Av. Severiano Falcão 10, 2685-378 Prior Velho, Portugal
We are a car rental company based in Lisbon, near to the Airport. Wheego is dedicated to the Leisure and Corporate business areas, distinguishes itself by providing a high quality service and by having a diversified fleet in permanent renewal. A fleet characterized by economic, compact, SUV, luxury, minibus, convertible vehicles, among other categories. Focused on Customer Satisfaction, we have an experienced and dynamic team that will always seek to exceed the expectations of each Customer.
Rented a $4 per day rental. Babied it, when I returned it, they said I scraped a wheel and charged me $120. Total scam. Avoid these dishonest thieves, and if you are unfortunate enough to rent from them, take pictures of the entire car, including the wheels before taking the keys so you don't get screwed like I did. And to your reply, I already reached out to the support email, and the reply was 'our records show the damage happened with your rental'. It didn't. You screwed me over. Beware whoever rents from this company.
Great service! Car is new and excelente. Eduardo Luna took care of us and did a great job! 5 stars
Avoid Avoid! Wheego / CRC Car Rental Lisbon Do not rent from this nightmare company. Very bad reviews on trip advisor from many others too. On check out they failed to identify existing damage to the vehicle. - I found 10 other preexisting damages!! and got them to sign the paperwork and took my own photographs. On returning the vehicle they hadn't updated the documentation on the computer and the belligerent check in staff tried to charge me for a tiny stone chip, luckily I had my proof and he agreed it didn't occur on this rental. Once I left the building they then charged my credit card 770 Euros for a windscreen stone chip I did not cause. I wrote to CRC asking for a refund immediately and 5 months later they have found another chip and tried to put the blame on me - despite the documentation and photographs proving otherwise. I have rented cars all over the world and never had such a bad experience. DO NOT USE THIS COMPANY - They are Scammers & Thieves.
-- Just to be clear about the facts You tried to sell us a new car rental for exactly 477 EUR despite our repeated requests for a less insured car. Note that our original agency price was 69 EUR. There is absolutely no justification for a 700% increase, not even the wildest dynamic pricing would suggest such a hike, especially when there were offers for around 100 EUR nearby. Stop trying to gloss over. You simply tried to take advantage of a family in need of a car with kids and luggage. This is a lousy way of doing business. Shame on you! Folks, don't be fooled by Wheego. There are plenty of alternatives nearby such as Waygo just opposite, Europcar, OK Mobility, etc. --- original review: Beware! Wheego does not give you any flexibility such as changing the the main driver upon arrival. I could not drive and wanted to assign this to my wife. They deferred this task to travel agency and if you can't reach them they proposed a new rental for 450% of the original price, because "only bigger cars with full insurance" would be available, in October... hahaha. I recommend the slightly fairer car rental company opposite the street called waygo.
Rented a car for 9 days, had a great experience. None of the issues mentioned in other reviews. We arrived an hour later than our reservation (thanks TAP) and had no problem checking in for the car. They even upgraded us for free. Tolls are automatically set up for all of the cars, making road trips very simple. Returning the car was smooth, and the shuttle service was great as well.
DONT RENT A CAR IN LISBON FROM THEESE SCAMMERS! UNSAFE TRAVEL BACK TO AIRPORT IN THEIR VAN!!! UPDATE: absolutely 0 replies back from the customer care department which they asked me to contact as a result from this disastrous review of their company, no surprise!!! REVIEW: They charged us €250 for a scratch under the car which they had no photo of from beforehand. We definitely did not scratch the car. They also tried charging us for a scratch on the door, which luckily my husband had photos from the initial inspection. In addition on the bus back to the airport (around 10 minutes drive), they insisted on taking on more passengers than there were seats. One child had to share a seat with an adult and could not use a seat belt. Don’t go anywhere near this company, they are very dishonest and really don’t care about their customers not even humans.
I had an extremely disappointing experience with Wheego/CRC rental car company. Despite being delayed, they refused to provide the vehicle we had paid for because it was given away. Instead, they demanded an additional payment of 500 CAD for a different car, which was not communicated in any contract or agreement. I showed the agreement they said well that’s their rules. This lack of flexibility and understanding, especially considering our frequent travels and the common occurrence of delays, was truly frustrating. I strongly advise caution when considering booking with them, as their inflexible policies and unexpected charges left a negative impression. The customer service was very terrible – he was not helpful in any way. I do not know how this company received a customer service award, and no manager was there to help and navigate the issue.
*****Update to the review below. - Wheego/CRC fully refunded me and apologised for the poor customer service on this occasion. Mistakes do happen and in this case my issue was quickly rectified. I appreciate that. I recently rented a car through Zest with Wheego/CRC. They had a very clean office off airport. Car price was very reasonable and I took the full insurance with Zest. However on return I Unfortunately I had an unpleasant experience with a man called J*** F******* when returning the vehicle. He spotted a very small scratch on an alloy wheel rim that was not on the vehicle check out sheet. There was a number of other really small marks recorded. I was positive I had not ‘kerbed’ the wheel. He persisted that I had caused the damage and was extremely rude. I believe he knew exactly what he was looking for. Fortunately I had recorded a video when I picked up the vehicle and by pure luck you could see a very small scratch on the alloy wheel. Initially J*** dismissed my evidence, saying it was on a different part of the wheel! He was being dishonest and after a few tense moments he appeared to have accepted my evidence and admitted this damage was not recorded before I picked up the car. He asked me to sign a tablet screen for my deposit to be returned, which I did. Now, here’s the issue, they still charged me €150 euro + VAT which appeared on my card a few days later, more dishonesty and fraud. I will fight this and can make a claim with insurance to get my money back. That is not the point. I have video evidence. Please make your own mind up. I will amend this review once I am refunded for this unscrupulous action.
Melhor experiência, em anos alugando carros, a Vitória foi a cereja do bolo, tornou a minha experiência muito mais que incrível!!! Super Recomendo.
Everything is going well Clean, new car very nice employee
A fuir absolument ! Attention cest une arnaque. Lorsque vous réservez le prix est très compétitif mais au moment de prendre la voiture ils vous disent que votre carte bleue ne permet pas de débit différé pour le dépôt de garantie (jai une CB gold avec laquelle jai déjà réservé plusieurs fois des voitures au portugal) et vous font payer des frais (3 fois le prix de ma réservation pour ma part..). Impossible dannuler ma réservation sans frais, vous êtes pris en otage.
Thanks for the help!
Acredito que faça parte da política da empresa dar golpes nos clientes. Aluguei um veículo e no momento da entrega queriam me lesar de toda forma inventando danos no carro. Eu tenho o vídeo do momento da retirada do veículo com todos os amassados ou arranhados que o mesmo possuía. Mesmo assim, a atendente que por sinal foi péssima, informou que já tinha passado o cartão com a cobrança e que não poderia estornar o valor. Além de cobrar por algo indevido e com provas, ela cobrou uma diária extra, sendo que devolvi o carro na data correta, essa nota de serviços só foi enviada no e-mail após saída da loja. Fui informada que como eu tinha provas que o veículo já estava com a avaria, era só enviar um e-mail que estornaria o valor, e até o momento não tiver nenhum retorno. Daí me pergunto, não seria uma estratégia da empresa esse tipo de cobrança? Fingem que passam indevido e não estornam o valor e não respondem e-mail. Se for um turista que vai pro país logo após a entrega, não consegue mais contato com a empresa. Aluguei carro em várias outras empresas e não tive problema em nenhuma.
Excelente trabalho e simpatia
Andrey, thank you very much for the candy. I really appreciated your kindness and attention.
Incrível, não tinha mil dei 5
Andrey atendeu-me muito bem ! Está de parabéns !! Continuarei cliente !!
bom carro e serviço
Location de voiture avec navette aéroport Lisbonne. Service et prestations à la hauteur de nos attentes. Merci à Wheego et son personnel disponible et agréable.
Ótimo atendimento e simpatia da senhora Daisy. Recomendo a CRCa todos depois desta experiência.
Spectacular. Rating 10.00
Daisy ha sido muy amable, ha sido muy fácil des de la llegada al aeropuerto. Muy recomendable.
Daisy was fantastic! Thanks so much for the attention and service
Daisy super atenciosa, recomendo muito
Nous avons été accueilli par Daisy Nobrega à notre arrivée, simple rapide et efficace. Merci beaucoup pour votre accueil
Amazing Brazilian women helped when we were lost
We had a super experience I recommend! Mrs. Daisy took care of giving us a warm welcome in Lisbon.
Very nice service.daisythenks for every thing
Bom atendimento do eduardo luna. Obrigado crc
Fast and friendly check out!
Best ones out there!
Great service
Eduardo Luna, Thank you very much for your attention!
Le lieu est un peu éloigné de laéroport mais il y a une navette qui vient nous chercher pour louer la voiture. La voiture était très bien et le service rapide et efficace. Le personnel parle parfaitement anglais et même français.
Não vimos que era preciso um cartão de crédito (algo que nem todo o mundo possui) e a agência não deu outra alternativa nem mostrou-se aberta a outras soluções. Perdemos 200 porque a agência diz não poder fazer nada.
Prima service
Surtout ne pas louer avec cette société Cest a vous de prendre des photos et film de la voiture et quand vous la rendez ils vous montrent un défaut sur la voiture qui ne se voit pas sur votre video tellement cest petit Ils nous ont fait payer une mini rayure sur une jante qui nest visible sur notre vidéo donc impossible de contester 210e la jante Ça fait des années que je loue des voitures à Lisbonne et un etat de la voitire est toujours fait avec une personne de la société et ensuite on signe le contrat. Bien sur cétait la 1ere et derrière fois pour moi
À éviter ! Prélèvement injustifié de plus de 400 et service client inexistant ! Tout sétait très bien passé, autant lors de la récupération du véhicule que lors du retour. Nous avions pris soin dutiliser une carte de crédit pour éviter des problèmes antérieurs rencontrés en Espagne. Cependant, à notre retour en France, nous avons été très surpris de découvrir un prélèvement de 408,40 sur notre compte, effectué le jour de la récupération du véhicule. Bien que nous ayons retrouvé cette somme mentionnée dans les documents fournis, il nous est impossible de comprendre à quoi elle correspond réellement. De mémoire, il sagissait dune caution, qui aurait dû être simplement bloquée et non prélevée ! Nous avons essayé à plusieurs reprises de contacter Wheego (Car Rental Company) ainsi que CarJet.com, par le biais duquel nous avions réservé, mais nous navons reçu aucune réponse ! Cest purement scandaleux. Mise à jour : Comme proposé dans la réponse ci-dessous, jai envoyé une nouvelle demande à ladresse [email protected], le 1er Novembre 2024. Voyons si cette fois-ci une réponse me sera donnée... Mise à jour (10/11/2024) : Toujours pas de réponse Mise à jour (11/11/2024) : Enfin une réponse ! Donc lexplication de ce montant est que nous avons soit-disant souscrit à une couverture complète. Sauf que nous navons jamais eu connaissance de ça. Nous étions daccord pour le service Etoll (pour les péages) et avons donc signé le document pensant quil ne sagissait que de ça. Jamais nous naurions validé lajout de cette couverture ! Donc un conseil : faites bien attention aux documents quils vous demandent de signer (pas évident car ces documents ne sont pas clairs et sil y a du monde qui attend derrière vous, vous êtes priés de faire vite). Ou mieux : aller ailleurs. Je passe aussi sur le fait de recevoir la facture 3 mois plus tard, avec une incohérence entre le montant de la facture et le montant quils vous ont effectivement prélevé au final.
Aluguei um carro, nesta companhia, na Hungria e além de ter sido tratado de forma arrogante e mal educada, disseram que o desbloqueio do valor no cartão era 2 ou 3 dias após a boa entrega da viatura e já passou quase 1 mês e nada do dinheiro. NAO RECOMENDO, É UMA ROUBALHEIRA, TENHAM ATENÇÃO
Gang specialized in deceiving customers, be careful! I made a reservation and negotiated a price with the attendant who charged the wrong amount on my card in bad faith, when I realized the error I asked for a refund but she said she could not refund it because I had already paid. She charged me 4x the amount... I lost more than 250 euros.
Excelente atendimento.
Skrupellose Abzocke mit System Wenn möglich, würde ich nur null Punkte vergeben. Die schlechten Bewertungen hier sind berechtigt. Flug und Transfer waren waren problemlos. Der Ärger fing beim Mietwagenverleih an. Den Wage hatten wir vorab über einen Reiseanbieter gebucht und bezahlt inklusive Vollkasko Versicherung ohne Selbstbeteiligung. Bei der Abholung hätten wir nur noch eine Kaution hinterlegen müssen. Wie gesagt, da fing der Ärger an. Akzeptiert wurde nur eine Kreditkarte mit PIN, keine Debitkarte und auch nicht die Karte des Zweit - Fahrers. Eine Barzahlung war auch nicht möglich. Auch sonst gebe es keine weiteren Möglichkeiten, so der Mitarbeiter. Oder wir könnten bei unserer Bank anrufen und eine neue PIN beantragen. Aha Wahrscheinlich wissen die Mitarbeiter nicht, dass diese auf dem Postweg versandt wird. Oder vielleicht doch? Vielleicht wissen Sie es sehr genau?? Als Möglichkeit könnten wir doch zu den umliegenden Firmen zu gehen und dort zu versuchen, einen Mietwagen für 14 Tage zu bekommen. Aus meiner Sicht eine ziemlich zynische Angelegenheit, da man davon ausgehen kann, dass für diese Zeit kein Mietwagen zur Verfügung steht und wir unseren schon bezahlt hatten. Nach einiger Zeit kam dann der Mitarbeiter mit einem ganz besonderen und einzigen Angebot. Wir könnten für 344 eine zusätzliche Versicherung auf Glas und Reifen abschließen. Dann würden wir den Mietwagen bekommen. Bemerkenswert an dieser Aktion war, dass für das bezahlen der Kaution von 300 + der zusätzlichen Versicherung, die wir eigentlich gar nicht benötigten von 344 die Debitkarte akzeptiert wurde. Nach einem Anruf bei unserem Reiseanbieter war auch klar, dass wir nicht die einzigen waren, die davon betroffen waren . Erst mal dachte ich, dass es einzelne Fälle wären aber als wir den Mietwagen dann abgegeben haben, hatten wir das Erlebnis der anderen Art. Während der 20-minütigen Wartezeit auf unser Taxi konnte ich beobachten wie es zwei weiteren Paaren, einem deutschen und einem französischen genauso ging. Sie hatten nicht die passende Nummer für diese Karte und es wurden Ihnen eine zusätzliche Versicherungen für Glas und Reifen angeboten. In 20min 344 x zwei, da kann man sich den zusätzlichen Verdienst im Tag errechnen. Wenn CRC Car Rental Company wenigstens 200 Rückerstatten würde wäre der Ärger über einen wirklich schlechten Start in einen ansonsten wunderschönen Urlaub gemildert.
Não foi muito boa, no final deu tudo certo, mas não achei os atendentes bons
professional and good rental company. I totally recommend
A fuir absolument ! des voleurs ! ils vous prélèvent 300 + 102 au moment de la location, sous le prétexte fallacieux que votre carte visa nest pas une carte de crédit, mais de débit. Ils ne remboursent pas le prelèvement à lissue de la location. Un véritable scandal !
Encore une location ARNAQUE, ny allez pas
Por duas vezes fui enganado, uma vez por Wheego que nunca mais iria contactar e a segunda por ter reservado na CRC por não saber que trabalhavam juntos, Pois o mesmo se sucedeu, Fazem com que o cartão de crédito não funciona para te venderem outro contrato que é quatro a cinco vezes mais caro do que atua reservação original. Contactei o banco onde me disseram que isto está a acontecer em Portugal e Espanha, É uma vergonha isto estar a acontecer no meu país, São uns ladrões, isto me leva a eu estar a mudar de fazer negócios em Portugal e sim cada vez mais com companhias estrangeiras. Estou ficando com vergonha de dizer que sou português.
, , , EasyJet. . 30 , . EasyJet .
Excelente atendimento da senhorita Kelly Cândido.
Fui roubado com 800 + IVA por estes senhores. Inventaram um pico no para brisas...a empregada que fez a fiscalização nem sabia a totalidade dos danos que o carro tinha quando me entregaram o carro, teve de verificar as minhas fotografiaspara perceber. Esta empregada e o seu supervisor retiraram-me este dinheiro da minha caução sem dó nem piedade e com ar de clara satisfação e desrespeito para comigo...Estas pessoas não podem estar neste serviço...reparem nas inúmeras queixas similares â minha neste local. A minha experiência com outras empresas de aluguer proximas é muito mais positiva do que esta a todos os niveis...tenham cuidado!!!!
Terrible experience, and I have used probably ten different car rentals in Lisbon. They overcharge and are not comparable to the other car rentals.
Bon loueur de voitures.
Expérience déplorable. Le loueur naccepte que les cartes de crédit pour le dépôt de caution. Nous navions pas fait attention à ce détail ny étant jusqualors jamais confronté bien que ce nest pas la première fois que nous louons une voiture au Portugal. Le manager nous a indiqué que cela arrivait souvent avec des clients français mais il na proposé aucune solution ni nen a cherché pour résoudre cette problématique connue. A fuir
very nice!
Pick up is good, car was great but there system to drop off the car is terrible and needs rethinking, we waited 25 minutes to drop off the car, their drop off system is very inefficient
À éviter pour les Francais ou l immense majorité ont une carte de débit et non de crédit. Obligation de payer 250 d assurance complémentaire. Ils n acceptent pas de débiter les 1400 de caution comme le font les autres loueurs (goldcar, avis etc ) J ai le sentiment de m être fait avoir.
Scam scam scam Very aggressive and unfriendly staff They lie about everything, insurance, via verde, fuel.
Perfect, very nice!
Complimenti per lorganizzazione. Consiglio vivamente a chi vuole venire in Portogallo e noleggiare auto di ottima qualità!!!
Good service.Daisy
Péssimo atendimento ao cliente, querem obrigar a fechar o seguro deles, mesmo já tendo contrato o seguro de site de reserva.
Daisy is an amazing person and helped me a lot. Thank you so much!!!
Je viens de lire les commentaires et j avoue que cela me fait peur quand je vais rendre la voiture que j ai loué chez eux. La plupart des commentaires résument beaucoup d arnaques. Effectivement aucun relevé est fait lors de la restitution du véhicule, ce que je trouve pas normal Heureusement que j ai filmé avant de partir avec le véhicule Je verrai demain comment je vais être reçu Je vous informerai de mon expérience lors de la restitution du véhicule
Son unos estafadores, llegamos a la hora pactada y la oficina estaba cerrada. Al dia siguiente no nos quisieron dar nuestro coche ni devolver el dinero. El empleado nos amenazò, tuvimos que llamar a la policia.
Using CRC Wheego was the worst experience I could have had. Firstly, I was given a much smaller vehicle in poor condition compared to the one I had reserved. Despite taking photos of all the damaged points on the vehicle, upon returning the car, they claimed that a small scratch on the wheel was damage that I had caused. This scratch was so minor that I couldn t notice it when I picked up the car at night in a poorly lit area. It was clear that the inspector was acting in bad faith, taking advantage of the opportunity to charge 200 Euros for a small scratch that I did not cause. Unfortunately, these companies are forcing us to buy their exorbitant insurance. Terrible and rude.
Empresa séria e comprometida com a qualidade do serviço que presta.
Had the worst experience With them. Dont go!!!!!
des ecsrocs, on ne peut utiliser dautres qualificatifs: voiture réservée via carjet. réservation et assurance entièrement payée en ligne. Sur place ils ont profité de notre arrivée tardive pour nous faire payer un supplément dassurance. Au risque de ne pas avoir de voiture et nous rendre à notre hotel, jai payé. Ils nous disent que le télépéage est inclus. Ce nest pas vrai, ils retiennent le supplé!ent sur la cotion. Notez que toute léquipe est solidaire de ces arnaques. Et pour que les clients mécontants ne fassent pas de scandal devant les clients arrivant, la restitution se fait cachée au parking, loin du bureau de réservation. Il a été impossible dobtenir une copie du contrat ou de la facture. Cest plus simple comme ça pour escroquer les clients. Agence à fuir. Au fait, il parlent très bien dautres langues que le portugais.
First time in Life that I found a rental company with these conditions the answer was that like that they have the most beautiful building in the street never again I will rent throught them you can feel they just are cheating on you. The only person I loved was The brazilian woman who came to pick us up at the airport
Daisy Nobrega, very helpful
Si je pouvais mettre ZÉRO JE L AURAIS MIS On a loué une auto avec eux le 8 juin le gars au comptoir nous dit qu on pouvait up Great le choix d auto si on voulait on a pris une Volkswagen jusqu à la tout va bien. 30 min après la conduite le volant commence trembler leur auto ne sont pas vérifié c est un danger sur la route et surtout si on fait de la route car on a essayé de les rejoindre c était impossible.
Mañana por la mañana iba a ir a alquilar un coche pero viendo los comentarios mejor me voy a otra empresa