Rua de Lisboa, Edifício Varela - R/C, 9500-216 Ponta Delgada, Portugal
We recently rented a Citroen at the Terceira airport, Azores. We had no issues with the welcoming front desk or the car itself. We were taken to the car personally which was very helpful. There were no issues with the car as we toured around the island and we managed to find the return parking spot without issue. We appreciate the ease of the rental. Thank you!
Had great service from Wayzor - especially Andre who served us both in and out. we reserved a VW Up and thats what we got, there were a few bumps and scrapes on the car already which were all outlined to us at pickup which was also speedy about 10 mins all in to get from desk, paperwork and then into the car. we had a great time with the car , no issues at all - really seamless drop off at the airport - only issue being the Up is a bit lightweight to setoff the automatic barrier but pressing the button solved that. 5/5 for us , for service and ease of pickup / drop off
The company crawled under the front of the car and found a small scratch. We did not have any damage that we felt we caused and they said because we had no video to prove that the front under bumper was OK they were taking out of our deposit. Never thought to inspect the under side of the bumper. They took money from our deposit. Do not rent from them. If you do make sure you videotape the entire car, including the underside of each bumper.
Terrible rental. Charged us 190€ for a scratch UNDER the car absolutely impossible to notice at check in. AVOID.
Excellent experience - great communication prior to booking. VW Polo delivered to hotel - spotlessly clean with a full tank of fuel with an excellent and professional handover with clear instructions for drop off at the airport......and again an equally smooth transition. All staff were super friendly and competent - would highly recommend.
Check in and checkout went smoothly and quickly. The staff were super friendly and kind. We got a brand new car that worked perfectly. Got the deposit back immediately after the checkout. Overall great experience, would recommend.
Quick pickup, helpful staff. We were lucky to get a brand new car despite choosing the cheapest model. Unlike most rental companies, they don't block a deposit on your credit car but instead just record the details which is very helpful when you're renting several cars in a short space of time. Very good rental experience.
The best car rental company I've ever used. First of all - the staff speak perfect English. The service was superb, they showed us literally every functionality of the car before we left. For a low price we were given a brand new car. And the money they wanted as a guarantee was wery reasonable.
Aluguei na ilha Terceira foram espetaculares paguei o caução mas no momento da entrega da viatura a primeira coisa foi devolverem me a caução e a menina Diana muito simpática e disponível grande profissional. 5 estrelas vou tornar a alugar quando for a ponta delgada
They will charge you for obvious wear and tear issues and then refuse to elaborate. They cost me 1600. Beware!
Cogimos el seguro completo con ellos, casi 200 , resulta que pinchamos una rueda del coche (nos dimos cuenta a las 7 de la mañana) y no tuvimos el remplazo hasta pasadas las 9. La sorpresa fue que nos dijeron que teníamos que pagar una tasa por el servicio ya que estaba muy lejos de Ponta Delgada (estábamos a 15 minutos) ya que no venía incluido en el seguro completo. Total, que nos han cobrado 90 por pinchar una rueda con un seguro que teníamos cogido. Además, como el coche no podía moverse, también nos cobraron la taxa de llevar el coche a repostar y el combustible que le faltaba (nos dieron el coche con 540km de autonomía cuando le cabían 640km) En fin, un abuso por parte de esta compañía. No alquiles con ellos.
Toller Service! Nette Mitarbeiter, die speditiv arbeiten. Flavio war sehr professionell und effizient.
Wir haben im September 2024 spontan noch einen Wagen für 2 Tage in Ponta Delgada gemietet. Netter, zuvorkommender Service und unkomplizierte Abwicklung. Wir hatten insgesamt 4 Mietwagen auf den Azoren, der von Wayzor war der beste. Empfehlung!
Nos dieron el coche sin esperar mucho, era un Citroën C3 prácticamente nuevo. Cogimos la opción del seguro en la que nos retenían de la tarjeta 300 ya que está compañía no tiene la opción de seguro a todo riesgo sin retener nada en la tarjeta. El coche funcionó bien y no tuvimos ningún problema cuando devolvimos el coche, nos hicieron el abono de los 300 ese mismo día. Con lo único que hay que tener cuidado es que los bajos del vehículo no están incluidos en el seguro, pero no nos extraña ya que en Sao Miguel hay carreteras de tierra para llegar a algunas atracciones turísticas que no están en las mejores condiciones y vimos a otros coches haciendo auténticas burradas. Yo repetiría el alquiler con ellos, la relación calidad precio es muy buena.
Lamentable el trato, no contrateis con esta compañia. Nos hicieron contratar dos seguros y con el deposito había muchos problemas
Nos ha parecido una compañía seria, eficaz y amable, además de ofrecer una buena relación calidad precio. Tuvimos un pequeño problema a última hora y nos lo solucionaron rápidamente. 100% recomendable.
P j ovali jsme si VW Polo na pobo ce ve m st . Auto bylo rychle p ipravené. Depozit byl blokován na kreditní kart . Po týdnu, kdy jsem auto vrátili, paní z kancelá e auto obe la, potvrdila papíry a p ímo p ed námi odblokovala depozit. Maximální spokojenost.
Reservei uma viatura no Faial e uma viatura em S. Miguel. Os carros eram novos, em excelente estado. O staff foi super profissional e simpático. Correu tudo muito bem! Gostei muito!
Reservé en la web con muy buena relación calidad-precio. El vehículo un Citroen C3 prácticamente nuevo y muy recomendable, estaba muy-muy limpio. El trabajador del mostrador muy amable y habla bastante español, aunque cometió un error que subsanaron muy rápido en la central. La fianza del combustible la devolvió en el acto al devolver el coche. El coche está en la misma terminal con fácil recogida y devolución. Los recomiendo y volvería a reservar con ellos sin duda.
Huye lejos de esta compañía!! Te estafan y encima casi perdemos el vuelo por su culpa. Una pena terminar un viaje con una sensación tan desagradable. Cuando vas a retornar el coche, no hay absolutamente nadie en su oficina del parking, mientras en las otras hay varias personas atendiendo. Con lluvia y frío, tienes que llamar para que vengan a atenderte, la misma persona que atiende en la terminal. La gente que llegaba de otras compañías enseguida le atendían y revisaban el coche sin ningún problema , todos felices.Esperamos media hora a que llegara, con gran parsimonia, se dirige a examinar un coche que ya nos dieron con innumerables golpes y roces. Se tomó 10 minutos mirando todo el coche, se notaba de lejos que buscaba algún posible roce del que culpar, tanto es así que le dio dos vueltas al coche, finalmente se fija en el retrovisor que ya estaba lleno de roces y dice que hay una raya nueva que no estaba, se aprovecha que es una zona que en la foto con agua de la lluvia no se aprecia. 1700 de depósito. Es para denunciar a la Policía del aeropuerto pero se aprovechan de que ya has perdido demasiado tiempo allí para coger el vuelo, lo tienen todo estudiado para ejecutar la estafa perfecta. Coge cualquier otra compañía en Ponta Delgada por tu salud mental y tu bolsillo.
Una semana para contestar que fianza hay que dejarles , si fuera el caso. No contestan el envío de mensajes de su web , tampoco por el email a una mínima pregunta . Antes de hacer una reserva en su web , hablar con ellos por correo o teléfono de cualquier cosa, no me extrañaría de llegar ahí y que te cobren por cosas que en su web no especifican pero luego tampoco te las contestan directamente por email.
Serviço bastante razoável, porém quando solicitei novo serviço a realizar em curto prazo de tempo, não tive grande atenção no preço conseguido. Assim sendo, quando solicitei novo pedido de aluguer (estando anteriormente uma cifra normal) fui confrontado com o que se chama de pouca boa vontade. É que me foi apresentado una cifra 400 , quando já tinha visto a 270 . Não digo que sejam gananciosos, apenas me pareceu que foram demasiado oportunistas, dado que felizmente existe a concorrência, que me permitiu um bom serviço, longe dos ditos 400.00 . Tirando isso algum do pessoal é digno de mérito.
A eviter..... Malhonnêtes
. . .
After car return, Wayzor representatives did not contact in terms of security deposit return - no communication with customers at all.
DO NOT BOOK WITH WAYZOR!!! Used one of their cars for 4 days. It was all good until I had to return the car at the airport. Arrived around 7am. Waited for several minutes, called the number and it took several minutes for someone to show up. Then, the agent said he had to take care of another customer. After waiting 20 minutes I had to leave to catch my flight. The agent said he would then take care of it for me and process the refund. For my surprise, when I landed back in Lisbon, I got an email saying I had caused a damage on the bottom right of the vehicle, when in reality I never caused that damage. DO NOT BOOK WITH WAYZOR! Do Not recommend. Terrible service, and they might use this technique to retain your deposit.
Son unos ladrones. Al contratar el seguro a todo riesgo nos indican que incluye todo menos los bajos del vehículo. Nuestra sorpresa viene cuando vemos que nos entregan el coche con los bajos dañados. Tras explicarles la situación y demostrarles el estado del mismo con fotos, nos han cobrado el importe de la factura del supuesto arreglo. Recomiendo no contratar nada con ellos, una empresa poco seria y unos ladrones.
Nous avons loué un véhicule depuis l aéroport de Terceira, prix correct pour une voiture casiment neuve. Personnels sympathiques, je recommande!
Deposit for car- the money didn t receive my account!!! Over 6 weeks I wait for 845 I call them, also write E Mails, nobody answerd!
The best car rental company. Polite staff. Flexible options for services and deposit. When re-applying for rent, they made a discount on the deposit. Everything is fast and convenient.
Quick pick up and drop off. Staff were very helpful and kind. We had a brand new car and everything went well. Very good rental experience.
Tout sest très bien déroulé. Lagence est située directement dans laéroport (pile en face des arrivées). Un merci tout particulier à Nuno pour sa bonne humeur contagieuse et son professionnalisme. La voiture, une Polo, était tout à fait OK et le Check-in comme le Check-out rapides et efficaces.
I would not rent from any other company on Sao Miguel. We went with Wayzor because the rating was good and the price was great. Everything went very smoothly. Great car, good service and very reasonable at point of return. We watched other companies at the return station at the airport as their staff (NOT Wayzor) inspected the cars with flashlights including inside the wheel wells. We saw these other companies try to charge customers for damage they didnt do. The first person had video proof the damage was there when he picked the car up so the company had to back off charging but sadly the second customer had not taken pictures or video so they paid. Did they do the damage? Very possibly not. Not after watching the nightmare inspections these other companies did along with their almost bullying practises. I had heard about these practises at car rental companies and a family member worked for four years with a large company in Canada so I was well aware that this went on but witnessing it happening was kind of shocking. So go with Wayzor!!!
Equipa extremamente profissional. Nada a apontar
Not tourist friendly. Added a bunch of unwarranted damage charges and customer service was not good when the airport was crowded. Would not recommend.
Very easy company to deal with. We hired from the branch at the harbour. Staff were really helpful and the prices are reasonable.
Ora bem, os carros eram bons, no entanto à chegada estivemos a espera cerca de 30 minutos para fazer o pagamento (processo simples). Não havia problema, se não tivesse-mos 4 bebés, onde 2 deles n tinham 1 ano. E a reserva dos carros com a respetivas cadeiras já tinha sido feita a mais de 2 semanas!!!!!!! É no fim quando entregamos os carros, tentamos como de costume em todos os rent que já utilizamos, deixar como encontramos. Pois bem, não é que hoje recebemos por mail a dizer que um dos carros nao tinha o depósito totalmente cheio!! ! Pagamos a tal causao, mas por favor estejam atentos. Dei uma estrela, como não havia ZERO ESTRELAS
Ora bem, os carros eram bons, no entanto à chegada estivemos a espera cerca de 30 minutos para fazer o pagamento (processo simples). Não havia problema, se não tivesse-mos 4 bebés, onde 2 deles n tinham 1 ano. E a reserva dos carros com a respetivas cadeiras (cadeiras estas que 1delas nem para a idade do bebé era) E no fim quando entregamos os carros, tentamos como de costume em todos os rent que já utilizamos, deixar como encontramos. Pois bem, não é que hoje recebemos por mail a dizer que um dos carros não tinha o depósito totalmente cheio!! ! Pagamos a tal caução, mas por favor estejam atentos.
Horrible office in Terceira and Faial. Terrible staff. Stay away. There are much better options in the islands.
Mi pésima experiencia se debe al cargo que me han impuesto por limpieza del vehículo. El motivo ha sido restos de arena de alfombrillas y ligeras manchas fácilmente limpiables con una ballesta húmeda en la parte posterior de los asientos debido a las zapatillas de los niños. Sacudir alfombrillas, pasar el aspirador, y una gamuza húmeda sería suficiente para dejarlo tal y como se me entregó. Atentos con este tema porque según me decían los cargos podían ascender a 80 .
As other cases in the reviews confirm, we also had as issue with this company. When we got the car they showed us a few scratches and a couples of other spots where they said it is just a bit dirty. We drove around in the island for 7 days without any damages and issues. When we handed the car back they found a scratch which was 100percent not made by us. Actually they charged us more than 200EUR from the deposit for one of the spots which they called just a bit dirty when handing us the car. Stay away!
Great and easy car rental experience. We rented from their Ponta Delgada Airport office which is located inside the arrivals hub.Quick pick up process, honest pricing and no hidden fees. Car was in great conditions and perfect for 2 people but they have a large fleet so you can chose from many options to suit your needs. The return process was also fast and smooth and the staff is very helpful, friendly and fast at responding to any queries. I highly recommend.
Nice cara, nice stuff willing to help. As everywhere car rental is a bit overpriced.
5 estrelas
If they re going to charge you an arm and a leg to rent a car you should at least not have to wait a half an hour to drop it off. Awful service and understaffing. What am I paying for?
A very serious company, but they take advantage of the slightest opportunity to take money from you. We fill the tank to the top before handing it over, and we only use it for the trip from the accommodation to the airport (10 minutes). As they had lowered the km to 0 on the digital control, they charged us 25 more for gasoline + management.
Très satisfaite de ma location Wayzor à Horta aéroport, la voiture était très correcte ainsi que le prix, la prise en charge et le retour rapides, efficaces et en plus avec gentillesse et sourire !!! Ca compte aussi ! Et on peut se déplacer inter Iles sur le ferry sans suppléments (vérifier les conditions) Jai réservé par email et je suis très satisfaite de léchange avant darriver comme sur place, pro et bienveillant
Jai loué la voiture directement dans la ville de Ponta delgada car pour les jours passés dans la ville la voiture est inutile et la conduite dans la ville peu facile. Entreprise de location parfaite, bien au dessus de ce dont jai lhabitude en voyage. Contacts par email préalables suite à un bug sur le site rapides et adéquats. Prise en charge rapide, dépôt en 5 min, personnels très courtois. Bravo
Demoraram cerca de 40 minutos a entregar um carro e ainda tivemos de esperar mais tempo pelo simples facto de não ter o papel do seguro, como é que está marcado para uma hora e nem o papel do seguro está com a viatura na hora da entrega ? Lamentável!
My best experience during last ten years using car rental. I rented cars from them for a long period of time, each of the cars was in excellent technical condition. Also the staff was very professional and friendly, and the price was more than fair. Just treat the rented car with care as if it were your own, and you will get great pleasure from dealing with this company. Thanks a lot, Wayzor team!!!
Aluguer na Ilha do Faial. Correu tudo muito bem. Entrega e recolha no Hotel.
Had a car for one day. Was on short notice, but staff made it possible. Therefore a liitle more pricey than others. Car was clean and good serviced.
Excellent service. Friendly staff. No complaints.
Considering most rental car experiences are pretty bad, I thought Wayzor was deserving of another positive review. Everything was smooth regarding pickup/drop-off, but while most car rental companies would have taken advantage of my I lost the car keys accident, they charged me a fair price for the key, and what I thought was a very cheap price for driving all the way from Ponta Delgada to the east coast to drop off the new keys. It was a stressful experience, and they were responsive, helpful, and everything was fair.
As two cases in the reviews confirm, I also had as issue with this company. We were driving along the island for 5 days without any incidents, but saw that the warnsignal of a sensor went off at one point. We called them and they said we can continue driving, it is nothing bad. In the end we delivered the car and were told all is good and they will return the deposit after 1 day. Since they never took the money, I was ok with it and thought everything worked well and the service was good. 2 weeks after the whole deposit of 1015 euro was taken from my account and they said they detected damages after we delivered and signed that everything is fine. I asked why they never informed me about the damages and they said the email came back and they did not check that. Very poor service!!!
Smooth. Car was in good condition, price was fairly good and they canceled the charged value on my credit card right on drop-off. Nice people too!
Não tinha referência da Wayzor, apenas escolhi esta empresa por não ser obrigatório cartão de crédito para dar caução. Cheguei por volta das 23h30 e a pessoa que nos atendeu não nos acompanhou ao carro. Quando confrontado com isto e com o facto de nos apresentar apenas fotografias do carro e de não sabermos aquilo que iriamos encontrar ainda para mais o carro estar um parque de estacionamento ao ar livre e escuro não teríamos como verificar todas as falhas. Foi-nos dito que não tinha problema e que a luz do estacionamento era suficiente. Que não era e - falha da minha parte - deixei passar. O carro com cerca de 30 mil km tinha as pastilhas completamente desgastadas e dei por mim a usar muitas vezes o travão de mão como auxílio de travagem. Também tinha muitos riscos e marcas. No dia da entrega houve um dano numa peça de plástico que existe por baixo do motor na zona do para choques que não tenho a certeza de ter sido eu a fazer porque fui mesmo muito cuidadosa com a condução, mas que efetivamente pode ter acontecido. Contudo no momento de debitar também fizeram questão de debitar mais 50 por uma pintura de danos que não foi causada por nós e nem forma de provar o tinham dado o veículo já estar por si riscado. Para a emissão de fatura foram pouco ou nada atenciosos. Não recomendo de todo pela falta de transparência e de honestidade. Efetivamente se causei um dano tenho de pagar por isso, mas neste caso não foi só o meu dano mas os que já existiam anteriormente. Este tipo de empresas só visa o lucro e não a segurança das pessoas.
Car rental is often pretty horrible but this was the best experience I ve had by far. The car was great and both check in and check out were quick and easy.
Visita rápida
Très pro, véhicule neuf, remise des clés et restitution exemplaires. Je recommande
Prise en charge et restitution rapide de notre polo orange, agence très professionnelle, véhicule quasi neuf (10 000 km au compteur) amplement suffisant pour visiter l ile de Sao miguel et pouvoir se croiser dans certaines rues de villages etroites. Nous avons pu realiser un très beau voyage de noces.
Easy, efficient service. Car very clean and brand new. One issue - our GPS wasnt working and we notified the desk at time of check out - they took care of it immediately. Make sure it is working before you leave! Highly recommend them!
Note that YOU WILL BE CHARGED A CLEANING FEE no matter the state! They expect you to return the car like if you didn t use it. Also DO NOT RENT FROM THIS COMPANY IF YOU HAVE KIDS, the children and baby car seats they rent and charge for are EXPIRED. Super old and the cheapest quality, thus NO CHILD SECURITY. Inmoral and irresponsible company.
Excelente disponibilidade e atendimento. Bom preço. Muito prático no levantamento e entrega de viatura
Sugiro que aluguem com seguro nesta empresa. Aluguei um carro que me foi entregue já cheio de riscos. Durante a entrega do carro, todos os defeitos visíveis foram identificados pela empresa e por mim. Quando fui entregar o carro foi identificada uma pancada por baixo do para-choques, que honestamente eu julgo que já deveria estar lá, pois era uma pancada enorme e caso tivesse sido eu o responsável, eu teria sentido a pancada . Tive que pagar cerca de 290 pelo arranjo do carro. Pedi fotos a comprovar o arranjo do carro e nunca foram enviadas.
Wayzor was the way to go for renting cars on both Terceira and São Miguel. There was zero wait time, the staff courteous and friendly. The car was ready immediately, and after a quick, no hassle check in, we were off. The turn in was just as simple on both islands. Of all the rental companies to choose from, we saw lines at the rest, and a number of older, beat up cars. Some of them I would not have even drove away from the airport in, they were that shoddy looking. We were in newer VW Polos, both with under 15k km. Very clean and well maintained. The best part is they didnt hassle you about all the extra insurance. Just be a good human, dont trash the cars and bring them back with a full tank of gas, and enjoy the time you have. Definitely choose Wayzor!
Wayzor op Terceira was uitstekend en vriendelijk. Op Sao Miguel AirPort eindeloos gesoebat over het betalen van 2e chauffeur en het buiten kantooruren terugbrengen terwijl dit op mijn voucher van Discovercars, dat overigens een prima bedrijf is, als betaald vermeld stond. Na veel gediscussieer gingen ze toch om, maar als ik wilde dat er bij het terugbrengen een medewerker aanwezig was, moest ik alsnog bijbetalen terwijl op de voucher stond dat ik hier al voor betaald had. Gaat gelukkig maar om 25 , maar je voelt je toch genomen. Jammer, terwijl de medewerker op Terceira supervriendelijk was en nergens moeilijk over deed.
The option of full protection insurance has to be available & visible online ..
Everything with wayzor was perfect. We had booking on sao miguel airport without any problems. Nice new cars and checkin/checkout process is very clean. No fuss while returning the car, employee checks the car within few minutes and does not try to blame you for damage that you have not caused. (There are detailed pictures with all the damage that you can check before renting).
Wir haben am 22.12. am Flughafen in Terceira einen Polo gemietet. Die Übergabe verlief problemlos, alle vorhandenen Schäden waren gut dokumentiert. Der Wagen war in Ordnung. Beim Rückflug haben wir den Wagen abgestellt und den Schlüssel übergeben. Alles ohne Probleme. Wayzor kaönnen wir empfehlen.
Óptima relação qualidade/preço, carro em óptimo estado e funcionários muito simpáticos e disponíveis. Bem haja!
Dommage mon portugais pas au top. Serviable, véhicule propre, un bonne qualité prix.
He alquilado un coche con seguro super (cobertura de daños propios), que por cierto es bastante mas elevado al seguro a terceros y, tras golpear un lateral con un guardarrail a los 4 días me cobran 1127 euros de la tarjeta que había dejado a la hora de hacer el alquiler.. Le pido explicaciones vía email y me contestan que lo sienten pero que sus jefes han decidido hacer ese cargo y que no pueden hacer nada... Le vuelvo a requerir la devolución enviándole el contrato por email donde se especifican las condiciones y no obtengo respuesta. Actualmente he hecho una reclamación por fraude a través del servicio de mi banco... Espero recuperar mi dinero y dejo este comentario como advertencia, pues le puede pasar a cualquiera inclusive contratando el mejor seguro que tienen, como fué mi caso .
Rien à redire, agence très professionnelle.
The entire process was smooth and efficient. Originally when I tried to rent a car on the website I received an error message. I called them and they asked me to send them the details of my request by email. I did so and about an hour later I received a confirmation email. No deposit was required. O arrived to Ponta Delgada airport at 6:30am on a Sunday and the rep working was friendly and efficient. After a quick check in and walk around the car I was good to go. The return was much the same. The price of the rental was lower than some of the other agencies and their service is excellent!
Muito má experiência. Está-me a ser imputado um arranjo de embraiagem por esta estar queimada. O aluguer foi feito na Ilha de São Miguel, local montanhoso que leva a desgaste de embraiagem, esta já poderia estar desgastada e a responsabilidade não ser totalmente minha. Portanto não me faz qualquer sentido que deva pagar pelo arranjo.
Muy descontento con el servicio. Nos han dado un coche con las pastillas de freno totalmente gastadas, hemos pasado miedo ya que el ruido era tremendo al frenar, un gran error humano por no hacer un mantenimiento correcto al vehículo. Llamamos y nos cambiaron el coche en nuestro hotel, pero ahora nos han hecho sin avisar una penalización de 50 por no devolver el primer coche con el depósito lleno.
Quick, professional, great value for money.
Cute local car rental. My WV Polo rocked.
Worst company in the world !!! Avoid this is real profesional scamers ! Customer service is terible and they dont have check list so when you return car THEY WILL TAKE YOIR DEPOSIT AND CHARGE YOUR CREDIT CARD !!!! !!!!
AVOID SCAMERS !!! they will take your deposit even when car are ok. They will no show check list so you cant prove that car are in same condition !!!!
MUITO MÁ. A mesma situação que o Diogo Silva comentou está a acontecer comigo, no dia 23-09-2020 fiquei sem embraiagem, a viatura foi trocada e logo me informaram que a franquia de 1015, EUR, ficaria retida. no dia 24-09-2020 entreguei a viatura e confirmaram a retenção da franquia até ser verificada a causa da avaria. Desde logo os confrontei dizendo que a embraiagem é um consumível e a franquia não deveria ser aplicada numa situação destas . Hoje recebi um e-mail no qual confirmaram a embraiagem queimada na viatura VW POLO 31-ZA-19 pedindo mais 488, 19 Euros e a afirmarem que foi por má utilização minha, quando eu fiz uma condução bastante cuidada devido à geografia da ilha. Custa-me muito acreditar nos cerca de 720 Km que andei que tenha conseguido queimar uma embraiagem.
Best price youll find. We paid 85 for 5 days and got an upgrade because the car initially booked was not available. Their website doesnt work properly (bug at payment) but if you send an email, theyll book the car for you with no pre-payment needed. Weve booked 2 cars. They were both in very good condition.
Funcionária muito simpática!!!
Alquilé con ellos en mi viaje a Azores y fue genial! No te cobran fianza ni congelan nada en cuenta a no ser que haya algún problema, en cuyo caso lo harían a posterior.
Excelentes carros de aluguer.
Wayzor were absolutely brilliant with accomodating with the perfect car to rent . My boyfriend (now fiancé) brought me to Ponta Delgada for a suprise vacation around 24th Jan and hired a car for us to drive around. We hired a VW polo and it was basically brand new in really good condition except for a few scratches. The staff were really friendly and gave clear instructions when renting the car. This car took us to many of our memorable destinations and viewpoints around Ponta Delgada where we made very fond memories and also came back engaged! I would 100% recommend to rent Wayzor car services whilst in Ponta Delgada they were very professional, cheery and welcoming! Thanks Wayzor!
Very straightforward pickup and drop off. Completely satisfied with the rental, which easily handled the hills and gravel at certain parts of the island.
Fast and good price
Agence descrocs qui tentent de faire passer des factures pour des dégâts déjà présents avec photos à lappui avant la remise de clefs.
. WV Up 18 5 63 700 . . .
ETA: A rep from the company rang me to apologise for the rogue employee who was super rude in email. Upped by a star cos I still would have preferred a walk-thru of the car at rental, but I really appreciated the followup by the rep. The general price was fine, but I ordered a standard transmission car and was given an automatic transmission car when I got there (I despise automatics). When we arrived to pick up the car, there was only one person working and as such, it took too long to actually get in the car. I received no instruction on the car, just a walk-around to identify dents and scratches. (This was an issue later when trying to refill the tank and the gas lever was in a completely random location on the door.) Drop off was easy and quick and that employee was very friendly and nice. Story Time: One evening, we accidentally parked in an unmarked no parking zone and Wayzor did assist in moving the car as they for some reason couldnt not dial to my cell (it was functioning fine on my end). This resulted in a $95 charge that I was never notified about, I only saw it when reviewing credit card transactions. My major issue with the rental agency was when I emailed them to inquire about the charge and the person responding was incredibly condescending and rude. All he had to say was it was a charge due to moving the car, instead he insulted my intelligence by asking whether it was illegal in my homeland to park in a driveway (there literally was no marking whatsoever on the street or sidewalk that it was a no-parking zone).
Friendly service, quick pick-up and drop-off and great car! I suggest getting a small one as the roads can be quite tight. We won t hesitate booking with Wayzor again!
Very good and nice customer Service. They helped us out last minute, offering solution that satisfies us fully. Afforfable prices for an eastern European.
Super empfehlenswert. Wir haben vor Ort bei vielen Autovermietungen angefragt, doch bei den meisten war das Personal unfreundlich und die Preise überzogen. Auf keinen Fall an der Strandpromenade bei Ilha Verde, das ist die reinste Abzocke ! Nach einer Weile fanden wir die Autovermietung Wayzor und probierten unser Glück aufs neue. 120,- für 5 Tage, einen Peugot 2008 und für einen Tag noch einen nagelneuen VW Golf. Das Personal ist super zuvorkommend, freundlich und hilfsbereit, was man sonst von den anderen Vermietungen nicht behaupten kann. Ich war echt positiv überrascht, da ich so eine Vermietung nach den ganzen Reinfällen auf Sao Miguel nicht mehr erwartet hätte. Bei einem Trip auf die Azoren rate ich deshalb zu Wayzor und dazu, keine Vermietungsstelle von Ilha Verde zu betreten. Dort war das Personal mit Abstand das unfreundlichste und unverschämteste, was ich bisher erlebt habe. Außerdem wollten Sie 105,- pro Tag und dass das Auto geputzt zurückkommt, was bei Wayzor inklusive ist bei 120 die Woche. Weiter so, Wayzor!
Actually it was really easy to get the key and to find the rental car. BUT it took us 45 min to depart because the guy at the parking space just ignored us. He told us he need to manage the line of people who are waiting. There were 2 before us but he chose everyone before us (another 2 families) and said sorry it takes only a few seconds. This is everything but a good service!! Also, I am pregnant and tired. Finally I told him my complaints and he apologized for it.
Very easy and hassle-free experience. We were upgraded from a VW Polo to a T-Roc for free, which was almost brand new and drove very well. There was no stress with picking up or returning the car, and everything went smoothly. Highly recommended.
Buon servizio, ottima auto, Consegna e riconsegna rapida. qualche problema di comprensione con laddetta in aeroporto
Simpatia e competência com preços competitivos
La nostra esperienza con Wayzor: OTTIMA! Auto noleggiata anticipatamente in tre isole diverse. Ottime auto (praticamente nuove) Personale gentilissimo e rapido. Upgrade gratuito a Terceira da Peugeot 208 a VW T-Roc Consigliatissima !!!
Ottima esperienza appena conclusa dopo un noleggio di 9 giorni! come già detto in altre recensioni, non bloccano denaro dalla carta di credito e sono molto veloci sia nella consegna che alla riconsegna! Consigliati
Tres bien pro
Never, ever use this company. We were told to return our car at one hour and they did not come until 30 minutes had past. We almost loose our flight. STAY AWAY.
Preços muito elevados
Rented a midsize car from the downtown location in Ponta Delgada on Sao Miguel Island. The staff were very friendly and we were upgraded to a brand new Volkswagen golf. My family was very appreciative! And I looked like the hero. win win.
Onde encontrei preço em conta
Great advice and everything was absolutely uncomplicated. Price also moderate. Even if it costs 20 more, be sure to take out fully comprehensive insurance. The vehicles are high quality and new. Gladly again.
Très bon accueil. Les différentes options sont bien expliquées. Les voitures sont récentes. Rien à redire, je recommande.
wietna wypo yczalnia. Wszystko bez problemu. Odbiór i zwrot auta na samym lotnisku. Pojazdy w idealnym stanie. Mieli my 2 samochody na 2 tygodnie. Ceny niskie. Jako wysoka. Polecam t wypo yczalnie.
Informações recolhidas
The BEST company for rent a car in Azores
Perfect. Got the car we ordered on arrival at the airport. A friendly staff member checked for damage and noticed a slight dent on one door and marked it down as to make sure we werent blamed for it and told us not too worry too much as only significant damage would be an issue. The car was clean and modern with Bluetooth speakers etc. This was one of the cheapest car rentals Ive ever had an couldnt fault my experience!
Price: 4 stars Service: 1 pushing 2 Front desk customer interaction was really poor. I asked few questions regarding reservations and the front desk pushed us to the main office. They asked us to call the main office for clarification. When we called the main office, the main office kept putting us off. It been three weeks dealing with them to no reveal. Be aware of the rental reservation, one extra hour= one day charge.
The website interface is good, the staff are friendly and enthusiastic, and the car rental prices are reasonable.
S autop j ovnami máme ji hodn zku enosti a tuto adíme jako nejlep í, v které jsme si kdy p j ili auto. Neblokuji peníze, nenutí vás do poji t ní i jakýchkoliv jiných poplatk , levná cena, ochotný personál, vy ízení a p edání auta prob hlo velmi rychle (personal ji m l zji t né a zapsané r zné krábance, v p ípad , ze jste n co objevili navrh, tak to dopsal nebo ujistil, ze je to opravdu malé po kození) a auta jsou v perfektním stavu. Ur it v em doporu ujeme.
Muito profissionais bons carros 5*****
Maravilha,muito simpáticos, pagamos um pouco mais , mas não tivemos de dar caução nenhuma pois o valor incluía seguro contra todos os riscos e lavagem do carro . Só tivemos que entregar com a mesma quantidade de combustível com que nos entregue. Recomendo .
Bom funcionamento
Simpáticos e profissionais
We rented a car there following some good reviews in Google and were not dissappointed. The car was almost new and it was a pleasure driving it around Azores. The staff is very friendly, they even took us to the airport after delivering the car. Highly recommended.
Booked a GOLF GTI from them via their webpages, as one of the first ever, which brought on some issues. I ended up being charged alot more than I was supposed to. They were very helpful with refunding the extra amount charged, and we got the basic insurance and two extra drivers for free. All in all a very customer friendly car rental which I can highly recommend, but book offline until the issue with the webpage is fixed.
Had a good experience
Had an issue with our friends license but they worked through it and got us into a car on the same day. Fantastic service and attitude. Thanks so much João!
Agent de location très professionnel et avenant (ce qui est un plus par rapport à leur grand concurrent Cicar) Nous avons restitué notre voiture sans surplus facturé.
We had a perfect experience with Wayzor! They were friendly and flexible, good English and helpful. Due to a mistake of my own I had rented 2 cars in stead of 1. They reserved 2 cars but made no problem that I only needed one, and made a full refund within days. Very highly recommended!!!
Ajánlott. Minden rendben zajlott.
An advise,don t rent a car with wayzor Ponta Delgada.The Worse company in Ponta Delgada ir in the Word.We had a terrible experience.Please don t ten a car with wayzor.
These people were really good spoke good English and prices were reasonable.
sempre que tive que recorrer ao serviço de um rent a car nunca fiquei impressionado e algumas vezes até desiludido com o serviço prestado. Até ao dia que recorri ao serviço do Varela rent a car. Os funcionários do escritório central de Ponta Delgada foram simplesmente de um profissionalismo e simpatia imbatíveis. a entrega idem. Provavelmente ficará até mais em conta do que outras empresas que online prometem preços mais baratos, e pelo descanso de sentir que é uma empresa que está para prestar um serviço de qualidade e não ir ao bolso compensa. Recomendo.
Great Rentals!
Excelente serviço, práticos, esclarecedores, sem nada a esconder! Recomendo.
My father worked there as a locksmith, sheet metal worker and mechanic, so its a ptazet Going to my fathers workplace, even though God already has him with him, Master Julio de Santa Maria. And I went there today especially to buy a pass for my granddaughter who goes to Roberto Ivens school
I was trying to find automatic cars to rent out in Azores and I found this company recommended through TripAdvisor. It was really easy to sort out through email with their representatives what type of car rental I wanted. Their English is good too. I ended up picking up both of the cars from the airport with no problems. They didnt bug us about buying extra car insurance. We had a great trip and returned the cars with no problems. I would highly recommend renting from Varela rent-a-car!
Great place to hire a car. We hired 4 over the course of our holiday. Easy each time, no problems. Very friendly, helpful staff.
I had a great experience here during my stay in porto framoso. im a preferred avis customer and decided to tryout Varela; great experience with Michaela and Andre. definately using them again during my next visit.
Excelente serviço!! Viaturas novas com qualidade!
Recomendo, muito bom atendimento, viaturas novas.
Excelente Rent a car!funcionários simpáticos profissionais e prestáveis! Sem dúvida foi uma excelente opçãoa voltar irei repetir
Bons preços e atendimento 5 estrelas!
Viaturas bem cuidadas e staff atencioso