R. de 5 de Outubro 400, 4100-172 Porto, Portugal
Na Avis, procuramos unir grandes carros a grandes destinos, para criar viagens melhores. Procuramos oferecer aos nossos clientes um serviço de aluguer de carros e carrinhas à sua medida, com reservas totalmente flexíveis, uma gama de veículos standard e premium, bem como o nosso serviço QuickPass super fácil, que permite poupar tempo ao balcão. Além disso, oferecemos ainda diversos produtos adicionais, como a Avis Inclusive, para ajudar a tornar o aluguer perfeito para a sua viagem.
First, I will states that I called Avis to get a quote and was told $111 but after arriving and speaking to customer service at the counter, they told me 260. They did not account for taxes and insurance charges, etc. Americans would consider this a switch or a scam. I just returned a car after four day rental. The car stick shift was completely detached and absolutely should not have been available to rent. This was made aware to me only after I had driven an hour away with my family. I had no choice but to, continue to my destination and pray that nothing bad happened. I have a video of the broken stick shift. Any timestamp. I return the car 10 minutes after filling up the gas. The display on the dash suggested that maybe The gas was before the full line. I don’t know if this is a common issue or a scam. But I have the receipt as well. Also car was also without a spare tire in the trunk. For how expensive your car was on the off-season should’ve been fully equipped with no issues. Customer service was very kind but they should have solved the issue I know it’s a corporation you don’t care and you’re putting a family with small children’s lives at risk because your priority is to make money. You should be more careful with the cars you put on the road.
Helpful, friendly employees. Our car was clean and in excellent condition and ready for us when we arrived.
Very nice and friendly personell. We enjoyed to pick up the car in Porto City.
Terrible return experience. No signs to indicate where to park and return the car. The employee took extra attention to inspect the car and found a very smell blemish on the wheelcap. The total cost is ~$200EUR, which is absolutely ridiculous. Next time will not go back to Avis or request a used car. The new car feels like a trap in retrospect.
Everything went really well. The person who handled our reservation was polite and helpful. After returning the car she even recommended us a brilliant coffee shop in Porto!
The staff at the Avis rental offices, both picking up and delivering the car, were friendly and so helpful. The car, a manual VW, was very clean, everything in working order, was a pleasure to drive. I would suggest that in the orientation to the car, when picking it up, it would have been helpful to translate the messages that pop up, before leaving the facility! I would have been better to know where the gas lever to open the tank was, etc. but overall, this is an excellent rental option in Porto.
Super friendly and helpful employees! Last man standing enabled us to return the car, despite beeing late and office was closed already. We were so happy and he did all with a smile and even denied a tip - incedible! But also the service at pick up was excellent, price was good and all terms well explained. Next time we need a car around Porto, we will come back to AVIS!
We reserved a specific size car that would accommodate 5 passengers along with luggage. When we arrived at Avis they gave us a smaller vehicle than initially reserved. It was not big enough. As a result we we forced to rent a vehicle that was $400 more in order to accommodate us. They would not honor the original reservation price. Although the car was nice and the service was quick...the fact that the promised vehicle was not available at the price promised I would not recommend Avis
Prix correcte et véhicule très propre
Número de Contrato: 217660402 Boa noite Venho por este meio elogiar o excelente atendimento dado nas duas seguintes Agências de aluguer de automóveis da AVIS / Budget / turiscar: No dia 12.08.2024 (Levantamento do Veículo) em PORTO DT, Rua 5 De Outubro 400 Porto 4100-172, PT +351 919 389 907. No dia 23.08.2024 (Devolução do Veículo) em R. Armando Guerreiro 3A, 2855-597 Santa Marta do Pinhal Corroios, PT +351 210931982. Gostaria de agradecer todo o empenho, profissionalismo, respeito e seriedade com que vocês realizaram o vosso trabalho. Já há muito tempo que não era tão bem recebida/ atendida num estabelecimento. É de louvar ainda existirem pessoas assim. Um especial agradecimento á Sra. Cristiane Duarte, que desde o primeiro dia, foi super profissional, atenciosa e sobretudo humana. Viu-me extremamente nervosa (visto o aluguer de viatura ser devido a um acidente que a minha mãe tinha sofrido), acalmou-me e ajudou-me com todos os detalhes necessários para o aluguer. Dias mais tarde ainda entrou novamente em contacto comigo para me dizer que afinal existia mesmo uma agência mais próxima de mim do que o Aeroporto de Lisboa para entregar a viatura (na Margem Sul, Sta Marta de Corroios). Foi simplesmente maravilhosa esta atitude. Muito obrigada também á Sra. Diana Brôco pela simpatia, por me ter ajudado a prolongar o aluguer por mais um dia e por ter recebido a minha viatura em Corroios. Recomendo a quem precisar de alugar viaturas seja no Porto ou na Margem Sul que procurem ambas as agências que referi inicialmente e as respectivas funcionárias. Procurem-nas, não se vão arrepender! Muito obrigada mais uma vez! Voltarei e irei recomendar-vos sempre! Um beijinho, Nancy Ladeiras
**NUNCA MAIS ALUGO COM ESSA EMPRESA.** Aluguei um carro com eles em agosto de 2024, e a experiência foi decepcionante: - **Falta de transparência:** Não explicam claramente o contrato. Inclusive, tentaram me convencer de que o seguro contratado online através de uma parceira não era válido, pressionando para que eu adquirisse o pacote mais caro. - **Preços abusivos:** Cobram muito acima da média por um carro simples, sem justificativa, independentemente da conversão euro x real. - **Cobranças inesperadas:** Na devolução, dizem que está tudo certo, mas semanas ou meses depois, receberá uma cobrança inesperada. Senti-me completamente enganado. Não recomendo essa empresa de forma alguma.
Très bon accueil du personnel qui parlait français, nous avons pu obtenir la voiture rapidement
Was afgelopen week naar toe gelopen om een auto te huren. Toen die begon over de prijzen schrok ik even ervan. De prijs was rond 130,- per dag. Is wel de duurste autoverhuurbedrijf die ik ooit gekend heb.
Ótima experiência. Atendimento rápido, atendente super simpática, o carro era exatamente o modelo que reservamos. Muito eficientes em tudo. A devolução também foi muito rápida. Recomendo muito.
Übergabe lief sehr gut und professionell. Der Wagen stand schon zur Verfügung, obwohl wir eigentlich viel zu früh da waren.
Simplicidade, rapidez, simpatia, qualidade e estado da viatura, relação qualidade / preço
Péssimo serviço. Demorado carros sem qualidade pouca simpatia fraco atendimento
Recomendo, rápidos e eficazes
Jai réservé un véhicule dans cette agence pour 2 jours uniquement. Jai opté pour le quickpass pour gagner du temps mais jai finalement passé 30 minutes au comptoir... Le véhicule était en très bon état certes mais le contrat nétait pas clair car il mentionnait des options supplémentaires souscrites (cest inscrit noir sur blanc) avec loption plein de carburant et taxe sur le véhicule. A priori cest une estimation... Jai cependant constaté quun ordre de prélèvement sur ma CB a été demandé par lagence (200 ) le 4/3/24... Un prélèvement de 200 qui heureusement a été refusé par ma banque car jai utilisé un numéro virtuel pour lequel jai attribué un montant correspond à la somme prévue !!! Jai une photo pour appuyer mes propos. Je nai dailleurs même pas donner mon accord pour la pré-autorisation de ce montant. Cette expérience nous montre que dans le cadre dune empreinte CB on peut vous préléver nimporte quel montant... Dans le cadre de la pré-autorisation le montant ne doit pas être prélevé et cette pré-autorisation devait être clôturée après le retour du véhicule sachant quil ny avait aucun problème par ailleurs...
Turiscar, A excelência de sempre, espero que não acabea marca.
App facil de usar, serviço de ótima qualidade e viaturas impecáveis
The agent tried fooling us to buy Fuel Up Front without telling us that he added the service to our contract without asking. He then conveniently skipped that section of the contract and rushed us to sign the optional part of the contract. If we werent paying attention, we would have paid 60 EUR for gas; what turned out to be 6 times more of our actual use when we tanked ourselves upon return! The car however was quite nice with Android Auto!
Excelente atendimento.
Great Avis rental spot. Amazing team, zero wait and great cars available. I ll be renting here again in the future
Equipa espetacular, os carros são muito bons... alugar carros nessa loja é sempre uma ótima experiência. Extremamente recomendado.
Equipa muito boa e ágil, carros em ótimo estado de conservação
Mit der Metro gut zu erreichen, nette Bedienung, mit dem ADAC bekommt man Vollkasko direkt dabei, dadurch günstiger
Atendimento rápido e profissional.
Uma excelente experiência, não só recomendo, como também digo que da experiência que tenho com aluguer de veículos, até agora a melhor e com melhores propostas e atendimento.
Easy accessible and nice staff
Very friendly service and good selection of vehicles.
Friendly service. Easy to get in and out of. Petrol station just a hundred metres away. All very solid. Recommended.
Na altura de receber o veículo, só estava descriminado dois riscos no veículo, mas ele em si tinha muito mais. Fora isso, todo correu bem. Bons veículos.
Excelente relação custo/ qualidade. Grande profissionalismo e simpatia.
Complements to all the staff! Easy, no hidden costs, english speaking staff eager to make the experience as smooth as possible.
Extremely slow service. We waited for an hour to get the car. Only two people for a queue that finished outside the street. Ive been to plenty other avis places and it shouldnt be this slow.
Eu recomendo muito Avis tem muitos modelos de vehículos é lá atenção na oficina e muito amável os preços som muito bom
Obwohl wir aufgrund des umfassenden Versicherungsschutzes von Check24 keine Versicherung abschließen wollten, wurde uns eine zusätzliche Versicherung (RSN????) unter dem Deckmantel des Mautsystems Via Verde angedreht. Wir bemerkten dies leider erst später. Da die Unterschrift hierfür geleistet wurde, war keine Erstattung, auch nicht aus Kulanz, möglich. Ein solches Geschäftsgebaren ist unseriös!! Es wird mit Abkürzungen gearbeitet, die auf Seite x mit einer **Fußnote unzureichend erklärt werden. Wer liest sich denn 11 Seiten Vertragsunterlagen in englischer Sprache durch, wenn es nicht die Muttersprache ist? Wir haben dem Mitarbeiter vertraut, wurden jedoch getäuscht!
Muito boa companhia recomendo
We reserved an renault clio automatic. When we arrived they said they only had an electric one, we didn t order an electic car (we couldn t charge it anywhere near where we we re staying) but they said we ordered an electric car (they assumed an electric = automatic) so they gave us a norman car but we had to pay 40 extra per day (while we paid 25 extra for an automatic one). They didn t know my boyfriend understood portuguese so they were saying to each other that it wasn t their problem and that it was booking s problem and not theirs so we had to pay extra. They were very rude & impolite.
Fui levantar uma carrinha de serviço e entregaram a carrinha com porta de carga avariada, não abria, reclamando imediatamente no local a solução que apresentaram foi voltar após cerca de 3 horas para trocar de carrinha, porque de momento tinham de encerrar para almoço. Após troca de veículo reparo que nem houve tempo pra limparem a carrinha entregaram a carrinha com a sujidade e lixo de quem a utilizou anteriormente.
Toda la experiencia fue buena en general, pero no te explican todo lo referente al alquiler nada más llegar. A las horas siguientes te cobran 99 SIN EXPLICARTE PORQUE, y a la entrega del coche te dicen que es para el combustible por si no lo entregas lleno de gasolina... Pero deben explicarlo y cobrarlo en en caso de entrega del vehículo sin combustible pero no cobrarlo desde el principio. Tampoco te explican cómo funciona el aparato del coche para pagar automáticamente las autovías de Portugal para que no tengas que parar tu y pagarlos manualmente. Por todo lo demás el coche estaba en perfecto Estado y muy limpio.
Gutes Geschäft, um Autos zu mieten. Bei uns hat alles schnell und reibungslos geklappt.
Una falta de respeto lo de Avis, tenia que devolver el auto y no me lo querían recibir porque estaban en su horario de almuerzo, el cual decía que duraba 3 horas, ilogico. Perdí 3 horas del día por culpa de ustedes. Además en el contrato nunca decía que a un horario cerraba, por lo cual me lo tenían que haber recibido.
Prima plek om auto te huren, probeerde ons een totaal ander formaat auto aan te smeren dan we online gekozen hadden, maar daar trap ik niet in. Typische trucage van die verhuurbedrijven dus vandaar nogsteeds 4 sterren
Personnel francophone et sympathique !
Contrôler l état de la voiture systématiquement avant de partir sinon vous aurez peut être des frais supplémentaires pour défaut non signale
I returned a vehicle to this agency. Everything went well and the person who received me was very courteous and friendly. Small downside: it could be useful to improve the agency sign further up the boulevard so as not to miss it (the sign is a little hidden by the trees)
On the web you cannot see the cost of the whole risk to be able to compare. When you hire it in the office doubles the initial price Scam? They tell you over the phone that you can use QuickPass and the service does not exist at the office where we picked up the car.
We had booked a Mercedes E-class and upon arrival they only had a Citroen DS7, which is not at all similar. The staff were extremely rude when I tried to find a compromise and overall I would not recommend this to anyone.
Very professional staff
We have been served by Cristina (porto downtown agency) she was very kind and took the time to explain to us all the details of the contract and answered all our questions. The car was in perfect condition.
Very gentle and professional service. Had no trouble at all, thx Ladys.
I was satisfied
Aucun problème, suite à une réservation, tout sest déroulé rapidement de la remise du véhicule à son retour ( véhicule en très bon état )_ personnel sympa et souriant_ je recommande particulièrement cette agence_ Merci à eux pour leur accueil.
Friendly service and clean modern cars
The car was great but the customer service agent Christane in Porto Portugal was horrible. Be aware she will try and sell you everything and will try to not honor your contract.
Rip-off and unfriendly. Best to avoid.
Opinion Porto is great! It s a false economy to go through brokers: by renting directly from Avis, no suspense over conditions, options and others!
Lots of car rental closer to us but made our way to Avis based on previous experience. Again great service and employees not pushy but friendly. Whole process very easy. Thanks Bruno!
Pratiques mensongères et arnaque de la part de lagent Cristiane (mentionnée dans dautres commentaires) qui nous affirmé que le paiement ne pouvait pas seffectuer, même partiellement, avec la carte bancaire avec laquelle nous avions une assurance complète et fait la réservation. Nous avons donc été contraints de prendre une assurance entrainant un surcoût alors quun montant a finalement été prélevé sur la CB, et nous en dispensait. Et lorsquau retour de la voiture, nous lui demandons sil y a un problème alors quelle prend des photos de la jante, elle nous affirme que tout va bien avec un grand sourire et quelle est notre surprise de constater ensuite sur le contrat quelle a signalé un sinistre à lassurance pour un montant de plus de 200 et donc arnaqué lassureur! Et nous qui avions choisi AVIS pour leur sérieux!
Profitent que lon ne parle pas portugais pour surfactuer certains points
Experiência incrível de receber um serviço rápido e honesto
Bom atendimento e fácil acesso
Nao garantem veiculo equivalente nem do mesmo combustivel o que é pessimo para as enpresas.
Quick service and good, clean cars. No hidden fees.
Profissionais competentes
Bien reçus, la personne qui sest occupé de nous parlait bien anglais donc plus facile pour se comprendre. Il a pris le temps de revoir avec moi le contrat et mexpliquer le fonctionnement de certaines différences avec la france. Nous avons pris la voiture propre et en très bon état
Excellent service. Good renting advice. I recommend
Atendimento muito bom. Tempo de espera mínimo, sem nenhuma burocracia adicional.
Atendimento muito cordial e simpático pela atendente.
Booked a Peugeot 308, but received a great upgrade to a 2020 Seat Arona SUV that looked spotless. The whole process took around 15 minutes and I was on my way. Staff was friendly and didnt try to sell me some extras, they just asked me if I want something else to be added or not.
Um paradoxo. Ótimo atendimento no balcão, mas nenhuma informação sobre o carro alugado. Fui aprendendo na tentativa e erro
Perfect services Perfect staff thanks a lot for your work !
Excelente atendimento
Bem atenciosos, e eficientes. Loja de fácil localização
HORRIBLE SERVICE! They charged me an extra 185 for a damage that was already in the car. I refused to sign the final report and guess what they don t care. They charge and send you to talk to costumer service. Costumer service is even worse. They tell to talk to another department and so on and so on. One month later, I m still waiting and nothing. They ask you to sign the electronic report but they don t even check the car with you. Bottom line, 0/10 would recommend
Bonne agence davis sur Porto . Bon accueil du.personnel et écoute des besoins clients.
Simpatia é algo desconhecido nesta agência. Pouca disponibilidade para resolver problemas.
Staff simpático e atencioso !
O serviço foi relativamente rápido, considerado que fui buscar o carro às 9h da manhã de um dia da semana, em menos de meia hora, tinha as chaves
Hired a car for a couple of days. Staff very helpful and car was clean. Highly recommended.
worst experience. Car was old, AC was broken, check tire pressure light was on despite filling tires. USB ports didnt work. Staff was unhelpful. Go anywhere else, this place isnt worth the headache.
É básico, Avis Budget está dito.
Pro compétents, et polyglottes
Véhicule parfait, mais le coût de location donné en soumission sur le site dAvis était de $1756,21CAN et le coût réel sur place a été de $2684,44CAN, soit $928,23CAN de plus que ce qui avait été donné par soumission.
Gosto de alugar na Avis , mas parem de me dar carros amassados e todos riscados,se alugo quero uma coisa com boa aparência, mas de resto está tudo ok
Excelente atendimento
Ótimo atendimento, prestativos e funcionais, recomendo
As I am disabled (72%) There was no chair to sit on. No further problems. 5 star employee.
Bom atendimento e bons carros.
Atendimento simpático e super profissional. Todo o processo desde o contato ao levantamento da viatura foi muito fluido.
We rented a car for a couple days to drive from Porto to the Douro Valley (Portugal). Picking up the car and dropping it off was very simple. The car was great: comfortable and very clean. I am very happy that I triple checked that I was getting an automatic transmission before completing my reservation because a couple who was checking in at the same time actually reserved a manual and thought they reserved an automatic. If you are doing this drive, you must get the toll-road pass for the car - Im so glad I got that, and it wasnt as expensive as I thought it would be.
Très bon accueil, disponible,
Fast, courteous service, new vehicles
Processo de reserva muito simples e o atendimento presencial fantástico.
Bom serviço
Staff excepcional. Frota variada.
Be careful, merchandise was stolen by this company from their car park in Lisbon in a van that crashed. Furthermore, we were not at fault for the accident and they also stole our money. Attention
Nice welcome with good explanations especially concerning the electronic toll Speaks French very well
Empresa com lojas bem distribuídas à nível nacional e com grande experiência e capacidade de resposta para a procura dos clientes
Atendimento excelente, sem burocracias...
Ótima experiência. Fui muito bem atendido.
Quick and efficient return process of our rental car handled by friendly staff.
Super acceuil,
La atencion muy buena.
Friendly and quick service.
The man at the reception was really kind, he quickly checked the car and he didnt tried to charge me for non existing damages. I recommend it.
Atendimento com muita simpatia e disponibilidade para ouvir e resolver qualquer situação que possa ser colocada. Recomendo vivamente.
We had an excellent service.
Boa renta car
Caro. Carro limpo em muito boas condições . Staff simpático
Cambiaron la direccion de la oficina y no avisaron por mail, el auto lo levantamos 2 horas despues de la hora reservada, el auto que nos entregaron era bastante mas chico del reservado, y por ultimo al devolverlo nos querían cobrar de mas.
Lady who met us was nice and friendly. We had no issues to drop a car to them. It was fast and easy. You need to drive into parking under the building - it has written entrance there.
No no no! Worst service ever. They refused to look, and act upon the contract that was signed while receiving the car. I ended up paying more than I should. In addition, dont be mistaken, Avis and Budget are basically the same company, I ordered from Budget and found myself dealing with Avis. Do your self a favour and use a different company.
Excelente servicio
AVOID AVIS !!! They will use any possibility to RIP YOU OFF!!! In my case: Ive returned my car appr. 30 minutes after deadline and they charged me additional 38 Euro !!! Can you imagine that ?! 38 Euro for 30 min of KIA Picanto !!! Not mentioning that this 38 Euro was much higher than full 1 day rental fee. Client Service horrible (very rude and not helpful) !!! No mention about this penalty in their contract !!! ps. Guy in AVIS in Lisbon (where I was renting) said that if I will return my car with about 0,5 h delay - there will be no problem :/
Excelente, mais este estabelecimento já não funciona neste endereço.
Cinco estrelas bem merecidas. Dava o dobro... colaboradores que se tornam amigos. Empresa que se confia e que recomendo vivamente.
Very nice and helpful staff. This is a great location to pick up your car. The only issue is that they don t have many selections in class G and above.
They charged my credit card 6 months after the rental, for no reason!!!
Bom atendimento e rápido
Sehr freundlich und hilfsbereit. Die Mitarbeiter haben sich hervorragend darum gekümmert dass wir unseren Mietwagen bekommen obwohl unser Geldbeutel gestohlen wurde und unsere Papiere fehlten.
Excelente atención,,,
Os funcionários foram muito prestáveis e simpáticos. O serviço teve alguns percalços, incluindo terem-se esquecido de atestar o depósito do aditivo (ad Blue), e de avisar sobre a necessidade de atestar a cada 1000km ou quando surgisse o aviso. Isto, dado que sem este aditivo a carrinha Vito, não anda. Resultado: um enorme transtorno :( A Vito, portou-se impecávelmente bem. E com a ajuda dos funcionários tudo se resolveu :)
Poucos funcionários para atender!
B9m serviço.
agence bien placée et personnel multilingue très pro et facilité de prise et de retour véhicule
Atendimento 5estrelas.
Ótimo atendimento. Vale muito a pena ir nessa loja pelo atendimento dp funcionário Bruno, muito cortês.
Simpatia e prestaveis
They will help you get a car. In a pinch moment you can trust them. DO NOT forget about Extra Options. they will try their best to give you best offer possible. they can add extra functionalities if you ask them for it. so have fun and good choice.
Great service, very reliable
Outstanding service. Helpful every step of the way, with a smile and evident professionalism. The kind one can only dream of encountering in the U.S. If you need to rent a car in Porto, go here.
!! . !!
Courteous service, short and to the point.
It was good Very enlightening.
Always a good place to rent a car. Staff are quite nice and help you if you have special requests. The only downside is that the working hours arent as flexible as rent a cars in the airport.
Apesar de um erro no site da empresa em que induziu em erro a reserva de um carro com tamanho abaixo do pedido, os funcionários deste estabelecimento resolveram o problema de forma eficaz e muito profissional
A Melhor Ren A Car
The staff were very friendly, the car hire process was smooth and professional and the rate was certainly reasonable.
Frota boa para amigos ou estrangeiros
excelente, simpatia e viaturas novas
bons precos e atendimento
Bom serviço
Local para aperciar boa moda e lojas para todo o gosto
maravilhoso...hotel aconchegante, bem localizado, tem cozinha todos os acessórios q vc precisar tem lá, só fzr as compras e preparar aquela comida básica e dps aproveitar a piscina deliciosa, música ao vivo, ginastica aeróbica e o sol maravilhoso.
Preço justo
Avec avis tu vas au pres du paradis
Excelente atendimento
Mejor.coche de alquilar en Porto
Wspania a obs uga, znakomity Serwis. Wypo yczony samochód z dnia na dzie okaza si genialny. Samo wypo yczenie by o do tanie. Zap aci em za samochód klasy C 16 dziennie. Nowa flota samochodów to zdecydowanie najlepszy punkt wypo yczalni Avis. Polecam z ca ego serca. Specjalne podzi kowania dla pani Sandry:-)
Bon accueil avec un bon service
Optimo servico.