Aeroporto de, 9500-749 Ponta Delgada, Portugal
Bem vindo à nossa agência de aluguer de automóveis Europcar Ponta Delgada! Fazem parte da nossa oferta diária viaturas recentes, preços competitivos e amabilidade. Quer procure um carro por razões profissionais ou para passear, quer necessite de um automóvel (citadino, familiar ou de luxo), de um furgão ou carrinha, a Europcar disponibiliza-lhe o veículo de que necessita. O aluguer de automóveis ou comerciais é simples através da reserva online no Website ou através da aplicação Europcar. Nunca foi tão fácil levantar e devolver um veículo. Boa viagem!
The car was rented for roughly a week and it was a great experience. The process in terms of signing the papers and receiving the car was very smooth. The staff was great, the process quick and the handover of the car was also pleasent. Upon return staff looked at the car and released the hold on the fee within a day or two. Absolutely recommend the company and the staff for any car rentals!
Easy pick up and no problems at the drop of. Car was clean and new for a very reasonable price.
Super friendly staff, great car, very easy to find, great experience when returning the car. Definitely reccommend
Good service, good car ! The team was really great to assit with my reservation but also to give me great travel recommendations
You can fill up almost the full deposit that they will state that it has less (even with the photo of the deposit load in their own invoice) and charge you higher import than on the agreement for the refuel services as well as with a gasoline price much higher than real ones.
My daughter lost her phone in a rental car a few weeks ago and I've emailed the main europcar email asking for help out if anyone has found it and no one has gotten back to me. Can you help? Do you have a direct email so I can send you the details. They did have a great time while renting your car and though it was good quality and very affordable!
A great experience when picking up our car. We dealt with Rui at the desk and he was great. Our plane landed late and he stayed open past closing for us. Super friendly, efficient service. He even drove past the car pickup lot on his way home to see that everything was Ok with the car. We couldn’t get the GPS to operate and when he checked it out he found it t was defective and went back to the office to get us another car. He deserves 10 plus in service above and beyond. Nice new Renault. Couldn’t be more pleased.
Fantastic service on the receipt, very convenient process of booking via the mobile app (you get a bit of a discount for paying in the app). Flexible drop-off hours. Very polite and professional communication with the manager Gilberto Sousa made our first impression in Azores just wonderful! The price-quality ratio is very nice, will definitely come back soon
Nada más llegar tienes una fila de oficinas de alquiler de coches, nos decidimos por Europcar, la chica que nos atendió hablaba super bien español y nos explicó todo super bien, fue un encanto y muy simpática, tuvimos que dejar un depósito de 100 por la gasolina y luego el pago de el coche, que fueron 277 en total con los cargos de oficina y seguro, lo alquilamos por 5 días, cuando recoges el coche de el parking hay otro chico que te da las llaves y te explica todo antes de salir que también fue súper simpático y amable, a la hora de la entrega te indican por qué número de parking tienes que entrar y es solo dejar el coche debajo de el techo señalizado por la compañía y al entrar dejar las llaves en el mostrador y si la oficina está cerrada por qué tú vuelo sale muy temprano tienen un cajetín para poder dejar las llaves tranquilamente, muchas gracias a las dos personas que nos atendieron tan bien, me encantaría poner sus nombres pero no los sé, fué una chica rubia de pelo largo y un chico con coleta moreno, gracias! Recomiendo al cien por cien alquilar un coche cuando llegues a la isla para poder desplazarte.
Vaig estar mirant totes les opcions de lloguer de cotxe i al final, per ressenyes per aquí al google em vaig decantar per Europcar. La veritat és que vam escollir genial. Vam reservar-ho per Booking, amb la opció dassegurança que ofereixen ells i ja pensavem que estava molt bé de preu (havent de deixar una gran fiança). Un cop a laeroport ens van oferir lassegurança a tot risc per 19 /dia extra i sense deixar fiança (100 que es tornen si tornes el diposit plè) i toblides de possibles rascades durant el viatge. Això va ser lo millor perquè sí que és cert que hi ha carreteres que és fàcil rascar. No ens va passar però gràcies al seguro a tot risc anavem molt tranquils. A més, el cotxe que ens van deixar era molt millor que el que vam agafar (vam agafar el preu més econòmic i ens van donar un de gamma i extres superiors) La gent que ens va atendre era encantadora i molt amable. això també ens va agradar i ho volem valorar. Honestament, els recomanem.
Staff muito simpático tanto na entrega do veículo, quanto na recolha.
Personale molto disponibile! La vettura che mi é stata consegnata era nuova e pulita, ritiro e riconsegna del veicolo semplici (nonostante la riconsegna fosse prima dell orario di apertura dell ufficio). Il rimborso del deposito cauzionale é avvenuto a distanza di un giorno! Esperienza più che positiva
Extrem freundliche Mitarbeiter!
Good service, kind staff, quick process
endroit parfait pour des vacances stimulantes en pleine nature
Tanto el personal de la oficina como Leonardo, el chico que nos entrego y recogio el coche, fueron muy amables . Ademas el coche estaba muy nuevo y fue todo perfecto.
Sehr freundlich
Une équipe très sympathique et professionnelle. Un véhicule en très bon état pour arpenter cette île magnifique des Açores.
A vistura nao tinha medios do lado esq o que impossibilitou viajar de noite.
Friendly staff. Very smooth and uncomplicated process from the beginning until the end. Highly recommend.
Excelente atendimento, excelente recebimento da viatura. Vale apena e recomendo
Parfait ! Nous avons récupéré la voiture rapidement. La personne a pris le temps de bien nous montrer tous les petits dégâts déjà présents sur le véhicule et de nous expliquer la procédure de retour. Nous avons rendu le véhicule en dehors des heures d ouverture et avons reçu un rapport de retour très détaillé quelques heures après et un remboursement intégral de la caution le lendemain. Le personnel était très sympathique et le véhicule très propre. Ayant l habitude de louer des véhicules, je recommande fortement Europcar pour son sérieux !
Rápido e sem complicações. Simpatia e profissionalismo do staff. Nada de negativo a registar.
Everything clicked smooth, instructions, quality of the car, returning procedure and payment.
Quero expressar minha sincera gratidão pela excelência no atendimento prestado pela equipe. O serviço foi realmente excepcional e fez toda a diferença na minha experiência. No entanto, gostaria de fazer algumas observações sobre o veículo alugado. Infelizmente, o carro apresentava algumas condições que deixaram a desejar. Notei sinais no painel de controle relacionados à injeção e à verificação de poluição, o que gerou certa preocupação. Além disso, o tapete do lado do condutor estava instável, dificultando a condução. A caixa de velocidades apresentava um certo jogo, o que comprometeu a suavidade das trocas. Por fim, a abertura do porta-malas funcionou corretamente apenas em 2 das 3 tentativas.
Excelência no atendimento ao cliente e viatura sem qualquer problema. Disponibilidade e simpatia. Fantástico upgrade à viatura inicialmente reservada o que melhorou em muito a experiência da visita à ilha. Recomendo vivamente!
Te ven la cara. Fuimos a devolver el coche, y nos pasaron una foto, dos días después de que una rueda tenía una muesca. Cobraron en total 223 por la rueda y el mantenimiento. Luego, repostamos como mandaban y nos contestan que el depósito está a 6/8. Y ahora nos pasan 50 por rellenar el depósito, supuestamente 11L (ni de broma) y a 1.91 /L de gasolina (si vas a repostar a la gasolinera más cara de la isla supongo que si, si no, NO está a ese precio). Y luego nos adjuntan esta foto, supongo que para reírse de nuestra cara porque se ve perfectamente al nivel al que está el depósito. Y luego cobran por el servicio de ir a repostar 30 cuando en el contrato pone que en el caso de tener menos gasolina, el coste del repostaje será de 22 . Vamos, para NO repetir.
We had nothing but a great experience with this office. I was nervous initially, having never used Europcar and reading horror stories online, but I booked them through Amex Travel as they were the only place with automatic transmissions for a reasonable price. Arriving at the rental counter, the staff was kind and welcoming, explaining every part of the contract and not rushing to make you sign all the forms. They were patient and answered all of my questions, and made everything clear for a US resident driving in Sao Miguel. Once we walked out to the lot, we were greeted by another employee who walked us to our car and did the most thorough pre-inspection for damage Ive ever seen at a rental car agency. He noted damage that wasnt on the record yet, and encouraged us to take pictures/videos of the car before we drove it off the lot, just so we wouldnt get unfairly charged at the end. And let me tell you, Sao Miguel is a very easy place to damage a rental car. They gave us a great car with an automatic as requested. Upon return, the process was easy, they did another thorough inspection and sent us on our way. While there is no shortage of bad reviews of Europcar online, this location was great to us, and despite normally being an Enterprise/National customer, I would consider using Europcar here again after this experience. Thanks!
Unkompliziert und schnell einen brandneuen Nissan Juke(2024) bekommen. Sauber und sehr komfortabel. 10/10
Volveré a alquilar cn Europcar. Fue fácil, cómodo y sin engaños.
Muy amables y el coche súper fiable,
Não têm toyota aygo como dizia no site quando alugamos o carro, deram-nos um citroen c1
Everything very good. A great team of professionals
Unkomplizierter Mietvorgang. Sehr einfache Rückgabe mit Schlüsselbox früh morgens. Sehr nette Mitarbeiter.
Tive uma excelente experiência com a Europcar em Ponta Delgada. Staff super simpático e prestável, carro novo e limpo. Correu tudo lindamente. Repetiria a experiência.
Nada a apontar. Ótimo atendimento, tudo bem explicado e tudo dentro do previsto.
Schnelle, unkompliziert Abwicklung bei Abholung und Rückgabe des Fahrzeug. Das Auto war in einem top Zustand, hatte gerade mal 4000 km auf der Uhr und war quasi wie neu. Die Mitarbeiter waren sehr freundlich und wollten keine Zusatzleistungen andrehen. Ich hatte allerdings auch das Auto vorher über den ADAC bestellt, somit waren schon viele Leistungen rund um die Leihe erledigt.
Llegas al aeropuerto con prisas como es normal y te encuentras un cartel de vuelvo a los 5 minutos es una vergüenza. Nos tocó esperar 20 minutos en horario de abertura al público
Ragazzo gentile! Pratica veloce e auto in ottime condizioni!
Fui con 4 amigas a recoger un coche previamente contratado. A la hora de pagar fuimos a pagar con tarjeta de crédito pero no pertenecía a la persona que era el conductor principal, por lo que no nos dejó usar esa tarjeta. La única opción que nos daba la chica que nos atendió (una morena de pelo largo jovencita) era pagar el seguro plus (200 mas) y ahí si podíamos pagar con tarjeta de débito. Nos empezó a contar la milonga de que si pagábamos con tarjeta de débito iban a tardar más de un mes en devolvérnoslo y que no nos iban a devolver todo y que cogiésemos el seguro plus. Cuando nos negamos y le dijimos que preferíamos igualmente con la de debito, la chica empezó a hablarnos de malas maneras y a inventarse que nuestras tarjetas no eran de debito que no tenía como averiguarlo (lo pone en la propia tarjeta xd). Al final acabó aceptando tras 20 minutos intentándola hacer entender que si en la descripción de un tarjeta pone que es de débito significa que es de débito :) Spoiler: el mismo día de devolver el coche nos devolvieron el importe integro a la tarjeta de débito.
Excellent all around! Toyota Yaris was perfect for four with carry on bags. Powerful and fuel efficient with great AC! Staff were very professional. Easy airport pickup and return. Used iPhone with Bluetooth on Navi display. Perfect!
Ingen problemer. God bil og god service :)
We rented a car for a week; it was in very good state when we received it, all went very well, the return process was fast and seamless. Fully recommend!
Sehr gute Erfahrung gemacht. Mitarbeiter freundlich und kompetent. Neuen, sauberen Wagen erhalten (Renault Captur). Keine Probleme bei der Rückgabe. Parkplatz vom Terminal aus gut zu erreichen. Jederzeit wieder.
Muy bien la entrega, muy bien el coche, pero en la devolución a las 9 de la mañana no había nadie para la recogida del coche ni oficina
Friendly staff, straight forward.
Ótima experiência de aluguel, atendimento muito bom, carro novo e limpo. Facilidade de recolha e entrega do veículo. Parabéns Europcar de Ponta Delgada
They scammed us, twice. This permanently ruined my trust in renowned rental company. This is what theyll attempt: 1. Upselling scam: We had not specified a pickup time so when we arrived they told us they rented our car to someone else and everything we paid for was void. They tried upselling us a more expensive car becase the said there were no other cars. When I got angry they did have other cars and we did not have to pay extra on the car that we had already paid for 2. insurance scam: We had already booked and paid for insurance but we were threatened that we would have to pay out of pocket if we didnt additionally pay 170 Bonus: the office did not take meastro, visa or apple pay
Atendimento 5*. Adoramos a experiência. De enaltecer o atendimento da Daniela
In my eyes very unfriendly and not recommended. I made a cancellation of my booking.
Very satisfying experience from a to z. Much thanks to the staff of Europcar at Ponta Delgada!
El personal fue muy atento y amable. Nos explicó todo con detalle.
Everything went surprisingly smooth with our rental. We had a fast, friendly, and overall excellent experience with both the staff at the desk, and the staff in the parking lot. I will be using them going forward.
Very easy pickup and drop off and good service
Staff was great! Will use Europcar again in the future.
Very satisfied with the rental company. Fast, efficient...
Ils mont facturé 45 dessence alors que le plein était fait. Ne pas faire le check-out est une erreur!
The overall experience cI received when renting our car in Ponta Delgada was excellent. I will rent from Euoprcar again.
A big thanks to the staff that handed over to security the belongings I forgot inside the car during the return! Best customer service ever seen :)
The car was exactly the size we needed and all staff at Ponta Delgado airport were very helpful and efficient with their service. Thank you
Ótimo atendimento na recepção e recolha, veículo em ótimas condições, total disponibilidade para a resolução dos assuntos.
Maravilhosa experiência. A menina Daniela atendeu nos com um profissionalismo e simpatia incríveis. Deu nos boas dicas, foi maravilhosa. Já no levantamento e entrega da viatura fomos tão bem atendidos, o carro era excelente e correu tudo de uma forma magnífica. Recomendo muito. Fiquei muito fã da Europcar. Afinal as Marcas são as pessoas.
Fue rápido y sin problema tanto en la recogida como la devolución.
ATTENTION, leurs voitures sont de véritables POUBELLES roulantes. Le premier véhicule Renault Capture avec 67000 km au compteur : ses deux pneus arrière étaient complètement lisses et dangereux. Après avoir fait le trajet de l aéroport à mon hôtel, jai eu un pneu crevé. Ils mont accusé davoir heurté une pierre et mont facturé 270 pour cela, ce qui ressemble clairement à une arnaque bien orchestrée. Sans souscrire à lassurance, vous risquez de vous retrouver à louer une voiture en mauvais état sur laquelle on vous imputera des dommages mineurs pour vous faire payer davantage à la fin. La deuxième voiture en remplacement de la première, une Fiat 500 X avec 101000 km, était un véritable cauchemar. Malgré mes voyages à travers le monde, je navais jamais vu une voiture dans un état aussi lamentable : cabossée de partout, rayée de toutes parts, et à lintérieur, tout tremblait. ATTENTION, louer chez Europcar à Sao Miguel pourrait sérieusement compromettre vos vacances. FUYEZ !!
Despite the cancellation of our flight, the team made us feel welcome. Everything was done quickly and clearly. I recommend.
All went perfect and quick. Lovely car, 2 years old.
Wir hatten schon viele Mietwagen. Diese Station ist der bisher unübertroffene Rekordhalter im negativen Sinne. Das war der mit Abstand schlechteste Mietwagen, den wir ich je hatte. 123.000 km auf dem Tacho. So viel Vorschäden, dass diese nicht auf das Übergabeprotokoll passten. Am Ende wurde ein Vorschaden sogar noch mir angelastet. Zum Glück hatte ich das komplette Versicherungspaket. Damit blieb das für mich ohne Konsequenzen. Sonstiger Zustand: Die fahrerseitige Fußmatte war durchlöchert und rutschte mehrfach vor die Pedale. Die Rückspiegel waren ziemlich stumpf, bei Sonneneinstrahlung war die Sicht arg beeinträchtigt. Die Karte auf dem Navi so alt, dass diese vollkommen unbrauchbar war. Europcar schrieb mich an, dass ich mein Feedback geben sollten. Das habe ich schonungslos getan, aber ohne Reaktion. Ich habe mich auf dem Mietwagen-Parkplatz umgeschaut: Alle anderen Vermieter hatten durchweg bessere Autos. Meine nächste Anmietung, egal wo, wird nicht mehr bei Europcar sein. So verliert man Privilege-Club-Kunden.
Desk is right in the airport, the place where you pick up your car is walking distance right around the corner, and everyone is friendly and honest without pushiness to sell you extras. Both pick up and return took less than 10 minutes. Great experience.
Os funcionários super simpáticos e prestáveis! A viatura nova com imensa qualidade é visível que a manutenção não passava ao lado! Super recomendo!
Qualidade e segurança
En principio la entrega fue bien, ya había leído antes sobre los subterfugios de estos individuos; a la hora de la entrega el hombre revisó el vehículo normalmente y después se dirigió directamente a una parte de la rueda que nadie se percataría en mirar, acto siguiente dijo que el neumático tenía un daño pero conmigo se equivocaron, tenía un vídeo detallado donde se podía comprobar que el neumático estaba dañado a la hora de la entrega, RECOMENDACIÓN: haced fotos y video de TODO el coche para que no os quieran colar daños ajenos. PD. esperemos que no me cobren nada dentro de seis meses, se verán las caras con mi seguro.
Excelente. A equipe sempre deu ótimo suporte e atenção. Recomendo!
Simpatia dos colaboradores.
Hace un par de semanas que llegué allí y me atendieron muy bien en el mostrador del aeropuerto y el chico que me entregó y recogió el coche fue muy amable. Los recomiendo 100x100. Gracias.
Waiting time felt forever, even with pre booking online, they had to fill in all information once again. Better pay extra choosing another car rental company
Hassle free pick up and drop off. Perfect for exploring beautiful Sao Miguel!
Great service and at a good price, the car was a little beat up but that made it less stressful with the high and sheer curbs because the wheels were already scraped. Overall amazing.
Great service, very pleased
Easy pickup and drop-off and very helpful. Great cars.
Terrible service! But the worst part is that they sent an email saying that they would charge 330 for damaging a tire when the car was already completely damaged! After complaining, they even said that they could detect incidents after delivery during the car wash, even though I had signed a document stating that everything was ok when I handed over the car.
We had a great experience, such a customer friendly service, especially thanks to Daniela who tried her best to help us. :) Many thanks again Daniela!
Bom atendimento.
Desta vez correu bem, o serviço foi rápido e eficiente.
Good service at the counter, new vehicle, impeccable. I will be back to make another reservation.
Colaboradoras muito simpáticas e correu tudo bem. Foram bastante rápidos tanto para levantar como para entregar o carro. Ponto negativo: tivemos de dar uma caução com cartão de crédito de 300 (o qual não saiu sequer da conta porque o carro não tinha problemas quando foi entregue) e a alternativa caso mão tivéssemos o cartão era pagar um seguro de 20 por dia e dar mais 100 por débito. Tive ainda de pagar um segundo condutor pois o cartão não era do condutor principal (ridículo, visto o dono do cartão estar presente). Alugámos um carro pequenino, quando chegamos só haviam dois maiores mas não foi cobrado nada extra. Apesar da chatice da caução tenciono voltar a alugar lá o carro
I may recomend this car rent. Car was nice, clean and without any issues. Pick up and return was without issues and pleasant. Deposit was returned day after car return. This is not first time I rented car at Europcar and I will definitelly use their services again.
My experience smelled like an organized insurance scam masquerading as a car rental agency. When I first went to pick up the car, it had over 15 documented minor dents, scrapes and scratches. Based on my walk-around with the agent, we added another 10+ mark-ups. None of them had been repaired, even though (presumably) all of them had been charged for. The next morning, the car wouldnt even start (dead battery ... and no, I didnt leave the lights on.) So after about 6 hours of phone calls, a service visit, towing, taxi and a ridiculous fuel charge (because you didnt return the vehicle with a full tank) I was finally given another vehicle. It was newer, so it had fewer dents and scratches. When I returned that second vehicle 5 days later, the check-in agent did a detailed, time-consuming inspection. At the last inspection point - the 4th tire - she pointed out a small hole in the rubber. (See photo with painted finger nail.) Im doubtful that I caused that hole, but I cant be sure because I hadnt done a close examination of each tire when I picked up the car. In any case, it seemed minor. Nevertheless, the damage charge was 248 Euros. Back at Europcars terminal desk, when I questioned the charge, the agent basically said, You have insurance, right? So whats the big deal. The whole process was lengthy; I had to rush to make my flight. Days later, EuropCar emailed me an invoice, plus 2 photos (attached), to support my tire damage insurance claim. As you can see, these new photos show different - and somewhat more serious - tire damage. These photos were definitely of a different tire than the one the inspecting agent had pointed out (... because we had examined that tire together in detail). I have no way of knowing whether the 2 photos were from one of the other tires on the car I rented. I guess its possible (because I didnt look closely at the tires when I picked the car up). But I doubt it. Because by the time my inspecting agent pointed out the problem on the 4th tire, she had already closely reviewed the first 3 tires and mentioned nothing. But even if that damage was on the car that I rented, maybe it was already there when I first picked up the car? Also, I wonder if the level of damage shown in the photos even warrants a tire replacement? I dont know; Im not a tire guy. But the whole thing felt like an insurance scam to me. Since vehicle rental costs in Ponta Delgada are quite low, maybe these kinds of damage claims are the only way for the local agency to balance the financials. My insurance claim was approved, so I didnt lose much money. But - despite the fact that Ive always had good experiences with Europcar rentals in the past - this one has soured me on the company.
Very good experience. Quick and easy
Bom serviço
Everything worked out great, although we had a Fiat Panda where there was hardly a spot where it wasnt damaged. However, everything was documented upon delivery and there were no problems with the return. The staff was very friendly, we are very satisfied.
Très beau séjour avec une voiture sympa
Perfect service. The two guys we met on the front desk, where very polite and helpful. They offered us a car upgrade for a fair price and it was really worth it. Pick up of the car was fast and without issues. Same with the return. I would totally recommend them.
A locação foi ótima e correu tudo muito bem!
Gostamos muito da recepção dos funcionários da Europcar em Ponta Delgada, muito educados e prestativos. Não tivemos problemas com o carro, foi ótima experiência!
Sadly a legalized theft. Because of a delay caused by an airline I couldnt make my connection flight. I called instantly europecar informing of the situation and that I only managed to find a flight for the following day. They replied everything was ok. Unfortunately, after receiving the bill following mu rental, they included a no show and a new calculation of the rental, which doubled the price. I assess the quality of a company in time of problems. Unlike when things go smoothly this experience shows that its better to go with a cheaper option what europecar, which I thought would have a different approach in these cases. Absolute disappointment. If I had to go back I would take a 50% cheaper option with bad reviews rather than europecar. For reference I had prepaid a 9 days rental for 350 euro which ended up costing me 640 after the 1-day delay which was duly reported. Make your own choices. Hope this review helps those in doubt.
We prepaid 350 euro for 9 days rent of car. On the days of arrival we missed our flight due to the fault of airline and immediately notified europecar about it. They answered us that everything okay and we dont need to worried. On the day of taking car they told us again that everything is fine and they just need to change information in the system. And in the end of our rent they charged us no show plus recalculate rent price!!! So instead of 350 euro we paid 620 euro!!! How is possible to trust company after this???? Dont use their service if you dont want to be treated in the same way!!
Muy buena atención en mostrador al realizar el contrato y todo muy bien explicado y la facilidad para recoger el vehículo y a la entrega todo muy bien
Very nice people
We got the car we needed and it was as described. Car was clean. Staff was polite, friendly and knowledgeable. Highly recommend!
Muchsimo cuidado con ellos te cobran el importe del deposito del combustible,pero después cuando se lo entrega lleno no te devuelve el dineroson unos ladrones
Wir waren sehr zufrieden mit der Abwicklung, dem Service und dem Auto. War alles sehr unkompliziert, Mitarbeiter sehr freundlich.
Rapidez y comodidad en recogida y devolución ,limpieza y estado del vehículo perfecto
Veículo novo, limpeza impecável.
Unsere Erfahrung war durchweg positiv. Die Abwicklung bei Abholung hat verhältnismäßig lange gedauert und es gab aufgrund der Uhrzeit keine Persönliche Abnahme des Autos, aber abgesehen davon gab es keinerlei Probleme! Wir haben bei Abholung alle Schäden fotografiert, um den Zustand des Autos zu dokumentieren. Das Auto war in einem guten Zustand mit leichten Gebrauchsspuren. Wir kamen überall hin. Die Rückgabe verlief dann schnell und professionell. Das Auto wurde gemeinsam begutachtet und wir erhielten direkte eine Mail mit der Bestätigung, dass keine neuen Schäden vorliegen. Die Kaution wird nach 2-3 Tagen erstattet.
I had took out the additional cover to cover the excess - well worth it. Maybe this is why the car was well worn with dints and scratches but that was fine - no hassle on return. Unlike experienced from a competitor last year Sixt where I I had to pay and then claim from who they insure through - Allianz who still have not reimbursed me from April 2022.
DO NOT rent with them, they are the only ones that do not have ROAD SERVICE included and they charge you 200 euros more for it. Rent with local agency
Simpatia e disponibilidade.
Pas cher et service très sympa
Exquisite attention, we arrived at the airport today and they treated us phenomenally. They have given us recommendations of places and restaurants. Solutions to everything, more people this professional and friendly.
Serviço impecável. Todo o processo foi fácil e rápido. Os colaboradores foram simpáticos e eficientes!
Kind people, great value for the money
Excellent customer service, clean car overall good service.
Carro muito mau embraiagem quase queimada.
Bom serviço. Recomendo!
friendly and easy going
Concernant le véhicule, il n y a rien à redire. Il était en très bon état avec de très bonnes options et très confortable, au delà de nos attentes. Mais faites attention à bien prendre en photo/vidéo le véhicule dans son entièreté ! La vérification du véhicule le premier jour est très superficielle. L employé d Europcar vous fait comprendre qu ils ne vont pas trop chipoter pour quelques petites égratignures et dommages du véhicule. Ceux ci d ailleurs n étaient même pas notés sur le check up initial et on a du insisté pour qu il le fasse. Par contre, la vérification du véhicule le dernier jour a été réalisé par un autre employé beaucoup plus attentif à la moindre petite égratignure . Il nous a reproché une petite grille cassée sur le pare choc arrière et nous a fait comprendre que l on devra payer la caution. Pas de bol pour lui, nous avions la preuve en photo que c était déjà cassé avant. Tour ça pour dire faites attention avec Europcar. Prenez tout en photo/video, ne vous faites pas avoir par l attitude « zen et relax » des employés le premier jour !
Super obs uga,Pan wszystko wyt umaczy , zaproponowa bardziej korzystne rozwi zanie - polecam ka demu!
We had a very good experience with Europcar at the airport in Ponta Delgada, which we had booked through an online portal. Due to a 24-hour stopover in São Miguel, we wanted to take the opportunity to explore the island at our own pace and schedule (Miradouro da Boca do Inferno and Sete Cidades but also Parque Terra Nostra and hot springs in Furnas). The handover of the car was quick and uncomplicated. As it was already evening, we were kindly given the opportunity to inspect the car for possible defects the next morning in daylight. We were given a generous upgrade for the car class and the return at parking lot P3, directly at the airport, also went very smoothly. All in all, a great experience and a big compliment to the friendly staff.
Super Abwicklung Top Service und Abholung sowie Rückgabe einfach super professionell.
All good.
Excellent and fast
The receptionist was friendly, service and price were good.
Freundliche Mitarbeiter am Schalter. Einfache Abholung vom reservierten Mietwagen. Fahrzeug war mit 15.000km recht neu und in einem gepflegten sauberen Zustand. Die Rückgabe ging schnell und reibungslos.
Todo o serviço desde a receção até à entrega foi muito bom. Simpatia de todos os agentes a assinalar. Faltou só o pormenor de poderem disponibilizar um mapa da ilha para uma melhor orientação dos locais a visitar. As outras companhias forneciam um mapa aos seus clientes.
Schnell, freundlich, unkompliziert. Sowohl Abholung als auch Rückgabe funktionierten einwandfrei. Schalter direkt im Flughafenterminal, bei der Abholung wird man direkt auf dem Parkplatz vorm Terminal freundlich begrüßt. Ich kann Europcar in Ponta Delgada sehr empfehlen! :)
I booked a small car because of local roads but I got an upgraded car, Renault Megane, with no extra-charge. It was great gesture of them ... but sometimes it is difficult on narrow streets or sharp corners with bigger car. I always make movies and pictures of the rented cars with everything (tires, scratches, everything) but I anyway paid full insurance. I had no problem with procedures and the faces were all friendly. Deposit is smallest around (300Eur) and prices ok. The navigations maps were outdated so, I recommend you google maps or waze.
Compartilho das opiniões negativas que são aqui relatadas. Os funcionários não são competentes no serviço que prestam ao cliente ,nem assumem responsabilidades no mau serviço que prestam; no meu caso foi-me entregue o carro á porta do aeroporto e disseram-me o carro tem a matricula X e está no parque Y desloquei-me para lá o carro estava batido e o deposito sinalizava cheio mas o combustível só dava para 500 km ,tirei fotos e filmei ;quando foi para entregar o carro atestei o deposito que fazia parte do contrato depois de atestado o carro dava para fazer 800km,reclamei derivado a ter metido mais combustível quando o carro me foi entregue, ninguém assume a responsabilidade; mandei chamar o responsável não havia ;restou-me escrever no livro de reclamações .ALUGAR CARRO NESTA EMPRESA FOI A 1ª E ULTIMA VEZ.
Simpatia dos funcionários, rapidez no processo, apesar de não ter reserva, rapidamente me atribuíram uma viatura.
Very friendly staff!
La persona de la oficina fue muy amable, igual que el chico que nos entregó el coche y estaba el día de la devolución también. Nos explicaron todo claro, todo estuvo correcto y no hubo ningún problema. Cómo el aeropuerto es pequeño, es muy fácil encontrar la oficina, recoger y devolver el coche. Para toda la gente que se queja de esta y otras compañías: hay que alquilar con cobertura total, premium o como se llame en cada una. Así no hay problemas.
Excellent service.
o atendimento foi muito bom desde a receção ao quiosque de entrega de viaturas, o pior é um mes e meio depois ainda ter o deposito de caução bloqueado quando deveria ter sido liberado logo a seguir.
Affordable, friendly staff, great vehicles, and super easy processing. Recommend.
Rasche Abwicklung, Auto in sehr gutem Zustand
Very warm welcome and well maintained vehicle Good value for money I highly recommend Thank you to the team who welcomed us
The staff was friendly and helpful! The pickup and drop off process was quick and easy.
Very efficient and helpful company. No problems recommending it.
Sehr freundlicher, geduldiger und unkomplizierter Umgang mit Kunden. Fahrzeug war top, Rückgabe einfach. Die Fahrzeuge stehen fast direkt vor der Ausgangstür des kleinen Flughafens. Wir haben für alles wenig Zeit gebraucht und keine Laufwege gehabt. Gerne wieder.
Please do yourself a favor and rent from another company. There are 5 different ones in the airport and at least 3 in Ponta Delgada. You can also use taxis while here and pay much less. We returned the car 1 hour late and got slapped a fine of $250, which brought a toral cost of the car to $980 for 3 days and 1 hour. Obviously, nobody tells you in the airport about the late return, you will only find out that you got charged 1/4 of a k more once your boarded the plane and flew out of Azores. It would have been nice to know while dropping the car at the very least. They make you sign those 5 pages and the fine amount if written in the tiniest font somewhere inside there. Stay away and do not be fooled.
Tudo Top como já é o costume...
Nos dieron un coche con una categoría superior al que habíamos reservado previamente pero con las mismas condiciones. El trato del personal fue correcto.
Não é possível avaliar com zero. Chegamos ao balcão com a nossa reserva paga e válida e foi-nos informado que não tínhamos veículo por problemas externos. Não sabiam justificar do que se trata nem indicar quem o possa, mas fomos tratados como se fossemos ilegais e ainda atribuíram o nosso carro a outra reserva. Portanto, atualmente estou sem dinheiro e sem carro. Aguardo muito ansiosamente o resolver desta situação e anseio por respeito pelos clientes em vez de atendimento jocoso e pouco atencioso.
Atendimento atencioso, esclarecedor e disponível. Experiência a repetir. Obrigado.
Muy bien, recogida y entrega fácil. Nos dieron un coche más grande del que alquilamos. Retuvieron 100 por gasolina que devolvieron a los 4 o 5 días como dijeron.
We have interacted with 4 people in this location over several trips and they were all super polite, nice and always willing to help. Keep on the good work!
Great people and impeccable service. Brand new car for a bery good price. A rental experience that everybody should have!
Nice experience, guick and without any issues.
Every person I interacted with was extremely polite and nice. The price was very good and competitive. The whole process went smoothly and quickly. Given the previous reviews, I was very careful in taking before and after videos and pictures (like you should with any car rental) and had no problem.
Great service and economic car.
Top !
Serviço de entrega da viatura 5 estrelas. No entanto, confirmar na entrega da viatura se o tecnico aprova a devolução da viatura sem qualquer dano. De resto é aconselhável e recomendavel esta companhia de rent a car.
4 estrelas pelo esforco do funcionario, 1 estrela pela demora porque so têm um funcionario para tudo quando digo tudo é mesmo tudo...fazem contratos ao balcão dentro do aeroporto e twm que kr ao estacionamwnto wntregar e rwceber as viaturas. POR FAVOR ARRANJE MAIS GENTE.
Açores/Aeroporto Ponta Delegada/Atendimento excelente. Boa relação preço/qualidade interessante
10 stars! Friendly staff! Excellent service!
Immediate release of deposit.
Good customer service and all processes hassle-free. I enjoyed the Fiat 500 convertible they gave us. One thing with these small low hp cars, especially when heading inland: Be careful with your GPS carrying you onto super steep incline or unpaved roads, some in pretty bad condition. Drive with much caution and maybe get premium coverage for less possible headaches later.
Kindness and speed in both collection and delivery. Simple and fast paperwork. Pickup and delivery one minute from the airport terminal. everything correct.