9100-000 Santa Cruz, Portugal
Funchal Car Hire is the best car rental in the Madeira with the ALL INCLUSIVE prices with No Hidden Extras and Unlimited Mileage! You can book a car, collect it in Funchal Airport or in Funchal city office and drive anywhere you like in Madeira island. Why Funchal Car Hire? Yes - ALL Inclusive Prices - include Full Insurance Yes - VAT - All local taxes - Included Yes - FREE P.A.I. - Personal Accident Insurance Yes - FREE Super CDW ( Collision Damage Waiver ) Yes - 24 hours free road assistance! Yes - Baby seat for only 7.5 euro / day Yes - Child seat for only 4 euro / day Yes - NO airport tax for rentals more then 7 days Yes - Collect the car straight from the airport
We got the best experience. Made the reservation online, then received a confirmation mail. We had to make a 20% pre-payment to secure the reservation, then we payed the rest at pick-up (both debit card and cash available). We were offered a supplimentary 5E/day insurance for tires and windows, which was in no way forced upon us. No deposit required. We got a 4-door Peugeot 108 which is perfect for the narrow streets and limited parking spots in Madeira, but did struggle a little on the (very!) steep inclines (but I imagine most cars would struggle there). All in all, it was a premium experience at a fair price. No trouble with the car whatsoever. Before jumping to conclusions that this car hire has bigger prices than others, just stop to think that others do have hidden costs that will eventually get you at an even more expensive final cost.
Great experience, got car at airport and left at airport, no deposit, nice price and completely new car, would recommend !!
Great rental company. Our car was new and well maintained. We even got a better car than we expected. The prices were pretty good. We didn't have a credit card, but that's not a problem with this rental company, because all-inclusive insurance is included in the price of the car. The pickup and return went without any problems. I sincerely recommend this car rental company.
I recently rented a car from this car rental company, and it was a terrible experience. If you're looking for a car rental company, you should definitely stay away from this one. On their website, they advertise that full insurance is included, but it is not. When I arrived to collect the car, they tried to sell me their extra insurance for 26.50 euros a day. They threatened that if someone scratches the car, I would have to pay over 500 euros as the insurance does not cover it. I didn't take the insurance, but I had to make a video of the whole car and I was scared that something could happen with the car throughout the whole holiday. I have been renting cars all over the world and such treatment has never happened to me before. STAY WELL AWAY from this car rental company!
This rental company should definitely be avoided. We first received a car that showed a low oil warning after our first drive. The rental company did not deliver a replacement car to our hotel, so we had do drive to the office at the airport where they exchanged our car for a smaller model. After driving the car for about 50 km, we realized that the replacement car had broken brakes. First they squealed and then they permanently grinded. Our request to provide us with a replacement car again for the last day was ignored. We will never rent a car again at Funchal Car Hire (the credit card receipt shows the owner as Bogdan Catuneanu).
We weren't much satisfied with their service. We booked a car and asked for a baby seat. They confirmed everything. When we asked three times for a exact type of a seat, they refused to answer, just ignored us. Car was delivered 1 hour later, without a baby seat. What a surprise. We understood that Funchal Car Hire is just a middle man company, providing cars from local car rental companies. They didn't even bother to communicate properly the need for a baby seat. So we had to wait another one and a half hour for a baby seat. To be honest, car was not in very good technical condition when it comes to engine. To drive our 15 years old car is more pleasent experience then to drive this 3 years old rental car. AC was barely working. The delivery lady asked us to pay different price then it was agreed with the company.
be aware! better to agree earlier all possible details .. we got car, which was completely rubbish and after 30 min driving and 1st break on Mirador it stopped working at all! Suspicion was battery .. but they said it's our fault and they would charge us 50€ .. even we have full insurance and assistance .. when the guy come to check the car, he changed his mind and said we don't have to pay .. it happens .. he was not able to fix the car so decided to exchange it for another one, but with bold tires .. disappointing experience ..
Absolutely recommended. They are broker of few local companies and they do the good job. On their website we've booked car (payment 15% by PayPal). Confirmation by email. Very easy and simply procedures - paperwork less than 10 minutes. Small car category A for four days just 100€ with full insurance - everything in the price exl. windows and tyres. We decide to pay extra 5€ a day to insure tyres and windows for complete peace of mind (considering falling rocks on Madeira). GPS or/and child seat available. Very nice and professional staff. Payment by cash or card - debit or credit (no credit card deposit). We had lovely Fiat Panda 1.2 petrol, almost new, outstanding condition with A/C. I would recommend bigger car with a bit stronger engine if you will travel with 3+ adult because of the uphill roads. Parking: no lines along the carb or white lined parking bay - free of charge, blue marked parking bay - pay and display (usually 0.80€ to 1.20€ per hour), yellow marked parking bay - residents only ( you can find yellow lines on your hotel parking - confirm with your reception).
Relaxante. Calmo. Bom ambiente. Praias espetaculares
Vila pequena e agradável,ao lado do aeroporto.
Recomand cu firma de inchiriere masini Funchal Car Hire, de la care am luat o masina mult mai buna decat ma asteptam. Trebuia s fie Fiat Panda, am primit o masina aproape noua cu cativa km la bord, Renault Clio. Majoriatatea firmelor de rent-a-car par ca au un pret mai mic insa cand ridici masina platesti si alte asigurari care dubleaza pretul initial. Cu Funchal Car Hire e simplu si fara dureri de cap. F r depozit, f r carduri, totul în numerar. O vacanta perfecta cu o masina frumoasa.
New car, excellent service without deposits or complications. I RECOMMEND
Today weather good but go to swimming dangerous.
Excelente localização
Ok, poza 30 minutowym spó nieniem wszystko ok. Samochód w miar nowy
Very Good customer service, reasonable price, cars in well condition. I recommend everyone
Bardzo bezproblemowa wypo yczalnia. Auto wypo yczone bez depozytu, a to du y plus. Nasz Fiat Panda by nowiutki i adnie radzi sobie na Maderskich trasach. :) Panowie co prawda zaliczyli kilkudziesi ciominutowe spó nienie przy odbiorze auta, ale kazali zostawi nam kluczyki w recepcji hotelu i sami odebrali samochód tak, eby my nie czekali. Kontakt z nimi by dobry, polecam :)
Good climate, quiet. There is sea and mountains The people are friendly
A pretty little place, very quiet, makes a pleasant change to Funchal. 5.25 euro on the Sam bus from Funchal. They go big on Christmas
Wszystko przebieglo prosto i sprawnie, po wyladowaniu pracownik juz sie sam z nami skontaktowal ze czeka na nas i zeby dac mu znac to podjedzie na parking pod terminalem. Auto z fotelikiem dla dziecka, fotelik juz byl zamontowany w aucie co uwazam za duzy plus. Cena z pelnym ubezpieczeniem. Jeden maly minus ze bak byl mniej wiecej w 1/4 pelny.
Rezerwacja internetowa. Uwaga, potwierdzenie rezerwacji wpada w email spam. Kontakt ze strony firmy przed przyjazdem. Samochód dostarczony przed terminem bez dodatkowych kosztów. Auto salonowe z przebiegiem 1000km. Uwaga, ubezpieczenie nie obejmuje opon, szyb i lusterek. Jak umiesz je dzi to do przyj cia. Jestem bardzo zadowolony z serwisu.
Wenn ich könnte, würde ich sechs Sterne geben.
Good company and very friendly servis
Fue un pésimo servicio! Fuimos parados por un policia y tenian un documento vencido, y ni siquiera estaba en el carro.. De buena fe y dejándome llevar por su profesionalismo no revise los papeles... El policía no nos multo porque no queria arruinar nuestras vacaciones! NI UNA DISCULPA TODO ERA... BLA BLA BLA TOMEN SU ESTRELLA Y NO PIERDAN EL TIEMPO!! REVISEN MIS RESEÑAS Y ANNALISEN MI experiencia!
Beware!!! Ive got a quote on their site (funchalcarhire.net) of 374 Euro (9 days rental in mid-June, 2022) and ten days later when Ive re-checked the price for the exact same car in order to make the reservation, the quote had changed to 640 Euro. I have contacted them for an explanation but they never bothered to reply.
Serviço péssimo! Já aluguei bastantes carros e nunca tive problemas como tive com esta companhia. O carro foi me entregue sem as luzes médios a funcionar (essencial, na condução noturna, nos tuneis e na via rápida), na reserva e sujo. Após a minha entrega do carro foi nos pedido a taxa de limpeza de 15 , sem receber qualquer tipo de fatura desse mesmo pagamento e sendo que o carro foi entregue por mim da mesma forma que o recebi!
I highly recommend the rental company, I got a much better car than I expected when choosing. It was supposed to be Panda, I got the beautiful Ibiza. No deposits, no cards, all done in cash. Regards
Pas très professionnel voiture avec problème de freinage le seul avantage est de pouvoir payer en espèces
Stay away from this car rental company. On their website you will read that full insurance is included, but it is not. Car that they offered was damaged all over and tires were bold (as I was told, this is normal in Madeira to ride on slick tires). For your safety, pleas stay away!
Mia em dobre do wiadczenie z tym po rednikiem w wypo yczeniu auta. Natomiast bardzo dobre z lokaln wypo yczalni która dostarczy a mi auto, pomog a potwierdzi zarezerwowany wynajem. Auto co prawda inne ni zamawia em, ale tej samej klasy, praktycznie nowe. P atno gotówk , bez dodatkowych ukrytych op at. W cenie pe ne ubezpieczenie.
Todo espectacular, mi vuelo se retrasó no una hora si no 6 horas y a las 3 de la mañana estaban esperando en el aeropuerto para la entrega del coche. Bien explicado todo, coche acordé a lo pedido y entrega rápida y sin problema!! Para mi de 10!! Gracias Pedro por todo!!!
Qua prijs een goede optie. Autos zijn niet nieuw en hebben waarschijnlijk wat achterstallig onderhoud, maar ze voldeden prima (hebben 2 autos gehad in 2 weken tijd) en we hebben veilig kunnen rijden. Wel wat woorden gehad over een lichte schade. Met een full insurance zou je daar niet voor hoeven te betalen. Maar dat werd bij inleveren toch netjes gladgestreken. Dus uiteindelijk gewoon een prima ervaring.
Not a reasonable or trustworthy car rental company. We switched cars multiple times beacause all sorts of defects while they told us it was fine and normal. They were not. Our first car had damage on every side of the car and broke down electronically, we had to jump start it. The 2nd car had service lights coming up and was beeping as if the person in the passenger seat wasn t wearing a seatbelt, also one blinker didn t work. Luckily they brought the 3rd car to our house which was fine and was an upgrade. Then, via text we had confirmed that the fuel difference between the 2nd and 3rd car would be taken care off which was around 45 - 50 which they would give to us at the end of the rental period. When they didn t wire the money after a week I started calling, eventually they picked up the phone and they said they wouldn t wire the money because I had to pay cleaning fees for ALL three cars! Never again in my life
Car a little tired for 70,000 kms but which did the job. With the roads of Madeira it s not surprising! Great service to pick us up from the airport and drop us off.
Vergonzoso. Poca profesionalidad y buscando rascar dinero de cualquier sitio. Teniendo acordada la hora de recogida a través de la app que nos reservó con este sitio, nos tuvieron 1h y media esperando en el aeropuerto al llegar para ser recogidos y entregarnos el coche. Al transmitir nuestra queja nos respondieron encima con soberbia y de forma altiva diciendo que si no nos gustaba que no haber reservado con ellos, de vergüenza vamos; y encima se las dan de generosos quitando el plus que aplican si no devuelves el coche limpio,por su error, sin recibir disculpa alguna en ningún momento. Al devolver el coche, lo primero que miró es lo de la limpieza y ya nos querían meter el cargo sin más, y les tuvimos que enseñar que anotó en el contrato que no nos lo aplicaban; además empezó a cuestionarnos afirmando que nos habíamos metido por caminos en la isla, cuando en Madeira todo es por carretera y lo único que encuentras es algún parking no asfaltado. Y llevando seguro a todo riesgo nos estafaron diciendo que un raspón que le hicimos al coche saliendo del garaje, que teníamos que pagar 300 por no avisar en el momento del raspón, el cual le especificamos que acababa de pasarnos, aprovechándose de que si nos entreteníamos en la entrega podríamos perder el vuelo de vuelta.El seguro a todo riesgo debe ser que es de pegatina entonces.... Conclusión, estafadores que sólo buscan sacar dinero al turista dando un servicio y atención pésima. No pongo cero porque no se puede, si no desde luego que lo haría.
ESTAFA/SCAM! Poca profesionalidad y estafando a turistas. Teniendo acordada la hora de recogida 09h y lugar de recogida nos avisaron 30 antes para decir que no tenían coches y que ya nos avisarían más tarde para decirnos cuando nos lo darían, en definitiva el coche nos lo dan a las 16h. A parte de quejarnos por teléfono, en el momento de la entrega nos tenían que descontar un día de alquiler por la demora en la entrega, pero claro si quieres el coche... hay que pagarlo todo y ya se arreglará en la entrega, estas atrapado si quieres seguir con tu plan. Confiados en la entrega, ya que lo pusimos en el contrato, contrato que es como una especie de recibo. En el momento de la entrega, nos piden numero de cuenta y tal... por lo que seguimos confiados de recibir una transferencia, que la harían hoy, etc... en fin, 3 semanas sin respuesta, sin transferencia, sin nada! Desastroso!
I dont recommend it. No one from the rental company was waiting at the airport, so I had to call and ask for the car. Despite the agreed time to return the car, the employee called and demanded that the car be returned earlier because another customer is already waiting. The turnaround itself was nervous and rushed. Next time I will look for another rental company.
Wir sind über Madeira Car Booking hier gelandet. Heißt jetzt Auto Canhas. Wir wurden mit dem Auto vom Flughafen abgeholt und zur Vermietung gefahren zur Übergabe. Hatten eigentlich auch kein Problem mit dem alten (von 2015) Clio. Es war ein Diesel und hat ne Klimaanlage... Naja, für den Preis o.k. Schrammen, Kratzer, fleckige Sitze! Jeder Kratzer wurde in stockfinsterer Nacht festgehalten. Kann man nur hoffen, dass WIR keinen übersehen haben. Und wir sollen, falls er dreckig ist, 15 im Auto lassen für die Wäsche . Das hatten wir in den ganzen Jahren noch nirgendwo erlebt. Leider warten wir seit Tagen auch auf Antwort (telefonisch und per SMS mehrfach durch uns kontaktiert), ob wir ein anderes Auto bekommen, weil die Klimaanlage nicht funktioniert. Es rührt sich gar nichts!!! Nun wollten die Bremsen nicht mehr. Das geht auf Madeira gar nicht und wir mussten zur Mietstation. Erst würde geprüft, ob dem so ist und dann sollten wir warten, bis die Bremsen repariert sind. Von der kaputten Klima wusste angeblich auch niemand was. Jetzt mussten wir doch Mal energisch Luft holen!!! Und siehe da, wir bekamen ein anderes Auto. Das geht gar nicht und hat wohl nix mit Service zu tun.
Dobré ceny, plná pojistka, bezva jednání, auto OK. Vyzvednutí na telefon na leti ti, podpis smlouvy v kancelá i v blízkosti leti t - návrat auta dohodnutý na leti t . Kancelá je u erpací stanice u leti t , auto jsme vrátili po do erpání tam a na leti t nás odvezli. Díky plné pojistce v e bez problému, pokud pojedeme p í t , p j íme si zde znovu.
Wszystko by o bez problemu. Samochód dostarczony i odebrany punktualnie. Brak depozytu, ubezpieczenie w cenie. Nikt nie odpisa na maile z pytaniami, ale rezerwacja si uda a, da o si te dodzwoni . Smart forfour w automacie sprawdzi si bardzo dobrze, zero problemów z wszelkimi drogami.
communication difficile sur whatsapp avec peu de réactivité, nous avons relancé pour avertir que nous serions à laéroport à telle heure avec le numéro de vol, du coup personne nous attendait le jour J ???, on voyait bien des pancartes avec des noms mais pas le notre, nous avons eu finalement notre voiture à 1 heure et demi après ! vers 2h00 du matin, avec beaucoup dinquiétude, tout ça pour avoir une punto de 120000 km très poussive inadaptée pour les pentes de madère, rayée de tous les côtés, moteur sous dimensionné, une restitution difficile, la personne ( une autre ) voulait connaitre absolument le lieu de restitution indiquée sur le contrat quil a fallu retrouver, alors quon voulait restituer le véhicule à lagence comme cétait prévu, une fois le contrat retrouvé on lui dit quil est indiqué aéroport il nous dit non vous la ramenez à lagence, 20 minutes de discussion pour rien ? ne sadapte pas au clients, jai un anglais scolaire il na jamais fait leffort de parler doucement, très limite franchement très limite à fuir
Very easy and uncomplicated staff. Gave me a powerful, small new car for the 11 days I was on the island. Check-in and -out was made easy due to pick-up and drop-off at the airport. Cheap and all insurance included.
Genial! Estuve buscando durante mucho tiempo las mejores opciones y quede muy contenta con el servicio! Me contestaron al correo que envie con mis dudas, me asesoraron y fue uno de los mejores precios que vi entre las compañias, incluyendo todo, tal y como lo dice en su pagina. Cristiano fue el chico que nos atendió, fue amable y muy atento, nos recogió en el aeropuerto sin problema a la hora acordada, y a la vuelta igual. El coche muy limpio, sin ningún problema, algún pequeño arañazo pero nada grave, iba muy bien en las cuestas que es lo que mas nos preocupaba. En resumen, quede muy contenta, pague lo que estaba acordado, sin ninguna sorpresa al llegar ni nada. Todo muy bien! Gracias!
We ve ordered an open roof car from group C2 , and when we were brought to car rental we were informed, that our car will be available next day and we ve been forced to rent lower class C no cabrio car without any discount. The car we picked was almost empty with gasoline, so the first thing we had to do was to go to petrol station. We offered that we will refill it to the max and show them an invoice and bring the car back fully tanked. The staff informed, that they will not cover the cost of full refilling, so we can bring the car also almost empty. According to above - we refilled tank only to the half. On this mountainous islands you must be prepared to climb with car to unormous hills and deep valleys, so driving with lack of fuel is a bit risky. For next days we were asking about change to ordered one, but we ve been informed, that it is still unavailable. Day by day. And because of no infos about car change - we were forced to begin our day with fuel station visit. Day by day. For the whole week we did not get an info, about any kind of recompensation, and when we finally asked for it when leavin car back on the airport... we were informed that they will think about our request. For over a year they did not contact, repay the difference or even say: sorry. Really bad.
Pan pomyli nas z innymi turystami z Polski, ale to nic strasznego. Cena przyst pna bez obci enia karty. Odebrano nas z lotniska, a pó niej odwieziono pod samo wej cie. Formalno ci za atwione w mniej ni 15 minut. Wszystko ok.
Great rental without any problems. We waited max 10min at the when renting, and return took maybe 1 minute. Im surprised that there are many 1 star reviews. Would rent again
V echno prob hlo bez problému. Auto jsem e il a po p íletu a do 2 hodin jsem m l auto za nejlep í cenu, bez depositu, s poji t ním apod.
Nie polecam. Po anulowaniu rezerwacji czekam ponad miesi c na zwrot zaliczki i wci jej nie dosta em. Nie odpowiadaj na maile...
Wszytko przebieg o bez problemu, samochód dostali my lepszy ni by zamówiony
Very good rental car company in Madeira. We ordered 2 cars that were delivered to the airport at nigh at 1 a.m according to our request. We ordered cars from Group 1 (Citroen C1 or similar) and received cars from Group 3 (SEAT IBIZA and FIAT Punto with diesel engine) without extra money. We just payed for the reservation by PayPal and the rest we payed by cash after cars were delivered. I can strongly recommend the company due to their professionalism, easy and fast contact: especially thanks for Nanci who had contacted with us. No hidden costs, no credit card, full insurance included. Dropping cars off at the airport after 2 weeks was very comfortable.
Muy recomendable. No pusieron ningún problema. Se limitaron a cumplir la reserva que habíamos contratado. No se pusieron de pesados, como hacen las grandes compañías, con el tema de la contratación de seguros fuera de la reserva. Ni siquiera nos pidieron tarjeta de crédito. Repetiría con ellos sin pensarlo. Muy recomendable.
Very good price and Service. On-time delivery to the hotel and the possibility of returning the keys at the reception without any further contact. The best car rental company in Madeira. i recommend their services to everyone.
Mi opinión es favorable en cuanto a esta empresa, he cogido la opción de que me acercaran el coche al aeropuerto y dejarlo allí también! El precio ha sido competitivo y con seguro a todo riesgo. Por ponerle una pega, lo contaba con que me cobrarían igual la tasa del aeropuerto ( creo que han sido 15 euros), y que te ofrecen un seguro de neumáticos y cristales x cinco euros más al día si lo quieres). Recomendación propia, coger un coche con potencia para no quedarse corto en la isla con sus cuesta!
Samochód punktualnie podstawiony pod hotel, formalno ci zaj y 5 minut (podpisanie prostej umowy, spisanie danych z prawa jazdy itp.). Obs uga bardzo dobrze mówi po angielsku. Konieczna by a przedp ata w wysoko ci 15% przez PayPal. Reszta p atna kart lub gotówk w chwili odbioru auta. Zwrot bezproblemowy - rzut oka na samochód, dokumenty w schowku i poziom paliwa i to wszystko. Bardzo polecam.
Ca kowicie bezproblemowa i zadowalaj ca us uga. Bez blokowania jakichkolwiek rodków na karcie p atniczej, bez podawania danych karty p atniczej, umowa podpisana na miejscu, a zwrot nast powa poprzez zostawienie kluczyków na recepcji hotelu- bez adnych obaw o roszczenia wzgl dem stanu auta po wypo yczeniu. Dodatkowo dostali my du o lepszy samochód ni zamawiali my, co wi cej z nawigacj . Polecam!
Auto zarezerwowane przez ich stron . Bez blokowania karty, depozytów. Przedp at Paypal te mo na omin je li nie posiadasz konta. Trzeba to zaznaczy w rezerwacji. Ca o zap acili my gotówk . Ubezpieczenie w cenie oprócz lusterek, szyb, i kó . Auto podstawione pod hotel punktualnie. Fiat panda z przebiegiem 30tys. Silnik 1.2 dawa rad ale do swobodnej jazdy przyda oby si co mocniejszego. Jazda po Maderze szczególnie po lokalnych drogach jest trudna i je li nie masz du ego do wiadczenia lepiej skorzysta z organizowanych wycieczek :)
Rental broker, booked Fiat Panda with Five actually which told me the insurance is not full cover. Mirrors and glasses and tyres were not covered as stated on Funchal Car Rent website. I was asked to pay 55 Euro additionally. No further problems, no deposit. Recommended
Brilliant service. Booked fiat panda for two days, very reasonably priced, all insurance included. Chap even dropped off and collected for free at the times I booked for, but kept me informed of arrival times etc anyway by text. Would definitely recommend.
Muy bien, la verdad es que fue muy cómodo todo, la entrega y la devolución en el aeropuerto y el vehículo según lo acordado y muy rápido. El vehículo estaba en perfecto estado. Es lo mejor que hemos encontrado en Madeira en relación calidad-precio y el seguro lo cubre todo menos los bajos, cuando la mayoría de los alquileres en la isla no cubren siquiera daños en las ruedas ni cristales.
The best car company in Madeira. The car was easily delivered to our hotel, the car was as we chose, from 2016. We just payed for the reservation by PayPal and the rest in cash after the car was delivered. Im totally recommending the company due to their professionalism, easy and fast contact, good cars and thanks to them we saw most of the beauty of the Madeira! No hidden costs or credit card necessity, also full insurance included.
Very good and reliable service. Employee of the firm was waiting for us at the airpot, as agreed. There wasnt also any problem with returning the car at the airport, the employee was waiting for us and everything went smooth. The big advantage of this car rental is that they do not require any deposit and it is possible to pay by debit card.
Local car rental agency, competitive price, comprehensive insurance without excess and airport pick-up and delivery. Serious, punctual and without strange things. The car was quite dirty though.
Voiture louée en mars 2018, très bon service, et le personnel est sympathique :) À refaire, je retourne chez eux !
Excellent service. Good car.
Muy mala experiencia, para nada recomendable. Alquilamos 3 coches con seguro a todo riesgo y desde el momento que tuvimos un mínimo problema con los coches el trato fue pésimo e intentaron aprovechar la situación para cobrar la reparación de los daños doblemente, por parte del seguro y a nosotros mismos, llegando incluso a amenazarnos con utilizar recursos legales.
Rented small fiat panda for 2 days. Very nice prices in comparison to competition. Price is final no additional insurance and other fees. Kind staff. Had no problems.
Es un intermediario. Vamos a la oficina que nos sale en Google Maps. Esto es lo que nos encontramos. Tenemos que llamar a 4 o 5 números hasta que nos atienden. 1 hora de demora, a priori parece un timo. Al final aparecen con un coche de una compañía local que nada tiene que ver con carhire. Un desastre.
Disgusting experience! Your practice is similar to the work of fraudsters and thieves, you are not responsible for the quality and level of the offered service and you steal from people a lot of precious time . Highly NOT recommend !!!
Rewelacja bez problemów z mi obs ug .
Best car rental service I have experienced. Excellent value for money and superb customer service. Absolutely friendly and trouble free.
Even though his site does not look like quite trustworthy they provide good services. I would say the best considering value/money in Madeira.
Excellent service and really nice people. Our car got a broken windshield (accident by the cleaning staff at the hotel while the car was parked..). They delivered a new car to the hotel at Cabo Girao within less than an hour!