Campo de São Francisco 19, 9500-153 Ponta Delgada, Portugal
A Ilha Verde Rent a Car é uma empresa que se dedica ao aluguer de automóveis nos Açores desde 1971. Centralizando o seu esforço na prestação de um serviço de qualidade e simpatia tem conquistado a confiança de clientes e parceiros de negócios. Reconhecida como uma empresa que disponibiliza viaturas seguras, recentes e fiáveis assenta a sua actividade numa frota anualmente actualizada com mais de 500 viaturas. Prestando serviços em todas as Ilhas do arquipélago dos Açores, a Ilha Verde está aberta ao público todo o ano, zelando pelo interesse dos seus clientes efectua recolhas e entregas nas unidades hoteleiras da região ou na rede própria de estações que inclui balcões nos principais aeroportos dos Açores.
Long story short I ended up paying 900€ extra ( even though I had insurance for everything) because of a mistake their employer made and not only they didn’t help me they were aggressive towards me .
I parked on the first day I had the car and put the wing mirror find it was glued on. The wing mirror fell off. I took it back but apparently they checked with the previous people who rented the car and they said it wasn't them...of course they did! The mirror was not checked by the person who gave me the car. The supervisor said "at least you had tires, so it's not dangerous". They charged me €300 because they "didn't know who did it". Moral of the story - don't bother telling them, just super glue any damage back on because you'll have to pay if you tell them!
I rented a car at ILHAVerde office on Pico. I paid a deposit of 1,500 euros. I returned the car on time and without damage, but my deposit has not been returned so far. it has been more than a week, but there is still no money. I've emailed customer support twice, but no one is answering me. Two days ago, I got through to the customer service, they said they would send the money today, but the money still hasn't returned to me. now they're dropping my calls. I rented a car from four different companies in the Azores and all returned the deposit immediately. And with IlhaVerde, I have to demand my money back every day. and it's not clear yet if I'll get them. I do not recommend working with them.
I am launching a complaint against one of your staff - Juliana Gomez who is based in Campos S Fracisco, Ponta Delgada. I rented the car for 2days and her attitude was rude and unprofessional. I returned the car and documents and asked her to refund the 200€ pre-authrorized deposit. Not only she did not do it, but she lied and said it is automatically cancelled. I checked again my bank transactions and it did not cancel. I had to go to another of your shop based in s.Miguel Solmar and asked for another of your staff to help me. Vanessa verified that my deposit was not cancelled and kindly helped me. Juliana Gomez attitude is unacceptable and i raised this to you, hoping you could please address this issue as i believe other customers would experience the same. That is quite an unfortunate experience in Azores.
I find they take advantage of tourists and give you what they don't want. I got a car which was small but upon driving no radio working and the engine lite came on the next day . I returned iit. They did upgrade my car to something better but you have to be pushy to get it. And when I returned it the girl didn't want to service because I didn't park in the right spot. Are you serious when the car has to be moved anyway. Trust me the way it was handled was not professional and rude I paid quite a bit of money for this rental and to be treated upon return was not right. And they should be able to do everything at the kiosk which they don't you then have to walk into the airport location and have a computer at the kiosk. I just think returning the car should have and could have been a better experience
Very happy with their service! Reasonable pricing, quick deposit return, friendly staff, clear communication. We got an upgrade after our second rented car with them. A lot appreciated! Definitely will rent a car from them again.
Very happy with this car rental company, no problems to pickup and drop off. Car was clean and well serviced, no issues during my 10 day trip around island. Highly recommend them
The customer service we received when returning our car to Ilha Verde Ponta Delgada airport was utterly appalling. Although several members of staff were standing idly around, we were told only one person could inspect our car. When he did inspect it, he snatched the inspection papers from our hand and then found what he deemed to be additional damage at the front - even though the damage was clearly marked on the inspection sheet. He argued with us that damage of that nature would have been marked according to their number scheme “1 - small scratch” etc. when all damaged areas on the inspection sheet were simply starred - including the area he was saying was new. He argued over and over again that the damage was new. Then one of his colleagues approached with a lot of aggression and said that he had seen us damage the car on the way in. A blatant lie. We asked to speak to the manager and we were directed to the main office in the airport. At this stage he had re-marked the inspection sheet with pen (over the original inspection mark) and attempted to take the inspection sheet from us multiple times (needless to say we didn’t give it to him). When we reached the office we asked to speak to the manager and were denied. The girl behind the desk was dismissive - serving other people even though we had been talking to her and trying to sort out our complaint. We argued back and forth for way over half an hour (luckily we had arrived at the airport early). In the meantime, the car had been sent back to the main headquarters and they concluded that the damage was not new and that it had been marked on the inspection sheet originally. We firmly believe that if we hadn’t argued our point and if we had been in a rush to catch our flight, they would have taken money to cover that pre-existing damage. We also believe that's why they made us wait for the car to be inspected - to ensure our time was limited to complain - after all, we were at the airport and had a flight to catch. The staff were appalling.We attempted to lodge a formal complaint about one member of staff alone who was too aggressive with us, but were dismissed with that too. It has left a bad taste in our mouth at the end of our lovely holiday. They maybe the cheapest rental company on the island but just like the other reviews - they will try to dupe you out of money.
Hemos tenido una experiencia con esta empresa super agradable. Nada más aterrizar nos atendieron amablemente y el coche recibido fue más que suficiente para andar por carreteras de Sao Miguel ( renault clio ). Si tenemos que poner una pega, los neumáticos estaban algo desgastados. Creemos interesante revisar estos detalles ya que la seguridad depende de ello. A la vuelta, un chico estaba esperando para recoger el coche y la devolución de la fianza se realizó en los 15 minutos posteriores a la entrega del coche. Para nosotros, todo un acierto.
Penosa experiencia. Nada recomendable esta compañía. Te dicen que puedes venir a las 5:00am a devolver el coche porque tengo vuelo a las 6:30 y aqui no hay nadie, no responden telefono, y cuando aparece me dice que hasta las 5:30 no atiende, en tu cara estan mirando el movil hasta exactamente las 5:30. Y no hay buzón ni nada donde poder dejar las llaves. Tanto en la entrega como en la recogida fueron antipaticos y pasan de todo. Te cobran por conductor extra (otras compañías no lo hacen).... nunca más está empresa
Everything fine, cars are older models but working and okay just (as others already mentioned) really long waiting times. Even the drop off took quite long. Two people working means one types in the customer details and the other watches him. Just two people in front of us translated literally into an hour (!) of wait time. The management of the staff is really bad, the attitude of some guys is rude and arrogant.
Staff was courteous, helpful and accommodating to our needs.
Processo fácil e rápido no aeroporto. Pessoal atencioso.
Naprosto perfektní slu by m li jsme b hem 14 dn na ostrovech postupn t i vozidla pro 9 osob v e dop edu sjednané p es email. Komunikace perfektní jak email tak p epá ky, auta v super stavu v e úpln !!! bez problém . Nejvíc m p ekvapilo vrácení depozitu do maximáln t í hodin po vrácení auta, to jsem opravdu ne ekal. Pro ostatní , je d ní a parkování s v t ím vozidlem na ostrovech není v bec ádný problém. Martin Makal
Nous voulions éviter cette agence, nous sommes donc passés par carjet qui nous a malheureusement louer une voiture via ilha verde Première surprise à notre arrivé il nous demande 20% de plus que ce que nous a vendu carjet on se retrouve donc à louer une voiture à plus de 100 /jour Nous prenons bien toutes les photos et vidéos nécessaires (vu les mauvais commentaires) On montre bien que les pneus sont usés et qu il y a déjà des entailles. Nous rendons la voiture 4 jours après avec bien sur un pneu crevé et la à notre grande surprise le pneu qui été en fin de vie nous est facturé 230 pour une Nissan Micra! Une entreprise de voleurs qui ne respecte pas les touristes!!! A FUIR ET PASSER SOIT PAR DES PETITES ENTREPRISES LOCALES soit par des vrais multinationales sixt, europcar
Van 25 juli tot 4 augustus een auto gehuurd. Eenmaal geland moesten we vrij lang wachten bij het loket (+1 uur, dat is ons enige minpunt). Auto meegekregen, rondje gelopen, ze adviseren om zelf ook fotos te maken, dus dat hebben we gedaan. Op maandag ging er een rood lampje branden, we hebben het kantoor gebeld en binnen een half uur waren ze bij ons met een nieuwe huurauto. Op de dag van vertrek hebben we deze auto weer ingeleverd bij het vliegveld. De borg werd ook meteen terug gestort. Ondanks de slechte reviews hadden wij een hele goede ervaring met dit verhuurbureau!
We got an EV instead of the booked ICE car but they made recharge free so it was a good deal.
Hat alles geklappt.
Gebucht über die Booking App, unkomplizierte Übergabe und Rückgabe. Sehr freundliches Personal.
Tuve una experiencia muy frustrante con esta empresa de alquiler de coches. Tras devolver el vehículo en perfectas condiciones, tuve que esperar más de 50 días para que me devolvieran la fianza. A pesar de haber contactado con ellos en varias ocasiones, solo recibí respuestas vagas y ninguna solución concreta. Finalmente, tuve que enviar una reclamación formal amenazando con tomar medidas legales para que me devolvieran mi dinero. No recomendaría esta empresa a nadie. La falta de profesionalismo y la mala gestión de las devoluciones de fianza son inaceptables.
Voiture parfaite sans défaut Attente un peu longue pour récupérer la voiture mais le monsieur était seul avec beaucoup de monde donc il a fait de son mieux Retour sans problème Prix acceptable pour la saison
Not sure if the guys with 296 on their shirts are a part of Ilha Verde, but they are extremely rude, drive fast thru the parking lot, and are generally not helpful in the parking lot of the car rental. They need some serious retraining!!
Måtte vente over en time på aftalt bil
Des voleurs !!! Nous avons loué une voiture du lundi 10 juin au dimanche 16 juin 2024. Il y avait des dizaines de petites marques et rayures un peu partout sur la voiture. Ils trouvent nécessairement lors du retour une marque qui na pas été correctement notée et nous font payer plus de 100 euros pour une rayure sur le rétroviseur que nous navons pas faite, que nous avions signalée et qui na pas été correctement notée. Soyez plus que vigilents lors du constat de départ, ne faites pas confiance et prenez chaque partie de la voiture en photo ! Evitez-les si vous pouvez. UP DATE : Ilham Verde nous propose de les contacter en réponse à notre commentaire, mais refuse tout dédommagement. Commentaire mensonger !
Tracte molt amable però el cotxe (RENAULT CLIO VERMELL) l embragatge dificultava les arrancades en pujada fet vastant freqüent a l illa
En nuestra llegada al aeropuerto la chica que nos atendió no fue nada simpática, nos hicieron pagar un seguro extra (supuestamente el de booking no valía) no nos explico nada del coche ni de su devolución. El día de la vuelta la devolución lleva un proceso caótico, nadie te explica como funciona el proceso ni los pasos a seguir, un desastre
Muy mal. Fyimos q devolver el coche y no había sitio para aparcar, lo cual ya es penoso. Una recepcionista de lo más borde nos hizo cambiarlo pese a que habíamos aparcado a 5 metros
Location de 2 voitures successivement sur l île de Sao Miguel et Terceira en juin 2024. Dans les deux cas tout s est très bien passé : rapidité pour récupérer la voiture, surclassement, voiture de bonne qualité ! Je recommande
Vanessa at the downtown Ponta Delgada office was very helpful and efficient. Vehicle was perfect and well maintained.
Wir haben auf drei Inseln einen Mietwagen aufgenommen, Probleme gab es nur auf Sao Miguel 1 Stunde Wartezeit am Schalter am Flughafen, unfreundliches Personal. Der Mietwagen war eine alte Rostlaube mit über 100.000km Klimaanlage funktioniert nicht. Haben dann den Wagen getauscht auch der war nicht der Hit aber ok. Auf den anderen Inseln, Terceira und Faial keine Probleme und moderne neue Autos. Haben aber auf allen drei Inseln die selbe Kategorie gebucht
Impeccable service and car upgrade at check-in, it was well worth paying an extra 5 euros for the daily upgrade. I recommend it
Als wir ankamen warteten schon 4 Personen. Die Abfertigung dauerte gefühlt ewig da nur 1 Person für die Ausgabe da war. Wir hatten das kleinste Fahrzeug gebucht, bekamen dann aber einen fast neuen Nissan Quasquai für nicht ganz 20 am Tag, echt super. Die Rücknahme ging dann schnell und reibungslos.
OJO cuando alquiles coche con Illha verde, aplican política de combustible lleno, pero en mi caso entregaron depósito con 3/4, lo devolví con más combustible de lo que me lo entregaron prácticamente lleno y me cobraron 27 por no entregarlo lleno, gasolina que encima no me correspondía y a precio de oro!!!!! Si no te lo dan lleno que te lo pongan por escrito que es una estafa, no apuntan cómo está el depósito ni los km que marca que puedes hacer, por lo que te toca entregarlo lleno aunque no te lo den lleno. Para mi una ESTAFA.
. 5 . . 10 . 200 . . . . . .
Best staff on the company works here, if you have any problems come here.
A frota mais moderna em São Miguel, muito bem representados em todo o arquipélago. Excelente serviço e atenção ao cliente! A minha Rent-a-Car de eleição.
Wypo yczyli my auto na 6 dni, rezerwacji dokonali my przez internet mailowo, samochód zosta podstawiony pod hotel przez bardzo sympatycznego pracownika który wszystko wyja ni . Ka dy etap wypo yczenia szczegó owo omawia . Kaucja jedynie na paliwo w wysoko ci 250 euro zwrócona zaraz po oddaniu auta. Samochód czysty i mechanicznie bez adnych zastrze e .
Nous avons loué une voiture pour 4 jours. Nous sommes très contents de cette agence (celle du centre de ponta delgada ) personnel sympathique. Nous avons pris lassurance tous risques. Aucun souci. Prix correct.
Rented a small Dacia for 5 days. Fun little car and a great company to deal with!
Recomendo foram muito prestáveis.
Good choice of cars in good conditions. Staff was not the friendliest but overall efficient enough. Make sure to check the car thoroughly before signing the pick-up documentation - I was getting rushed into signing the document stating there was only one scratch, but upon inspection we found a few more around the car. Luckily I insisted to inspect it before signing the document and, though of superficial nature, the other scratches were also added into the document.
Nous avons loué une voiture pour 6 jours, tout s est très bien passé : voiture propre et confortable, prise en charge rapide, personnel accueillant.
Vehicle llogat a través de Discover cars, vàrem recollir el vehicle al aeroport sense problema. El vehicle tenia el neteja parabrises quasi inservible. Al cap de dos dies vàrem quedar tirats sense bateria i ens varen fer un canvi de vehicle perdent tot un matí entre grua i esperes. Quan vàrem retornar el vehicle al aeroport ens volien cobrar 32 per tornar-lo 15 minuts abans de hora. Estan allà davant nostre dues persones de lempresa, amb molt mala educació dient-nos que no era el seu problema si perdíem el vol. Vuit usuaris més vàrem patir el mateix abús. Veient com dues persones et deien..... tesperes O pagues, mentre estaven sense fer res davant nostre.
Car had no AC but there were no other problems :)
NO RECOMIENDO! Nos dieron un coche que no funcionaban los parabrisas. A la hora de salir del aeropuerto se puso a llover y tuvimos un gran problema para poder regresar. Una falta de supervisión increíble contando que llueve todos los días en Azores. El depósito no estaba lleno completo y nos obligan a devolverlo lleno. NO RECOMENDADO
Firma rzetelna. Przej cie i oddanie samochodu odby o si bez adnego problemu. Zdecydowanie polecam.
At first, there was a long queue and 2 hours of waiting so that they could give us the car. Security deposit of 3000 euros, which seems excessive to me. I paid less because I booked with a business code. The return of the car was quick, and the security deposit was returned immediately after verification of the car. I booked with Avis in Porto but in the Azores, it is the Ilha Verde company that manages the reservation.
Slowest car rental ever maybe soon to be experienced (20-25min per car)...and we have been at places where the rental company was not there when we arrived, they still have been faster. Waited 1.5hr. Pay up, take sth better.
Si podéis evitar alquilar aquí hacerlo. Teniamos la recogida hoy a las 9am, son las 11:11am y seguimos esperando. Cola que salía fuera, una única persona atendiendo durante parte de esa espera. Cuando nos atienden, nos dicen que el papel con la matrícula es simbólico, que el coche aun no lo tienen y que tenemos que esperar fuera a que lo traigan y nos cambien los papeles. Nos quejamos que llevamos 2 horas de espera, que como lo compensan (porque claro, si tu lo entregas 15 minutos tarde, te cobran). La respuesta es un free upgrade. Indiferente. Perdemos tiempo y dinero. El chico de atención bastante prepotente, estaba calentito, dándo muy malas respuestas y También he leído críticas al devolver y cobros extra. Iré actualizando. UPDATE Nos entregaron el coche a las 12:03, con un neumático sin aire y con el depósito a la mitad.
Alquile un vehículo con Ilha Verde en mayo en San Miguel de Azores, cuando lo entregué me olvidé mis gafas de sol en el vehículo. Avisé vía email y desde entonces, y han pasado casi 2 meses, el Sr. Aires me ha estado ayudando con el envío que han retenido en Madrid y devuelto y me lo ha vuelto a enviar, informándome en todo momento de cada paso. Atención al cliente de 10 y gran empatía por parte de los empleados. Repetiremos y siempre estaré agradecida con ellos.
Location dune semaine à PDL. Voiture à peine correcte. Les délais dattente pour récupérer et rendre le véhicule sont inconcevables (plus dune heure à chaque fois...).
Très bon accueil tout au long de notre location par la personne qui sest occupé de notre dossier. Agence en centre ville pratique pour prise en charge plus rapide quen aéroport ! Véhicule loué avec assurance zéro franchise sur le site ilha verde.
Car is fine but it takes forever to get your car. First in line to geven the needed information en than in line to get keys and car. Takes about 45 minutes while pre booked
Nos dieron un coche viejo, con poca potencia y ruedas en mal estado, por lo que tuvimos un pinchazo espontáneo. La mujer que chequea el coche es muy desagradable y maleducada. Nada recomendable. We were given an old car, with no power and old wheels. We have an spontaneous puncture, so we had to pay 158 . The woman who received and checked the car in the airport is very rude and disrespectful. Try to avoid this company.
Sou da ilha de S MIGUEL
Une arnaque ! Caution 1300 euros! Double conducteur 30 euros ! Personnel peu sympathique !
Serviço com eficiência e simpatia
Nuestra experiencia ha sido muy buena. Tardaron un poco en hacer la entrega, pero el coche estaba prácticamente nuevo. El empleado nos sugirió hacer un vídeo del coche para poder comparar su estado con el de la devolución. Lo entregamos relativamente sucio (obvio tras una semana) y nadie nos reclamó ninguna cantidad adicional. Ningún problema.
Una muy buena experiencia gracias a Tiago que nos atendió excelente! Mucha paciencia y buena onda. Todo super
Si tuviera que volver a alquilar un coche en Ponta Delgada, no lo haría en ILHA VERDE. En primer lugar, si vas a recoger el coche en el aeropuerto, tienes que hacer una cola de dos horas y diez minutos aproximadamente. El personal es extremadamente lento y muy antipático (salvo el chico que nos entregó el coche, que es la excepción que confirma la regla) Los coches están sucios y llenos de desperfectos. El día que recogimos el coche se habían quedado sin coches de clase A y nos quisieron cobrar más por darnos otro coche (no es mi problema que no tengan una buena gestión de las reservas) Además, tienes que dejar un depósito de ¡1200 ! Nunca había visto esa cantidad tan desorbitada en un rent a car. En definitiva, como tampoco es barato, EVITA a toda costa alquilar en esta empresa.
I could list all the reasons why not to hire this company, but Im simply trying to save you the trouble, dont book anything with them. It is worth paying a little more and hiring another rental company.
Super service where everything just works . Price and quality are just so good . Can only be recommended from here
A bit of a wait to collect the car but they were busy and it was a Saturday morning. The car had a few knocks and scuffs but they were all marked on the form. We were able to extend for one day with no hassle. You get a much better price if you book online. Will use again if we return to Ponta Delgada
Verhuur bedrijf op zich prima. 4 eilanden gedaan en op elk eiland een auto gehuurd (vooraf gereserveerd) kwaliteit van de auto s is matig 2x een goede auto maar 2x een afgeragd.. vol met schade en slecht rijdend.. laatste auto zelfs teruggebracht.. hiervoor kregen we een hagel nieuwe in de plaats.. goed geregeld dus.
Wir warten jetzt schon 20 Minuten auf die Bedienung eines reservierten Leihwagens und es sind noch ca 20 Kunden vor uns. Nie wieder über TUI ein Auto leihen, am besten auch nie wieder mit TUI verreisen
Des voleurs ! A fuir ! Nous avons fait le plein à la station à 5 mns de laéroport. On nous a dit que le plein nétait pas fait. Nous avons prouvé notre bonne fois avec le ticket de la station 5mns plus tôt. Résultat une taxe de 18euros + 15 euros dessance. Et menace de se servir sur notre CB puisque nous refusons de payer. Un scandale !!!! Quel dommage de quitter cette merveilleuse île sur une escroquerie.
Horrible, cualquier problema es imposible contactar por correo. No responden. Coche viejo y silla de niño muy insegura. Te cuentan que te devuelven el importe, de eso ya 4 meses, sin respuesta
Car rental service in Ponta Delgado.
I was a bit worried when reading bad reviews, but in my case all went really well! I think if you have a concern that they will charge for damage, just take full insurance (as I did) and relax! at the end of the day youre on holiday in this amazing island!
Bei Ankunft war eine lange Schlange am Schalter. Wenn ich aber ein günstiges Auto buche, muss ich Wartezeit in Kauf nehmen. Am Schalter war ein sehr freundlicher Herr mit perfektem Englisch der alles gut erklärte. Die Rückgabe heute war völlig unkompliziert. Wir waren zufrieden
Muito bom...
THE WORST EXPERIENCE WITH CAR RENTAL EVER! .Although there were just 2-3 people in front of us (we had to offer our turn to a family with o smaller baby even though we were also with a 4 y.o toddler) the procedure was super slow. The girl at the reception couldn t speak a word in English and no one else next to her was willing to help. First they wanted to charge us the full amount (plus the part that I have already paid upon the reservation), luckily my husband noticed that and they change it, no apologies of course..then we were waiting for another 15 min not knowing why (they just told us that we should wait with no further explanation) the problem finally was that the girl couldn t print our documents.After spending at least 45 min to pay and sigh for a car that was already booked they just gave us the key and told us that the car is at parking 5 and that somebody will be there to check the car with us. They didn t even mention if the parking is at the left or right. After we finally found the car we waited there for another 15 min just to find out that it was us who should have informed their colleagues at the gate to come and check the car. But this was getting even worse, during our check in we asked if we could keep our car for 1 more day but since there was no change to communicate and the kid was starting to complain, I though it would be easier to call at them later and speak to someone who understands English! But eventually this company, doesn t pick up the phones neither responds to the emails (Imagine being in need!) finally after two days, the receptionist of our hotel after spending hours on hold she was told that we would be charged double for an extension and that it is preferable to close our booking, return the car and book it again, the price of course is the double from the initial one even this way! I really do not understand how business like these continue to exist! Not to mention the car booster that they have rent us, that doesn t cost more than 15 to buy it but they have charged us with 35 for 5 days.
Fast and great service. Prices are low. Cars are clean and in very good condition. Highly reccomend that company over other ones.
Péssimo. Reservamos o carro com 2 meses de antecedência. Voo atrasou 4 horas, tentamos ligar várias vezes com a agência para os números fornecidos em caso de atraso e nunca fomos atendidos. À chegada do aeroporto, pediram-nos uma taxa por levantar o carro fora de horas, ou então levantavamos no dia seguinte, na sede, sem qualquer tipo de taxa. No dia seguinte, não tinham carro disponível...
Não fui lá.
Carro que andava pouco, nas subidas só segundas, preço demasiado elevado , o pessoal que nos atendeu muito simpático, foi bom alugar o carro que era relativamente novo , mas muito mal tratado ! Se puderem arranjem a impressora do balcão junto à igreja do santo Cristo.. O funcionario estava desesperado pois a maquina nao imprimia e quando trabalhava só fazia uma folha de cada vez. A empresa é boa mas os carros.....deixam a desejar.
He de decir que todo ha sido perfecto con esta compañía de alquiler de coche. Personal muy amable, instalaciones limpias, entrega de coche limpio, nuevo, con GPS y devolución del coche rápido y perfecto. Indicar que cobran algo por el tema del seguro (normal) al coger el coche y luego te cogen 1200 por si pasa algo al vehículo (viene en el papel en el momento de alquilar el coche, como en otras compañías de alquiler que hemos cogido). La devolución de los 1200 nos lo han hecho efectiva en el momento de devolución del vehículo (tardará x días dependiendo del banco). *Luego, siempre hacemos fotos de los vehículo, pero de forma general, y nunca hemos tenido problemas de sobrecargos
Experience is hit/miss depending upon the location you rent from. The airport kiosk folks as well as the folks near the fort are nice and helpful. The office near the harbor, not so much (rude and gruff).
Nice car we got renault clio short version.
Je recommande de louer une voiture via lagence de Ponta Delgada (celle-ci) plutôt que directement à laéroport où lattente peut dépasser une heure pour récupérer la voiture. Les taxis depuis laéroport vous y emmènent rapidement pour 10 euros. Concernant Ilha Verde, quasiment pas dattente pour récupérer et déposer la voiture, véhicule dans un état correct, très peu contraignant et aucun frais cachés ; tout ce que nous attendons dune agence de location de voiture. Les prix sont raisonnables mais il faut bien réserver en avance.
Very helpful and careful landlord. Everything worked fine
Atendimento ok. Preços a melhorar, claramente
Car without air conditioning for 5 days. No commercial gesture. Disappointing.
Detestei o serviço! Muito demorado. O check in demorou 1h30 e o empregado não parecia saber o que estava a fazer pois a colega estava sempre a corrigi-lo (apenas existia uma pessoa na fila). Check out 45 min de espera. Novamente com apenas 1 pessoa à frente na fila. Grandes falhas de comunicação. Disseram que não tinham de encher o depósito (e eu insisti duas vezes perguntado se tinham a certeza) e depois fui obrigada a fazê-lo no check out. Quase que perdi o meu voo com tanta incompetência. Sou grande fã de rent a car quando viajo mas Ilha Verde Aeroporto NUNCA MAIS! P.S. A luz da temperatura do carro acendeu logo no primeiro dia e tive de colocar líquido de refrigeração. Nem sequer vêem ia coisa tão simples N o carro. Falha enorme!
No lo recomiendo , alquilamos nueve días y nos dieron un coche de cien mil quilómetros con la amortiguación en mal estado , y el tanque de gasolina no estaba lleno como nos dijeron .De precio caro .Mala experiencia
Muy atentos y amables
Waited 25 minutes for the car pickup. It was very busy and only had one member of staff working. I got a seven year old car which was falling apart, I had to return it to the airport later that day. Worse car hire shop Ive ever been to. If you want a car make sure you get it from the airport as they seem to better cars.
The car was old, appeared to have been poorly maintained, and even had some damage. I didnt feel safe driving the vehicle. And the service was slow with long queues.
I loved the guys who were caring about us, very friendly and funny!! Good experience for my first car rental. Actually, it was cheaper to rent a car at Ilha Verde than go shopping with my mum.
A entrega do veículo muito demorado
Vi lejede en lille bil i 4 dage - fik en ny, pæn og ren i30 til samme pris. Udleveringen gik meget langsomt - det tog ca. 15-20 min. pr ekspedition. Mange papirer skulle udfyldes. Vi ventede i 1 time. Afleveringen var ligeså langsom.. Klart forbedringspotientiale.
Konden ze de hele dag niet bereiken toen we vertraging hadden, daardoor gedwongen nieuwe boeking te doen (via tussenpersoon) die ze uiteindelijk niet konden vinden. Uiteindelijk toch eerste boeking gebruikt en mooie auto gekregen, wel een gedoe. Ook bij inleveren lang moeten wachten maar uiteindelijk mooie rondreis kunnen maken met goede auto tegen ok prijs.
Really friendly, great car
Freundliche Mitarbeitende, die auch fließend englisch sprechen. Preislich auch schwer zu toppen - für vier Tage haben wir insgesamt 140 gezahlt. Einziges kleines Manko: wir hatten das Auto ab 11 Uhr gebucht. Leider wurde unser Auto erst noch von einem anderen Standort gebracht, sodass wir letztendlich knapp eine Stunde dort warten mussten.
Long wait to pick up and return the car. We got a good price only because we booked through a third party. The Toyota C-HR Hybrid or similar turned out to be a battered Hyundai i10 with high mileage and damage all over, the whole car not worth the 1200EUR they hold as a deposit. Staff were OK, not super friendly but fairly efficient.
Atendimento excelente
On the day I picked up the car I was very well looked after. I assume that when I return it I will be in good condition... And things went well!
Excellent Rent a Car, friendly and very professional team. I recommend it
Very nice staff and good service.
Bon accueil et tout est fait pour nous simplifier la location de la voiture pas de caution exorbitante à donner !!!
Terrible experiencia ! Esta compañía es un fraude absoluto . Alquilamos un coche con ellos , el que nos dio el coche casi ni se fijo en el cuando nos lo dió , mucho menos miró nada en las ruedas . Cuando lo fuimos a devolver antes de nuestro vuelo de regreso, resulta que la chica va directa a las ruedas y las mira con lupa , nos ponen cosas que nosotros no le hicimos a las ruedas y nos dicen que tenemos que pagar dos ruedas , las cobran aun así reclamamos y seguimos discutiendo con ellos porque nosotros no le hicimos eso el coche siempre fue por carretera y con muchisimo cuidado de el , una d ellas nos devolvieron el dinero porque era tan evidente que nos estaban estafando q no la pudieron meter , la otra no nos la devolvieron . Mucho ojo con ellos porque os van a colar cosas que vosotros no le vais hacer al coche , yo de vosotros JAMAAS alquilaría con estos personajes . A parte fueron unos mal educados .
very good and fast service. we walked in without booking a car and after 15 minutes we left by car. all the formalities were handled efficiently. the employee was so nice that he offered us an additional discount, and the deposit was only 100 and was in the account a few hours after returning the car. The car is very neat, efficient and clean. equipped with gps that we could set in our language which made traveling very easy. I recommend this rental company instead of using brokers.
Very good
Very frienly personnel. Gave us some useful advice.
Friendly and approachable staff. Be aware of the 10 fee that is charged for cleaning the car without the customer being informed.
Bom serviço
Calm down
The worst customer experience of my life. A great shame, as the woman and man at the airport Ilha Verde counter were wonderful, friendly and informative. The woman at this office was quite simply awful. From the moment I walked in she was unfriendly and rude. I asked some basic questions about the deposit as it was lots more than I was expecting. This made her angry. She insisted I sign the document regarding damages, before she had marked them on or we had looked at the car. I insisted that we look first, she got more angry. Having booked cars all over Portugal and dealt with other Ilha Verde staff, I can honestly say that this was the worst customer service experience I have ever had. This member of staff should not be in customer facing rolls - absolutely awful. Have emailed the scratches on the car that she choose not to write down. Cannot believe the different level of service in the same company..... Esther Fraenkel.
the car was not in good condition, old and full of scratches. extra fee for the cleaning of the car applies. for the low price, ok.
Price in 18/07 at 12:30 ; 225 EUR insurance included. A joke.
Bom serviço o carro estava em muito boas condições. Tudo como previsto na reserva. Pessoal simpático e atencioso.
Great service, super clean car!
Fast and easy service car worked perfectly.
I am waiting for almost an hour now terrible service, I am afraid what it is going to be
Ni se les ocurra alquilar con esta compañía. Intentan estafarte con el estado del vehículo en el momento de devolverlo. No alquilar con esta compañía si no quieren disgustos
Reserva efetuada nesta empresa através da Wisecars. À chegada ao aeroporto foi necessário aguardar 1 hora para levantar o carro, derivado da quantidade de pessoas que aguardavam no balcão para serem atendidas. Fora esta questão, todo o processo foi bastante agradável e a viatura estava super limpa. Foi proposto um upgrade para uma viatura de uma categoria superior, por um valor promocional. Na entrega a viatura foi vista em detalhe, tendo sido apontados todos os danos na viatura. A devolução decorreu sem problemas.
Loueur très désagréable. Escroquerie finale: il faut payer 30 pour rendre la voiture avant 6h sans en être informé.
O carro que me foi entregue estava um tanto em más condições , demora no atendimento .
Um crime o estado de conservação do automóvel ( renaut captur de 2019 ) que me foi proposto no aeroporto de P.Delgada , porque os da gama que eu reservara não estão desta grande coisa ( dito pelo funcionário no aeroporto) . Pouca abertura para a extensão do aluguer da viatura por mais 4/5 horas . 50 inicialmente, 30 poucos minutos depois ,foram as importâncias avacadas para a extensão. Reparei que havia mais pessoas há espera de viaturas .Aliás o preçário pedido foi para desistir da minha pretensão..? Conseguiram !
Serviço de excelência. Recomendo
Excelente atendimento, simpatia, cordialidade e muito boas instalações!
Horrible dangerous baby seat! For our 6 months old baby we were given this baby seat (for about 40 Euros per week!!!) which was very unsafe and gave no stability for the head at all. We told the company but they said this was the right seat and there were no other seats. Also the seat was moldy as you can see on the picture. Very disgusting!!!!! This seat looks like its from the nineties. And no apologies at the end. Very disappointing!
Foram atenciosos e explicaram-nos bastante bem as condições do aluguer. Aconselho vivamente.
Lo mejor que podéis hacer si alquilas. Aseguraos de revisar la hoja de daños antes de salir con el coche. En mi caso había daños que no aparecian. Llegad mucho antes del vuelo, tardan una eternidad y el personal es desagradable, hay colas y no te dará tiempo a solucionar nada si tienes que volver en avión. Ojo, te cobraran 10 por limpiar el coche, este limpio o no. Luego se lo entregan, sin limpiar al siguiente cliente. ( a mi me lo cobraron y yo lo había limpiado 1 hora antes ) y vi como salía con el otro cliente. Tardan en devolverte la fianza ( tarjeta de crédito) muchísimo tiempo y es un importe en mi caso de 1200 Fotos de todo el coche,exterior e interior. Revisad el deposito de gasolina y foto también. Si aun así te arriesgas y los contratas, te deseo suerte porque no tengo ninguna certeza de lo que cubre el seguro del vehículo. Vamos, que es lo más parecido al deporte de riesgo que vi en la isla. Te puede costar un disguto pequeño (10 de robo porque si), una gran suma de dinero ( retenerte la fianza por cualquier cosa que no revisaras) o en caso de accidente un marrón de dimensiones épicas ( ya os dije que el seguro no tengo ni idea de lo que cubre) No me gusta opinar, si es una opinión negativa. Pero creo que en el caso de esta empresa, es más un aviso a navegantes que una critica.
Atencioso e célere.
Pessoas muito simpáticas, aconselho vivamente.
TOTALLY NOT RECCOMENDED. It s so cheap because they make you pay triple in the desk after the online payment. The woman at the front desk made me wait almost an hour because there was a problem with their card machine and she kept on talking new clientes without informing me about what was going on! We went to rent a car using a website that colaborates with this place usually, is called Discover cars, the result was tragic, we lose all the money that we spend in order to rent a car because they we unable to make the payment right. This place is rule by a women that is really not easy going and very unpolite I REALLY RECOMMEND TO READ AND FOLLOW MOST OF THE REVIEWS, THAT ARE NEGATIVE, and dont use this place for your hollidays or you will probably have a bad expirience. There are much better places to rent cars in Ponta Delgada.
Malisima atención al cliente. Pésima gestión. Perdí mi vuelo por su culpa. Mis hijos se han quedado sin ver otra isla por su culpa, jamás se lo perdonaré.
a éviter!!!! nous sommes arrivés avant 00h00 pour récupérer notre véhicule malheureusement avec le check covid nous nous présentons à 00h15 car le contrôle est particulièrement long mais pas de geste de leur part nous avons dû payer le sur plus de 27 . Au moment de laisser la caution on m explique que 8 supplémentaires seront prelevés si la voiture n est pas restituée propre. Sauf que pour prendre mon vol à 7h15 j ai dû nettoyer le véhicule la veille (intérieur et extérieur) et malheureusement pour traverser l île quelques papillons de nuit ont finis sur le par choc et mes 8 se sont envolés !!! Jamais vu ce système à part chez eux. Fuyez fuez fuez
Very good customer service
Atendimento cordial, amistoso e profissional. Práticas de prevenção de covid-19.
All was great except for the 10 euro charge for cleaning from outside. It was just a little dirty. The inside was 100 percent clean.
Bom atendimento
Rent a car muito boa aconselho
Mucho cuidado, te informan del precio del alquiler pero no te indican que una vez en el stand te van a tener que retener de la tarjeta 1300 !!!!! Y en Portugal no hay bancos que te dejen sacar dinero de la tarjeta de Débito, por lo que si tienes un crédito inferior a los 1300 te dejarán la tarjeta inutilizable para el resto de días del viaje!
Korektné jednanie pri plnom poistení. Bol som na ostrove 4 dni, v aka Ilha Verde sme pre li celý ostrov za 3 dni kým sme mali po i ané vozidlo. Nevlastním kreditnú kartu, ale je mo né zaplati klasickou debetnou kartou VISA a MC. K cene za prenájom, treba v ak pripo íta komplet poistenie vozidla, o ma vy lo dokopy 75 na de . V tomto prípade sa vyhnete plateniu vysokej kaucie, tá sa u pri plnom poistení nevy aduje. Vozidlo sme si po i iavali aj odovzdali v centre Sao Miguel na ulici Campo de Sao Francisco, bez toho aby som si to vopred rezervoval. Rezerváciu ale odporú am, detaily si nakonfigurujete namieste. Vozidlo bolo v dobrom technickom stave, pomerne nové 20000 km a malo nízku spotrebu. Takisto neexistuje denný limit KM. Poistenie odporú am, preto e ku krabancu mô e dôjs v úzkych uli kách ve mi ahko. Po kraba disk na obrubníku vás bude stá nieko ko stoviek EUR, preto si dajte plné poistenie. Auto sme odovzdali bez toho aby sme ho umyli, i povysávali. Tu mohol by ú tovaný poplatok 8 , ale oni povedali, e to je ok. Som skúsený vodi , ale na ostrove sú v meste kách ve mi úzke uli ky, ím men ie auto tým lep ie. Ja mô em poveda len to ko, e dohoda platila na 100%, iadny problém s ni ím. Len nesmiete etri , lebo dopadnete ove a hor ie.
Rented a car here for a week during spring break because the price was good. When we returned it, we had to wait a while because they had only one employee working (though there were a few others hiding in the office). The biggest problem was that they decided the car wasnt clean enough because we didnt VACUUM it before returning! Vacuum a rental car?? We asked other cars rental companies on other islands if this was standard practice and they said no. Total scam. The manager and staff were incredibly rude when we asked how we were supposed to know we were supposed to vacuum it - we have never had to do that! It was clear that they were going to find any reason to charge us extra and this was the best they could do. I agree with the other reviews here - this company tries to make money by charging you for anything/everything once you bring the car back. Dont rent with this company!! Total scam, great way to ruin an otherwise wonderful vacation.
Sorry aber ilha verde ist reine abzocke! Nie wieder! Haben uns 10 euro in rechnung gestellt weil wir das auto nicht ausgesaugt haben (war aber nicht dreckig oder voll mit krümel). Tank wurde auch bemängelt weil ich noch 30 km von der tankstelle bis zur abgabestelle gefahren bin! Frechhheit! Nie wieder mietauto über ilha verde!!!!!!!!!
Wir können die Bewertungen bzgl der Rückgabe des Wagens bestätigen. Das Auto muss wirklich gründlich gereinigt werden. Wir hatten nur unsaubere Fussmatten, sonst war das Auto sauber und trotzdem wurde es bemängelt. Ansonsten hat alles reibungslos funktioniert, leider hat man dann aber bei der Rückgabe das Gefühl abgezockt zu werden, das ist unnötig
Le prix de la location est bon marché cependant lors de la réception de la voiture les employés vont essayer de vous vendre loudement des extras pour faire gonfler la note. Lorsque nous avons demandé à lemployée (visiblement largement citée dans les commentaires négatifs précédant) gérant notre réservation une carte routière sa reponse fut surprenante : je nen ai pas. Peut être voulait elle que nous prenions un GPS car des cartes routières étaient bien disponibles puisque son collègue nous en a fourni une. Lors de la restitution de la voiture elle sest heurtée au retroviseur deboitant le cache plastique de ce dernier. Le cache sétait effectivement déboité à cause des vibrations dues aux routes en pavés. Nous lavions remis sur le moment et il navait plus posé problème. Chose impossible à leur expliquer : la même hôtesse sest mise sur la défensive, a joué la montre ( nous devions prendre notre avion ) et na plus compris notre anglais... Coût du déboitage de rétro pour une clio: 177 euros. Sensation désagréable de sêtre fait voler... AGENCE A EVITER
Worst Carsharing company I ever made a experience with. The service is super bad really, we lost something in a car and noone could help us. The first car we got had broken breaks and we didnt even got an apology. Considering the coments below i think there will be more problems when we hand the car back in. We absolutely do not recommend this company. TAKE CARE if you book via sunny cars you might get to this company as well.
Straight forward. Great service, great car. Hassle free experience
Ottimo servizio e professionalità. Auto noleggiata molto valida. Attenzione che la casco non viene fatta direttamente, ma tramite compagnia assicurativa.
Lange Schlangen am Flughafenschalter nach Ankunft des Ryanair-Fliegers aus Deutschland. Wer billig fliegt, möchte in der Regel auch einen günstigen Mietwagen. Ebenso sollte man bei der Rückgabe etwas Zeit mitbringen. Man muss warten bis der Wagen begutachtet und zurückgenommen wird. Danach heisst es im Flughafengebäude am Schalter nochmals anstehen um das Schriftliche zu erledigen. Bei den renommierten Vermietern kaum Betrieb da deutlich teurer. Ich hatte mit der Autovermietung und dem Auto keine Probleme, bis auf die Warterei alles Ok. Habe den Mietwagen von Deutschland aus über Check24 gebucht.
Rip off! They asked for 105 for one day. At Wayzor we paid 120 for 5 days, better try your luck there! You dont have to clean the car and the staff at Wayzor is much friendlier.
We travelled Acores for 2 weeks visiting 4 islands where we rented 4 cars from ILHA VERDE . First car we rented was a black Ford Fiesta (Plate Nr: 43-UZ-63 with 26284 kms) from Sao Miguel airport. We waited at least an hour before we got the car. Car interior was good however the front tyres were pretty worn and would certainly fail a MOT in the UK! Second car we rented from Terceira, waited at least 30min, where they gave us a white Renault Clio (Plate Nr: 69-RL-34 with 60576 kms). It was dirty, scratched, dented and front tyres were pretty worn as well. We took full insurance because rental companies can burn the blame on you. When we returned the car, it had ¾ fuel left, unfortunately we were in a hurry and the rental agent took full advantage of that and charged EUR 54 what a rip off! I asked the Agent how many litres she was charging me for and could not answer. If I had filled it up it would have cost me max EUR 25! Third car we rented from Faial, again waited at least 30min, where they gave us another red Renault Clio. This car was also scratched, dented with an electronic problem with the tyre pressure sensor, as it continuously stayed on. When we returned the car the agent asked us why we had damaged the car and I said that we had received the car like that, luckily we had full insurance otherwise she would have charged us at least EUR 1300 given that its the required credit card hold. Forth car we rented from Pico, again we waited at least 30min. I mentioned to the agent that we have had 3 bad experiences previously over the past 1.5 weeks, the agent just laughed at me. Finally, he gave us a blue Renault Clio station wagon (Plate Nr: 51-NT-63 with 78142 kms), it looked old, scratched, dirty and dented. Note that we booked online from Europe Car and realised at the agent that it was under ILHA VERDE. After a day driving the old car, I noticed that the car had a problem mechanically where the gears grinded when you changed gears, especially from 4th to 5th, it was an awful car to drive, even though it took us where we wanted to go. When we returned the car since it was a short rental, I mentioned the issue with the car. The agent made it out to be a joke and basically said that we only rent old cars! IHLA VERDE consistently gave us awful cars and the experience consistently got worse through the 4 cars we rented from them. I do not recommend them and found them untrustworthy STAY AWAY FROM THEM. Instead give other smaller agents the business as ILHA VERDE have the monopoly and have taken it for granted by renting OLD cars!
Cheap, working car, nice people working there. Rental process + car pickup and return is a bit slow though
Bonjour, après une bonne demi heure de queue au comptoir aéroport dilha verde à Ponta Delgada, jai eu la malchance de tomber sur une employée ( que lon semblait embêter ) dénommée Julia qui a été fort désagréable, peu coopérative et même à la limite de l incorrection. Elle na fait aucun effort de communication et semble ,daprès son ton, mavoir même insulté en portugais. Elle a tenté de me faire prendre une assurance à environ 400 que jai refusé et, après pas mal de tergiversations, la caution fut prise sur trois cartes gold en ma possession car le montant de la caution (3900 ) dépassait le montant permis sur une seule carte. Pour la remise des clés, celle me furent jetées sur le comptoir, sans explication. A la délivrance de la voiture jai fait part à lemployé de ma stupeur quand à lattitude de cette employée et il ma été répondu quelle était assez coutumière de cette attitude. Si la voiture était en parfait état et la restitution sans problème, je recommanderais de ne pas utiliser vos services sur les forums de voyage. Le propre dune entreprise de service est de sassurer que ses employés au contact des clients sont disponibles et corrects ce qui fut loin d être le cas. cordialement
Great service and upgraded to a way better car as we had problems with the first car. All solved in a quick manner, would rent again
Its a total scam. They charged 80 on return for a car wash. There were several guys writing complains about being overcharged for different things. When I finally got the complains book it was full, only 2 pages left on it:-) They give you a cheaper price for rental and overcharge you at the end, knowing you dont have much time before your returning flight.
Carro bom e limpo mas na hora da entrega o funcionário veio dizer que eu tinha um dano no veículo quando o dano já tinha sido feito no aluguer anterior e eu tinha feito seguro completo contra todos os danos e sem franquia eu não tinha nada a perder mas a atitude não foi a melhor e se eu não tivesse feito o seguro completo teria problemas por isso recomendo a todos quando alugarem uma viatura façam seguro completo
Vam llogar paquet hotel + cotxe. La companyia del cotxe va ser ilha verde. Ni la recomano. Ens donen un cotxe en un estat lamentable tant a lexterior, ple de cops i rallades, com de motor, doncs no podia pujar cap carretera amb pendent. A sobre, et fan fer un dipòsit de 1500 per possibles danys quan el cotxe hauria destar donat de baixa. El personal de lempresa no amable.
After reading all the shocking negative reviews I was very sceptical and worried to rent a car here. I had fairly old Nissan Micra with a lot of scratches so I ensured all these are recorded and also I took photos. In return all went smoothly and I can recommend this place. Car was in good condition.
NO LO RECOMIENDO!!! Nos dieron el coche por la noche y dijeron que lo habían revisado ellos. Al devolver el coche, no solo nos han cobrado 10 porque las alfombrillas tenían un poco de arena, sino que nos han intentado colar a nosotros daños que ya tenía el vehículo. Menos mal que sacamos fotos a todo.... Esto ocurrió en la oficina del aeropuerto. HORRIBLE! NEVER AGAIN!
Everything went fine with the rental and I really appreciated the effort that they made to find my USB cable that I left in the car.
Au départ pas de soucis particulier a la prise du véhicule, environ 30 minutes pour pouvoir le récupérer, nous avions pris la voiture la plus basique possible, nous avons donc eu une Nissan Micra très propre et carrosserie quasiment impeccable, cependant dans les 2-3 premiers jourd, nous avons rencontré a quelques reprises des problèmes de démarrage mais la voiture finissait toujours pas démarrer puis les jours suivants demarraient très bien (peut être un soucis de batterie déchargée ?). Malheureusement lors de notre avant dernière soirée la voiture était impossible a démarré, nous avons donc contacter le service dassistance qui devait nous envoyer quelquun sous 30 a 45 minutes, nous avons finalement du attendre 2h sous la pluie et relancer 3 fois lassistance par téléphone. Une fois la personne de lassistance sur place, celui ci a constaté limpossibilité de démarrer et nous avons donc du laisser la voiture sur place. Nous somme reparti avec lui a lagence pour avoir une nouvelle voiture, nous avons pour le coup eu une voiture beaucoup plus haut de gamme (Mazda cx3), mais faisant nuit et temps pluvieux ils avaient pré remplis letat de la voiture sans nous, heureusement que nous avons pris des photos le lendemain matin car ils ont essayés de nous mettre une bosse sur le dos. Bilan, une soirée entière de perdue, aucun geste commercial et avons dû payé le complément du plein pour la voiture en panne ...
We ordered an automatic mini- van for 6 people at the airport when we arrived. They did not have an automatic and gave us a manual transmission. Plus it was not really big enough. We had to plan our day around the company bringing us the right car later and doing the exchange, along with a lot of baggage we had with us. It was inconvenient, caused us to lose time and change plans, and they refused to give us a discount, even though a manual costs much less to rent than an automatic. I would not rent from them again.
Muito boa.Recomendo
Take a day off for waiting in queue! Im here for like hour omg!!! The slowest people ever...
We were absolutely happy with Ilha Verde. Its true that check-in & check-out may be very slow. But this is true for all companies and other airports too. At the airport, the line was long , but eventually they decided to take some of the people to their office in the city of Ponta Delgada. There, check-in was much faster , because there were more people on the desks. We were also lucky to get a brand new car with ~2000 kms . We had no problem with the check-out. It didnt take significantly long. But we werent in hurry, since we were much ahead of time before our flight. We had no other problems, as other people wrote in reviews, i.e we werent charged for not cleaning the interior of the car. (You are in Azores, where weather is rainy and terrain is muddy. How are you supposed not to leave any single dirt, soil, mud in the car?)
Pathetic service!!! We just landed in Terceira, got the car keys and when leaving the parking one of the Ilha Verde Rent a Car mechanical staff that was driving one of them, crashed in to the back of ours.His bumper broke in 2!!! and one of our back lights were broken. Their first reaction? Accident happens! Im 6 months pregnant and none of them were concerned about our wellbeing. They didnt offered another car either... shameful!
Alerta amb les rodes! A nosaltres ens van donar un Nissan Micra molt vell i amb les rodes molt gastades. El vam acceptar. En menys de 24h es va punxar una roda. Ens van donar un altre cotxe més nou. Les rodes estaven molt gastades. És perillós circular amb les rodes gastades per unes carreteres amb corbes, pujades i pluja. No accepteu vehicles vells ni amb rodes gastades!!! Latenció al client no va ser gaire simpàtica, tenint en compte que vam perdre temps per culpa de la roda punxa i que lestat de les rodes comprometia la nostra seguretat.
Avoid!! THATS HOW THEY MAKE THEIR MONEY: Endless extra charges for virtually everything: 59EUR for handling a damage (the employee called it bureaucracy cost), 10EUR for optional interior cleaning which turned out to be at their option... CHECK THE LIST WITH EXTRA CHARGES IN FINE PRINT THEY HAVE ON DISPLAY AT THE COUNTER! IF YOU ACCEPT IT YOU ARE BOUND FOR TROUBLE!
Picking up the car was easy enough... Though some sort of queue would be nice .. instead of just wandering around a parking lot hoping to get a guys attention. We had no problems while we were there. The return is weird: again, no there is just a group of people trying to go first. Beware: if you have a really early flight, you seemingly cant return the car until 5a when the employees show up ..
O site diz que não existem viaturas paras as datas que pretendia, pelo que tentei fazer reserva via email e telefone. Enviei o email que foi ignorado e tentei ligar diversas vezes sem sucesso. Acabei por ligar com o directamente o numero de S. Jorge onde atenderam apenas para dizer que não estavam no escritório. Voltei a ligar mais 4 vezes ao longo de 7 dias e em nenhuma vez poderam verificar a reserva. À 5ª garantiram-me que estava a reserva feita, mas nem sabiam as datas, e mais uma vez não estavam no escritório para confirmar, e email com confirmação nem vê-lo. Desconfiado liguei para as reservas onde me confirmaram que não tinham nenhuma reserva e prontamente me pediram as datas para dar orçamento, que... espante-se, nunca chegou a aparecer. Sendo português sinto profunda vergonha deste tipo de atendimento, que imagino seja bem pior para os estrangeiros que estão indefesos contra as chico-espertices desta gente. Os Açores têm um potencial enorme para o turismo, mas este tipo de serviço vai sem qualquer duvida trazer-nos má fama.
Great service
Our car was fine, in good condition, and we had no issues with it. However we were generally disappointed by the process, policies and pricing of the company. More specifically; 1. The cost for the full insurance was very high, more than we ve ever paid before anywhere, and was a fixed price for all car sizes. So for a cheap small 10 /day car, you end up paying additional (approx) 35 per day, which is pretty steep. 2. They charge you an additional 10 which they say they would return if you bring back the car clean . But they mean if it s professionally cleaned. So in order to get that back, you need to pay someone to wash it for you and hope it doesn t rain! I can understand charging a penalty if you bring it back in a very bad condition, but it is unreasonable to charge 10 for washing it before they give it to the next customer. This is any car hire company s minimum obligation. 3. They offered us an upgrade to a diesel car for an extra fee. We said we were fine with what we had already booked, and it turned out that the car they were giving us anyway was also a diesel! So we felt a bit tricked. 4. It is common to have to wait in a long queue when picking up a car. At Ponta Delgada airport however we were made to wait in the same queue when returning it! There were staff in the parking lot checking the car and signing it off, but then you had to take their signed paper indoors and join the queue just to give it to their colleague who (after a long wait) gave us another piece of paper and said now we re done . Unnecessary bureaucracy when it s already been signed off as ok and we need to get to our flight. Hope the company can improve on the above.
Muito cuidado. Depois de ter reservado uma viatura a gasolina, recomendaram uma viatura a diesel que estava melhor, pagando adicional. Afinal nem antena e gps funcionava mal. Alem disso, aquando da entrega, facturaram mais 10 pela lavagem de interior e, o recepcionista tinha dito que estava tudo bem.
car ok. very very slow when it comes to picking it up. Unusual: you have to return the car clean inside and out-otherwise they charge you 10 euros more! incredible -tacky marketing trick. 1300 euros excess for a low-end car: outrageous!
Um bom carro, atendimento simpático e processo de recolha / entrega muito simples. Cumpri com tudo, eles também cumpriram. De notar que reservei um Focus a gasolina e disponibilizaram-me um Captur a diesel, que pelas características da ilha, acabou por se revelar uma solução muito boa.
Be aware of cheaters! Vorsicht Betrüger! Es werden direkt extra Gebühren für Reinigung gefordert. Die Mitarbeiterin sagt zwar, es ist nur eine Kaution, aber später kann sie sich nicht mehr daran erinnern. Obwohl der Wagen sauber zurückgegeben wurde, wurde der Betrag bisher nicht zurückgebucht. Ich werde in Deutschland meinen Reiseanbieter kontaktieren und um Klärung bitten. Man sieht hier schon anhand von Bewertungen, dass Ilha Verde in Ponta Delgada eine Bande von Betrügern ist. Geht lieber zu einerm anderen Anbieter.
Good service. Very attentive staff. Highly recommended.
Very good
Hidden charge with the cleaning fee. We were so angry because we invested our precious time to clean the car at the gas station, but then they didnt even tell us about we missed the clean status, so beware of this hidden fee. Then we should wait for a long time to double check, and in the end we were afraid to miss our flights because of that fraud. Everything else went fine as the car was a big scrap but also almost didnt cost anything. The guy who is at the car park is really friendly, but the staff who is freaking with the money is super arrogant.
Wir hatten eine Woche ein Auto von Ilha Verde und können leider nur bestätigen, dass die Rückgabepraxis hinsichtlich der Reinigungsgebühr i.H. von 10 wirklich so ist wie in den Vorbewertungen zu lesen. Sie wird trotz sauberem Auto von Vermieter einbehalten. Die Autos sind gut, aber man fühlt sich dann schon vom Vermieter über den Tisch gezogen. Sowas gehört sich nicht, insofern nur zwei Sterne.
MUY MALAS PRÁCTICAS, no lo recomiendo, EVITAR esta empresa porque VAS A PAGARLO MUY CARO como nos paso a nosotros. No he visto una cosa así en mi vida!. He visto que TIENEN MUY MALAS CRÍTICAS y POR NUESTRA EXPERIENCIA SON TOTALMENTE MERECIDAS. Alquilamos un coche 3 días con franquicia de 400 , y al devolverlo nos dicen que la esquina del parachoques está rayada, un daño mínimo, que francamente no sabemos si ya estaba porque si había otros mínimos cerca que si se marcaron. Y nos dicen que nos cuesta 150 más Iva, la reparación, más otros 50 más Iva por gastos de gestión ; en total 236 que tuvimos que pagar porque si no no nos desbloqueaban la fianza de 400 . Los gastos de gestión dijeron que consisten el el papeleo con el seguro y el taller, lo que es incomprensible y abusivo, pues no es pagar la reparación de ningún daño, sino lo que ellos dicen que es el trámite con el seguro y el taller. UNA TOMADURA DE PELO. Y como al firmar el contrato en la letra pequeña pone que se asume cualquier gasto te dicen que lo aceptaste. CUANDO TE ALQUILAN EÑ VEHÍCULO NO TE EXPLICAN NADA DE ESTO, CUIDADO PORQUE TE VAN A COBRAR LO QUE LES DE LA GANA y no les importa nada quedar mal con el cliente porque al ser de fuera te vas a volver a tu país y necesitas que te desbloqueen la fianza en la tarjeta. UN ABUSO. Ademas, aunque pague la factura de 236 con la misma tarjeta que tenía bloqueados los 400 , y me dijeron que me desbloqueaban la fianza en la tpv, lo cierto es que ya me cobraron los 236 pero aún me figuran bloqueados los 400 , lo he visto hoy y espero no tener que reclamar a Visa o tener que denunciar a esta gente... Por un mínimo rascazo dicen que tienen que pintar todo el parachoques, cuando en el parachoques ya había otros daños cuando lo alquilamos; así está claro que si cobran más de 200 por cada daño mínimo están abusando porque yo voy a pagar por todo el parachoques y seguramente al que le emplumaron los otros daños (los tenia cuando lo alquilamos) ya pago lo mismo que yo. Un negocio redondo para ellos y nefasto para los clientes. Nos quieren hacer creer que van a repararlo porque, según ellos no lo alquilan así, y a nosotros nos lo alquilaron ya casi n algún rayazo anterior....SIN COMENTARIOS.. Cubrimos la documentación manifestando no estar conformes, y presentamos una reclamación en la hoja de reclamaciones; el trato de Nuno y Sandro (el responsable) fue lamentable, se aprovechan de los turistas, y en la isla tienen mala fama. Cuidado con ellos
Pesimo servicio, engañan por sistena, no recomiendo
En la Isla de Pico no tuve problemas salvo q el coche no era el indicado y estaba bastante mal, pero en Faial el trato de la se orita q estaba en el mostrador fue lamentable, hablandonos mal y una prepotente en potencia, como se nota q el negocio no es suyo y juega con el dinero de sus jefes, no lo recomendare nunca, alquilamos en otro sitio y ningun problema, ojala q lean esto tus jefes
Evitem esta companhia!!!!! Inaceitável comportamento de quem atende as pessoas. Viaturas em mau estado mecânico, entregues sujas e depois cobram taxas de limpeza na entrega. Só rir.
Complete thieves. They had the gal to ask me for a 12, 000.00 Euro deposit, the full value of the car for a two day rental without full insurance plan that they sell which costs more than the actual rental daily cost. Go somewhere else.
Atendimento eficiente e simpático. Facilidade de estacionamento e localização próxima de hotéis e restaurantes. Carros novos e em condições. Funcionários atenciosos e sempre prontos a ajudar... Foi sugerido um carro a diesel por um preço fantástico e compensou inclusive no conforto e segurança.
Só ver este carro é um espetáculo a não perder faz parte da nossa história
I never write bad reviews and this is my only negative I ve ever written, if you want to ruine your vacation book with this car rental company, on the other hand this whole industry is corrupted and sickening I m affraid there is not many good choices in car rental business... In short review thiefes they will do what whatever they can to charge you as much as possible, for the things you didnt do . I hope God will lovingly deal with them.
Véhicule correct. Beaucoup de formalités pour peu de disponibilités. Ici cest plutôt le loueur qui est roi: laccueil est expéditif malgré leffort pour parler notre langue. létat des lieux était fait avant notre arrivée envoyez nous une photo demain si vous voyez autre chose sans nous donner de numéro ou contact... Par la suite injoignable par téléphone pendant quasiment 24h (nous voulions déposer le véhicule à une autre agence, impossible). check-out à la limite du manque de politesse. compagnie surement victime de son succès a sao miguel, où ils sont le rent a car le plus populaire (accueil beaucoup plus agréable à sao jorge, plus petite île), qui se repose un peu trop sur ses lauriers...
I was ripped off on gas. I reserved a car here prior to sailing to Ponta Delgada on Royal Caribbean. About 15 minutes after I drove away, I noticed the gas tank was only 3/4 full. I was only there for a very short cruise ship stop and didnt want to take the time to drive back to the office to sort it out and calling them would have involved an international cell phone call. When I returned after only 78 km, I estimated I used about 5 Euros in gas, based on the gas gauge. I put this much in and brought the car back. I immediately notified the employee about the problem and asked if I needed to put more gas in the car. She said she would check with the garage and that it would likely be okay, but she asked for my phone number in case she needed to charge me for gas. I subsequently received a voicemail that 14 liters of gas were missing from the car. I drove only 78 km and put more than three liters in before returning the car. Theres no way I could have used 17+ liters to drive 78 km. I obviously paid for the previous drivers gas. I emailed the company about the problem and there was no response, unfortunately. Im feeling ripped off. Make sure to check the gas gauge before you drive away! On the plus side, the office was walking distance from the cruise ship port.
Dont EVER use services of these thieves. The car was fine, when returned we got the confirmation that we returned the car in perfect shape but they ripped my friend of 900 EUR deposit TWICE, so 1800 EUR in total! They now blame his bank and said that its not their fault and stopped talking with us all of suddent. We searched through reviews of other customers and it seems that the company acts this way on a daily basis. I repeat DONT USE SERVICES OF THIS COMPANY.
No Problems with this office! Everything went as usal with rental cars.
Sehr freundlich und schnell. Über Portal preiswert. Perfektes Englisch. Super.
Serviço horrível. Viatura em péssimas condições. Acabou por ter uma avaria e no final todos os custos de deslocações e combustível foram-me cobrados. Roubo!
They are so rude overall, I had such a bad experience trying to help my cousin she delivered her car on the post station and the staff started making rude comments accusing us for getting the car dirty on purpose. On purpose of what? It was so distressing, the guy started yelling to us and I said this wasn t the right way to treat costumers. We never understood why he was so aggitated. The car had fine lines not scratches and she barely used her car...everythhing was supicious. From the beggining they made her sign a paper saying the car was ok, before even checking the car? Why would they do such a thing? From the beggining when you pay for a service you trust the people in which you hire the service. They are not supposed to cheat you. Everything got out of the control, people yelling from both sides...unbelievable . They even mentioned animals had scratched her car and she had to pay for it. They would just unblock the initial fee if she payed the damadge price they had calculated. What a scam. So unfair. No one had proof the fine lines were made before or after. Such an upsetting situation, she got so stressed she was in hurry to catch her flight so kind of felt oblied to sign a paper as she aknowledged that she was responsable for the situation. They refuse to give us the claiming book, which according to portuguese law it s ilegal to prevent costumers of filling a claim if they felt cheeted. She was more then upset, I felt they never tried to explain things properly or to think about the costumer. It never was about the client, if he/she felt satisfied or not, how stressing was being the process for the costumer. So unprofessional. I feel bad for a lack of quality and service.
Ilha verde est une arnaque, fuyez. De plus, les vendeurs ne sont ni corrects ni professionnels. Si vous souhaitez passer un bon séjour louez votre vehicule dans une autre agence.
The car provided was amazing! Good quality, and not too dirty! The problem was the pick up and check out of the car! Long wait and just one staff to give us a good service . The girl on check out was very rude and not prepared for that job! Calling many times for a another person to try to solve some problems! So If you want to rent a car, go to Ilha Verde with a big gap of your time!!!
Super flexibler Mietwagenanbieter. Ich habe über Check24 in Deutschland meinen Mietwagen inkl. aller Versicherungen gebucht. Ich konnte kurzfristig beim lokalen Vermieter sowohl den Abholstandort ändern als auch die Rückgabe um einen halben Tag kostenfrei verlängern. Außerdem habe ich statt einem gebuchten Dreitürer einen Fünftürer (eine Klasse größer) ohne Aufpreis bekommen. Kaution waren 890 Euro per blocking auf der Kreditkarte, wurde bei der Rückgabe anstandslos zurück gebucht. Es wurden keinerlei Zusatzleistungen oder Versicherungen verkauft oder aufgedrängt. Außerdem war die Rückgabe absolut problemlos, auch bzgl. der bereits vorhandenen Kratzer etc. Würde mich wieder für diesen Vermieter entscheiden.
Mietwagen 1 (hatte Sicherheitsmängel) wurde problemlos getauscht. Mietwagen 2 passt - aber bei allen Autos aufpassen: sehr viele kleine Macken ( Fotos machen) und die Frontscheibe sind innen dreckig sowie die Microfilter dicht. Sehr unangenehm wenn Regen & Nebelfahrten Nachts anstehen
The car I was given was full of scratches and dirty. Poorly mantained!I complaint and I was offered a slightly better one but also very dirty inside. The staff(a young lady),suggested me to upgrade as mine wouldn t have aircon,which wasn t true in any of the 2 cars!!I don t recommend it!
I had a good experience with this company.
Bom atendimento
Schaut euch den Wagen bei der Übernahme ganz genau ich meine ganz genau an.Sonst bezahlt ihr die Fehler der anderen und die arbeiten nicht mit der Versicherung zusammen,ihr müsst also wenn was ist in Vorkasse treten.
Funcionarios sem educação, não gostam de informar ou esclarecer dúvidas dos clientes.
Podvodníci! P esto e jsem na erpal plnou nádr , tak po ujetí 4 km poklesl ukazatel o 1 dílek a naú tovali m pokutu 15 euro + 5 euro za benzín.
Preis-Leistungsverhältnis war top! Knapp über 115 Euro habe ich für eine Woche Ford Fiesta bezahlt, da kann man nicht meckern. Der Wagen war fast neu, hatte jedoch einen großen kratzer, der jedoch bereits bei der Übergabe nachts so in den Dokumenten stand. Am nächsten morgen sollten wir nochmal überprüfen, ob weitere Schäden vorhanden sind und diese melden. Wir haben keine weiteren gefunden und bei der Abgabe wurde nichts beanstandet. Macht weiter so mit dem Service! Wir wurden bei der Abholung auf verschiedene Stationen aufgeteilt, damit es schneller geht. Die Hinfahrt wurde über einen Shuttel erledigt und die Rückgabe direkt am Flughafen.
I will NEVER use Ilha again! If I could give a company negative stars, I would! I ve never been treated so badly by a customer service representative!! Eric Barbosa was condescending from the start of our conversation and when I got upset with him about his bad attitude, he had the gall to ask me if I had mental problems as well as call me condescending. Having representatives like Eric Barbosa, is unacceptable!
We spent more than 800 and after three months - despite of many calls and mails - We are still waiting for the deposit return!(59 !)
Friendly, maybe a bit pushy. Overall a positive experience [return of car pending].
På det hela taget har det funkat okej dom två gånger vi hyrde bil av dom. Det går hyffsat snabbt både när man ska hämta eller lämna bilen, man får vara lite på sin vakt och inte gå på deras försäljarsnack. Båda gångerna så dom att om vi betalade lite mer kunde vi få en bättre bil. Men när vi då sa att vi ville ha den bilen vi bestämt oss för, så hade dom helt plötsligt inte den inne och vi fick därför ta den bättre för samma pris som den billigare eftersom dom då inte kunde ordna fram den vi bokat. För övrigt har bilarna varit bra i ordning, bortsett från att det fanns en massa myror i den ena.
Muito Bom Atendimento
Easiest car return ever. Took only 3 minutes. Deposit has been cancelled immediately. Probably the class of cars I booked was not available. Anyway they upgraded me for free and I got a perfect ford with an automatic transmission, which is recommended on Sao Miguel with its very small streets.
Adorei o serviço bons carros e flexibilidade de entrega dos mesmos. Possível upgrade.
They have good cars for rental and you can return and pick the car at the airport too.
Staff simpático e bom atendimento
Servoce was ok. The staff could be more friendly but as is said overall ok. We got after a short smalltalk a brand new car in a higher category. Thanks.
Coches sin potencia aunque de apariencia nuevo, ínfimo aruñazo de menos de 2 cm y te cobran porque argumentan que tienen que pintar toda esa parte mientras que otras compañías te dicen que si es menos de 5cm no pasa nada. Lo barato sale CARO. Pillen otra compañía.
Rien à dire. Check in et check out rapides et efficaces sans mauvaises surprises.
Estamos muy furiosos con esta empresa. La chica que nos dejó el coche nos dijo que la hora de devolución eran las 7pm de la tarde, cuando realmente esa es la hora a la que cierra la empresa por lo que la hora real de devolverlo eran las 6pm. Conclusión: tuvimos que pagar un día entero de más y todo porque ni te llaman al móvil para localizarte. FATAL!! La única mala experiencia que hemos tenido en toda la isla ha sido con esta panda de incompetentes interesados que venderían a su madre si hiciese falta por dinero. ¡¡Que NADIE alquile ningún coche aquí!! Solo tiene 2,6 estrellas de clasificación pero realmente no se merecen ni una sola.
Muy bien. Coche en condiciones, full tank, sin trucos ni engaños. Algo lentos
the first car they gave me was having some trouble and making weird noise! got back and they upgrade it giving me a better car. here i ve been welcomed by a super kind recepcionist :) Catarina Braga! She helped me so much and always with a smile on! Obrigado Catarina you are really a big plus for this company!
Trevlig personal som håller vad de lovar. Har nu hyrt bil där för femte gången. Enda problemet är att de har något för motorsvaga fordon för att passa uppför vulkankratrarna.
Nice experience with car rental...
Gostei muito do atendimento do balcão e do carro