R. Cidres 1526, 4455-442 Perafita, Portugal
Klass Wagen is the most appreciated car rental company in Romania. We started in 2005 in Timisoara, Romania with 4 people and 7 cars. Now our company has a complete and up-to-date fleet, made up of more than 3000 vehicles, and a team of over 200 people who share the same principles: integrity, honesty, trust, teamwork, and equal chances. Klass Wagen is present in Romania: Bucharest, Iasi, Timisoara, Cluj-Napoca, Sibiu, Craiova, and Bacau; Hungary: Budapest and Portugal: Lisbon, Faro and Porto. The quality-to-price ratio is great, we have premium services and the perfect car for your needs. Our customer's positive online reviews are proof of the quality of our services. We are open 24/7, so we’re waiting to get in touch with you.
OPO-18952215950941 Klass wagen really help us. Victor was great when we return the car. My wife's Grandma passed away. Shakti helped us immediately and arranged a car for us within 15 minutes. Mohammed helped us really good with check in. The company is fantastic and the people working are very helpful.
Make sure you document the damage by details pics and video or you will be in a surprise when you return your car. Overall a positive experience.
OPO-183623351431981 Thanks so much for your service and support. Cars are in perfect condition and I am so excited about this opportunity to drive Portugal
IF I COULD GIVE A ZERO RATING I WOULD!! The service and experience I received from one gentleman on my visit on Saturday 7th of December 2024 was the most disgusting and rude encounter I have had from a rental company. Now keep in mind I am no newbie to using rental vehicles on holiday as I have done so with numerous countries from Egypt, UK, USA, Spain and many more. It’s a shame I did not take down this individuals name as he is a liability to your company. Even before being seated to begin the process the previous customer was unhappy about the vehicle provided due to his requirements being a specific sized car but was given a much smaller vehicle which was not even a similar comparison from what was promised on the website. I was already on edge here as what is advertised on the website must be at least matched with similarities of size otherwise the vehicle would not be adequate for use. The way he brushed this gentleman off and took no recognition or sympathy to finding him an alternative was atrocious for someone who is being paid for a service. Secondly, I have been in the motor trade for numerous years and have a more than decent knowledge of cars so when I am being told if I drove out of the compound with the vehicle and within 5-10minutes a fault appears on the vehicle I will be automatically charged for the repairs and time the vehicle spends out of service. I have never heard of such nonsense to add to this the vehicle I had selected had an automatic gearbox and from my knowledge again automatic gearboxes are not due to human errors and it is a computer control system so to be charged up to up to €4000 for this did not sit right with myself. After going back forth with the gentlemen he proceeded to get slightly aggressive with his response in replying ‘I will charge you, I will charge you.. I will charge you’ and everyday the car is not in use I will charge you too’ From here the trust began to diminish and from his words ‘if you do not trust me, you can leave’ and so I did. Best decision as I returned back to a company I had previously used ‘driveonholidays’ and received again fantastic service even through the price was more I would happily pay double what I paid with them.
We rented a car from you in Porto (ref OPO-17251725374679) and again found your service a cut above the rest. All staff were polite and professional and the car was of good quality. No complaints from me. It’s why Klass Wagen is my preferred rental company in Portugal.
I had a very positive experience I liked the car but was very dirty on the outside at the pickup. I rented from discovercars.com website which was a certain amount but when arrived totally different price. (Still wondering about that one) Good experience overall and probably will rent again next year. 😊
Klass Wagen at Porto Airport offers friendly and helpful staff, making the rental process smooth and straightforward. The pricing is competitive, but the cars, while functional, are a bit worn and could use some TLC. One downside is that the full insurance ended up costing more than the car rental itself, which was a surprise. When you arrive at Porto Airport and collect your bags, head to the second curb to catch the shuttle, as their location is offsite. The shuttle runs every 20 minutes, and the location is about 12 minutes away, so factor this into your schedule when returning the car—especially if you’re in a rush, as you could risk missing your flight. Overall, a decent option if you’re looking for budget-friendly rentals with good service, but be prepared for the extra insurance cost and offsite logistics.
Sorry, I have to change my review. it's been more than 2 months and i haven't received my refund for the tires i changed for the car, plus, it has been a hassle to converse with them on the email. As soon as i get my refund i will change my review. Opo-169612221574926
OPO-190412115424191 Sakthi - Bom trabalho, e bom serviço oferecido.
Ótimo atendimento do Nuno e Gabriel Brito
Nous avons louer une voiture pour 1 semaine voiture très abîmé sur la porte arrière passager et dautres égratignures non signalée sur le document signé. Comment ce fait il que le document nétait pas à jour? Pourquoi donner une voiture abîmé et non signalé sur les documents quon nous fait signé? Nous en faisons part à la dame qui nous a enregistré, elle na même pas pris la peine de venir voir en disant maintenant elle est sous votre responsabilité!!! Alors que nous étions encore dans leur garage. Nous avons dû prendre des photos et vidéos pour avoir des preuves. Lemployée de ce dimanche 25 janvier à 16h30 nétait pas professionnelle du tout. Sinon à la restitution du véhicule nous avons était accueilli par un jeune homme très sympathique et pro. En bref, les 3 étoiles à cause de cette dame arrogante sinon jaurais mis les 5 étoiles car notre expérience était agréable avec Klass Wagen.
Expérience très mitigé. Lors de notre arrivée tout avait pourtant bien commencer, transfert de l aéroport vers l agence sans soucis particulier. À notre arrivée à l agence, nous n avions pas de carte de CRÉDIT ! Attention une carte bleu est une carte de DÉBIT ET NON DE CRÉDIT. L agence demande expressément une CARTE BLEU OU IL EST STIPULÉ CRÉDIT dessus. N ayant pas cette carte il nous propose d annuler la réservation ou de souscrire à une assurance d un montant de 365 0 dégât ce qui veut dire que le véhicule est couvert en cas de dommage sans frais. N ayant pas le choix de rentrer vue l heure tardive de notre arrivée, nous cédons sous la pression du conseiller. Attention, ceci n est pas une arnaque mais il s agit d un très bon stratagème pratiquer par l agence, afin de gagner 365 en plus alors que la location ne valait que 40 pour 13 jours. À notre retour RIEN À DIRE, Check de la voiture, et dépôt à l aéroport par leur navette. À l attention de KLASS VAGEN PORTO, merci de dire à vos salariés d être poli et moins agressif car ceci pousse les gens à signer. Malheureusement ce jour là nous étions pas les seuls. Et au vue de l heure vous avez eu de la chance car les gens se sentent obliger Dommage car votre agence est loin d être mauvaise mais ce stratagème de la carte DE CRÉDIT laisse un goût amer à la location et au vacances. Attention car une avance de 150 vous sera demandée pour le telepeage remboursé au bout de 30-40 jours. La prochaine fois nous saurons.
Opo 190217402021619 sakthi
Opo18741591574249 Sakthi
A fuir, n allez pas las bas lisez bien vos contrats avant de loué ne loué pas via Ryanair, si vous voulez louer une voiture, faîte le en-dehors de Porto, cette agence est une façon de vous faire payer des assurances ect... Franchise et cautions.
Opo-18978563227754 MUY MAL servicio, la persona quien nos recibió nos trato muy mal.
No fuss . Good value and service
OPO-185811512939419 tudo bien
Always impeccable. Excellent value for money. I missed the Brazilian staff, but Mahr was a 10. My reservation Opo-190110255917774
Opo_18961423026039 Very good agency, good car despite the bad weather conditions.
Opo18751243686248 e All was good will rent again here
OPO-19032235890882 Thank you for the experience
OPO18851942119524 Sakthi
Opo18741544412558 sakthi boa
Je part une semaine au Portugal je paye 300 euros pour une GOLF ou similaire. Ils me restitue un SEAT ARONA. Ce n est pas du tout ce qui a était convenu dans le contrat. En plus de sa, voiture abîmer sur toute l aile gauche, le coffre ne s ouvre pas avec la clé, pas de galette de secours et des tapis déchirer. Et pas propre du tout. Premier et dernier fois chez KLASS WAGEN. C est honteux, aucune qualité et c est des arnaqueurs.
Opo-18971858429711 tudo bem
Arnaque avec les assurances.
Nous avons loué une voiture à travers Ryanair, a aucun moment on nous avait informé d une obligation d avoir une carte de crédit. Nous avons donc du payer quasiment 400e pour un véhicule ou a la base c était 37e même en ayant pris l assurance Ryanair qu on ne s est d ailleurs pas fait rembourser. On nous oblige a prendre leur télépéage même si l on a le nôtre pour rappel le but du télépéage est de payer plus tard si on paye 150e des le départ autant s arrêter au péages Personnel impoli, et ne parlent pas tous le portugais, je suis malheureusement tombé sur une dame qui me parlait en portugais au début et quand la situation commençait a agacer les clients bizarrement elle ne parlait plus qu anglais et ne comprenait plus le portugais. Et ses collègues qui l encourageaient dans sa bêtise ! N hésitez surtout pas a demander le livre des plaintes ou à le faire en ligne
Opo-188012435711617 tudo bem
Opp-18941211472288 tudo bem
Opo188711214649442 Sakthi superb
Opo-186913484964499 I loved the service, super economical car...
OPO-188520563376422 Excellent service, especially, Brian!
OPO -18080382814610 Great service ! Teilon was very kind and professional !
OPO-189210174616447 - Top serviço !!!
OPO-1891177285676588 Obrigado Victor Santos pelo atendimento. Tudo impecável
OPO-189019571245327 Thank you Victor
OPO-189210134426751 teilon great job
Opo-1870019135619 Thank you Victor Santos
OPO-18959265045348 Thank you Vitor Santos for your service!!
Jai réalisé une réservation à travers RYANAIR. Les + : - Service rapide de pickup de laéroport à lagence - Personnel serviable surtout SAID, heureusement que je ne suis pas tomber sur un autre qui hurler sur les clients Les - : - Carte de crédit obligatoire OUI MAIS il faut passer par un service de crédit bancaire pour réserver à débit immédiat - Si ça ne fonctionne pas, lassurance est imposée. Dans mon cas, on passe de 10 EUR à 118 EUR ! pour deux jours. Jai fais moins de 80 Km et jai du mettre le plein à 22 !!!!!!
Opo-187518491035012 tudo bem
Opo-1852199213359 tudo bem
Opo-18812235797943 obrigado mahr obrigado pelo serviço
Opo-18911531189353 Thank you Victor Santos
OP9- 18480491011350 Thank you Vitor Santos for your assistance
I was very satisfied with the service. Rating 10. Thanks to Mr. Victor Santos for his excellent professionalism. OPO-18913421765279
Opo_ 18481012240838 Thanks Victor and Hugo
OPO-18637235461173 Thank you Victor Santos for the excellent service.
Opo 189312581758628
opo-187917273464094 Thank you Vítor Santos for your service
A FUIR ABSOLUMENT ! De passage à Porto pour un week-end, nous avons, via le site Ryanair, loué une voiture chez Klass Wagen à un prix défiant toute concurrence (moins de 20 pour 2 jours !) Pour faire simple : Une fois sur place, lopératrice nous indique que nous DEVONS prendre lassurance à 150 sinon, nous devrons verser une caution de 3000 ! Ensuite à nouveau 25 pour le badge autoroute (elle vous explique que cest quasi obligatoire) et pour finir une surtaxe de 30 pour nous remmener à laéroport car notre avion de retour est à 6h15 du matin. TOTAL : 205 pour 2 jours alors que le prix annoncé est de 15 !!! Devant notre embaras et notre réticence, lopératrice sest levée en disant quon lui faisait perdre son temps. Une arnaque TRES bien rodée. Mieux vaut se tourner vers les loueurs traditionnels. Pour finir, nous avons fianelement annulé notre réservation et avons utilisé les chauffeurs Bolt (cest comme Uber), ça suffit amplement et cest assez bon marché (12 pour aller au centre ville depuis laéroport).
Opo-189421315270662 Thank you Victor Santos
opo- 189321581759482 Thank you Victor Santos for your service
Very very good. Served by Gabriel Brito twice, a very nice and humble guy. I recommend it for the price and the kindness of the staff
Opo-1887181893620 tudo bien
Opo 1869157622145 tudo bem
Opo-183813193242321 tudo otimo
Escroquerie, à fuir ! Ils font en sorte de vous obliger à prendre leurs options non nécessaires, sinon pas de voiture ! Ils ne savent pas se servir d un TPE pour prendre une caution. Vraiment à fuir, nous étions 3 clients à l intérieur et rien ne se passait bien avec aucun d entre eux. Ils vous laissent à 00h30 à la rue sans rien.
Opo18571247296579 sakthi
opp188311562274743 sakthi
OPO-18421017789391 sakthi Great service! All went smooth!
Opo18471753293369 sakthi
Opo-18679182037963 Obrigado Victor Santos
OPO-188515284312896 Sakphi was great! Will be back again
Opo1821191379419 sakthi
Opo-18294414170327 Thank you Vítor Santos for your service
OPO-18741315508127 Thank you Victor
Opo-18731424882882 Thank you victor santos
Opo-18847333767765 tudo bem
Opo-188615255739433 Thank you Victor Santos for your service
OPO-18691143819525 Excellent service and friendliness when delivering the vehicle and the employee was willing to take it to the airport. Very clean car with no problems. At check in when I picked up the vehicle on 03/01 the girl was very arrogant.
OPO-189010171640288 Thank you Vitor Santos for the excellent service
You can enter a debit creditcard, no problem on the site. When you come to pick up the car , you need to pay 3000 euro or 35 a day extra.
Die locken einen mit billigen Angeboten, dann wollen sie, dass man insgesamt mehr bezahlt als bei seriösen Anbietern. Auf keinen Fall buchen! Ganz gruselige Firma!
All ok.
Opo _18659554214340
Ojo. No aceptan tarjetas virtuales. Es increíble que en 2025 no puedan comprobar la veracidad de una tarjeta, tampoco q permitan un cambio de conductor que tenga una tarjeta física. Lamentable. Además, te intentan colar un seguro desorbitado al día
Opo-186417411396689 okay
Opo-18871930499743 tudo bem
Bom preço, bom atendimento
Opo-18801658410816 Thank you victor santos
Opo-188918534346057 Je n ai pas eu la voiture convenue Polo . L Opel que j ai reçue n avait aucune reprise problème d embrayage . Le vendeur voulait m imposer leur assurance à 150 pour 3 jours et les 2 cartes de crédit bizarrement ne fonctionnaient pas dans l agence , je suis sorti et j ai résolu le pb à l extérieur. Ça sent un peu l arnaque .Ils affichent des prix ridicules et ils veulent t arnaquer avec leur assurance hors de prix. Je n ai pas pris leur assurance. Je déconseille, ne sont pas honnêtes.
OPO-186418453577635 Thank you Vitor Santos for the understanding
Opo-18071537093386 Many thanks to Victor Santos for the friendly advice and help.
Opo-18659401748092 Thank you Victor Santos for your service
OPO-18524561212481 Thank you Victor Santos for the attachment
Opo-184319232273698 Thank you Vitor Santos for your service
OPO-16833543034977 Great experience
OPO-186521181699738 Obrigado Victor Santos pelo atendimento
A few hidden extras. Left waiting in the airport for 45min
Opo-186710474971021 tudo bem
Opo-181116253284830 tudo bem
Opo-18741720760433 Thank you Victor Santos
OPO-17369121417088 Thank you Vitor Santos for your assistance
Opo-18731141594066 tudo bem
Caução demasiado elevada, obrigam a um depósito de 150 para a via verde ( tens que pagar antes de usar) és quase obrigado a fazer o seguro extra depois de no atendimento para receber o carro só te pressionam (quase como se tisses entregar o carro melhor do que quando o recebes) além do carro que recebes já vem com multplos problemas na pintura etc.
OPO-18561933127891 Great service, friendly staff and I will be back.
OPO-18471161060638 Carro em bom estado, novo y sem nenhum problema.
I felt trapped. It cost me a lot more than I expected. They absolutely need a credit card.
OPO 16861534875778 excelente serviço
Opo-1883919299168 sakthi was a great help. Everything went smoothly and i was very happy with the service
IF YOU WANT TO RUIN YOUR HOLIDAYS: WELCOME TO KLASS SCAM!! This car rental company is a TOTAL SCAM SCAM & SCAM. They advertise one price online, then charge you a higher one when you get there, claiming you didn t read the fine print or their dearest terms and conditions . They force you to buy overpriced premium insurance, not the basic one and hold on, they don t accept debit cards. To top it off, they give you a completely different car than what you chose. The staff is rude, laughing and saying that s just how it is. Let see for how long your business stays open tic tac tic tac
Opo-18701422124o486 tudo bem
Opo-187415214445276, todo bien
Opo-1866233184421 tudo bem
Opo183314514878274 sakthi
Opo,-16071813070775tudo perfeito
Opo-182126156669441 Thank you Vítor Santos for your assistance.
OPO-186619303840488 Thank you for your service Vitor Santos!!
Victor Santos obrigado pelo atendimento
Opo-186418161240018 tudo bem
Contrato OPO-188021123199648 Gostei da locadora. Não tive problemas. Optei pela caução de 3k EUR. Como não houve problemas, espero que seja estornado. Não houve nenhuma pegadinha, apenas se atente ao fato de que, se não for fazer o seguro deles, terá que fazer a caução de 3k EUR. Dica MUITO importante: faça vídeos COM DETALHES das avarias do carro, não importa se constam ou não no documento de check list. Não faça apenas vídeos gerais, sem detalhamento. Dê zoom em cada avaria. Seja paciente e detalhista ao fazer isso, invista tempo. Se eu não tivesse feito, provavelmente teria sido cobrado por um arranhão que estava no carro antes da minha locação, mas que não constava na check list do veículo. Por esse motivo não avaliei com 5 estrelas. Destaque para o atendimento da Fernanda, que me entregou o carro quando retirei e foi super simpática! O atendente que me recebeu quando fui devolver o carro, que era outra pessoa, quase me obrigou a fazer esta avaliação na frente dele
Opo-186012123212092 Thank you Vítor Santos, for your service
Opo-188210354952519 tudo bem
Opo-186611314177651 alersson
Not too bad for my 2nd rental, be careful to have a credit card and not a debit card, I was already cheated on my first car rental Eric.p
OPO-176512281798486 Thanks for the service mahr
0 est le nombre d étoile que je souhaiterai mettre comme leurs services proposés ! On réserve une location, déjà très compliqué de trouver la voiture à l aéroport qui nous amène a l agence. Nous expliquons à la personne qui nous a pris en charge que mon mari a perdu son permis à l aéroport et lui demandons de modifier le conducteur principal pour le remplacer par le miens. Comme il n a pas de permis physique, il ne pourra pas conduire au Portugal. Sa réponse, non, mais nous propose de payer un deuxième conducteur à la journée soit 35 pour les assurances + 9 supplémentaires. La personne était très gentille, elle a probablement des directives à suivre. Cependant, on lui demande dans ce cas de faire une nouvelle location exclusivement à mon nom mais refus nous indiquant que ce n est pas possible. Résultat, merci Uber ! On rentre au domicile et réserverons une autre voiture avec une concession professionnelle
Opo-1843184829655 Obrigado Vitor Santos pelo atendimento.
Opo-18701292765885 obrigado Vítor Santos pelo atendimento
Opo-18232118488259 Thank you Victor Santos for your service
Opo-18732313457826 Thank you Vitor Santos for your service
OPO-187614361474499 Thank you Mr. Vitor Santos for your service!!!!
OPO-17761434488345 Victor Santos
Opo-18631943049662 Thank you Victor Santos for customer service
Fuyez !!! La navette pas au rdv ! Prix multiplié 20 par rapport au paiement internet, on a annulé sur place
Pessoal nada profissional, com mau caráter e sem vontade de ajudar. Acabei de sair deste sítio e não alugarei mais aqui.
Gabriel was very pleasant when we delivered the car back. Car was good and value for money.
Opo18401726448548 Sakthi Good service, I recommend it
Opo-18452185646848 Thank you Vitor Santos for your service
Opo-183623135820744 Thank you Victor Santos
Opo-1840973718887 Thank you Victor Santos
Opo_184521481284382 Thank you Victor Santos
Opo-1781194938270 Thank you Vitor Santos for your understanding
Opo182214131854957sakthi Very good perfect
Une arnaque pure et dure, Après souscription dune assurance tous risques et la location de une voiture pour 3 jours,ils me demandent une caution de 3200 euros par carte de crédit ??? Comme jai une visa, la dame me dit on oublie la caution et vous allez payer 160 Euros pour assurance et péages dautoroute . Je voyage beaucoup jai jamais eu une situation comme celle ci. Je ne conseille a personne cette agence, Arnaque, problème linguistique du secrétariat,une bande de amateurs !!! À fuir Dans là terre dès aveugles,ce lui qui à un il cest le roi. Bande escrocs organisé.......
Opo-183817375538493 Thank you Vitor Santos
Opo-1847118029424 Thank you Victor Santos
Opo-18461958156081 Mandatory Victor Santos
Opo-18011784823989 Thank you for your service Victor Santos
OPO-180075159667 Thank you Vitor Santos for your service
Opo-1826211528153 Thank you Victor Santos for the great service.
OPO-18281223142729 Thank you very much, Victor Santos and Teilon, for the excellent service.
We rented a car here through the CarTrawler service, though next time we would probably just rent direct through Klass Wagen. This is a well run car rental company who did everything well. Pick up and drop off were quick with no waiting. The shuttle from and to the airport was timely. Its everything we needed for a car rental in Porto. Thanks Klass Wagen!
OPO-18485423824411 Thank you Vitor Santos
OPO-184318404486372 Thank you Victor Santos for your service
OPO-1840749272869 Thank you Victor for the excellent service..
OPO-184918243822085 Thank you Victor Santos
OPO-180815252342995 Thank you Mr. Victor Santos for your service, very attentive.
OPO-1822168268439 Thank you Vitor Santos for your assistance!
Lis 184414244442789 Teilon was a sweetheart.
OPO-184820182944071 everithing good
Opo18341143313037 Sakthi très bien parfait
Thank you very much Vitor OPO-18311930336675
Seguro caríssimo, Máquinas para pagamento por cartão não tem em português, logo, muito esquisito.
Opo185221293235634 sakthi top
OPO-18481372222824 Thank you, we recommend!
Opo-18487434528314 Thank you Victor Santos for your service!!
Opo-18331221184988 Thank you. Top
Opo-184217264048861 Thank you for your service
São um perigo, arnaque , ainda não entendi como conseguem ainda operar nesse ramo...precisam ser banidos . Já inclusive alertei os órgãos de defesa do consumidor
Empresa pouco confiável. Funcionários arrogantes e antipáticos, com a lição toda estudada para tentar fazer com que os clientes fiquem encurralados entre a opção de ficar sem carro para andar ou pagar 10 vezes mais para ficarem servidos. Claramente uma empresa com esquemas bem montados para enganar o cliente. Horrível, no mínimo.
Une arnaque. Après souscription dune assurance tous risques pour la location dune voiture pour une duree de 8jours, le monsieur à la réception (qui ne parle pas correctement portugais) me demande une caution de 2300 avec une carte de crédit? Comme jai une visa le monsieur me annonce que je dois payer une assurance à 280 . +30 de tarif de nuit (précisée null par) et en plus il naccepte pas trop quand je lui refuse le paiment de 150 pour les péages (naillant pas besoin de Viaverde je ne vois pas lintérêt de le payer) ils mannoncent que cest obligatoire (encore une fois, précisée nulle part) Je vais 8 fois dans une année au Portugal et à chaque fois je fais une location de voiture, jai jamais eu affaire à une agence aussi mal honnête. Je ne conseille a personne cette agence, Une authentique arnaque.
Opo1849931573239 Perfect Nice service
Opo-18549403539677 Thank you
Opo-184416434875951 Thank you for everything
Opo-183816385047474 Thank you Victor Santos
Opo-185519403534720 tudo bem mahr
Opo-185220406276 tudo perfection Mahr
Venho, por meio desta, formalizar minha insatisfação com o atendimento e o serviço prestado na data de 10/12/2024, na vossa empresa, em um processo que considero abusivo, desrespeitoso e mal conduzido. Ao chegar para retirar o carro que havia reservado e pago previamente pela Carjete, fui atendido por um funcionário brasileiro Antonio. Ele solicitou meus documentos e cartão de crédito, explicando que seria necessário bloquear um valor adicional 2.000 euros ou 600 euros (Não estornavel) como franquia. Apesar de ter informado que já havia pago o seguro atraves da Carjet. Quando questionei o motivo do bloqueio adicional, o atendente, de forma extremamente arrogante e desrespeitosa, afirmou que se eu não tivesse o cartão com o limite necessário, o problema era meu e não dele . Ao responder que não havia necessidade de tratar a situação de maneira arrogante, ele reagiu ainda pior, ordenando que eu saísse da mesa (Gritando) e chamando outro cliente, em total falta de respeito. Além do atendimento ter sido absolutamente desrespeitoso. Sem concordar com os termos e frustrado pela maneira como fui tratado, deixei a empresa sem o carro, o que impactou diretamente uma viagem planejada de trinta dias com minha mãe, de sessenta e quatro anos, e minha avó, de oitenta e três anos. Solicito que a empresa avalie este caso com seriedade, que medidas sejam tomadas para evitar situações semelhantes no futuro e que o atendimento aos clientes seja condizente com o respeito que qualquer consumidor merece.
Opo-184617133171222 Todo Perfetio Mahr
Opo184617272452411 sakthi great work
OPO-17932452631034. Vou falar também da parte de locação e minha experiência com rental em muitos países, o pessoal não está habituado com caução, uma vez que é um procedimento comum para todas locadoras. Outra coisa, seguro adquirido com terceiros, não eximem a empresa de não cobrar seguro por caução, assim minha recomendação, não faça seguro no site, faça a locação simples, adquira seguro da empresa que arrenda ou esteja pronto pagar fazer um caução em seu cartão de um valor considerável. Tenha em mente, todas trabalham assim. Deixo ainda meu agradecimento a equipe da Klass Wagen que facilitou a locação do início ao fim.
OPO 185321184547055
Reservation: OPO-18352385494890, Teilon de Lima Very good welcome, nice people, good agency to rent a car.
OPO-183317271115743 sakthi
es la peor compania que he conocido, mejor no vais aquí
Completamente desapontado, tentam enganar as pessoss com seguros e tretas como portagens.
Super accueil , très bonne voiture je suis vraiment satisfait .. Je conseille cette maison de location .. OPO-18402243108170
OPO18552148780974 Sakthi. Very kind and good service, thanks!
Opo185483149346 sakthi
Run away....!!!!! No comments... How scary!!
Opo18596564377742 sakthi muito satisfeito
OPO-18572264872716 Sakthi Good service, thank you KW.
They were 20 minutes late picking my mum up from the airport and they only came because she called them asking if they were coming to get her. To drop the car off the service is horrendous, only one person can accept the returns and he is the shuttle bus driver who drop s off and picks people up from the airport. She had to wait for the driver to get back so she could return the car while there was two people in the office just laughing not doing any work. They were in a warm office while she had to wait in the cold. Overall not a good service.
opo-18401331520015 excellent service as always ,, good value and clean cars
Opo-18581256286720 tudo perfeito mahr
Opo17701114854919 tudo bem
Opo-18502142304514 tudo ok mahre
Opo-185420181855592 tudo bem
Opo-183812581916293 mahr tudo bem
Cuidado uma autêntica máfia de aluguer de automóveis. Quando acharem os carros muito baratos dá nisto, fiz uma reserva de 3 dias, paguei inclusive seguro, quando cheguei ao local inventaram que meu seguro não dava, fizeram me gastar 156 do seguro deles mais 150 bloqueados por causa das portagens. Em relação ao seguro quando levantei o carro disseram para não me preocupar, nem verificaram o estado do carro quando fui entregar verificaram tudo. Uma autêntica máfia, cuidado. Hüten Sie sich vor einer authentischen Autovermietungs mafia. Wenn sie die Autos sehr günstig finden, passiert Folgendes: Ich habe für drei Tage reserviert, ich habe sogar die Versicherung bezahlt, und als ich dort ankam, stellten sie fest, dass meine Versicherung nicht gültig sei, und ließen mich dafür 156 ausgeben Ihre Versicherung plus 150 wurde wegen Maut gesperrt. Was die Versicherung angeht: Als ich das Auto abholte, sagten sie mir, ich solle mir keine Sorgen machen. Sie haben nicht einmal den Zustand des Autos überprüft, als ich es abgeliefert habe, sie haben alles überprüft. Eine echte Mafia, seien Sie vorsichtig. Beware of an authentic car rental mafia. When they find the cars very cheap, this is what happens: I reserved for three days, I even paid the insurance, and when I got there they said my insurance was not valid and made me spend 156 on their insurance plus 150 was blocked due to tolls. As for the insurance: when I picked up the car they told me not to worry, they didnt even check the condition of the car when I dropped it off, they checked everything. A real mafia, be careful.
OPO-1840211617468 Alerson
So disappointed with this company, we rent a car in Porto and staff was inexplicable rude and unhelpful. They told us if you are not happy with us dont use us anymore. I would advise the company to invest in staff with people skills.
Opo-1842937506912 Thank you Victor Santos
Surtout ne pas prendre cette agence de location des vrais arnaque. Il faut faire très attention car ils sont pas cher mais en arrivant pour prendre la voiture il demande le double pour une assurance. Alors que nous avons déjà pris l assurance de base avec la location.
Completamente a evitar esta agência com VISA crédit/débit de França como pedido nas condições de aluguer. Chegando à agência foi pedido a minha esposa o pagamento de um seguro de caução de 166. e qualquer coisa e uma caução de 150 para possíveis scuts e portagens. Na hora da entrega ela reclamou e a resposta foi dada que iam falar com o patrão, ou seja 166+150 no aluguer visto mo booking por 26,18 por três dias isto é uma má passagem de informações a meu ver, para isso meteriam o preço logo justo de aluguer. Muito obrigado pela atenção. Respondendo à vossa resposta tenho a informar que no pais onde resido (França) os cartões de crédito mesmo sendo da esposa ficam com o nome de casada, tem sim o none de jeune fille sim se for solteira divorciada . Pois em todas as minhas (nossas) viagens realizadas a Portugal que não são poucas por ano, nunca tivemos tal situação, apenas na vossa agência, . Quanto as portagens estou de acordo sim de uma caução mas nunca debitada da conta, mas sim ficando de caução só na entrega do carro passados uns dias sim é me debitado as portagens scuts onde passei mas só o valor das mesmas. Quanto a minha frustração minha senhora lamento pois foi um.lapso meu não ler os vossos termos legais pois se os tivesse lido ................... . Grato pelo tempo dispensado por vós a me responder . Rodrigues Portelada . Como o escrito na carta da minha esposa. Cordialmente
Ne louez jamais ici ! Ce sont des voleurs qui augmentent le prix de la location x5 une fois sur place alors que le paiement a déjà été fait au préalable. À fuir absolument, louez chez les loueurs classiques.
Opo-179910374527098 Mehr was great
OPO-1770921551880 Mahar
o-185012243417319 Thank you Vitor Santos.
OPO-186606515556 thank you its been amazing especially thanks to the amazing staff members Kemelyn and Victor
Mau serviço
opo186419583660746 sakthi boa service
Opo 1865103411113 sakthi 5*
My experience with this car rental company was nothing short of a nightmare, and I strongly advise anyone considering them to stay far away. After arriving at the airport, I had to wait a frustrating 45 minutes just to get any service. When I tried calling customer service, no one bothered to answer. To add insult to injury, I received a pointless call from Romania five minutes later, which did nothing to help. When I finally reached the rental counter, I was helped by an untrained kid whose only goal was to force me into buying their overpriced insurance. I rent cars frequently and already have annual excess insurance, so I didnt need it. Despite my clear explanations, they kept pushing, searching for any excuse to make me buy it. They finally latched onto a minor discrepancy between the name on my credit card and my drivers license something that has never been an issue in over 100 rentals Ive made in the past 15 years. I then asked for the manager, hoping to resolve the situation, only to be met by another rude person literally just showing off how good he was. Instead of addressing the issue, he threatened to deny me the rental altogether. Faced with the option of paying a ridiculous 300 euros for insurance I didn t need or being stranded late at night, I had no choice but to pay up. This company might look to offer a good service, but in reality, they re nothing more than a bunch of thieves. They ll definitely find a way to scam you, no matter what. Looking at other reviews, it s clear I m not the only one who s been cheated by these crooks. I hope the management finally realizes what s going on and stops hiring unqualified staff whose main objective is to scam customers. Until then, avoid this company at all costs theyre only interested in taking your money. PS: how these scammers are still able to function?
Opo1788208031255 Had a fantastic experience with Class Wagen and Sakthi was very helpful when dropping off the car in the early morning. Would definitely recommend.
Opo177117392995152 sakthi bom serviço
Opo-18492333630315 sakthi Thanks, good job
A fuir Nous avons réservé une voiture et a larrivée on nous impose de prendre la franchise à 0 car notre carte bancaire nest pas à débit immédiat de 79 nous sommes passés à 280 en plus personnel très mal aimable qui nous a pris de haut à vérifier tous nos documents billets aller et retour Nous à donné les clefs na jamais voulu nous accompagner Pour faire le tour de la voiture. Très mauvaise expérience pour nous la première et la dernière. Nous déplorons que Ryanair travaille avec cette société avec des méthodes déplorables nous allons leur faire un signalement.
VERY bad experience ... VERY near to Legal proteced fraud (very low rates confrontwd to competitors, but afterwards additional High extra costs): at my arrival they asked me additional assurance of more than 60.-/day ( i chooesed wrongly additional creditcard-guarantee/2000 Euros) and showed me small damages on not new car asking to make perhaps my video (why? Never done in 40 years driving and renta-car-use), coming back After 2 days without any evidente problem they did video and showed me 2 small scratches on door and tire. I had to rush to Airport to catch my fly and signed ..... Final Result: MOST expensive rentak car every done with strong DOUBT about their way to apply damages (nearly 1000 Euros x 2 scratches .... All VERY well documented by them)
Opo-1869128586721 tudo bem
Opo-185315214111269 Perfect
OPO-182817162926895 Everything was perfect! Thank you! Multumim, Klass Wagen!
Der wirklich sehr unfreundliche Mitarbeiter schien genervt und alkoholisiert. Haben uns dann für ein Uber entschieden
Opo-173515302213745 Tudo bem mahr
PÉSSIMA EMPRESA A PIOR DE TODAS ATÉ O MOMENTO... OPO 1835048722291 fui muito bem atendido pelo funcionário SAKTHI. Somente isso, você paga o seguro no site e chegando lá tem que pagar novamente. Eles te dão 2 opções para não pagar o seguro novamente, sendo uma quase impossível de ser realizada. Reservei um grupo de carro e foi me dado outro sem nenhuma explicação. Eles te responderem aqui no Google com uma resposta padrão, que mostra que eles estão certo e você errado, e fica por isso mesmo. Liguei para tirar uma dúvida no dia 28.12.2024, as 18:00h e DESLIGARAM o telefone na minnha cara por 2x consecutivas. NEM SE ME PAGAR PARA ALUGAR OUTRO CARRO EU QUERO. PÉSSIMA. PÉSSIMA. PÉSSIMA
Opo-184520231493714 - correu tudo bem
opo-1860956423024- tudo bem
OPO-18481272949659 Great service and price
OPO-185714225934020 Everything excellent
Reserva OPO-17992521422748
OPO182214375682638 sakthi
OPO-18261175155096 Thank you Vitor Santos
ARNAQUE !!!! Ils trouveront n importe quelle excuse pour vous faire payer des frais supplémentaires, assurance et autres. Refus de remboursement, injures, etc . Ils ne parlent que les langues qui les arrangent . Bizarrement pas le portugais alors qu on est à Porto. J ai rempli un formulaire de réclamation sur place et aucun retour. Obligée de prendre un Uber à des heures tardives.
OPO-181812531629950 Gabriel Brito
Opo-18362116019717 alerson
Opo-181816382942573 Thank you Vitor Santos
Recomendo! Voltarei a alugar carro com esta empresa sem duvida.
OPO183421595389388 Thank you Vitor Santos
Fuyez cette entreprise, il vous donnent des voitures pourries sans les contrôler, elles sont salles, des pneus crevés , rayés de partout et vous devez signer avant de prendre le véhicule, c est vous qui devez contrôler tout seul, et ils veulent que que vous les rendiez neuves et propres à la fin, et tout ça parce que ce qu ils veulent c est vendre leurs assurances à 70 euros par jour , je mets une étoile parce qu on peut pas mettre moins