R. Farrapas 13 Fracção I, 4455-589 Perafita, Portugal
Friendly service, good car, excellent price...just read how to find the shuttle before you get to the airport ;-)
They are not serious. They make undue charges on credit cards and threaten that they will not return the deposit if they do not want to pay damages invented by them
Do yourself a favour and read these one star reviews BEFORE choosing to use this company so you understand the risk. I felt bullied by Ruben into taking out full insurance. This made the car we hired more expensive than other quotes we had found beforehand. The way he belittled to me, I did feel like they would definitely find some fault that we would need to pay for when we returned the car. I did not feel like we had another option once we were in the industrial area where they take you from the airport. As he had upset me, I asked to deal with another staff member. I was kept waiting for quite some time. All other staff we dealt with, and once we'd paid for the full insurance, were helpful and re-inforced that we'd made a good choice by insuring. My opinion, be prepared to pay the substantial amount extra for their "full" insurance, or be prepared for unexpected costs and shocking customer service.
Everything was great, the car, the check-in, and the checkout. I would rent from them again!
Everything went smoothly from begging to the end of rental period. Car was brand new with 7k on the clock. Dacia Jogger 7seater. Comfortable with all necessary specs u need during hot days in Portugal. No issues so far. (I had full insurance)
Drive4Move pick up at Lisbon airport was chaotic - seemed to be the same for all the off-airport rental cars. Waited nearly an hour - person with clipboard telling us to wait 'over there' like a bit of baggage. Extra payments at the pick up office - didn't understand why. Upgraded to a beast size car we didn't want driving around small Portuguese towns. They agreed to downgrade us but quite rude about it. Drop off at Porto was very easy - friendly staff. But no idea how long it's going to take for shuttle to the airport. Not the kind of stress we wanted.
To find the shuttle at the airport was a little challenge but I did (not at the designated area, on the second lane). The check in was quick and the staff didn't make any pressure to sell additional insurances. What I really liked: they check the car with you, if there are any damages before you leave with the car. Checkout was smooth and without issues. That's a clear 5* rating! I can only recommend!
I rented a car from international car - lisboa, but the car had a warning light so I couldn't use it, and the international cars lisboa kept ignoring my phone call. Accordingly, I visited International cars - porto. We were assisted by Catarina, who clearly and quickly resolved all our complex inquiries in cooperation with the lisboa branch. I was very worried due to the Google Map reviews of the Lisboa branch, but I was able to use really friendly and good service at the Porto branch. Also, special thanks to Catarina. She sincerely apologize for the inconvenience caused while using the rental car, and even helped us catch an Uber taxi to the hotel despite the rainy weather. Due to the friendly and good experience, I will write about it on my personal blog and also on the Korean travel community so that other visitors can use the branch as a reference. Thank you
Je vais faire simple: voleurs, escrocs bien rodés Fuyez chers clients Ils suffit de lire les avis et les réponses pour comprendre. Franchement jai honte pour limmage que cette organisation reflète du Portugal,mais je tiens à vous rassurer tous les portugais ne sont pas des escrocs. Bonjour à tous, 5 mois se sont écoulé et je suis surpris de voir que cette organisation descrocs continuent leurs meffraie sans que aucune autorité nintervienne à les stopper Chers clients analisez bien tous les avis et surtout les réponses et vous verrez que se sont toujours les mêmes problèmes et les mêmes réponses vous serez toujours le mise en cause quant à cette organisation elle sera toujours irréprochable Fuyez passez votre chemin
Senhor tarsisio mui ti simpático comi sempre bam atendido super contente
Very nice agency.. impeccable car, top customer service I recommend
Otimo empresa , atendimento excelente pela Giulia
Foram ótimas!!
Muito profissionais e atenciosos. Com serviço de transporte de e para o aeroporto, gratuito.
Excellent and fantastic services
Ótimo atendimento e muito pratico o processo! Eu recomendo
Très bonne réception du véhicule. Explication impeccable. Je recommande. Ça fait plus de 10 ans que je loue ici. Bravo Gabriel.
Esperienza pessima, consiglio di NON prenotare con queste persone scortesi!!!!! Purtroppo ho prenotato online visto il costo contenuto che avevano, nonostante avessero chiesto extra per consegna veicolo dopo orario normale, ma la navetta in aeroporto non si è presentata, il numero messo a disposizione faceva parlare con un risponditore e non con personale loro, ho preso Uber facendomi accompagnare fino al capannone ma era tutto chiuso e spento. Il giorno dopo altro Uber per andare a ritirare lauto chiedendo perchè non fosse passata la navetta in aeroporto, e chiedendo ovviamente la restituzione dellextra di 40 per consegna dopo lorario normale di apertura, mi hanno detto che la navetta è passata 2 volte in aeroporto(cosa non vera perchè quando sono andato con Uber era parcheggiata nel piazzale), e che non volevano darmi rimborso dellextra. Ci siamo messi a discutere parlando un pò inglese per farci restituire quanto pagato in più(1/5 del totale solo di extra!!!!)ed a un certo punto ci hanno detto che non ci avrebbero più dato lauto riprendendosi le chiavi. Morale: capivano perfettamente italiano ma non volevano parlarlo, e quando sono stati messi in difficoltà ci hanno urlato io parlo benissimo italiano ma la macchina non ve la dò!!!! Evitate broker Discover Cars che si appoggia a International Car!!!!!
Très contents de connaitre ce lieu de location. Le personnel très accueillants et sympathiques Gabriel Bruno et tous les autres je recommande. et pour le prix aussi. Luis Teixeira.
Sehr zufriden zum zweite mal und wedes weiter entfelen
Bonjour a tous très bien reçu par toute l équipe ne changez pas bonne continuation
Excelente atendimento, viatura confortável e de qualidade. Esclareceram todas as dúvidas, as portagens são pagas na entrega da viatura evitando pay shops. Obrigado Frederico e restante equipa!
De todos, e ja foram muitos, sao os melhores. Tao bons que agora sempre que preciso so alugo neles. Recomendadissimo!
Tarcisio foi exelente, recomendo a companhia e o serviço
Génial je recommande international car
The stuff is very nice
Nothing to say, I have rented cars from this agency several times and I am very satisfied. I highly recommend.
No dia 23 de outubro, fiz uma reserva on line pela carjet e aluguei um veiculo no aeroporto do porto para as 21 horas. Com o valor de 83.93 euros mais 40 euros de taxa fora de horas. Foi pago de imediato o valor de 64,08 euros, ficando em falta o valor de 59,85 a pagar no momento de levantamento. Cheguei ao aeroporto cerca das 19h 45m e como não encontrava o stand da Internacional Car, liguei diversas vezes para o número que consta do documento de reserva, mas sem sucesso, e até à data não houve retorno das chamadas . Numa das chamadas indicavam automaticamente que devia me dirigir para a 2º via de transito ao aeroporto e aguardar. Estive em espera até as 20 horas, quando me desloco a um colaborador de outra empresa de aluguer de carros informam que o stand não era no aeroporto. Internacional Car já respondeu que não se responsabiliza pelo fato de o local da reserva ser o aeroporto do Porto pois eles não se encontram lá, que é uma fraude da CARJET, mas a empresa continua é ser cúmplice deste embuste. Quando me desloco por meios próprios para a empresa INTERNACIONAL CAR apresento a reserva sou presenteada com o seguinte comentário está com sorte, pois já me ia embora e indico que cheguei cedo pois a reserva era para as 21 horas, ao que indicam que às 21 horas já não ia ter o levantamento do carro. De seguida ainda indicam me que tenho de pagar para além dos 59,85 euros mais 40 euros por já passaram das 20 horas. Contesto indicando que o valor de 59,85 euros já tem o valor dos 40 euros e sou ameaçada pelo colaborador que se não pagar, ia ficar sem carro e sem o valor já pago à carjet. Ainda contesto que a reserva era no aeroporto e lá estava antes das 20 horas e não no Freixieiro, que ninguém estava à minha espera no aeroporto, mas só recebia comentários como despache-se que tenho de ir embora. Já solicitei a devolução da taxa em duplicado à IntercionalCar, mas continuam a negar a sua devolução, apesar de comprovar que o minha reserva para as 21 horas diz que tinha de pagar apenas 59,85 euros. A empresa também recusou a entrega da fatura do momento bem como dos danos da carro e só foi enviada dias depois e depois de solicitada novamente. No dia de entrega do veiculo solicitei um documento a comprovar o cancelamento da franquia e também recusaram a sua entrega.
Service de qualité
Tive uma primeira experiência incrivel com toda a equipa, realmente todos muito profissionais... um exemplo a seguir pelos demais. Da minha parte resta agradecer. Muito obrigado.
Ayant eu une avarie avec ma voiture, jai du louer une à Matosinhos e mon frère ma conseillé celle ci. Tout a été parfait et les tarifs sont super compétitifs. Je nai rien eu à payer dautre que les jours de location, et un passage au péage. Parfait. Je recommande.
Rien à dire, 2ème expérience , très bien
Super des vrais professionnels
Otimo atendimento Tarcisio Okis
Bruna Fantastic service
Atendimento nota 10!!!
Atendimento excelente! A menina que me atendeu foi 5 estrelas! Muito obrigado
Kind and courteous, second time I rent a car... normal price.... Thanks Alfonso
Buchung über Billiger Mietwagen/BSP Auto klappte reibungslos, Shuttlebus am Flughafen stand bereit, Kaution konnte angeblich nicht von Visa-card abgebucht werden, wir wurden genötigt zwei Zusatzversicherungen über ca. 200,- anzuschließen wenn wir den Leihwagen haben wollten. ( Das habe ich Weltweit das erste Mal erlebt) Was bleibt einem da schon... wir haben das gemacht und gezahlt. Auto mit bisher 6500 km Laufleistung war ok, Rückgabe ohne jegliche Mängel am KFZ in Faro lief reibungslos. Shuttlebus zum Flughafen in Faro war einwandfrei.
Tarcísio (Baiano) and Bruno Very attentive and friendly
Easy return
A éviter à tout prix, très très mauvaise expérience, cela a été un véritable cauchemar, il faut déjà prendre une navette très difficile à trouver et peu présente pour aller au dépôt à quelques kilomètres de laéroport récupérer le véhicule, ensuite nous avons été débité à notre insu parce que nous avons utilisé le véhicule sur lautoroute alors que nous avons payé avec notre carte VISA tous les péages, cest soit disant inscrit dans les conditions générales, bien sûr en tout petit sans jamais nous prévenir, jappelle cela du VOL. Enfin on nous a donné un véhicule sans essence en nous disant vous le rendez sans essence, vous êtes en difficulté dès le départ pour trouver une station service, il restait 40 km seulement. Bref, une galère monstrueuse sans parler de lattente au dépôt pour récupérer le véhicule, plus de 30 mn. Le piège ce sont les prix très attractifs... mais au final ce nest pas le cas et surtout vous allez galérer et vivre un véritable cauchemar.
Very good
Es war einfach, unkompliziert und schnell.
Tudo impecável. Voo atrasou imensas horas e mesmo fora de horas foram acessíveis a ficar alguém à nossa espera. Voltarei a alugar convosco. Recomendo
Giulia 5 estrelas
Perfeito, colaboradores simpáticos rápidos e muito atenciosos e não tirando os mérito de todos os outros, com quem eu sempre contato e reservo é com o Bruno Reis . Recomendo .
Great service
Tarcísio, nós atendeu muito bem, na devolução do carro, gostamos muito.
Arnaqueur ! Dommage qu on ne puisse pas mettre 0 étoiles. N allez jamais la bas. On réserve pour une bm série 3, on paye le prix et on nous donne une Citroën en nous expliquant qu il n ont pas plus haut de gamme. 0 geste commercial, les personnes sont désagréables. Au moment de rendre la voiture, on nous invente une rayure qui était déjà lors de l état des lieux de départ mais d après eux la rayure était plus petite lorsqu ils nous ont rendu la voiture. Pire expérience, fuyez !
Giulia bom atendimento
Gabriel foi excelente:)
Fa il levantamento e facil retorno. Preco justo e sem custos escondidos
Giulia e António
Friendliness Excellent welcome Solution and initiative with customers
Very good experience, professional, welcoming and friendly. All the information was very clear and easy to understand. I became a client and I recommend it
Tem sido uma boa experiência, alugar viaturas na International Car - Porto.
Très sympa une bonne équipe à une prochaine
Super qualidade simpatia
O único problema que tive foi na aguardar muito tempo pela carrinha no aeroporto
A larrivée, nous avons attendu plus de 30 minutes la navette qui devait nous conduire jusquau point de prise en charge du véhicule de location. Les informations concernant le prestataire ne sont pas claires, à aucun moment, INTERNATIONAL CAR nest mentionné. Les méthodes agressives du personnel poussent les clients à souscrire à des prestations complémentaires sous peine de sanctions. Nous avons eu tort de faire entièrement confiance au personnel du prestataire lors de lexamen du véhicule au moment de sa prise en charge. Lors de la restitution du véhicule, la personne en charge du contrôle nous a fait remarquer que le véhicule à subi un choc à lavant gauche sous le spoiler. Étonnamment la personne sest dirigée directement à cet endroit sans vérifier le reste du véhicule. Nous avons du nous acquitter dune facture dun montant de 341,98 . Nous mettons en doute la bonne foi de ce prestataire et déplorons ces méthodes. La pratique de prix de location particulièrement bon marché explique à notre avis la mise en place de subterfuges afin de faire augmenter la facture finale.
Rien a dire tout était parfait, la voiture presque neuve et problème n a aucun en plus d etre agreable a conduire. J ai loué un T-Cross
En 2021 ns avons loué une voiture chez vous rien à redire personnels accueillant même le chauffeur (une femme)très gentille ns reprenons une location cette année en octobre sans probleme.Merci a vous.
Gabriel awesome service easy and fast
Tanks to Julia
Great pick up and return. Highly recommended
Gabriel excelente atendimento.
Tudo bem com o Gabriel
Super bom ,muito obrigado
Very good service , they pick you up from the airport to get the car ,very polite and friendly staff and when you drop off the car they take you back to the airport ,I will definitely recommended and the prices for the 2 weeks was really good is you compared with other companies I will give not 5 but 6
Marcelle e Gabriel foram bastante prestativo e educados!!!
Muito bom serviço e atendimento na chegada e na partida pelo Gabriel.
Great service, always on time and with good energy! Thank you both Bruno and Julia for your service. See you soon!
Reservamos con Surprice y todo genial, lo recomendamos, el servicio de Julia muy rápido y eficiente. Gracias
Agence à éviter plusieurs loueurs sur place suite restitution du véhicule le 24 mars 2024 pas trouver de défaut dessus. Il a finalement trouvé qui manque le gilet jaune dans le coffre. Que j ai vue avant aujourd hui 26 mars 2024 reçu facture 110 00 pour un gilet Attention gros arnaque pour facturer client pressé pour prendre l avion
STAY AWAY FROM THIS COMPANY - TOO BAD I CANT GIVE THEM ZERO STARS Yes, its cheap but not worth the hassle and pain they will cause you. Extremely rude staff (some, not all) who will make you sign a FRAUDULENT contract BEFORE inspecting the vehicle. Then they will try to charge you for anything and everything so if you absolutely must use then, here is a little check list for you: - 1st and foremost, ensure you arrive at an early flight because the LAST shuttle bus from the porto airport to the garage probably leaves the airport around 19.30-19.45, YOU MUST ARRIVE TO THE GARAGE well before 20.00 otherwise they will charge you 40 our of office fees. Even if your flight is delayed, makes no difference. In the end we had to pay for a taxi to get there, because NOBODY would pick up their phone. Then charged us 40 . - Never and I mean NEVER sign anything they ask you to sign, unless you ensure the details of the contract are correct. They TOLD US VERBALLY that the tank was 1/4 full, but the contract I signed BEFORE inspection stated full. - They then tried to tell me I WAS WRONG LOL honestly. Luckily I had pictures of everything. Therefore REMEMBER TO TAKE PICTURES OF THE TANK BEFORE YOU LEAVE THE GARAGE AND AFTER, SHOWING CLEARLY THE TANK LEVEL AND TIME!!!! Otherwise they will take the money off your credit card. - ENSURE the check out contract you sign when dropping off the car is correct - DO NOT SIGN UNTIL YOURE HAPPY!!! - TAKE PICTURES OF EVERY SINGLE ANGLE OF THE CAR This is how they make money, since the cars are so cheap. So bear that in mind if you use them.
Uma das melhores experiências de aluguel de carro. Me atenderam muito bem, principalmente o tarcisio. Mais um cliente
. ,
Júlia e Tarcísio sensacionais! Na hora da entrega tudo certo, belo trabalho! Parabéns pelos funcionários! Quanto a empresa tudo certo, zero burocracia
Ótimo atendimento do Tarcisio!!! Parabéns
muito bom atendimento. Julia me atendeu eu foi muito atenciosa.
Gabriel and Ivan was very friendly and courtesy
Tt ok benissimo. Grazie di tutto.Gentilissimi e competenti. Gabriel
Competenti e cordiali da 5 stelle
Marcelle ótima na fecho gostei muito obrigado voltarei
Muito bem.
Gabriel excelente atendimento. Equipe okis os melhores
Friendly service by a really nice gentleman named Gabriel
Gabriel was very kind and helped us out a lot with the car. Hope to be back soon
Tivemos uma boa experiência, excelente atendimento Gabriel Ivan e Frederico, carros em excelente estado, voltaremos novamente! Recomendamos! Muito obrigada
Agency to avoid at all costs, insists on taking a second insurance, if you dont take it they will automatically find a fault to make you pay. For a microphone impacted on the black strip of the windshield they will charge you 350
Je déconseille on paie un tarif sur internet et arrive à lagence on doit payer le double. Prenez une autre agence!
RAS pas de soucis particulier. Agence sérieuse et sympa
Melhor sítio para alugar carros! Recomendo vivamente
Serviço 5 Estrelas
Só tenho boas referências 5 estrelas pessoas simpáticas e afáveis o meu muito obrigado
When picking up the cars it is very difficult and there is a long waiting time Apart from the rest it is Top.
Excelente atendimento da equipe,estão de parabéns . Super indico
Belle réception de Gilbert
Gabriel was awesome!! Drop off was nice and straightforward.
Excelente atendimento do Gabriel e equipa
Atendimento muito profissional do Tarcisio
Rien à dire ao top
Very good service
Bon accueil et rapide
um otimo atendimento pelo Gabriel
Todo bien con el coche Muy buena atención de Gabriel!
Tudo impecável. Rápidos no atendimento e a viatura correspondeu ao esperado. O Gabriel funcionário alem de simpatico foi bastante profissional. Recomendo
All great. Gabriel was very helpful.
Excellente expérience avec Gabriel. Et merci également au chauffeur de la navette qui a tenu compte que nous avions des enfants.merci beaucoup à toute léquipe.
Ótimo atendimento em geral!
Julia foi mesmo top
Viatura super limpa. Funcionários super atenciosos e prestáveis. Muito recomendável.
Gabriel was top!!
Gostei do atendimento do S Gabriel muito simpático
Perfeito sempre bem servida e super aculhida cumprimentos para ô Sr Bruno e Sr GABRIEL
These guys saved us! We rented a car a gold car but they denied us the car because they didn t see our Dutch Mastercard as a Mastercard. Spend a few hours at the airport to find a solution. Took a taxi up to international car and they immediately helped us. Great car, great price. They saved our whole holiday! Very greatful.
Tarcisio, tudo perfeito!!
Viatura impecável. Atendimento simpático com o jovem Gabriel Serviço sem complicações.
muito feliz com o atendimento Giulia e Tarcísio
Fantástico atendimento. Funcionária Júlia super profissional e prestável. Recomendo!
Muito prestáveis e profissionais.
They charged me 500euros. Never rent a car here. I paid full coverage and someone hit my rental car while it was parked. I realized it when I return the car as it was not a big damage. The staff here told me to report to police otherwise I should pay 300euros. (Even I had a full coverage) So I went to police station to report. It took 2hours. I asked any document that I can prove I reported it, but the police told me its impossible it would take 10days to get reported officially. So I asked the officer to make a call to this company. Finally, they talked to each other and told me its done. Also, one of staffs here told me I dont need to pay anything. However, few days after, I found out they charged 500EU from my credit card. I emailed to customer center but theyre keep saying You made a damage, so you pay it Even I explained all the situation theyre just ignoring it. Dont rent a car from here nor take full coverage. Its not a fulll coverage.
Viaturas em óptimas condições, novas, poucos km e económicas, funcionários prestáveis e simpáticos, levantamento/ entrega da viatura rápido
Serviço 5*
Great experience. No issues to report.
Tive uma experiência muito boa com esta empresa! Tive a sorte de encontrar um funcionário como o Frederico Almeida, que tratou de tudo com grande profissionalismo, desempenho e rigor! Muito satisfeito com o serviço. Recomendo bastante!
Bonnes explications en français à larrivée ! Je recommande.
Serviço excelente, carros em excelente estado..
Fantastic car rental, Bruno at Porto airport branch is a brilliant guy! Always helpful and polite please pass on the message. Always a job well done..
Excelente serviço !!! A repetir
Worst company ever. Never use it.
Très bonne expérience . Jai loué une voiture pour 30 jours .Prix très intéréssant . Vu quil sagissait dune location longue durée ( plus de 25 jours) jai dù payer la franchise complète (2400 euros) qui ma été rendue sans problèmes lors de la restitution de la voiture. Personnel très sympa. Jai du mal a croire certains avis que jai lu. Je reviendrai surement.
Top top
Uma experencia Boa ,com pontotualidade e eficasia na entregar e na recolha ,e um atendimento muito consegante.
5 star service New car Very good I will be back
Uma experiência incrível foi tudo ótimo, obrigado Giuliana com certeza voltarei
Não gostei da penalização 90euros por ter fumado um cigarro eletrônico tenho grande dúvida no próximo aluguer nesta empresa
Big scoundrels, the worst is Gordo With full risk insurance, a small risk will cost me 300 euros, this company will never do it again
Never choose this company. U sent an email for information and renting a car and if they dont like the reservation they act like ghosts and never answer! Stay away!
Bad service, bad mood, all employees, be careful to rent a car with them, check the car well before picking up, take a lot of photos, because on delivery they will find many things that you will be surprised prepare your pocket and their bad mood. I dont advise their service.
excelente profissionalismo, desde o check in ate à recepção final. Recomendo
Atendimento de qualidade, ótimos carros, equipe prestativa e atenciosa, local de fácil acesso! Virei cliente!
Comme toujours, service impeccable 5* et les collaborateurs sont toujours respectueux. Je recommande.
Atendimento muito bom.
I advise Good professionals, good cars
Excellent, attentive and competent professionals. Vehicle in excellent condition and very good price. I recommend it.
Excellent professionals! I highly recommend them!
All 100
Never, ever! Its a swindle. Offering cheap options, and you end up paying X10 more in the end. Customer service below 0. I rented a car for 1 month, needed to refill the windscreen washer tank a few days after Id taken the car, no success opening the hood, as the hood lock was broken. As I return the car, they charge me 1000!!! for a NEW HOOD. Even if it had been me who broke the locking mechanism (which was not the case, as I never had a chance to open it), the lock itself costs 20. While the lady at the car reception the hood doesnt open, we need to replace the hood, a thousand euro, please. No tech evaluation, no opportunity to talk to the management, no opportunity to talk at all. Everything done through a translation app on the phone as they dont speak anything (English, Spanish, Italian etc.), but Portuguese. Taking it to lawyers.
Accueil très sympathique et très bon service
Serviço impecável , rápido, simples e eficaz! Recomendo sem excitação international car.
Good morning I would like to keep the vehicle one more day, i.e. return it on Friday 10 at 8 a.m. Here is my number DC-6573261
Des voleurs. Ils vs embrouillent tt le monde entre carte de crédit et carte de débit et vs obligent pour ainsi dire à prendre une assurance qui coûte une blinde. Des voleurs des voleurs des voleurs. Fuyez cette agence vs ne paierez jamais le prix affiché!!
Très bon conseiller et service
Mais uma vez atendimento espectacular. Obrigado pelo serviço prestado
Very professionnal company I recommend +++
Je loue directement à Porto je ne passe pas part les intermédiaire voiture assurance kilométrage pour un prix résonable bien accueilli
DES VOLEURS et DU RACKET en bonne et due forme ! J ai loué une voiture pour une semaine et une fois arrive sur place , après avoir galerer à trouver la navette à l aéroport, nous arrivons à l agence. Le guichetier ( très antipathique) m explique que je dois payer 168 en plus pour l assurance multirisque sinon j ai 1800 de franchisée. comme ma carte bleue visa n est pas une carte de « crédit » je n ai pas d autre choix que de payer les 168 supplémentaires et les 35 pour le badge via verde qui permet de rouler sur les autoroutes. Pris au piège , loin de l aéroport et des autres loueurs pour envisager une autre solution, je n ai pas eue d autres choix que de payer avec le sentiment de me faire tout simplement RACKETTER ! Une honte ! THIEVES and RACKET in due form! I rented a car for a week and once I got there, after struggling to find the shuttle at the airport, we arrived at the agency. The teller (very unfriendly) explains to me that I have to pay 168 more for comprehensive insurance otherwise I have 1800 franchisee. as my visa blue card is not a credit card I have no other choice than to pay the additional 168 and the 35 for the via verde badge which allows you to drive on the motorways. Trapped, far from the airport and other rental companies to consider another solution, I had no other choice than to pay with the feeling of simply being RACKETTED! A shame !
Melhor serviço de aluguer de carros em Portugal !!
Centenas de vezes com a mesma companhia e serviço 5 estrelas
Simply perfect... The best car rental company I have experienced in Portugal.
Stay away from them. 250 euros charge for a very small scratch on the front bumper!!! No other car rentals have ever debit this!!! TOTALLY NOT RECOMMENDED
I have been using this company for the last 15 years I have no hassle been good to work with and are friendly and reliable would recommend highly
Como bem acontecido ao longo destes últimos 6 anos ! Na semana passada não poderia ter sido diferente. Atendimento 5 * ! Estou super satisfeita com o vosso serviço . Obrigado a toda a equipa e até a próxima.
Super top
Sempre o melhor Serviço. Top
Top service, 5 customer service, attractive prices I recommend it
As usual, the car was delivered at the agreed time and the entire service worked without any problems. The taxi service (provided by the company itself) on arrival/departure at the airport is one of the added benefits of the process, it has worked well. See you soon!
Serviço excelente!!! Muito Obrigado.
Sempre impecáveis, já à alguns anos que somos clientes e nada a apontar.