DRIVALIA Porto - Centro em Porto

Rua de Santos Pousada 17, 4000-484 Porto, Portugal

(102 avaliações)
Tipos de Veículos: Car rental agency
Rua de Santos Pousada 17, 4000-484 Porto, Portugal
Código Plus
49XX+JQ Porto, Portugal
Fuso Horário

Horário de Funcionamento

8 am–8 pm
8 am–8 pm
8 am–8 pm
8 am–8 pm
8 am–8 pm
8 am–8 pm
8 am–8 pm

Serviços e Características


102 avaliações

Mais Mencionados

price (21) airport (14) insurance (7) car (6) pay (5) car seat (4) deposit (4) employees (4) pick up (4) toll (3)
5 estrelas
4 estrelas
3 estrelas
2 estrelas
1 estrelas
December 11, 2024

Everything was perfect. It's been a long time since I rent a car and someone from the office checked it out at the beginning in a very well iluminated place. The car was as I reserved, check in/check out smooth, very friendly personal, I got my deposit back as it was promissed. Definitely I will be back.

October 24, 2024

Don’t rent a car there if you need a baby seat. I booked a car seat (0-13kg), but when I arrived at the rental they only had 2 car seats for over 9kg baby…. I show them my reservation and they told me « today we don’t have it ». I’m sorry but if I rented a baby car seat, it’s probably because I NEED one! We finally had to go to Toy’s R us to buy a brand new one.

October 7, 2024

Do yourself a favour and stay away from drivalia and specifically this branch. After the rental time the company charged me without my consent multiple times and still didn’t return my deposit. The branch isn’t answering my phone calls or giving any service by mail

September 27, 2024

The best car hire experience we've had in Europe! Friendly staff with excellent English. Didn't try to push extra fees when we came with our own pre-purchased excess insurance. Decent and reasonably priced car and easy pick-up/drop-off process, complete with free transfer to Campanha station.

September 27, 2024

They are trying to scam customers by not accepting most credit cards for deposits and then charging extra for already existing insurances. Strangely for the extra deposits they are accepting the previously denied credit cards!

August 5, 2024

Just rating the pickup place and service, not the car. Bit of a mess. Got rushed out with a very superficial check on preexisting scratches with some missed to note (led to short discussion on drop-off 2 weeks later but we could convince them all scratches were old), zero explanation on the car, too low tire pressure noticed after having left, and ordered kids seats weren't on site and they had us drive illegally (i.e. without kids seats) a big detour to their airport branch (on own toll and gasoline cost) to pick them up. Airport branch (which was our drop-off point) seems more professional.

June 7, 2024

Decent car and located in city centre Car was not cleaned, full of dirts, but functional

Foto da avaliação
Foto da avaliação
July 12, 2023

For me it was very smooth and fast. Car was ok, clear rules and reasonable price. And I got a free upgrade (probably because there was no car I booked). I returned the car at the airport with no issues. I did purchase additional insurance which was a bit pricey, but I didn’t have to worry about any damages.

Foto da avaliação
Foto da avaliação
Guia Local
January 10, 2025

They call attention to the fact that you should be careful with the holes I would prefer holes to this lack of hygiene They were playing around here, open your eyes and see what I saw in this photo.

Guia Local
November 30, 2024

They dont answer my emails. A week later they did not return my 100 deposit Only toll taken paid by me

October 31, 2024

Bei uns lief fast alles reibungslos. Meine online Reservierung hat leider nicht funktioniert weil die Zahlung nicht abgeschlossen werden konnte. Trotzdem hat man uns vor Ort weitergeholfen, so dass wir ein Auto bekommen haben. Wir wollten es einen Tag früher zurück bringen und haben dafür am Ende wieder Geld zurück bekommen.

September 30, 2024

Wenn ich könnte würde ich keinen Stern geben, aber ich will unbedingt etwas schreiben damit alle wissen worauf man sich einlässt. Es werden einem Optionen angeboten, die bei Rückgabe nicht mehr bestehen und bezahlt werden sollen. Also Achtung beim Vertrag und vor allem mündlichen Angaben. Uns wurde die Option überlassen ob wir die elektronische Maut nutzen wollen oder nicht. Wir haben uns dagegen entschieden, da es zusätzlich eine Leihgebühr geben sollte und wir die Maut lieber vor Ort und online bezahlen wollten. Und wurde zugesichert das das device inaktiviert wurde. Bei Rückgabe sagte man uns das dies gar nicht möglich sei und es wurden weitere gebühren gefordert.

August 31, 2024

Positiv: 1. Die Mitarbeiter waren freundlich und lösungsorientiert 2. Auto war sauber und voll funktionsfähig 3. Preis war angemessen 4. Rückgabe einfach und unkompliziert Negativ: 1. Wir haben eine Kombi gebucht und einen Seat Ateca bekommen, dies entspricht nicht der korrekten Wagenklasse (es hat zum Glück alles reingepasst) 2. Es gab leider nicht den bestellten Kindersitz (für 3 Jährige) sondern nur eine Sitzerhöhung oder Babysitz (beides nicht passend). Die Lösung war, dass wir zu einer anderen Station von Drivalia gefahren sind und dort nach 30min einen tolle und sauberen Sitz bekommen haben 3. Wir haben Vollgetankt gebucht und 6/8 bekommen. Zusammenfassung: Positive Erfahrung

August 31, 2024

Nous sommes arrivés vers minuit à l aéroport la navette est venu nous chercher. Une fois arrivé a l agence de location on nous dit que la voiture qu on voulais n est pas disponible mais qu il y en a une similaire .On nous propose aussi une bmw serie 1 mais par contre il faut payer 10 euros par jour en plus alors que l audi a3 de base qu on devais avoir est bien similaire à une série 1 . Jusque-là, tout va bien, même si c est du marchandage . Nous avons réservé un siège bébé et les deux personnes nous disent qu il y en a pas ! Alors que la réservation a était faite en décembre pour août . La tension commence à monter mais les deux personnes ne montre aucune empathie comme si ce n était pas grave de rouler plus d une heure avec un bébé de 1 an dans les bras ! Aucun geste commercial n a était fait et aucune solution a était apporté de leurs parts . Il est 00h nous sommes dans une zone industriel et nous n avons pas de siège auto . Merci pour cette belle expérience , les vacances on très bien commencé grâce à vous .

Guia Local
August 31, 2024

Simpatia e profissionalismo.

July 31, 2024

Passed by and could order a car at once. Very nice service and everything worked as agreed. Thank s.

Guia Local
July 31, 2024

Buen servicio, atención y precio, no dudes en llamarlos muy atentos.

June 30, 2024

Nous avons loué une petite voiture pour quelques jours. Le prix est correct. Nous avons pris une formule tout inclus. Pas de contrôle avant le départ et à l arrivée. Il sont sympathiques et réactifs. Dommage qu ils ne parlent pas le français. Obrigado.

Guia Local
June 30, 2024

We booked our car here. Very good service. During the time of visit they re under renovation but we still manage to get our car. Friendly staff.

June 30, 2024

Tenho que dar aqui um bom feedback ao funcionário Daniel Pinho pois foi muito prestável resolvendo uma situação bastante desagradável por parte de uma seguradora dando várias opções um muito obrigado

June 30, 2024

Location via le site, prix raisonnable, voiture propre, en bon état et récupérée rapidement. Personnel sympathique.

Guia Local
May 31, 2024

Exceptional service and excellent customer experience. I am very happy to have booked with this company. The employees have been friendly and helpful, it was easy and all the details have been shared with me. Can highly recommend!

May 31, 2024

Venho por este meio expor o não cumprimento do horário de funcionamento do estabelecimento do local de aluguer de viaturas Drivalia Porto Centro que comprovei no dia 18 de Maio. Foi-me atribuido um veiculo de substituição pela minha assistência em viagem a levantar nesta rent a car. À data de devolução fiz imensos telefonemas, cerca de 10 para telefone movel 911776109 e 2 para telefone fixo 217818291, perto da hora da entrega para tentar confirmar que podia entregar nessa altura, dados os comentários que encontrei na internet sobre ser necessario marcar a hora de entrega. Ninguem atendeu. Cheguei ao stand 5 minutos antes da hora de fecho porque não consegui ir mais cedo e estava já fechado, com uma placa de volto já. Voltei a tentar ligar e esperei mais de meia hora. Permaneceu fechado. Por este motivo tive que ficar com o carro mais um dia razão pela qual me cobraram esse dia extra. Além disso, na entrega e exposto o sucedido foi-me dito que era impossível isso ter acontecido pelo funcionário que la estava porque era ele mesmo que estava no dia anterior. Justificou que não atendeu porque teve muito serviço na meia hora de fecho, o que não faz sentido tendo em conta que 5 minutos antes da mesma eu estava lá e estava já tudo fechado. Foi num sábado. Este mesmo funcionário foi desagradável e arrogante, basicamente dizendo que eu estava a mentir. Uma experiência pouco profissional que me custou um dia extra de aluguer quando não devia ter custado nada, se as pessoas fossem cumpridoras do seu horário.

April 30, 2024

Debitaram valor indevidamente da conta bancária e até hoje não devolveram! Vai seguir para tribunal! Conforme solicitado por vós: Reserva n.º 345830-6 Contrato 369530

March 31, 2024

Como sempre sem reclamações

January 31, 2024

ESCROC !!!! Cest vraiment des incompétent. Nous avons louer une voiture , elle a surchauffer et nous avons du payer 1500 euro dans le vent , car déjà ce nétais pas de notre fautes , et nous avons jamais eu de retour dexpertise ou de facture du montant des pièces ou de mains d uvre. Encore une fois la surchauffe du moteur ne venais pas de nous mais de la voiture . Jaurais eu un accident ou rayer la voiture cest un faite, mais nous ne sommes pas à lintérieur du capot. Bref . Un conseil allais chez leurs conçurent ils sont beaucoup plus professionnels . A fuir .

January 31, 2024

Scammers to avoid! They charge fees outside of opening hours even though the vehicle pick-up was mentioned at 7:15. car given with half the tank!!!! Thieves!!!!!!!!!

January 31, 2024

Nous avons loué plusieurs voitures avec des amis durant les vacances de Pâques , et tout était conforme. Voitures en très bonne état . Effectivement l agence se trouve en dehors de l aéroport , il suffit d appeler au numéro indiqué sur le bon d échange , et la navette est venue nous récupérer en 10mns . Et état des lieux retours fait sans soucis . Explications claires de la part du personnel . Tous les réservoirs nétaient pas pleins mais nous les rendons au même niveau donc pas de soucis . Je recommande

Guia Local
January 31, 2024

Sado Rent cancelled our 28 day booking two days before we were due to collect the car. No explanation given. Still waiting for our deposit back.

Guia Local
January 31, 2024

De passagem em portugal, optei por alugar uma viatura nesta agencia. A agencia esta fora do aeroporto mas metem a disposição uma navete que nos leva e traz directamente a entrada do aeroporto. Funcionarios muito profissionais e agradaveis, veículos em óptimo estado e limpos. Aconselho esta agencia e se tiver de voltar alugar ja sei onde o fazer.

Guia Local
January 31, 2024


Guia Local
January 31, 2024

Rent-a-Car que não recomendo por várias razões. 1) o tempo para levantar o carro supera o que se considera razoável, a burocracia e a lentidão associadas ao processo são excessivas. 2) na hora da entrega, supostamente, é preciso marcar (!!!), mesmo sendo em horário de expediente, como o meu caso perto das 17h. 3) o tempo de entrega é igualmente absurdo. 4) não há uma cadeia de comando que estabeleça procedimentos correctos. 5) os funcionários não sabem como lidar com situações inesperadas como seja o que fazer com um tampão duma roda partido. 6) o carro que me foi disponibilizado, apesar de quase novo, era mau demais. 7) no processo de entrega, tocam telefones, atendem-se telefones

Guia Local
January 31, 2024

Our experience with this company was not so pleasant. First, the car we booked was not available so found an alternative but didnt match our booking description, we had to wait for close to about 2 hours until a replacement car could be found. When picking up the car, we paid for additional insurance throu the company in order to be fully pretected (full coverage) to avoid any dispute later. When returning the car, we again had to wait for another 1 hour albeit the scheduled drop off time (appointment). We then learnt that we had to pay an additional day of rental and insurance because the drop off time was 3hr later than the pick up time. However, when we booked the car in first place, we chose the pick up and drop off time and were reassured about when we picked up. Moreover, there was no compensation for the waiting time and pick up time in system was as booked but not per actual!

January 31, 2024

Nao aceita cartao de debito, so credito

Guia Local
January 31, 2024

Tive uma excelente experiência de subscrição com a Drivalia. O atendimento nas duas agências que fui em Braga e Porto foram muito bons e a viatura que tive durante quase 2 meses foi excelente. Tudo correu muito bem! Confesso que ao ler as avaliações e por não conhecer as empresas cá em Portugal, tive receio de ter problemas. Mas sempre fui muito bem atendido por toda a equipa da Drivalia. Parabéns a todos!

January 31, 2023

A la remise du véhicule, vous vous retrouvez facturer de frais annexes. Lorsque vous expliquez de bonne foi que vous nétiez pas au courant, on vous renvoie vers le contrat et on vous somme de payer. Si vous essayer de contester, on vous répond quon peut retenir du montant de la franchise. Je nappelle pas cela du commerce! Seule agence de location à nous avoir facturer ces frais annexes. Première fois que nous recourions à eux et au vu du service clientèle rencontrée dernière fois.

January 31, 2023

Après avoir réserver plusieurs véhicule dans cette agence lors de ma dernier réservation de 3 jrs au moment du retour le réceptionniste me dit que j ai frotter une jante et le retient 60 de dommage et essaye de me rajouter une portière sur laquel j aurai effectuer des réparations de carrosserie sur cette dernier en 3jrs je suis un super héros j aurai abîmer la porte déposer le véhicule chez un carrossier et l aurrai ensuite récupéré cela tiens du super héros bref agence à éviter ce sont des voleures voilà ce qu il arrive lorsque vous souhaiter faire bosser des boîtes locales et retournerai donc vers Hertz avec qui je n ai jamais eu de soucis de la sorte

January 31, 2023

Minha primeira vez! Bom serviço, atencioso, qualidade no atendimento. Viatura quase nova a bom preço. A politica do combustivél, na minha prespectiva, deveria ser o depósito cheio, em vez de um 1/4 do depósito.

Guia Local
January 31, 2023

Jai loué une voiture chez Sado Rent Cars. Jai eu loccasion den louer chez dautres entreprises de location. Celle-ci est certainement la meilleure. Et que dire des 2 commerciaux au comptoir, à savoir Diogo et Fernando. Deux personnes de grande valeur. Je recommande

January 31, 2023

Une équipe très professionnelle avec le sens du service à légard de ses clients. À bientôt

Guia Local
January 31, 2023

When you do not have full insurance this rental company will be checking the car by licking their fingers (!) to find every little scratch possible charging you 150 euros for tiny little scratches that you possibly made. (Sure!)

January 31, 2023

Escrocs organisés à fuir absolument , au retour le Check est fait direct sur des pts déjà connues de défauts et ça vous coûtera un supplément de réparation , la bavette de sous la voiture est rayée barème +98 à payer immédiatement

Guia Local
January 31, 2023

Smooth experience with pickup - though and to wait given the high season. However he a smooth check in and checkout and staff was friendly

Guia Local
January 31, 2023

Great renting agency. The staff was really nice and facilitating. Thank you, this is so rare. If I come back to Portugal, for sure I ll go back with Sado Rent. Portugal is great too by the way ^^ People here are really welcoming.

Guia Local
January 31, 2023

We arrived early and the staff rushed around to sort out our car so we were not waiting. They did not try to upsell insurance, and were really helpful when I had made a mess of the toll roads. Will definitely use them again

January 31, 2023

Do not rent a car here! You have to pay extra fees for no reason. Very unfriendly as well.

January 31, 2023

Excellent service! Was concerned by some reviews but I had a brilliant experience with sadorent and the cost was better than other rentals I could see. Pick up from airport was clear and fast, rental car was in perfect condition, the staff were polite and helpful. They kindly took us to Porto train station when we returned the car and showed us how to buy the train ticket. Many thanks! Will use again for sure when flying to Porto.

Guia Local
January 31, 2023

When we returned the car the rude employee went on the ground and checked the underneath of the vehicle and found a scratch under the car. When we checked in the other employee just showed us around the sides and front and back of the car. They are scammers looking to get extra money from tourists. Would never recommend to anyone

January 31, 2023

Stay away from these scammers. Picking up the car was a breeze and had no issues but at drop off we were assisted by a rude employee and we were blamed for a scratch on the bottom of front bumper. When picking up the car, the employee did not check the undercarriage of the car and we were blamed for something we did not do. Con artists. Good prices for rentals but charge $$$ for damages that we did not cause.

Guia Local
January 31, 2023

Todo fue perfecto

Guia Local
January 31, 2023

Jovens dinâmicos e carros novos. Boa empresa. De 1 a 10 dou 9. Parabéns à organização.

January 31, 2023

I booked an Audi A1 in the website and normally if they didn t have, we must to have a similar car. At the arrival, we had a Clio 4 break after that, we paid for lot of things I m not happy

Guia Local
January 31, 2023

Bed review is coming. The slowest guy at the front desk in my life. Ask us to wait two hours when we arrived to the drop off. Was rude nervous and not productive at all. Call them first or rent somewhere else !

January 31, 2023

Très mauvaise expérience, j ai du payer 80 pour avoir passé la frontière espagnole. Je leur avais envoyé avant un e-mail pour demander quelle était la démarche à suivre en cas de passage de la frontière, sans réponse. Le prix n était pas indiqué dans les conditions générales, ils étaient vraiment de mauvaise foi à la réception, j éviterai de faire appel à leurs services la prochaine fois.

Guia Local
January 31, 2023

É um rent a car.

January 31, 2023

1 conselho para todos. Evitem, única palavra é ladroes e incompetentes. Nesta empresa parece que os empregados são reis nem contactam o patrão para tomar as decisões não percam tempo vão a empresas conhecidas como a sixt e outras presentes no aeroporto

January 31, 2023

Déjà, lagence nest pas située à laéroport. Il faut prendre une navette, dans laquelle il ny a pas de siège bébé. Au retour, nous avons failli rater notre vol car il a fallu attendre 30 minutes la navette. Mais le pire, cest la surcharge que nous avons dû payer pour une marque insignifiante sur une jante. Vous pouvez donc croire les nombreux commentaires de ce type parmi les avis. Nous navons eu aucun incident durant notre location dà peine 48h, ce qui nous fait douter notre responsabilité, mais bref... prenez des photos avant votre location... ou plus simple, évitez cette agence.

Guia Local
January 31, 2022

Nice service. The shuttle from the airport to the agency was easy. And we enjoyed our little smart! We recommend them.

January 31, 2022

Atención exquisita , precios muy interesantes y buena flota de coches. Al norte de Oporto pero con un Uber llegas sin problemas.

January 31, 2022

The car delievered had a lot of damages. In the return of the car i was charged for previous done damages to the car. Rip off company do not rent a car here.

January 31, 2022

Really terrible customer service. They usually use duct tape to fix their damaged vehicles, so that when you use those same vehicles you have to pay for the broken parts. Dont recommend

January 31, 2022

Pour une première location à Sadorent je suis ravie de la prestation.. le personnel est agréable et serviable...

Guia Local
January 31, 2022

Fahrzeuge in Top Zustand und sauber, Shuttle funktioniert gut (5 min), schnelle Abfertigung

Guia Local
January 31, 2022

Deram-me o carro mais barato do mercado para a categoria. Carro com 2 anos. Cobram 30 euros para deixar o carro antes da abertura. As empresa que eu costumo usar na região não cobram nada.

January 31, 2022

Foi a primeira vez que aluguei com está companhia tudo em ordem atendimento rápido recomendo não teve qualquer problema.

Guia Local
January 31, 2021

Bom atendimento, simpatia e eficiência

January 31, 2021

Serviço impecável, atencioso e com bons precos.

Guia Local
January 31, 2021

Quando cheguei para levantar a viatura à hora combinada não estava ninguém para me receber. Após aguardar 15 min tive de ligar para que viesse finalmente alguém do aeroporto até às instalações, o que demorou mais 15 min. Depois de tudo isto o funcionário ainda demorou imenso tempo para entregar o carro e fazer os procedimentos necessários, nunca demorei tanto para levantar um carro. Para terminar informa-me que ado invés da política de depósito cheio, este tem de estar a 3/4 da capacidade, isto para além de pouco usual dificulta a entrega da viatura com o mesmo nível de combustível com que foi levantada.

Guia Local
January 31, 2021

Excelente, provavelmente a mais competente companhia que encontrei nos últimos 10 anos, o Rui e a Ana foram incansaveis, muito simpáticos e profissionais, o carro excedeu em muito as minhas expectativas e o serviço foi eficiente, rápido e sempre cordial. Agradeço ao Rui e à Ana por nos terem ajudado a gozar ainda mais as nossas férias, foram fenomenais. Recomendo totalmente.

January 31, 2021

Super attentive professionals, car in excellent condition, almost 0 km. Really good company, excellent service, really new car. Trustworthy.

January 31, 2021

PERFEKT, PERFEKT, von A-Z PERFEKT....... Ich habe schon viele Mietwagen in meinen Urlauben gemietet, aber solch eine rundum tolle Erfahrung wie bei Sado Rent habe ich noch nirgends gemacht. Das Auto durfte ich, trotz Buchung am Flughafen, kostenfrei auch an der City-Station abholen. Das Personal, allen voran Diego, war super nett, sympathisch und hat mir weder Zusatzversicherungen noch die Autobahn-Box angedreht - im Gegenteil, ich wurde darauf hingewiesen, dass ich auch ohne Box die Autobahn benutzen könne und mir die Rechnung dann nach Hause geschickt würde. Diesen Hinweis fand ich super und nicht selbstverständlich für eine Autovermietung. Der Hammer allerdings war das Auto - ein nagelneuer Mini-Cooper Automatik (Kompaktklasse hatte ich gebucht). Ein SUPER Auto. Die Rückgabe verlief auch reibungslos und super sympathisch sowie freundlich. Alles in allem habe ich eine solch kundenfreundliche und nette Behandlung noch nirgends erlebt, allen voran natürlich das tolle Auto. Ich kann daher Sado Rent uneingeschränkt weiter empfehlen und werde mit Sicherheit bei meinem nächsten Portugal-Urlaub wieder ein Auto dort mieten. Alles Gute euch und bis zum nächsten Mal.

January 31, 2021

esperiencia com aluguer 5 estrelas atendimento 5 estrelas precos 5 estrelas carro alugado seat arona 5 estrelas limpeza de viaturas 5 estrelas do luxemburo aluguer de 13:08:2020 a 16:08:2020 recomendo e vou sempre voltar

January 31, 2021

Viatura alugada por 5 dias no Porto. Serviço impecável, funcionários simpáticos e atenciosos. Nenhuma complicação. Serviço de transporte até ao aeroporto (muito útil para quem está de viagem por lá). Recomendo vivamente! Obrigada pelos vossos serviços!

January 31, 2021

Today, September 12, 2020, I delivered a car to SadoRent at the Airport. I was attended to by what seemed to me to be the store/stand manager. Friendly, polite and above all fair! Thank you for your help and professionalism.

January 31, 2021

Recomendo esta empresa. Muito profissionalismo, p.arabéns

January 31, 2020

Muito simpaticos os empregados ,explicao tudo muito bem antes de assinar qualquer paper ,verificao bem as damages dos carros, Alugo com esta companhia todos os anos que vou a Portugal .Sinto-me confiante com a Sado rental,so tenho uma sugestao deviam ter alguem tipo kiosk no Aeroporto e os carros estar mais perto do Aeroporto para receber os clients .Acho o escritorio um pouco distante do aeroporto .Ate gosto das novas instalacoes so um pouco distante do aeroporto

Guia Local
January 31, 2020


Guia Local
January 31, 2020

I have nothing but nice words about Sadorent Porto. We were collected instantly and everything was fast and clear. Amazing price as well!

Guia Local
January 31, 2019

Buena atención y servicio,,

January 31, 2019

L art et la manière de se faire escroquer Comme la voiture rendue était impeccable il a cherché et trouvé 3 petits impacts dans le coin haut du pare brise pratiquement impossible à distinguer à l il nu la taille de l impact étant inférieure à une petite aiguille Il faudra à l avenir se munir d une loupe pour inspecter la voiture avant location. Bilan 110 après négociation tendue Merci