Est Dom João V N 16, 9240-221 São Vicente, Portugal
🇵🇹 Somos uma empresa de aluguer, com um enorme diversidade de automóveis. A duração do aluguer é flexível, conforme a decisão do cliente. Adoramos ajudar sempre o nosso cliente de forma a que fiquem sempre satisfeitos com o nosso atendimento. 🇬🇧 We are a rental company, with a huge diversity of cars. The duration of the rental is flexible, according to the customer's decision. We always love to help our customers so that they are always satisfied with our service.
Great service, cheap prices, didn’t have to pay extra for full insurance, flexible return hours.
As a local car rental office they offer good cars for resonable price. Consultant was kind and helpful. Highly recommend.
Keep an eye out for misleading sales tactics & fraudulent methods used by this car rental company to take extra money from you. This is Madeira - if you think the locals in this small island are trustworthy, think again! If you decide to rent, they will put a return time of 9AM without telling you. This will be hidden in a small box. They will tell you they are open until 6PM for car returns. However, the day you return the car, they will attempt to charge you an extra days rent pointing to the hidden 9AM in your contract. Also be careful of their aggressive and misleading sales tactics. They will mislead you stating you must pay insurance but this is removed if you rent the car for longer periods. This is untrue. I rented the car for 2 days without paying insurance. DO NOT PAY THEM INSURANCE for hundreds or thousands of Euros. There is a risk you wont get this money back due to the small print in your contract. Also, double check the cost and pricing before you make the payment. I noticed they were trying to charge an extra 20 Euros which I pointed out and they removed claiming it was a `mistake`. They work as a pair - one will keep you talking to distract you while the other tries to de-fraud you.This car rental lacks honesty, transparency, and will mislead you. Its not worth the hassle. The young morbidly obese woman working at the desk who is constantly stuffing her face with cakes takes pleasure from using these tactics, is aggressive, rude, and provides a poor level of customer service. Avoid this place, dont feed her or them your money, as there are better car rentals on the island. Good luck if you do. Dont fall or buy into their tactics. Walk away if you must, there is nothing they can do about it.
I did not realise how remote the hotel we were staying at was and decided that we need to hire a car for 9 days at the last minute. The hotel advised we use Sao Vicente Rentacar, they called them for us and arranged delivery of a vehicle to the hotel the following morning. Delivery of the FIAT Panda was prompt and at the time they stated. A very polite lady arrived at the hotel on time and within a matter of minutes the insurance and contract were all sorted. The car was in good condition, clean inside, had ice cold A/C and there were no mechanical faults. It arrived with a full tank of fuel and was returned with the same. The car did the job of getting us from A to B around the island, yes it was slow on the steep roads in Madeira but it still got us around with no problems. If you know how to drive small engine cars it won’t be an issue, if you don’t you should opt for a car with a bigger engine. The cost to rent the vehicle is a little bit higher than the big players in the rental market HOWEVER this company are honest, they won’t take huge €1000+ deposits on your credit card etc but instead give you highest insurance to cover the possibility of any damage to the vehicle or anyone else’s. Next time I am in Madeira I will certainly use them again. Ben.
Friendly service and very helpful, unlike some car rental places I have encountered before that try and rip you off with add one. You guys are awesome and carry on what your doing.
100% satisfied, we were staying in at nearby hotel and at the departure day - we left it there, truly wonderful service, stress free for us. Car itself Skoda Fabia was amazing - manual, small engine, great weight balance - handled better than I even expected. No problems in the mountains and very controlable in tight sharp corners. Loved the car. Thank you for a wonderful sightseeing, hope to return agian ✌🏼
Our travel agency had changed hotel location from Sao Vicente to Funchal. We found out this on our arrival day only. The car was pre-booked in Sao Vicente. This car rent agency was extremaly helpful with finding another car in Funchal for our holidays in just a few hours with no extra fee. Thank you so much for your kind help. Vilma
Terrible car rent, we paid for B category car and got one with broken breaks, what is very dangerous in mountains, then got replaced by fiat panda which cheaper one and was 5 years old with (87k km mileage). Both cars was terrible, better to find another service, we had no choice because didn't book car before arrive
schnelle, zuverlässige, flexible und freundliche Autiovermietung
Bon accueil et professionnalisme. Je recommande
Pani mówi wietnie po angielsku, szybko i sprawnie. Wypo yczyli my fiata pand na 2 dni, bez depozytu, klucze zostawili my na recepcji naszego hotelu, bardzo komfortowe. Cena z ubezpieczeniem 45 /dzien
Agence ou le personnel est sympa au premier abord .Seul bémol si tout va bien!!! .nous devions avoir le véhicule le dimanche et nous l avons réceptionné le lundi matin à 9h car les pneus à changer ? ?Révision du vehicule à voir. le mercredi fin de matinée problème au passage des vitesses. Nous tombons en panne .arrêt du véhicule. Rentrons en taxis et allons à l agence pour un autre véhicule impossible d avoir le même pour 6 personnes et refus de remboursement des 2.jours et demi restant. Le patron très courageux se défile et laisse ses employés se débrouiller. De mauvaise fois. On ne recommande pas ce loueur.
Location dun véhicule dont lembrayage a été refait 2 mois auparavant, qui le lendemain dune utilisation soi-disant trop intensive fonctionne à nouveau! Vous auriez du rembourser le 1/2 jour perdu au lieu daccuser vos clients avec des explications techniques infondées, insoutenables et inadmissibles qui ne convaincront personne. Votre solution de remplacer 1 sept places par 2 véhicules était irrecevable.Vous qui voulez louer un véhicule regardez bien tous les commentaires car il y a dautres Rent a car sur lile plus fiables.
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Super Wypozyczalnia, blisko pe ne ubezpieczenie, bez karty kredytowej, nowe autka bardzo mi a obs uga, dobre ceny, polecam
Très bon accueil, la gérante parle français et le service est rapide. Peu de contrainte, il suffit de rendre le véhicule avec la même quantité de carburant qu à la perception. Il nous a même était possible de laisser le véhicule à l hôtel, situé à proximité, en laissant les clés à l accueil. Très satisfait de cette agence.
I rented a car at São Vicente Rent a car for two days and had a very good experience.
Super helpful, kind, and responsive staff. Thank you Ricardo!! See you at 8 am
Skv lá domluva p es mail, v e v po ádku. Panda slou ila skv le, jen ty kopce jí ob as dávaly zabrat :)
Minimum formalities. Fresh cars. Very good contact. Nice service. If you take out the full insurance package, you do not pay a deposit. Next to the rental place there is a gas station where you can refuel when returning the car. I recommend.
Samochód uda o sie wynaj w zasadzie od r ki (bez wcze niejszej rezerwacji) w dobrej cenie i bez zb dnych formalno ci .Dla przebywaj cych w Sao Vincente super opcja Samochód, no có kat B przy tej mocy silnika wymaga sporo cierpliwo ci na stromych podjazdach, których na tej wyspie nie brakuje ale za to nie jest paliwo erny..
v e prob hlo p esn podle domluvy, moc d kujeme. Doporu ujeme
A class ww up is perfect.
Many thanks to the hostess Very pleasant, very accommodating! I recommend!
Obs uga profesjonalna, ale te bardzo przyjazna. Bezproblemowe wypo yczenie i zwrot. Na Maderze warto si zastanowi nad mocniejszym silnikiem, e wzgl du na sporo stromych podej . Moje Mitsubishi klasy B momentami wymaga o cierpliwo ci. Obok wypo yczalni stacja benzynowa tego samego w a ciciela. Auto mog dostarczy te do hotelu. Cena mog aby by ni sza i za to jedna gwiazdka mniej, ale poza tym super. Polecam.
Absolutn pohodová p j ovna, v ele doporu uji! Auta p j ují s plným poji t ním, po kození se pak jen oznámí a dál ne e í ani nedoplácí spoluú ast. - Panda hybrid ve dvou moc nejede, zvlá kdy dojde baterie, co je v místních kopcích za chvilku. - Fabia u není 1.3, ale úpln nová 1.0 TSI, tak e chvíli trvá, ne se s ní nau íte, aby do kopce táhla. V t inu asu se jede na 2. rychlostní stupe . Z kopce moc nebrzdí motorem.
Bezproblemowe wypo yczenie auta. Poprzez formularz na ich stronie wysy asz maila z pro b o rezerwacj . Nast pnie na tego maila odpisuje pracownik i dogaduje szczegó y. Do wypo yczenia potrzebne jedynie prawo jazdy i dowód osobisty. Oddanie auta ogranicza sie do zaparkowania pod wypo yczalni i oddaniu kluczyków. Fiat panda daje rad na dwie osoby
Den unga tjejen i personalen var väldigt snabb och hetsig vid uthyrning. När vår vespa sedan fick motorproblem möttes vi av en väldigt otrevlig attityd när vi kom till henne med problemet och det var genast vårat fel! Dessutom var bromsarna på vespan otroligt dåliga vilket är väldigt farligt här på Madeira, vespan i sig var även i dåligt skick. Den absolut sämsta kundservicen vi upplevt!
Watch out for bad breaks on the vespa
Super wypo yczalnia, obs uga bardzo pomocna i uprzejma, samochody w dobrym stanie i tanie. Lokalizacja blisko hotelów w Sao Vincente i najwa niejsze auto mo na w ten sam dzie wynaj .
Very nice service and cars
Wypo yczyli my auto Fiat Panda Hybrid na 7 dni. Koszt wynajmu samochodu to 280 z pe nym ubezpieczeniem. Autko wypo yczyli my na miejscu. W pe ni sprawne, nie sprawia o adnych problemów. Obs uga sympatyczna tylko za ka dym razem trzeba d ugo czeka bo wychodzi z biura, nie pojawia si w pracy na czas. Taki klimat
Service super rapide et d une gentillesse parfaite ,les visiteurs qui viennent chez nous chambres d hôtes et qui on réserver chez eux sont super contents
Fast, uncomplicated, simply perfect!
Gali pasirinkti automobil net ir u 20 .+12euru draudimas nuo visko.Madeiroj lygum prakti kai n ra.Bet jeigu vietoj kur pava in t u tenka silpnesnio auto.Grynai kalnus geriau rinktis benzinin .Gegu man pilnai u teko vw polo 1,3 benz.Dabar gruod buvau pasi m s scoda fabia universalas 1,3 benzas.Per akis.Aplamai ia didelis auto nereikalingas.Auto pristato ir pasiima vie but .I valyti ,tvarkingi.Darbuotojai labai paslaug s.Kai nuomojies auto turi tiksliai inoti ko tau reikia.Tada viskas ok.Plius pasiimdamas auto visalaik patikrink k gauni.Tada viskas ok.
Weltbeste, super Preis, klasse freundlich und mega unkompliziert
Very comfortable terms of service. Recommended.
Trosku sem cekal, cena super. Pujceni auta pohoda a vraceni taky.
Very good experience! Everything was easy and smooth. All rental companies should be like this one!
Excelente atención muy buenos vehículos
Die Rückgabe - bei Leihwagen gefürchtet...! Hier nicht: vollkommen unkompliziert, vertrauensvoll und vertrauenswürdig, eine gute Wahl: empfehlenswert!
V echno prob hlo hladce. Jedna hv zda dol za sjeté p ední pneu.
Very good rental company. Car was drop at the hotel. Without any deposit. Im 100% satisfied!
Wszystko w jak najlepszym porz dku, auto dostarczone na czas na lotnisko. Hybrydowy Fiat Panda dawa sobie super rad :)
Schnell zuverlässig, wenn niemand da sein sollte, kann man sich auch an der anliegenden Tankstelle erkunden. Freundliche Mitarbeiter
Fast simple and easy. Recomend. Great comunication
Great drop off and pick up service on location. Much cheeper than elsewhere in busy times. Had a nice fancy new Skoda Fabia! Excellent value for money. Would definitely recommend it!
Mi a obs uga. Dobre ceny wypo yczenia jak i ubezpieczenia. Samochód z niedu ym przebiegiem, dobrze przygotowany. Nasz by z 2021 roku z niedu ym przebiegiem (ale wiadomo wyspa). Podstawiony pod hotel na czas i odebrany spod hotelu. Minimum formalno ci. Polecam.
, . :) !
Dla mnie super. Jasne zasady, brak kaucji. Auto dostarczone pod hotel a zostawiam kluczyki w recepcji hotelu. Sprawne dwu letnie.
Nediduko Space Star pakako net keturiems. Ma a manevringas ma ina. Geros kainos.
Yes,very good.
Accueil sympa parlant correctement le français prix de la location raisonnable
Auto pristate i viesbuti uz be galimybes pasirinkt.sioj auto sankaba kabina gale tik.teko perprast tai.
Location rapide, ils accordent toute confiance aux clients
Funchalio oro uoste apie 40% pigiau, bet galima ir ia nuomotis.
Bardzo mi a i przyjazna obs uga, wszystko ok
Skoda Fabia. Sollte es schon sein auf Madeira, damit man auch die zum. Teil steilen Stellen schafft :-)
Cheap car rentals in North
Thats the worst experience in renting cars by far! The staff is unfriendly, they open at 9 and close at 18, so that means, that in the midtime they are not in the office! It just stays open with nobody inside. The e - mail reservation doesnt work, they are always short of cars and that means, that you have to pay for higher class cars even when you reserved cheaper one. You dont receive full tank and be prepared to pay full high risk insurance - about 10 euro extra per day. Otherwise you have to pay a deposit which is unreasonably high - around 1000 euro. If you can rent a car in other place, do it!
Excelente frota com um atendimento cinco estrelas, gente simpática, atenciosa e competente
Worst car rental company I ever dealt with. They gave us a car (B-class) with nearly-broken clutch which broke totally on the 2nd day. We wasted half a day waiting for the assistance and a taxi to the hotel. The next day they gave us exactly the same car claiming they fixed the clutch, but it was alost exactly the same, so we kept to the main roads. They refused to give us any discount for all this trouble and the wasted time. Considering how steep the roads are on Madeira this was pretty stressfull (not to mention dangerous). My advice is to avoid this company at all or if you dont havy any other choice take at least C-class. 2 stars because at least they offered a different car for the rest of the day the clutch broke. Never ever again.
Wypo yczali my samochód na 2 dni w hotelu Monte Mar Palace w Ponta Delgada. Samochody tej wypo yczalni s zaparkowane pod hotelem, wystarczy zg osi ch wypo yczenia w recepcji. Dostali my Suzuki Swifta z 2011r w bardzo bogatej wersji wyposa enia z przebiegiem 108000 km. Swift by w dobrym stanie, oprócz delikatnego stuku z zawieszenia po najechaniu na dziur . Ceny dosy wysokie (50e doba z pe nym ubezpieczeniem), ale w okolicy nie ma innych wypo yczalni, a za dowóz i odbiór samochodu do hotelu wypo yczalnie w Funchal (ceny od 30e za dob ) ycz sobie od 20e do nawet 60e, wi c korzystniej przy krótkim okresie wypo yczenia wychodzi w tej wypo yczalni. Nie trzeba p aci kaucji, ani mie karty kredytowej. Po okresie wypo yczenia samochód parkujemy przed hotelem, a kluczyki zostawiamy na recepcji.
A bit expensive for the car quality.
Reservei com atecedencia um veiculo com ocupacao de 7 -9 lugares... carro familiar ... ficou reservado e enviaram-me o dia antes da data pretendida liguei para eles e nao sabiam nada da reserva e pediram para aguardar.... minutos depois liga uma sra com a desculpa que o carro avariou.... desculpas...... e eu respondi.. e o pk de nao me avisarem visto ser um carro grande .... resposta da sra... nao tinhamos nenhum contato seu...... queria que alugasse-mos em vez de um de 7 .. 2 de 5 lugares.... se eramos uma familia de 6 pessoas por algum motivo teria que ser um veículo familiar....... Percebi logo que foi falta de competencia.... 1* porque para a reserva é necessario enviar contatos e eu fartei-me de enviar mais que uma vez a pedido deles.... como posso comprovar pelos emails.... Depois deu para entender que se esqueceram marcar a data da reserva... e como é que nao tinham o meu contato se ao ver os mails que enviei para reservar o veiculo estavam la varios contatos meus que lhes enviei..... que eles me pediram.... Falta de comprtencia...... esta nunca mais.....