : Lors de la réservation on vous indique que vous aurez une caution de 200 (montant variable selon les durées de location) cependant une fois sur place la caution s élève à 315 et ils vous oblige à payer 75 de frais de télépéage soit un total de 390 . Ce montant est bloqué sur une carte de crédit et prélevé de manière effective sur une carte de débit. - Cinquième point : la remise du véhicule est inhabituelle, on vous gare le véhicule dans un parking sombre et on vous le laisse afin de faire votre propre inspection. C est maintenant qu il faut être extrêmement méticuleux ! Je vous conseille de sortir légèrement du parking souterrain afin d avoir une meilleure luminosité et de prendre une vidéo complète et exhaustive de l INTÉGRALITÉ du véhicule + Photos des dégâts constatés (extérieur et intérieur). - Sixième point : Au retour du véhicule, prévoyez une attente pour la remise du véhicule. - Septième point : Ils vous demanderont de fournir des preuves sur des dégâts au hasard dont ils connaissent l existence. C est à ce moment que les vidéos et photos exhaustives entre en jeu ! Je vous conseille de demander à remplir le constat de retour en votre présence, de le signer et de le faire signer par l agence avec cachet de l agence ! - Huitième point : Prenez une photo du tableau de bord une fois à l agence avec le kilométrage et le niveau d essence. De plus pensez à noter le montant du péage dépensé. Si vous faites attention à l ensemble de ces points, c est une location qui peut bien se passer. Concernant le retour des fonds prélevés, dans notre cas ils ont été rendus après 10 jours et je pense que cela est dû à notre insistance pour le respect des points indiqués ci-dessus.

Guia Local
January 31, 2024

Great cars and friendly

January 31, 2024

Car was fine except no GPS available for rental. Very little orientation provided to features of the auto. Location is a challenge without GPS-type map.

Guia Local
January 31, 2024

Prix intéressant sur le site mais des assurances supplémentaires assez onéreuse sur place

Guia Local
January 31, 2024

Bonne expérience, navait pas grand chose à voir avec les autres commentaires. Très bon prix en haute saison. La navette aéroport passe tous les 20 minutes. 15mn dattente à lagence, puis caution de 300 correspondant aux infos en ligne + 75 avancés pour le telepeage, le solde est rendu. Voiture super. -1 étoile pour lattente et lessence à 1/8, mais on a pu la rendre dans le même état (vérifier que cest bien mis dans le contrat). Retour du véhicule ras. Retour de la caution et du solde péage dans les 10 jours. Ils se sont faits racheter par Avis/Budget, peut être que ça va mieux depuis.

January 31, 2024

The employees were not nice. They explained in a very confusing manner that I NEEDED to take an insurance even though I had already paid one online. Hence, when I realized they debited 69 from my account to pay extra for an insurance, I asked them immediately (before I even took the car) to get that money back and changed my choice of insurance. However, until this day I still have not received the refund. I do not recommend this company, for many other reasons as well.

Guia Local
January 31, 2024

Fraudsters, once the rental is over, continue to debit money from your card, motivating them with tolls and additional costs. Dont rent here

Guia Local
January 31, 2024

I rented a car, I paid for a polo or similar car, I got a toyota yaris ! Once in their office to get the car, the agent tries to convince me to pay insurance by literally confusing me and giving a lot of false info, it costs more than the car rent price, I didnt pay for it tho. Then he lied about a device I should pay 13 euros for to take the freeway (motorways) from lisbon to porto, I traveled then Ive seen that I could pay the freeway without their device. I dont recommend at all, they are rude and not honest.

Guia Local
January 31, 2024

Très bonne expérience. Aucune attente à l arrivée pour récupérer la voiture. Explications claires sur les assurances et le badge telepeage. Il suffit de tout refuser. Que ce soit le badge (ne pas l utiliser) et idem pour le plein de carburant (le faire soi-même avant de rendre la voiture) et rien ne vous sera débité. Très bonne voiture Clio v récente et en excellent état. Service de navette à l aéroport au top. Rien à dire.

Guia Local
January 31, 2024

Nep íjemný personal

January 31, 2024

Boa experiência

Guia Local
January 31, 2024

Prenotato online, il totale della spesa era di 150. Ho anticipato online 50 e il resto era da pagare in loco. Arrivati sul posto abbiamo dovuto aspettare la bellezza di circa 2 ore, prendendo il numeretto, nonostante la prenotazione online (inutile). Giunti al nostro turno, il prezzo è salito dai 150 alla bellezza di 269 poiché ti obbligano ad attivare le varie KASKO altrimenti non ti lasciano lauto. A questo importo vanno aggiunti 100 di telepass obbligatorio per viaggiare nella nazione e 100 di carburante. Entrambi poi verranno stornati, il primo facendo la differenza con quello pagato in autostrada e il secondo se ri-consegni lauto con il pieno. Il rimborso cè stato tutto ok dopo una settimana. Personalmente lascio una stella per la qualità dellauto che ti viene consegnata, internamente sporca e quindi senza una sanificazione, scortesia da parte dello staff, dallaccoglienza alla consegna del mezzo, mancanza di organizzazione e tempi di attesa lunghissimi. La stella viene meritata per il servizio navetta con personale cortese !

January 31, 2024

Scam artists. Never returned the deposit I paid for tolls. Ignoring my emails. Stealing from your customers is disgraceful. Just dont book with them, be warned!

January 31, 2024

Compagnia con pochissima trasparenza, all ritiro dell auto ti obbligano a una assicurazione aggiuntiva, a pagare il carburante e anche in anticipo il noleggio. Ovviamente il tutto non dichiarato nel sito e spiegato in modo confusionale in presenza. Per quanto riguarda auto: le gomme erano sgonfie, mancava olio al motore e poi non era la tipologia di auto richiesta.

January 31, 2024

À fuir ! Accueil désagréable. La navette censée nous emmener à l aéroport n avait soit disant pas assez de places à l aller comme au retour, le gérant a fait monter des couples avant notre groupe de 5 et nous a fait attendre 45 min les deux fois. Nous avons failli louper notre vol, un service client à revoir.

Guia Local
January 31, 2024

Il nous vole notre argent

January 31, 2024

Não recomendo a ninguém. Não atendem as chamadas e nem respondem aos emails. A pessoa tem que ir pessoalmente reclamar da devolução do dinheiro e mesmo assim eles não devolvem. O valor do carro na internet era uma coisa e no local era 3 vezes mais. Não aceitem pagar o combustível e a via verde com eles. 75 euros de via verde que não foram devolvidos. Fui lá pessoalmente e eles disseram que passado uns dias devolviam e nada. Vim ver os comentários e eles fazem isso sempre, principalmente com turistas. Eles não devolvem o dinheiro. Ficam com o dinheiro das pessoas e fazem-se de esquecidos.

Guia Local
January 31, 2024

Cest lorsquil y a un problème que lon voit si une agence est bonne. Et la 2 pneus dégonflé 359 . Parce que je nai pas pu refaire le plein de carburant moi même cause remorquage de la voiture il mon prix 21 . Pas de sourire pas de courtoisie mais trop gentil lorsquil vous demande de payer. Cest des arracheurs de dents.. je déconseille très fortement. Très Loin de lesprit portugais.

Guia Local
January 31, 2024

Influenzato da qualche recensione negativa ero molto titubante prima di usufruire di questo autonoleggio..Sono invece rimasto molto soddisfatto per il servizio impeccabile ..nessun tempo dattesa, costi molto economici personale competente e gentile..Mi hanno dato anche un cabriolet invece di una normale..valore aggiunto alla vacanza..consigliatissimo..grazie

Guia Local
January 31, 2024

Accueillants. Efficaces. Très bien. Voiture sympa.

Guia Local
January 31, 2024

It was perfect experience. Good deals through discover car rentals dot com. Prepaid full Insurance through booking cheaper. Tried to push other insurance, but everyone does to. Upgraded car too. Shuttles easy and convenient. Friendly staff. It wasn t really busy when there, only waited for a couple other people. Think it s owned by Avis now. Like new facility. Would use again.

January 31, 2024


Guia Local
January 31, 2024

Excellente qualité de service: navette aéroport de courtoisie, chek in et check out efficaces et rapides, mise à disposition dun système de paiement des autoroute inclus, véhicule de qualité, je recommande!

Guia Local
January 31, 2024

Pior locadora que contratei na minha vida! O atendimento do balcão é péssimo, as tarifas cheias custos escondidos (hidden costs), os preços são diferentes dos contratados no site, o transporte de ida e volta para o aeroporto é demorado demais. Fujam dessa locadora!

Guia Local
January 31, 2024

J avais peur à cause des mauvaises expériences des autres utilisateurs mais je n ai pas eu d histoires en rendant la voiture. Je n ai pris ni assurance ni option et ai dû avancer deux cautions de 320eur et 75 eur. Au retour j ai rendu le véhicule avec le plein. Super expérience mais 4 étoiles et non 5 car le véhicule avait un défaut de carrosserie et le personnel roule trop brusquement à l intérieur des locaux.

January 31, 2024

Absolute scam! Dont book! The scam: If you dont have your credit card with you, you will be asked to take out overpriced insurance. Non-cancellable!

Guia Local
January 31, 2024

Zumindest sehr preiswert

January 31, 2024

They try to scam on every step, even after 2,5 years after my rental they charged my card!!! For some tolls, that should be done when car is being returned and explained. Experience with getting a car was horrible, i booked everything online including insurance so normally it takes few minutes to get a car. Not here, we spent over an hour at the front desk, they wanted to push on us so many additional things and saying we have to have it one lady went in and screamd to people that they are scammers, dont get hooked . They took her out HIGHLY NOT RECOMMEND!!!

January 31, 2024

Avoid this company ! We were asked another credit card only to make us pay another aditionnal reservation (and my name was right on the card !) ! Anastasya (the supervisor) was as unskilled as arrogant. Avoid !!!

Guia Local
January 31, 2024

Simpatia,eficácia,rapidez, qualidade

Guia Local
January 31, 2024

El PEOR servicio de autos que hemos contratado. En el aeropuerto no hay nadie de la empresa, x lo que tenes que consultar a otras empresas donde se encuentra TURISPRIME. 1 VAN para recoger a todos los pasajeros cada media hora , el conductor un mal educado y mal humorado. Deja subir quien quiere sin importar el order. Cuando finalmente llegas al lugar dondese retiran los autos, 15 minutos en auto desde el aeropuerto, tienen un room de waiting donde mínimo hay q esperar una hora para q te den el auto. Todo el mundo saca fotos a los autos, porque pareciera ser que te cobran cualquier daño que ya tuviese el auto. DESASTRE!!!!!! NO LOS CONTRATEN!!!

January 31, 2024

Terrible wait times at airport when compared to every other company van that came past sometimes three or four times. 40 minute wait. No rep at the airport. Other rental companies have someone. Same happened on return of the vehicle. Just the one van plying back and forth to the airport. Another 40 minute wait. Car was good. Service at pick up and drop off was good.

January 31, 2024

Muito tempo de espera, mais de uma hora pra ser atendida. Só tem uma pessoa para realizar o atendimento, falta de respeito com o cliente. Precisa colocar mais funcionários, muito desorganizado e demorado. Descaso total!

Guia Local
January 31, 2024

Tolle Firma und es hat alles gut geklappt

Guia Local
January 31, 2024

Consigliata da Ryanair ma pessima esperienza. Allarrivo in aeroporto non cè nessuna indicazione per trovare questa compagnia e a forza di cercare e chiedere scopriamo che bisogna prendere una navetta perché si trova distante dallaeroporto. Arrivati ci troviamo una lunga fila di persone che aspettano con tanto di numero, prendiamo il numero e aspettiamo più di unora prima di essere serviti. Scopriamo inoltre che allimporto già pagato bisogna aggiungere unaltra assicurazione di 90 per non farsi bloccare 2000 sulla carta di credito, 75 di cauzione per il Telepass dove tratteranno le spese dovute, 100 bloccate per il carburante se non si riconsegna lauto con il pieno. Fatto tutti i pagamenti finalmente ci consegnano lauto ,carichiamo i bagagli e partiamo, facciamo pochi km e lauto ha la seconda marcia che gratta di brutto, rientriamo, facciamo presente il problema alla responsabile che prova lauto e anche con lei la seconda fa un brutto rumore e questa in malo modo dice che non fa niente. Ci consegnano unaltra auto: tendina del baule rotta e valige in vista, interno tutto bagnato, seggiolino del passeggero bagnato e ci dicono che è solo umido, da notare che il bauletto porta documenti era pieno dacqua, demoralizzati accendiamo lauto ed escono tutte le spie per cambiare la batteria e di raggiungere un centro assistenza. Quindi cambiamo auto per lennesima volta e finalmente partiamo anche con questa escono spie per fare un tagliando e ogni tanto problemi al servosterzo ma facciamo finta di niente e speriamo in bene. Abbiamo impiegato più tempo per avere lauto che il volo dallItalia. Brutta esperienza. Solo il ragazzo che ci ha fatto il contratto è stato gentile ed educato, gli altri molto scortesi.

Guia Local
January 31, 2024

Correu tudo bem, mesmo com a caução que me foi devolvida ainda no mesmo dia, ao final do dia já tinha o valor disponível no cartão!

Guia Local
January 31, 2024

Worst service ever. When you reserve the car online, instructions aren t really clear. When you get to the office, it s even worse. They were not clear at all about the insurance that we had to pay for, which was the most complete and expensive one. You sign a contract that says you have this insurance, but they don t even explain what it includes. They will never see me again.

Guia Local
January 31, 2024

Highly recommend!!

January 31, 2024

Fui muito bem atendido, o local é muito bom.

January 31, 2024

Service impeccable.personnel souriant

Guia Local
January 31, 2024

Das Auto war frisch gewaschen und OK, hatte ziemlich genau 40k auf der Uhr. Bei der Buchung drängte man mich zu einer No Deposit Versicherung für 25 Euro/Tag. Ich wollte das eigentlich nicht, aber meine Frau hatte so ein Gefühl. Also habe ich es gemacht. Einen Tag später hatte ich einen Parkrempler am linken Kotflügel der sich gewaschen hat. Der Shuttle vom Airport war gut und pünktlich, hat schon auf uns gewartet als wir ankamen. Auf dem Rückweg mußten wir 30 Minuten auf den Shuttle warten. Gut das wir genug Zeit eingeplant haben. Aber das Auto wurde anstandslos angenommen, es wurde gar nicht nach Schäden gesucht, so wie bei der Anmietung versprochen. An Alle die eine Vollkasko ablehnen: Der Verkehr in Lissabon ist heftig, insbesonders die Radfahrer und Mopeds, hauptsächlich Lieferanten, sind völlig Schmerzfrei. Seinen Platz im Verkehr muss man sich erkämpfen. Man kann auch nicht parken. Parkplätze sind, je nach Jahreszeit, exorbitant teuer. Wie haben im Dezember nur 12,70 Euro / 24 Std. bezahlt, Aber im Sommer kostet der gleiche Platz auch schon mal locker das dreifache. Taxifahren ist deutlich günstiger wenn man nur in der Stadt bleibt. Sollte man dann doch mal ein Auto benötigen dann Tagesweise mieten, denn auch in Parkhäusern ist das Parken sch... teuer.

January 31, 2024

Vorsichtig ist geboten, die Masche ist Leuten die via Check24 etc. gebucht haben teure Zusatzversicherungen zu verkaufen und wenn man die nicht nimmt, anschließend zu versuchen Schäden, die an dem Auto ohne Ende vorhanden waren am Ende anzuhängen, Fotos und Videos machen!!! Am besten direkt bei einem der Anbieter am Flughafen direkt buchen. Personal vor Ort ist inkompetent und versucht die klassischen Touritricks

Guia Local
January 31, 2024

Too long time for waiting the shuttle from and to the airport. But overall a very good experience. Friendly staff, good prices.

January 31, 2024

Everything was great, we quickly received the car and quickly returned it. Huge+ that you can use a debit card! I recommend, good service!!

January 31, 2024

Such a pitty I can t give zero stars! BIGGEST SCAMMERS IN TOWN!! Stay away at all costs. They are always charging for damage on the car that was done before and they ask you to pay them and then pass the request for the refund to the insurance company. The employees are super rude and not helpful at all. Long waiting times, and obviously they have no clue how to do their job. Surprised that this place has even made it to 3 stars reviews.

January 31, 2024

Don t make the mistake and book your car here! It is Scam. I was already skeptical after reading all the reviews on how they try to charge you for damage you have not done. I was renting a Car for three days. When picking it up the Turisprime Employee gave me my receipt together with a documentation of all the existing damages on the car. It had exactly two scratches documented, while the car I was getting was full of scratches. I was making the employee aware of that to which he responded: oh, it s alright, just take pictures of the scratches you see . So I was doing exactly that. I took a lot of pictures since the car had so many scratches I almost couldn t count. SO when I brought it back three days later, the employee working now made me aware of the scratches on the car. Luckily I had documented a lot of them. unfortunately, there was also one on the tire, that I did not take any picture of (again, they gave me a completely damaged car and I tried my best to document all of them). I told her about all the pictures I got of scratches that were NOT on the documentation they gave me about the car. No chance. She immediately went to her office to print me the receipt of 100 they will deduct from my deposit. HUGE SCAM! There is no way you can prevent this, since the car they give you is full of undocumented scratches. Please don t book here. there are many more car rentals in lisbon

Guia Local
January 31, 2024

In order to get our car we were forced to pay an additional insurance fee of 250 euro, due to not using the same credit-card as mentioned in our reservation. The Seat we got was fine.

Guia Local
January 31, 2024

. , . . . 1. .

January 31, 2023

Absolutly not enough staff

January 31, 2023

Ich kann die schlechten Bewertungen nicht nachvollziehen. Bei mir war alles super. Der Shuttlebus ist direkt beim Ausgang vom Flughafen mit einer großen Turisprime Aufschrift und fährt alle 15 Minuten, dies steht auch in den Buchungsunterlagen. Mitarbeiter waren alle freundlich. Mir wurde auch keine Zusatzversicherung angedreht, da ich gleich sagte das ich keine brauche. Die Leute vor mir haben eine Zusatzversicherung bekommen, da sie mich gefragt haben. Anstatt am Schalter nochmal nachzufragen, warum sie diese bekommen haben war deren Aussage dass sie eine schlechte Bewertung schreiben werden, find ich nicht gerechtfertigt. Die 75 was berechtet werden vor Ort ist für die Box im Auto bei der Windschutzscheibe, die für die ganzen Mautgebühren sind. Einziger Abzug, weil das Navi teils Strassen nicht gefunden hat, dies wurde mir am Schalter aber gesagt und ich hätte ein anderes Auto haben können wo ich mich mit dem Handy verbinden kann zwecks Navi. Und die Motorleuchte war an. Nach nochmaliger Nachfrage sagte mir der Mitarbeiter aber das dass so passt. Alles in allem super Service und man soll einfach den Vertrag genauer lesen und wenn es ein Problem gibt gleich nachfragen anstatt eine schlechte Bewertung zu schreiben!!

Guia Local
January 31, 2023

Bom preço, bom serviço

Guia Local
January 31, 2023

Like others reported creditcards are declined due to unknown errors. It will cost you 200+ euro extra to get full assurance etc, or no car. Contacted my bank but they said they could not find any transaction or reason why it failed. Advice: Find another car hire company

Guia Local
January 31, 2023

Definitely the worst experience with a car hire company. The instructions I received in the email, stated to wait by the meet point inside the airport. After 20 minutes, I started calling their phone numbers, and another 20 minutes, to talk to someone. The girl explained to me that I had to wait outside in the cold and wind after arriving at the place to get the car, more waiting, and they would not accept my credit card because it is from a digital bank, claiming it was a pre paid card. I tried explaining the card was not a pre paid, and was the same used for booking so, I do not recommend as no one seemed interested in working and helping anyone sad

Guia Local
January 31, 2023

Cumpre bem seus objetivos!!!

Guia Local
January 31, 2023

Excellent place to rent a car

Guia Local
January 31, 2023

Auto war super, die Abnahme ging auch sehr schnell. Würd ich wieder machen, ein Tipp an alle: Lasst euch nichts aufschwätzen wenn ihr schon eine Versicherung abgeschlossen habt, die bei Schäden übernimmt - auch bei penetrantem Verhalten, bleibt stark!!!

Guia Local
January 31, 2023


Guia Local
January 31, 2023

Na lotnisku nie sposób si dodzwoni do biura. Przedstawiciele innej firmy mi powiedzieli gdzie szuka kogo z Turisprime. Na miejscu dosta em mniejszy samochód ni zamawia em. Wybra em Volswagen Polo (lub podobny). Na miejscu okaza o si , e nie maj Polo ani niczego w tej skali i mog dosta tylko Mitsubishi Space Star (za te pieni dze co Polo). Ten samochód ma mikroskopijny baga nik. Wybiera em Polo w a nie z my l o tym, e w baga niku zmieszcz dwie walizki. Niestety w Space Star mie ci si jedna walizka co oznacza, e drug musia em wozi przez tydzie na tylnym siedzeniu. Odradzam t firm .

January 31, 2023

Muito mau experiência com ele empresa Turisprime primeiro uma coisa so enganar os clientes