Aeroporto Cristiano Ronaldo, 9100-105 Santa Cruz, Portugal
Somos uma marca que se dedica ao aluguer de veículos, com o propósito de proporcionar a liberdade de escolha e de movimento, para uma melhor experiência de mobilidade.Destacamo-nos por sermos a maior renta-a-car nacional, com um processo 100% digital e contamos com Estações por todo o país incluindo as ilhas da Madeira e dos Açores. A nossa missão é a sua mobilidade e a satisfação dos nossos clientes é a nossa motivação.
Very good rental company with nice cars and friendly staff. If I am ever in Portugal again I will definitely come back
We had a very good experience at this company. Reading through all the negative experiences here I was a bit afraid, but our rental turned out to be without problems. The car was new and without any mentionable damages. The check-out was smooth and the return as well. The girl who helped us during check-out and return was very friendly. The deposit was returned the day after our rental ended. I can't complain about the service.
I booked a station wagon which was not available when I arrived. The car I got had quite some defects, the most annoying one was a faulty windscreen viper. Service was very friendly through.
I recently rented a car from Guerin in Madeira, and the experience was excellent. The car provided was a fairly new Audi A1, petrol, manual transmission—comfortable and well-maintained. The car pickup process was smooth and efficient. The staff recommended taking photos and videos of the car’s condition upon receipt, which I appreciated as a practical tip. A day before returning the car, I received an SMS with helpful information about the nearest gas station and the return location. This small gesture was very thoughtful and added convenience to the process. The return process was equally straightforward. It was quick, hassle-free, and no unexpected charges or damages were added to the report. Overall, Guerin provided a professional and customer-friendly service, and I would definitely recommend them for car rentals in Madeira.
We had to pick up the car ourselves without an employee's inspection. We received a car with a lot of damage. The damage was not reported on the report. We were told to take pictures of everything. We did. When we returned the car, there was a thorough inspection. On the damaged side was a 3 cm scratch at the bottom against the chassis that was not clearly visible in the photo. Because there was no clear photo of it, we were charged 189 euro for that damage even though the damage was already there. The responsibility of proof lies entirely with yourself because existing damage is not fully reported. This way of working makes us never choose or recommend guerin. I´ll share the photos of the scratch and pick up.
They only accept credit cards, be aware of the terms and conditions and you shouldn’t have a problem. Upon arrival you will fill out a form on a digital kiosk, if you come during opening hours the personnel will help you with that. We got a beautiful new Peugeot 308, we loved the car and drove through the whole island without any problems. Definitely recommend as it’s an amazing experience to have a car and travel wherever you decide. The service was great and we had a really unproblematic experience.
The rental experience is very good. Fast registration, without imposing additional insurance and services. Almost a new car. The return took a few minutes. The deposit was returned to my account while I was still at the airport :) In less than 1 hour. This is a record!!!
There are a few things you should know which will help your expectation. I depend heavily on Google reviews - and I was surprised at the variance of reviews. Here is my experience. I booked with Guerin via third party - booking dot com. When I arrived at Madeira Airport I saw that Guerin have 6 or 7 touch screen Kiosks. You need to enter all of your details into the Kiosk. There are staff to help, but you still need to enter all of this even if prebooked. Name, Address, License, Passport, and answer questions if you want additional driver, booster seat (legally required for under 12s the screen says), more cover etc. It took my 5-10 mins to enter all of this. Then the process failed. A staff member cleared the system and I tried again. It failed again. Eventually they helped to do it manually. This time my credit cards (i tried two) would not work on the machine for the deposit - so I had to enter the 16 digit long number manually. All in all - it took 20 minutes to get this part done before I headed to the car park to collect the car. so far, the experience was not ideal. but not very bad. when collecting the car, I noted the staff member did a detailed walk around and took notes of existing damages. This made me feel a bit concerned as the inspection was very detailed. He said not to worry. anything smaller than a 2 euro coin is not an issue. minor marks etc. The car was new, and big. Renault Captur. We had a good experience and dropped it back 7 days later at 430am. left the key in a drop box. I got an email at 7am that the car had been examined and no new damages. so I was worried for nothing. very efficient. One thing to be aware of is the rental cars have automatic handbrakes which can take a little bit of getting used to with hill starts, so don't park on a hill as someone else unfamiliar with auto handbrakes might roll into you. I suspect this happened to others who said they didn't do any damage themselves. all in all my experience was mostly positive. Had I known about the kiosks I would have been prepared and less stressed about the extra time required to enter all the info via touch screen. edit: as others said, no harm to take before and after photos when you collect and return your car so you can challenge any pre-existing damages. I'd do that with any company though.
Alles war sehr unkompliziert und professionell. Eingecheckt wurde an einem Tablet, bei der Auswahl der Versicherung wurden wir sogar hingewiesen dort müssen wir nichts extra auswählen, solang die Vollkasko über Check24 läuft. Auto lief auch echt gut, hatte aber schon 60.000 km hinter sich. Bei der Abgabe hat ein Mitarbeiter sofort das Auto gecheckt und mir versichert es sei alles in Ordnung. Die Kaution über 1.000 wurde innerhalb des Rückgabetages wieder freigegeben und 2 Tage später war das ganze dann auch auf meinem Konto ersichtlich.
Zwei Mal wurde der Ausflugstag durch ein defektes Auto ruiniert, zum Glück sind wir mit Baby immer am Hotel gestrandet und nicht im Niemandsland. Bekamen schließlich ein neues Auto, hat uns ca. 8 Std. unseres Urlaubs gekostet und wir mussten mit den Mietfahrzeugen ca. 50 km fahren wegen des Austausches. Dennoch wurde das Benzin des nicht vollgetankten liegengebliebenen Fahrzeugs in Rechnung gestellt. Außerdem sind die Fahrzeuge in schlechtem Zustand, was die Fotodokumentation sehr auswendig macht. Reifenprofiltiefe wird auch als unerheblich betrachtet, solange ein Profil noch sichtbar scheint. Großes Vergnügen damit feuchte Straßen bei großer Steigung zu fahren.
Terrível. Péssimo atendimento, resolver problemas não é o forte deles e muito menos arranjar soluções. Fomos atendidos por um colaborador chamado Nélio, fujam desta empresa de aluguer de carros na Madeira, tem muitas opções e com colaboradores mais disponíveis e atenciosos ao lado. PÉSSIMO!!!
We rented a car from Guerin for 1 week in Madeira. When the employee showed us the car, we immediately noticed that android auto/carplay/car navigator did not work. We informed the employee but he gave us no support at all. He even said: you don t need a navigator, there is only one main road in the whole island! . After 2 days of driving with my phone on the hand to try to follow road instructions I called guerin and they confirmed that they would have change the car. So they changed our car with one without navigation problems. The second car, instead, was not properly cleaned, full of reported damages and couldn t even keep the second gear in most of the roads. This was our experience with Guerin.
Ich kann nur gutes berichten. Trotz der vorherigen zweifelhaften Bewertungen, hat bei mir auch alles super geklappt. Nach Ankunft war das Auto sofort bereit, die Anmeldung am Airport ging schnell.und die Mitarbeiter hat da bei noch geholfen das reibungslos klappt.gab es hier digitale Terminals, zum ausfüllen der Daten (daher ging die Anmeldung schneller als bei den anderen). Die Abholung ging ebenfalls sehr schnell, da das Auto direkt bereit stand - eine kurze Einweisung gab es ebenfalls. Insgesamt hat die Abholung und die Anmeldung zusammen nichtsmal 20 Minuten gedauert. ( Ich habe angeblich self checking beim Check24 gebraucht , ich musste leider die von mir feststellen Mängel selber Im online dokumentieren. Das Webseite alles super aufgebaut aber nur mit Sprache -EN. Wäre schön gewesen die Website auch mit anderen sprechen aufzubauen. Allem die Leute weniger Englische Sprache Kenntnisse) Ich hatte ein kleines Auto reserviert , bekam ein großen Auto. Ohne mehr zu zahlen. Das Auto war sauber, aufbereitet und desinfiziert.Das Auto war neu, vollgetankt. Auch bei der Rückgabe gab es keine Probleme. Dauer hier ca.05 min. Extras Danke an der nette junge Mann am 12.01.2025 morgens 7:30 schalte war.. Sehr freundliche Mitarbeiter . Die Kaution wurde am nächsten Tag nach Rückgabe auf meinem Konto gutgeschrieben. Kleine Hinweis!!!!! Eine vorher abgeschlossene Voll-Kasko ohne Selbstbeteiligung über Portale wie Check24 wird akzeptiert. ( Aber Schadenfall ich müsste selbst mit meinem Voll-Kasko Versicherung auseinander setzen. So die Mitarbeite mir bereits so erklärt.) Die Mitarbeiter nicht aufdringlich wie bei auf Mallorca neun Versicherungen verkaufen. Er hat nur Die rechtliche Lage erklärt Wir würden uns nochmal für diese Autovermietung entscheiden
An sich hat die Vermietung super funktioniert. Der Leihwagen hatte zwar bereit ein paar Macken, aber diese waren dokumentiert und somit kein Problem. Also so lange keine minimalster Schaden entsteht, ist alles gut. Tatsächlich ist uns aber während der Mietdauer bei der Hutablage im Kofferraum ein Plastikteil abgebrochen. Ok, passiert. Somit mussten wir den Schaden bei der Rückgabe begleichen, was auch ok ist. ABER dafür 500 abzurechnen ist einfach frech und unaktzeptabel!
From check in to check out, the experience at Guerin was awful. The man at check in was rude. No one helped with the car when delivered. At check out, there were no clear directions as to where that process took place. At the outset of this trip, I also rented a car from Sixt. It was a far better experience.
Grande insatisfação relativamente à experiência recente com o serviço de aluguer de automóveis. Substituição do veículo reservado: Embora o levantamento do veículo tenha sido rápido e eficiente, fiquei decepcionado por não me ter sido entregue o carro que julguei ter reservado. Optei por um Toyota Corolla Hybrid, que conheço e considero mais confortável e adequado às minhas necessidades, mas foi-me disponibilizado um Ford Focus, que é significativamente menos confortável e possui um sistema híbrido que não corresponde ao que eu pretendia. Este desvio em relação ao veículo contratado causou-me bastante frustração e até desconforto. Problemas na devolução do veículo: No momento do levantamento, foi-me indicado que, ao devolver o carro, poderia estacioná-lo em qualquer lugar dentro do parque destinado às rent-a-car no Aeroporto do Funchal. Assim, no momento da entrega, e porque tinha pressa para me dirigir ao Terminal, deixei o carro a cerca de 20 metros do local onde iria entregar a chave, perguntei onde deveria fazer a entrega a um colaborador de outra rent a car que estava a fazer uma inspeção a uma viatura e dirigi-me à rececionista da Guerin. Contudo, a senhora informou-me que o carro não podia ficar onde eu o havia estacionado e que teria de ser estacionado mais perto, justificando que a distância comprometia a cobertura de internet. Apesar de mostrar o meu desagrado por ter de ser eu a mudar a viatura de local, uma vez que estava a chover e eu tinha de apanhar um avião, e perante a recusa da senhora em ser ela a fazer a mudança de local, fui buscá-la e estacionei-a a cerca de 5 metros do balcão. Surpreendentemente, a recepcionista voltou a indicar que não era suficiente e insistiu para que estacionasse no lugar que me indicou mesmo em frente ao stand, que ficou vago entretanto. Recusei mudar o local de estacionamento pela segunda vez, entreguei a chave e perguntei se precisava de mais alguma coisa. A senhora disse que apenas estava a fazer o seu trabalho e que não era preciso mais nada. Questão: se não era preciso nada, qual era o problema com a cobertura de internet? Falta de comprovativo de entrega: Além destes contratempos, aquando da entrega da chave não me foi entregue qualquer comprovativo de devolução do veículo, uma vez que a senhora não quis concluir o processo naquele momento. Já aluguei diversas viaturas, e nunca tive uma experiência tão desconfortável e desagradável como a que descrevi. Ao fim de algumas semanas a empresa avaliada vem dizer que vai analisar a situação, mas já se tornou claro para mim, que nada irão fazer. Obviamente que não os irei contactar para o email que disponibilizam. Se me quiserem contactar, certamente sabem como o fazer, pois também estou a aguardar análise de uma exposição que fiz no Portal da Queixa. Sempre que me for possível, e asseguro que o irei fazer, farei a publicidade que considero adequada aos serviços prestados por esta empresa.
Excellent service
Great expereince.I had booked the car with Guerin via Check24. The collegue at airport was freindly and helped me out with the digital checkin.I was then directed to the place to collect the car.The collegue pointed out to the existing damages and also advised to take photos for future reference.Similarly on the car drop off we found the same freindly collegue who enquired if everything went well with the car and the trip in general.All in all a pleasant experience at the start of the trip and end of the trip .Big shout out to freindly Sonia :-)
Good car rental services. Both check-in and check-out went quickly. Car was in good condition.
Po rezerwacji auta przez RentalsCar (by Booking) proces wynajmu samochodu jest pó automatyczny. Albo wier automatyczny, bo jednak du o danych trzeba uzupe ni (adres najemcy, numery i daty dokumentów to samo ci i prawa jazdy, daty urodzin kierowców, ich dane osobowe trzeba potwierdzi ). Obs uga jest jednak mi a i pomocna i pomaga w przeprowadzeniu procesu wynajmu (czyli przeklika si przez infokioskowe ekrany). Odbiór auta szybki, cho w krótkim czasie trzeba przyswoi sporo informacji. Po zwróceniu auta wyedytuj opini i uzupe ni j o dodatkowe informacje :)
Recomendo, tive um problema com o carro que foi prontamente resolvido. Funcionários prestáveis. Voltarei a usar os serviços deste reat-a-car.
Unos auténticos maleducados etc , ( faltan calificativos para definirlos) un personaje en el mostrador del aeropuerto que estaría mejor en cualquier sitio que en la atención al público, NO LOS RECOMIENDO PARA NADA, PUES TIENEN UNAS TARIFAS MÁS QUE ABUSIVAS . Pretendían cobrarme 44 por llegar 3 minutos después de las 00:00 h. por circunstancias ajenas, demora del vuelo como así se le explicó. Seguro que CON ESTOS NO REPITO, le pongo una estrella porque NO puedo poner 0
Finalmente encontrei uma agência seria os meus parabéns gostei do atendimento sempre prontos ajudar sem complicar amáveis digo até amigos mesmos quando voltar a Madeira é com esta agência que vou vizitar tudo e mais alguma coisa o meu obrigado ate sempre
My second experience with Guerin on Portuguese islands, no issues whatsoever. Yes, you do need a credit card, but thats a common requirement among the rentals (I had to find out the hard way on my first visit). The price was a bargain. I advise using the aggregator pages, somehow they have all the best deals out of the season.
Wszystko przebieg o sprawnie. Formalno ci za atwia si w budynku lotniska, auto odbiera na parkingu przed nim (trzeba wyj z lotniska, przej na drug stron ulicy, wjecha na 1 pi tro I przej cznikiem na car rent parking. Auto (Ford Focus ST-Line) wypo yczane na 9 dni. Wydane od r ki, czyste i sprawne. Zwrot bezproblemowy. Obs uga mi a i pomocna. Depozyt zwrócony natychmiast. Mo emy tylko poleci .
Experiencia extremadamente negativa en esta agencia. La atención al cliente fue pésima y nos dejó un mal sabor de boca. La señora mayor y rubia que nos atendió demostró una actitud condescendiente y racista. A pesar de estar en la fila antes que otros clientes, nos ignoró deliberadamente y atendió a las personas detrás de nosotros. Cuando le señalé que estábamos antes en la fila, me respondió con condescendencia y nos ignoró nuevamente, asumiendo que no teníamos reserva sin verificarlo. Esta actitud fue inaceptable y nos hizo sentir discriminados. No recomendamos rentar coche en esta agencia debido a la mala atención y la actitud racista de su personal. Esperamos que tomen medidas para mejorar la experiencia del cliente y abordar este tipo de comportamiento inaceptable.
Auch wir haben nur positive Erfahrungen gemacht. Der Preis für den Kleinwagen Nissan Micra in Vollausstattung war günstig. Vorher gebucht über BILLIGER MIETWAGEN/AUTO EUROPE ca. 25 /Tag. Passendes Auto (2 Pers.) für die Insel. Einchecken noch im Flughafengebäude an den Automaten mit freundlicher Unterstützung der Mitarbeiterin Sonja. Es wurde auch nicht versucht irgendwelche Extraversicherungen anzudrehen wie z.Bsp. bei Goldcar in Malaga am Flughafen. Eine Quittung über die Kaution wird ausgedruckt. Die Eincheck-Email kommt direkt aufs Handy - damit gehst du zur Abholstelle: erst eine Etage höher, durch den Verbindungsgang nach draußen, Fahrstuhl runter. Übergabe/Rückgabe des Auto war gut, schnell und freundlich. Auf alle bisherigen 5 Schäden wurde hingewiesen und waren dokumentiert. Zustand/Vertrag wieder per Email. Der Ablauf bei Pannen, beim Tanken, Ein-Ausfahrt wurde gut erklärt. Auch unser Auto war in einem hervorragenden Zustand. Alle Steigungen in Madeira (teilweise 14%) konnten wir gut bewältigen. Das Auto haben wir tagsüber abgeholt/gebracht und auch vorher Fotos der bisherigen Schäden gemacht - nur zur Sicherheit. Wurden jedoch nicht benötigt. Auch wir hatten bei Landung in Deutschland schon die Endabrechnung ohne zusätzliche plötzliche Kosten/Kreditkartenbelastungen und alles war wie vorher gebucht. So soll es sein.
Billigt, nemt og godt. Jeg bookede igennem og fik en god pris. Selvrisiko ligger højt på ca 20.000 kr.
Do NOT rent here! Read this and the many other reviews that warn you of their techniques for gauging customers and safety concerns. They rented me a dangerous car and then when it stopped working at the top of a mountain (stranding me and my young kids on the side of the road), they had the audicity to send us a bill for 1400 Euros to fix the car! I have driven a manual transmission for over 20 years and they are claiming I destroyed the clutch within less than a day (?!). Not only did they not reimburse me for my rental, and charge me 1400 Euros to fix their broken car, but to add insult to injury, I had to take a taxi to get my replacement rental car and I had to pay for the taxi myself (their roadside assistance said they would pay me back). We had to fight with 3 employees before they finally reimbursed us even for the taxi. Horrible customer service. Please do not rent from them. They are now bullying me to pay the 1400 Euros to fix the broken/dangerous car they rented me - they threatened to get their legal team involved if I don t pay within 5 days of being notified of the charge. I wish I had read the other reviews that support their under-handed practices before I rented from them. Their practice is to gauge customers because they know that us getting a lawyer is expensive. I have requested information about how to appeal (legally required) and file a grievance about their charges which they have not responded to despite two emails. I am considering getting a lawyer but this is a huge hassle. Stay away!
. .
Vor Reisebeginn etwas unsicher gewesen, aufgrund der negativen Erfahrungen hier. Wir haben jedoch nur positive gemacht. Preis günstig. Übergabe des Auto war gut und freundlich. Auf alle bisherigen Schäden wurde hingewiesen. Der Ablauf bei Pannen und beim Tanken wurde gut erklärt. Unser Auto (Nissan Juke) war in einem hervorragenden Zustand. Alle Steigungen in Madeira (die Straßen sind teilweise sehr extrem) konnten wir gut bewältigen. Das Auto haben wir des nachts zurückgegeben und Fotos davon gemacht, nur zur Sicherheit. Wurde jedoch nicht benötigt. Bei Landung in Deutschland hatten wir schon die Endabrechnung ohne zusätzliche plötzliche Kosten und alles war, wie vorher gebucht. Das Auto hatten wir über Sunnycars bei Guerin gebucht.
A minha experiência com a Guerin na Madeira foi excelente! O atendimento foi super atencioso desde o início, e o processo de levantamento do carro foi rápido e sem complicações. O veículo estava em ótimo estado, limpo e pronto para explorar a ilha. A equipa foi sempre prestável, dando dicas sobre estradas e locais turísticos. Recomendo vivamente pela qualidade do serviço e profissionalismo.
Wir haben einen Mietwagen mit Zusatzversicherung günstig über gebucht. Der Service vor Ort war gut und es gab keine Probleme mit der Abholung und Abgabe des Autos. Bei dem ersten Mietwagen hatten wir nach 2 Tagen einen platten Reifen. Guerin hat uns von einem Taxi abholen lassen und uns sofort ein neues Fahrzeug zur Verfügung gestellt. Für uns entstanden dadurch keinerlei zusätzliche Kosten.
Uns verdadeiros gatunos. No levantamento do carro alertamos que o cinto de segurança estava partido. O funcionário disse que ja sabia mas não colocou no contrato. Quanto entregamos o carro tivemos que pagar um cinto novo.
Despite the smooth pick up process be very aware this company will rip you off on drop off.. a car hire company will always clean a car before handing over to next customer, yet they charged me 75 euro for the privilege. Why because of spilled water? Give me a break, I had passengers sitting in car with no issue. Car was returned clean. I have never been ripped off in such a way before. Will never ever use this company again.
Je ne suis pas satisfait du tout. Jai malheureusement crevé pendant mon séjour. Cest quelque chose qui arrive. Mais il ny avait pas de roue de secours dans le coffre. Jai du attendre un dépanneur, puis un taxi. Jétais à lautre bout de lîle et jai du retourner à laéroport pour avoir un autre véhicule. Jai demandé une compensation pour me dédommagé du temps perdu et ne serait ce que pour retourner à lendroit où je suis tombé en panne car le retour était bien évidemment à mes frais mais ils ont refusé jugeant que ce nétait pas leur politique.
We had no issues and everything went smooth. I was worried when I read the reviews, but I was positively suprised.
Wir hatten über TUI einen Mietwagen dazu gebucht und waren somit an diesen Anbieter gebunden. Aufgrund der Bewertungen war ich etwas besorgt. Bei uns hat aber alles ohne Probleme geklappt. Grundsätzlich empfehle ich aber immer vorab die bestehenden Schäden per Foto zu dokumentieren, unabhängig von Land oder Anbieter.
Everything was smooth and everyone was kind. We had a problem with pressure leakage of one tire and we had to visit the airport to change the car. The change was very quick with no problems. I was afraid at the beggining, because we got a car with many small damages, but in the end, there was no problem.
Hatten noch nie so ein schlechtes Auto bekommen. Für Madeira völlig untermotorisiert. Gefährlich auf diesen steilen Strassen. Nie wieder!
Everything went as expected, and I would use them again. Their employees are friendly and helpful.
Einfache Buchung und Kommunikation, Fzg. auch früher als bestellt erhalten (weil es bereits verfügbar war), Rückgabe ebenfalls einfach, unkompliziert, flott und reibungslos verlaufen, vollste Empfehlung, jederzeit wieder gerne.
Bonjour..Pas très satisfait de notre location de voiture..En effet on nous donne une Citroën C3. Avec les pneus avant usés sur les flancs. Plus de gomme tout lisse...Je le fait remarquer à lhôtesse sur place.. Elle répond que les pneus sont bons car le témoin dusure est bon sur le a bande de roulement.. Je suis réparateur Auto je sais de quoi je parle.. Ils mon pas trop laisser le choix..Que prendre celle là..
Muito bom serviço, rapido e melhor preço! Aconselho!
The car is in poor status. The brake pads are down after few days and nobody can help me. The road assisted can only send a taxi to my hotel but I need a new car with brakes working. I need to call the station but if I call the station nobody is answering the phone.
Cant recommend. They didnt accept our card and said that they cant refund us. The service hotline didnt work, so 110 are gone without ever seeing the car.
No recomendable. Timadores 100% Alquilamos un Peugeot 208 para pasar nuestras vacaciones en la isla. Nos entregaron el vehículo con un golpe considerable en la defensa delantera y varios roces por todo el coche. Cuando nos entregaron las llaves se lo hice saber y me dijeron que no me preocupase que todo estaba reflejado en el vídeo que se había realizado con lo que me quedé tranquilo. La sorpresa llegó el día de entregar dicho vehículo donde me hicieron responsable del roce de una llanta y cuando les pedí las imágenes de cuando retiré el vehículo se negaron a enseñármelas. El siguiente paso fue descontarme de tarjeta de crédito 114,00 . Unos timadores
Hat alles problemlos funktioniert. Sehr freundliche Mitarbeiter die uns sogar beim Einräumen der Koffer in Auto geholfen haben. Checkin und Checkout sehr zügig. Parkplatz direkt am Flughafen. Würden hier wieder einen Mietwagen nehmen.
Ich kann nur gutes berichten. Trotz der vorherigen zweifelhaften Bewertungen, hat bei uns alles super funktioniert. Nach Ankunft war das Auto sofort bereit, die Anmeldung am Airport ging schnell. Während die anderen Vermietungen lange Schlangen hatten, gab es hier digitale Terminals, zum ausfüllen der Daten (daher ging die Anmeldung schneller als bei den anderen). Die Abholung ging ebenfalls sehr schnell, da das Auto direkt bereit stand - eine kurze Einweisung gab es ebenfalls. Insgesamt hat die Abholung und die Anmeldung zusammen ca. 30 Minuten gedauert. Das Auto war sauber, aufbereitet und desinfiziert. Das Auto war neu, vollgetankt und hatte gerade mal 5.000km auf dem Tacho. Auch bei der Rückgabe gab es keine Probleme. Dauer hier ca. 10min. Personal war sehr freundlich. Die Kaution wurde einen Tag nach Rückgabe freigegeben. Ein kleiner Tipp für alle: eine vorher abgeschlossene Voll-Kasko ohne Selbstbeteiligung über Portale wie Check24 wird nicht akzeptiert. Die Versicherung muss vor Ort neu gebucht werden, daher -> Mietwagen bereits vorher buchen, ohne Versicherung -> und dann vor Ort bei Abholung die Versicherung abschließen. Ist auch günstiger.
Devolvi el coche el dia 29 de junio Y. Dia de hoy no me devolvieron un el deposito de 500 y en el papel de vuelt pusiero sin nuevos daños y todo ok
Todella huonoa palvelua, tarjoavat autoja, joita ei oikeasti ole! Ensin tuli ilmoitus, odottavasta varauksesta ja ei tarvitse tehdä mitään. Sitten tuli 3 tunnin päästä ilmoitus, että varausta ei vahvistettu. Soitin heille ja he ilmoittivat, että et saanut vahvistusta koska heillä ei ole sopivaa autoa.
Lief alles bestens bei uns..Auto soweit top.. Man sollte vielleicht nicht versuchen beim Tanken zu tricksen das merken die...tankt also bitte unmittelbar vor der Rückgabe am Flughafen und nicht schon am Heimatort dann gibts auch sicher keine Scherereien. Vor der Übergabe wurde jeder Schaden genau dokumentiert und ich hatte bei keinem der MA den Eindruck dass irgendeiner vorhat, mir im Nachgang was anzuhängen..bei uns war die Kaution nach 2 Tagen wieder zurück..
Ganan dinero por dos vías: el alquiler y (sobre todo) el hacerte responsable de cualquier daño del coche pese a que tú no seas el causante ni el responsable. Se me ocurren mil calificativos para desahogarme pero mi reseña en realidad la escribo para que personas como yo no os veáis en mi misma situación de tener que pleitear con esta banda de cuatreros. Espero que el departamento jurídico al que he recurrido tenga éxito y les ponga en su sitio. En resumen: huid de Guerin para disfrutar de vuestra estancia en Madeira sin sobresaltos ni sentiros con la sensación e impotencia de haber sido estafados. Pd: Ahora es cuando ellos me responden públicamente que lamentan la situación, que les escriba para exponerles el caso.....qué vergüenza de gente!
Preislich absolut top! Wir waren sehr überrascht, dass wir erstens ein so großes Auto und zweitens einen Neuwagen (hatte gerade 800km drauf) bekommen haben - Wahnsinn! Somit keine Vorschäden zu finden und auch danach keine Schäden - wahrlich eine Seltenheit auf Inseln! Auch die geblockten 600 Kaution waren komischerweise schon vor Rückgabe des Autos nicht mehr geblockt. Sehr zu empfehlen!! Auch wenn hier einige negative Bewertungen zu finden sind, scheint sich Guerin wirklich deutlich verbessert zu haben!! Weiter so!
Super nice stuff. Great customer service. Super quick return of the deposit!
Auténticos estafadores. Al devolver el coche tiene un pequeño rascazo de no más de 10 cm del que no nos dimos cuenta( las carreteras en Madeira son muy muy estrechas) y nos dicen que es un golpe serio y que firmemos para que nos retengan la cantidad(sin decirnos cúal es)para la reparación. A lo cual nos negamos por este último detalle, después de mostrarles nuestra indignación nos dicen que van a ser 638,81eur por un rascazo.....una auténtica ESTAFA!!!. Cuando para más cabreo al entregarnos el coche nos comentaron que en el bajo de la parte delantera tenía un golpe y que no nos preocuparamos, con lo que tiene toda la pinta que te cobran y luego no lo arreglan. Sino queréis que os estropeen las vacaciones, ni se os ocurra contratar con esta empresa. Pongo fotos para que valoréis la broma de 638,81 eur( 499,02eur+22% iva y 24,59eur +iva de gastos gestión daños).
*AVOID* Gave us an upgrade we didn t not want which turned out to be a dodgy car with a sticky clutch. As we have never driven one of these cars before were thought this was normal but then less than 48 hours after getting the car, and not driven it much the clutch went. Now they want to charge us 1400 for a new one. Now we know sticking gears is a sign of the clutch about to go. So they gave us this upgrade we didn t want to give us a car they knew was about to go.
Never again! Next time only Sixt as they have a way better standard inusrance policy. Paid over 1.000 additionally for a scratch, which is way above reasonable as the repair is around 200 . Add some cost for the car not being used during the repair time, it should be 500 MAX. Do not recommend.
They won t disclose 1000 deposit at pick up which is robbery and then won t return it after the 24 WORKING DAYS they say it takes. Money scam and laundry. Do not go. Not worth going to this godless island
Very good car and professional service!
Da wir unseren anderen Mietwagen wegen Flugverspätung von gut 7h nicht mehr bekamen, buchten wir last minute hier ein Auto. Der Preis war völlig in Ordnung, obwohl wir 5h vor Abholung des Fahrzeugs erst gebucht hatten. Das Auto war auch sauber und funktionierte einwandfrei. Die Übernahme war ebenfalls problemlos. Wir gaben das Auto per Schlüsselbox zurück und ich erhielt wenige Stunden später schon den Bescheid, dass das Auto in Ordnung sei und zwei Tage später hatte ich die Kaution ebenfalls zurück. Uns wurden keine falschen Schäden angedichtet und auch sonst lief alles reibungslos. Als Kaution wurden 1000 oder 1400 auf der Kreditkarte geblockt (bin mir nicht mehr ganz sicher bei der Höhe). Dies ist nämlich der Betrag, welcher im Falle eines Schadens als Selbstbeteiligung bei uns angefallen wäre und stand auch so im Vertrag. Wahrscheinlich haben es manche überlesen, weshalb es am Ende für negative Überraschungen und Rezensionen sorgte. Wir hatten allerdings eine durchweg positive Erfahrung.
Alles top, schnelle und freundliche Auto An- und Abgabe. Obwohl wir 4 Stunden zu spät waren keine zusätzlichen Kosten:)
Staff Super simpáticos, eficientes, carros impecáveis, entregam em mãos contrato no início quer no final, Sr Antônio Rodrigues muito profissional.
I dont particularly recommend it, why: I had booked 1 month in advance from the booking site Booking. When I booked, I specified in the search filters that I was 20 years old and had more than 1? years of driving experience. When I arrived on the day of the reservation, I was told that I wasnt old enough to pick up the vehicle (21 years old). I explained the situation to the staff on site and nothing was possible for them, I had to go and see another agency... To conclude, I was not reimbursed (130 ) even though the vehicle was not used... So if youre in the same situation as me, Id recommend an agency like Funchal Drive Rent in Care, which accepts 20-year rentals.
Truely the best car rental I ve encountered in years. Efficient check-in, friendly personnel, clear guidelines and efficient hand in of the car. All documents are e-mailed immediately. Truely excellent experience
Vi fik god og hurtig hjælp ved ankomsten, ingen pres for ekstra forsikringer eller lign, hurtig venlig modtagelse af bilen ved returnering. Bilen var i god stand kørte fint uden problemer, billigste udbyder med bedste service
The overall experience was good and no problems were encountered.
Good service. No issues. Skoda Scala was perfect for all the hills. Only concern was car had several scrapes. I took a few pictures prior to driving the vehicle. No issues when dropping it off.
Everything was fine, at the airport there are 5 machines and a counter where the recording is fast, the drop-off was fast even at 7 in the morning. The only problem is that they will definitely deduct the 500 euro security deposit, which I received after 1 week, which was not written when booking online (I also had premium security). The car was ok, almost new.
Very good rental. Everything is fine and without any problems. Very polite staff and quick refund of the deposit. I recommend.
Alles hat reibungslos funktioniert. Wir haben ein sehr modernes Auto zu einem guten Preis bekommen. Von allen Anbietern am Flughafen wurde uns ihr der günstigste Preis angeboten.
Renting and pickup was smooth. However; I was overcharged on return for a scratch in paint that I did not notice. They told me that it would cost approximately $1000 and I should file a claim with my private insurance. This was not a dent but a scratch in paint that can be fixed up professionally for less than $200 in the US. I heard of similar incidents.
The airport is spacious, clean and well organized. All movement is intuitive. A one-of-a-kind runway.
Mauvaise expérience ! De nombreux frais volontairement dissimulés dans les contrats de location.
We had a good experience renting a car for 5 days here. We booked it online when we were still in Porto. Since Madeira airport is not so big, it is easy to find the location of the rental car. The check in process did not take so long. It depends on how many clients came at that time. Do not forget to show your booking reference to get it faster. Please, do not forget to take as many pictures of your car and the video for them not to charge things you did not do. The return process was also fast.
Wir haben unsere Kaution über 300 niemals zurückbekommen. Trotz mehrmaligem Kontaktversuch mit Guerin konnte keine Lösung gefunden werden. Wir mussten den Fall unserer Rechtsschutzversicherung übergeben und bekamen die Kaution von unserer Versicherung zurück. Eine Klage wäre in dem Fall teurer gewesen. Aber auch unsere Versicherung konnte von Guerin niemanden erreichen. Also bitte Vorsicht! Hier sind scheinbar Betrüger am Werk, die damit rechnen, dass die Touristen nach ihrer Reise zurück im Heimatland nicht viel erreichen.
At first I was quite upset as they quoted me three different prices and I was worried because of their bad rating. I didn t realise the reason the prices differed was because their system was not in sync with enterprise who I rented the car with and had used some of my loyalty points to decrease the price. Anyway got into an argument with the person at the counter which I feel bad about now. The car was super nice and clean. Tyres didn t have much profile left which can be tricky on the island. Check in and out was easy and quick and the lady at the end was super nice. I am posting this as this is a fair company and I think most of the bad reviews are due to poor synchronisation of the booking process. I will go here again next time. You can expect the same professional attitude as with enterprise and don t need to worry to get scammed. 5/5 despite the up and downs.
Super Service, faire Preise und toller Pkw.
We arrived at the airport and found the desk very easy to find after getting through airport security and border control. The lady spoke excellent English, and in all honesty, she could have been. The process was very efficient with all the normal formalities (insurance options). I would recommend ensuring you have cover for the underside of the vehicle. This may seem strange, but some of the roads in Madeira are very acute, and cars need reasonable ground clearance. We had a VW T-ROC, which was a 3 cylinder version that had just enough power for 4 people + luggage. Dont get me wrong, the ride was lovely, but some of the hills in Madeira are very steep. To pick the car up, you have to cross over a road and along a covered walkway to a lift and drop down 3 floors. Walk out into the main car hire carpark and go to an office of which there are three rental companies there (choose yours). The return of the car was just as straightforward as the pickup again lovely staff, and the handover was a simple process. Based on my personal experience, I would use this company again. Oh, I forgot to mention that to the key fob is a Guerin tag with a bar code on. If you present this to the attendant when paying for fuel, you get 2 cents per litre off the price. Whilst not sounding like much, it all helps.
Sadly a car hire company to avoid. We returned our car after a 3 week rental. The Guerin agent spent so much time looking around the car before finding a scuff on the wheel trim. She had to clear off dust to reveal this. They then charged us 85 Euros. I have claimed this back off my liability insurance but still feel the urge to write. Back at home, if I scuff the trim on my own car, then I use some cutting polish to improve it - or I just leave it. I do not contact my insurance company, I do not make a claim, I do not report it. I dont even notice it. In normal driving, my car suffers from odd scratches and scuffs like this; it is just wear and tear. By contrast, if I suffer damage to my own car - for example dented panels, breakages etc then I contact my insurance company and make a claim. Car rental companies should follow the same policy - wear and tear should be ignored; whilst they understandably require compensation for serious damage to their vehicle. In fact Guerin - and likely other car hire companies are going to great pains to find odd scratches and scuffs to their vehicles. Now that would be OK if they had any intention of carrying out a repair, or charging the customer a reasonable cost of a repair. But I dont believe that is the case. (if Guerin do send me a repair bill showing 85 euro cost I will update this review) Instead Guerin are inventing the cost of damage and just using this as a way of increasing their profits. Their agents are so keen to find minor damage - do they receive commission I wonder? This is a licence to print money. And as such that makes this a SCAM.
To be completely avoided... Too bad I didnt see the comments before booking.
Recepcionista Elizabete muito arrogante! Entreguei a viatura num dia entretanto fui lá no dia seguinte porque me esqueci da Pen na entrada usb( da viatura) e os mesmos dizem que não tinha nada e nem tentaram ir a viatura ver se estava ou não!! Se fazem isto com uma simples pen Imaginemos aos objetos de valor! Vergonha! Ladroes!
Super autop j ovna. V e prob hlo bez problému. Vyzvednutí i vrácení auta. Skoro v echna auta jsou tém nová. Cht li jsme d tskou seda ku, ta byla p ipravená v aut p esn jak jsme se dohodli. ádné dal í extra fees, depozit na kreditní kartu byl pouze 300 EUR. Moc nechápu zdej í negativní recenze, sta í po sob auto základn uklidit a nebýt prase.
I was a bit scared looking at the comments, but this rental car company looked the one with better score among the others. In my opinion everything went smoothly. The person at the desk was very helpful and nice explaining the car info. They didnt insist or ask for extra insurance (I bought full coverage from Discovercars website) and asked 300 euro as deposit. The car was new and amazing. After returning the car, the check control was quick and efficient. Got the deposit money back the day after.
Hatten einen Seat Ibiza für 10 Tage Es hat alles reibungslos geklappt. Der Vermieter sagt bei der Übergabe sogar man soll Bilder und Videos vom Fahrzeug machen - die wir aber bei der Rückgabe nichtmal benötigt haben da nichts beanstandet wurde. Ich kann die negativen Bewertungen null nachvollziehen .. JEDER ZEIT WIEDER
Wir sind über Check24 auf Guerin aufmerksam geworden und haben für unseren Urlaub für 12 Tage einen VW Polo gemietet. Bekommen haben wir einen BMW 1er mit Automatikgetriebe. Das Auto war ein Traum. Top gepflegt, alles sauber. Der gesamte Prozess von Anmietung bis zur Abgabe verlief reibungslos. Wir werden beim nächsten mal auf jeden Fall wieder bei Guerin mieten.
Atendimento muito simpático fizeram um upgrade a viatura, excelente
Nous devons louer une voiture à Madère au mois davril ça fait peur de voir les avis négatifs!!!!!
The queue is huge even at night, the people who work here are not nice at all. They establish in the rules that you must have a credit card, but if it s s in the cellphone, they do not accept it and force you to buy insurance for about 150 euros. Thats how they make money on all the people who have a credit card in the phone or a debit card. It s shame to have so awful service. You may judge the situation yourself but to me it looks like Guerin is trying to get more money from people rather than provide service.
The Best Rent a Car in Madeira 5*****
Wir hatten 3 Wochen einen VW Polo über ADAC bei Guerin gebucht. Bei der Fahrzeugübergabe werden alle sichtbaren Mängel gezeigt und im Übergabeprotokoll erfasst. Der Empfang am Flughafen und auch die Abgabe erfolgten professionell, das Personal war sehr freundlich. Wir würden wieder dort buchen.
Everything worked well. The check in and out was swift, the car is what was promised, in a good condition, plus a few comfort features I didnt expect.
Facile daccés
I was not able to pick up the car through the companys rules, the service employee was completely unhelpful, told to leave the stand. We were not given the car due to the exipred drivers license, so we wanted to pick it up for another driver, which we were prevented from doing. When we contacted the company a day later and informed them that the drivers license would arrive a day later, we were told that since we did not pick up the car, we would not pick it up again and we would lose the entire rental fee. If anyone is willing to risk their holiday plans and money, I highly recommend the company.
Très belle expérience. Nous avons loué une voiture ici et tout sest bien déroulé. Personnel au top et très professionnel. Voiture propre et en bonne état.
DO NOT RENT A CAR BY THEM! Unpleasant, expensive experience. I feel simply that it is my duty to warn other people about this issue. We came to Guevirn and wanted to take our reserved car. They rejected our card. We tried to speak with them and give other cards instead. The two ladies were very unpleasant, even didn t bother to help us. As we tried to do it ourselves by the automatic machine, they run to us and started yelling, as we were criminals. It was very bad experience. They knew that by the machine, the card would work! We wanted to call the police but we simply didnt want to have bad experience first day visiting Madeira, also the kids were tired and hungry. So, we simply left the 300 as for no show. We went just few steps to another rent a car where the card worked! We got the car of the same class and with even lower price. Lost money, but experience is engraved. Do not book in advance by Gueverin Madeira!
Ich habe bei Guerin im Februar 2023 für 2 Wochen einen Kleinwagen gemietet und erhielt einen gepflegten, sauberen VW-Polo. Abholung und Rückgabe des Fahrzeugs erfolgten schnell und unkompliziert. Das Guerin-Personal war freundlich und professionell. Ich bin sehr zufrieden mit meiner Mietwagen-Buchung und würde wieder bei Guerin mieten. Lassen Sie sich nicht von den negativen Rezensionen verunsichern. Diese stammen überwiegend von Leuten, die sich vorher nicht über die Buchungsbedingungen informiert haben. Dass man mit einer Debitkarte oder Barzahlung keinen Mietwagen übernehmen kann ist in Europa üblich, nicht nur bei Guerin Aeroporto Madeira. Das gilt auch dann, wenn das Auto bereits im Voraus an ein Buchungsportal bezahlt wurde.
Everything went well. At first there was a misunderstanding as to whether I booked with or without an automatic system - but that was then clarified. The car, a Peugeot 3005 hybrid, was brand new and I surprisingly liked it. Unfortunately there was no charging cable included, but in the mountains I got the battery half full through recuperation.
Terrible service They only have the phone to look good in the office.
Gosto muito da Guerin
É Muito Boa Renta a car. Staf 5 estrelas
Samochód nowy i czysty. Odbiór sprawny. Przy odbiorze pracownik wskaza jedyne uszkodzenie na prawych drzwiach. By o po deszczu i adnych innych uszkodze nie widzia em. Pó niej w s o cu dostrzeg em mikro uszkodzenia lakieru - na innych drzwiach, pod klap baga nika. Mia em obawy, czy nie b d za nie rozliczony. Pracownicy jednak nie szukaj dziury w ca ym i przy oddawaniu auta nie mieli uwag (oczywi cie je dzi em ostro nie i adnej szkody nie spowodowa em). Przed oddaniem auta dok adnie je umy em i odkurzy em, wi c w tej kwestii nawet jakby kto chcia si przyczepi , to by nie móg . Proces oddawania samochodu przebieg zatem równie sprawnie. Pracownicy dobrze mówi po angielsku. Jedyna uwaga (cho nie na tyle du a, eby nie da 5 gwiazdek): nie dosta em odpowiedzi na mojego maila wys anego kilka dni przed przylotem. Zatem wci nie wiem, jak wygl da post powanie w przypadku du ego opó nienia lotu - czy i kiedy rezerwacja przepada, czy obs uga w tej sytuacji ledzi loty, skoro poda em numer w odpowiednim polu na Discovercars.
Gebuchtes Auto war super und neu. Upgrade auf Automatikgetriebe. Autoübernahme-/Abgabe waren ebenfalls gründlich und kompetent und ohne großartige Inspektionen bezüglich kleinster Kratzer. Kaution kam sehr schnell wieder zurück. Allerdings versuchen die Mitarbeiter am Schalter noch irgendwelche eigenen Zusatzpakete und weitere Versicherungen anzudrehen bzw. zu verkaufen, obwohl vorher über Check24 alles abgesichert wurde und dies aufgeführt wurde und der Bedarf verneint wurde. Na ja, bitterer Beigeschmack, ob das System hat...
Lief alles absolut top. Buchung, Support, Abholung des Fahrzeuges und Übergabe vor Abflug. Alles sehr unkompliziert, das Auto (BMW 1er) war absolut spitze. Ich werden Guerin wieder wählen!
We had a great experience with guerin, the process was easy and uncomplicated, checkin and checkout was quick. The car was as booked and advertised (BMW 1er) Recommended.
After reading the 1001 worst possible reviews for car rental companies in Europe, we chose Guerin for our trip to Madeira. The service at reception was efficient and Pedro did his best to serve us quickly despite the fact that he was alone at the counter and had to serve several customers in addition to taking calls. After a quick inspection, the staff quickly put us at ease and didnt seem to be stressed about the vehicles condition. Unfortunately, the very next day, the car showed a lack of pressure in the front left tire and we had to put air in it 3 times. We had to go back to the airport during our vacation to change vehicles completely, and on the spot Elizabeth also served us well despite the fact that they were really busy. She offered us an upgrade to a bmw diesel and made the swap quickly to accommodate us without wasting too much time. I recommend this company without hesitation, theyre relaxed and do their best to meet customers needs. Thanks to Elizabeth and the team! good job! much love from Canada
No problems. Good price. Fair and friendly employees. Would recommend. Our rental was for a 9 day vacation.
Be careful!!! Car rental only accepts CREDIT CARDS!!! We lost money for cancellation fees because they simply wont give you a car without a credit card where they will block your deposit. And absolutely no one will talk to you... Just cancel the reservation and pay the cancellation fee. Horrible way to lose money!!
Had very positive experience. The car was new, easy pick up and drop off. No issues
July 2023 Just got billed for front bumper damage after I got home. No damage when I dropped it off ( see photos) This company seems to have a policy of charging for non existent damages ( see many other reviews). Disgraceful extortionists. Never use Guerin.
Very quick to check-in and to check-out. Nice and clean car. Dont forget your CREDIT CARD, not your DEBIT. I had an issue but they fixed it. Very disappointed after returning the car. I dropped it at 4:45 in the morning, when all gas stations are closed; the closest opened one is in Funchal; I fulled the tank there and went back to the airport (30km); So the tank is nearly full. Then I dropped the keys in the keybox (the desk is closed at this time) as expected and I received an invoice of 41.95 for missing gasoline!!!! They say they put 11,95 of gasoline, with a 30 fee. Look at my gauge on the photo; I am sure they could put no more than 2 or 3 liters of gasoline. I emailed the customer service and they gave me the refund of what they charged.
Alles gut geklappt. Unser Flug war verspätet bzw. konnten wir nicht auf Madeira landen. Wir sind zurück nach Lissabon und haben dort eine Nacht verbracht. Es war zu spät um jemand zu erreichen. Wir hatten schon bedenken das unsere Buchung verfällt. Aber als wir dann am nächsten Tag ankamen war es kein Problem den Wagen zu bekommen die Übergabe hat wunderbar geklappt. Erst ab 24 Stunden Verspätung wäre es zu Problemen gekommen. Wir sind zusammen um das Auto gegangen und haben vorhandene Schäden begutachtet. Wir hatten einen VW Polo relativ neues Baujahr, den würde ich allerdings nicht empfehlen weil die Berge auf Madeira schon echt extrem sind und man teilweise nur im ersten Gang hoch kommt. Lieber etwas mit mehr PS buchen !! Wir sind in 6 Tagen knapp 600kilometer gefahren ich weiß wovon ich rede
Bei der Abholung wurde uns gesagt, dass wir keine Versicherung gebucht haben, obwohl wir alle Dokumente dabei hatten. Die Frau und der Mann am Schalter glaubten uns nicht und buchten uns schließlich 218 nochmals ab. Mit Rücksprache seitens check24 wurde uns gesagt, dass dieser Vorgang nicht rechtens ist und wir bereits vollen Schutz bezahlt hatten. Daraufhin versuchten wir das Personal am Schalter zuerreichen, die nicht an das Telefon gingen. Absolut unseriös und das Geld ist weg.
l avion a un peu de retard. mais Guerin n attendra pas. agence fermée à notre arrivée. planté a l aéroport malgré une location prépayée injoignable avant pendant et après. guignols
Clean, small and friendly
Ho noleggiato lauto con booking, poi a causa delle condizioni meteo laereo non è atterrato. Loperatore booking ha cancellato la prenotazione ma sto aspettando da un mese il rimborso di 317 euro. Ho chiamato booking molte volte ma loro non possono fare niente finché Guerin non gli risponde e conferma che lauto non è mai stata ritirata. Ma che ci vuole a rispondere?? Mi viene da pensare che non rispondono per tenersi i soldi.... Quando riavrò i miei soldi sarò felice di cambiare la mia opinione. Numero prenotazione 757652581. INTANTO SONO PASSATI 40 GIORNI.....
With immense disappointment, I am expressing my opinion about the car rental agency. This experience was utterly frustrating and unsatisfactory. After making a reservation and arriving at the location, I was informed that the rental agency only accepts credit cards as a form of payment - in line with their rental terms. I did not possess such a card, so I was denied the car rental service. What was even more baffling was that despite my willingness to pay for the service, I was rendered incapable of renting a car due to a lack of a specific payment method. I wanted to contact the intermediary, DiscoverCars, but due to the late hour, I did not have that option, resulting in finding myself in an utterly inconvenient situation without a car in an unfamiliar place. What was suprpsing, later - the rental agency offered me the option to use my debit card, even though they initially claimed it was not possible. However, they demanded a significantly higher fee for this option, approximately 150 EUR more for 4 days. This not only appears dishonest, but also seems to be an attempt to deceive customers and extract additional funds from them. This experience was not only unreliable, but it also left me feeling exploited as a customer. Under no circumstances can I recommend this car rental agency, which not only fails to adhere to its own terms but also attempts to profit from dishonest practices at the expense of customers.
Ritiro dellauto veloce, molto bene. La macchina non era adeguata, in salita non arrivava a 40km/h (Madeira è unisola con MOLTE pendenze), rendendo il transito pericoloso. Abbiamo chiesto un cambio auto che ci hanno accordato anche se ci hanno detto che quella è una delle auto in dotazione che davano normalmente anche se tutti se ne lamentavano. Consegna auto: abbiamo consegnato molto presto al mattino con ufficio chiuso cè la possibilità di lasciare le chiavi in una cassetta di sicurezza, molto comodo ma mal segnalato.
No problems, everything is fine Had a nice rental car
An sich war es eine sehr angenehme Erfahrung ABER, und das zieht vier Sterne ab, bei der Rückgabe wurde beim, kurz zuvor VOLL getanktem Golf, eine geringere Restreichweite festgestellt. Das nachgetankte Benzin, bestenfalls zwei Liter, schlugen dann mit über 45 Euro zu Buche. Also doch nicht wieder weil es auch mal eben DREI Wochen dauerte das abzurechnen. Da es gerade eine Antwort gab, im Gegensatz zu meiner Anfrage im Serviceportal der Firma vervollständige ich das mal mit ein paar Daten Die Kontraktnummer war die 4536899 und der Rückgabetag der 06.06.23
Alles bestens! Sehr freundliche und kompetente Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter kümmerten sich sehr schnell und unkompliziert um meine Anliegen. Der gemietete Wagen war in sehr gutem Zustand. Alles war sauber und ordentlich. Auch die Rückgabe war schnell erledigt. Noch bevor ich einen Parkplatz gefunden hatte war eine Mitarbeiterin bei mir, hat den Rückgabeprozess begonnen und wir waren nach etwa 5 Minuten fertig. Wirklich ein toller Service!
I rented a car from Guerin and had an accident, it wasnt my fault, but I still had to pay almost 2000 when I returned the car, with the fact that money being refunded after the incident was investigated. I had it insured through RentalCover, but I got a reply from them that Guerin doesnt respond to any emails at all. They also dont respond to emails from me. 4 months have already passed. They probably want to keep the money from the insurance company and my money too.
Während unseres Aufenthaltes auf Madeira haben wir über dieses Unternehmen ein Auto gemietet. Bereits bei der Abholung wurde uns gesagt, dass die per Mail zugesendete Information die Kaution für unser Fahrzeug würde 300 betragen falsch sei. Daraufhin wurde meine Kreditkarte mit 1000 belastet. Leider blieb uns keine andere Wahl als dies zu akzeptieren weil wir auf das Auto angewiesen waren. Die Rückgabe erfolgte per Schlüsselbox da unser Flug außerhalb der Öffnungszeiten ging. Einen Tag danach sendete man mir eine Rechnung per Mail für einen angeblich verursachten Schaden am Front Bumper über 457 , welche dann auch direkt von meinem Konto abgebucht wurden. Es wurde definitiv kein Schaden am Fahrzeug verursacht. Bei der Rückgabe habe ich entsprechende Fotos als Beweis gemacht. Leider erhält man absolut keine Antwort von diesem Anbieter, weder schriftlich noch telefonisch. Die Angelegenheit wird dem Anwalt übergeben. Mein Rat: Halten Sie sich fern von diesem Anbieter, es gibt genüg andere am Flughafen!
Levantamento do carro feito a despachar. Para descartar responsabilidades, mandam filmar no momento da entrega para depois não haver queixas. Foi filmado, porém tinha um risco mesmo por baixo no para-choques, impossível de detectar com a luz do dia no momento da recepção. No momento da entrega é feita revisão do veículo ao detalhe. Voltas e voltas por fora e por dentro do carro. O recepcionista foi mal educado quando confrontado com o serviço prestado. Como consequência por um risco mínimo no plástico do para choques ficou uma despesa de 450 . Não recomendo a Guerin. A queixa será devidamente apresentada no livro vermelho.
On a loué un véhicule qui est tombé en panne le deuxième jour sur une entrée dautoroute. Nous navons pas reçu dexcuses pour le danger occasionné et les heures perdues par ce véhicule défectueux. On nous retire de largent de la caution car on nous accuse dêtre tombé dans un trou qui a causé la panne! Le deuxième véhicule quon nous a prêté avait un pneu dégonflé. Agence de location que nous avons trouvé extrêmement dangereuse par la qualité des véhicules que nous avons eu.
fiz reserva através de booking para carro médio (pegueot 308), com seguro incluido do booking (da zurich), com caução de 1.000 , bem identificado aquando a reserva no booking. Ao chegar à Madeira, a bancada da Guerin no aeroporto está bem identificada. a Sra que nos atendeu foi extremamente simpática e explicou como funciona as novas bancadas de check-in. Foi super-rápido. Ainda tivemos direito a um upgrade para um automóvel de gama superior, neste caso um Ford Kuga com 35.000kms. Espetáculo, foi bastante bom para as subidas da ilha. O check-out foi espetacular, super-rápido, verificaram em 5 minutos os riscos e não houve novidades: tudo OK. Vamos ter saudades do Kuga!
Travelled and rented a car from Oct 15 to 21st, 2023. Had a great experience from the start as we rented a bigger car than we had initially wanted my mistake but they were nice enough to understand and switched it to a smaller car, (without making a fuss) suited to drive around on the island... everything was explained to us etc and the drop off was an easy process as well . Would definitely use them again when we return to this beautiful island.
Rented a vehicle for our trip, on arrival we recieved great service ! Vehicle was checked, clean and good to drive, on returning the vehicle, Paolo gave us great service. ! Highly recommend
Great team and vehicle used was great and ideal to use around the island of maderia.
Wynajmowali my auto przez 11 dni. Wszystko przebieg o zgodnie z planem, umowa, depozyt, p atno przebieg a sprawnie. Wydanie auta równie . Pojazd nowy (ok. 4 tys przebiegu), czysty, w 100% sprawny. Przy zwrocie auta nie by o adnych problemów, depozyt odblokowany po kilku dniach. Polecam!
Best Rent a car company in the world The employees are very kind and helpful and the service is awesome
Voiture récente et propre. Personnel au minimum de ces compétences. Heureusement, on a loué la voiture pas le personnel. Je recommande
Fazem várias verificações estéticas externas e pedem pra gravar um vídeo, na devolução não havia funcionários e não houve conferências. Recebi cobrança de 160 euros de uma chapeleira que já estava danificada inclusive relatado no checkin, empresa desonesta, não recomendo!
ACHTUNG! Sehr unseriöses Unternehmen! Ich empfehle wirklich niemanden, bei diesem Autovermieter zu buchen. Unsere Kreditkartendaten hatten wir aufgrund der Kaution hinterlegt. Diese wurde zwei mal (ca 2 Wochen später ein weiteres Mal ) mit EXTREM hohen Beträgen (über 1400 Euro) belastet und wir haben bis heute nicht das Geld zurück erhalten! Wenn man Guerin daraufhin kontaktiert, bekommt man keine Rückmeldung. Niemals wieder werden wir bei dieser Autovermietung buchen! BE CAREFUL! Very dubious company! I really dont recommend anyone to book with this car rental company. We had provided our credit card details because of the deposit. This was charged twice (about 2 weeks later again) with EXTREMELY high amounts and we have not received the money back to this day! If you then contact Guerin, you will not receive any response. We will never book with this car rental company again!
Madeira Dec 2 to 9. Picked up car and couldnt connect to Android Auto. Tania and Marco persisted and ensured that I left with a cell phone that connected to the radio. The checkin process was quick and easy, though it was the service provided by Tania and Marco that will make me a repeat customer. Muito obrigado.
Alugamos um Polo para passear pela ilha por 4 dias, através do Booking. Estávamos com receio por tantos comentários negativos para todas as locadoras na Madeira, mas correu tudo bem na nossa experiência. Fizemos fotos e vídeos na retirada, devolvemos antes da hora de abertura que é 7h30 no aeroporto e não 7h, como diz aqui. Deixamos a chave na caixa. Mesmo assim, foi tranquilo, recebemos a caução alguns dias depois. Obs: - O Booking dizia que a caução seria de 1000 e foi de 600 para este carro. - Não fizemos nenhum seguro adicional e também não foi insistido. - O atendimento no balcão na chegada é um pouco caótico, muitos clientes ao mesmo tempo então fica difícil para os atendentes. Isto passa um pouco de insegurança infelizmente. - O carro para duas pessoas foi suficiente mas ainda passamos algum trabalho para as subidas da ilha. Se não for um condutor experiente melhor investir em um carro mais potente.
Unfortunately I cannot recommend Guerin. They grossly overcharged for a scratch on the side door, making me sign without telling me honestly what I signed off on. I feel scammed!
Wypo yczony samochód dobrze sprawdzi si na wyspie.Na lotnisku zap aci em 600 euro kaucji która mi zosta a zwrócona. Us uga bardzo pomocna polecam
Skv lá p j ovna. Pronájem p es Rentalcars dokon ený pomocí samooblu ného terminálu, není pot eba nikomu nic diktovat. P átelský personál. P edání auta bez problém - free upgrade na nové BMW (15k najeto). Na aut pár od enin, které jsou poctiv zaznamenané v kontraktu. Vrácení auta bez ekání - zkontrolovali si ho pozd ji sami. Depozit ihned vrácen, ádný problém. Ne e te negativní recenze, ka dá autop j ovna je má. Sta í vrátit auto v po ádku a není se eho bát.
Très bonne expérience avec cette société de location qui nous a proposé une OPEL assez puissante pour affronter les pentes raides de lîle. Premier contact très chaleureux à la sortie de laéroport, puis la réception de la voiture sur le parking, tout est parfait et les informations sont digitalisées , cest très pro ! Idem pour le retour. Bravo à toute léquipe. Je recommande
Fantastic Airport especially great to watch planes landing and taking off on/from such a small airport. The windy nature of the island makes the scene very special.
Verwirrung, dauert bis man was findet.
Uns minutos após aterrar no Funchal e ainda na pista recebemos indicação de que as nossas reservas tinham sido canceladas sem qualquer explicação lógica para o sucedido... Primeiro alegadamente por falta de pagamento e depois por não termos procedido à recolha das viaturas no horário previsto, sendo que chegamos ao local meia hora antes e as reservas estavam obviamente pagas... Ao fim de bastante tempo lá se resolveu, mas o serviço foi uma vergonha! Nunca mais!
We had a very good experience with this car rental - easy take over process, friendly staff, the car was in a very good condition, only a few scratches on the car (but you are immediately instructed to take the pictures), we can recommend this car rental.
Reservierung über Sunny Cars. Vermieter vor Ort Guerin. Checkout des Economy Mietwagens am self-service Terminal im Flughafen. Ohne Papier. Einfach und stressfrei. Personal freundlich. Zugang zu Außenparkplatz über die Fahrstühle war leicht zu finden. Die Übergabe ebenfalls elektronisch. VW Polo mittleren Alters mit 15k Kilometer. Gepflegt von Innen und Außen einige Macken. Aber verträglich. Sonst wenig Power. Berghoch bei 4-5k Umdrehungen. Rückgabe sehr professionell. Kratzer (Neuschaden) bei Regen entdeckt. Abwicklung des Schadens ordnungsgemäß aber mit Papierkram und unklarer Kalkulation in der Abrechnung. Dennoch keine Abzocke. Empfehlung für Madeira: Immer die Selbstbeteiligung inkl. Unterboden auf 0 reduzieren. Das spart Zeit und Überraschungen. Wer Madeira kennt - hier kann schnell was passieren. Feedback dient nicht der Verunsicherung wegen dem Kratzer. Guerin ist zu empfehlen. Erfahrung war gut
Mi experiencia fue totalmente buena. Muy buena atención de los empleados, explicándome todos los detalles y dudas del alquiler y del coche. Coches de primeras marcas, modernos y limpios. Devolución íntegra de la fianza a los pocos días de finalizar el servicio. Sin duda repetiría.
Sehr nette und kompetente Mitarbeiterin am Guerin-Schalter. Ich hatte Schwierigkeiten mit meiner Kreditkarte. Die Mitarbeiterin hatte schnell und unkompliziert eine Lösung gefunden. Somit konnte ich das Fahrzeug zeitnah übernehmen. Das Auto war in Ordnung und nach 14 Tagen erfolgte die Rückgabe. Alles bestens und somit empfehle ich Guerin uneingeschränkt weiter.
Pro Great car, fantastic deal, hassle free. Great customer service. Good Communication No upsell tactics Cons: Excess fee was a bit high.
Anfangs günstiger Preis wird beim abgegeben wieder wer gemacht..nicht zu empfehlen
Nul super nul mon vol à été annulé et mis au lendemain et ils n ont fait aucun effort ils m ont annulé ma réservation en me prévenant par mail à 9h46 qu à 10h je perdais ma réservation alors que ce n était pas de am faute et que je ne demandais pas de remboursement pour le jour pas pris donc à EVITER
Service was ok. Staff friendly, but the car was not suitable for an island as Madeira. The car (volkswagen polo) 1.0 litre (80 pk) is dangerous for riding in Madeira because of the difference in heights.
The process of renting a vehicle from this company was totally disastrous!!!! The vehicle was firstly booked and paid online. A simple and trouble free process. Already at the agency the process became simply tragic! The card used to pay for the rental could not be used to pay the deposit, because it was not in the drivers name... we would understand this clause if we were renting the vehicle without the insurance against all risks, but this was not the case, so the only argument to enforce this (although covert) is to try to get some extra money in case of collision, from the insurance company that covers the credit card. Of course, that this insurance company will only pay for accidents caused by their clients. Therefore the client needs to be hold as the driver. In order not to create more problems, my husband decided to rent the car under his name using his credit card to cover the deposit. What is not our surprise when the attendant rejected the card for not having the word credit inscribed on the card!!!! We have rented cars countless times in Europe with this card without any problem, but in this Guerín it is not enough to be a credit card, one has to be able to read the word credit to be accepted... Where was this information written at the time we rented and paid the car online? Nowhere, because to collect the car payment they dont care if the credit card had the words credit written on it or if the card was in the drivers name... once they have your money they start applying rules you didnt even know existed. In short, the car had to be rented in the name of a fourth person who was not even going to use the vehicle just because this person had a credit card with the word credit written on it !!!!! And the gentleman, all offended for not knowing how to deal with our sarcasm (yes, 2 hours later some sarcasm was needed to deal with this) told us he was doing us a favour! because he could simply deny the rental under the pretext that the name from the online reservation and the name of the now first driver did not match. Unbelievable this attitude! Especially considering we paid extra for the person who booked the car could be added as second driver! I cannot recommend this company to anyone....There are many local car rental companies in Madeira Island that offer better prices and dont require any security deposits or absurd bureaucracy to rent the car. Opt for those... PS: The 3 stars go to the guy who works there, who without a single good argument has been defending Guerín with all his heart. He naturally does what hes asked and despite his petty and offended attitude, we know this is not his fault.
En este caso la reseña tendria que ser a Booking no a Guerin. Alquile un coche con una tarjera de debito y al llegar al aeropuerto a las 22:00 se la noche nos dicen que para retirarlo tiene que ser de credito. Hemos tenido que alquilar un coche en el aeropuerto mismo con otra compañia.
Schneller, freundlicher und unkomplizierter Service an allen Stationen: Schalter im Terminal, Fahrzeug-Übergabe und Fahrzeug-Rückgabe. Upgrade von Renault Clio auf Renault Megane Kombi bekommen. Auto in sehr gutem Zustand, gut 20.000 km runter, starker Motor (sehr wichtig für Madeira). Wir waren sehr zufrieden, vielen Dank!
DO NOT RENT A CAR WITH GUERIN!! We rented a car with this company in Madeira. The car had a scratch and the worker from Guerin who gave it to us at the airport told us she was not going to note it down in the car report because it didnt matter, scratches were not important and they wouldnt charge us for that anyway. When we came back to return the car they said oh! there is a scratch, you have to pay 327 euros for that. We argued with them for 1 hour and asked to talk with the same worker that gave us the car, as she knew about the scratch. But they said she was not working that day and it was impossible to call her on her phone. WOW. We had to pay and leave to get our flight. We are extremely angry with this company and I just read in TRUSTPILOT other people had the exact same experience with them (GUERIN has a really bad score on TrustPilot). You are thieves.
Funcionários do estação do aeroporto simpáticos, mas, nada recepctivos a efectuar alterações ao contrato. Supervisor não demonstrou qualquer disponibilidade para poder efectuar uma troca de um veículo de 9 lugares por 2 veículos mais pequenos e de gama inferior, ficando eu prejudicado em termos de valores, no entanto, estava disponível para tal. Pretendia a troca uma vez que não me sentia seguro a conduzir a carrinha em causa, devido às suas dimensões e piso molhado, que fazia com que a carrinha derrapasse várias vezes nas ruas e estradas da ilha. Expliquei a situação, os funcionários compreenderam, ainda tentaram descartar a pensar que tinha reservado pela internet por outro site, porém, como reservei directamente no site da Guerin, fui informado que apenas podiam fazer a troca da carrinha por 1 carro, ou seja, teria de pagar outro carro. Esta decisão não faz qualquer sentido, quando eu já estava a pagar mais por estar a alugar uma carrinha, e ficando prejudicado ao alugar 2 viaturas de gama inferior (mais baratos) a Guerin ainda ganhava pois podia voltar a alugar a carrinha a outro cliente. Claro que a minha decisão foi não aceitar a proposta que a companhia efectuou. Não recomendo o aluguer de viaturas através da Guerin. Empresa nada flexível a ouvir o cliente e a resolver as situações.
Prime tevreden over deze auto verhuurder. Halverwege de vakantie een foutmelding van de auto, zonder problemen direct een nieuwe gekregen.
Kurze Wartezeit und freundliche Mitarbeiter.
Hat alles schnell und ohne lange Wartezeiten geklappt. Das Auto war tipptopp und gar eine Klasse höher als gebucht.
GROSSE ARNAQUE , ENTREPRISE MALHONNÊTE nous avons payés la location de la voiture plus la une caution en liquide de 300euro lors de notre réservation sur place à l aéroport de plus qui nous a bien était précisée qu elle Serait rendu tout de suite quand le véhicule sera rendu . Au moment de rendre la voiture à 7h le matin , un employer qui réceptionne les véhicules nous dit que tout es ok mais la Caution seras rendu par virement étant donné qu ils avaient nos coordonnées bancaires pris de court devant prendre notre avion nous ne cherchons pas spécialement d explication et faisons confiance et nous partons. Le guichet à l aéroport bien sûr fermer à cette heure ci conclusion la caution de 300 ne nous n a jamais était Rendu . Impossible de les joindres par téléphone, et quand on essayent de les joindres par e-mail la réponse Et que leurs boîtes est pleines !!! Manque de professionnalisme et malhonnête
Booked through Sunnycars. Almost brand new car, fast and friendly service at Checkin, Pickup, Dropoff.
Sin ningún problema. Rápido. Seguro básico y no tuvimos problema.
Die Autoabholung war super gut gewesen. Das Fahren war ganz okay, bis auf on der Mitte die Handbremse dass war etwas schwer gewesen. Das zurück bringen vom Auto war okay, aber es war im oberen Bereich sehr verwirrend bis man wusste wie man fährt und zu dem Abstellplatz gekommen ist
Nulla da dire riguardo la gentilezza degli operatori che mi hanno consegnato la macchina. Tutto da dire da 24 ore dopo la riconsegna. Premesso che ho sbagliato a non fare le foto perché, a meno che non mi sia drogata o non mi sia rimbambita, NON ho sbattuto con la macchina e avevo lassicurazione completa con Rentalcars, mi arriva la mail da Guerin che la macchina è rotta in due punti e, strano il caso, limporto del danno è pari alla caparra più 12 . Ma che fortuna aver pagato una caparra pari al danno (???) Che non sapevo di aver fatto! Ancora più fortuna è che il presunto danno sia stato valutato in meno di 24 ore! A Madeira il tempo non scorre, penso mi trasferirò. Ma sicuramente non noleggerò più unauto da questa compagnia. Per di più,auto pessima: non reggeva la terza su una normalissima strada di città a 50 km/h. Mia nonna di 95 anni ha più potenza e fiato. Se avessi fatto tutto a piedi sarei arrivata prima e mi sarei risparmiata le magie del Natale alla macchina. Fotografate pure il tubo di scappamento se noleggiate con questi.
Thank you for a great service! We rented a car for one week directly at the airport, deposit were returned on the next day of our return! Highly recommend!
Connosco foram impecáveis. Quando levantei a viatura tirei fotos (com data) como costumo fazer. Já nos tentaram vender seguros mas recusamos amavelmente. Quanto a viatura (Volkswagen Up) já nos propuseram fazer um upgrade para uma viatura mais potente. Recusamos mas realmente era necessário uma viatura com mais cavalos.
Chego ao aeroporto e é me recusado o aluguer do veículo mesmo com uma reserva feita... NUNCA MAIS! Péssimo serviço ao cliente, optei por outra empresa de aluguer. Alamo/Guerin nunca mais!! Péssima forma de iniciar as férias...
Fuyez !!!! Ne louez pas dans cette agence ! Ces gens sont très serviables et charmants mais quand je prends la voiture et quà peine je conduis la voiture un témoin de perte dair sallume, on me dis que je suis responsable à 100% et on me prend 343 euros pour remplacer un pneu d Opel corsa (qui selon moi etait réparable. ( prix normal 130 max). SCANDALEUX!
On a réservé en ligne, avec un paiement à lagence. Sauf quune fois arrivé on a refusé de nous louer la voiture car on a une CB française mais en débit ( standart) !! Et eux ne veulent que des cartes à crédit, car ils peuvent charger le montant quils souhaitent sans limite... Du vol
Facil estando com tudo em ordem
Gute Autovermietung - fast 5 Sterne ! Insgesamt eine sehr positiver Erfahrung mit Guerin. Der Schalter im Flughafen ist leicht zu finden und war gut besetzt, keine Wartezeit. Fahrzeugübergabe gleich gegenüber auf dem Parkplatz am Terminal durch einen Guerin Mitarbeiter. Alles wurde genau erklärt und dokumentiert. Jeder Kratzer und Schramme. Kleinere Lackschäden werden ignoriert. Mein Hinweis, dass der Tank nicht ganz voll war, wurde auch aufgenommen. Ich konnte das Fahrzeug mit gleichem Tankstand wieder abgeben. Rückgabe dann auch voll ok. Alles wurde lt. Protokoll geprüft und dokumentiert. Sehr freundlicher und kompetenter Man auf dem Parkplatz!!! Da bei uns keine zusätzlichen Schäden entstanden waren, wurde das Auto korrekt und zügig zurückgenommen. Mir wurden auch keine Schäden angedichtet oder unterstellt, wie hier teilweise geschrieben wird. Und Upgrade Gutschein für die nächste Miete dann auch noch erhalten. Guerin ist also aus meiner Sicht eine gute und korrekte Autovermietung. Leider nicht die 5 Sterne, da das Aufdrängen am Schalter von sinnlosen Zusatzversicherungen sehr sehr lästig ist, insbesondere wenn man alleine mit 3 Kindern reist! Liebe Guerin Mitarbeiterinnen - ich brauche keine Autoschlüssel-Verlier-Versicherung, keine Super-Sonder-Abschleppversicherung, auch keine Bearbeitungsgebühr-Rückerstattungsversicherung bei platten Reifen. Auch nicht gegen Meteoriteneinschlag oder Vulkanausbruch oder Tsunami-Monsterwelle! Einfach nur das Auto rausgeben bitte, alles andere bucht man am besten zu Hause vor der Reise!!! Alles in allem würde/werde ich dort wieder buchen.
Pequenos detalhes.
Very good price. Rental without any particular worries. Of course they always try to sell you insurance or other vehicles more expensive (seat Ibiza is more than enough to go anywhere on the island even on big climbs Overall good rental agency
Excellent experience, very professional and the staff are very nice and helpful! Highly recommend!!
It is a no go... Staff is unprofessional and very slow... 1h to get the car that was booked online... The worst renting company I know...
We rented a Seat Ibiza for one week in Funchal airport. We received a good, straight forward service, we were told about all the insurance options without being pushy. The car was clean and in good condition. We returned the car to the same car park where we collected, the return was very quick. One member of staff checked the car and we were told we will receive our 300 deposit in a few days.
Super Preis-Leistung. Benötigten kurzfristig ein Auto, da unser gebuchtes Auto einer anderen Gesellschaft plötzlich nicht mehr zur Verfügung stand. Die sehr freundlichen Guerin Mitarbeiterinnen waren sofort für uns da und konnten uns ein Auto zu einem guten Preis vermieten.
Quick summary: our experience with Guerin was near-perfect. Upon arrival there was no queue, so we were assisted straight away. Unfortunately, my credit card didnt work on their machines, so we had to get creative to submit the deposit. Once this was fixed, it was smooth sailing. The pickup was very easy and the Guerin employee showed us all the existing damages. He added that small scratches wont be seen as damage. The car was in excellent condition. We drove a 1-series diesel BMW with rear-wheel drive. The A/C worked fine and the car was very comfortable. It had enough power to drive effortlessly around Madeira, even though the island has some steep roads. Return was equally easy. The employee checked the car quickly and assured us that no further charges would be made. Overall very content with Guerin. Would definitely rent here again as the price and service was excellent.
Excellent experience with Guerin for our 10 days car rental in Madeira. Guerin airport office: Very rapid, efficient service with very good explanations about the pick-up point. The Car Rental area is not very easy to find (same area for all the car rental companies), but the directions map received from the Guerin office helped us to find it quite easily. Pick-up: The employee was very polite and friendly and extremely efficient. The car was almost new (900 km) and in perfect condition. A very important point to be mentioned: the hygiene/sanitary measures linked to actual situation were perfectly put in place, providing us a maximum protection (the car was crystal clean & desinfected). Drop-off: The same employee checked-up the car, the entire process being very rapid and efficient as well. Very good job! Highly recommended!
Zeer vriendelijk mr. bleef ons wachten tot 1 uur savonds connection flight tap zeer slecht.
Très bonne agence de location. Aucun problème, service rapide : surclassement de la voiture à notre arrivée (Kadjar vs Captur), tour de la voiture rapide et sans rien oublié. Au retour : tour de la voiture rapide et sans problème ou arnaque. Je relouerai une voiture chez eux sans problème.
I had an awful experience with Guerin. They scammed us out of our money. DO NOT USE GUERIN. In fact, do not use any of the car rental places at Funchal airport - its a lot easier, cheaper, and better service if you rent a car directly from one of the car hire places in the centre of town. I booked a rental car for a week-long holiday with Guerin via All smooth sailing in terms of the booking process, but when we arrived to pick up the car, Guerin said we needed a credit card to place a deposit. This was hidden away in the small print of our booking, and often the distinction between a credit card and a debit card is lost in translation, so we didnt realise until we had arrived. Guerin were extermely unhelpful as they wouldnt let us use any other type of deposit - not a credit card taken over the phone (it had to be physically present), not a debit card, not even a cash deposit. It is a bizarre policy to have to take a 300 deposit exclusively by physically present credit card. This is the policy of almost all of the airport car hire desks. Guerin made no effort to be flexible on this policy, so we were unable to rent the car. They recommended I had to cancel through Alamo. We hadnt even made the rental through Alamo in the first place, so this was a completely pointless suggestion. After all our best efforts to correct the situation, the start time of the rental had passed, so we were unable to get any of our money back from either Guerin or We lost all of our money wed prepaid for the car rental and Guerin did nothing to try and sympathise with us or help with the situation at all. Guerin and were happy to scam us out of our money and keep it even though we never received the car wed already paid for. Im incredibly angry with Guerin and for providing no refund and making no effort to help. It really ruined the beginning of an otherwise excellent holiday. Luckily, we found a really good car hire place called Futuro in the centre of town. They were miles better and more professional than Guerin. I want to make sure no one makes the same mistake as us. So please, AVOID GUERIN AT ALL COSTS.
Friendly staff and car was new and in quite good condition. Checking in at reservation at terminal requires you manually put in most reservation details, which is frustrating. The rest of the process is quite straightforward. At return remember that it takes around 15 min to check the car.
Excelent Car rental. Rented a few times with them and had an amazing experience. Vehicle are very clean and safe. Will keep using this agency
Tal como ja li em comentários existentes... é verdade tirem fotos do carro todo ao chegarem... eu tive um pequeno arranhao no plástico do retrovisor e cobraram 159 euros. Obvio que ja era existente e praticamente imperceptível... mas o tipo da Guerin foi o primeiro ponto por onde começou a inspeção. Da que pensar!!! outro pormenor apesar de ter um seguro que me cobre a situação quando cheguei tentaram me vender um seguro que eu ja tinha. Estes tipos vendiam a própria mae para ganhar dinheiro. Vale tudo... Vergonhoso... Tenho pena de nao conseguir anexar a foto para verem o nível destes tipos... espero que gastem o dinheiro que me extorquiram em remedios.
Very happy with our experience. The car was great, and the service was very quick, professional, and friendly. The text message before we returned the car to remind us to fill up, with a Google maps link to the nearest filling station, was really helpful. Recommended.
Equipa muito simpática. Fiz alterações à reserva inicial sem qualquer problema. Serviço muito bom.
Mais de uma hora e meia à espera do carro. Perdemos a manhã quase toda por causa da espera, quando já tínhamos tratado de tudo online (reserva e seguro). Inadmissível. Depois obrigaram-nos a pagar quase o dobro daquilo que tínhamos aceitado na reserva online só por não termos cartão de crédito. Terrível! Pagamos muito mais do que estávamos a contar e perdemos imenso tempo (injustificável principalmente para quem já tinha perdido tempo a tratar de tudo com antecedência através da reserva online). Não aconselho!
Two times I rented from Guerin in Madeira. Both turned out to be a very good experience. Cars are super clean, new and in a good condition.
Cons: - Dodgy online checkout process with a missing payment step. Invitation to pay arrives later via email as a suspicious looking link. - HUGE excess fee of 2,300 euros by default. Thats somehow hidden, I only discovered it later. - Hard-pressure-sales on the counter when picking up the car: they press you hard to buy the extended insurance or pay them more to reduce the humongous excess fee. (I obviously refused to pay for either) Pros: - The car, BMW 1 Series, was in a good condition and was nice to drive. Being an RWD diesel car it was behaving surprisingly well and I felt confident even on the steepest streets and mountain passes. - The pick-up/return experience was smooth for me. The waiting times were reasonable and the staff were nice and friendly people. - No worst-case scenarios described by some other reviewers have happened to me so far. No attempts to charge me for pre-existing scratches or whatsoever. But, worth mentioning, Im a careful driver and was treating the car with a great care as if it was my own. Would I book with Guerin again? Yes, with precautions.
Wir haben über Check24 für zwei Wochen einen Polo gemietet und waren rundum sehr zufrieden. Der Preis war ein Schnäppchen, der Wagen war gut genug, die Mitarbeiter am Schalter sehr nett und insgesamt alles perfekt. Die negativen Rezensionen kann ich kaum nachvollziehen. Geht einfach richtig vor bei einem Mietwagen! Alles fotografieren&richtig dokumentieren. Falls nötig auch das kleingedruckte bei Check24 oder Guerin lesen, um später keine Probleme zu haben. Ein Auto ist eben nicht etwas kleines was man einfach so mieten und abgeben kann ohne auf die Details zu achten.
friendly staff, brand new cars, i can recommend
Very good experience, quick checkout and checkin. No hassle or big upsell attempts, just a friendly comment that for the mountains I should upgrade the car (I didnt and it was fine). Way more pleasant than with Sixt last year. Would rent here again.
Fantastisch, hilfsbereit, schnell und zuvorkommend. Bei Problemen gleich eine Lösung parat.
Meine Erfahrung mit Guerin war durchweg positiv. Bei Check 24 gebucht mit Total Vollkasko. - Klar man wird intensiv nach Updates und die Zusatzversicherung gefragt. Aber alles im Rahmen. Auto war nicht neu, aber technisch OK. Der Preisklasse angemessen. Abgabe war heute extrem unproblematisch und entspannt. Schneller Check. Kurz gekuckt ob getankt ...fertig. Fazit: Ich hab im Netz schon Recherchiert ... Und war erwartungsgemäß OK. Nicht der Billigste. Aber direkt am Flughafen über Rent Brücke zu erreichen.
N contrato 3654692 ja faz quase un mes que os 300 euros bloqueados de garantia de aluguer de un carro no aeroporto Madeira ainda não foram devolvidos por favor é uma pouca de vergonha? não merece uma estrela
Be sure to take pictures of the whole car!! Otherwise you will be accused of damage that already existed....
No recomendable
Tudo muito bom
Una vergüenza de empresa nos rayó el coche un individuo en el mercado de labradores.Fuimos a denunciar a la policía donde nos dijeron que no nos podían cobrar nada al realizar la denuncia y ser un acto de vandalismo. Lo mejor viene cuando vamos a devolver el coche los empleados entre risas dicen que nos tienen que cobrar el arañazo (cosa que por ley no pueden) todavía tienen mi fianza espero que a lo largo del día este en mi cuenta si no recibirán una denuncia y las medidas oportunas. NO ALQUILEN EN ESTA EMPRESA
Great experience with enterprise/guerin. The car was spotless and powerful enough for the roads in Madeira, and the service was friendly, thorough and straight forward. Well worth paying that bit extra for a more reputable company like enterprise to avoid any headaches. Ps brace yourself for some steep hills and narrow roads!
Entgegen der Meinungen anderer keine schlechten Erfahrungen gesammelt nur leider möchte das Personal das Fahrzeug umbuchen z.b. größer oder ein Diesel etc. Abwicklung ohne Probleme
Bokade genom en online-resebyrå. Ingen kö vid deras disk. Fick bra förklaring av vad som gällde och kunde snabbt hämta ut bilen tillsammans med en personal som kollade skicket. Vid retur gick det smidigt att hitta parkering och kontrollera skicket igen med personal. Jag hade inga som helst problem, och ingen oseriös kontrollant som försökte hitta fel som man hört andra bolag har. Enbart nöjd och kommer anlita Guerin på Madeira igen.
Nous avons eu une expérience très désagréable à la location avec Guérin, en étant passés par rentalcars. A la réservation au travers de rentalcars, jai souscrit à lassurance complémentaire pour être sûr de ne pas être ennuyé. Or, il sagit de lassurance fournie par rentalcars, et pas par Guérin qui assure au final la prestation de location. Guérin demande alors soit de faire une empreinte de carte bancaire de 1400 , soit de souscrire à leur assurance ! Et cette empreinte exclusivement avec la carte du conducteur principal. Jai finalement pu étendre mon plafond de paiement in extremis mais nous avons failli devoir régler près de 200 dassurance alors que nous étions déjà couverts !
Idem, que le précédent avis, nous nous sommes fait arnaqué, nous avons pris lassurance sur internet et arrivé sur place , ils nous ont dit quelle ne servait à rien. Nous avons dû repayer 80 euros en plus de la location. Un scandale, à éviter absolument !
Had a really good experience renting with Guerin - I had read the many stories regarding car rental in Madeira so was quite tentative - however all was well and my deposit returned. We had a Peugeot 208 which was fine, some of the hills required first gear but they were really steep!
Kedves személyzet, transzfer, új autók, gyors ügyintézés. Kiváló.